Original textModern textKey line
More health and happinesse betide my Liege,More health and happiness betide my liegeR2 III.ii.91
Then can my care-tun'd tongue deliuer him.Than can my care-tuned tongue deliver him.R2 III.ii.92
Glad am I, that your Highnesse is so arm'dGlad am I that your highness is so armedR2 III.ii.104
To beare the tidings of Calamitie.To bear the tidings of calamity.R2 III.ii.105
Like an vnseasonable stormie day,Like an unseasonable stormy dayR2 III.ii.106
Which make the Siluer Riuers drowne their Shores,Which makes the silver rivers drown their shoresR2 III.ii.107
As if the World were all dissolu'd to teares:As if the world were all dissolved to tears,R2 III.ii.108
So high, aboue his Limits, swells the RageSo high above his limits swells the rageR2 III.ii.109
Of Bullingbrooke, couering your fearefull LandOf Bolingbroke, covering your fearful landR2 III.ii.110
With hard bright Steele, and hearts harder then Steele:With hard bright steel, and hearts harder than steel.R2 III.ii.111
White Beares haue arm'd their thin and hairelesse ScalpsWhitebeards have armed their thin and hairless scalpsR2 III.ii.112
Against thy Maiestie, and Boyes with Womens Voyces,Against thy majesty. Boys with women's voicesR2 III.ii.113
Striue to speake bigge, and clap their female iointsStrive to speak big and clap their female jointsR2 III.ii.114
In stiffe vnwieldie Armes: against thy CrowneIn stiff unwieldy arms against thy crown.R2 III.ii.115
Thy very Beads-men learne to bend their BowesThy very beadsmen learn to bend their bowsR2 III.ii.116
Of double fatall Eugh: against thy StateOf double-fatal yew against thy state.R2 III.ii.117
Yea Distaffe-Women manage rustie Bills:Yea, distaff-women manage rusty billsR2 III.ii.118
Against thy Seat both young and old rebell,Against thy seat. Both young and old rebel,R2 III.ii.119
And all goes worse then I haue power to tell.And all goes worse than I have power to tell.R2 III.ii.120
Peace haue they made with him indeede (my Lord.)Peace have they made with him indeed, my lord.R2 III.ii.128
Sweet Loue (I see) changing his propertie,Sweet love, I see, changing his property,R2 III.ii.135
Turnes to the sowrest, and most deadly hate:Turns to the sourest and most deadly hate.R2 III.ii.136
Againe vncurse their Soules; their peace is madeAgain uncurse their souls. Their peace is madeR2 III.ii.137
With Heads, and not with Hands: those whom you curseWith heads and not with hands. Those whom you curseR2 III.ii.138
Haue felt the worst of Deaths destroying hand,Have felt the worst of death's destroying wound,R2 III.ii.139
And lye full low, grau'd in the hollow ground.And lie full low, graved in the hollow ground.R2 III.ii.140
Yea, all of them at Bristow lost their heads.Ay. All of them at Bristol lost their heads.R2 III.ii.142
Men iudge by the complexion of the SkieMen judge by the complexion of the skyR2 III.ii.194
The state and inclination of the day;The state and inclination of the day.R2 III.ii.195
So may you by my dull and heauie Eye:So may you by my dull and heavy eyeR2 III.ii.196
My Tongue hath but a heauier Tale to say:My tongue hath but a heavier tale to say.R2 III.ii.197
I play the Torturer, by small and smallI play the torturer, by small and smallR2 III.ii.198
To lengthen out the worst, that must be spoken.To lengthen out the worst that must be spoken.R2 III.ii.199
Your Vnckle Yorke is ioyn'd with Bullingbrooke,Your uncle York is joined with Bolingbroke,R2 III.ii.200
And all your Northerne Castles yeelded vp,And all your northern castles yielded up,R2 III.ii.201
And all your Southerne Gentlemen in ArmesAnd all your southern gentlemen in armsR2 III.ii.202
Vpon his Faction.Upon his party.R2 III.ii.203.1

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