Original textModern textKey line
So foule and faire a day I haue not seene.So foul and fair a day I have not seen.Mac I.iii.37
Speake if you can: what are you?Speak if you can! What are you?Mac I.iii.46.2
Stay you imperfect Speakers, tell me more:Stay, you imperfect speakers! Tell me more!Mac I.iii.69
By Sinells death, I know I am Thane of Glamis,By Sinell's death I know I am Thane of Glamis;Mac I.iii.70
But how, of Cawdor? the Thane of Cawdor liuesBut how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor livesMac I.iii.71
A prosperous Gentleman: And to be King,A prosperous gentleman. And to be kingMac I.iii.72
Stands not within the prospect of beleefe,Stands not within the prospect of belief –Mac I.iii.73
No more then to be Cawdor. Say from whenceNo more than to be Cawdor. Say from whenceMac I.iii.74
You owe this strange Intelligence, or whyYou owe this strange intelligence; or whyMac I.iii.75
Vpon this blasted Heath you stop our wayUpon this blasted heath you stop our wayMac I.iii.76
With such Prophetique greeting? Speake, I charge you.With such prophetic greeting? Speak, I charge you!Mac I.iii.77
Into the Ayre: and what seem'd corporall,Into the air; and what seemed corporalMac I.iii.80
Melted, as breath into the Winde. Would they had stay'd.Melted, as breath into the wind. Would they had stayed!Mac I.iii.81
Your Children shall be Kings.Your children shall be kings.Mac I.iii.85.1
And Thane of Cawdor too: went it not so?And Thane of Cawdor too, went it not so?Mac I.iii.86
The Thane of Cawdor liues: / Why doe you dresse meThe Thane of Cawdor lives. Why do you dress meMac I.iii.107
in borrowed Robes?In borrowed robes?Mac I.iii.108.1
Glamys, and Thane of Cawdor:Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor!Mac I.iii.115.2
The greatest is behinde. Thankes for your paines.The greatest is behind. – Thanks for your pains.Mac I.iii.116
Doe you not hope your Children shall be Kings,(to Banquo) Do you not hope your children shall be kings,Mac I.iii.117
When those that gaue the Thane of Cawdor to me,When those that gave the Thane of Cawdor to meMac I.iii.118
Promis'd no lesse to them.Promised no less to them?Mac I.iii.119.1
Two Truths are told,Two truths are told,Mac I.iii.126.2
As happy Prologues to the swelling ActAs happy prologues to the swelling ActMac I.iii.127
Of the Imperiall Theame. I thanke you Gentlemen:Of the imperial theme. – I thank you, gentlemen.Mac I.iii.128
This supernaturall solliciting(aside) This supernatural solicitingMac I.iii.129
Cannot be ill; cannot be good. If ill?Cannot be ill, cannot be good. If ill,Mac I.iii.130
why hath it giuen me earnest of successe,Why hath it given me earnest of successMac I.iii.131
Commencing in a Truth? I am Thane of Cawdor.Commencing in a truth? I am Thane of Cawdor.Mac I.iii.132
If good? why doe I yeeld to that suggestion,If good, why do I yield to that suggestionMac I.iii.133
Whose horrid Image doth vnfixe my Heire,Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair,Mac I.iii.134
And make my seated Heart knock at my Ribbes,And make my seated heart knock at my ribsMac I.iii.135
Against the vse of Nature? Present FearesAgainst the use of nature? Present fearsMac I.iii.136
Are lesse then horrible Imaginings:Are less than horrible imaginings.Mac I.iii.137
My Thought, whose Murther yet is but fantasticall,My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical,Mac I.iii.138
Shakes so my single state of Man,Shakes so my single state of manMac I.iii.139
That Function is smother'd in surmise,That function is smothered in surmise,Mac I.iii.140
And nothing is, but what is not.And nothing is but what is not.Mac I.iii.141
If Chance will haue me King, / Why Chance may Crowne me,If chance will have me king, why chance may crown meMac I.iii.143
Without my stirre.Without my stir.Mac I.iii.144.1
Come what come may,Come what come may,Mac I.iii.146.2
Time, and the Houre, runs through the roughest Day.Time and the hour runs through the roughest day.Mac I.iii.147
Giue me your fauour: / My dull Braine was wroughtGive me your favour. My dull brain was wroughtMac I.iii.149
with things forgotten. / Kinde Gentlemen, your painesWith things forgotten. Kind gentlemen, your painsMac I.iii.150
are registred, / Where euery day I turneAre registered where every day I turnMac I.iii.151
the Leafe, / To reade them. Let vs toward the King:The leaf to read them. Let us toward the King.Mac I.iii.152
thinke vpon / What hath chanc'd: and at more time,(to Banquo) Think upon what hath chanced, and at more time,Mac I.iii.153
The Interim hauing weigh'd it, let vs speakeThe interim having weighed it, let us speakMac I.iii.154
Our free Hearts each to other.Our free hearts each to other.Mac I.iii.155.1
Till then enough: Come friends.Till then, enough! – Come, friends.Mac I.iii.156
The seruice, and the loyaltie I owe,The service and the loyalty I owe,Mac I.iv.23
In doing it, payes it selfe. / Your Highnesse part,In doing it, pays itself. Your highness' partMac I.iv.24
is to receiue our Duties: / And our DutiesIs to receive our duties; and our dutiesMac I.iv.25
are to your Throne, and State, / Children, and Seruants;Are to your throne and state, children and servants,Mac I.iv.26
which doe but what they should, / By doing euery thingWhich do but what they should by doing everythingMac I.iv.27
safe toward your Loue / And Honor.Safe toward your love and honour.Mac I.iv.28.1
The Rest is Labor, which is not vs'd for you:The rest is labour, which is not used for you.Mac I.iv.45
Ile be my selfe the Herbenger, and make ioyfullI'll be myself the harbinger and make joyfulMac I.iv.46
The hearing of my Wife, with your approach:The hearing of my wife with your approach;Mac I.iv.47
So humbly take my leaue.So humbly take my leave.Mac I.iv.48.1
The Prince of Cumberland: that is a step,The Prince of Cumberland! That is a stepMac I.iv.49
On which I must fall downe, or else o're-leape,On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap,Mac I.iv.50
For in my way it lyes. Starres hide your fires,For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires,Mac I.iv.51
Let not Light see my black and deepe desires:Let not light see my black and deep desires.Mac I.iv.52
The Eye winke at the Hand: yet let that bee,The eye wink at the hand; yet let that beMac I.iv.53
Which the Eye feares, when it is done to see.Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.Mac I.iv.54
My dearest Loue,My dearest love,Mac I.v.56.2
Duncan comes here to Night.Duncan comes here tonight.Mac I.v.57.1
To morrow, as he purposes.Tomorrow, as he purposes.Mac I.v.58.1
We will speake further,We will speak further.Mac I.v.69.1
If it were done, when 'tis done, then 'twer well,If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere wellMac I.vii.1
It were done quickly: If th' AssassinationIt were done quickly. If the assassinationMac I.vii.2
Could trammell vp the Consequence, and catchCould trammel up the consequence, and catchMac I.vii.3
With his surcease, Successe: that but this blowWith his surcease success – that but this blowMac I.vii.4
Might be the be all, and the end all. Heere,Might be the be-all and the end-all! – here,Mac I.vii.5
But heere, vpon this Banke and Schoole of time,But here, upon this bank and shoal of time,Mac I.vii.6
Wee'ld iumpe the life to come. But in these Cases,We'd jump the life to come. But in these casesMac I.vii.7
We still haue iudgement heere, that we but teachWe still have judgement here – that we but teachMac I.vii.8
Bloody Instructions, which being taught, returneBloody instructions, which, being taught, returnMac I.vii.9
To plague th' Inuenter, this euen-handed IusticeTo plague the inventor. This even-handed justiceMac I.vii.10
Commends th' Ingredience of our poyson'd ChalliceCommends the ingredience of our poisoned chaliceMac I.vii.11
To our owne lips. Hee's heere in double trust;To our own lips. He's here in double trust:Mac I.vii.12
First, as I am his Kinsman, and his Subiect,First, as I am his kinsman and his subject,Mac I.vii.13
Strong both against the Deed: Then, as his Host,Strong both against the deed; then, as his host,Mac I.vii.14
Who should against his Murtherer shut the doore,Who should against his murderer shut the door,Mac I.vii.15
Not beare the knife my selfe. Besides, this DuncaneNot bear the knife myself. Besides, this DuncanMac I.vii.16
Hath borne his Faculties so meeke; hath binHath borne his faculties so meek, hath beenMac I.vii.17
So cleere in his great Office, that his VertuesSo clear in his great office, that his virtuesMac I.vii.18
Will pleade like Angels, Trumpet-tongu'd againstWill plead like angels, trumpet-tongued againstMac I.vii.19
The deepe damnation of his taking off:The deep damnation of his taking-off;Mac I.vii.20
And Pitty, like a naked New-borne-Babe,And Pity, like a naked new-born babeMac I.vii.21
Striding the blast, or Heauens Cherubin, hors'dStriding the blast, or heaven's cherubin, horsedMac I.vii.22
Vpon the sightlesse Curriors of the Ayre,Upon the sightless curriers of the air,Mac I.vii.23
Shall blow the horrid deed in euery eye,Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye,Mac I.vii.24
That teares shall drowne the winde. I haue no SpurreThat tears shall drown the wind. I have no spurMac I.vii.25
To pricke the sides of my intent, but onelyTo prick the sides of my intent but onlyMac I.vii.26
Vaulting Ambition, which ore-leapes it selfe,Vaulting ambition which o'erleaps itselfMac I.vii.27
And falles on th' other.And falls on the other.Mac I.vii.28.1
How now? What Newes?How now? What news?Mac I.vii.28.2
Hath he ask'd for me?Hath he asked for me?Mac I.vii.30.1
We will proceed no further in this Businesse:We will proceed no further in this business.Mac I.vii.31
He hath Honour'd me of late, and I haue boughtHe hath honoured me of late, and I have boughtMac I.vii.32
Golden Opinions from all sorts of people,Golden opinions from all sorts of peopleMac I.vii.33
Which would be worne now in their newest glosse,Which would be worn now in their newest gloss,Mac I.vii.34
Not cast aside so soone.Not cast aside so soon.Mac I.vii.35.1
Prythee peace:Prithee peace.Mac I.vii.45.2
I dare do all that may become a man,I dare do all that may become a man;Mac I.vii.46
Who dares do more, is none.Who dares do more is none.Mac I.vii.47.1
If we should faile?If we should fail?Mac I.vii.58.2
Bring forth Men-Children onely:Bring forth men-children only!Mac I.vii.72.2
For thy vndaunted Mettle should composeFor thy undaunted mettle should composeMac I.vii.73
Nothing but Males. Will it not be receiu'd,Nothing but males. Will it not be received,Mac I.vii.74
When we haue mark'd with blood those sleepie twoWhen we have marked with blood those sleepy twoMac I.vii.75
Of his owne Chamber, and vs'd their very Daggers,Of his own chamber, and used their very daggers,Mac I.vii.76
That they haue don't?That they have done't?Mac I.vii.77.1
I am settled, and bend vpI am settled; and bend upMac I.vii.79.2
Each corporall Agent to this terrible Feat.Each corporal agent to this terrible feat.Mac I.vii.80
Away, and mock the time with fairest show,Away, and mock the time with fairest show:Mac I.vii.81
False Face must hide what the false Heart doth know.False face must hide what the false heart doth know.Mac I.vii.82
A Friend.A friend.Mac II.i.11
Being vnprepar'd,Being unpreparedMac II.i.17.2
Our will became the seruant to defect,Our will became the servant to defect,Mac II.i.18
Which else should free haue wrought.Which else should free have wrought.Mac II.i.19.1
I thinke not of them:I think not of them.Mac II.i.21.2
Yet when we can entreat an houre to serue,Yet, when we can entreat an hour to serve,Mac II.i.22
We would spend it in some words vpon that Businesse,We would spend it in some words upon that business,Mac II.i.23
If you would graunt the time.If you would grant the time.Mac II.i.24.1
If you shall cleaue to my consent, / When 'tis,If you shall cleave to my consent when 'tis,Mac II.i.25
it shall make Honor for you.It shall make honour for you.Mac II.i.26.1
Good repose the while.Good repose the while.Mac II.i.29.2
Goe bid thy Mistresse, when my drinke is ready,Go bid thy mistress, when my drink is readyMac II.i.31
She strike vpon the Bell. Get thee to bed.She strike upon the bell. Get thee to bed.Mac II.i.32
Is this a Dagger, which I see before me,Is this a dagger which I see before me,Mac II.i.33
The Handle toward my Hand? Come, let me clutch thee:The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee –Mac II.i.34
I haue thee not, and yet I see thee still.I have thee not and yet I see thee still!Mac II.i.35
Art thou not fatall Vision, sensibleArt thou not, fatal vision, sensibleMac II.i.36
To feeling, as to sight? or art thou butTo feeling as to sight? Or art thou butMac II.i.37
A Dagger of the Minde, a false Creation,A dagger of the mind, a false creation,Mac II.i.38
Proceeding from the heat-oppressed Braine?Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?Mac II.i.39
I see thee yet, in forme as palpable,I see thee yet, in form as palpableMac II.i.40
As this which now I draw.As this which now I draw.Mac II.i.41
Thou marshall'st me the way that I was going,Thou marshall'st me the way that I was going,Mac II.i.42
And such an Instrument I was to vse.And such an instrument I was to use. –Mac II.i.43
Mine Eyes are made the fooles o'th' other Sences,Mine eyes are made the fools o'the other senses,Mac II.i.44
Or else worth all the rest: I see thee still;Or else worth all the rest. – I see thee still;Mac II.i.45
And on thy Blade, and Dudgeon, Gouts of Blood,And, on thy blade and dudgeon, gouts of blood,Mac II.i.46
Which was not so before. There's no such thing:Which was not so before. There's no such thing.Mac II.i.47
It is the bloody Businesse, which informesIt is the bloody business which informsMac II.i.48
Thus to mine Eyes. Now o're the one halfe WorldThus to mine eyes. Now o'er the one half-worldMac II.i.49
Nature seemes dead, and wicked Dreames abuseNature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuseMac II.i.50
The Curtain'd sleepe: Witchcraft celebratesThe curtained sleep. Witchcraft celebratesMac II.i.51
Pale Heccats Offrings: and wither'd Murther,Pale Hecat's offerings; and withered Murder,Mac II.i.52
Alarum'd by his Centinell, the Wolfe,Alarumed by his sentinel the wolf,Mac II.i.53
Whose howle's his Watch, thus with his stealthy pace,Whose howl's his watch, thus with his stealthy pace,Mac II.i.54
With Tarquins rauishing sides, towards his designeWith Tarquin's ravishing strides, towards his designMac II.i.55
Moues like a Ghost. Thou sowre and firme-set EarthMoves like a ghost. Thou sure and firm-set earth,Mac II.i.56
Heare not my steps, which they may walke, for feareHear not my steps, which way they walk, for fearMac II.i.57
Thy very stones prate of my where-about,Thy very stones prate of my whereaboutMac II.i.58
And take the present horror from the time,And take the present horror from the timeMac II.i.59
Which now sutes with it. Whiles I threat, he liues:Which now suits with it. – Whiles I threat, he lives:Mac II.i.60
Words to the heat of deedes too cold breath giues.Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives.Mac II.i.61
I goe, and it is done: the Bell inuites me.I go, and it is done; the bell invites me.Mac II.i.62
Heare it not, Duncan, for it is a Knell,Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knellMac II.i.63
That summons thee to Heauen, or to Hell.That summons thee to heaven or to hell.Mac II.i.64
Who's there? what hoa?Who's there? What, ho!Mac II.ii.8.2
I haue done the deed: Didst thou not heare a noyse?I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise?Mac II.ii.14
When?When?Mac II.ii.16.2
As I descended?As I descended?Mac II.ii.16.4
Hearke,Hark!Mac II.ii.18
who lyes i'th' second Chamber?Who lies i'the second chamber?Mac II.ii.19.1
This is a sorry sight.This is a sorry sight.Mac II.ii.20
There's one did laugh in's sleepe, / And one cry'd Murther,There's one did laugh in's sleep, and one cried ‘ Murder!’Mac II.ii.22
that they did wake each other: / I stood, and heard them:That they did wake each other. I stood and heard them.Mac II.ii.23
But they did say their Prayers, / And addrest themBut they did say their prayers and addressed themMac II.ii.24
againe to sleepe.Again to sleep.Mac II.ii.25.1
One cry'd God blesse vs, and Amen the other,One cried ‘ God bless us!’ and ‘ Amen ’ the other,Mac II.ii.26
As they had seene me with these Hangmans hands:As they had seen me with these hangman's hands.Mac II.ii.27
Listning their feare, I could not say Amen,Listening their fear I could not say ‘ Amen ’Mac II.ii.28
When they did say God blesse vs.When they did say ‘ God bless us.’Mac II.ii.29
But wherefore could not I pronounce Amen?But wherefore could not I pronounce ‘ Amen ’?Mac II.ii.31
I had most need of Blessing, and AmenI had most need of blessing, and ‘ Amen ’Mac II.ii.32
stuck in my throat.Stuck in my throat.Mac II.ii.33.1
Me thought I heard a voyce cry, Sleep no more:Methought I heard a voice cry, ‘ Sleep no more!Mac II.ii.35
Macbeth does murther Sleepe, the innocent Sleepe,Macbeth does murder sleep – the innocent sleep,Mac II.ii.36
Sleepe that knits vp the rauel'd Sleeue of Care,Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleave of care,Mac II.ii.37
The death of each dayes Life, sore Labors Bath,The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath,Mac II.ii.38
Balme of hurt Mindes, great Natures second Course,Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,Mac II.ii.39
Chiefe nourisher in Life's Feast.Chief nourisher in life's feast,’Mac II.ii.40.1
Still it cry'd, Sleepe no more to all the House:Still it cried ‘ Sleep no more ’ to all the house;Mac II.ii.41
Glamis hath murther'd Sleepe, and therefore Cawdor‘ Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore CawdorMac II.ii.42
Shall sleepe no more: Macbeth shall sleepe no more.Shall sleep no more, Macbeth shall sleep no more.’Mac II.ii.43
Ile goe no more:I'll go no more.Mac II.ii.50.2
I am afraid, to thinke what I haue done:I am afraid to think what I have done;Mac II.ii.51
Looke on't againe, I dare not.Look on't again I dare not.Mac II.ii.52.1
Whence is that knocking?Whence is that knocking?Mac II.ii.57.2
How is't with me, when euery noyse appalls me?How is't with me when every noise appals me?Mac II.ii.58
What Hands are here? hah: they pluck out mine Eyes.What hands are here! Ha – they pluck out mine eyes!Mac II.ii.59
Will all great Neptunes Ocean wash this bloodWill all great Neptune's ocean wash this bloodMac II.ii.60
Cleane from my Hand? no: this my Hand will ratherClean from my hand? No, this my hand will ratherMac II.ii.61
The multitudinous Seas incarnardine,The multitudinous seas incarnadine,Mac II.ii.62
Making the Greene one, Red.Making the green one red.Mac II.ii.63
To know my deed, / 'Twere best not know my selfe.To know my deed 'twere best not know myself.Mac II.ii.73
Wake Duncan with thy knocking: I would thou could'st.Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou couldst!Mac II.ii.74
Good morrow both.Good morrow both.Mac II.iii.41.2
Not yet.Not yet.Mac II.iii.42.2
Ile bring you to him.I'll bring you to him.Mac II.iii.44.2
The labour we delight in, Physicks paine:The labour we delight in physics pain.Mac II.iii.47
This is the Doore.This is the door.Mac II.iii.48.1
He does: he did appoint so.He does; he did appoint so.Mac II.iii.50.2
'Twas a rough Night.'Twas a rough night.Mac II.iii.58.2
Macb. and Lenox.MACBETH and LENNOX
What's the matter?What's the matter?Mac II.iii.62
What is't you say, the Life?What is't you say? The life?Mac II.iii.66.2
Had I but dy'd an houre before this chance,Had I but died an hour before this chanceMac II.iii.88
I had liu'd a blessed time: for from this instant,I had lived a blessed time; for from this instantMac II.iii.89
There's nothing serious in Mortalitie:There's nothing serious in mortality.Mac II.iii.90
All is but Toyes: Renowne and Grace is dead,All is but toys, renown and grace is dead,Mac II.iii.91
The Wine of Life is drawne, and the meere LeesThe wine of life is drawn, and the mere leesMac II.iii.92
Is left this Vault, to brag of.Is left this vault to brag of.Mac II.iii.93
You are, and doe not know't:You are, and do not know't.Mac II.iii.94.2
The Spring, the Head, the Fountaine of your BloodThe spring, the head, the fountain of your bloodMac II.iii.95
Is stopt, the very Source of it is stopt.Is stopped, the very source of it is stopped.Mac II.iii.96
O, yet I doe repent me of my furie,O yet I do repent me of my fury,Mac II.iii.103
That I did kill them.That I did kill them.Mac II.iii.104.1
Who can be wise, amaz'd, temp'rate, & furious,Who can be wise, amazed, temperate and furious,Mac II.iii.105
Loyall, and Neutrall, in a moment? No man:Loyal and neutral, in a moment? No man.Mac II.iii.106
Th' expedition of my violent LoueThe expedition of my violent loveMac II.iii.107
Out-run the pawser, Reason. Here lay Duncan,Outrun the pauser reason. Here lay Duncan,Mac II.iii.108
His Siluer skinne, lac'd with His Golden Blood,His silver skin laced with his golden blood,Mac II.iii.109
And his gash'd Stabs, look'd like a Breach in Nature,And his gashed stabs looked like a breach in natureMac II.iii.110
For Ruines wastfull entrance: there the Murtherers,For ruin's wasteful entrance; there the murderers,Mac II.iii.111
Steep'd in the Colours of their Trade; their DaggersSteeped in the colours of their trade, their daggersMac II.iii.112
Vnmannerly breech'd with gore: who could refraine,Unmannerly breeched with gore. Who could refrain,Mac II.iii.113
That had a heart to loue; and in that heart,That had a heart to love, and in that heartMac II.iii.114
Courage, to make's loue knowne?Courage to make's love known?Mac II.iii.115.1
So all.So all.Mac II.iii.129.3
Let's briefely put on manly readinesse,Let's briefly put on manly readiness,Mac II.iii.130
And meet i'th' Hall together.And meet i'the hall together.Mac II.iii.131.1
Well contented.Well contented.Mac II.iii.131.2
Heere's our chiefe Guest.Here's our chief guest.Mac III.i.11.1
To night we hold a solemne Supper sir,Tonight we hold a solemn supper, sir,Mac III.i.14
And Ile request your presence.And I'll request your presence.Mac III.i.15.1
Ride you this afternoone?Ride you this afternoon?Mac III.i.19.1
We should haue else desir'd your good aduiceWe should have else desired your good advice,Mac III.i.20
(Which still hath been both graue, and prosperous)Which still hath been both grave and prosperous,Mac III.i.21
In this dayes Councell: but wee'le take to morrow.In this day's council; but we'll take tomorrow.Mac III.i.22
Is't farre you ride?Is't far you ride?Mac III.i.23
Faile not our Feast.Fail not our feast.Mac III.i.27.2
We heare our bloody Cozens are bestow'dWe hear our bloody cousins are bestowedMac III.i.29
In England, and in Ireland, not confessingIn England and in Ireland, not confessingMac III.i.30
Their cruell Parricide, filling their hearersTheir cruel parricide, filling their hearersMac III.i.31
With strange inuention. But of that to morrow,With strange invention. But of that tomorrow,Mac III.i.32
When therewithall, we shall haue cause of State,When therewithal we shall have cause of stateMac III.i.33
Crauing vs ioyntly. Hye you to Horse: Adieu,Craving us jointly. Hie you to horse. AdieuMac III.i.34
till you returne at Night. Goes Fleance with you?Till you return at night. Goes Fleance with you?Mac III.i.35
I wish your Horses swift, and sure of foot:I wish your horses swift and sure of foot;Mac III.i.37
And so I doe commend you to their backs.And so I do commend you to their backs.Mac III.i.38
Farwell.Farewell.Mac III.i.39
Let euery man be master of his time,Let every man be master of his timeMac III.i.40
Till seuen at Night,Till seven at night.Mac III.i.41
to make societie / The sweeter welcome:To make society the sweeter welcome,Mac III.i.42
We will keepe our selfe till Supper time alone:We will keep ourself till supper-time alone.Mac III.i.43
While then, God be with you.While then, God be with you!Mac III.i.44.1
Sirrha,Sirrah!Mac III.i.44.2
a word with you: Attend those men / Our pleasure?A word with you. Attend those men our pleasure?Mac III.i.45
Bring them before vs.Bring them before us.Mac III.i.47.1
To be thus, is nothing,To be thus is nothing;Mac III.i.47.2
but to be safely thus / Our feares in BanquoBut to be safely thus! – Our fears in BanquoMac III.i.48
sticke deepe, / And in his Royaltie of NatureStick deep; and in his royalty of natureMac III.i.49
reignes that / Which would be fear'd. 'Tis much he dares,Reigns that which would be feared. 'Tis much he dares,Mac III.i.50
And to that dauntlesse temper of his Minde,And to that dauntless temper of his mindMac III.i.51
He hath a Wisdome, that doth guide his Valour,He hath a wisdom that doth guide his valourMac III.i.52
To act in safetie. There is none but he,To act in safety. There is none but heMac III.i.53
Whose being I doe feare: and vnder him,Whose being I do fear; and under himMac III.i.54
My Genius is rebuk'd, as it is saidMy genius is rebuked as, it is said,Mac III.i.55
Mark Anthonies was by Caesar. He chid the Sisters,Mark Antony's was by Caesar. He chid the sistersMac III.i.56
When first they put the Name of King vpon me,When first they put the name of king upon me,Mac III.i.57
And bad them speake to him. Then Prophet-like,And bade them speak to him. Then prophet-like,Mac III.i.58
They hayl'd him Father to a Line of Kings.They hailed him father to a line of kings.Mac III.i.59
Vpon my Head they plac'd a fruitlesse Crowne,Upon my head they placed a fruitless crownMac III.i.60
And put a barren Scepter in my Gripe,And put a barren sceptre in my grip,Mac III.i.61
Thence to be wrencht with an vnlineall Hand,Thence to be wrenched with an unlineal hand,Mac III.i.62
No Sonne of mine succeeding: if't be so,No son of mine succeeding. If it be so,Mac III.i.63
For Banquo's Issue haue I fil'd my Minde,For Banquo's issue have I filed my mind,Mac III.i.64
For them, the gracious Duncan haue I murther'd,For them the gracious Duncan have I murdered,Mac III.i.65
Put Rancours in the Vessell of my PeacePut rancours in the vessel of my peace,Mac III.i.66
Onely for them, and mine eternall IewellOnly for them; and mine eternal jewelMac III.i.67
Giuen to the common Enemie of Man,Given to the common enemy of man,Mac III.i.68
To make them Kings, the Seedes of Banquo Kings.To make them kings, the seeds of Banquo kings!Mac III.i.69
Rather then so, come Fate into the Lyst,Rather than so, come fate into the listMac III.i.70
And champion me to th'vtterance. Who's there?And champion me to the utterance! Who's there?Mac III.i.71
Now goe to the Doore, and stay there till we call.Now go to the door, and stay there till we call.Mac III.i.72
Was it not yesterday we spoke together?Was it not yesterday we spoke together?Mac III.i.73
Well then, NowWell then now,Mac III.i.74.2
haue you consider'd of my speeches: / Know,Have you considered of my speeches? KnowMac III.i.75
that it was he, in the times past, / Which held youThat it was he in the times past which held youMac III.i.76
so vnder fortune, / Which you thought had beenSo under fortune, which you thought had beenMac III.i.77
our innocent selfe. / This I made good to you,Our innocent self. This I made good to youMac III.i.78
in our last conference, / Past in probation with you:In our last conference; passed in probation with youMac III.i.79
How you were borne in hand, how crost: / The Instruments:How you were borne in hand, how crossed, the instruments,Mac III.i.80
who wrought with them: / And all things else, that mightWho wrought with them, and all things else that mightMac III.i.81
To halfe a Soule, and to a Notion craz'd,To half a soul and to a notion crazedMac III.i.82
Say, Thus did Banquo.Say, ‘ Thus did Banquo.’Mac III.i.83.1
I did so: / And went further, which is nowI did so; and went further, which is nowMac III.i.84
Our point of second meeting. / Doe you findeOur point of second meeting. Do you findMac III.i.85
your patience so predominant, / In your nature,Your patience so predominant in your natureMac III.i.86
that you can let this goe? / Are you so Gospell'd,That you can let this go? Are you so gospelled,Mac III.i.87
to pray for this good man, / And for his Issue,To pray for this good man and for his issue,Mac III.i.88
whose heauie hand / Hath bow'd you to the Graue,Whose heavy hand hath bowed you to the grave,Mac III.i.89
and begger'd / Yours for euer?And beggared yours for ever?Mac III.i.90.1
I, in the Catalogue ye goe for men,Ay, in the catalogue ye go for men,Mac III.i.91
As Hounds, and Greyhounds, Mungrels, Spaniels, Curres,As hounds and greyhounds, mongrels, spaniels, curs,Mac III.i.92
Showghes, Water-Rugs, and Demy-Wolues are cliptShoughs, water-rugs, and demi-wolves are cleptMac III.i.93
All by the Name of Dogges: the valued fileAll by the name of dogs. The valued fileMac III.i.94
Distinguishes the swift, the slow, the subtle,Distinguishes the swift, the slow, the subtle,Mac III.i.95
The House-keeper, the Hunter, euery oneThe housekeeper, the hunter, every oneMac III.i.96
According to the gift, which bounteous NatureAccording to the gift which bounteous natureMac III.i.97
Hath in him clos'd: whereby he does receiueHath in him closed; whereby he does receiveMac III.i.98
Particular addition, from the Bill,Particular addition from the billMac III.i.99
That writes them all alike: and so of men.That writes them all alike. And so of men.Mac III.i.100
Now, if you haue a station in the file,Now, if you have a station in the file,Mac III.i.101
Not i'th' worst ranke of Manhood, say't,Not i'the worst rank of manhood, say't,Mac III.i.102
And I will put that Businesse in your Bosomes,And I will put that business in your bosoms,Mac III.i.103
Whose execution takes your Enemie off,Whose execution takes your enemy off,Mac III.i.104
Grapples you to the heart; and loue of vs,Grapples you to the heart and love of us,Mac III.i.105
Who weare our Health but sickly in his Life,Who wear our health but sickly in his life,Mac III.i.106
Which in his Death were perfect.Which in his death were perfect.Mac III.i.107.1
Both of youBoth of youMac III.i.113.2
know Banquo was your Enemie.Know Banquo was your enemy.Mac III.i.114.1
So is he mine: and in such bloody distance,So is he mine, and in such bloody distanceMac III.i.115
That euery minute of his being, thrustsThat every minute of his being thrustsMac III.i.116
Against my neer'st of Life: and though I couldAgainst my near'st of life; and though I couldMac III.i.117
With bare-fac'd power sweepe him from my sight,With bare-faced power sweep him from my sightMac III.i.118
And bid my will auouch it; yet I must not,And bid my will avouch it, yet I must not,Mac III.i.119
For certaine friends that are both his, and mine,For certain friends that are both his and mine,Mac III.i.120
Whose loues I may not drop, but wayle his fall,Whose loves I may not drop, but wail his fallMac III.i.121
Who I my selfe struck downe: and thence it is,Who I myself struck down. And thence it isMac III.i.122
That I to your assistance doe make loue,That I to your assistance do make love,Mac III.i.123
Masking the Businesse from the common Eye,Masking the business from the common eyeMac III.i.124
For sundry weightie Reasons.For sundry weighty reasons.Mac III.i.125.1
Your Spirits shine through you. / Within this houre, at most,Your spirits shine through you. Within this hour, at most,Mac III.i.127
I will aduise you where to plant your selues,I will advise you where to plant yourselves,Mac III.i.128
Acquaint you with the perfect Spy o'th' time,Acquaint you with the perfect spy o'the time,Mac III.i.129
The moment on't, for't must be done to Night,The moment on't; for't must be done tonight;Mac III.i.130
And something from the Pallace: alwayes thought,And something from the palace; always thoughtMac III.i.131
That I require a clearenesse; and with him,That I require a clearness; and with him,Mac III.i.132
To leaue no Rubs nor Botches in the Worke:To leave no rubs nor botches in the work,Mac III.i.133
Fleans, his Sonne, that keepes him companie,Fleance his son, that keeps him company,Mac III.i.134
Whose absence is no lesse materiall to me,Whose absence is no less material to meMac III.i.135
Then is his Fathers, must embrace the fateThan is his father's, must embrace the fateMac III.i.136
Of that darke houre: resolue your selues apart,Of that dark hour. Resolve yourselves apart;Mac III.i.137
Ile come to you anon.I'll come to you anon.Mac III.i.138.1
Ile call vpon you straight: abide within,I'll call upon you straight. Abide within.Mac III.i.139
It is concluded: Banquo, thy Soules flight,It is concluded! Banquo, thy soul's flight,Mac III.i.140
If it finde Heauen, must finde it out to Night.If it find heaven, must find it out tonight.Mac III.i.141
We haue scorch'd the Snake, not kill'd it:We have scorched the snake, not killed it;Mac III.ii.13
Shee'le close, and be her selfe, whilest our poore MalliceShe'll close and be herself, whilst our poor maliceMac III.ii.14
Remaines in danger of her former Tooth.Remains in danger of her former tooth.Mac III.ii.15
But let the frame of things dis-ioynt, / Both the Worlds suffer,But let the frame of things disjoint, both the worlds sufferMac III.ii.16
Ere we will eate our Meale in feare, and sleepeEre we will eat our meal in fear, and sleepMac III.ii.17
In the affliction of these terrible Dreames,In the affliction of these terrible dreamsMac III.ii.18
That shake vs Nightly: Better be with the dead,That shake us nightly; better be with the deadMac III.ii.19
Whom we, to gayne our peace, haue sent to peace,Whom we, to gain our peace, have sent to peace,Mac III.ii.20
Then on the torture of the Minde to lyeThan on the torture of the mind to lieMac III.ii.21
In restlesse extasie. Duncane is in his Graue:In restless ecstasy. Duncan is in his grave;Mac III.ii.22
After Lifes fitfull Feuer, he sleepes well,After life's fitful fever he sleeps well;Mac III.ii.23
Treason ha's done his worst: nor Steele, nor Poyson,Treason has done his worst. Nor steel, nor poison,Mac III.ii.24
Mallice domestique, forraine Leuie, nothing,Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothingMac III.ii.25
Can touch him further.Can touch him further.Mac III.ii.26.1
So shall I Loue, and so I pray be you:So shall I, love; and so I pray be you.Mac III.ii.29
Let your remembrance apply to Banquo,Let your remembrance apply to Banquo,Mac III.ii.30
Present him Eminence, both with Eye and Tongue:Present him eminence both with eye and tongue.Mac III.ii.31
Vnsafe the while, that weeUnsafe the while that weMac III.ii.32
must laue / Our Honors in these flattering streames,Must lave our honours in these flattering streams,Mac III.ii.33
And make our Faces Vizards to our Hearts,And make our faces vizards to our hearts,Mac III.ii.34
Disguising what they are.Disguising what they are.Mac III.ii.35.1
O, full of Scorpions is my Minde, deare Wife:O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife!Mac III.ii.36
Thou know'st, that Banquo and his Fleans liues.Thou know'st that Banquo and his Fleance lives.Mac III.ii.37
There's comfort yet, they are assaileable,There's comfort yet! They are assailable.Mac III.ii.39
Then be thou iocund: ere the Bat hath flowneThen be thou jocund. Ere the bat hath flownMac III.ii.40
His Cloyster'd flight, ere to black Heccats summonsHis cloistered flight, ere to black Hecat's summonsMac III.ii.41
The shard-borne Beetle, with his drowsie hums,The shard-borne beetle, with his drowsy hums,Mac III.ii.42
Hath rung Nights yawning Peale, / There shall be doneHath rung night's yawning peal, there shall be doneMac III.ii.43
a deed of dreadfull note.A deed of dreadful note.Mac III.ii.44.1
Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest Chuck,Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck,Mac III.ii.45
Till thou applaud the deed: Come, seeling Night,Till thou applaud the deed. Come, seeling night,Mac III.ii.46
Skarfe vp the tender Eye of pittifull Day,Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day,Mac III.ii.47
And with thy bloodie and inuisible HandAnd with thy bloody and invisible handMac III.ii.48
Cancell and teare to pieces that great Bond,Cancel and tear to pieces that great bondMac III.ii.49
Which keepes me pale. Light thickens,Which keeps me pale. Light thickensMac III.ii.50
And the Crow makes Wing toth' Rookie Wood:And the crow makes wing to the rooky wood;Mac III.ii.51
Good things of Day begin to droope, and drowse,Good things of day begin to droop and drowse,Mac III.ii.52
Whiles Nights black Agents to their Prey's doe rowse.While night's black agents to their preys do rouse.Mac III.ii.53
Thou maruell'st at my words: but hold thee still,Thou marvell'st at my words; but hold thee still.Mac III.ii.54
Things bad begun, make strong themselues by ill:Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill.Mac III.ii.55
So prythee goe with me.So, prithee, go with me.Mac III.ii.56
You know your owne degrees, sit downe: At firstYou know your own degrees, sit down. At firstMac III.iv.1
and last, the hearty welcome.And last, the hearty welcome.Mac III.iv.2.1
Our selfe will mingle with Society,Ourself will mingle with societyMac III.iv.3
And play the humble Host:And play the humble host.Mac III.iv.4
Our Hostesse keepes her State, but in best timeOur hostess keeps her state; but in best timeMac III.iv.5
We will require her welcome.We will require her welcome.Mac III.iv.6
See they encounter thee with their harts thanksSee, they encounter thee with their hearts' thanks;Mac III.iv.9
Both sides are euen: heere Ile sit i'th' mid'st,Both sides are even. Here I'll sit i'the midst.Mac III.iv.10
Be large in mirth, anon wee'l drinke a MeasureBe large in mirth. Anon we'll drink a measureMac III.iv.11
The Table round.The table round.Mac III.iv.12
There's blood vpon thy face.There's blood upon thy face!Mac III.iv.13.1
'Tis better thee without, then he within.'Tis better thee without than he within.Mac III.iv.14
Is he dispatch'd?Is he dispatched?Mac III.iv.15.1
Thou art the best o'th' Cut-throats,Thou art the best o'the cut-throats.Mac III.iv.16.2
Yet hee's good that did the like for Fleans:Yet he's good that did the like for Fleance.Mac III.iv.17
If thou did'st it, thou art the Non-pareill.If thou didst it, thou art the nonpareil.Mac III.iv.18
Then comes my Fit againe: I had else beene perfect;Then comes my fit again. I had else been perfect,Mac III.iv.20
Whole as the Marble, founded as the Rocke,Whole as the marble, founded as the rock,Mac III.iv.21
As broad, and generall, as the casing Ayre:As broad and general as the casing air;Mac III.iv.22
But now I am cabin'd, crib'd, confin'd, bound inBut now I am cabined, cribbed, confined, bound inMac III.iv.23
To sawcy doubts, and feares. But Banquo's safe?To saucy doubts and fears. – But Banquo's safe?Mac III.iv.24
Thankes for that:Thanks for that.Mac III.iv.27.2
There the growne Serpent lyes, the worme that's fledThere the grown serpent lies. The worm that's fledMac III.iv.28
Hath Nature that in time will Venom breed,Hath nature that in time will venom breed,Mac III.iv.29
No teeth for th' present. Get thee gone, to morrowNo teeth for the present. Get thee gone. TomorrowMac III.iv.30
Wee'l heare our selues againe.We'll hear ourselves again.Mac III.iv.31.1
Sweet Remembrancer:Sweet remembrancer!Mac III.iv.36.2
Now good digestion waite on Appetite,Now good digestion wait on appetite,Mac III.iv.37
And health on both.And health on both!Mac III.iv.38.1
Here had we now our Countries Honor, roof'd,Here had we now our country's honour roofed,Mac III.iv.39
Were the grac'd person of our Banquo present:Were the graced person of our Banquo present;Mac III.iv.40
Who, may I rather challenge for vnkindnesse,Who may I rather challenge for unkindnessMac III.iv.41
Then pitty for Mischance.Than pity for mischance.Mac III.iv.42.1
The Table's full.The table's full.Mac III.iv.45.1
Where?Where?Mac III.iv.46
Which of you haue done this?Which of you have done this?Mac III.iv.48.1
Thou canst not say I did it: neuer shakeThou canst not say I did it; never shakeMac III.iv.49
Thy goary lockes at me.Thy gory locks at me.Mac III.iv.50
I, and a bold one, that dare looke on thatAy, and a bold one, that dare look on thatMac III.iv.58
Which might appall the Diuell.Which might appal the devil.Mac III.iv.59.1
Prythee see there:Prithee, see there!Mac III.iv.67.2
Behold, looke, loe, how say you:Behold! Look! Lo! – How say you?Mac III.iv.68
Why what care I, if thou canst nod, speake too.Why, what care I if thou canst nod! Speak, too!Mac III.iv.69
If Charnell houses, and our Graues must sendIf charnel-houses and our graves must sendMac III.iv.70
Those that we bury, backe; our MonumentsThose that we bury, back, our monumentsMac III.iv.71
Shall be the Mawes of Kytes.Shall be the maws of kites.Mac III.iv.72.1
If I stand heere, I saw him.If I stand here, I saw him.Mac III.iv.73.1
Blood hath bene shed ere now, i'th' olden timeBlood hath been shed ere now, i'the olden time,Mac III.iv.74
Ere humane Statute purg'd the gentle Weale:Ere humane statute purged the gentle weal;Mac III.iv.75
I, and since too, Murthers haue bene perform'dAy, and since too, murders have been performedMac III.iv.76
Too terrible for the eare. The times has bene,Too terrible for the ear. The times has beenMac III.iv.77
That when the Braines were out, the man would dye,That, when the brains were out, the man would die,Mac III.iv.78
And there an end: But now they rise againeAnd there an end. But now they rise againMac III.iv.79
With twenty mortall murthers on their crownes,With twenty mortal murders on their crowns,Mac III.iv.80
And push vs from our stooles. This is more strangeAnd push us from our stools. This is more strangeMac III.iv.81
Then such a murther is.Than such a murder is.Mac III.iv.82.1
I do forget:I do forget.Mac III.iv.83.2
Do not muse at me my most worthy Friends,Do not muse at me, my most worthy friends:Mac III.iv.84
I haue a strange infirmity, which is nothingI have a strange infirmity, which is nothingMac III.iv.85
To those that know me. Come, loue and health to all,To those that know me. Come, love and health to all!Mac III.iv.86
Then Ile sit downe: Giue me some Wine, fill full:Then I'll sit down. Give me some wine; fill full!Mac III.iv.87
I drinke to th' generall ioy o'th' whole Table,I drink to the general joy o'the whole table,Mac III.iv.88
And to our deere Friend Banquo, whom we misse:And to our dear friend Banquo, whom we miss.Mac III.iv.89
Would he were heere: to all, and him we thirst,Would he were here! To all – and him – we thirst,Mac III.iv.90
And all to all.And all to all.Mac III.iv.91.1
Auant, & quit my sight, let the earth hide thee:Avaunt, and quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee!Mac III.iv.92
Thy bones are marrowlesse, thy blood is cold:Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold.Mac III.iv.93
Thou hast no speculation in those eyesThou hast no speculation in those eyesMac III.iv.94
Which thou dost glare with.Which thou dost glare with.Mac III.iv.95.1
What man dare, I dare:What man dare, I dare.Mac III.iv.98
Approach thou like the rugged Russian Beare,Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear,Mac III.iv.99
The arm'd Rhinoceros, or th' Hircan Tiger,The armed rhinoceros, or the Hyrcan tiger,Mac III.iv.100
Take any shape but that, and my firme NeruesTake any shape but that, and my firm nervesMac III.iv.101
Shall neuer tremble. Or be aliue againe,Shall never tremble. Or be alive again,Mac III.iv.102
And dare me to the Desart with thy Sword:And dare me to the desert with thy sword:Mac III.iv.103
If trembling I inhabit then, protest meeIf trembling I inhabit then, protest meMac III.iv.104
The Baby of a Girle. Hence horrible shadow,The baby of a girl. Hence, horrible shadow!Mac III.iv.105
Vnreall mock'ry hence.Unreal mockery, hence!Mac III.iv.106.1
Why so, being goneWhy, so; being gone,Mac III.iv.106.2
I am a man againe: pray you sit still.I am a man again. – Pray you sit still.Mac III.iv.107
Can such things be,Can such things be,Mac III.iv.109.2
And ouercome vs like a Summers Clowd,And overcome us like a summer's cloud,Mac III.iv.110
Without our speciall wonder? You make me strangeWithout our special wonder? You make me strangeMac III.iv.111
Euen to the disposition that I owe,Even to the disposition that I oweMac III.iv.112
When now I thinke you can behold such sights,When now I think you can behold such sightsMac III.iv.113
And keepe the naturall Rubie of your Cheekes,And keep the natural ruby of your cheeks,Mac III.iv.114
When mine is blanch'd with feare.When mine is blanched with fear.Mac III.iv.115.1
It will haue blood they say: Blood will haue Blood:It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood.Mac III.iv.121
Stones haue beene knowne to moue, & Trees to speake:Stones have been known to move and trees to speak;Mac III.iv.122
Augures, and vnderstood Relations, haueAugurs and understood relations haveMac III.iv.123
By Maggot Pyes, & Choughes, & Rookes brought forthBy maggot-pies, and choughs, and rooks brought forthMac III.iv.124
The secret'st man of Blood. What is the night?The secret'st man of blood. What is the night?Mac III.iv.125
How say'st thou that Macduff denies his personHow sayst thou, that Macduff denies his personMac III.iv.127
At our great bidding.At our great bidding?Mac III.iv.128.1
I heare it by the way: But I will send:I hear it by the way. But I will send.Mac III.iv.129
There's not a one of them but in his houseThere's not a one of them, but in his houseMac III.iv.130
I keepe a Seruant Feed. I will to morrowI keep a servant fee'd. I will tomorrow –Mac III.iv.131
(And betimes I will) to the weyard Sisters.And betimes I will – to the Weird Sisters.Mac III.iv.132
More shall they speake: for now I am bent to knowMore shall they speak; for now I am bent to knowMac III.iv.133
By the worst meanes, the worst, for mine owne good,By the worst means the worst. For mine own goodMac III.iv.134
All causes shall giue way. I am in bloodAll causes shall give way. I am in bloodMac III.iv.135
Stept in so farre, that should I wade no more,Stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more,Mac III.iv.136
Returning were as tedious as go ore:Returning were as tedious as go o'er.Mac III.iv.137
Strange things I haue in head, that will to hand,Strange things I have in head, that will to hand;Mac III.iv.138
Which must be acted, ere they may be scand.Which must be acted ere they may be scanned.Mac III.iv.139
Come, wee'l to sleepe: My strange & self-abuseCome, we'll to sleep. My strange and self-abuseMac III.iv.141
Is the initiate feare, that wants hard vse:Is the initiate fear that wants hard use.Mac III.iv.142
We are yet but yong indeed.We are yet but young in deed.Mac III.iv.143
How now you secret, black, & midnight Hags?How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags!Mac IV.i.47
What is't you do?What is't you do?Mac IV.i.48.1
I coniure you, by that which you Professe,I conjure you, by that which you profess,Mac IV.i.49
(How ere you come to know it) answer me:Howe'er you come to know it, answer me –Mac IV.i.50
Though you vntye the Windes, and let them fightThough you untie the winds and let them fightMac IV.i.51
Against the Churches: Though the yesty WauesAgainst the churches; though the yesty wavesMac IV.i.52
Confound and swallow Nauigation vp:Confound and swallow navigation up;Mac IV.i.53
Though bladed Corne be lodg'd, & Trees blown downe,Though bladed corn be lodged and trees blown down;Mac IV.i.54
Though Castles topple on their Warders heads:Though castles topple on their warders' heads;Mac IV.i.55
Though Pallaces, and Pyramids do slopeThough palaces and pyramids do slopeMac IV.i.56
Their heads to their Foundations: Though the treasureTheir heads to their foundations; though the treasureMac IV.i.57
Of Natures Germaine, tumble altogether,Of nature's germens tumble all togetherMac IV.i.58
Euen till destruction sicken: Answer meEven till destruction sicken – answer meMac IV.i.59
To what I aske you.To what I ask you.Mac IV.i.60
Call 'em: let me see 'em.Call 'em. Let me see 'em.Mac IV.i.62.2
Tell me, thou vnknowne power.Tell me, thou unknown powerMac IV.i.68.1
What ere thou art, for thy good caution, thanksWhate'er thou art, for thy good caution, thanks;Mac IV.i.72
Thou hast harp'd my feare aright. But one word more.Thou hast harped my fear aright. But one word more –Mac IV.i.73
Had I three eares, Il'd heare thee.Had I three ears, I'd hear thee.Mac IV.i.77
Then liue Macduffe: what need I feare of thee?Then live Macduff; what need I fear of thee?Mac IV.i.81
But yet Ile make assurance: double sure,But yet I'll make assurance double sure,Mac IV.i.82
And take a Bond of Fate: thou shalt not liue,And take a bond of fate. Thou shalt not live;Mac IV.i.83
That I may tell pale-hearted Feare, it lies;That I may tell pale-hearted fear it lies,Mac IV.i.84
And sleepe in spight of Thunder.And sleep in spite of thunder.Mac IV.i.85.1
What is this,What is thisMac IV.i.85.2
that rises like the issue of a King,That rises like the issue of a king,Mac IV.i.86
And weares vpon his Baby-brow, the roundAnd wears upon his baby brow the roundMac IV.i.87
And top of Soueraignty?And top of sovereignty?Mac IV.i.88.1
That will neuer bee:That will never be.Mac IV.i.93.2
Who can impresse the Forrest, bid the TreeWho can impress the forest, bid the treeMac IV.i.94
Vnfixe his earth-bound Root? Sweet boadments, good:Unfix his earth-bound root? Sweet bodements! Good!Mac IV.i.95
Rebellious dead, rise neuer till the WoodRebellious dead rise never till the woodMac IV.i.96
Of Byrnan rise, and our high plac'd MacbethOf Birnan rise, and our high-placed MacbethMac IV.i.97
Shall liue the Lease of Nature, pay his breathShall live the lease of nature, pay his breathMac IV.i.98
To time, and mortall Custome. Yet my HartTo time and mortal custom. Yet my heartMac IV.i.99
Throbs to know one thing: Tell me, if your ArtThrobs to know one thing: tell me, if your artMac IV.i.100
Can tell so much: Shall Banquo's issue euerCan tell so much, shall Banquo's issue everMac IV.i.101
Reigne in this Kingdome?Reign in this kingdom?Mac IV.i.102.1
I will be satisfied. Deny me this,I will be satisfied! Deny me thisMac IV.i.103
And an eternall Curse fall on you: Let me know.And an eternal curse fall on you! Let me know.Mac IV.i.104
Why sinkes that Caldron?Why sinks that cauldron?Mac IV.i.105.1
& what noise is this?And what noise is this?Mac IV.i.105.2
Thou art too like the Spirit of Banquo: Down:Thou art too like the spirit of Banquo. Down!Mac IV.i.111
Thy Crowne do's seare mine Eye-bals. And thy haireThy crown does sear mine eye-balls. And thy hair,Mac IV.i.112
Thou other Gold-bound-brow, is like the first:Thou other gold-bound brow, is like the first.Mac IV.i.113
A third, is like the former. Filthy Hagges,A third is like the former. – Filthy hags,Mac IV.i.114
Why do you shew me this? --- A fourth? Start eyes!Why do you show me this? – A fourth? Start, eyes!Mac IV.i.115
What will the Line stretch out to'th' cracke of Doome?What, will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?Mac IV.i.116
Another yet? A seauenth? Ile see no more:Another yet? A seventh? I'll see no more!Mac IV.i.117
And yet the eighth appeares, who beares a glasse,And yet the eighth appears, who bears a glassMac IV.i.118
Which shewes me many more: and some I see,Which shows me many more. And some I seeMac IV.i.119
That two-fold Balles, and trebble Scepters carry.That twofold balls and treble sceptres carry.Mac IV.i.120
Horrible sight: Now I see 'tis true,Horrible sight! Now I see 'tis true,Mac IV.i.121
For the Blood-bolter'd Banquo smiles vpon me,For the blood-boltered Banquo smiles upon me,Mac IV.i.122
And points at them for his. What? is this so?And points at them for his. What! Is this so?Mac IV.i.123
Where are they? Gone? / Let this pernitious houre,Where are they? Gone! Let this pernicious hourMac IV.i.132
Stand aye accursed in the Kalender.Stand aye accursed in the calendar.Mac IV.i.133
Come in, without there.Come in, without there.Mac IV.i.134.1
Saw you the Weyard Sisters?Saw you the Weird Sisters?Mac IV.i.135.1
Came they not by you?Came they not by you?Mac IV.i.136.1
Infected be the Ayre whereon they ride,Infected be the air whereon they ride,Mac IV.i.137
And damn'd all those that trust them. I did heareAnd damned all those that trust them! I did hearMac IV.i.138
The gallopping of Horse. Who was't came by?The galloping of horse. Who was't came by?Mac IV.i.139
Fled to England?Fled to England!Mac IV.i.141.2
Time, thou anticipat'st my dread exploits:Time, thou anticipat'st my dread exploits.Mac IV.i.143
The flighty purpose neuer is o're-tookeThe flighty purpose never is o'ertookMac IV.i.144
Vnlesse the deed go with it. From this moment,Unless the deed go with it. From this momentMac IV.i.145
The very firstlings of my heart shall beThe very firstlings of my heart shall beMac IV.i.146
The firstlings of my hand. And euen nowThe firstlings of my hand. And even now,Mac IV.i.147
To Crown my thoughts with Acts: be it thoght & done:To crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done;Mac IV.i.148
The Castle of Macduff, I will surprize.The castle of Macduff I will surprise,Mac IV.i.149
Seize vpon Fife; giue to th' edge o'th' SwordSeize upon Fife, give to the edge o'the swordMac IV.i.150
His Wife, his Babes, and all vnfortunate SoulesHis wife, his babes, and all unfortunate soulsMac IV.i.151
That trace him in his Line. No boasting like a Foole,That trace him in his line. No boasting, like a fool;Mac IV.i.152
This deed Ile do, before this purpose coole,This deed I'll do before this purpose cool.Mac IV.i.153
But no more sights. Where are these Gentlemen?But no more sights! – Where are these gentlemen?Mac IV.i.154
Come bring me where they are.Come, bring me where they are.Mac IV.i.155
Bring me no more Reports, let them flye all: Bring me no more reports; let them fly all.Mac V.iii.1
Till Byrnane wood remoue to Dunsinane, Till Birnan Wood remove to DunsinaneMac V.iii.2
I cannot taint with Feare. What's the Boy Malcolme? I cannot taint with fear. What's the boy Malcolm?Mac V.iii.3
Was he not borne of woman? The Spirits that know Was he not born of woman? The spirits that knowMac V.iii.4
All mortall Consequences, haue pronounc'd me thus: All mortal consequences have pronounced me thus:Mac V.iii.5
Feare not Macbeth, no man that's borne of woman ‘ Fear not, Macbeth; no man that's born of womanMac V.iii.6
Shall ere haue power vpon thee. Then fly false Thanes, Shall e'er have power upon thee.’ Then fly, false thanes,Mac V.iii.7
And mingle with the English Epicures, And mingle with the English epicures.Mac V.iii.8
The minde I sway by, and the heart I beare, The mind I sway by and the heart I bearMac V.iii.9
Shall neuer sagge with doubt, nor shake with feare. Shall never sag with doubt nor shake with fear.Mac V.iii.10
The diuell damne thee blacke, thou cream-fac'd Loone: The devil damn thee black, thou cream-faced loon!Mac V.iii.11
Where got'st thou that Goose-looke. Where got'st thou that goose look?Mac V.iii.12
Geese Villaine? Geese, villain?Mac V.iii.13.2
Go pricke thy face, and ouer-red thy feare Go prick thy face and overred thy fear,Mac V.iii.14
Thou Lilly-liuer'd Boy. What Soldiers, Patch? Thou lily-livered boy. What soldiers, patch?Mac V.iii.15
Death of thy Soule, those Linnen cheekes of thine Death of thy soul! Those linen cheeks of thineMac V.iii.16
Are Counsailers to feare. What Soldiers Whay-face? : Are counsellors to fear. What soldiers, whey-face?Mac V.iii.17
Take thy face hence. Take thy face hence.Mac V.iii.19.1
Seyton, I am sick at hart, Seyton! – I am sick at heartMac V.iii.19.2
When I behold: Seyton, I say, this push When I behold – Seyton, I say! – This pushMac V.iii.20
Will cheere me euer, or dis-eate me now. Will chair me ever or dis-seat me now.Mac V.iii.21
I haue liu'd long enough: my way of life I have lived long enough: my way of lifeMac V.iii.22
Is falne into the Seare, the yellow Leafe, Is fallen into the sere, the yellow leaf;Mac V.iii.23
And that which should accompany Old-Age, And that which should accompany old age,Mac V.iii.24
As Honor, Loue, Obedience, Troopes of Friends, As honour, love, obedience, troops of friends,Mac V.iii.25
I must not looke to haue: but in their steed, I must not look to have; but, in their stead,Mac V.iii.26
Curses, not lowd but deepe, Mouth-honor, breath Curses, not loud, but deep, mouth-honour, breathMac V.iii.27
Which the poore heart would faine deny, and dare not. Which the poor heart would fain deny and dare not.Mac V.iii.28
Seyton? Seyton!Mac V.iii.29
What Newes more? What news more?Mac V.iii.30.2
Ile fight, till from my bones, my flesh be hackt. I'll fight till from my bones my flesh be hacked.Mac V.iii.32
Giue me my Armor. Give me my armour.Mac V.iii.33.1
Ile put it on: I'll put it on.Mac V.iii.34
Send out moe Horses, skirre the Country round, Send out more horses, skirr the country round,Mac V.iii.35
Hang those that talke of Feare. Giue me mine Armor: Hang those that talk of fear. – Give me mine armour. –Mac V.iii.36
How do's your Patient, Doctor? How does your patient, doctor?Mac V.iii.37.1
Cure of that: Cure her of that.Mac V.iii.39.2
Can'st thou not Minister to a minde diseas'd, Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased,Mac V.iii.40
Plucke from the Memory a rooted Sorrow, Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow,Mac V.iii.41
Raze out the written troubles of the Braine, Raze out the written troubles of the brain,Mac V.iii.42
And with some sweet Obliuious Antidote And with some sweet oblivious antidoteMac V.iii.43
Cleanse the stufft bosome, of that perillous stuffe Cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous stuffMac V.iii.44
Which weighes vpon the heart? Which weighs upon the heart?Mac V.iii.45.1
Throw Physicke to the Dogs, Ile none of it. Throw physic to the dogs! I'll none of it. –Mac V.iii.47
Come, put mine Armour on: giue me my Staffe: Come, put mine armour on, give me my staff.Mac V.iii.48
Seyton, send out: Doctor, the Thanes flye from me: Seyton, send out. – Doctor, the thanes fly from me. –Mac V.iii.49
Come sir, dispatch. If thou could'st Doctor, cast Come, sir, dispatch. – If thou couldst, doctor, castMac V.iii.50
The Water of my Land, finde her Disease, The water of my land, find her diseaseMac V.iii.51
And purge it to a sound and pristine Health, And purge it to a sound and pristine health,Mac V.iii.52
I would applaud thee to the very Eccho, I would applaud thee to the very echoMac V.iii.53
That should applaud againe. Pull't off I say, That should applaud again. – Pull't off, I say. –Mac V.iii.54
What Rubarb, Cyme, or what Purgatiue druggeWhat rhubarb, senna, or what purgative drugMac V.iii.55
Would scowre these English hence: hear'st yu of them? Would scour these English hence? Hear'st thou of them?Mac V.iii.56
Bring it after me: – Bring it after me.Mac V.iii.58.2
I will not be affraid of Death and Bane, I will not be afraid of death and baneMac V.iii.59
Till Birnane Forrest come to Dunsinane. Till Birnan forest come to Dunsinane.Mac V.iii.60
Hang out our Banners on the outward walls,Hang out our banners on the outward walls.Mac V.v.1
The Cry is still, they come: our Castles strengthThe cry is still ‘ They come.’ Our castle's strengthMac V.v.2
Will laugh a Siedge to scorne: Heere let them lye,Will laugh a siege to scorn. Here let them lieMac V.v.3
Till Famine and the Ague eate them vp:Till famine and the ague eat them up.Mac V.v.4
Were they not forc'd with those that should be ours,Were they not farced with those that should be oursMac V.v.5
We might haue met them darefull, beard to beard,We might have met them dareful, beard to beard,Mac V.v.6
And beate them backward home.And beat them backward home.Mac V.v.7.1
What is that noyse?What is that noise?Mac V.v.7.2
I haue almost forgot the taste of Feares:I have almost forgot the taste of fears.Mac V.v.9
The time ha's beene, my sences would haue cool'dThe time has been my senses would have cooledMac V.v.10
To heare a Night-shrieke, and my Fell of haireTo hear a night-shriek, and my fell of hairMac V.v.11
Would at a dismall Treatise rowze, and stirreWould at a dismal treatise rouse and stirMac V.v.12
As life were in't. I haue supt full with horrors,As life were in't. I have supped full with horrors:Mac V.v.13
Direnesse familiar to my slaughterous thoughtsDireness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts,Mac V.v.14
Cannot once start me.Cannot once start me.Mac V.v.15.1
Wherefore was that cry?Wherefore was that cry?Mac V.v.15.2
She should haue dy'de heereafter;She should have died hereafter.Mac V.v.17
There would haue beene a time for such a word:There would have been a time for such a word –Mac V.v.18
To morrow, and to morrow, and to morrow,Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,Mac V.v.19
Creepes in this petty pace from day to day,Creeps in this petty pace from day to dayMac V.v.20
To the last Syllable of Recorded time:To the last syllable of recorded time;Mac V.v.21
And all our yesterdayes, haue lighted FoolesAnd all our yesterdays have lighted foolsMac V.v.22
The way to dusty death. Out, out, breefe Candle,The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!Mac V.v.23
Life's but a walking Shadow, a poore Player,Life's but a walking shadow, a poor playerMac V.v.24
That struts and frets his houre vpon the Stage,That struts and frets his hour upon the stageMac V.v.25
And then is heard no more. It is a TaleAnd then is heard no more. It is a taleMac V.v.26
Told by an Ideot, full of sound and furyTold by an idiot, full of sound and fury,Mac V.v.27
Signifying nothing.Signifying nothing.Mac V.v.28
Thou com'st to vse thy Tongue: thy Story quickly.Thou com'st to use thy tongue: thy story quickly!Mac V.v.29
Well, say sir.Well, say, sir.Mac V.v.32.2
Lyar, and Slaue.Liar and slave!Mac V.v.35.2
If thou speak'st false,If thou speak'st false,Mac V.v.38.2
Vpon the next Tree shall thou hang aliueUpon the next tree shalt thou hang aliveMac V.v.39
Till Famine cling thee: If thy speech be sooth,Till famine cling thee. If thy speech be sooth,Mac V.v.40
I care not if thou dost for me as much.I care not if thou dost for me as much.Mac V.v.41
I pull in Resolution, and beginI pull in resolution, and beginMac V.v.42
To doubt th' Equiuocation of the Fiend,To doubt the equivocation of the fiendMac V.v.43
That lies like truth. Feare not, till Byrnane WoodThat lies like truth. ‘ Fear not, till Birnan WoodMac V.v.44
Do come to Dunsinane, and now a WoodDo come to Dunsinane ’ – and now a woodMac V.v.45
Comes toward Dunsinane. Arme, Arme, and out,Comes toward Dunsinane. Arm, arm, and out!Mac V.v.46
If this which he auouches, do's appeare,If this which he avouches does appear,Mac V.v.47
There is nor flying hence, nor tarrying here.There is nor flying hence nor tarrying here.Mac V.v.48
I 'ginne to be a-weary of the Sun,I 'gin to be aweary of the sun,Mac V.v.49
And wish th' estate o'th' world were now vndon.And wish the estate o'the world were now undone. –Mac V.v.50
Ring the Alarum Bell, blow Winde, come wracke,Ring the alarum bell! – Blow wind, come wrack,Mac V.v.51
At least wee'l dye with Harnesse on our backe.At least we'll die with harness on our back.Mac V.v.52
They haue tied me to a stake, I cannot flye,They have tied me to a stake, I cannot fly,Mac
But Beare-like I must fight the course. What's heBut bear-like I must fight the course. What's heMac
That was not borne of Woman? Such a oneThat was not born of woman? Such a oneMac
Am I to feare, or none.Am I to fear, or none.Mac
Thou'lt be affraid to heare it.Thou'lt be afraid to hear it.Mac
My name's Macbeth.My name's Macbeth.Mac
No: nor more fearefull.No, nor more fearful.Mac
Thou was't borne of woman;Thou wast born of woman.Mac
But Swords I smile at, Weapons laugh to scorne,But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn,Mac
Brandish'd by man that's of a Woman borne.Brandished by man that's of a woman born.Mac
Why should I play the Roman Foole, and dyeWhy should I play the Roman fool and dieMac
On mine owne sword? whiles I see liues, the gashesOn mine own sword? Whiles I see lives, the gashesMac
Do better vpon them.Do better upon them.Mac
Of all men else I haue auoyded thee:Of all men else I have avoided thee.Mac
But get thee backe, my soule is too much charg'dBut get thee back; my soul is too much chargedMac
With blood of thine already.With blood of thine already.Mac
Thou loosest labourThou losest labour.Mac
As easie may'st thou the intrenchant AyreAs easy mayst thou the intrenchant airMac
With thy keene Sword impresse, as make me bleed:With thy keen sword impress as make me bleed.Mac
Let fall thy blade on vulnerable Crests,Let fall thy blade on vulnerable crests,Mac
I beare a charmed Life, which must not yeeldI bear a charmed life which must not yieldMac
To one of woman borne.To one of woman born.Mac
Accursed be that tongue that tels mee so;Accursed be that tongue that tells me so;Mac
For it hath Cow'd my better part of man:For it hath cowed my better part of man;Mac
And be these Iugling Fiends no more beleeu'd,And be these juggling fiends no more believedMac
That palter with vs in a double sence,That palter with us in a double sense,Mac
That keepe the word of promise to our eare,That keep the word of promise to our earMac
And breake it to our hope. Ile not fight with thee.And break it to our hope. I'll not fight with thee.Mac
I will not yeeldI will not yieldMac
To kisse the ground before young Malcolmes feet,To kiss the ground before young Malcolm's feetMac
And to be baited with the Rabbles curse.And to be baited with the rabble's curse.Mac
Though Byrnane wood be come to Dunsinane,Though Birnan Wood be come to DunsinaneMac
And thou oppos'd, being of no woman borne,And thou opposed, being of no woman born,Mac
Yet I will try the last. Before my body,Yet I will try the last. Before my bodyMac
I throw my warlike Shield: Lay on Macduffe,I throw my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff;Mac
And damn'd be him, that first cries hold, enough.And damned be him that first cries, ‘ Hold, enough!’Mac

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