Original textModern textKey line
My gracious Lords, to adde to your laments,My gracious lords, to add to your laments,1H6 I.i.103
Wherewith you now bedew King Henries hearse,Wherewith you now bedew King Henry's hearse,1H6 I.i.104
I must informe you of a dismall fight,I must inform you of a dismal fight1H6 I.i.105
Betwixt the stout Lord Talbot, and the French.Betwixt the stout Lord Talbot and the French.1H6 I.i.106
O no: wherein Lord Talbot was o'rethrown:O, no; wherein Lord Talbot was o'erthrown.1H6 I.i.108
The circumstance Ile tell you more at large.The circumstance I'll tell you more at large.1H6 I.i.109
The tenth of August last, this dreadfull Lord,The tenth of August last this dreadful lord,1H6 I.i.110
Retyring from the Siege of Orleance,Retiring from the siege of Orleans,1H6 I.i.111
Hauing full scarce six thousand in his troupe,Having full scarce six thousand in his troop,1H6 I.i.112
By three and twentie thousand of the FrenchBy three-and-twenty thousand of the French1H6 I.i.113
Was round incompassed, and set vpon:Was round encompassed and set upon.1H6 I.i.114
No leysure had he to enranke his men.No leisure had he to enrank his men;1H6 I.i.115
He wanted Pikes to set before his Archers:He wanted pikes to set before his archers;1H6 I.i.116
In stead whereof, sharpe Stakes pluckt out of HedgesInstead whereof, sharp stakes plucked out of hedges1H6 I.i.117
They pitched in the ground confusedly,They pitched in the ground confusedly1H6 I.i.118
To keepe the Horsemen off, from breaking in.To keep the horsemen off from breaking in.1H6 I.i.119
More then three houres the fight continued:More than three hours the fight continued,1H6 I.i.120
Where valiant Talbot, aboue humane thought,Where valiant Talbot, above human thought,1H6 I.i.121
Enacted wonders with his Sword and Lance.Enacted wonders with his sword and lance.1H6 I.i.122
Hundreds he sent to Hell, and none durst stand him:Hundreds he sent to hell, and none durst stand him;1H6 I.i.123
Here, there, and euery where enrag'd, he slew.Here, there, and everywhere enraged he slew.1H6 I.i.124
The French exclaym'd, the Deuill was in Armes,The French exclaimed the devil was in arms;1H6 I.i.125
All the whole Army stood agaz'd on him.All the whole army stood agazed on him.1H6 I.i.126
His Souldiers spying his vndaunted Spirit,His soldiers, spying his undaunted spirit,1H6 I.i.127
A Talbot, a Talbot, cry'd out amaine,‘ À Talbot! À Talbot!’ cried out amain,1H6 I.i.128
And rusht into the Bowels of the Battaile.And rushed into the bowels of the battle.1H6 I.i.129
Here had the Conquest fully been seal'd vp,Here had the conquest fully been sealed up1H6 I.i.130
If Sir Iohn Falstaffe had not play'd the Coward.If Sir John Falstaff had not played the coward.1H6 I.i.131
He being in the Vauward, plac't behinde,He, being in the vaward, placed behind1H6 I.i.132
With purpose to relieue and follow them,With purpose to relieve and follow them,1H6 I.i.133
Cowardly fled, not hauing struck one stroake.Cowardly fled, not having struck one stroke.1H6 I.i.134
Hence grew the generall wrack and massacre:Hence grew the general wrack and massacre;1H6 I.i.135
Enclosed were they with their Enemies.Enclosed were they with their enemies.1H6 I.i.136
A base Wallon, to win the Dolphins grace,A base Walloon, to win the Dauphin's grace,1H6 I.i.137
Thrust Talbot with a Speare into the Back,Thrust Talbot with a spear into the back,1H6 I.i.138
Whom all France, with their chiefe assembled strength,Whom all France, with their chief assembled strength,1H6 I.i.139
Durst not presume to looke once in the face.Durst not presume to look once in the face.1H6 I.i.140
O no, he liues, but is tooke Prisoner,O, no, he lives, but is took prisoner,1H6 I.i.145
And Lord Scales with him, and Lord Hungerford:And Lord Scales with him, and Lord Hungerford;1H6 I.i.146
Most of the rest slaughter'd, or tooke likewise.Most of the rest slaughtered or took likewise.1H6 I.i.147
So you had need, for Orleance is besieg'd,So you had need, for Orleans is besieged;1H6 I.i.157
The English Army is growne weake and faint:The English army is grown weak and faint;1H6 I.i.158
The Earle of Salisbury craueth supply,The Earl of Salisbury craveth supply1H6 I.i.159
And hardly keepes his men from mutinie,And hardly keeps his men from mutiny,1H6 I.i.160
Since they so few, watch such a multitude.Since they, so few, watch such a multitude.1H6 I.i.161

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