Original textModern textKey line
From Troy. From Troy.TC I.iii.214
How doe you? how doe you?How do you? How do you?TC III.iii.63
I had good argument for kissing once.I had good argument for kissing once.TC IV.v.26
Oh this is trim.O, this is trim!TC IV.v.33.2
Ile haue my kisse sir: Lady by your leaue.I'll have my kiss, sir. – Lady, by your leave.TC IV.v.35
Both take and giue.Both take and give.TC IV.v.37.1
Ile giue you boote, Ile giue you three for one.I'll give you boot; I'll give you three for one.TC IV.v.40
An odde man Lady, euery man is odde.An odd man, lady? Every man is odd.TC IV.v.42
You fillip me a'th'head.You fillip me o'the head.TC IV.v.45.1
All. ALL
The Troians Trumpet.The Trojan's trumpet.TC IV.v.64.1
Let me confirme my Princely brothers greeting,Let me confirm my princely brother's greeting:TC IV.v.174
You brace of warlike Brothers, welcome hither.You brace of warlike brothers, welcome hither.TC IV.v.175
Name her not now sir, she's a deadly Theame.Name her not now, sir; she's a deadly theme.TC IV.v.181
Goodnight my Lord.Good night, my lord.TC V.i.70.1

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