Original textModern textKey line
Will this geere nere be mended?Will this gear ne'er be mended?TC I.i.6
Well, I haue told you enough of this: For myWell, I have told you enough of this; for myTC I.i.13
part, Ile not meddle nor make no farther. Hee that willpart, I'll not meddle nor make no farther. He that willTC I.i.14
haue a Cake out of the Wheate, must needes tarry thehave a cake out of the wheat must needs tarry theTC I.i.15
grinding.grinding.TC I.i.16
I the grinding; but you must tarry theAy, the grinding; but you must tarry theTC I.i.18
bolting.bolting.TC I.i.19
I the boulting; but you must tarry theAy, the bolting; but you must tarry theTC I.i.21
leau'ing.leavening.TC I.i.22
I, to the leauening: but heeres yet in theAy, to the leavening; but here's yet in theTC I.i.24
word hereafter, the Kneading, the making of the Cake,word hereafter the kneading, the making of the cake,TC I.i.25
the heating of the Ouen, and the Baking; nay, you must the heating of the oven, and the baking. Nay, you mustTC I.i.26
stay the cooling too, or you may chance to burne yourstay the cooling too, or you may chance to burn yourTC I.i.27
lips.lips.TC I.i.28
Well: / She look'd yesternight fairer, then euerWell, she looked yesternight fairer than everTC I.i.34
I saw her looke, / Or any woman else.I saw her look, or any woman else.TC I.i.35
And her haire were not somewhat darker thenAn her hair were not somewhat darker thanTC I.i.43
Helens, well go too, there were no more comparisonHelen's – well, go to, there were no more comparisonTC I.i.44
betweene the Women. But for my part she is mybetween the women. But, for my part, she is my kinswoman;TC I.i.45
Kinswoman, I would not (as they tearme it) praise it, but II would not, as they term it, praise her, but ITC I.i.46
wold some-body had heard her talke yesterday as I did:would somebody had heard her talk yesterday, as I did;TC I.i.47
I will not dispraise your sister Cassandra's wit, but---I will not dispraise your sister Cassandra's wit, but – TC I.i.48
I speake no more then truth.I speak no more than truth.TC I.i.65
Faith, Ile not meddle in't: Let her be as shee is,Faith, I'll not meddle in't. Let her be as sheTC I.i.67
if she be faire, 'tis the better for her: and she be not, sheis: if she be fair, 'tis the better for her; an she be not,TC I.i.68
ha's the mends in her owne hands.she has the mends in her own hands.TC I.i.69
I haue had my Labour for my trauell,I have had my labour for my travail,TC I.i.71
ill thought on of her, and ill thought on of you: Goneill-thought-on of her, and ill-thought-on of you; goneTC I.i.72
betweene and betweene, but small thankes for my labour.between and between, but small thanks for my labour.TC I.i.73
Because she's Kinne to me, therefore shee's notBecause she's kin to me, therefore she's notTC I.i.76
so faire as Helen, and she were not kin to me, she wouldso fair as Helen; an she were not kin to me, she wouldTC I.i.77
be as faire on Friday, as Helen is on Sunday. But whatbe as fair on Friday as Helen is on Sunday, but whatTC I.i.78
care I? I care not and she were a Black-a-Moore, 'tis all onecare I? I care not an she were a blackamoor; 'tis all oneTC I.i.79
to me.TC I.i.80
I doe not care whether you doe or no. Shee's aI do not care whether you do or no. She's aTC I.i.82
Foole to stay behinde her Father: Let her to the Greeks,fool to stay behind her father; let her to the Greeks,TC I.i.83
and so Ile tell her the next time I see her: for my part,and so I'll tell her the next time I see her. For my part,TC I.i.84
Ile meddle nor make no more i'th' matter.I'll meddle nor make no more i'th' matter.TC I.i.85
Not I.Not I.TC I.i.87
Pray you speake no more to me, I will leaue Pray you, speak no more to me; I will leaveTC I.i.89
all as I found it, and there an end. all as I found it, and there an end.TC I.i.90
What's that? what's that?What's that? What's that?TC I.ii.41
Good morrow Cozen Cressid: what do youGood morrow, cousin Cressid. What do youTC I.ii.43
talke of? good morrow Alexander: how do youtalk of? – Good morrow, Alexander. – How do you,TC I.ii.44
Cozen? when were you at Illium?cousin? When were you at Ilium?TC I.ii.45
What were you talking of when I came? WasWhat were you talking of when I came? WasTC I.ii.47
Hector arm'd and gon ere yea came to Illium? Hellen Hector armed and gone ere ye came to Ilium? HelenTC I.ii.48
was not vp? was she?was not up, was she?TC I.ii.49
E'ene so; Hector was stirring early.E'en so, Hector was stirring early.TC I.ii.51
Was he angry?Was he angry?TC I.ii.53
True he was so; I know the cause too, heeleTrue, he was so. I know the cause too. He'llTC I.ii.55
lay about him to day I can tell them that, and there's lay about him today, I can tell them that, and there'sTC I.ii.56
Troylus will not come farre behind him, let them takeTroilus will not come far behind him; let them takeTC I.ii.57
heede of Troylus; I can tell them that too.heed of Troilus, I can tell them that too.TC I.ii.58
Who Troylus? / Troylus is the better man ofWho, Troilus? Troilus is the better man ofTC I.ii.60
the two.the two.TC I.ii.61
What not betweene Troylus and Hector? doWhat, not between Troilus and Hector? DoTC I.ii.63
you know a man if you see him?you know a man if you see him?TC I.ii.64
Well I say Troylus is Troylus.Well, I say Troilus is Troilus.TC I.ii.66
No not Hector is not Troylus in someNo, nor Hector is not Troilus in someTC I.ii.69
degrees.degrees.TC I.ii.70
Himselfe? alas poore Troylus I would heHimself! Alas, poor Troilus, I would heTC I.ii.72
were.were.TC I.ii.73
Condition I had gone bare-foote to India.Condition, I had gone barefoot to India.TC I.ii.75
Himselfe? no? hee's not himselfe, would aHimself? No, he's not himself, would 'aTC I.ii.77
were himselfe: well, the Gods are aboue, time must were himself! Well, the gods are above; time mustTC I.ii.78
friend or end: well Troylus well, I would my heartfriend or end. Well, Troilus, well, I would my heartTC I.ii.79
were in her body; no, Hector is not a better man then were in her body. No, Hector is not a better man thanTC I.ii.80
Troylus.Troilus.TC I.ii.81
He is elder.He is elder.TC I.ii.83
Th'others not come too't, you shall tell meTh' other's not come to't; you shall tell meTC I.ii.85
another tale when th'others come too't: Hector shallanother tale when th' other's come to't. Hector shallTC I.ii.86
not haue his will this yeare.not have his wit this year.TC I.ii.87
Nor his qualities.Nor his qualities.TC I.ii.89
Nor his beautie.Nor his beauty.TC I.ii.91
You haue no iudgement Neece; Hellen her selfeYou have no judgement, niece. Helen herselfTC I.ii.93
swore th'other day, that Troylus for a browne fauourswore th' other day that Troilus, for a brown favourTC I.ii.94
(for so 'tis I must confesse) not browne neither. – for so 'tis, I must confess – not brown neither – TC I.ii.95
Faith to say truth, browne and not browne.Faith, to say truth, brown and not brown.TC I.ii.97
She prais'd his complexion aboue Paris.She praised his complexion above Paris.TC I.ii.99
So he has.So he has.TC I.ii.101
I sweare to you, / I thinke Hellen loues him betterI swear to you, I think Helen loves him betterTC I.ii.108
then Paris.than Paris.TC I.ii.109
Nay I am sure she does, she came to himNay, I am sure she does. She came to himTC I.ii.111
th'other day into the compast window, and youth' other day into the compassed window – and youTC I.ii.112
know he has not past three or foure haires on his chinne.know he has not past three or four hairs on his chin – TC I.ii.113
Why he is very yong, and yet will he withinWhy, he is very young, and yet will he withinTC I.ii.116
three pound lift as much as his brother Hector.three pound lift as much as his brother Hector.TC I.ii.117
But to prooue to you that Hellen loues him, sheBut to prove to you that Helen loves him, sheTC I.ii.119
came and puts me her white hand to his clouen chin.came and puts me her white hand to his cloven chin – TC I.ii.120
Why, you know 'tis dimpled, / I thinke his Why, you know 'tis dimpled – I think hisTC I.ii.122
smyling becomes him better then any man in allsmiling becomes him better than any man in allTC I.ii.123
Phrigia.Phrygia.TC I.ii.124
Dooes hee not?Does he not?TC I.ii.126
Why go to then, but to proue to you that Why, go to, then: but to prove to you thatTC I.ii.128
Hellen loues Troylus.Helen loves Troilus – TC I.ii.129
Troylus? why he esteemes her no more thenTroilus? Why, he esteems her no more thanTC I.ii.132
I esteeme an addle egge.I esteem an addle egg.TC I.ii.133
I cannot chuse but laugh to thinke how sheI cannot choose but laugh, to think how sheTC I.ii.136
tickled his chin, indeed shee has a maruel's whitetickled his chin – indeed, she has a marvellous whiteTC I.ii.137
hand I must needs confesse.hand, I must needs confess – TC I.ii.138
And shee takes vpon her to spie a white haire onAnd she takes upon her to spy a white hair onTC I.ii.140
his chinne.his chin.TC I.ii.141
But there was such laughing, Queene HecubaBut there was such laughing – Queen HecubaTC I.ii.143
laught that her eyes ran ore.laughed that her eyes ran o'er – TC I.ii.144
And Cassandra laught.And Cassandra laughed – TC I.ii.146
And Hector laught.And Hector laughed.TC I.ii.149
Marry at the white haire that Hellen spied onMarry, at the white hair that Helen spied onTC I.ii.151
Troylus chin.Troilus' chin.TC I.ii.152
They laught not so much at the haire, as atThey laughed not so much at the hair as atTC I.ii.155
his pretty answere.his pretty answer.TC I.ii.156
Quoth shee, heere's but two and fifty haires onQuoth she: ‘ Here's but two-and-fifty hairs onTC I.ii.158
your chinne; and one of them is white.your chin, and one of them is white.’TC I.ii.159
That's true, make no question of that, twoThat's true, make no question of that. ‘ Two-TC I.ii.161
and fiftie haires quoth hee, and one white, that whiteand-fifty hairs,’ quoth he, ‘ and one white: that whiteTC I.ii.162
haire is my Father, and all the rest are his Sonnes. Iupiter hair is my father, and all the rest are his sons.’ ‘ Jupiter,’TC I.ii.163
quoth she, which of these haires is Paris my husband?quoth she, ‘ which of these hairs is Paris, my husband?’TC I.ii.164
The forked one quoth he, pluckt out and giue it‘ The forked one,’ quoth he; ‘ pluck't out, and give itTC I.ii.165
him: but there was such laughing, and Hellen sohim.’ But there was such laughing, and Helen soTC I.ii.166
blusht, and Paris so chaft, and all the rest soblushed, and Paris so chafed, and all the rest soTC I.ii.167
laught, that it past.laughed, that it passed.TC I.ii.168
Well Cozen, / I told you a thing yesterday,Well, cousin, I told you a thing yesterday;TC I.ii.171
think on't.think on't.TC I.ii.172
Ile be sworne 'tis true, he will weepe you anI'll be sworn 'tis true; he will weep you anTC I.ii.174
'twere a man borne in Aprill. Sound a retreate.'twere a man born in April.TC I.ii.175
Harke they are comming from the field, shalHark, they are coming from the field. ShallTC I.ii.178
we stand vp here and see them, as they passe towardwe stand up here, and see them as they pass towardTC I.ii.179
Illium, good Neece do, sweet Neece Cressida.Ilium? Good niece, do, sweet niece Cressida.TC I.ii.180
Heere, heere, here's an excellent place, heereHere, here, here's an excellent place; hereTC I.ii.182
we may see most brauely, Ile tel you them all by theirwe may see most bravely. I'll tell you them all by theirTC I.ii.183
names, as they passe by, but marke Troylus aboue the rest. Enter Aneas.names as they pass by, but mark Troilus above the rest.TC I.ii.184
That's Aneas, is not that a braue man, hee'sThat's Aeneas; is not that a brave man? He'sTC I.ii.186
one of the flowers of Troy I can you, but marke one of the flowers of Troy, I can tell you, but markTC I.ii.187
Troylus, you shal see anon.Troilus; you shall see anon.TC I.ii.188
That's Antenor, he has a shrow'd wit I canThat's Antenor. He has a shrewd wit, I canTC I.ii.190
tell you, and hee's a man good inough, hee's onetell you, and he's a man good enough; he's oneTC I.ii.191
o'th soundest iudgement in Troy whosoeuer, and ao'th' soundest judgements in Troy whosoever, and aTC I.ii.192
proper man of person: when comes Troylus? Ile shewproper man of person. When comes Troilus? I'll showTC I.ii.193
you Troylus anon, if hee see me, you shall see him him nod atyou Troilus anon; if he see me, you shall see him nod atTC I.ii.194 I.ii.195
You shall see.You shall see.TC I.ii.197
That's Hector, that, that, looke you, thatThat's Hector, that, that, look you, that;TC I.ii.199
there's a fellow. Goe thy way Hector, there's athere's a fellow! – Go thy way, Hector! – There's aTC I.ii.200
braue man Neece, O braue Hector! Looke how heebrave man, niece. – O brave Hector! Look how heTC I.ii.201
lookes? there's a countenance; ist not a braue man?looks! There's a countenance! Is't not a brave man?TC I.ii.202
Is a not? It dooes a mans heart good, lookeIs a' not? It does a man's heart good. LookTC I.ii.204
you what hacks are on his Helmet, looke you yonder, doyou what hacks are on his helmet, look you yonder, doTC I.ii.205
you see? Looke you there? There's no iesting,you see? Look you there, there's no jesting; there'sTC I.ii.206
laying on, tak't off, who ill as they say, there belaying on, take't off who will, as they say; there beTC I.ii.207
hacks.hacks!TC I.ii.208
Swords, any thing he cares not, and the diuellSwords, anything, he cares not; an the devilTC I.ii.210
come to him, it's all one, by Gods lid it dooes onescome to him, it's all one. By God's lid, it does one'sTC I.ii.211
heart good. Yonder comes Paris, yonder comes Paris:heart good. Yonder comes Paris, yonder comes Paris!TC I.ii.212
looke yee yonder Neece, ist not a gallant man to, ist Look ye yonder, niece, is't not a gallant man too, is'tTC I.ii.213
not? Why this is braue now: who said he came hurtnot? Why, this is brave now. Who said he came hurtTC I.ii.214
home to day? Hee's not hurt, why this will do Hellens home today? He's not hurt. Why, this will do Helen'sTC I.ii.215
heart good now, ha? Would I could see Troylus now,heart good now, ha? Would I could see Troilus now.TC I.ii.216
you shall Troylus anon.You shall see Troilus anon.TC I.ii.217
That's Hellenus, I maruell where Troylus is,That's Helenus – I marvel where Troilus isTC I.ii.219
that's Helenus, I thinke he went not forth to day: – that's Helenus – I think he went not forth today – TC I.ii.220
that's Hellenus.that's Helenus.TC I.ii.221
Hellenus no: yes heele fight indifferent,Helenus? No – yes, he'll fight indifferentTC I.ii.223
well, I maruell where Troylus is; harke, do you not haerewell – I marvel where Troilus is. Hark, do you not hearTC I.ii.224
the people crie Troylus? Hellenus is a Priest.the people cry ‘ Troilus ’? – Helenus is a priest.TC I.ii.225
Where? Yonder? That's Dophobus.'Tis Where? Yonder? That's Deiphobus. – 'TisTC I.ii.227
Troylus! Ther's a man Neece, hem? Braue Troylus Troilus! There's a man, niece, hem! – Brave Troilus,TC I.ii.228
the Prince of Chiualrie.the prince of chivalry!TC I.ii.229
Marke him, not him: O braue Troylus: lookeMark him, note him. O brave Troilus! LookTC I.ii.231
well vpon him Neece, looke you how his Sword iswell upon him, niece, look you how his sword isTC I.ii.232
bloudied, and his Helme more hackt then Hectors,bloodied, and his helm more hacked than Hector's,TC I.ii.233
and how he lookes, and how he goes. O admirableand how he looks, and how he goes! O admirableTC I.ii.234
youth! he ne're saw three and twenty. Go thy way youth! He ne'er saw three-and-twenty. – Go thy way,TC I.ii.235
Troylus, go thy way, had I a sister were a Grace, or aTroilus, go thy way! – Had I a sister were a grace, or aTC I.ii.236
daughter a Goddesse, hee should take his choice. Odaughter a goddess, he should take his choice. OTC I.ii.237
admirable man! Paris? Paris is durt to him, and Iadmirable man! Paris? – Paris is dirt to him, and ITC I.ii.238
warrant, Helen to change, would giue money to boot.warrant Helen, to change, would give an eye to boot.TC I.ii.239
Asses, fooles, dolts, chaffe and bran, chaffe andAsses, fools, dolts; chaff and bran, chaff andTC I.ii.241
bran; porredge after meat. I could liue and dye i'th'bran; porridge after meat! I could live and die i'theTC I.ii.242
eyes of Troylus. Ne're looke, ne're looke; the Eagles areeyes of Troilus. Ne'er look, ne'er look, the eagles areTC I.ii.243
gon, Crowes and Dawes, Crowes and Dawes: I had rathergone; crows and daws, crows and daws! – I had ratherTC I.ii.244
be such a man as Troylus, then Agamemnon, and allbe such a man as Troilus than Agamemnon and allTC I.ii.245
Greece.Greece.TC I.ii.246
Achilles? a Dray-man, a Porter, a very Camell.Achilles? A drayman, a porter, a very camel!TC I.ii.249
Well, well? Why haue you any discretion?Well, well! Why, have you any discretion?TC I.ii.251
haue you any eyes? Do you know what a man is? Is notHave you any eyes? Do you know what a man is? Is notTC I.ii.252
birth, b auty, good shape, discourse, manhood, learning,birth, beauty, good shape, discourse, manhood, learning,TC I.ii.253
gentlenesse, vertue, youth, liberality, and so forth:gentleness, virtue, youth, liberality, and so forthTC I.ii.254
the Spice, and salt that seasons a man?the spice and salt that season a man?TC I.ii.255
You are such another woman, one knowesYou are such another woman! One knowsTC I.ii.258
not at what ward you lye.not at what ward you lie.TC I.ii.259
Say one of your watches.Say one of your watches.TC I.ii.265
You are such another.You are such another!TC I.ii.271
Where?Where?TC I.ii.273
Good Boy tell him I come,Good boy, tell him I come.TC I.ii.275
I doubt he bee hurt. / Fare ye well good Neece.I doubt he be hurt. Fare you well, good niece.TC I.ii.276
Ile be with you Neece by and by.I'll be with you, niece, by and by.TC I.ii.278
I, a token from Troylus.Ay, a token from Troilus.TC I.ii.280
Friend, you, pray you a word: Doe not you Friend, you, pray you, a word: do not youTC III.i.1
follow the yong Lord Paris?follow the young Lord Paris?TC III.i.2
You depend vpon him I meane?You depend upon him, I mean.TC III.i.4
You depend vpon a noble Gentleman: I mustYou depend upon a noble gentleman; I mustTC III.i.6
needes praise him.needs praise him.TC III.i.7
You know me, doe you not?You know me, do you not?TC III.i.9
Friend know me better, I am the Lord Friend, know me better: I am the LordTC III.i.11
Pandarus.Pandarus.TC III.i.12
I doe desire it.I do desire it.TC III.i.14
Grace, not so friend, honor and Lordship Grace? Not so, friend; honour and lordshipTC III.i.16
are my title: What Musique is this?are my titles. What music is this?TC III.i.17
Know you the Musitians.Know you the musicians?TC III.i.19
Who play they to?Who play they to?TC III.i.21
At whose pleasur friend?At whose pleasure, friend?TC III.i.23
Command, I meane friend.Command, I mean, friend.TC III.i.25
Friend, we vnderstand not one another: I Friend, we understand not one another: ITC III.i.27
am too courtly, and thou art too cunning. At whose am too courtly, and thou art too cunning. At whoseTC III.i.28
request doe these men play?request do these men play?TC III.i.29
Who? my Cosin Cressida.Who, my cousin Cressida?TC III.i.34
It should seeme fellow, that thou hast notIt should seem, fellow, that thou hast notTC III.i.37
seen the Lady Cressida. I come to speake with Paris seen the Lady Cressida. I come to speak with ParisTC III.i.38
from the Prince Troylus: I will make a complementall from the Prince Troilus. I will make a complimentalTC III.i.39
assault vpon him, for my businesse seethes.assault upon him, for my business seethes.TC III.i.40
Faire be to you my Lord, and to all this faire Fair be to you, my lord, and to all this fairTC III.i.43
company: faire desires in all faire measure fairely guide company; fair desires, in all fair measure, fairly guideTC III.i.44
them, especially to you faire Queene, faire thoughts be them! – especially to you, fair queen: fair thoughts beTC III.i.45
your faire pillow.your fair pillow!TC III.i.46
You speake your faire pleasure sweete Queene:You speak your fair pleasure, sweet queen. – TC III.i.48
faire Prince, here is good broken Musicke.Fair prince, here is good broken music.TC III.i.49
Truely Lady no.Truly, lady, no.TC III.i.53
Rude in sooth, in good sooth very rude.Rude, in sooth; in good sooth, very rude.TC III.i.55
I haue businesse to my Lord, deere Queene: myI have business to my lord, dear queen. – MyTC III.i.57
Lord will you vouchsafe me a word.lord, will you vouchsafe me a word?TC III.i.58
Well sweete Queene you are pleasant with me,Well, sweet queen, you are pleasant with me.TC III.i.61
but, marry thus my Lord, my deere Lord, and most – But, marry, thus, my lord: my dear lord, and mostTC III.i.62
esteemed friend your brother Troylus.esteemed friend, your brother Troilus – TC III.i.63
Go too sweete Queene, goe to. / Commends Go to, sweet queen, go to – commendsTC III.i.65
himselfe most affectionately to you.himself most affectionately to you – TC III.i.66
Sweete Queene, sweete Queene, that's a sweeteSweet queen, sweet queen; that's a sweetTC III.i.69
Queene I faith---queen, i'faith – TC III.i.70
Nay, that shall not serue your turne, that shall Nay, that shall not serve your turn, that shallTC III.i.72
it not in truth la. Nay, I care not for such words, no, it not, in truth, la. Nay, I care not for such words; no,TC III.i.73
no. And my Lord he desires you, that if the King call no – and, my lord, he desires you that if the King callTC III.i.74
for him at Supper, you will make his excuse.for him at supper, you will make his excuse.TC III.i.75
What saies my sweete Queene, my very, veryWhat says my sweet queen, my very veryTC III.i.77
sweete Queene?sweet queen?TC III.i.78
What saies my sweete Queene? my cozen willWhat says my sweet queen? – My cousin willTC III.i.81
fall out with you.fall out with you. TC III.i.82
No, no; no such matter, you are wide, come No, no, no such matter, you are wide; come,TC III.i.85
your disposer is sicke.your disposer is sick.TC III.i.86
I good my Lord: why should you say Ay, good my lord. Why should you sayTC III.i.88
Cressida? no, your poore disposer's sicke.Cressida? No, your poor disposer's sick.TC III.i.89
You spie, what doe you spie: come, giue me You spy? What do you spy? – Come, give meTC III.i.91
an Instrument now sweete instrument. – Now, sweet queen.TC III.i.92
My Neece is horrible in loue with a thing youMy niece is horribly in love with a thing youTC III.i.94
haue sweete Queene.have, sweet queen.TC III.i.95
Hee? no, sheele none of him, they two areHe? No, she'll none of him; they two areTC III.i.98
twaine.twain.TC III.i.99
Come, come, Ile heare no more of this, Ile singCome, come, I'll hear no more of this; I'llTC III.i.102
you a song now.sing you a song now.TC III.i.103
I you may, you may.Ay, you may, you may.TC III.i.106
Loue? I that it shall yfaith.Love? Ay, that it shall, i'faith.TC III.i.109
In good troth it begins so.In good troth, it begins so.TC III.i.111
Loue, loue, no thing but loue, still more:Love, love, nothing but love, still love, still more!TC III.i.112
For O loues Bow,For, O, love's bowTC III.i.113
Shootes Bucke and Doe:Shoots buck and doe;TC III.i.114
The Shaft confounds The shaft confounds,TC III.i.115
not that it wounds,Not that it wounds,TC III.i.116
But tickles still the sore:But tickles still the sore.TC III.i.117
These Louers cry, oh ho they dye;These lovers cry – O ho, they die!TC III.i.118
Yet that which seemes the wound to kill,Yet that which seems the wound to killTC III.i.119
Doth turne oh ho, to ha ha he:Doth turn O ho to ha, ha, he!TC III.i.120
So dying loue liues still,So dying love lives still:TC III.i.121
O ho a while, but ha ha ha,O ho, a while, but ha, ha, ha!TC III.i.122
O ho grones out for ha ha ha----hey ho.O ho, groans out for ha, ha, ha! – Heigh ho!TC III.i.123
Is this the generation of loue? Hot bloud, hotIs this the generation of love? Hot blood, hotTC III.i.128
thoughts, and hot deedes, why they are Vipers, is Loue thoughts, and hot deeds? Why, they are vipers: is loveTC III.i.129
a generation of Vipers? / Sweete Lord whose a field a generation of vipers? – Sweet lord, who's a-fieldTC III.i.130
to day?today?TC III.i.131
Not I hony sweete Queene: I long to heare Not I, honey-sweet queen; I long to hearTC III.i.138
how they sped to day: / Youle remember your how they sped today. – You'll remember yourTC III.i.139
brothers excuse?brother's excuse?TC III.i.140
Farewell sweete Queene.Farewell, sweet queen.TC III.i.142
I will sweete Queene.I will, sweet queen.TC III.i.144
How now, where's thy Maister, at my CouzenHow now, where's thy master? At my cousinTC III.ii.1
Cressidas?Cressida's?TC III.ii.2
O here he comes: How now, how now?O, here he comes. How now, how now?TC III.ii.4
Haue you seene my Cousin?Have you seen my cousin?TC III.ii.6
Walke here ith'Orchard, Ile bring her straight.Walk here i'th' orchard; I'll bring her straight.TC III.ii.15
Shee's making her ready, sheele come She's making her ready; she'll comeTC III.ii.28
straight; you must be witty now, she does so blush,straight. You must be witty now. She does so blush,TC III.ii.29
& fetches her winde so short, as if she were fraidand fetches her wind so short, as if she were frayedTC III.ii.30
with a sprite: Ile fetch her; it is the prettiest villaine, shewith a sprite. I'll fetch her. It is the prettiest villain; sheTC III.ii.31
fetches her breath so short as a new tane Sparrow. fetches her breath as short as a new-ta'en sparrow.TC III.ii.32
Come, come, what neede you blush? / ShamesCome, come, what need you blush? Shame'sTC III.ii.38
a babie; here she is now, sweare the oathesa baby. (To Troilus) Here she is now: swear the oathsTC III.ii.39
now to her, that you haue sworne to to her that you have sworn to me. (To Cressida)TC III.ii.40
What are you gone againe, you must be watcht ereWhat, are you gone again? You must be watched ereTC III.ii.41
you be made tame, must you? come your wayes, comeyou be made tame, must you? Come your ways, comeTC III.ii.42
your wayes, and you draw backward weele put youyour ways; an you draw backward, we'll put youTC III.ii.43
i'th fils: why doe you not speak to her?i'th' fills. (To Troilus) Why do you not speak to her? (ToTC III.ii.44
Come draw this curtaine, & let's see yourCressida) Come, draw this curtain, and let's see yourTC III.ii.45
picture. Alasse the day, how loath you are to offendpicture. Alas the day, how loath you are to offendTC III.ii.46
day light? and 'twere darke you'ld close sooner:daylight! An 'twere dark, you'd close sooner. (ToTC III.ii.47
So, so, rub on, and kisse the mistresse; how Troilus) So, so, rub on, and kiss the mistress. HowTC III.ii.48
now, a kisse in fee-farme? build there Carpenter, the ayrenow, a kiss in fee-farm! Build there, carpenter, the airTC III.ii.49
is sweete. Nay, you shall fight your hearts out ere I partis sweet. – Nay, you shall fight your hearts out ere I partTC III.ii.50
you. The Faulcon, as the Tercell, for all the Ducks ith Riuer:you: the falcon as the tercel, for all the ducks i'th' riverTC III.ii.51
go too, go too. – go to, go to.TC III.ii.52
Words pay no debts; giue her deedes: but Words pay no debts, give her deeds: butTC III.ii.54
sheele bereaue you 'oth' deeds too, if shee call yourshe'll bereave you o'th' deeds too, if she call yourTC III.ii.55
actiuity in question: what billing againe? here's inactivity in question. What, billing again? Here's ‘ InTC III.ii.56
witnesse whereof the Parties interchangeably. Comewitness whereof the parties interchangeably ’ – ComeTC III.ii.57
in, come in, Ile go get a fire?in, come in: I'll go get a fire.TC III.ii.58
What blushing still? haue you not doneWhat, blushing still? Have you not doneTC III.ii.98
talking yet?talking yet?TC III.ii.99
I thanke you for that: if my Lord get a Boy ofI thank you for that. If my lord get a boy ofTC III.ii.102
you, youle giue him me: be true to my Lord, if he flinch,you, you'll give him me. Be true to my lord; if he flinch,TC III.ii.103
chide me for it.chide me for it.TC III.ii.104
Nay, Ile giue my word for her too: ourNay, I'll give my word for her too. OurTC III.ii.107
kindred though they be long ere they are wooed, theykindred, though they be long ere they are wooed, theyTC III.ii.108
are constant being wonne: they are Burres I can tell you,are constant being won; they are burs, I can tell you,TC III.ii.109
they'le sticke where they are throwne.they'll stick where they are thrown.TC III.ii.110
Pretty yfaith.Pretty, i'faith.TC III.ii.133
Leaue: and you take leaue till to morrowLeave? An you take leave till tomorrowTC III.ii.139
morning.morning – TC III.ii.140
Go too, a bargaine made: seale it, seale it, Ile beGo to, a bargain made; seal it, seal it, I'll beTC III.ii.195
the witnesse here I hold your hand: here my Cousins,the witness. Here I hold your hand, here my cousin's.TC III.ii.196
if euer you proue false one to another, since I haueIf ever you prove false one to another, since I haveTC III.ii.197
taken such paines to bring you together, let all pittifulltaken such pains to bring you together, let all pitifulTC III.ii.198
goers betweene be cal'd to the worlds end after mygoers-between be called to the world's end after myTC III.ii.199
name: call them all Panders; let all constant men be name; call them all Pandars. Let all constant men beTC III.ii.200
Troylusses, all false women Cressids, and all brokers betweene,Troiluses, all false women Cressids, and all brokers-betweenTC III.ii.201
Panders: say, Amen.Pandars! Say ‘ Amen.’TC III.ii.202
Amen. Whereupon I will shew you a Chamber,Amen. Whereupon I will show you a chamberTC III.ii.205
which bed, because it shall not speake ofwith a bed; which bed, because it shall not speak ofTC III.ii.206
your prettie encounters, presse it to death: away.your pretty encounters, press it to death: away! – TC III.ii.207
And Cupid grant all tong-tide Maidens heere,And Cupid grant all tongue-tied maidens hereTC III.ii.208
Bed, Chamber, and Pander, to prouide this geere. Bed, chamber, and Pandar to provide this gear!TC III.ii.209
What's all the doores open here?What's all the doors open here?TC IV.ii.19
How now, how now? how goe maiden-heads?How now, how now, how go maidenheads? – TC IV.ii.23
Heare you Maide: wher's my cozin Cressid?Here, you maid! Where's my cousin Cressid?TC IV.ii.24
To do what? to do what? let her say what:To do what, to do what? – Let her say what:TC IV.ii.27
What haue I brought you to doe?what have I brought you to do?TC IV.ii.28
Ha, ha: alas poore wretch: a poore Chipochia,Ha, ha! Alas, poor wretch! A poor capocchia,TC IV.ii.31
hast not slept to night? would he not (a naughtyhast not slept tonight? Would he not – a naughtyTC IV.ii.32
man) let it sleepe: a bug-beare take him. man – let it sleep? – A bugbear take him!TC IV.ii.33
Who's there? what's the matter? will youWho's there? What's the matter? Will youTC IV.ii.42
beate downe the doore? How now, what's the matter?beat down the door? How now! What's the matter?TC IV.ii.43
Who's there my Lord Aneas? by my trothWho's there? My Lord Aeneas? By my troth,TC IV.ii.45
I knew you not: what newes with you so early?I knew you not. What news with you so early?TC IV.ii.46
Here? what should he doe here?Here? What should he do here?TC IV.ii.48
Is he here say you? 'tis more then I know,Is he here, say you? 'Tis more than I know,TC IV.ii.51
Ile be sworne: For my owne part I came in late: what I'll be sworn. For my own part, I came in late. WhatTC IV.ii.52
should he doe here?should he do here?TC IV.ii.53
Is't possible? no sooner got but lost: theIs't possible? No sooner got but lost? TheTC IV.ii.74
diuell take Anthenor; the yong Prince will goe mad:devil take Antenor! The young prince will go mad: aTC IV.ii.75
a plague vpon Anthenor; I would they had brok's necke.plague upon Antenor! I would they had broke's neck!TC IV.ii.76
Ah, ha!Ah, ha!TC IV.ii.78
Would I were as deepe vnder the earth as IWould I were as deep under the earth as ITC IV.ii.81
am above.TC IV.ii.82
Prythee get thee in: would thou had'st nerePrithee, get thee in. Would thou hadst ne'erTC IV.ii.84
been borne; I knew thou would'st be his death. O poorebeen born! I knew thou wouldst be his death – O, poorTC IV.ii.85
Gentleman: a plague vpon Anthenor.gentleman! – A plague upon Antenor!TC IV.ii.86
Thou must be gone wench, thou must beThou must be gone, wench, thou must beTC IV.ii.89
gone; thou art chang'd for Anthenor: thou must to thygone; thou art changed for Antenor. Thou must to thyTC IV.ii.90
Father, and be gone from Troylus: 'twill be his death:father, and be gone from Troilus: 'twill be his death,TC IV.ii.91
'twill be his baine, he cannot beare it..'twill be his bane, he cannot bear it.TC IV.ii.92
Thou must.Thou must.TC IV.ii.94
Doe, doe.Do, do.TC IV.ii.105
Be moderate, be moderate.Be moderate, be moderate.TC IV.iv.1
Here, here, here, he comes, a sweet ducke.Here, here, here he comes. Ah, sweet ducks!TC IV.iv.11
What a paire of spectacles is here? let meWhat a pair of spectacles is here! Let meTC IV.iv.13
embrace too: oh hart, as the goodly saying is;embrace too. ‘ O heart,’ as the goodly saying is – TC IV.iv.14
O heart, heauie heart,‘ – O heart, heavy heart,TC IV.iv.15
why sighest thou without breaking?Why sigh'st thou without breaking?’TC IV.iv.16
where he answers againe; where he answers again:TC IV.iv.17
because thou canst not ease thy smart‘ Because thou canst not ease thy smartTC IV.iv.18
by friendship, nor by speaking:By friendship nor by speaking.’TC IV.iv.19
there was neuer a truer rime; let vs cast awayThere was never a truer rhyme. Let us cast awayTC IV.iv.20
nothing, for we may liue to haue neede of such a Verse:nothing, for we may live to have need of such a verse.TC IV.iv.21
we see it, we see it: how now Lambs?We see it, we see it, – How now, lambs!TC IV.iv.22
I, I, I, I, 'tis too plaine a case.Ay, ay, ay, ay, 'tis too plain a case.TC IV.iv.28
Where are my teares? raine, to lay this winde,Where are my tears? Rain, to lay this wind,TC IV.iv.52
or my heart will be blowne vp by the root.or my heart will be blown up by the root.TC IV.iv.53
Doe you heare my Lord? do you heare?Do you hear, my lord? Do you hear?TC V.iii.97
Here's a Letter come from yond poore girle.Here's a letter come from yond poor girl.TC V.iii.99
A whorson tisicke, a whorson rascally tisicke,A whoreson tisick, a whoreson rascally tisickTC V.iii.101
so troubles me; and the foolish fortune of this girle, andso troubles me, and the foolish fortune of this girl; andTC V.iii.102
what one thing, what another, that I shall leaue you onewhat one thing, what another, that I shall leave you oneTC V.iii.103
o'th's dayes: and I haue a rheume in mine eyes too; ando' these days; and I have rheum in mine eyes too, andTC V.iii.104
such an ache in my bones; that vnlesse a man were curst,such an ache in my bones that unless a man were curstTC V.iii.105
I cannot tell what to thinke on't. What sayes shee there?I cannot tell what to think on't. – What says she there?TC V.iii.106
But heare you? heare you?But hear you, hear you!TC V.x.32
A goodly medcine for mine aking bones:A goodly medicine for mine aching bones! – TC V.x.35
oh world, world, world! thus is the poore agent dispisde:O world, world, world! Thus is the poor agent despised!TC V.x.36
Oh traitours and bawdes; how earnestly are you O traitors and bawds, how earnestly are youTC V.x.37
set aworke, and how ill requited? why should ourset a-work, and how ill requited! Why should ourTC V.x.38
indeuour be so desir'd, and the performance soendeavour be so desired, and the performance soTC V.x.39
loath'd? What Verse for it? what instance for it? letloathed? What verse for it? What instance for it? – LetTC V.x.40
me see:TC V.x.41
Full merrily the humble Bee doth sing,Full merrily the humble-bee doth sing,TC V.x.42
Till he hath lost his hony, and his sting.Till he hath lost his honey and his sting;TC V.x.43
And being once subdu'd in armed taile,And being once subdued in armed tail,TC V.x.44
Sweete hony, and sweete notes together faile.Sweet honey and sweet notes together fail.TC V.x.45
Good traders in the flesh, set this in your paintedGood traders in the flesh, set this in your paintedTC V.x.46
cloathes;cloths:TC V.x.47
As many as be here of Panders hall,As many as be here of Pandar's hall,TC V.x.48
Your eyes halfe out, weepe out at Pandar's fall:Your eyes, half out, weep out at Pandar's fall;TC V.x.49
Or if you cannot weepe, yet giue some grones;Or if you cannot weep, yet give some groans,TC V.x.50
Though not for me, yet for your aking bones:Though not for me, yet for your aching bones.TC V.x.51
Brethren and sisters of the hold-dore trade,Brethren and sisters of the hold-door trade,TC V.x.52
Some two months hence, my will shall here be made:Some two months hence my will shall here be made;TC V.x.53
It should be now, but that my feare is this:It should be now, but that my fear is this:TC V.x.54
Some galled Goose of Winchester would hisse:Some galled goose of Winchester would hiss.TC V.x.55
Till then, Ile sweate, and seeke about for eases;Till then I'll sweat, and seek about for eases,TC V.x.56
And at that time bequeath you my diseases. And at that time bequeath you my diseases.TC V.x.57

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