Original textModern textKey line
Though no man lesser feares the Greeks then I,Though no man lesser fears the Greeks than ITC II.ii.8
As farre as touches my particular:As far as toucheth my particular,TC II.ii.9
yet dread Priam,Yet, dread Priam,TC II.ii.10
There is no Lady of more softer bowels,There is no lady of more softer bowels,TC II.ii.11
More spungie, to sucke in the sense of Feare,More spongy to suck in the sense of fear,TC II.ii.12
More ready to cry out, who knowes what followesMore ready to cry out ‘ Who knows what follows?’TC II.ii.13
Then Hector is: the wound of peace is surety,Than Hector is. The wound of peace is surety,TC II.ii.14
Surety secure: but modest Doubt is cal'dSurety secure; but modest doubt is calledTC II.ii.15
The Beacon of the wise: the tent that searchesThe beacon of the wise, the tent that searchesTC II.ii.16
To'th'bottome of the worst. Let Helen go,To th' bottom of the worst. Let Helen go:TC II.ii.17
Since the first sword was drawne about this question,Since the first sword was drawn about this question,TC II.ii.18
Euery tythe soule 'mongst many thousand dismes,Every tithe soul 'mongst many thousand dismesTC II.ii.19
Hath bin as deere as Helen: I meane of ours:Hath been as dear as Helen – I mean, of ours.TC II.ii.20
If we haue lost so many tenths of oursIf we have lost so many tenths of ours,TC II.ii.21
To guard a thing not ours, nor worth to vsTo guard a thing not ours nor worth to us – TC II.ii.22
(Had it our name) the valew of one ten;Had it our name – the value of one ten,TC II.ii.23
What merit's in that reason which deniesWhat merit's in that reason which deniesTC II.ii.24
The yeelding of her vp.The yielding of her up?TC II.ii.25.1
Brother, Brother,TC II.ii.51
she is not worth / What she doth cost the holding.She is not worth what she doth cost the holding.TC II.ii.52
But value dwels not in particular will,But value dwells not in particular will;TC II.ii.54
It holds his estimate and dignitieIt holds his estimate and dignityTC II.ii.55
As well, wherein 'tis precious of it selfe,As well wherein 'tis precious of itselfTC II.ii.56
As in the prizer: 'Tis made Idolatrie,As in the prizer. 'Tis mad idolatryTC II.ii.57
To make the seruice greater then the God,To make the service greater than the god;TC II.ii.58
And the will dotes that is inclineableAnd the will dotes that is inclinableTC II.ii.59
To what infectiously it selfe affects,To what infectiously itself affects,TC II.ii.60
Without some image of th'affected merit.Without some image of th' affected merit.TC II.ii.61
It is Cassandra.It is Cassandra.TC II.ii.101
Peace sister, peace.Peace, sister, peace!TC II.ii.104
Now youthfull Troylus, do not these hie strainsNow, youthful Troilus, do not these high strainsTC II.ii.114
Of diuination in our Sister, workeOf divination in our sister workTC II.ii.115
Some touches of remorse? Or is your bloudSome touches of remorse? Or is your bloodTC II.ii.116
So madly hot, that no discourse of reason,So madly hot that no discourse of reason,TC II.ii.117
Nor feare of bad successe in a bad cause,Nor fear of bad success in a bad cause,TC II.ii.118
Can qualifie the same?Can qualify the same?TC II.ii.119.1
Paris and Troylus, you haue both said well:Paris and Troilus, you have both said well,TC II.ii.164
And on the cause and question now in hand,And on the cause and question now in handTC II.ii.165
Haue gloz'd, but superficially; not muchHave glozed, but superficially – not muchTC II.ii.166
Vnlike young men, whom Aristotle thoughtUnlike young men whom Aristotle thoughtTC II.ii.167
Vnfit to heare Morall Philosophie.Unfit to hear moral philosophy.TC II.ii.168
The Reasons you alledge, do more conduceThe reasons you allege do more conduceTC II.ii.169
To the hot passion of distemp'red blood,To the hot passion of distempered bloodTC II.ii.170
Then to make vp a free determinationThan to make up a free determinationTC II.ii.171
'Twixt right and wrong: For pleasure, and reuenge,'Twixt right and wrong; for pleasure and revengeTC II.ii.172
Haue eares more deafe then Adders, to the voyceHave ears more deaf than adders to the voiceTC II.ii.173
Of any true decision. Nature crauesOf any true decision. Nature cravesTC II.ii.174
All dues be rendred to their Owners: nowAll dues be rendered to their owners: now,TC II.ii.175
What neerer debt in all humanity,What nearer debt in all humanityTC II.ii.176
Then Wife is to the Husband? If this lawThan wife is to the husband? If this lawTC II.ii.177
Of Nature be corrupted through affection,Of nature be corrupted through affection,TC II.ii.178
And that great mindes of partiall indulgence,And that great minds, of partial indulgenceTC II.ii.179
To their benummed wills resist the same,To their benumbed wills, resist the same,TC II.ii.180
There is a Law in each well-ordred Nation,There is a law in each well-ordered nationTC II.ii.181
To curbe those raging appetites that areTo curb those raging appetites that areTC II.ii.182
Most disobedient and refracturie.Most disobedient and refractory.TC II.ii.183
If Helen then be wife to Sparta's KingIf Helen then be wife to Sparta's king,TC II.ii.184
(As it is knowne she is) these Morall LawesAs it is known she is, these moral lawsTC II.ii.185
Of Nature, and of Nation, speake alowdOf nature and of nations speak aloudTC II.ii.186
To haue her backe return'd. Thus to persistTo have her back returned; thus to persistTC II.ii.187
In doing wrong, extenuates not wrong,In doing wrong extenuates not wrong,TC II.ii.188
But makes it much more heauie. Hectors opinionBut makes it much more heavy. Hector's opinionTC II.ii.189
Is this in way of truth: yet nere the lesse,Is this in way of truth; yet ne'ertheless,TC II.ii.190
My spritely brethren, I propend to youMy spritely brethren, I propend to youTC II.ii.191
In resolution to keepe Helen still;In resolution to keep Helen still;TC II.ii.192
For 'tis a cause that hath no meane dependance,For 'tis a cause that hath no mean dependenceTC II.ii.193
Vpon our ioynt and seuerall dignities.Upon our joint and several dignities.TC II.ii.194
I am yours,I am yours,TC II.ii.207.2
You valiant off-spring of great Priamus,You valiant offspring of great Priamus.TC II.ii.208
I haue a roisting challenge sent among'stI have a roisting challenge sent amongstTC II.ii.209
The dull and factious nobles of the Greekes,The dull and factious nobles of the GreeksTC II.ii.210
Will strike amazement to their drowsie spirits,Will strike amazement to their drowsy spirits.TC II.ii.211
I was aduertiz'd, their Great generall slept,I was advertised their great general slept,TC II.ii.212
Whil'st emulation in the armie crept:Whilst emulation in the army crept;TC II.ii.213
This I presume will wake him. This, I presume, will wake him.TC II.ii.214
Why then will I no more:Why, then will I no more.TC IV.v.119.2
Thou art great Lord, my Fathers sisters Sonne;Thou art, great lord, my father's sister's son,TC IV.v.120
A cousen german to great Priams seede:A cousin-german to great Priam's seed;TC IV.v.121
The obligation of our bloud forbidsThe obligation of our blood forbidsTC IV.v.122
A gorie emulation 'twixt vs twaine:A gory emulation 'twixt us twain.TC IV.v.123
Were thy commixion, Greeke and Troian so,Were thy commixion Greek and Trojan soTC IV.v.124
That thou could'st say, this hand is Grecian all,That thou couldst say ‘ This hand is Grecian all,TC IV.v.125
And this is Troian: the sinewes of this Legge,And this is Trojan; the sinews of this legTC IV.v.126
All Greeke, and this all Troy: my Mothers bloudAll Greek, and this all Troy; my mother's bloodTC IV.v.127
Runs on the dexter cheeke, and this sinisterRuns on the dexter cheek, and this sinisterTC IV.v.128
Bounds in my fathers: by Ioue multipotent,Bounds in my father's ’ – by Jove multipotent,TC IV.v.129
Thou should'st not beare from me a Greekish memberThou shouldst not bear from me a Greekish memberTC IV.v.130
Wherein my sword had not impressure madeWherein my sword had not impressure madeTC IV.v.131
Of our ranke feud: but the iust gods gainsay,Of our rank feud; but the just gods gainsayTC IV.v.132
That any drop thou borrwd'st from thy mother,That any drop thou borrowed'st from thy mother,TC IV.v.133
My sacred Aunt, should by my mortall SwordMy sacred aunt, should by my mortal swordTC IV.v.134
Be drained. Let me embrace thee Aiax:Be drained! Let me embrace thee, Ajax:TC IV.v.135
By him that thunders, thou hast lustie Armes;By him that thunders, thou hast lusty arms;TC IV.v.136
Hector would haue them fall vpon him thus.Hector would have them fall upon him thus.TC IV.v.137
Cozen, all honor to thee.Cousin, all honour to thee!TC IV.v.138.1
Not Neoptolymus so mirable,Not Neoptolemus so mirableTC IV.v.142
On whose bright crest, fame with her lowd'st (O yes)On whose bright crest Fame with her loud'st oyesTC IV.v.143
Cries, This is he; could'st promise to himselfe,Cries ‘ This is he ’ – could promise to himselfTC IV.v.144
A thought of added honor, torne from Hector.A thought of added honour torn from Hector.TC IV.v.145
Weele answere it:We'll answer it;TC IV.v.147.2
The issue is embracement: Aiax, farewell.The issue is embracement. Ajax, farewell.TC IV.v.148
Aneas, call my brother Troylus to me:Aeneas, call my brother Troilus to me,TC IV.v.154
And signifie this louing enterviewAnd signify this loving interviewTC IV.v.155
To the expecters of our Troian part:To the expecters of our Trojan part;TC IV.v.156
Desire them home. Giue me thy hand, my Cousin:Desire them home. – Give me thy hand, my cousin;TC IV.v.157
I will goe eate with thee, and see your Knights.I will go eat with thee, and see your knights.TC IV.v.158
The worthiest of them, tell me name by name:The worthiest of them tell me name by name;TC IV.v.160
But for Achilles, mine owne serching eyesBut for Achilles, mine own searching eyesTC IV.v.161
Shall finde him by his large and portly size.Shall find him by his large and portly size.TC IV.v.162
I thanke thee most imperious Agamemnon.I thank thee, most imperious Agamemnon.TC IV.v.172
Who must we answer?Who must we answer?TC IV.v.176.1
O, you my Lord, by Mars his gauntlet thanks,O, you, my lord? – By Mars his gauntlet, thanks!TC IV.v.177
Mocke not, that I affect th'vntraded Oath,Mock not that I affect th' untraded oath;TC IV.v.178
Your quondam wife sweares still by Venus GloueYour quondam wife swears still by Venus' glove.TC IV.v.179
Shee's well, but bad me not commend her to you.She's well, but bade me not commend her to you.TC IV.v.180
O pardon, I offend.O, pardon; I offend.TC IV.v.182
Let me embrace thee good old Chronicle,Let me embrace thee, good old chronicle,TC IV.v.202
That hast so long walk'd hand in hand with time:That hast so long walked hand in hand with time;TC IV.v.203
Most reuerend Nestor, I am glad to claspe thee.Most reverend Nestor, I am glad to clasp thee.TC IV.v.204
I would they could.I would they could.TC IV.v.207
I know your fauour Lord Vlysses well.I know your favour, Lord Ulysses, well.TC IV.v.213
Ah sir, there's many a Greeke and Troyan dead,Ah, sir, there's many a Greek and Trojan deadTC IV.v.214
Since first I saw your selfe, and DiomedSince first I saw yourself and DiomedTC IV.v.215
In Illion, on your Greekish Embassie.In Ilium, on your Greekish embassy.TC IV.v.216
I must not beleeue you:I must not believe you.TC IV.v.221.2
There they stand yet: and modestly I thinke,There they stand yet, and modestly I thinkTC IV.v.222
The fall of euery Phrygian stone will costThe fall of every Phrygian stone will costTC IV.v.223
A drop of Grecian blood: the end crownes all,A drop of Grecian blood. The end crowns all;TC IV.v.224
And that old common Arbitrator, Time,And that old common arbitrator, Time,TC IV.v.225
Will one day end it.Will one day end it.TC IV.v.226.1
Is this Achilles?Is this Achilles?TC IV.v.233.2
Stand faire I prythee, let me looke on thee.Stand fair, I pray thee; let me look on thee.TC IV.v.235
Nay, I haue done already.Nay, I have done already.TC IV.v.236.2
O like a Booke of sport thou'lt reade me ore:O, like a book of sport thou'lt read me o'er;TC IV.v.239
But there's more in me then thou vnderstand'st.But there's more in me than thou understand'st.TC IV.v.240
Why doest thou so oppresse me with thine eye?Why dost thou so oppress me with thine eye?TC IV.v.241
It would discredit the blest Gods, proud man,It would discredit the blest gods, proud man,TC IV.v.247
To answer such a question: Stand againe;To answer such a question. Stand again:TC IV.v.248
Think'st thou to catch my life so pleasantly,Think'st thou to catch my life so pleasantlyTC IV.v.249
As to prenominate in nice coniectureAs to prenominate in nice conjectureTC IV.v.250
Where thou wilt hit me dead?Where thou wilt hit me dead?TC IV.v.251.1
Wert thou the Oracle to tell me so,Wert thou the oracle to tell me so,TC IV.v.252
I'ld not beleeue thee: henceforth guard thee well,I'd not believe thee. Henceforth guard thee well,TC IV.v.253
For Ile not kill thee there, nor there, nor there,For I'll not kill thee there, nor there, nor there;TC IV.v.254
But by the forge that stythied Mars his helme,But, by the forge that stithied Mars his helm,TC IV.v.255
Ile kill thee euery where, yea, ore and ore.I'll kill thee everywhere, yea, o'er and o'er. – TC IV.v.256
You wisest Grecians, pardon me this bragge,You wisest Grecians, pardon me this brag;TC IV.v.257
His insolence drawes folly from my lips,His insolence draws folly from my lips,TC IV.v.258
But Ile endeuour deeds to match these words,But I'll endeavour deeds to match these words,TC IV.v.259
Or may I neuer---Or may I never – TC IV.v.260.1
I pray you let vs see you in the field,I pray you, let us see you in the field;TC IV.v.266
We haue had pelting Warres since you refus'dWe have had pelting wars since you refusedTC IV.v.267
The Grecians cause.The Grecians' cause.TC IV.v.268.1
Thy hand vpon that match.Thy hand upon that match.TC IV.v.270.2
I trouble you.I trouble you.TC V.i.64.2
Thanks, and goodnight to the Greeks general.Thanks, and good night to the Greeks' general.TC V.i.69
Goodnight sweet Lord Menelaus.Good night, sweet Lord Menelaus.TC V.i.70.2
Giue me your hand.Give me your hand.TC V.i.80.1
And so good night.And so, good night.TC V.i.82.2
You traine me to offend you: get you gone.You train me to offend you; get you gone.TC V.iii.4
By the euerlasting gods, Ile goe.By all the everlasting gods, I'll go!TC V.iii.5
No more I say. No more, I say.TC V.iii.7.1
Ho? bid my Trumpet sound.Ho! Bid my trumpet sound!TC V.iii.13.2
Begon I say: the gods haue heard me sweare.Be gone, I say; the gods have heard me swear.TC V.iii.15
Hold you still I say;Hold you still, I say;TC V.iii.25.2
Mine honour keepes the weather of my fate:Mine honour keeps the weather of my fate.TC V.iii.26
Life euery man holds deere, but the deere manLife every man holds dear, but the dear manTC V.iii.27
Holds honor farre more precious, deere, then life.Holds honour far more precious-dear than life.TC V.iii.28
How now yong man? mean'st thou to fight to day?How now, young man, mean'st thou to fight today?TC V.iii.29
No faith yong Troylus; doffe thy harnesse youth:No, faith, young Troilus; doff thy harness, youth.TC V.iii.31
I am to day ith'vaine of Chiualrie:I am today i'the vein of chivalry.TC V.iii.32
Let grow thy Sinews till their knots be strong;Let grow thy sinews till their knots be strong,TC V.iii.33
And tempt not yet the brushes of the warre.And tempt not yet the brushes of the war.TC V.iii.34
Vnarme thee, goe; and doubt thou not braue boy,Unarm thee, go; and doubt thou not, brave boy,TC V.iii.35
Ile stand today, for thee, and me, and Troy.I'll stand today for thee, and me, and Troy.TC V.iii.36
What vice is that? good Troylus chide me for it.What vice is that? Good Troilus, chide me for it.TC V.iii.39
O 'tis faire play.O,'tis fair play.TC V.iii.43.1
How now? how now?How now, how now?TC V.iii.44.1
Fie sauage, fie.Fie, savage, fie!TC V.iii.49.1
Troylus, I would not haue you fight to day.Troilus, I would not have you fight today.TC V.iii.50
Aneas is a field,Aeneas is a-field,TC V.iii.67.2
And I do stand engag'd to many Greekes,And I do stand engaged to many Greeks,TC V.iii.68
Euen in the faith of valour, to appeareEven in the faith of valour, to appearTC V.iii.69
This morning to them.This morning to them.TC V.iii.70.1
I must not breake my faith:I must not break my faith.TC V.iii.71
You know me dutifull, therefore deare sir,You know me dutiful; therefore, dear sir,TC V.iii.72
Let me not shame respect; but giue me leaueLet me not shame respect, but give me leaveTC V.iii.73
To take that course by your consent and voice,To take that course by your consent and voice,TC V.iii.74
Which you doe here forbid me, Royall Priam.Which you do here forbid me, royal Priam.TC V.iii.75
Andromache I am offended with you:Andromache, I am offended with you.TC V.iii.77
Vpon the loue you beare me, get you in.Upon the love you bear me, get you in.TC V.iii.78
You are amaz'd, my Liege, at her exclaime:You are amazed, my liege, at her exclaim.TC V.iii.91
Goe in and cheere the Towne, weele forth and fight:Go in, and cheer the town. We'll forth, and fight,TC V.iii.92
Doe deedes of praise, and tell you them at night.Do deeds worth praise, and tell you them at night.TC V.iii.93
What art thou Greek? art thou for Hectors match?What art thou, Greek? Art thou for Hector's match?TC V.iv.26
Art thou of bloud, and honour?Art thou of blood and honour?TC V.iv.27
I doe beleeue thee, liue.I do believe thee – live.TC V.iv.30
Yea Troylus? O well fought my yongest Brother.Yea, Troilus? O, well fought, my youngest brother!TC V.vi.12
Pause if thou wilt.Pause, if thou wilt.TC V.vi.14
Fare thee well:Fare thee well:TC V.vi.19.2
I would haue beene much more a fresher man,I would have been much more a fresher man,TC V.vi.20
Had I expected thee: Had I expected thee.TC V.vi.21.1
how now my Brother?How now, my brother!TC V.vi.21.2
Stand, stand, thou Greeke, / Thou art a goodly marke:Stand, stand, thou Greek; thou art a goodly markTC V.vi.27
No? wilt thou not? I like thy armour well,No? Wilt thou not? – I like thy armour well;TC V.vi.28
Ile frush it, and vnlocke the riuets all,I'll frush it, and unlock the rivets all,TC V.vi.29
But Ile be maister of it: wilt thou not beast abide?But I'll be master of it. Wilt thou not, beast, abide?TC V.vi.30
Why then flye on, Ile hunt thee for thy hide. Why then, fly on; I'll hunt thee for thy hide.TC V.vi.31
Most putrified core so faire without:Most putrefied core, so fair without,TC V.viii.1
Thy goodly armour thus hath cost thy life.Thy goodly armour thus hath cost thy life.TC V.viii.2
Now is my daies worke done; Ile take good breath:Now is my day's work done; I'll take good breath.TC V.viii.3
Rest Sword, thou hast thy fill of bloud and death.Rest, sword; thou hast thy fill of blood and death.TC V.viii.4
I am vnarm'd, forgoe this vantage Greeke.I am unarmed; forgo this vantage, Greek.TC V.viii.9

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