Original textModern textKey line
My Lord.My lord.MM I.i.2
If any in Vienna be of worthIf any in Vienna be of worthMM I.i.22
To vndergoe such ample grace, and honour,To undergo such ample grace and honour,MM I.i.23
It is Lord Angelo.It is Lord Angelo.MM I.i.24.1
Lead forth, and bring you backe in happinesse. Lead forth and bring you back in happiness!MM I.i.74
I shall desire you, Sir, to giue me leaueI shall desire you, sir, to give me leaveMM I.i.76
To haue free speech with you; and it concernes meTo have free speech with you, and it concerns meMM I.i.77
To looke into the bottome of my place :To look into the bottom of my place.MM I.i.78
A powre I haue, but of what strength and nature,A power I have, but of what strength and natureMM I.i.79
I am not yet instructed.I am not yet instructed.MM I.i.80
Ile wait vpon your honor.I'll wait upon your honour.MM I.i.83.2
I, but yetAy, but yetMM II.i.4.2
Let vs be keene, and rather cut a littleLet us be keen and rather cut a littleMM II.i.5
Then fall, and bruise to death: alas, this gentlemanThan fall, and bruise to death. Alas, this gentleman,MM II.i.6
Whom I would saue, had a most noble father,Whom I would save, had a most noble father.MM II.i.7
Let but your honour knowLet but your honour know,MM II.i.8
(Whom I beleeue to be most strait in vertue)Whom I believe to be most strait in virtue,MM II.i.9
That in the working of your owne affections,That, in the working of your own affections,MM II.i.10
Had time coheard with Place, or place with wishing,Had time cohered with place or place with wishing,MM II.i.11
Or that the resolute acting of our bloodOr that the resolute acting of your bloodMM II.i.12
Could haue attaind th' effect of your owne purpose,Could have attained th' effect of your own purpose,MM II.i.13
Whether you had not sometime in your lifeWhether you had not sometime in your lifeMM II.i.14
Er'd in this point, which now you censure him,Erred in this point which now you censure him,MM II.i.15
And puld the Law vpon you.And pulled the law upon you.MM II.i.16
Be it as your wisedome will.Be it as your wisdom will.MM II.i.32.1
Well: heauen forgiue him; and forgiue vs all:Well, heaven forgive him, and forgive us all.MM II.i.37
Some rise by sinne, and some by vertue fall:Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall:MM II.i.38
Some run from brakes of Ice, and answere none,Some run from brakes of office, and answer none,MM II.i.39
And some condemned for a fault alone.And some condemned for a fault alone.MM II.i.40
This comes off well: here's a wise Officer.This comes off well. Here's a wise officer.MM II.i.56
How know you that?How know you that?MM II.i.65
How? thy wife?How? Thy wife?MM II.i.68
Do'st thou detest her therefore?Dost thou detest her therefore?MM II.i.71
How do'st thou know that, Constable?How dost thou know that, constable?MM II.i.75
By the womans meanes?By the woman's means?MM II.i.79
Doe you heare how he misplaces?Do you hear how he misplaces?MM II.i.85
Go too: go too: no matter for the dish sir.Go to, go to; no matter for the dish, sir.MM II.i.92
Come: you are a tedious foole: to the purpose:Come, you are a tedious fool. To the purpose.MM II.i.111
what was done to Elbowes wife, that hee hath cause toWhat was done to Elbow's wife, that he hath cause toMM II.i.112
complaine of? Come me to what was done to her.complain of? Come me to what was done to her.MM II.i.113
No sir, nor I meane it not.No, sir, nor I mean it not.MM II.i.115
I thinke no lesse: good morrow to your Lordship.I think no less. Good morrow to your lordship.MM II.i.132
Now Sir, come on: What was done to Elbowes wife,Now, sir, come on. What was done to Elbow's wife,MM II.i.133
once more?once more?MM II.i.134
Well sir, what did this Gentleman to her?Well, sir, what did this gentleman to her?MM II.i.139
I sir, very well.Ay, sir, very well.MM II.i.143
Well, I doe so.Well, I do so.MM II.i.145
Why no.Why, no.MM II.i.147
He's in the right (Constable) what say you to it?He's in the right. Constable, what say you to it?MM II.i.153
Which is the wiser here; Iustice or Iniquitie? IsWhich is the wiser here, Justice or Iniquity? IsMM II.i.164
this true?this true?MM II.i.165
If he tooke you a box o'th' eare, you might haueIf he took you a box o'th' ear, you might haveMM II.i.172
your action of slander too.your action of slander, too.MM II.i.173
Truly Officer, because he hath some offences inTruly, officer, because he hath some offences inMM II.i.177
him, that thou wouldst discouer, if thou couldst, let himhim that thou wouldst discover, if thou couldst, let himMM II.i.178
continue in his courses, till thou knowst what they are.continue in his courses till thou know'st what they are.MM II.i.179
Where were you borne, friend?Where were you born, friend?MM II.i.183
Are you of fourescore pounds a yeere?Are you of fourscore pounds a year?MM II.i.185
So: what trade are you of, sir?So. What trade are you of, sir?MM II.i.187
Your Mistris name?Your mistress' name?MM II.i.189
Hath she had any more then one husband?Hath she had any more than one husband?MM II.i.191
Nine? come hether to me, Master Froth;Nine? Come hither to me, Master Froth.MM II.i.193
Master Froth, I would not haue you acquainted withMaster Froth, I would not have you acquainted withMM II.i.194
Tapsters; they will draw you Master Froth, and you wiltapsters; they will draw you, Master Froth, and you willMM II.i.195
hang them: get you gon, and let me heare no more ofhang then. Get you gone, and let me hear no more ofMM II.i.196 II.i.197
Well: no more of it Master Froth: farewell:Well, no more of it, Master Froth. Farewell.MM II.i.201
Come you hether to me, M. Tapster: what's your nameCome you hither to me, Master Tapster. What's yourMM II.i.202
Mr. Tapster?name, Master Tapster?MM II.i.203
What else?What else?MM II.i.205
Troth, and your bum is the greatest thing aboutTroth, and your bum is the greatest thing aboutMM II.i.207
you, so that in the beastliest sence, you are Pompey theyou, so that, in the beastliest sense, you are Pompey theMM II.i.208
great; Pompey, you are partly a bawd, Pompey; howsoeuerGreat. Pompey, you are partly a bawd, Pompey, howsoeverMM II.i.209
you colour it in being a Tapster, are you not?you colour it in being a tapster, are you not?MM II.i.210
come, tell me true, it shall be the better for you.Come, tell me true. It shall be the better for you.MM II.i.211
How would you liue Pompey? by being aHow would you live, Pompey? By being aMM II.i.213
bawd? what doe you thinke of the trade Pompey? is it abawd? What do you think of the trade, Pompey? Is it aMM II.i.214
lawfull trade?lawful trade?MM II.i.215
But the Law will not allow it Pompey; nor itBut the law will not allow it, Pompey; nor itMM II.i.217
shall not be allowed in Vienna.shall not be allowed in Vienna.MM II.i.218
No, Pompey.No, Pompey.MM II.i.221
There is pretty orders beginning I can tell you:There is pretty orders beginning, I can tell you.MM II.i.225
It is but heading, and hanging.It is but heading and hanging.MM II.i.226
Thanke you good Pompey; and in requitall ofThank you, good Pompey, and, in requital ofMM II.i.233
your prophesie, harke you: I aduise you let me not findeyour prophecy, hark you: I advise you, let me not findMM II.i.234
you before me againe vpon any complaint whatsoeuer;you before me again upon any complaint whatsoever;MM II.i.235
no, not for dwelling where you doe: if I doe Pompey, Ino, not for dwelling where you do. If I do, Pompey, IMM II.i.236
shall beat you to your Tent, and proue a shrewd Casarshall beat you to your tent, and prove a shrewd CaesarMM II.i.237
to you: in plaine dealing Pompey, I shall haue youto you. In plain dealing, Pompey, I shall have youMM II.i.238
whipt; so for this time, Pompey, fare you well.whipped. So, for this time, Pompey, fare you well.MM II.i.239
Come hether to me, Master Elbow: comeCome hither to me, Master Elbow. ComeMM II.i.245
hither Master Constable: how long haue you bin inhither, master constable. How long have you been inMM II.i.246
this place of Constable?this place of constable?MM II.i.247
I thought by the readinesse in the office, youI thought, by your readiness in the office, youMM II.i.249
had continued in it some time: you say seauen yeareshad continued in it some time. You say, seven yearsMM II.i.250
together.together?MM II.i.251
Alas, it hath beene great paines to you: they doAlas, it hath been great pains to you; they doMM II.i.253
you wrong to put you so oft vpon't. Are there not men inyou wrong to put you so oft upon't. Are there not men inMM II.i.254
your Ward sufficient to serue it?your ward sufficient to serve it?MM II.i.255
Looke you bring mee in the names of some sixe or Look you bring me in the names of some six orMM II.i.259
seuen, the most sufficient of your, the most sufficient of your parish.MM II.i.260
To my house: fare you well:To my house. Fare you well.MM II.i.262
what's a clocke, thinke you?What's o'clock, think you?MM II.i.263
I pray you home to dinner with me.I pray you home to dinner with me.MM II.i.265
It grieues me for the death of ClaudioIt grieves me for the death of Claudio,MM II.i.267
But there's no remedie:But there's no remedy.MM II.i.268
It is but needfull.It is but needful.MM II.i.269.2
Mercy is not it selfe, that oft lookes so,Mercy is not itself, that oft looks so;MM II.i.270
Pardon is still the nurse of second woe:Pardon is still the nurse of second woe.MM II.i.271
But yet, poore Claudio; there is no remedie.But yet poor Claudio; there is no remedy.MM II.i.272
Come Sir. Come, sir.MM II.i.273
Go, away with her to prison.Go! Away with her to prison.MM III.ii.180
Double, and trebble admonition, and still forfeiteDouble and treble admonition, and still forfeitMM III.ii.184
in the same kinde? This would make mercy sweare andin the same kind? This would make mercy swear, andMM III.ii.185
play the the tyrant.MM III.ii.186
That fellow is a fellow of much License: Let himThat fellow is a fellow of much licence. Let himMM III.ii.195
be call'd before vs, Away with her to prison: Goe too, nobe called before us. Away with her to prison. Go to, noMM III.ii.196
more words.more words.MM III.ii.197
Prouost, my Brother Angelo will not be alter'd, Claudio Provost, my brother Angelo will not be altered. ClaudioMM III.ii.198
must die to morrow: Let him be furnish'd with Diuines,must die tomorrow. Let him be furnished with divines,MM III.ii.199
and haue all charitable preparation. If my brotherand have all charitable preparation. If my brotherMM III.ii.200
wrought by my pitie, it should not be so with him.wrought by my pity, it should not be so with him.MM III.ii.201
Good' euen, good Father.Good even, good father.MM III.ii.204
Of whence are you? Of whence are you?MM III.ii.206
What newes abroad i'th World?What news abroad i'th' world?MM III.ii.211
One, that aboue all other strifes, / ContendedOne that, above all other strifes, contendedMM III.ii.222
especially to know himselfe.especially to know himself.MM III.ii.223
Rather reioycing to see another merry, thenRather rejoicing to see another merry thanMM III.ii.225
merrie at anie thing which profest to make him reioice.merry at anything which professed to make him rejoice:MM III.ii.226
A Gentleman of all temperance. But leaue wee him to hisa gentleman of all temperance. But leave we him to hisMM III.ii.227
euents, with a praier they may proue prosperous, &events, with a prayer they may prove prosperous, andMM III.ii.228
let me desire to know, how you finde Claudio prepar'd?let me desire to know how you find Claudio prepared.MM III.ii.229
I am made to vnderstand, that you haue lent himI am made to understand that you have lent himMM III.ii.230
visitation.visitation.MM III.ii.231
You haue paid the heauens your Function, andYou have paid the heavens your function, andMM III.ii.238
the prisoner the verie debt of your Calling. I hauethe prisoner the very debt of your calling. I haveMM III.ii.239
labour'd for the poore Gentleman, to the extremest shorelaboured for the poor gentleman to the extremest shoreMM III.ii.240
of my modestie, but my brother-Iustice haue I found soof my modesty, but my brother-justice have I found soMM III.ii.241
seuere, that he hath forc'd me to tell him, hee is indeedesevere that he hath forced me to tell him he is indeedMM III.ii.242
Iustice.Justice.MM III.ii.243
I am going to visit the prisoner, Fare you well. I am going to visit the prisoner. Fare you well.MM III.ii.247
Euery Letter he hath writ, hath disuouch'd other.Every letter he hath writ hath disvouched other.MM IV.iv.1
I ghesse not.I guess not.MM IV.iv.6
He showes his reason for that: to haue a dispatchHe shows his reason for that – to have a dispatchMM IV.iv.10
of Complaints, and to deliuer vs from deuices heereafter,of complaints, and to deliver us from devices hereafter,MM IV.iv.11
which shall then haue no power to stand against vs.which shall then have no power to stand against us.MM IV.iv.12
I shall sir: fareyouwell. Exit.I shall, sir. Fare you well.MM IV.iv.16.2
Happy returne be to your royall grace.Happy return be to your royal grace.MM V.i.3
My Lord, wee'll doe it throughly:My lord, we'll do it throughly.MM V.i.258
Signior Lucio, did not you say you knew that Frier Signor Lucio, did not you say you knew that FriarMM V.i.259
Lodowick to be a dishonest person?Lodowick to be a dishonest person?MM V.i.260
We shall intreat you to abide heere till he come,We shall entreat you to abide here till he comeMM V.i.264
and inforce them against him: we shall finde this Frier aand enforce them against him. We shall find this friar aMM V.i.265
notable fellow.notable fellow.MM V.i.266
Call that same Isabell here once againe, I wouldCall that same Isabel here once again. I wouldMM V.i.268
speake with her:speak with her.MM V.i.269
pray you, my Lord, giue mee leaue to question, you shall Pray you, my lord, give me leave to question. You shallMM V.i.270
see how Ile handle her.see how I'll handle her.MM V.i.271
Say you?Say you?MM V.i.273
I will goe darkely to worke with her.I will go darkly to work with her.MM V.i.277
Come on Mistris, here's a Gentlewoman,Come on, mistress, here's a gentlewomanMM V.i.279
Denies all that you haue said.denies all that you have said.MM V.i.280
In very good time: speake not you to him, till weIn very good time. Speak not you to him, till weMM V.i.283
call vpon upon you.MM V.i.284
Come Sir, did you set these women on to Come, sir, did you set these women on toMM V.i.286
slander Lord Angelo? they haue confes'd you did.slander Lord Angelo? They have confessed you did.MM V.i.287
How? Know you where you are? How? Know you where you are?MM V.i.289
The Duke's in vs: and we will heare you speake,The Duke's in us, and we will hear you speak.MM V.i.293
Looke you speake iustly.Look you speak justly.MM V.i.294
Why thou vnreuerend, and vnhallowed Fryer:Why, thou unreverend and unhallowed friar,MM V.i.303
Is't not enough thou hast suborn'd these women,Is't not enough thou hast suborned these womenMM V.i.304
To accuse this worthy man? but in foule mouth,To accuse this worthy man but, in foul mouth,MM V.i.305
And in the witnesse of his proper eare,And in the witness of his proper ear,MM V.i.306
To call him villaine; and then to glance from him,To call him villain? And then to glance from himMM V.i.307
To th' Duke himselfe, to taxe him with Iniustice?To th' Duke himself, to tax him with injustice?MM V.i.308
Take him hence; to th' racke with him: we'll towze youTake him hence. To th' rack with him. We'll touse youMM V.i.309
Ioynt by ioynt, but we will know his purpose:Joint by joint, but we will know his purpose.MM V.i.310
What? vniust?What? Unjust?MM V.i.311.1
Slander to th' State: / Away with him to prison.Slander to th' state. Away with him to prison.MM V.i.321
Such a fellow is not to be talk'd withall: AwaySuch a fellow is not to be talked withal. AwayMM V.i.341
with him to prison: Where is the Prouost? away withwith him to prison. Where is the provost? Away withMM V.i.342
him to prison: lay bolts enough vpon him: let him him to prison. Lay bolts enough upon him. Let himMM V.i.343
speak no more: away with those Giglets too, and withspeak no more. Away with those giglots too, and withMM V.i.344
the other confederate companion.the other confederate companion.MM V.i.345
My Lord, I am more amaz'd at his dishonor,My lord, I am more amazed at his dishonourMM V.i.377
Then at the strangenesse of it.Than at the strangeness of it.MM V.i.378.1
I am sorry, one so learned, and so wiseI am sorry one so learned and so wiseMM V.i.467
As you, Lord Angelo, haue stil appear'd,As you, Lord Angelo, have still appeared,MM V.i.468
Should slip so grosselie, both in the heat of bloudShould slip so grossly, both in the heat of bloodMM V.i.469
And lacke of temper'd iudgement afterward.And lack of tempered judgement afterward.MM V.i.470

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