Original textModern textKey line
My Liege, olde Gaunt commends him to your Maiestie.My liege, old Gaunt commends him to your majesty.R2 II.i.147
Nay nothing, all is said:Nay, nothing. All is said.R2 II.i.148.2
His tongue is now a stringlesse instrument,His tongue is now a stringless instrument.R2 II.i.149
Words, life, and all, old Lancaster hath spent.Words, life, and all, old Lancaster hath spent.R2 II.i.150
Well Lords, the Duke of Lancaster is dead.Well, lords, the Duke of Lancaster is dead.R2 II.i.224
Richly in both, if iustice had her right.Richly in both if justice had her right.R2 II.i.227
Nay speake thy mind: & let him ne'r speak moreNay, speak thy mind; and let him ne'er speak moreR2 II.i.230
That speakes thy words againe to do thee harme.That speaks thy words again to do thee harm.R2 II.i.231
Now afore heauen, 'tis shame such wrongs are borne,Now, afore God, 'tis shame such wrongs are borneR2 II.i.238
In him a royall Prince, and many moeIn him, a royal prince, and many moreR2 II.i.239
Of noble blood in this declining Land;Of noble blood in this declining land.R2 II.i.240
The King is not himselfe, but basely ledThe King is not himself, but basely ledR2 II.i.241
By Flatterers, and what they will informeBy flatterers; and what they will informR2 II.i.242
Meerely in hate 'gainst any of vs all,Merely in hate 'gainst any of us all,R2 II.i.243
That will the King seuerely prosecuteThat will the King severely prosecuteR2 II.i.244
'Gainst vs, our liues, our children, and our heires. 'Gainst us, our lives, our children, and our heirs.R2 II.i.245
Wars hath not wasted it, for war'd he hath not.Wars hath not wasted it; for warred he hath not,R2 II.i.252
But basely yeelded vpon comprimize,But basely yielded upon compromiseR2 II.i.253
That which his Ancestors atchieu'd with blowes:That which his noble ancestors achieved with blows.R2 II.i.254
More hath he spent in peace, then they in warres.More hath he spent in peace than they in wars.R2 II.i.255
Reproach, and dissolution hangeth ouer him.Reproach and dissolution hangeth over him.R2 II.i.258
His noble Kinsman, most degenerate King:His noble kinsman! – most degenerate King!R2 II.i.262
But Lords, we heare this fearefull tempest sing,But, lords, we hear this fearful tempest singR2 II.i.263
Yet seeke no shelter to auoid the storme:Yet see no shelter to avoid the storm.R2 II.i.264
We see the winde sit sore vpon our salles,We see the wind sit sore upon our sailsR2 II.i.265
And yet we strike not, but securely perish.And yet we strike not, but securely perish.R2 II.i.266
Not so: euen through the hollow eyes of death,Not so. Even through the hollow eyes of deathR2 II.i.270
I spie life peering: but I dare not sayI spy life peering; but I dare not sayR2 II.i.271
How neere the tidings of our comfort is.How near the tidings of our comfort is.R2 II.i.272
Then thus: I haue from Port le BlanThen thus: I have from Le Port Blanc,R2 II.i.277
A Bay in Britaine, receiu'd intelligence,A bay in Brittaine, received intelligenceR2 II.i.278
That Harry Duke of Herford, Rainald Lord Cobham,That Harry Duke of Hereford, Rainold Lord Cobham,R2 II.i.279
The son of Richard Earl of ArundelR2 II.i.280
That late broke from the Duke of Exeter,That late broke from the Duke of Exeter,R2 II.i.281
His brother Archbishop, late of Canterbury,His brother, Archbishop late of Canterbury,R2 II.i.282
Sir Thomas Erpingham, Sir Iohn Rainston,Sir Thomas Erpingham, Sir John Ramston,R2 II.i.283
Sir Iohn Norberie, Sir Robert Waterton, & Francis Quoint,Sir John Norbery, Sir Robert Waterton, and Francis Coint,R2 II.i.284
All these well furnish'd by the Duke of Britaine,All these well-furnished by the Duke of BrittaineR2 II.i.285
With eight tall ships, three thousand men of warreWith eight tall ships, three thousand men of war,R2 II.i.286
Are making hither with all due expedience,Are making hither with all due expedience,R2 II.i.287
And shortly meane to touch our Northerne shore:And shortly mean to touch our northern shore.R2 II.i.288
Perhaps they had ere this, but that they stayPerhaps they had ere this, but that they stayR2 II.i.289
The first departing of the King for Ireland.The first departing of the King for Ireland.R2 II.i.290
If then we shall shake off our slauish yoake,If then we shall shake off our slavish yoke,R2 II.i.291
Impe out our drooping Countries broken wing,Imp out our drooping country's broken wing,R2 II.i.292
Redeeme from broaking pawne the blemish'd Crowne,Redeem from broking pawn the blemished crown,R2 II.i.293
Wipe off the dust that hides our Scepters gilt,Wipe off the dust that hides our sceptre's gilt,R2 II.i.294
And make high Maiestie looke like it selfe,And make high majesty look like itself,R2 II.i.295
Away with me in poste to Rauenspurgh,Away with me in post to Ravenspurgh.R2 II.i.296
But if you faint, as fearing to do so,But if you faint, as fearing to do so,R2 II.i.297
Stay, and be secret, and my selfe will go.Stay, and be secret; and myself will go.R2 II.i.298
Beleeue me noble Lord,Believe me, noble lord,R2 II.iii.2
I am a stranger heere in Gloustershire,I am a stranger here in Gloucestershire.R2 II.iii.3
These high wilde hilles, and rough vneeuen waies,These high wild hills and rough uneven waysR2 II.iii.4
Drawes out our miles, and makes them wearisome.Draws out our miles and makes them wearisome.R2 II.iii.5
And yet our faire discourse hath beene as sugar,And yet your fair discourse hath been as sugar,R2 II.iii.6
Making the hard way sweet and delectable:Making the hard way sweet and delectable.R2 II.iii.7
But I bethinke me, what a wearie wayBut I bethink me what a weary wayR2 II.iii.8
From Rauenspurgh to Cottshold will be found,From Ravenspurgh to Cotswold will be foundR2 II.iii.9
In Rosse and Willoughby, wanting your companie,In Ross and Willoughby, wanting your company,R2 II.iii.10
Which I protest hath very much beguildWhich I protest hath very much beguiledR2 II.iii.11
The tediousnesse, and processe of my trauell:The tediousness and process of my travel.R2 II.iii.12
But theirs is sweetned with the hope to haueBut theirs is sweetened with the hope to haveR2 II.iii.13
The present benefit that I possesse;The present benefit which I possess;R2 II.iii.14
And hope to ioy, is little lesse in ioy,And hope to joy is little less in joyR2 II.iii.15
Then hope enioy'd: By this, the wearie LordsThan hope enjoyed. By this the weary lordsR2 II.iii.16
Shall make their way seeme short, as mine hath done,Shall make their way seem short as mine hath doneR2 II.iii.17
By sight of what I haue, your Noble Companie.By sight of what I have – your noble company.R2 II.iii.18
It is my Sonne, young Harry Percie,It is my son, young Harry Percy,R2 II.iii.21
Sent from my Brother Worcester: Whence soeuer.Sent from my brother Worcester whencesoever.R2 II.iii.22
Harry, how fares your Vnckle?Harry, how fares your uncle?R2 II.iii.23
Why, is he not with the Queene?Why, is he not with the Queen?R2 II.iii.25
What was his reason?What was his reason?R2 II.iii.28.2
He was not so resolu'd, when we last spake together.He was not so resolved when last we spake together.R2 II.iii.29
Haue you forgot the Duke of Hereford (Boy.)Have you forgot the Duke of Hereford, boy?R2 II.iii.36
Then learne to know him now: this is the Duke.Then learn to know him now – this is the Duke.R2 II.iii.40
How farre is it to Barkely? and what stirreHow far is it to Berkeley, and what stirR2 II.iii.51
Keepes good old Yorke there, with his Men of Warre?Keeps good old York there with his men of war?R2 II.iii.52
Here come the Lords of Rosse and Willoughby,Here come the Lords of Ross and Willoughby,R2 II.iii.57
Bloody with spurring, fierie red with haste.Bloody with spurring, fiery red with haste.R2 II.iii.58
It is my Lord of Barkely, as I ghesse.It is my Lord of Berkeley, as I guess.R2 II.iii.68
The Noble Duke hath been too much abus'd.The noble Duke hath been too much abused.R2 II.iii.136
The Noble Duke hath sworne his comming isThe noble Duke hath sworn his coming isR2 II.iii.147
But for his owne; and for the right of that,But for his own, and for the right of thatR2 II.iii.148
Wee all haue strongly sworne to giue him ayd,We all have strongly sworn to give him aid;R2 II.iii.149
And let him neu'r see Ioy, that breakes that Oath.And let him never see joy that breaks that oath.R2 II.iii.150
The newes is very faire and good, my Lord,The news is very fair and good, my lord.R2 III.iii.5
Richard, not farre from hence, hath hid his head.Richard not far from hence hath hid his head.R2 III.iii.6
Your Grace mistakes: onely to be briefe,Your grace mistakes. Only to be briefR2 III.iii.10
Left I his Title out.Left I his title out.R2 III.iii.11.1
Oh, belike it is the Bishop of Carlile.O, belike it is the Bishop of Carlisle.R2 III.iii.30
The King of Heauen forbid our Lord the KingThe King of heaven forbid our lord the KingR2 III.iii.101
Should so with ciuill and vnciuill ArmesShould so with civil and uncivil armsR2 III.iii.102
Be rush'd vpon: Thy thrice-noble Cousin,Be rushed upon. Thy thrice-noble cousinR2 III.iii.103
Harry Bullingbrooke, doth humbly kisse thy hand,Harry Bolingbroke doth humbly kiss thy hand;R2 III.iii.104
And by the Honorable Tombe he sweares,And by the honourable tomb he swearsR2 III.iii.105
That stands vpon your Royall Grandsires Bones,That stands upon your royal grandsire's bones,R2 III.iii.106
And by the Royalties of both your Bloods,And by the royalties of both your bloods,R2 III.iii.107
(Currents that spring from one most gracious Head)Currents that spring from one most gracious head,R2 III.iii.108
And by the buried Hand of Warlike Gaunt,And by the buried hand of warlike Gaunt,R2 III.iii.109
And by the Worth and Honor of himselfe,And by the worth and honour of himself,R2 III.iii.110
Comprising all that may be sworne, or said,Comprising all that may be sworn or said,R2 III.iii.111
His comming hither hath no further scope,His coming hither hath no further scopeR2 III.iii.112
Then for his Lineall Royalties, and to beggeThan for his lineal royalties, and to begR2 III.iii.113
Infranchisement immediate on his knees:Enfranchisement immediate on his knees,R2 III.iii.114
Which on thy Royall partie graunted once,Which on thy royal party granted onceR2 III.iii.115
His glittering Armes he will commend to'Rust,His glittering arms he will commend to rust,R2 III.iii.116
His barbed Steedes to Stables, and his heartHis barbed steeds to stables, and his heartR2 III.iii.117
To faithfull seruice of your Maiestie:To faithful service of your majesty.R2 III.iii.118
This sweares he, as he is a Prince, is iust,This swears he as he is a prince and just,R2 III.iii.119
And as I am a Gentleman, I credit him.And as I am a gentleman I credit him.R2 III.iii.120
My Lord, in the base Court he doth attendMy lord, in the base-court he doth attendR2 III.iii.176
To speake with you, may it please you to come downe.To speak with you, may it please you to come down.R2 III.iii.177
Sorrow, and griefe of heartSorrow and grief of heartR2 III.iii.184.2
Makes him speake fondly, like a frantick man:Makes him speak fondly, like a frantic man.R2 III.iii.185
Yet he is come.Yet he is come.R2 III.iii.186
Well haue you argu'd Sir: and for your paines,Well have you argued, sir; and for your painsR2 IV.i.150
Of Capitall Treason we arrest you here.Of capital treason we arrest you here.R2 IV.i.151
My Lord of Westminster, be it your charge,My Lord of Westminster, be it your chargeR2 IV.i.152
To keepe him safely, till his day of Tryall.To keep him safely till his day of trial.R2 IV.i.153
May it please you, Lords, to grant the Commons Suit?May it please you, lords, to grant the commons' suit?R2 IV.i.154
No more: but that you readeNo more but that you readR2 IV.i.221.2
These Accusations, and these grieuous Crymes,These accusations and these grievous crimesR2 IV.i.222
Committed by your Person, and your followers,Committed by your person and your followersR2 IV.i.223
Against the State, and Profit of this Land:Against the state and profit of this land,R2 IV.i.224
That by confessing them, the Soules of menThat by confessing them the souls of menR2 IV.i.225
May deeme, that you are worthily depos'd.May deem that you are worthily deposed.R2 IV.i.226
My Lord dispatch, reade o're these Articles.My lord, dispatch. Read o'er these articles.R2 IV.i.242
My Lord.My lord – R2 IV.i.252
Read o're this Paper, while ye Glasse doth come.Read o'er this paper while the glass doth come.R2 IV.i.268
The Commons will not then be satisfy'd.The commons will not then be satisfied.R2 IV.i.271
My Lord, the mind of Bullingbrooke is chang'd.My lord, the mind of Bolingbroke is changed.R2 V.i.51
You must to Pomfret, not vnto the Tower.You must to Pomfret, not unto the Tower.R2 V.i.52
And Madame, there is order ta'ne for you:And, madam, there is order ta'en for you:R2 V.i.53
With all swift speed, you must away to France.With all swift speed you must away to France.R2 V.i.54
My guilt be on my Head, and there an end:My guilt be on my head, and there an end.R2 V.i.69
Take leaue, and part, for you must part forthwith.Take leave and part, for you must part forthwith.R2 V.i.70
That were some Loue, but little Pollicy.That were some love, but little policy.R2 V.i.84
First to thy Sacred State, wish I all happinesse:First, to thy sacred state wish I all happiness.R2
The next newes is, I haue to London sentThe next news is, I have to London sentR2
The heads of Salsbury, Spencer, Blunt, and Kent:The heads of Salisbury, Spencer, Blunt, and Kent.R2
The manner of their taking may appeareThe manner of their taking may appearR2
At large discoursed in this paper heere.At large discoursed in this paper here.R2

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