Original textModern textKey line
I sir, when he goes before me.Ay, sir, when he goes before me.TC III.i.3
Sir, I doe depend vpon the Lord.Sir, I do depend upon the Lord.TC III.i.5
The Lord be praised.The Lord be praised!TC III.i.8
Faith sir, superficially.Faith, sir, superficially.TC III.i.10
I hope I shall know your honour better.I hope I shall know your honour better.TC III.i.13
You are in the state of Grace?You are in the state of grace?TC III.i.15
I doe but partly know sir: it is Musicke in parts.I do but partly know, sir: it is music in parts.TC III.i.18
Wholly sir.Wholly, sir.TC III.i.20
To the hearers sir.To the hearers, sir.TC III.i.22
At mine sir, and theirs that loue Musicke.At mine, sir, and theirs that love music.TC III.i.24
Who shallI command sir?Who shall I command, sir?TC III.i.26
That's too't indeede sir: marry sir, at the That's to't indeed, sir: marry, sir, at theTC III.i.30
request of Paris my L. who's there in person; with request of Paris my lord, who's there in person; withTC III.i.31
him the mortall Venus, the heart bloud of beauty, him, the mortal Venus, the heart-blood of beauty,TC III.i.32
loues inuisible's visible soul – TC III.i.33
No sir, Helen, could you not finde out that byNo, sir, Helen; could you not find out that byTC III.i.35
her attributes?her attributes?TC III.i.36
Sodden businesse, there's a stewed Sodden business! There's a stewedTC III.i.41
phrase indeede.phrase indeed.TC III.i.42
I goe my Lord. I go, my lord.TC V.v.5.2

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