Original textModern textKey line
Agamemnon:Agamemnon,TC I.iii.54.2
Thou great Commander, Nerue, and Bone of Greece,Thou great commander, nerve and bone of Greece,TC I.iii.55
Heart of our Numbers, soule, and onely spirit,Heart of our numbers, soul and only spirit,TC I.iii.56
In whom the tempers, and the mindes of allIn whom the tempers and the minds of allTC I.iii.57
Should be shut vp: Heare what Vlysses speakes,Should be shut up: hear what Ulysses speaks.TC I.iii.58
Besides the applause and approbationBesides the applause and approbationTC I.iii.59
The which most mighty for thy place and sway,The which, most mighty for thy place and swayTC I.iii.60
And thou most reuerend for thy stretcht-out life,(To Nestor) And thou most reverend for thy stretched-out life – TC I.iii.61
I giue to both your speeches: which were such,I give to both your speeches, which were suchTC I.iii.62
As Agamemnon and the hand of GreeceAs, Agamemnon, every hand of GreeceTC I.iii.63
Should hold vp high in Brasse: and such againeShould hold up high in brass; and such againTC I.iii.64
As venerable Nestor (hatch'd in Siluer)As venerable Nestor, hatched in silver,TC I.iii.65
Should with a bond of ayre, strong as the AxletreeShould with a bond of air, strong as the axle-treeTC I.iii.66
In which the Heauens ride, knit all Greekes earesOn which the heavens ride, knit all Greeks' earsTC I.iii.67
To his experienc'd tongue: yet let it please bothTo his experienced tongue – yet let it please both,TC I.iii.68
(Thou Great, and Wise) to heare Vlysses speake.Thou great, and wise, to hear Ulysses speak.TC I.iii.69
Troy yet vpon his basis had bene downe,Troy, yet upon his basis, had been down,TC I.iii.75
And the great Hectors sword had lack'd a MasterAnd the great Hector's sword had lacked a master,TC I.iii.76
But for these instances.But for these instances:TC I.iii.77
The specialty of Rule hath beene neglected;The specialty of rule hath been neglected,TC I.iii.78
And looke how many Grecian Tents do standAnd look how many Grecian tents do standTC I.iii.79
Hollow vpon this Plaine, so many hollow Factions.Hollow upon this plain, so many hollow factions.TC I.iii.80
When that the Generall is not like the Hiue,When that the general is not like the hiveTC I.iii.81
To whom the Forragers shall all repaire,To whom the foragers shall all repair,TC I.iii.82
What Hony is expected? Degree being vizarded,What honey is expected? Degree being vizarded,TC I.iii.83
Th'vnworthiest shewes as fairely in the Maske.Th' unworthiest shows as fairly in the mask.TC I.iii.84
The Heauens themselues, the Planets, and this Center,The heavens themselves, the planets, and this centreTC I.iii.85
Obserue degree, priority, and place,Observe degree, priority, and place,TC I.iii.86
Insisture, course, proportion, season, forme,Insisture, course, proportion, season, form,TC I.iii.87
Office, and custome, in all line of Order:Office, and custom, in all line of order.TC I.iii.88
And therefore is the glorious Planet SolAnd therefore is the glorious planet SolTC I.iii.89
In noble eminence, enthron'd and sphear'dIn noble eminence enthroned and spheredTC I.iii.90
Amid'st the other, whose med'cinable eyeAmidst the other; whose med'cinable eyeTC I.iii.91
Corrects the ill Aspects of Planets euill,Corrects the ill aspects of planets evil,TC I.iii.92
And postes like the Command'ment of a King,And posts like the commandment of a king,TC I.iii.93
Sans checke, to good and bad. But when the PlanetsSans check, to good and bad. But when the planetsTC I.iii.94
In euill mixture to disorder wander,In evil mixture to disorder wander,TC I.iii.95
What Plagues, and what portents, what mutiny?What plagues and what portents, what mutiny,TC I.iii.96
What raging of the Sea? shaking of Earth?What raging of the sea, shaking of earth,TC I.iii.97
Commotion in the Windes? Frights, changes, horrors,Commotion in the winds, frights, changes, horrors,TC I.iii.98
Diuert, and cracke, rend and deracinateDivert and crack, rend and deracinateTC I.iii.99
The vnity, and married calme of StatesThe unity and married calm of statesTC I.iii.100
Quite from their fixure? O, when Degree is shak'd,Quite from their fixure! O, when degree is shaked,TC I.iii.101
(Which is the Ladder to all high designes)Which is the ladder to all high designs,TC I.iii.102
The enterprize is sicke. How could Communities,Then enterprise is sick. How could communities,TC I.iii.103
Degrees in Schooles, and Brother-hoods in Cities,Degrees in schools, and brotherhoods in cities,TC I.iii.104
Peacefull Commerce from diuidable shores,Peaceful commerce from dividable shores,TC I.iii.105
The primogenitiue, and due of Byrth,The primogenitive and due of birth,TC I.iii.106
Prerogatiue of Age, Crownes, Scepters, Lawrels,Prerogative of age, crowns, sceptres, laurels,TC I.iii.107
(But by Degree) stand in Authentique place?But by degree, stand in authentic place?TC I.iii.108
Take but Degree away, vn-tune that string,Take but degree away, untune that string,TC I.iii.109
And hearke what Discord followes: each thing meetesAnd hark what discord follows! Each thing meetsTC I.iii.110
In meere oppugnancie. The bounded Waters,In mere oppugnancy: the bounded watersTC I.iii.111
Should lift their bosomes higher then the Shores,Should lift their bosoms higher than the shores,TC I.iii.112
And make a soppe of all this solid Globe:And make a sop of all this solid globe;TC I.iii.113
Strength should be Lord of imbecility,Strength should be lord of imbecility,TC I.iii.114
And the rude Sonne should strike his Father dead:And the rude son should strike his father dead;TC I.iii.115
Force should be right, or rather, right and wrong,Force should be right, or, rather, right and wrong – TC I.iii.116
(Betweene whose endlesse iarre, Iustice recides)Between whose endless jar justice resides – TC I.iii.117
Should loose her names, and so should Iustice too.Should lose their names, and so should justice too.TC I.iii.118
Then euery thing includes it selfe in Power,Then everything includes itself in power,TC I.iii.119
Power into Will, Will into Appetite,Power into will, will into appetite;TC I.iii.120
And Appetite (an vniuersall Wolfe,And appetite, an universal wolf,TC I.iii.121
So doubly seconded with Will, and Power)So doubly seconded with will and power,TC I.iii.122
Must make perforce an vniuersall prey,Must make perforce an universal prey,TC I.iii.123
And last, eate vp himselfe. / Great Agamemnon:And last eat up himself. Great Agamemnon,TC I.iii.124
This Chaos, when Degree is suffocate,This chaos, when degree is suffocate,TC I.iii.125
Followes the choaking:Follows the choking;TC I.iii.126
And this neglection of Degree, is itAnd this neglection of degree it isTC I.iii.127
That by a pace goes backward in a purposeThat by a pace goes backward in a purposeTC I.iii.128
It hath to climbe. The Generall's disdain'dIt hath to climb. The general's disdainedTC I.iii.129
By him one step below; he, by the next,By him one step below, he by the next,TC I.iii.130
That next, by him beneath: so euery stepThat next by him beneath: so every step,TC I.iii.131
Exampled by the first pace that is sickeExampled by the first pace that is sickTC I.iii.132
Of his Superiour, growes to an enuious FeauerOf his superior, grows to an envious feverTC I.iii.133
Of pale, and bloodlesse Emulation.Of pale and bloodless emulation,TC I.iii.134
And 'tis this Feauer that keepes Troy on foote,And 'tis this fever that keeps Troy on foot,TC I.iii.135
Not her owne sinewes. To end a tale of length,Not her own sinews. To end a tale of length,TC I.iii.136
Troy in our weaknesse liues, not in her strength.Troy in our weakness lives, not in her strength.TC I.iii.137
The great Achilles, whom Opinion crownes,The great Achilles, whom opinion crownsTC I.iii.142
The sinew, and the fore-hand of our Hoste,The sinew and the forehand of our host,TC I.iii.143
Hauing his eare full of his ayery Fame,Having his ear full of his airy fame,TC I.iii.144
Growes dainty of his worth, and in his TentGrows dainty of his worth, and in his tentTC I.iii.145
Lyes mocking our designes. With him, Patroclus,Lies mocking our designs. With him Patroclus,TC I.iii.146
Vpon a lazie Bed, the liue-long dayUpon a lazy bed, the livelong dayTC I.iii.147
Breakes scurrill Iests,Breaks scurril jests,TC I.iii.148
And with ridiculous and aukward action,And with ridiculous and awkward action – TC I.iii.149
(Which Slanderer, he imitation call's)Which, slanderer, he imitation calls – TC I.iii.150
He Pageants vs. Sometime great Agamemnon,He pageants us. Sometime, great Agamemnon,TC I.iii.151
Thy toplesse deputation he puts on;Thy topless deputation he puts on,TC I.iii.152
And like a strutting Player, whose conceitAnd, like a strutting player whose conceitTC I.iii.153
Lies in his Ham-string, and doth thinke it richLies in his hamstring, and doth think it richTC I.iii.154
To heare the woodden Dialogue and soundTo hear the wooden dialogue and soundTC I.iii.155
'Twixt his stretcht footing, and the Scaffolage,'Twixt his stretched footing and the scaffoldage,TC I.iii.156
Such to be pittied, and ore-rested seemingSuch to-be-pitied and o'erwrested seemingTC I.iii.157
He acts thy Greatnesse in: and when he speakes,He acts thy greatness in; and when he speaks,TC I.iii.158
'Tis like a Chime a mending. With tearmes vnsquar'd,'Tis like a chime a-mending, with terms unsquaredTC I.iii.159
Which from the tongue of roaring Typhon dropt,Which, from the tongue of roaring Typhon dropped,TC I.iii.160
Would seemes Hyperboles. At this fusty stuffe,Would seem hyperboles. At this fusty stuffTC I.iii.161
The large Achilles (on his prest-bed lolling)The large Achilles, on his pressed bed lolling,TC I.iii.162
From his deepe Chest, laughes out a lowd applause,From his deep chest laughs out a loud applause,TC I.iii.163
Cries excellent, 'tis Agamemnon iust.Cries ‘ Excellent! 'Tis Agamemnon just.TC I.iii.164
Now play me Nestor; hum, and stroke thy BeardNow play me Nestor; hum, and stroke thy beard,TC I.iii.165
As he, being drest to some Oration:As he being dressed to some oration.’TC I.iii.166
That's done, as neere as the extreamest endsThat's done, as near as the extremest endsTC I.iii.167
Of paralels; as like, as Vulcan and his wife,Of parallels, as like as Vulcan and his wife;TC I.iii.168
Yet god Achilles still cries excellent,Yet god Achilles still cries ‘ Excellent!TC I.iii.169
'Tis Nestor right. Now play him (me) Patroclus,'Tis Nestor right. Now play him me, Patroclus,TC I.iii.170
Arming to answer in a night-Alarme,Arming to answer in a night-alarm.’TC I.iii.171
And then (forsooth) the faint defects of AgeAnd then, forsooth, the faint defects of ageTC I.iii.172
Must be the Scene of myrth, to cough, and spit,Must be the scene of mirth; to cough and spit,TC I.iii.173
And with a palsie fumbling on his Gorget,And with a palsy fumbling on his gorgetTC I.iii.174
Shake in and out the Riuet: and at this sportShake in and out the rivet – and at this sportTC I.iii.175
Sir Valour dies; cries, O enough Patroclus,Sir Valour dies; cries ‘ O, enough, Patroclus,TC I.iii.176
Or, giue me ribs of Steele, I shall split allOr give me ribs of steel; I shall split allTC I.iii.177
In pleasure of my Spleene. And in this fashion,In pleasure of my spleen.’ And in this fashion,TC I.iii.178
All our abilities, gifts, natures, shapes,All our abilities, gifts, natures, shapes,TC I.iii.179
Seuerals and generals of grace exact,Severals and generals of grace exact,TC I.iii.180
Atchieuments, plots, orders, preuentions,Achievements, plots, orders, preventions,TC I.iii.181
Excitements to the field, or speech for truce,Excitements to the field, or speech for truce,TC I.iii.182
Successe or losse, what is, or is not, seruesSuccess or loss, what is or is not, servesTC I.iii.183
As stuffe for these two, to make paradoxes.As stuff for these two to make paradoxes.TC I.iii.184
They taxe our policy, and call it Cowardice,They tax our policy, and call it cowardice,TC I.iii.197
Count Wisedome as no member of the Warre,Count wisdom as no member of the war;TC I.iii.198
Fore-stall prescience, and esteeme no acteForestall prescience, and esteem no actTC I.iii.199
But that of hand: The still and mentall parts,But that of hand; the still and mental parts,TC I.iii.200
That do contriue how many hands shall strikeThat do contrive how many hands shall strike,TC I.iii.201
When fitnesse call them on, and know by measureWhen fitness calls them on, and know by measureTC I.iii.202
Of their obseruant toyle, the Enemies waight,Of their observant toil the enemies' weight – TC I.iii.203
Why this hath not a fingers dignity:Why, this hath not a finger's dignity.TC I.iii.204
They call this Bed-worke, Mapp'ry, Closset-Warre:They call this bed-work, mappery, closet-war;TC I.iii.205
So that the Ramme that batters downe the wall,So that the ram that batters down the wall,TC I.iii.206
For the great swing and rudenesse of his poize,For the great swing and rudeness of his poise,TC I.iii.207
They place before his hand that made the Engine,They place before his hand that made the engine,TC I.iii.208
Or those that with the finenesse of their soules,Or those that with the fineness of their soulsTC I.iii.209
By Reason guide his execution.By reason guide his execution.TC I.iii.210
Amen.Amen.TC I.iii.303
Nestor.Nestor – TC I.iii.310
I haue a young conception in my braine,I have a young conception in my brain;TC I.iii.312
Be you my time to bring it to some shape.Be you my time to bring it to some shape.TC I.iii.313
This 'tis:This 'tis:TC I.iii.315
Blunt wedges riue hard knots: the seeded PrideBlunt wedges rive hard knots; the seeded prideTC I.iii.316
That hath to this maturity blowne vpThat hath to this maturity blown upTC I.iii.317
In ranke Achilles, must or now be cropt,In rank Achilles must or now be croppedTC I.iii.318
Or shedding breed a Nursery of like euilOr, shedding, breed a nursery of like evilTC I.iii.319
To ouer-bulke vs all.To overbulk us all.TC I.iii.320.1
This challenge that the gallant Hector sends,This challenge that the gallant Hector sends,TC I.iii.321
How euer it is spred in general name,However it is spread in general name,TC I.iii.322
Relates in purpose onely to Achilles.Relates in purpose only to Achilles.TC I.iii.323
And wake him to the answer, thinke you?And wake him to the answer, think you?TC I.iii.332.1
Giue pardon to my speech:Give pardon to my speech:TC I.iii.357
Therefore 'tis meet, Achilles meet not Hector:Therefore 'tis meet Achilles meet not Hector.TC I.iii.358
Let vs (like Merchants) shew our fowlest Wares,Let us, like merchants, show our foulest wares,TC I.iii.359
And thinke perchance they'l sell: If not,And think perchance they'll sell; if not,TC I.iii.360
The luster of the better yet to shew,The lustre of the better yet to showTC I.iii.361
Shall shew the better. Do not consent,Shall show the better. Do not consentTC I.iii.362
That euer Hector and Achilles meete:That ever Hector and Achilles meet,TC I.iii.363
For both our Honour, and our Shame in this,For both our honour and our shame in thisTC I.iii.364
Are dogg'd with two strange Followers.Are dogged with two strange followers.TC I.iii.365
What glory our Achilles shares from Hector,What glory our Achilles shares from Hector,TC I.iii.367
(Were he not proud) we all should weare with him:Were he not proud, we all should wear with him.TC I.iii.368
But he already is too insolent,But he already is too insolent;TC I.iii.369
And we were better parch in Affricke Sunne,And we were better parch in Afric sunTC I.iii.370
Then in the pride and salt scorne of his eyesThan in the pride and salt scorn of his eyesTC I.iii.371
Should he scape Hector faire. If he were foyld,Should he 'scape Hector fair. If he were foiled,TC I.iii.372
Why then we did our maine opinion crushWhy then we did our main opinion crushTC I.iii.373
In taint of our best man. No, make a Lott'ry,In taint of our best man. No, make a lottery,TC I.iii.374
And by deuice let blockish Aiax drawAnd by device let blockish Ajax drawTC I.iii.375
The sort to fight with Hector: Among our selues,The sort to fight with Hector; among ourselvesTC I.iii.376
Giue him allowance as the worthier man,Give him allowance as the worthier man;TC I.iii.377
For that will physicke the great MyrmidonFor that will physic the great Myrmidon,TC I.iii.378
Who broyles in lowd applause, and make him fallWho broils in loud applause, and make him fallTC I.iii.379
His Crest, that prouder then blew Iris bends.His crest that prouder than blue Iris bends.TC I.iii.380
If the dull brainlesse Aiax come safe off,If the dull brainless Ajax come safe off,TC I.iii.381
Wee'l dresse him vp in voyces: if he faile,We'll dress him up in voices; if he fail,TC I.iii.382
Yet go we vnder our opinion still,Yet go we under our opinion stillTC I.iii.383
That we haue better men. But hit or misse,That we have better men. But, hit or miss,TC I.iii.384
Our proiects life this shape of sence assumes,Our project's life this shape of sense assumes:TC I.iii.385
Aiax imploy'd, pluckes downe Achilles Plumes.Ajax employed plucks down Achilles' plumes.TC I.iii.386
We saw him at the opening of his Tent,We saw him at the opening of his tent:TC II.iii.84
He is not sicke.He is not sick.TC II.iii.85
Achillis hath inueigled his Foole from him.Achilles hath inveigled his fool from him.TC II.iii.91
He.He.TC II.iii.93
No, you see he is his argument that has hisNo. You see, he is his argument that has hisTC II.iii.96
argument Achilles.argument – Achilles.TC II.iii.97
The amitie that wisedome knits, not folly mayThe amity that wisdom knits not, folly mayTC II.iii.101
easily vntie. Here comes Patroclus.easily untie – here comes Patroclus.TC II.iii.102
The Elephant hath ioynts, but none for curtesie:The elephant hath joints, but none for courtesy;TC II.iii.104
His legge are legs for necessitie, not for flight.his legs are legs for necessity, not for flexure.TC II.iii.105
Achilles will not to the field to morrow.Achilles will not to the field tomorrow.TC II.iii.160
He doth relye on none,He doth rely on none,TC II.iii.161.2
But carries on the streame of his dispose,But carries on the stream of his dispose,TC II.iii.162
Without obseruance or respect of any,Without observance or respect of any,TC II.iii.163
In will peculiar, and in selfe admission.In will peculiar and in self-admission.TC II.iii.164
Things small as nothing, for requests sake onelyThings small as nothing, for request's sake only,TC II.iii.167
He makes important; possest he is with greatnesse,He makes important. Possessed he is with greatness,TC II.iii.168
And speakes not to himselfe, but with a prideAnd speaks not to himself but with a prideTC II.iii.169
That quarrels at selfe-breath. Imagin'd wrothThat quarrels at self-breath. Imagined worthTC II.iii.170
Holds in his bloud such swolne and hot discourse,Holds in his blood such swollen and hot discourseTC II.iii.171
That twixt his mentall and his actiue parts,That 'twixt his mental and his active partsTC II.iii.172
Kingdom'd Achilles in commotion rages,Kingdomed Achilles in commotion rages,TC II.iii.173
And batters gainst it selfe; what should I say?And batters down himself. What should I say?TC II.iii.174
He is so plaguy proud, that the death tokens of it,He is so plaguy proud that the death-tokens of itTC II.iii.175
Cry no recouery.Cry ‘ No recovery.’TC II.iii.176.1
O Agamemnon, let it not be so.O Agamemnon, let it not be so!TC II.iii.180
Weele consecrate the steps that Aiax makes,We'll consecrate the steps that Ajax makesTC II.iii.181
When they goe from Achilles; shall the proud Lord,When they go from Achilles. Shall the proud lord,TC II.iii.182
That bastes his arrogance with his owne seame,That bastes his arrogance with his own seam,TC II.iii.183
And neuer suffers matter of the world,And never suffers matter of the worldTC II.iii.184
Enter his thoughts: saue such as doe reuolueEnter his thoughts, save such as do revolveTC II.iii.185
And ruminate himselfe. Shall he be worshipt,And ruminate himself – shall he be worshippedTC II.iii.186
Of that we hold an Idoll, more then hee?Of that we hold an idol more than he?TC II.iii.187
No, this thrice worthy and right valiant Lord,No; this thrice-worthy and right valiant lordTC II.iii.188
Must not so staule his Palme, nobly acquir'd,Must not so stale his palm, nobly acquired,TC II.iii.189
Nor by my will assubiugate his merit,Nor, by my will, assubjugate his merit – TC II.iii.190
As amply titled as Achilles is:As amply titled as Achilles' is – TC II.iii.191
by going to Achilles,By going to Achilles:TC II.iii.192
That were to enlard his fat already, pride,That were to enlard his fat-already pride,TC II.iii.193
And adde more Coles to Cancer, when he burnesAnd add more coals to Cancer when he burnsTC II.iii.194
With entertaining great Hiperion.With entertaining great Hyperion.TC II.iii.195
This L. goe to him? Iupiter forbid,This lord go to him? Jupiter forbid,TC II.iii.196
And say in thunder, Achilles goe to him.And say in thunder: ‘ Achilles go to him.’TC II.iii.197
Not for the worth that hangs vpon our quarrel.Not for the worth that hangs upon our quarrel.TC II.iii.205
The Rauen chides blacknesse.The raven chides blackness.TC II.iii.209
Wit would be out of fashion.Wit would be out of fashion.TC II.iii.214
A would haue ten shares.'A would have ten shares.TC II.iii.218
My L. you feede too much on this dislike.My lord, you feed too much on this dislike.TC II.iii.222
Why, 'tis this naming of him doth him harme.Why, 'tis this naming of him does him harm.TC II.iii.225
Here is a man, but 'tis before his face,Here is a man – but 'tis before his face;TC II.iii.226
I will be silent.I will be silent.TC II.iii.227.1
'Know the whole world, he is as valiant.Know the whole world, he is as valiant.TC II.iii.229
If he were proud.If he were proud – TC II.iii.233
I, or surley borne.Ay, or surly borneTC II.iii.235
Thank the heauens L. thou art of sweet composure;Thank the heavens, lord, thou art of sweet composure;TC II.iii.237
Praise him that got thee, she that gaue thee sucke:Praise him that got thee, she that gave thee suck.TC II.iii.238
Fame be thy Tutor, and thy parts of natureFamed be thy tutor, and thy parts of natureTC II.iii.239
Thrice fam'd beyond, beyond all erudition;Thrice-famed beyond, beyond all erudition;TC II.iii.240
But he that disciplin'd thy armes to fight,But he that disciplined thine arms to fight,TC II.iii.241
Let Mars deuide Eternity in twaine,Let Mars divide eternity in twain,TC II.iii.242
And giue him halfe, and for thy vigour,And give him half; and for thy vigour,TC II.iii.243
Bull-bearing Milo: his addition yeeldeBull-bearing Milo his addition yieldTC II.iii.244
To sinnowie Aiax: I will not praise thy wisdome,To sinewy Ajax. I will not praise thy wisdom,TC II.iii.245
Which like a bourne, a pale, a shore confinesWhich, like a bourn, a pale, a shore, confinesTC II.iii.246
Thy spacious and dilated parts; here's NestorThy spacious and dilated parts. Here's Nestor,TC II.iii.247
Instructed by the Antiquary times:Instructed by the antiquary times;TC II.iii.248
He must, he is, he cannot but be wise.He must, he is, he cannot but be wise – TC II.iii.249
But pardon Father Nestor, were your dayesPut pardon, father Nestor, were your daysTC II.iii.250
As greene as Aiax, and your braine so temper'd,As green as Ajax', and your brain so tempered,TC II.iii.251
You should not haue the eminence of him,You should not have the eminence of him,TC II.iii.252
But be as Aiax.But be as Ajax.TC II.iii.253.1
There is no tarrying here, the Hart AchillesThere is no tarrying here; the hart AchillesTC II.iii.255
Keepes thicket: please it our Generall,Keeps thicket. Please it our great generalTC II.iii.256
To call together all his state of warre,To call together all his state of war;TC II.iii.257
Fresh Kings are come to Troy; to morrowFresh kings are come to Troy. TomorrowTC II.iii.258
We must with all our maine of power stand fast:We must with all our main of power stand fast,TC II.iii.259
And here's a Lord, come Knights from East to West,And here's a lord – come knights from east to west,TC II.iii.260
And cull their flowre, Aiax shall cope the best.And cull their flower, Ajax shall cope the best.TC II.iii.261
Achilles stands i'th entrance of his Tent;Achilles stands i'th' entrance of his tent.TC III.iii.38
Please it our Generall to passe strangely by him,Please it our general to pass strangely by him,TC III.iii.39
As if he were forgot: and Princes all,As if he were forgot; and, princes all,TC III.iii.40
Lay negligent and loose regard vpon him;Lay negligent and loose regard upon him.TC III.iii.41
I will come last, 'tis like heele question me,I will come last – 'tis like he'll question meTC III.iii.42
Why such vnplausiue eyes are bent? why turn'd on him?Why such unplausive eyes are bent, why turned on him;TC III.iii.43
If so, I haue derision medicinable,If so, I have derision medicinableTC III.iii.44
To vse betweene your strangenesse and his pride,To use between your strangeness and his pride,TC III.iii.45
Which his owne will shall haue desire to drinke;Which his own will shall have desire to drink.TC III.iii.46
It may doe good, pride hath no other glasseIt may do good: pride hath no other glassTC III.iii.47
To show it selfe, but pride: for supple knees,To show itself but pride; for supple kneesTC III.iii.48
Feede arrogance, and are the proud mans fees.Feed arrogance, and are the proud man's fees.TC III.iii.49
Now great Thetis Sonne.Now, great Thetis' son.TC III.iii.94.2
A strange fellow hereA strange fellow hereTC III.iii.95.2
Writes me, that man, how dearely euer parted,Writes me that man – how dearly ever parted,TC III.iii.96
How much in hauing, or without, or in,How much in having, or without or in – TC III.iii.97
Cannot make boast to haue that which he hath;Cannot make boast to have that which he hath,TC III.iii.98
Nor feeles not what he owes, but by reflection:Nor feels not what he owes, but by reflection;TC III.iii.99
As when his vertues shining vpon others,As when his virtues shining upon othersTC III.iii.100
Heate them, and they retort that heate againeHeat them, and they retort that heat againTC III.iii.101
To the first giuer.To the first giver.TC III.iii.102.1
I doe not straine it at the position,I do not strain at the positionTC III.iii.112
It is familiar; but at the Authors drift,It is familiar – but at the author's drift,TC III.iii.113
Who in his circumstance, expresly prouesWho in his circumstance expressly provesTC III.iii.114
That no may is the Lord of any thing,That no man is the lord of any thing,TC III.iii.115
(Though in and of him there is much consisting,)Though in and of him there is much consisting,TC III.iii.116
Till he communicate his parts to others:Till he communicate his parts to others;TC III.iii.117
Nor doth he of himselfe know them for ought,Nor doth he of himself know them for aughtTC III.iii.118
Till he behold them formed in th'applause,Till he behold them formed in th' applauseTC III.iii.119
Where they are extended: who like an arch reuerb'rateWhere they're extended; who like an arch reverb'rateTC III.iii.120
The voyce againe; or like a gate of steele,The voice again; or, like a gate of steelTC III.iii.121
Fronting the Sunne, receiues and renders backeFronting the sun, receives and renders backTC III.iii.122
His figure, and his heate. I was much rapt in this,His figure and his heat. I was much rapt in this,TC III.iii.123
And apprehended here immediately:And apprehended here immediatelyTC III.iii.124
The vnknowne Aiax; / Heauens what a man is there?The unknown Ajax. Heavens, what a man is there!TC III.iii.125
a very Horse, / That has he knowes not what.A very horse, that has he knows not what!TC III.iii.126
Nature, what things there are.Nature, what things there areTC III.iii.127
Most abiect in regard, and deare in vse.Most abject in regard, and dear in use!TC III.iii.128
What things againe most deere in the esteeme,What things again most dear in the esteem,TC III.iii.129
And poore in worth: now shall we see to morrow,And poor in worth! Now shall we see tomorrow – TC III.iii.130
An act that very chance doth throw vpon him?An act that very chance doth throw upon him – TC III.iii.131
Aiax renown'd? O heauens, what some men doe,Ajax renowned. O heavens, what some men do,TC III.iii.132
While some men leaue to doe!While some men leave to do!TC III.iii.133
How some men creepe in skittish fortunes hall,How some men creep in skittish Fortune's hall,TC III.iii.134
Whiles others play the Ideots in her eyes:Whiles others play the idiots in her eyes!TC III.iii.135
How one man eates into anothers pride,How one man eats into another's pride,TC III.iii.136
While pride is feasting in his wantonnesseWhile pride is fasting in his wantonness!TC III.iii.137
To see these Grecian Lords; why, euen already,To see these Grecian lords! – Why, even alreadyTC III.iii.138
They clap the lubber Aiax on the shoulder,They clap the lubber Ajax on the shoulder,TC III.iii.139
As if his foote were on braue Hectors brest,As if his foot were on brave Hector's breast,TC III.iii.140
And great Troy shrinking.And great Troy shrinking.TC III.iii.141
Time hath (my Lord) a wallet at his backe,Time hath, my lord, a wallet at his back,TC III.iii.145
Wherein he puts almes for obliuion:Wherein he puts alms for oblivion,TC III.iii.146
A great siz'd monster of ingratitudes:A great-sized monster of ingratitudes:TC III.iii.147
Those scraps are good deedes past, / Which are deuour'dThose scraps are good deeds past, which are devouredTC III.iii.148
as fast as they are made, / Forgot as sooneAs fast as they are made, forgot as soonTC III.iii.149
as done: perseuerance, deere my Lord,As done. Perseverance, dear my lord,TC III.iii.150
Keepes honor bright, to haue done, is to hangKeeps honour bright: to have done is to hangTC III.iii.151
Quite out of fashion, like a rustie male,Quite out of fashion, like a rusty mailTC III.iii.152
In monumentall mockrie: take the instant way,In monumental mockery. Take the instant way;TC III.iii.153
For honour trauels in a straight so narrow,For honour travels in a strait so narrow,TC III.iii.154
Where one but goes a breast, keepe then the path:Where one but goes abreast. Keep then the path,TC III.iii.155
For emulation hath a thousand Sonnes,For emulation hath a thousand sons,TC III.iii.156
That one by one pursue; if you giue way,That one by one pursue; if you give way,TC III.iii.157
Or hedge aside from the direct forth right;Or hedge aside from the direct forthright,TC III.iii.158
Like to an entred Tyde, they all rush by,Like to an entered tide, they all rush byTC III.iii.159
And leaue you hindmost:And leave you hindmost;TC III.iii.160
Or like a gallant Horse falne in first ranke,Or, like a gallant horse fallen in first rank,TC III.iii.161
Lye there for pauement to the abiect, neereLie there for pavement to the abject rear,TC III.iii.162
Ore-run and trampled on: then what they doe in present,O'errun and trampled on. Then what they do in present,TC III.iii.163
Though lesse then yours in past, must ore-top yours:Though less than yours in past, must o'ertop yours;TC III.iii.164
For time is like a fashionable Hoste,For time is like a fashionable host,TC III.iii.165
That slightly shakes his parting Guest by th'hand;That slightly shakes his parting guest by th' hand,TC III.iii.166
And with his armes out-stretcht, as he would flye,And with his arms outstretched, as he would fly,TC III.iii.167
Graspes in the commer: the welcome euer smiles,Grasps in the comer: the welcome ever smiles,TC III.iii.168
And farewels goes out sighing: O let not vertue seekeAnd farewell goes out sighing. O, let not virtue seekTC III.iii.169
Remuneration for the thing it was:Remuneration for the thing it was;TC III.iii.170
for beautie, wit,For beauty, wit,TC III.iii.171
High birth, vigor of bone, desert in seruice,High birth, vigour of bone, desert in service,TC III.iii.172
Loue, friendship, charity, are subiects allLove, friendship, charity, are subjects allTC III.iii.173
To enuious and calumniating time:To envious and calumniating time.TC III.iii.174
One touch of nature makes the whole world kin:One touch of nature makes the whole world kin,TC III.iii.175
That all with one consent praise new borne gaudes,That all, with one consent, praise new-born gauds,TC III.iii.176
Though they are made and moulded of things past,Though they are made and moulded of things past,TC III.iii.177
And goe to dust, that is a little guilt,And give to dust that is a little giltTC III.iii.178
More laud then guilt oredusted.More laud than gilt o'erdusted.TC III.iii.179
The present eye praises the pres nt obiect:The present eye praises the present object:TC III.iii.180
Then maruell not thou great and compleat man,Then marvel not, thou great and complete man,TC III.iii.181
That all the Greekes begin to worship Aiax;That all the Greeks begin to worship Ajax,TC III.iii.182
Since things in motion begin to catch the eye,Since things in motion sooner catch the eyeTC III.iii.183
Then what not stirs: the cry went out on thee,Than what stirs not. The cry went once on thee,TC III.iii.184
And still it might, and yet it may againe,And still it might, and yet it may again,TC III.iii.185
If thou would'st not entombe thy selfe aliue,If thou wouldst not entomb thyself alive,TC III.iii.186
And case thy reputation in thy Tent;And case thy reputation in thy tent;TC III.iii.187
Whose glorious deedes, but in these fields of late,Whose glorious deeds but in these fields of lateTC III.iii.188
Made emulous missions 'mongst the gods themselues,Made emulous missions 'mongst the gods themselves,TC III.iii.189
And draue great Mars to faction.And drave great Mars to faction.TC III.iii.190.1
But 'gainst your priuacieBut 'gainst your privacyTC III.iii.191.2
The reasons are more potent and heroycall:The reasons are more potent and heroical.TC III.iii.192
'Tis knowne Achilles, that you are in loue'Tis known, Achilles, that you are in loveTC III.iii.193
With one of Priams daughters.With one of Priam's daughters – TC III.iii.194.1
Is that a wonder?Is that a wonder?TC III.iii.195
The prouidence that's in a watchfull State,The providence that's in a watchful stateTC III.iii.196
Knowes almost euery graine of Plutoes gold;Knows almost every grain of Pluto's gold,TC III.iii.197
Findes bottome in th'vncomprehensiue deepes;Finds bottom in th' uncomprehensive deeps,TC III.iii.198
Keepes place with thought; and almost like the gods,Keeps place with thought, and almost, like the gods,TC III.iii.199
Doe thoughts vnuaile in their dumbe cradles:Does thoughts unveil in their dumb cradles.TC III.iii.200
There is a mysterie (with whom relationThere is a mystery – with whom relationTC III.iii.201
Durst neuer meddle) in the soule of State;Durst never meddle – in the soul of state,TC III.iii.202
Which hath an operation more diuine,Which hath an operation more divineTC III.iii.203
Then breath or pen can giue expressure to:Than breath or pen can give expressure to.TC III.iii.204
All the commerse that you haue had with Troy,All the commerce that you have had with TroyTC III.iii.205
As perfectly is ours, as yours, my Lord.As perfectly is ours as yours, my lord;TC III.iii.206
And better would it fit Achilles much,And better would it fit Achilles muchTC III.iii.207
To throw downe Hector then Polixena.To throw down Hector than Polyxena.TC III.iii.208
But it must grieue yong Pirhus now at home,But it must grieve young Pyrrhus now at home,TC III.iii.209
When fame shall in her Iland sound her trumpe;When fame shall in our islands sound her trump,TC III.iii.210
And all the Greekish Girles shall tripping sing,And all the Greekish girls shall tripping sing:TC III.iii.211
Great Hectors sister did Achilles winne;‘ Great Hector's sister did Achilles win,TC III.iii.212
But our great Aiax brauely beate downe him.But our great Ajax bravely beat down him.’TC III.iii.213
Farewell my Lord: I as your louer speake;Farewell, my lord: I as your lover speak;TC III.iii.214
The foole slides ore the Ice that you should breake.The fool slides o'er the ice that you should break.TC III.iii.215
No Trumpet answers.No trumpet answers.TC IV.v.12.1
'Tis he, I ken the manner of his gate,'Tis he; I ken the manner of his gait.TC IV.v.14
He rises on the toe: that spirit of hisHe rises on the toe; that spirit of hisTC IV.v.15
In aspiration lifts him from the earth.In aspiration lifts him from the earth.TC IV.v.16
Yet is the kindenesse but particular;Yet is the kindness but particular;TC IV.v.20
'twere better she were kist in generall.'Twere better she were kissed in general.TC IV.v.21
Oh deadly gall, and theame of all our scornes,O deadly gall, and theme of all our scorns,TC IV.v.30
For which we loose our heads, to gild his hornes.For which we lose our heads to gild his horns.TC IV.v.31
It were no match, your naile against his horne:It were no match, your nail against his horn.TC IV.v.46
May I sweete Lady beg a kisse of you?May I, sweet lady, beg a kiss of you?TC IV.v.47
I doe desire it.I do desire it.TC IV.v.48.2
Why then for Venus sake, giue me a kisse:Why then, for Venus' sake, give me a kiss – TC IV.v.49
When Hellen is a maide againe, and his---When Helen is a maid again, and his.TC IV.v.50
Neuer's my day, and then a kisse of you.Never's my day, and then a kiss of you.TC IV.v.52
Fie, fie, vpon her:Fie, fie upon her!TC IV.v.54.2
Ther's a language in her eye, her cheeke, her lip;There's a language in her eye, her cheek, her lip,TC IV.v.55
Nay, her foote speakes, her wanton spirites looke outNay, her foot speaks; her wanton spirits look outTC IV.v.56
At euery ioynt, and motiue of her body:At every joint and motive of her body.TC IV.v.57
Oh these encounterers so glib of tongue,O, these encounterers, so glib of tongue,TC IV.v.58
That giue a coasting welcome ete it comes;That give accosting welcome ere it comes,TC IV.v.59
And wide vnclaspe the tables of their thoughts,And wide unclasp the tables of their thoughtsTC IV.v.60
To euery tickling reader: set them downe,To every tickling reader! Set them downTC IV.v.61
For sluttish spoyles of opportunitie;For sluttish spoils of opportunityTC IV.v.62
And daughters of the game. Exennt.And daughters of the game.TC IV.v.63
All. ALL
The Troians Trumpet.The Trojan's trumpet.TC IV.v.64.1
They are oppos'd already.They are opposed already.TC IV.v.94
The yongest Sonne of Priam; / A true Knight; they call him Troylus;The youngest son of Priam, a true knight,TC IV.v.96
Not yet mature, yet matchlesse, firme of word,Not yet mature, yet matchless; firm of word,TC IV.v.97
Speaking in deedes, and deedelesse in his tongue;Speaking in deeds, and deedless in his tongue;TC IV.v.98
Not soone prouok't, nor being prouok't, soone calm'd;Not soon provoked, nor being provoked soon calmed;TC IV.v.99
His heart and hand both open, and both free:His heart and hand both open and both free;TC IV.v.100
For what he has, he giues; what thinkes, he shewes;For what he has he gives, what thinks he shows,TC IV.v.101
Yet giues he not till iudgement guide his bounty,Yet gives he not till judgement guide his bounty,TC IV.v.102
Nor dignifies an impaire thought with breath:Nor dignifies an impair thought with breath;TC IV.v.103
Manly as Hector, but more dangerous;Manly as Hector, but more dangerous;TC IV.v.104
For Hector in his blaze of wrath subscribesFor Hector in his blaze of wrath subscribesTC IV.v.105
To tender obiects; but he, in heate of action,To tender objects, but he in heat of actionTC IV.v.106
Is more vindecatiue then iealous loue.Is more vindicative than jealous love.TC IV.v.107
They call him Troylus; and on him erect,They call him Troilus, and on him erectTC IV.v.108
A second hope, as fairely built as Hector.A second hope, as fairly built as Hector.TC IV.v.109
Thus saies Aneas, one that knowes the youth,Thus says Aeneas, one that knows the youthTC IV.v.110
Euen to his inches: and with priuate soule,Even to his inches, and with private soulTC IV.v.111
Did in great Illion thus translate him to me. Did in great Ilium thus translate him to me.TC IV.v.112
I wonder now, how yonder City stands,I wonder now how yonder city standsTC IV.v.211
When we haue heere her Base and pillar by vs.When we have here her base and pillar by us.TC IV.v.212
Sir, I foretold you then what would ensue,Sir, I foretold you then what would ensue.TC IV.v.217
My prophesie is but halfe his iourney yet;My prophecy is but half his journey yet;TC IV.v.218
For yonder wals that pertly front your Towne,For yonder walls, that pertly front your town,TC IV.v.219
Yond Towers, whose wanton tops do busse the clouds,Yond towers, whose wanton tops do buss the clouds,TC IV.v.220
Must kisse their owne feet.Must kiss their own feet.TC IV.v.221.1
So to him we leaue it.So to him we leave it.TC IV.v.226.2
Most gentle, and most valiant Hector, welcome;Most gentle and most valiant Hector, welcome.TC IV.v.227
After the Generall, I beseech you nextAfter the general, I beseech you nextTC IV.v.228
To Feast with me, and see me at my Tent.To feast with me, and see me at my tent.TC IV.v.229
At Menelaus Tent, most Princely Troylus,At Menelaus' tent, most princely Troilus.TC IV.v.279
There Diomed doth feast with him to night,There Diomed doth feast with him tonight,TC IV.v.280
Who neither lookes on heauen, nor on earth,Who neither looks on heaven nor on earth,TC IV.v.281
But giues all gaze and bent of amorous viewBut gives all gaze and bent of amorous viewTC IV.v.282
On the faire Cressid.On the fair Cressid.TC IV.v.283
You shall command me sir:You shall command me, sir.TC IV.v.286.2
As gentle tell me, of what Honour wasAs gentle tell me, of what honour wasTC IV.v.287
This Cressida in Troy, had she no Louer thereThis Cressida in Troy? Had she no lover thereTC IV.v.288
That wailes her absence?That wails her absence?TC IV.v.289
Heere comes himselfe to guide you?Here comes himself to guide you.TC V.i.65.2
Follow his Torch, he goesFollow his torch; he goesTC V.i.80.2
to Chalcas Tent, / Ile keepe you company.To Calchas' tent. I'll keep you company.TC V.i.81
Stand where the Torch may not discouer vs.Stand where the torch may not discover us.TC V.ii.6
She will sing any man at first sight.She will sing any man at first sight.TC V.ii.10
List?List!TC V.ii.18
How now Troian?How now, Trojan?TC V.ii.31
You are moued Prince, let vs depart I pray you,You are moved, Prince; let us depart, I pray you,TC V.ii.37
Lest your displeasure should enlarge it selfeLest your displeasure should enlarge itselfTC V.ii.38
To wrathfull tearmes: this place is dangerous;To wrathful terms. This place is dangerous,TC V.ii.39
The time right deadly: I beseech you goe.The time right deadly; I beseech you, go.TC V.ii.40
Nay, good my Lord goe off:Nay, good my lord, go off.TC V.ii.41.2
You flow to great distraction: come my Lord?You flow to great distraction; come, my lord.TC V.ii.42
You haue not patience, come.You have not patience; come.TC V.ii.43.2
Why, how now Lord?Why, how now, lord?TC V.ii.47.2
You shake my Lord at something; will you goe?You shake, my lord, at something; will you go?TC V.ii.51
you will breake out.You will break out.TC V.ii.52.1
Come, come.Come, come.TC V.ii.52.3
You haue sworne patience.You have sworn patience.TC V.ii.62.1
My Lord.My lord – TC V.ii.68
Al's done my Lord.All's done, my lord.TC V.ii.117.1
Why stay we then?Why stay we then?TC V.ii.117.3
I cannot coniure Troian.I cannot conjure, Trojan.TC V.ii.127.2
Most sure she was.Most sure she was.TC V.ii.129
Nor mine my Lord: Cressid was here but now.Nor mine, my lord: Cressid was here but now.TC V.ii.131
What hath she done Prince, that can soyle our mothers?What hath she done, Prince, that can soil our mothers?TC V.ii.137
May worthy Troylus be halfe attachedMay worthy Troilus be half attachedTC V.ii.164
With that which here his passion doth expresse?With that which here his passion doth express?TC V.ii.165
O containe your selfe:O, contain yourself;TC V.ii.183.2
Your passion drawes eares hither.Your passion draws ears hither.TC V.ii.184
Ile bring you to the Gates.I'll bring you to the gates.TC V.ii.191
Oh, courage, courage Princes: great AchillesO, courage, courage, princes! Great AchillesTC V.v.30
Is arming, weeping, cursing, vowing vengeance;Is arming, weeping, cursing, vowing vengeance;TC V.v.31
Patroclus wounds haue rouz'd his drowzie bloud,Patroclus' wounds have roused his drowsy blood,TC V.v.32
Together with his mangled Myrmidons,Together with his mangled Myrmidons,TC V.v.33
That noselesse, handlesse, hackt and chipt, come to him;That noseless, handless, hacked and chipped, come to him,TC V.v.34
Crying on Hector. Aiax hath lost a friend,Crying on Hector. Ajax hath lost a friend,TC V.v.35
And foames at mouth, and he is arm'd, and at it:And foams at mouth, and he is armed and at it,TC V.v.36
Roaring for Troylus; who hath done to day.Roaring for Troilus, who hath done todayTC V.v.37
Mad and fantasticke execution;Mad and fantastic execution,TC V.v.38
Engaging and redeeming of himselfe,Engaging and redeeming of himselfTC V.v.39
With such a carelesse force, and forcelesse care,With such a careless force and forceless careTC V.v.40
As if that luck in very spight of cunning,As if that luck, in very spite of cunning,TC V.v.41
bad him win all.Bade him win all.TC V.v.42

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