Original textModern textKey line
I do it not in euill disposition,I do it not in evil disposition,MM I.ii.117
But from Lord Angelo by speciall charge.But from Lord Angelo by special charge.MM I.ii.118
Away, Sir, you must goe.Away, sir, you must go.MM I.ii.140
Here if it like your honour.Here, if it like your honour.MM II.i.33.1
'Pray you doe;Pray you, do.MM II.ii.2.2
Ile knowI'll knowMM II.ii.2.3
His pleasure, may be he will relent; alasHis pleasure; maybe he'll relent. Alas,MM II.ii.3
He hath but as offended in a dreame,He hath but as offended in a dream.MM II.ii.4
All Sects, all Ages smack of this vice, and heAll sects, all ages smack of this vice, and heMM II.ii.5
To die for't?To die for it!MM II.ii.6.1
Is it your will Claudio shall die to morrow?Is it your will Claudio shall die tomorrow?MM II.ii.7
Lest I might be too rash:Lest I might be too rash.MM II.ii.9.2
Vnder your good correction I haue seeneUnder your good correction, I have seenMM II.ii.10
When after execution, Iudgement hathWhen, after execution, judgement hathMM II.ii.11
Repented ore his doome.Repented o'er his doom.MM II.ii.12.1
I craue your Honours pardon:I crave your honour's pardon.MM II.ii.14.2
What shall be done Sir, with the groaning Iuliet?What shall be done, sir, with the groaning Juliet?MM II.ii.15
Shee's very neere her howre.She's very near her hour.MM II.ii.16.1
I my good Lord, a very vertuous maid,Ay, my good lord, a very virtuous maid,MM II.ii.20
And to be shortlie of a Sister-hood,And to be shortly of a sisterhood,MM II.ii.21
If not alreadie.If not already.MM II.ii.22.1
'Saue your Honour.God save your honour.MM II.ii.25.2
Heauen giue thee mouing graces.Heaven give thee moving graces.MM II.ii.36.2
Pray heauen she win him.Pray heaven she win him.MM II.ii.125.2
I am the Prouost: whats your will, good Frier?I am the provost. What's your will, good friar?MM II.iii.2
I would do more then that, if more were needfullI would do more than that, if more were needful.MM II.iii.9
Looke here comes one: a Gentlewoman of mine,Look, here comes one: a gentlewoman of mine,MM II.iii.10
Who falling in the flawes of her owne youth,Who, falling in the flaws of her own youth,MM II.iii.11
Hath blisterd her report: She is with childe,Hath blistered her report. She is with child,MM II.iii.12
And he that got it, sentenc'd: a yong man,And he that got it, sentenced: a young manMM II.iii.13
More fit to doe another such offence,More fit to do another such offenceMM II.iii.14
Then dye for this.Than die for this.MM II.iii.15
As I do thinke to morrow.As I do think, tomorrow.MM II.iii.16.2
I haue prouided for you, stay a while (To Juliet) I have provided for you; stay a whileMM II.iii.17
And you shall be conducted.And you shall be conducted.MM II.iii.18
'Tis pitty of him. 'Tis pity of him.MM II.iii.42.2
Who's there? Come in, the wish deserues aWho's there? Come in. The wish deserves aMM III.i.46
welcome.welcome.MM III.i.47
And verie welcom: looke Signior, here's yourAnd very welcome. Look, signor, here's yourMM III.i.51
sister.sister.MM III.i.52
As manie as you please.As many as you please.MM III.i.54
What's your will (father?)What's your will, father?MM III.i.177
In good time.In good time.MM III.i.181
A Bawd of eleuen yeares continuance, may itA bawd of eleven years' continuance, may itMM III.ii.187
please your Honor.please your honour.MM III.ii.188
So please you, this Friar hath beene with him,So please you, this friar hath been with him,MM III.ii.202
and aduis'd him for th' entertainment of death.and advised him for th' entertainment of death.MM III.ii.203
Come hither sirha; can you cut off a mansCome hither, sirrah. Can you cut off a man'sMM IV.ii.1
head?head?MM IV.ii.2
Come sir, leaue me your snatches, and yeeldCome, sir, leave me your snatches, and yieldMM IV.ii.6
mee a direct answere. To morrow morning are to die me a direct answer. Tomorrow morning are to dieMM IV.ii.7
Claudio and Barnardine: heere is in our prison a commonClaudio and Barnardine. Here is in our prison a commonMM IV.ii.8
executioner, who in his office lacks a helper, if youexecutioner, who in his office lacks a helper. If youMM IV.ii.9
will take it on you to assist him, it shall redeeme youwill take it on you to assist him, it shall redeem youMM IV.ii.10
from your Gyues: if not, you shall haue your full timefrom your gyves; if not, you shall have your full timeMM IV.ii.11
of imprisonment, and your deliuerance with anof imprisonment, and your deliverance with anMM IV.ii.12
vnpittied whipping; for you haue beene a notorious bawd.unpitied whipping, for you have been a notorious bawd.MM IV.ii.13
What hoa, Abhorson: where's Abhorson there?What ho, Abhorson! Where's Abhorson, there?MM IV.ii.18
Sirha, here's a fellow will helpe you to morrowSirrah, here's a fellow will help you tomorrowMM IV.ii.20
in your execution: if you thinke it meet, compound within your execution. If you think it meet, compound withMM IV.ii.21
him by the yeere, and let him abide here with you, ifhim by the year, and let him abide here with you; ifMM IV.ii.22
not, vse him for the present, and dismisse him, hee cannotnot, use him for the present and dismiss him. He cannotMM IV.ii.23
plead his estimation with you: he hath beene a Bawd.plead his estimation with you. He hath been a bawd.MM IV.ii.24
Goe too Sir, you waigh equallie: a feather willGo to, sir, you weigh equally. A feather willMM IV.ii.27
turne the Scale.turn the scale.MM IV.ii.28
Are you agreed?Are you agreed?MM IV.ii.45
You sirrah, prouide your blocke and your AxeYou, sirrah, provide your block and your axeMM IV.ii.49
to morrow, foure a clocke.tomorrow four o'clock.MM IV.ii.50
Call hether Barnardine and Claudio:Call hither Barnardine and Claudio.MM IV.ii.57
Th' one has my pitie; not a iot the other,Th' one has my pity; not a jot the other,MM IV.ii.58
Being a Murtherer, though he were my brother.Being a murderer, though he were my brother.MM IV.ii.59
Looke, here's the Warrant Claudio, for thy death,Look, here's the warrant, Claudio, for thy death.MM IV.ii.60
'Tis now dead midnight, and by eight to morrow'Tis now dead midnight, and by eight tomorrowMM IV.ii.61
Thou must be made immortall. Where's Barnardine?Thou must be made immortal. Where's Barnardine?MM IV.ii.62
Who can do good on him?Who can do good on him?MM IV.ii.65.2
Well, go, prepare your selfe.Well, go, prepare yourself.MM IV.ii.66.1
But harke, what noise?But hark, what noise?MM IV.ii.66.2
Heauen giue your spirits comfort:Heaven give your spirits comfort.MM IV.ii.67.1
by, and by,By and by.MM IV.ii.67.2
I hope it is some pardon, or repreeueI hope it is some pardon or reprieveMM IV.ii.68
For the most gentle Claudio.For the most gentle Claudio.MM IV.ii.69.1
Welcome Father.Welcome, father.MM IV.ii.69.2
None since the Curphew rung.None since the curfew rung.MM IV.ii.72
No.No.MM IV.ii.73.2
What comfort is for Claudio?What comfort is for Claudio?MM IV.ii.74
It is a bitter Deputie.It is a bitter deputy.MM IV.ii.75.2
There he must stay vntil the OfficerThere he must stay until the officerMM IV.ii.87
Arise to let him in: he is call'd vp.Arise to let him in. He is called up.MM IV.ii.88
None Sir, none.None, sir, none.MM IV.ii.90.2
HappelyHappilyMM IV.ii.92.2
You something know: yet I beleeue there comesYou something know, yet I believe there comesMM IV.ii.93
No countermand: no such example haue we:No countermand; no such example have we.MM IV.ii.94
Besides, vpon the verie siege of Iustice,Besides, upon the very siege of justice,MM IV.ii.95
Lord Angelo hath to the publike eareLord Angelo hath to the public earMM IV.ii.96
Profest the contrarie.Professed the contrary.MM IV.ii.97
And heere comes Claudio's pardon. And here comes Claudio's pardon.MM IV.ii.99
I shall obey him.I shall obey him.MM IV.ii.104
I told you: Lord Angelo (be-like) thinking me remisseI told you. Lord Angelo, belike thinking me remissMM IV.ii.112
In mine Office, awakens mee / With this vnwontedin mine office, awakens me with this unwontedMM IV.ii.113
putting on, methinks strangely: / For he hath not vs'dputting onmethinks strangely, for he hath not usedMM IV.ii.114
it before.MM IV.ii.115
Whatsoeuer you may heare to the Whatsoever you may hear to theMM IV.ii.117
contrary, let Claudio be executed by foure of the clocke, and contrary, let Claudio be executed by four of the clock, and,MM IV.ii.118
in the afternoone Bernardine: For my better satisfaction, in the afternoon, Barnardine. For my better satisfaction,MM IV.ii.119
let mee haue Claudios head sent me by fiue. Let this be let me have Claudio's head sent me by five. Let this beMM IV.ii.120
duely performed with a thought that more depends on it, duly performed, with a thought that more depends on itMM IV.ii.121
then we must yet deliuer. Thus faile not to doe your Office, than we must yet deliver. Thus fail not to do your office,MM IV.ii.122
as you will answere it at your you will answer it at your peril.MM IV.ii.123
What say you to this Sir?What say you to this, sir?MM IV.ii.124
A Bohemian borne: But here nurst vp &A Bohemian born, but here nursed up andMM IV.ii.127
bred, / One that is a prisoner nine yeeres old.bred. One that is a prisoner nine years old.MM IV.ii.128
His friends still wrought Repreeues for him:His friends still wrought reprieves for him;MM IV.ii.132
And indeed his fact till now in the gouernment of Lordand, indeed, his fact, till now in the government of LordMM IV.ii.133
Angelo, came not to an vndoubtfull proofe.Angelo, came not to an undoubtful proof.MM IV.ii.134
Most manifest, and not denied by himselfe.Most manifest, and not denied by himself.MM IV.ii.136
A man that apprehends death no more dreadfully,A man that apprehends death no more dreadfullyMM IV.ii.139
but as a drunken sleepe, carelesse, wreaklesse, andbut as a drunken sleep; careless, reckless, andMM IV.ii.140
fearelesse of what's past, present, or to come: insensiblefearless of what's past, present, or to come; insensibleMM IV.ii.141
of mortality, and desperately mortall.of mortality, and desperately mortal.MM IV.ii.142
He wil heare none: he hath euermore had theHe will hear none. He hath evermore had theMM IV.ii.144
liberty of the prison: giue him leaue to escape hence, heeliberty of the prison. Give him leave to escape hence, heMM IV.ii.145
would not. Drunke many times a day, if not many daieswould not. Drunk many times a day, if not many daysMM IV.ii.146
entirely drunke. We haue verie oft awak'd him, as if toentirely drunk. We have very oft awaked him, as if toMM IV.ii.147
carrie him to execution, and shew'd him a seemingcarry him to execution, and showed him a seemingMM IV.ii.148
warrant for it, it hath not moued him at all.warrant for it. It hath not moved him at all.MM IV.ii.149
Pray Sir, in what?Pray, sir, in what?MM IV.ii.159
Alacke, how may I do it? Hauing the houre limited,Alack, how may I do it, having the hour limited,MM IV.ii.161
and an expresse command, vnder penaltie, to deliuer hisand an express command, under penalty, to deliver hisMM IV.ii.162
head in the view of Angelo? I may make my case as head in the view of Angelo? I may make my case asMM IV.ii.163
Claudio's, to crosse this in the smallest.Claudio's, to cross this in the smallest.MM IV.ii.164
Angelo hath seene them both, / And will discouerAngelo hath seen them both, and will discoverMM IV.ii.168
the fauour.the favour.MM IV.ii.169
Pardon me, good Father, it is against my oath.Pardon me, good father, it is against my oath.MM IV.ii.176
To him, and to his Substitutes.To him, and to his substitutes.MM IV.ii.178
But what likelihood is in that?But what likelihood is in that?MM IV.ii.181
I know them both.I know them both.MM IV.ii.189
Now Sir, how do you finde the prisoner?Now, sir, how do you find the prisoner?MM IV.iii.64
Heere in the prison, Father,Here in the prison, father,MM IV.iii.67.2
There died this morning of a cruell Feauor,There died this morning of a cruel feverMM IV.iii.68
One Ragozine, a most notorious Pirate,One Ragozine, a most notorious pirate,MM IV.iii.69
A man of Claudio's yeares: his beard, and headA man of Claudio's years, his beard and headMM IV.iii.70
Iust of his colour. What if we do omitJust of his colour. What if we do omitMM IV.iii.71
This Reprobate, til he were wel enclin'd,This reprobate till he were well inclined,MM IV.iii.72
And satisfie the Deputie with the visageAnd satisfy the deputy with the visageMM IV.iii.73
Of Ragozine, more like to Claudio?Of Ragozine, more like to Claudio?MM IV.iii.74
This shall be done (good Father) presently:This shall be done, good father, presently,MM IV.iii.80
But Barnardine must die this afternoone,But Barnardine must die this afternoon,MM IV.iii.81
And how shall we continue Claudio,And how shall we continue Claudio,MM IV.iii.82
To saue me from the danger that might come,To save me from the danger that might comeMM IV.iii.83
If he were knowne aliue?If he were known alive?MM IV.iii.84.1
I am your free dependant.I am your free dependant.MM IV.iii.89
Heere is the head, Ile carrie it my selfe.Here is the head. I'll carry it myself.MM IV.iii.100
Ile make all speede.I'll make all speed.MM IV.iii.103.2
It was commanded so.It was commanded so.MM V.i.455.2
No my good Lord: it was by priuate message.No, my good lord, it was by private message.MM V.i.457
Pardon me, noble Lord,Pardon me, noble lord,MM V.i.459.2
I thought it was a fault, but knew it not,I thought it was a fault, but knew it not,MM V.i.460
Yet did repent me after more aduice,Yet did repent me after more advice,MM V.i.461
For testimony whereof, one in the prisonFor testimony whereof, one in the prisonMM V.i.462
That should by priuate order else haue dide,That should by private order else have diedMM V.i.463
I haue reseru'd aliue.I have reserved alive.MM V.i.464.1
His name is Barnardine.His name is Barnardine.MM V.i.464.3
This my Lord.This, my lord.MM V.i.475.2
This is another prisoner that I sau'd,This is another prisoner that I saved,MM V.i.484
Who should haue di'd when Claudio lost his head,Who should have died when Claudio lost his head,MM V.i.485
As like almost to Claudio, as himselfe.As like almost to Claudio as himself.MM V.i.486

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