Original textModern textKey line
Lords view these Letters, full of bad mischance.Lords, view these letters full of bad mischance.1H6 I.i.89
France is reuolted from the English quite,France is revolted from the English quite,1H6 I.i.90
Except some petty Townes, of no import.Except some petty towns of no import.1H6 I.i.91
The Dolphin Charles is crowned King in Rheimes:The Dauphin Charles is crowned king in Rheims;1H6 I.i.92
The Bastard of Orleance with him is ioyn'd:The Bastard of Orleans with him is joined;1H6 I.i.93
Reynold, Duke of Aniou, doth take his part,Reignier, Duke of Anjou, doth take his part;1H6 I.i.94
The Duke of Alanson flyeth to his side. The Duke of Alençon flieth to his side.1H6 I.i.95

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