Original textModern textKey line
You looke not well signior Anthonio,You look not well, Signor Antonio.MV I.i.73
You haue too much respect vpon the world:You have too much respect upon the world;MV I.i.74
They loose it that doe buy it with much care,They lose it that do buy it with much care.MV I.i.75
Beleeue me you are maruellously chang'd.Believe me, you are marvellously changed.MV I.i.76
Let me play the foole,Let me play the fool;MV I.i.79.2
With mirth and laughter let old wrinckles come,With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come,MV I.i.80
And let my Liuer rather heate with wine,And let my liver rather heat with wineMV I.i.81
Then my heart coole with mortifying grones.Than my heart cool with mortifying groans.MV I.i.82
Why should a man whose bloud is warme within,Why should a man whose blood is warm withinMV I.i.83
Sit like his Grandsire, cut in Alablaster?Sit, like his grandsire cut in alabaster?MV I.i.84
Sleepe when he wakes? and creep into the IaundiesSleep when he wakes? And creep into the jaundiceMV I.i.85
By being peeuish? I tell thee what Anthonio,By being peevish? I tell thee what, Antonio,MV I.i.86
I loue thee, and it is my loue that speakes:I love thee, and 'tis my love that speaks:MV I.i.87
There are a sort of men, whose visagesThere are a sort of men whose visagesMV I.i.88
Do creame and mantle like a standing pond,Do cream and mantle like a standing pond,MV I.i.89
And do a wilfull stilnesse entertaine,And do a wilful stillness entertainMV I.i.90
With purpose to be drest in an opinionWith purpose to be dressed in an opinionMV I.i.91
Of wisedome, grauity, profound conceit,Of wisdom, gravity, profound conceit,MV I.i.92
As who should say, I am sir an Oracle,As who should say, ‘ I am Sir Oracle,MV I.i.93
And when I ope my lips, let no dogge barke.And when I ope my lips, let no dog bark.’MV I.i.94
O my Anthonio, I do know of theseO my Antonio, I do know of theseMV I.i.95
That therefore onely are reputed wise,That therefore only are reputed wiseMV I.i.96
For saying nothing; when I am verie sureFor saying nothing, when, I am very sureMV I.i.97
If they should speake, would almost dam those earesIf they should speak, would almost damn those ears,MV I.i.98
Which hearing them would call their brothers fooles:Which hearing them would call their brothers fools.MV I.i.99
Ile tell thee more of this another time.I'll tell thee more of this another time.MV I.i.100
But fish not with this melancholly baiteBut fish not with this melancholy baitMV I.i.101
For this foole Gudgin, this opinion:For this fool gudgeon, this opinion.MV I.i.102
Come good Lorenzo, faryewell a while,Come, good Lorenzo. Fare ye well awhile;MV I.i.103
Ile end my exhortation after dinner.I'll end my exhortation after dinner.MV I.i.104
Well, keepe me company but two yeares mo,Well, keep me company but two years more,MV I.i.108
Thou shalt not know the sound of thine owne tongue.Thou shalt not know the sound of thine own tongue.MV I.i.109
Thankes ifaith, for silence is onely commendableThanks, i'faith, for silence is only commendableMV I.i.111
In a neats tongue dri'd, and a maid not vendible. In a neat's tongue dried and a maid not vendible.MV I.i.112
Where's your Maister.Where is your master?MV II.ii.162.1
Signior Bassanio.Signor Bassanio!MV II.ii.163
I haue a sute to you.I have a suit to you.MV II.ii.165.1
You must not denie me, I must goe with you to Belmont.You must not deny me. I must go with you to Belmont.MV II.ii.166
Signor Bassanio, heare me,Signor Bassanio, hear me:MV II.ii.176.2
If I doe not put on a sober habite,If I do not put on a sober habit,MV II.ii.177
Talke with respect, and sweare but now and than,Talk with respect, and swear but now and then,MV II.ii.178
Weare prayer bookes in my pocket, looke demurely,Wear prayer books in my pocket, look demurely,MV II.ii.179
Nay more, while grace is saying hood mine eyesNay more, while grace is saying hood mine eyesMV II.ii.180
Thus with my hat, and sigh and say Amen:Thus with my hat, and sigh and say amen,MV II.ii.181
Vse all the obseruance of ciuillitieUse all the observance of civilityMV II.ii.182
Like one well studied in a sad ostentLike one well studied in a sad ostentMV II.ii.183
To please his Grandam, neuer trust me more.To please his grandam, never trust me more.MV II.ii.184
Nay but I barre to night, you shall not gage meNay, but I bar tonight. You shall not gauge meMV II.ii.186
By what we doe to night.By what we do tonight.MV II.ii.187.1
And I must to Lorenso and the rest,And I must to Lorenzo and the rest,MV II.ii.192
But we will visite you at supper time.But we will visit you at supper-time.MV II.ii.193
We haue not made good preparation.We have not made good preparation.MV II.iv.4
Loue newes in faith.Love-news, in faith!MV II.iv.14.2
Was not that Letter from faire Iessica?Was not that letter from fair Jessica?MV II.iv.28
This is the penthouse vnder which LorenzoThis is the penthouse under which LorenzoMV
Desired vs to make a stand.Desired us to make stand.MV
And it is meruaile he out-dwels his houre,And it is marvel he outdwells his hour,MV
For louers euer run before the clocke.For lovers ever run before the clock.MV
That euer holds, who riseth from a feastThat ever holds. Who riseth from a feastMV
With that keene appetite that he sits downe?With that keen appetite that he sits down?MV
Where is the horse that doth vntread againeWhere is the horse that doth untread againMV
His tedious measures with the vnbated fire,His tedious measures with the unbated fireMV
That he did pace them first: all things that are,That he did pace them first? All things that areMV
Are with more spirit chased then enioy'd.Are with more spirit chased than enjoyed.MV
How like a yonger or a prodigallHow like a younger or a prodigalMV
The skarfed barke puts from her natiue bay,The scarfed bark puts from her native bay,MV
Hudg'd and embraced by the strumpet winde:Hugged and embraced by the strumpet wind.MV
How like a prodigall doth she returneHow like the prodigal doth she return,MV
With ouer-wither'd ribs and ragged sailes,With overweathered ribs and ragged sails,MV
Leane, rent, and begger'd by the strumpet winde?Lean, rent, and beggared by the strumpet wind.MV
Now by my hood, a gentle, and no Iew.Now by my hood, a gentle and no Jew!MV
Signior Anthonio?Signor Antonio?MV
I am glad on't, I desire no more delightI am glad on't. I desire no more delightMV
Then to be vnder saile, and gone to night.Than to be under sail and gone tonight.MV
All. ALL
Ding, dong, bell.Ding, dong, bell.MV III.ii.72
My Lord Bassanio, and my gentle Lady,My lord Bassanio, and my gentle lady,MV III.ii.189
I wish you all the ioy that you can wish:I wish you all the joy that you can wish,MV III.ii.190
For I am sure you can wish none from me:For I am sure you can wish none from me;MV III.ii.191
And when your Honours meane to solemnizeAnd when your honours mean to solemnizeMV III.ii.192
The bargaine of your faith: I doe beseech youThe bargain of your faith, I do beseech youMV III.ii.193
Euen at that time I may be married too.Even at that time I may be married too.MV III.ii.194
I thanke your Lordship, you gaue got me one.I thank your lordship, you have got me one.MV III.ii.196
My eyes my Lord can looke as swift as yours:My eyes, my lord, can look as swift as yours:MV III.ii.197
You saw the mistres, I beheld the maid:You saw the mistress, I beheld the maid.MV III.ii.198
You lou'd, I lou'd for intermission,You loved, I loved; for intermissionMV III.ii.199
No more pertaines to me my Lord then you;No more pertains to me, my lord, than you.MV III.ii.200
Your fortune stood vpon the caskets there,Your fortune stood upon the caskets there,MV III.ii.201
And so did mine too, as the matter falls:And so did mine too, as the matter falls;MV III.ii.202
For wooing heere vntill I swet againe,For wooing here until I sweat again,MV III.ii.203
And swearing till my very rough was dryAnd swearing till my very roof was dryMV III.ii.204
With oathes of loue, at last, if promise last,With oaths of love, at last, if promise last,MV III.ii.205
I got a promise of this faire one heereI got a promise of this fair one hereMV III.ii.206
To haue her loue: prouided that your fortuneTo have her love, provided that your fortuneMV III.ii.207
Atchieu'd her mistresse.Achieved her mistress.MV III.ii.208.1
Yes faith my Lord.Yes, faith, my lord.MV III.ii.211
Weele play with them the first boy for a thousand We'll play with them, the first boy for a thousandMV III.ii.213
ducats.ducats.MV III.ii.214
No, we shal nere win at that sport, and stakeNo, we shall ne'er win at that sport, and stakeMV III.ii.216
downe.down.MV III.ii.217
But who comes heere? Lorenzo and his Infidell?But who comes here? Lorenzo and his infidel!MV III.ii.218
What and my old Venetian friend Salerio?What, and my old Venetian friend Salerio!MV III.ii.219
Nerrissa, cheere yond stranger, bid her welcom.Nerissa, cheer yond stranger; bid her welcome.MV III.ii.237
Your hand Salerio, what's the newes from Venice?Your hand, Salerio. What's the news from Venice?MV III.ii.238
How doth that royal Merchant good Anthonio;How doth that royal merchant, good Antonio?MV III.ii.239
I know he wil be glad of our successe,I know he will be glad of our success;MV III.ii.240
We are the Iasons, we haue won the fleece.We are the Jasons, we have won the Fleece.MV III.ii.241
Not on thy soale: but on thy soule harsh IewNot on thy sole, but on thy soul, harsh Jew,MV IV.i.123
Thou mak'st thy knife keene: but no mettall can,Thou mak'st thy knife keen; but no metal can,MV IV.i.124
No, not the hangmans Axe beare halfe the keennesseNo, not the hangman's axe, bear half the keennessMV IV.i.125
Of thy sharpe enuy. Can no prayers pierce thee?Of thy sharp envy. Can no prayers pierce thee?MV IV.i.126
O be thou damn'd, inexecrable dogge,O be thou damned, inexecrable dog,MV IV.i.128
And for thy life let iustice be accus'd:And for thy life let justice be accused!MV IV.i.129
Thou almost mak'st me wauer in my faith;Thou almost mak'st me waver in my faith,MV IV.i.130
To hold opinion with Pythagoras,To hold opinion with PythagorasMV IV.i.131
That soules of Animals infuse themseluesThat souls of animals infuse themselvesMV IV.i.132
Into the trunkes of men. Thy currish spiritInto the trunks of men. Thy currish spiritMV IV.i.133
Gouern'd a Wolfe, who hang'd for humane slaughter,Governed a wolf who, hanged for human slaughter,MV IV.i.134
Euen from the gallowes did his fell soule fleet;Even from the gallows did his fell soul fleet,MV IV.i.135
And whil'st thou layest in thy vnhallowed dam,And whilst thou layest in thy unhallowed dam,MV IV.i.136
Infus'd it selfe in thee: For thy desiresInfused itself in thee; for thy desiresMV IV.i.137
Are Woluish, bloody, steru'd, and rauenous.Are wolvish, bloody, starved, and ravenous.MV IV.i.138
I haue a wife whom I protest I loue,I have a wife who I protest I love;MV IV.i.287
I would she were in heauen, so she couldI would she were in heaven, so she couldMV IV.i.288
Intreat some power to change this currish Iew.Entreat some power to change this currish Jew.MV IV.i.289
O vpright Iudge, / Marke Iew, ô learned Iudge.O upright judge! Mark, Jew. O learned judge!MV IV.i.310
O learned Iudge, mark Iew, a learned Iudge.O learned judge! Mark, Jew. A learned judge!MV IV.i.314
O Iew, an vpright Iudge, a learned Iudge.O Jew! An upright judge, a learned judge!MV IV.i.320
A second Daniel, a Daniel Iew,A second Daniel! A Daniel, Jew!MV IV.i.330
Now infidell I haue thee on the hip.Now, infidel, I have you on the hip!MV IV.i.331
A Daniel still say I, a second Daniel,A Daniel, still say I, a second Daniel!MV IV.i.337
I thanke thee Iew for teaching me that word.I thank thee, Jew, for teaching me that word.MV IV.i.338
Beg that thou maist haue leaue to hang thy selfe,Beg that thou mayst have leave to hang thyself,MV IV.i.361
And yet thy wealth being forfeit to the state,And yet, thy wealth being forfeit to the state,MV IV.i.362
Thou hast not left the value of a cord,Thou hast not left the value of a cord,MV IV.i.363
Therefore thou must be hang'd at the states charge.Therefore thou must be hanged at the state's charge.MV IV.i.364
A halter gratis, nothing else for Gods sake.A halter gratis! Nothing else, for God's sake!MV IV.i.376
In christning thou shalt haue two godfathers,In christ'ning shalt thou have two godfathers.MV IV.i.395
Had I been iudge, thou shouldst haue had ten more,Had I been judge, thou shouldst have had ten more,MV IV.i.396
To bring thee to the gallowes, not to the font. To bring thee to the gallows, not the font.MV IV.i.397
Faire sir, you are well ore-tane:Fair sir, you are well o'erta'en.MV IV.ii.5
My L. Bassanio vpon more aduice,My Lord Bassanio upon more adviceMV IV.ii.6
Hath sent you heere this ring, and doth intreatHath sent you here this ring, and doth entreatMV IV.ii.7
Your company at dinner.Your company at dinner.MV IV.ii.8.1
That will I doe.That will I do.MV IV.ii.12.1
By yonder Moone I sweare you do me wrong,By yonder moon I swear you do me wrong!MV V.i.142
Infaith I gaue it to the Iudges Clearke,In faith, I gave it to the judge's clerk.MV V.i.143
Would he were gelt that had it for my part,Would he were gelt that had it for my partMV V.i.144
Since you do take it Loue so much at hart.Since you do take it, love, so much at heart.MV V.i.145
About a hoope of Gold, a paltry RingAbout a hoop of gold, a paltry ringMV V.i.147
That she did giue me, whose Poesie wasThat she did give me, whose posy wasMV V.i.148
For all the world like Cutlers PoetryFor all the world like cutler's poetryMV V.i.149
Vpon a knife; Loue mee, and leaue mee not.Upon a knife, ‘ Love me, and leave me not.’MV V.i.150
He wil, and if he liue to be a man.He will, an if he live to be a man.MV V.i.159
Now by this hand I gaue it to a youth,Now, by this hand, I gave it to a youth,MV V.i.161
A kinde of boy, a little scrubbed boy,A kind of boy, a little scrubbed boyMV V.i.162
No higher then thy selfe, the Iudges Clearke,No higher than thyself, the judge's clerk,MV V.i.163
A prating boy that begg'd it as a Fee,A prating boy that begged it as a fee;MV V.i.164
I could not for my heart deny it him.I could not for my heart deny it him.MV V.i.165
My Lord Bassanio gaue his Ring awayMy Lord Bassanio gave his ring awayMV V.i.179
Vnto the Iudge that beg'd it, and indeedeUnto the judge that begged it, and indeedMV V.i.180
Deseru'd it too: and then the Boy his ClearkeDeserved it too; and then the boy, his clerkMV V.i.181
That tooke some paines in writing, he begg'd mine,That took some pains in writing, he begged mine,MV V.i.182
And neyther man nor master would take oughtAnd neither man nor master would take aughtMV V.i.183
But the two Rings.But the two rings.MV V.i.184.1
Well, doe you so: let not me take him then,Well, do you so. Let not me take him then!MV V.i.236
For if I doe, ile mar the yong Clarks pen.For if I do, I'll mar the young clerk's pen.MV V.i.237
Why this is like the mending of high waiesWhy, this is like the mending of highwaysMV V.i.263
In Sommer, where the waies are faire enough:In summer, where the ways are fair enough.MV V.i.264
What, are we Cuckolds ere we haue deseru'd it.What, are we cuckolds ere we have deserved it?MV V.i.265
Were you the Clark that is to make me cuckold.Were you the clerk that is to make me cuckold?MV V.i.281
Let it be so, the first intergatoryLet it be so. The first inter'gatoryMV V.i.300
That my Nerrissa shall be sworne on, is,That my Nerissa shall be sworn on isMV V.i.301
Whether till the next night she had rather stay,Whether till the next night she had rather stay,MV V.i.302
Or goe to bed, now being two houres to day,Or go to bed now, being two hours to day.MV V.i.303
But were the day come, I should wish it darke,But were the day come, I should wish it dark,MV V.i.304
Till I were couching with the Doctors Clarke.Till I were couching with the doctor's clerk.MV V.i.305
Well, while I liue, Ile feare no other thingWell, while I live I'll fear no other thingMV V.i.306
So sore, as keeping safe Nerrissas ring.So sore as keeping safe Nerissa's ring.MV V.i.307

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