Original textModern textKey line
Agamemnon, how if he had Biles (ful) allAgamemnon – how if he had boils, full, allTC II.i.2
ouer generally.over, generally?TC II.i.3
And those Byles did runne, say so; did notAnd those boils did run? – say so – did notTC II.i.5
the General run, were not that a botchy core?the general run then? Were not that a botchy core?TC II.i.6
Then there would come some matter fromThen there would come some matter fromTC II.i.8
him: I see none now.him; I see none now.TC II.i.9
The plague of Greece vpon thee thouThe plague of Greece upon thee, thouTC II.i.12
Mungrel beefe-witted Lord.mongrel beef-witted lord!TC II.i.13
I shal sooner rayle thee into wit and holinesse:I shall sooner rail thee into wit and holiness;TC II.i.16
but I thinke thy Horse wil sooner con an Oration, then but I think thy horse will sooner con an oration thanTC II.i.17
yu learn a prayer without booke: Thou canst strike, canstthou learn a prayer without book. Thou canst strike,TC II.i.18
thou? A red Murren o'th thy Iades trickes.canst thou? – A red murrain o' thy jade's tricks!TC II.i.19
Doest thou thinke I haue no sence thou Dost thou think I have no sense, thouTC II.i.21
strik'st me thus?strikest me thus?TC II.i.22
Thou art proclaim'd a foole, I thinke.Thou art proclaimed a fool, I think.TC II.i.24
I would thou didst itch from head to foot,I would thou didst itch from head to foot,TC II.i.26
and / I had the scratching of thee, I would make thee theand I had the scratching of thee; I would make thee theTC II.i.27
lothsom'st scab in Greece.loathsomest scab in Greece.TC II.i.28
Thou grumblest & railest euery houre on Thou grumblest and railest every hour onTC II.i.30
Achilles, and thou art as ful of enuy at his greatnes, as Achilles, and thou art as full of envy at his greatness asTC II.i.31
Cerberus is at Proserpina's beauty. I, that thouCerberus is at Proserpina's beauty, ay, that thouTC II.i.32
barkst at him.bark'st at him.TC II.i.33
Thou should'st strike him.Thou shouldest strike him – TC II.i.35
He would pun thee into shiuers with his fist,He would pun thee into shivers with his fist,TC II.i.37
as a Sailor breakes a a sailor breaks a biscuit.TC II.i.38
Do, do.Do, do.TC II.i.40
I, do, do, thou sodden-witted Lord: thouAy, do, do! Thou sodden-witted lord, thouTC II.i.42
hast no more braine then I haue in mine elbows: Anhast no more brain than I have in mine elbows; anTC II.i.43
Asinico may tutor thee. Thou scuruy valiant Asse, thouassinico may tutor thee. Thou scurvy-valiant ass, thouTC II.i.44
art heere but to thresh Troyans, and thou art bought and art here but to thrash Trojans, and thou art bought andTC II.i.45
solde among those of any wit, like a Barbarian slaue. Ifsold among those of any wit, like a barbarian slave. IfTC II.i.46
thou vse to beat me, I wil begin at thy heele, and telthou use to beat me, I will begin at thy heel, and tellTC II.i.47
what thou art by inches, thou thing of no bowels thou.what thou art by inches, thou thing of no bowels, thou!TC II.i.48
You scuruy Lord.You scurvy lord!TC II.i.50
Mars his Ideot: do rudenes, do Camell, do,Mars his idiot! Do, rudeness, do, camel; do,TC II.i.52!TC II.i.53
You see him there, do you?You see him there, do you?TC II.i.56
Nay looke vpon him.Nay, look upon him.TC II.i.58
Nay but regard him well.Nay, but regard him well.TC II.i.60
But yet you looke not well vpon him: forBut yet you look not well upon him; for,TC II.i.62
who some euer you take him to be, he is Aiax.whomsoever you take him to be, he is Ajax.TC II.i.63
I, but that foole knowes not himselfe.Ay, but that fool knows not himself.TC II.i.65
Lo, lo, lo, lo, what modicums of wit heLo, lo, lo, lo, what modicums of wit heTC II.i.67
vtters: his euasions haue eares thus long. I haue bobb'dutters! His evasions have ears thus long. I have bobbedTC II.i.68
his Braine more then he has beate my bones: I will buyhis brain more than he has beat my bones. I will buyTC II.i.69
nine Sparrowes for a peny, and his Piamater is notnine sparrows for a penny, and his pia mater is notTC II.i.70
worth the ninth part of a Sparrow. This Lord (Achilles) worth the ninth part of a sparrow. This lord, Achilles – TC II.i.71
Aiax who wears his wit in his belly, and his guttes in hisAjax, who wears his wit in his belly, and his guts in hisTC II.i.72
head, Ile tell you what I say of him.head – I'll tell you what I say of him.TC II.i.73
I say this Aiax---I say, this Ajax – TC II.i.75
Has not so much wit.Has not so much wit – TC II.i.77
As will stop the eye of Helens Needle, forAs will stop the eye of Helen's needle, forTC II.i.79
whom he comes to fight.whom he comes to fight.TC II.i.80
I would haue peace and quietnes, but theI would have peace and quietness, but theTC II.i.82
foole will not: he there, that he, looke you there.fool will not: he there, that he – look you there.TC II.i.83
No I warrant you, for a fooles will shameNo, I warrant you, for a fool's will shameTC II.i.86 II.i.87
I serue thee not.I serve thee not.TC II.i.92
I serue heere voluntary.I serve here voluntary.TC II.i.94
E'neso, a great deale of your wit too lies inE'en so; a great deal of your wit, too, lies inTC II.i.98
your sinnewes, or else there be Liars. Hector shall haue ayour sinews, or else there be liars. Hector shall have aTC II.i.99
great catch, if he knocke out either of your braines, hegreat catch if he knock out either of your brains: heTC II.i.100
were as good cracke a fustie nut with no kernell.were as good crack a fusty nut with no kernel.TC II.i.101
There's Vlysses, and old Nestor, whose WitThere's Ulysses and old Nestor – whose witTC II.i.103
was mouldy ere their Grandsires had nails on their toes,was mouldy ere your grandsires had nails on their toesTC II.i.104
yoke you like draft-Oxen, and make you plough vp – yoke you like draught-oxen, and make you plough upTC II.i.105
the warre.the wars.TC II.i.106
Yes good sooth, to Achilles, to Aiax, to---Yes, good sooth; to, Achilles! To, Ajax, to!TC II.i.108
'Tis no matter, I shall speake as much as thou'Tis no matter; I shall speak as much as thouTC II.i.110
afterwards.afterwards.TC II.i.111
I will hold my peace when Achilles BroochI will hold my peace when Achilles' broochTC II.i.113
bids me, shall I?bids me, shall I?TC II.i.114
I will see you hang'd like Clotpoles ere II will see you hanged like clotpolls ere ITC II.i.116
come any more to your Tents; I will keepe where there iscome any more to your tents; I will keep where there isTC II.i.117
wit stirring, and leaue the faction of fooles. wit stirring, and leave the faction of fools.TC II.i.118
How now Thersites? what lost in theHow now, Thersites! What, lost in theTC II.iii.1
Labyrinth of thy furie? shall the Elephant Aiax carry itlabyrinth of thy fury? Shall the elephant Ajax carry itTC II.iii.2
thus? he beates me, and I raile at him: O worthy thus? He beats me, and I rail at him: O, worthyTC II.iii.3
satisfaction, would it were otherwise: that I couldsatisfaction! Would it were otherwise – that I couldTC II.iii.4
beate him, whil'st he rail'd at me: Sfoote, Ile learne tobeat him whilst he railed at me. 'Sfoot, I'll learn toTC II.iii.5
coniure and raise Diuels, but Ile see some issue of my conjure and raise devils, but I'll see some issue of myTC II.iii.6
spitefull execrations. Then ther's Achilles, a rarespiteful execrations. Then there's Achilles – a rareTC II.iii.7
Enginer. If Troy be not taken till these two vndermineengineer. If Troy be not taken till these two undermineTC II.iii.8
it, the wals will stand till they fall of themselues. Oit, the walls will stand till they fall of themselves. OTC II.iii.9
thou great thunder-darter of Olympus, forget thatthou great thunder-darter of Olympus, forget thatTC II.iii.10
thou art Ioue the King of gods: and Mercury, loose allthou art Jove, the king of gods; and Mercury, lose allTC II.iii.11
the Serpentine craft of thy Caduceus, if thou take notthe serpentine craft of thy caduceus, if thou take notTC II.iii.12
that little little lesse then little wit from them that theythat little little, less than little wit from them that theyTC II.iii.13
haue, which short-arm'd ignorance it selfe knowes, is sohave! – which short-armed ignorance itself knows is soTC II.iii.14
abundant scarse, it will not in circumuention deliuer aabundant scarce it will not in circumvention deliver aTC II.iii.15
Flye from a Spider, without drawing the massie Irons andfly from a spider without drawing their massy irons andTC II.iii.16
cutting the web: after this, the vengeance on the wholecutting the web. After this, the vengeance on the wholeTC II.iii.17
Camp, or rather the bone-ach, for thatcamp – or rather, the Neapolitan bone-ache – for that,TC II.iii.18
me thinkes is the curse dependant on those that warre formethinks, is the curse dependent on those that war for TC II.iii.19
a placket. I haue said my prayers and diuell, enuie, saya placket. I have said my prayers, and devil Envy sayTC II.iii.20
Amen: What ho? my Lord Achilles?‘ Amen.’ – What ho! My Lord Achilles!TC II.iii.21
If I could haue remembred a guilt counterfeit,If I could have remembered a gilt counterfeit,TC II.iii.24
thou would'st not haue slipt out of my contemplation,thou wouldst not have slipped out of my contemplation;TC II.iii.25
but it is no matter, thy selfe vpon thy selfe. Thebut it is no matter – thyself upon thyself! TheTC II.iii.26
common curse of mankinde, follie and ignorance becommon curse of mankind, folly and ignorance, beTC II.iii.27
thine in great reuenew; heauen blesse thee from a Tutor,thine in great revenue! Heaven bless thee from a tutor,TC II.iii.28
and Discipline come not neere thee. Let thy bloud be thyand discipline come not near thee! Let thy blood be thyTC II.iii.29
direction till thy death, then if she that laies thee out direction till thy death; then if she that lays thee outTC II.iii.30
sayes thou art a faire coarse, Ile be sworne and swornesays thou art a fair corpse, I'll be sworn and swornTC II.iii.31
vpon't she neuer shrowded any but Lazars, Amen.upon't, she never shrouded any but lazars. Amen. – TC II.iii.32
Wher's Achilles?Where's Achilles?TC II.iii.33
I, the heauens heare me.Ay, the heavens hear me!TC II.iii.36
Thy Commander Achilles, then tell me Thy commander, Achilles. Then tell me,TC II.iii.43
Patroclus, what's Achilles?Patroclus, what's Achilles?TC II.iii.44
Thy knower Patroclus: then tell me Patroclus,Thy knower, Patroclus. Then tell me, Patroclus,TC II.iii.47
what art thou?what art thou?TC II.iii.48
Ile declin the whole question: I'll decline the whole question.TC II.iii.51
Agamemnon commands Achilles, Achilles is my Lord,Agamemnon commands Achilles, Achilles is my lord,TC II.iii.52
I am Patroclus knower, and Patroclus is a foole.I am Patroclus' knower, and Patroclus is a fool.TC II.iii.53
Peace foole, I haue not done.Peace, fool, I have not done.TC II.iii.55
Agamemnon is a foole, Achilles is a foole, Agamemnon is a fool, Achilles is a fool,TC II.iii.57
Thersites is a foole, and as aforesaid, Patroclus is aThersites is a fool, and, as aforesaid, Patroclus is aTC II.iii.58
foole.fool.TC II.iii.59
Agamemnon is a foole to offer to command Agamemnon is a fool to offer to commandTC II.iii.61
Achilles, Achilles is a foole to be commanded of Achilles, Achilles is a fool to be commanded ofTC II.iii.62
Agamemon, Thersites is a foole to serue such a foole:Agamemnon, Thersites is a fool to serve such a fool,TC II.iii.63
and Patroclus is a foole positiue.and Patroclus is a fool positive.TC II.iii.64
Make that demand to the Creator, it suffisesMake that demand to the Creator; it sufficesTC II.iii.66
me thou art. Looke you, who comes here?me thou art. Look you, who comes here?TC II.iii.67
Here is such patcherie, such iugling, and Here is such patchery, such juggling, andTC II.iii.70
such knauerie: all the argument is a Cuckold and asuch knavery! All the argument is a whore and aTC II.iii.71
Whore, a good quarrel to draw emulations, factions, andcuckold; a good quarrel to draw emulous factions andTC II.iii.72
bleede to death vpon: Now the dry Suppeago on thebleed to death upon. Now the dry serpigo on theTC II.iii.73
Subiect, and Warre and Lecherie confound all.subject, and war and lechery confound all!TC II.iii.74
A wonder.A wonder!TC III.iii.242
Aiax goes vp and downe the field, asking forAjax goes up and down the field, asking forTC III.iii.244
himselfe.himself.TC III.iii.245
Hee must fight singly to morrow with Hector,He must fight singly tomorrow with Hector,TC III.iii.247
and is so prophetically proud of an heroicall cudgelling,and is so prophetically proud of an heroical cudgellingTC III.iii.248
that he raues in saying nothing.that he raves in saying nothing.TC III.iii.249
Why he stalkes vp and downe like a Peacock, aWhy, he stalks up and down like a peacock, aTC III.iii.251
stride and a stand: ruminates like an hostesse, that hathstride and a stand; ruminates like an hostess that hathTC III.iii.252
no Arithmatique but her braine to set downe her reckoning:no arithmetic but her brain to set down her reckoning;TC III.iii.253
bites his lip with a politique regard, as who should say,bites his lip with a politic regard, as who should sayTC III.iii.254
there were wit in his head and twoo'd out; and sothere were wit in his head, an 'twould out – and soTC III.iii.255
there is: but it lyes as coldly in him, as fire in a flint,there is; but it lies as coldly in him as fire in a flint,TC III.iii.256
which will not shew without knocking. The manswhich will not show without knocking. The man'sTC III.iii.257
vndone for euer; for if Hector breake not his neckeundone for ever, for if Hector break not his neckTC III.iii.258
i'th'combat, heele break't himselfe in vaine-glory. Hei'th' combat, he'll break't himself in vainglory. HeTC III.iii.259
knowes not mee: I said, good morrow Aiax; And heknows not me: I said ‘ Good morrow, Ajax ’ and heTC III.iii.260
replyes, thankes Agamemnon. What thinke you ofreplies ‘ Thanks, Agamemnon.’ – What think you ofTC III.iii.261
this man, that takes me for the Generall? Hee's growne athis man, that takes me for the general? He's grown aTC III.iii.262
very land-fish, languagelesse, a monster: a plague ofvery land-fish, languageless, a monster. A plague ofTC III.iii.263
opinion, a man may weare it on both sides like a leatheropinion! A man may wear it on both sides, like a leatherTC III.iii.264
Ierkin.jerkin.TC III.iii.265
Who, I: why, heele answer no body: heWho, I? Why, he'll answer nobody, heTC III.iii.268
professes not answering; speaking is for beggers: heprofesses not answering; speaking is for beggars; heTC III.iii.269
weares his tongue in's armes: I will put on his presence;wears his tongue in's arms. I will put on his presence:TC III.iii.270
let Patroclus make his demands to me, you shall seelet Patroclus make demands to me, you shall seeTC III.iii.271
the Pageant of Aiax.the pageant of Ajax.TC III.iii.272
Hum.Hum!TC III.iii.281
Ha?Ha?TC III.iii.283
Hum.Hum!TC III.iii.286
Agamemnon?Agamemnon?TC III.iii.289
Ha?Ha!TC III.iii.291
God buy you with all my heart.God buy you, with all my heart.TC III.iii.293
If to morrow be a faire day, by eleuen a clocke itIf tomorrow be a fair day, by eleven o'clock itTC III.iii.295
will goe one way or other; howsoeuer, he shall pay forwill go one way or other; howsoever, he shall pay forTC III.iii.296
me ere he has ere he has me.TC III.iii.297
Fare you well withall my heart.Fare you well, with all my heart.TC III.iii.299
No, but he's out a tune thus: what musickeNo, but he's out o' tune thus. What musicTC III.iii.301
will be in him when Hector has knockt out his braines,will be in him when Hector has knocked out his brains,TC III.iii.302
I know not: but I am sure none, vnlesse the Fidler I know not; but I am sure, none, unless the fiddlerTC III.iii.303
Apollo get his sinewes to make catlings on.Apollo get his sinews to make catlings on.TC III.iii.304
Let me carry another to his Horse; for that'sLet me carry another to his horse, for that'sTC III.iii.306
the more capable creature.the more capable creature.TC III.iii.307
Would the Fountaine of your minde were cleereWould the fountain of your mind were clearTC III.iii.310
againe, that I might water an Asse at it: I had rather be aagain, that I might water an ass at it! I had rather be aTC III.iii.311
Ticke in a Sheepe, then such a valiant ignorance.tick in a sheep than such a valiant ignorance.TC III.iii.312
Why thou picture of what thou seem'st,Why, thou picture of what thou seemest,TC V.i.6
& Idoll of Ideot-worshippers, here's a Letter for thee.and idol of idiot-worshippers, here's a letter for thee.TC V.i.7
Why thou full dish of Foole, from Troy.Why, thou full dish of fool, from Troy.TC V.i.9
The Surgeons box, or the Patients wound.The surgeon's box, or the patient's wound.TC V.i.11
Prythee be silent boy, I profit not by thyPrithee, be silent, boy; I profit not by thyTC V.i.14
talke, thou art thought to be Achilles male Thou art thought to be Achilles' male varlet.TC V.i.15
Why his masculine Whore. Now the rottenWhy, his masculine whore. Now, the rottenTC V.i.17
diseases of the South, guts-griping Ruptures, Catarres,diseases of the south, guts-griping ruptures, catarrhs,TC V.i.18
Loades a grauell i'th'backe, Lethargies, cold Palsies, andloads o' gravel i'th' back, lethargies, cold palsies, andTC V.i.19
the like, take and take againe, such prepostrousthe like, take and take again such preposterousTC V.i.20
discoueries. Q addition 'rawe eies, durtrottē liuers, whissing lungs, bladders full of impostume. Sciaticaes lime-kills ith' palme, incurable bone-ach, and the riueled fee simple of the tetter take'discoveries!TC V.i.21
Do I curse thee?Do I curse thee?TC V.i.24
No? why art thou then exasperate, thou idle,No! Why art thou then exasperate, thou idleTC V.i.27
immateriall skiene of Sleyd silke; thou greene Sarcenetimmaterial skein of sleave-silk, thou green sarcenetTC V.i.28
flap for a sore eye, thou tassell of a Prodigals purseflap for a sore eye, thou tassel of a prodigal's purse,TC V.i.29
thou: Ah how the poore world is pestred with suchthou? Ah, how the poor world is pestered with suchTC V.i.30
water-flies, diminutiues of Nature.waterflies, diminutives of nature!TC V.i.31
Finch Egge.Finch-egg!TC V.i.33
With too much bloud, and too little Brain,With too much blood and too little brain,TC V.i.45
these two may run mad: but if with too much braine, andthese two may run mad; but if with too much brain andTC V.i.46
too little blood, they do, Ile be a curer of madmen.too little blood they do, I'll be a curer of madmen.TC V.i.47
Heere's Agamemnon, an honest fellow enough, andHere's Agamemnon, an honest fellow enough, andTC V.i.48
one that loues Quailes, but he has not so much Braine asone that loves quails, but he has not so much brain asTC V.i.49
eare-wax; and the goodly transformation of Iupiterear-wax; and the goodly transformation of JupiterTC V.i.50
there his Brother, the Bull, the primatiue Statue, andthere, his brother, the bull, the primitive statue andTC V.i.51
oblique memoriall of Cuckolds, a thrifty shooing-horneoblique memorial of cuckolds, a thrifty shoeing-hornTC V.i.52
in a chaine, hanging at his Brothers legge, to what formein a chain, hanging at his brother's leg – to what formTC V.i.53
but that he is, shold wit larded with malice, and malicebut that he is should wit larded with malice, and maliceTC V.i.54
forced with wit, turne him too: to an Asse were nothing;forced with wit, turn him to? To an ass were nothing;TC V.i.55
hee is both Asse and Oxe; to an Oxe were nothing, hee is bothhe is both ass and ox. To an ox were nothing; he is bothTC V.i.56
Oxe and Asse: to be a Dogge, a Mule, a Cat, a Fitchew, a Toade,ox and ass. To be a dog, a mule, a cat, a fitchew, a toad,TC V.i.57
a Lizard, an Owle, a Puttocke, or a Herring without a Roe, Ia lizard, an owl, a puttock, or a herring without a roe, I TC V.i.58
would not care: but to be Menelaus, I would conspirewould not care; but to be Menelaus I would conspireTC V.i.59
against Destiny. Aske me not what I would be, if I wereagainst destiny. Ask me not what I would be, if I wereTC V.i.60
not Thersites: for I care not to bee the lowse of a Lazar, sonot Thersites; for I care not to be the louse of a lazar soTC V.i.61
I were not Menelaus. Hoy-day, spirits and fires.I were not Menelaus. – Hoyday! Spirits and fires!TC V.i.62
Sweet draught: sweet quoth-a? sweet sinke,Sweet draught, sweet, quoth 'a! Sweet sink,TC V.i.71
sweet sure.sweet sewer!TC V.i.72
That same Diomed's a false-hearted Rogue,That same Diomed's a false-hearted rogue,TC V.i.84
a most vniust Knaue; I will no more trust him when heea most unjust knave; I will no more trust him when heTC V.i.85
leeres, then I will a Serpent when he hisses: he will leers than I will a serpent when he hisses. He willTC V.i.86
spend his mouth & promise, like Brabler thespend his mouth, and promise, like Brabbler theTC V.i.87
Hound; but when he performes, Astronomers foretell it,hound; but when he performs, astronomers foretell it,TC V.i.88
that it is prodigious, there will come some change: thethat it is prodigious, there will come some change. TheTC V.i.89
Sunne borrowes of the Moone when Diomed keepes hissun borrows of the moon when Diomed keeps hisTC V.i.90
word. I will rather leaue to see Hector, then not to doggeword. I will rather leave to see Hector than not to dogTC V.i.91
him: they say, he keepes a Troyan Drab, and vses thehim: they say he keeps a Trojan drab, and uses theTC V.i.92
Traitour Chalcas his Tent. Ile after---Nothing buttraitor Calchas his tent. I'll after. – Nothing butTC V.i.93
Letcherie? All incontinent Varlets. lechery! All incontinent varlets!TC V.i.94
And any man may finde her, if he can take herAnd any man may sing her, if he can take herTC V.ii.11
life: she's noted.clef: she's noted.TC V.ii.12
Roguery.Roguery!TC V.ii.20
A iugling tricke, to be secretly open.A juggling trick – to be secretly open.TC V.ii.25
How the diuell Luxury with his fat rumpe andHow the devil luxury, with his fat rump andTC V.ii.56
potato finger, tickles these together: frye lechery, frye.potato-finger, tickles these together! Fry, lechery, fry!TC V.ii.57
Now the pledge, now, now, now.Now the pledge; now, now, now!TC V.ii.65
Now she sharpens: well said Whetstone.Now she sharpens – well said, whetstone!TC V.ii.76
Nor I by Pluto: but that that likes not me,Nor I, by Pluto: but that that likes not youTC V.ii.105
pleases me best.Pleases me best.TC V.ii.106.1
A proofe of strength she could not publish more;A proof of strength she could not publish more,TC V.ii.115
Vnlesse she say, my minde is now turn'd whore.Unless she said ‘ My mind is now turned whore.’TC V.ii.116
Will he swagger himselfe out on's owne eyes?Will he swagger himself out on's own eyes?TC V.ii.139
Heele tickle it for his concupie.He'll tickle it for his concupy.TC V.ii.180
Would I could meete that roague Diomed, IWould I could meet that rogue Diomed! ITC V.ii.193
would croke like a Rauen: I would bode, I would bode:would croak like a raven; I would bode, I would bode.TC V.ii.194
Patroclus will giue me any thing for the intelligence ofPatroclus will give me anything for the intelligence ofTC V.ii.195
this whore: the Parrot will not doe more for an Almond,this whore; the parrot will not do more for an almondTC V.ii.196
then he for a commodious drab: Lechery, lechery, stillthan he for a commodious drab. Lechery, lechery, stillTC V.ii.197
warres and lechery, nothing else holds fashion. A burningwars and lechery; nothing else holds fashion! A burningTC V.ii.198
diuell take them.devil take them!TC V.ii.199
Now they are clapper-clawing one another,Now they are clapper-clawing one another;TC V.iv.1
Ile goe looke on: that dissembling abhominable varlet I'll go look on. That dissembling abominable varletTC V.iv.2
Diomede, has got that same scuruie, doting, foolish yongDiomed has got that same scurvy doting foolish youngTC V.iv.3
knaues Sleeue of Troy, there in his Helme: I would faineknave's sleeve of Troy there in his helm. I would fainTC V.iv.4
see them meet; that, that same yong Troian asse, thatsee them meet, that that same young Trojan ass, thatTC V.iv.5
loues the whore there, might send that Greekish loves the whore there, might send that GreekishTC V.iv.6
whore-maisterly villaine, with the Sleeue, backe to thewhoremasterly villain with the sleeve back to theTC V.iv.7
dissembling luxurious drabbe, of a sleeuelesse errant.dissembling luxurious drab of a sleeveless errand.TC V.iv.8
O'th'tother side, the pollicie of those craftie swearingO'th't' other side, the policy of those crafty-swearingTC V.iv.9
rascals; that stole old Mouse-eaten dry cheese, Nestor: rascals – that stale old mouse-eaten dry cheese, Nestor,TC V.iv.10
and that same dog-foxe Vlisses is not prou'dand that same dog-fox, Ulysses – is not provedTC V.iv.11
worth a Black-berry. They set me vp in pollicy, thatworth a blackberry. They set me up in policy thatTC V.iv.12
mungrill curre Aiax, against that dogge of as bad a kinde, mongrel cur, Ajax, against that dog of as bad a kind,TC V.iv.13
Achilles. And now is the curre Aiax prouder then the curre Achilles; and now is the cur Ajax prouder than the curTC V.iv.14
Achilles, and will not arme to day. Whereupon, the GreciansAchilles, and will not arm today; whereupon the GreciansTC V.iv.15
began to proclaime barbarisme; and pollicie growesbegin to proclaim barbarism, and policy growsTC V.iv.16
into an ill opinion.into an ill opinion.TC V.iv.17
Soft, here comes Sleeue, and th'other.Soft! Here comes sleeve, and t' other.TC V.iv.18
Hold thy whore Grecian: now for thyHold thy whore, Grecian! Now for thyTC V.iv.24
whore Troian: Now the Sleeue, now the Sleeue.whore, Trojan! Now the sleeve, now the sleeve!TC V.iv.25
No, no: I am a rascall: a scuruie railing knaue:No, no, I am a rascal, a scurvy railing knave,TC V.iv.28
a very filthy roague.a very filthy rogue.TC V.iv.29
God a mercy, that thou wilt beleeue me; butGod-a-mercy that thou wilt believe me; butTC V.iv.31
a plague breake thy necke---for frighting me: what'sa plague break thy neck – for frighting me! What'sTC V.iv.32
become of the wenching rogues? I thinke they hauebecome of the wenching rogues? I think they haveTC V.iv.33
swallowed one another. I would laugh at that miracle----swallowed one another. I would laugh at that miracle – TC V.iv.34
yet in a sort, lecherie eates it selfe: Ile seeke them.yet, in a sort, lechery eats itself. I'll seek them.TC V.iv.35
The Cuckold and the Cuckold maker are at it:The cuckold and the cuckold-maker are atTC V.vii.9
now bull, now dogge, lowe; Paris lowe; now myit. Now, bull! Now, dog! 'Loo, Paris, 'loo! Now, myTC V.vii.10
double hen'd sparrow; lowe Paris, lowe; the bulldouble-horned Spartan! 'Loo, Paris, 'loo! – The bullTC V.vii.11
has the game: ware hornes ho?has the game; 'ware horns, ho!TC V.vii.12
What art thou?What art thou?TC V.vii.14
I am a Bastard too, I loue Bastards, I am aI am a bastard too; I love bastards. I am a TC V.vii.16
Bastard begot, Bastard instructed, Bastard in minde,bastard begot, bastard instructed, bastard in mind,TC V.vii.17
Bastard in valour, in euery thing illegitimate: one Bearebastard in valour, in everything illegitimate. One bearTC V.vii.18
will not bite another, and wherefore should one Bastard?will not bite another, and wherefore should one bastard?TC V.vii.19
take heede, the quarrel's most ominous to vs: ifTake heed, the quarrel's most ominous to us – ifTC V.vii.20
the Sonne of a whore fight for a whore, he temptsthe son of a whore fight for a whore, he temptsTC V.vii.21
iudgement: farewell Bastard.judgement. Farewell, bastard.TC V.vii.22

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