Original textModern textKey line
LEt Fame, that all hunt after in their liues,Let fame, that all hunt after in their lives,LLL I.i.1
Liue registred vpon our brazen Tombes,Live registered upon our brazen tombs,LLL I.i.2
And then grace vs in the disgrace of death:And then grace us in the disgrace of death;LLL I.i.3
when spight of cormorant deuouring Time,When, spite of cormorant devouring Time,LLL I.i.4
Th'endeuour of this present breath may buy:The endeavour of this present breath may buyLLL I.i.5
That honour which shall bate his sythes keene edge,That honour which shall bate his scythe's keen edge,LLL I.i.6
And make vs heyres of all eternitie.And make us heirs of all eternity.LLL I.i.7
Therefore braue Conquerours, for so you are,Therefore, brave conquerors – for so you are,LLL I.i.8
That warre against your owne affections,That war against your own affectionsLLL I.i.9
And the huge Armie of the worlds desires.And the huge army of the world's desires –LLL I.i.10
Our late edict shall strongly stand in force,Our late edict shall strongly stand in force:LLL I.i.11
Nauar shall be the wonder of the world.Navarre shall be the wonder of the world;LLL I.i.12
Our Court shall be a little Achademe,Our court shall be a little academe,LLL I.i.13
Still and contemplatiue in liuing Art.Still and contemplative in living art.LLL I.i.14
You three, Berowne, Dumaine, and Longauill,You three, Berowne, Dumaine, and Longaville,LLL I.i.15
Haue sworne for three yeeres terme, to liue with me:Have sworn for three years' term to live with me,LLL I.i.16
My fellow Schollers, and to keepe those statutesMy fellow-scholars, and to keep those statutesLLL I.i.17
That are recorded in this scedule heere.That are recorded in this schedule here.LLL I.i.18
Your oathes are past, and now subscribe your names:Your oaths are passed; and now subscribe your names,LLL I.i.19
That his owne hand may strike his honour downe,That his own hand may strike his honour downLLL I.i.20
That violates the smallest branch heerein:That violates the smallest branch herein.LLL I.i.21
If you are arm'd to doe, as sworne to do,If you are armed to do as sworn to do,LLL I.i.22
Subscribe to your deepe oathes, and keepe it to.Subscribe to your deep oaths, and keep it too.LLL I.i.23
Your oath is past, to passe away from these.Your oath is passed, to pass away from these.LLL I.i.49
Why that to know which else wee should not know.Why, that to know which else we should not know.LLL I.i.56
I, that is studies god-like recompence.Ay, that is study's godlike recompense.LLL I.i.58
These be the stops that hinder studie quite,These be the stops that hinder study quite,LLL I.i.70
And traine our intellects to vaine delight.And train our intellects to vain delight.LLL I.i.71
How well hee's read, to reason against reading.How well he's read, to reason against reading.LLL I.i.94
Berowne is like an enuious sneaping Frost,Berowne is like an envious sneaping frostLLL I.i.100
That bites the first borne infants of the Spring.That bites the first-born infants of the spring.LLL I.i.101
Well, sit you out: go home Berowne: adue.Well, sit you out. Go home, Berowne. Adieu!LLL I.i.110
How well this yeelding rescues thee from shame.How well this yielding rescues thee from shame!LLL I.i.118
What say you Lords? Why, this was quite forgot.What say you, lords? Why, this was quite forgot.LLL I.i.139
We must of force dispence with this Decree,We must of force dispense with this decree.LLL I.i.145
She must lye here on meere necessitie.She must lie here on mere necessity.LLL I.i.146
I that there is, our Court you know is hantedAy, that there is. Our court, you know, is hauntedLLL I.i.160
With a refined trauailer of Spaine,With a refined traveller of Spain;LLL I.i.161
A man in all the worlds new fashion planted,A man in all the world's new fashion planted,LLL I.i.162
That hath a mint of phrases in his braine:That hath a mint of phrases in his brain;LLL I.i.163
One, who the musicke of his owne vaine tongue,One who the music of his own vain tongueLLL I.i.164
Doth rauish like inchanting harmonie:Doth ravish like enchanting harmony;LLL I.i.165
A man of complements whom right and wrongA man of compliments, whom right and wrongLLL I.i.166
Haue chose as vmpire of their mutinie.Have chose as umpire of their mutiny.LLL I.i.167
This childe of fancie that Armado hight,This child of fancy, that Armado hight,LLL I.i.168
For interim to our studies shall relate,For interim to our studies shall relateLLL I.i.169
In high-borne words the worth of many a Knight:In high-born words the worth of many a knightLLL I.i.170
From tawnie Spaine lost in the worlds debate.From tawny Spain, lost in the world's debate.LLL I.i.171
How you delight my Lords, I know not I,How you delight, my lords, I know not, I,LLL I.i.172
But I protest I loue to heare him lie,But I protest I love to hear him lie,LLL I.i.173
And I will vse him for my Minstrelsie.And I will use him for my minstrelsy.LLL I.i.174
A letter from the magnificent Armado.A letter from the magnificent Armado.LLL I.i.188
Will you heare this Letter with attention?Will you hear this letter with attention?LLL I.i.212
GReat Deputie, the Welkins Vicegerent, and Great deputy, the welkin's vicegerent, andLLL I.i.216
sole dominator of Nauar, my soules earths God, and sole dominator of Navarre, my soul's earth's god, andLLL I.i.217
bodies fostring patrone:body's fostering patron – LLL I.i.218
So it is.So it is –LLL I.i.220
Peace,Peace!LLL I.i.223
No words,No words!LLL I.i.225
So it is besieged with sable coloured melancholie, I did So it is, besieged with sable-coloured melancholy, I didLLL I.i.227
commend the blacke oppressing humour to the most wholesome commend the black oppressing humour to the most wholesomeLLL I.i.228
Physicke of thy health-giuing ayre: And as I am a physic of thy health-giving air; and, as I am aLLL I.i.229
Gentleman, betooke my selfe to walke: the time When? about gentleman, betook myself to walk. The time when? AboutLLL I.i.230
thesixt houre, When beasts most grase, birds best pecke, the sixth hour; when beasts most graze, birds best peck,LLL I.i.231
and men sit downe to that nonrishment which is called and men sit down to that nourishment which is calledLLL I.i.232
supper: So much for the time When. Now for the ground supper. So much for the time when. Now for the groundLLL I.i.233
Which? which I meane I walkt vpon, it is ycliped, Thy which – which, I mean, I walked upon. It is yclept thyLLL I.i.234
Parke. Then for the place Where? where I meane I did park. Then for the place where – where, I mean, I didLLL I.i.235
encounter that obscene and most preposterous euent that encounter that obscene and most preposterous event thatLLL I.i.236
draweth from my snow-white penthe ebon coloured Inke, draweth from my snow-white pen the ebon-coloured inkLLL I.i.237
which heere thou viewest, beholdest, suruayest, or seest. But which here thou viewest, beholdest, surveyest, or seest. ButLLL I.i.238
to the place Where? It standeth North North-east and by to the place where. It standeth north-north-east and byLLL I.i.239
East from the West corner of thy curious knotted garden; east from the west corner of thy curious-knotted garden.LLL I.i.240
There did I see that low spirited Swaine, that base Minow There did I see that low-spirited swain, that base minnowLLL I.i.241
of thy myrth,of thy mirth –LLL I.i.242
that vnletered small knowing soule,That unlettered small-knowing soul –LLL I.i.244
that shallow vassall That shallow vassalLLL I.i.246
which as I remember, hight Costard,Which, as I remember, hight Costard –LLL I.i.248
sorted and consorted contrary to thy established Sorted and consorted, contrary to thy establishedLLL I.i.250
proclaymed Edict and Continet, Cannon: Which with, ô with, proclaimed edict and continent canon, which with – O, with – LLL I.i.251
but with this I passion to say wherewith:but with this I passion to say wherewith – LLL I.i.252
With a childe of our Grandmother Eue, a female; or for With a child of our grandmother Eve, a female, or, forLLL I.i.254
thy more sweet vnderstanding a woman: him, I (as mythy more sweet understanding, a woman. Him I – as myLLL I.i.255
euer esteemed dutie prickes me on) haue sent to thee, to ever-esteemed duty pricks me on – have sent to thee, toLLL I.i.256
receiuethe meed of punishment by thy sweet Graces Officer receive the meed of punishment, by thy sweet grace's officer,LLL I.i.257
Anthony Dull, a man of good repute, carriage, bearing, Anthony Dull, a man of good repute, carriage, bearing,LLL I.i.258
& estimation.and estimation.LLL I.i.259
For Iaquenetta (so is the weaker vessell called)For Jaquenetta – so is the weaker vessel called – LLL I.i.261
which I apprehended with the aforesaid Swaine, I keeper herwhich I apprehended with the aforesaid swain, I keep herLLL I.i.262
as a vessell of thy Lawes furie, and shall at the least of thyas a vessel of thy law's fury, and shall, at the least of thyLLL I.i.263
sweet notice, bring her to triall. Thine in all complements ofsweet notice, bring her to trial. Thine in all compliments ofLLL I.i.264
deuoted and heart-burning heat of dutie.devoted and heart-burning heat of duty,LLL I.i.265
Don Adriana de Armado.Don Adriano de Armado.LLL I.i.266
I the best, for the worst. But sirra, What say youAy, the best for the worst. But, sirrah, what say youLLL I.i.269
to this?to this?LLL I.i.270
Did you heare the Proclamation?Did you hear the proclamation?LLL I.i.272
It was proclaimed a yeeres imprisoment to bee takenIt was proclaimed a year's imprisonment to be takenLLL I.i.275
with a Wench.with a wench.LLL I.i.276
Well, it was proclaimed Damosell.Well, it was proclaimed ‘ damsel.’LLL I.i.279
It is so varried to, for it was proclaimed Virgin.It is so varied too, for it was proclaimed ‘ virgin.’LLL I.i.282
This Maid will not serue your turne sir.This ‘ maid ’ will not serve your turn, sir.LLL I.i.285
Sir I will pronounce your sentence: You shall fast aSir, I will pronounce your sentence: you shall fast aLLL I.i.287
Weeke with Branne and water.week with bran and water.LLL I.i.288
And Don Armado shall be your keeper.And Don Armado shall be your keeper.LLL I.i.291
My Lord Berowne, see him deliuer'd ore,My lord Berowne, see him delivered o'er;LLL I.i.292
And goe we Lords to put in practice that,And go we, lords, to put in practice thatLLL I.i.293
Which each to other hath so strongly sworne.Which each to other hath so strongly sworn.LLL I.i.294
Faire Princesse, welcom to the Court of Nauar.Fair Princess, welcome to the court of Navarre.LLL II.i.90
You shall be welcome Madam to my Court.You shall be welcome, madam, to my court.LLL II.i.95
Heare me deare Lady, I haue sworne an oath.Hear me, dear lady. I have sworn an oath –LLL II.i.97
Not for the world faire Madam, by my will.Not for the world, fair madam, by my will.LLL II.i.99
Your Ladiship is ignorant what it is.Your ladyship is ignorant what it is.LLL II.i.101
Madam, I will, if sodainly I may.Madam, I will, if suddenly I may.LLL II.i.111
Madame, your father heere doth intimate,Madam, your father here doth intimateLLL II.i.129
The paiment of a hundred thousand Crownes,The payment of a hundred thousand crowns,LLL II.i.130
Being but th'one halfe, of an intire summe,Being but the one half of an entire sumLLL II.i.131
Disbursed by my father in his warres.Disbursed by my father in his wars.LLL II.i.132
But say that he, or we, as neither haueBut say that he, or we – as neither have –LLL II.i.133
Receiu'd that summe; yet there remaines vnpaidReceived that sum, yet there remains unpaidLLL II.i.134
A hundred thousand more: in surety of the which,A hundred thousand more, in surety of the whichLLL II.i.135
One part of Aquitaine is bound to vs,One part of Aquitaine is bound to us,LLL II.i.136
Although not valued to the moneys worth.Although not valued to the money's worth.LLL II.i.137
If then the King your father will restoreIf then the King your father will restoreLLL II.i.138
But that one halfe which is vnsatisfied,But that one half which is unsatisfied,LLL II.i.139
We will giue vp our right in Aquitaine,We will give up our right in AquitaineLLL II.i.140
And hold faire friendship with his Maiestie:And hold fair friendship with his majesty.LLL II.i.141
But that it seemes he little purposeth,But that, it seems, he little purposeth,LLL II.i.142
For here he doth demand to haue repaie,For here he doth demand to have repaidLLL II.i.143
An hundred thousand Crownes, and not demandsA hundred thousand crowns, and not demands,LLL II.i.144
One paiment of a hundred thousand Crownes,On payment of a hundred thousand crowns,LLL II.i.145
To haue his title liue in Aquitaine.To have his title live in Aquitaine –LLL II.i.146
Which we much rather had depart withall,Which we much rather had depart withal,LLL II.i.147
And haue the money by our father lent,And have the money by our father lent,LLL II.i.148
Then Aquitane, so guelded as it is.Than Aquitaine, so gelded as it is.LLL II.i.149
Deare Princesse, were not his requests so farreDear Princess, were not his requests so farLLL II.i.150
From reasons yeelding, your faire selfe should makeFrom reason's yielding, your fair self should makeLLL II.i.151
A yeelding 'gainst some reason in my brest,A yielding 'gainst some reason in my breast,LLL II.i.152
And goe well satisfied to France againe.And go well satisfied to France again.LLL II.i.153
I doe protest I neuer heard of it,I do protest I never heard of it;LLL II.i.158
And if you proue it, Ile repay it backe,And if you prove it, I'll repay it backLLL II.i.159
Or yeeld vp Aquitaine.Or yield up Aquitaine.LLL II.i.160.1
Satisfie me so.Satisfy me so.LLL II.i.163.2
It shall suffice me; at which enterview,It shall suffice me; at which interviewLLL II.i.167
All liberall reason would I yeeld vnto:All liberal reason I will yield unto.LLL II.i.168
Meane time, receiue such welcome at my hand,Meantime, receive such welcome at my handLLL II.i.169
As honour, without breach of Honour mayAs honour, without breach of honour, mayLLL II.i.170
Make tender of, to thy true worthinesse.Make tender of to thy true worthiness.LLL II.i.171
You may not come faire Princesse in my gates,You may not come, fair Princess, in my gates;LLL II.i.172
But heere without you shall be so receiu'd,But here without you shall be so receivedLLL II.i.173
As you shall deeme your selfe lodg'd in my heart,As you shall deem yourself lodged in my heart,LLL II.i.174
Though so deni'd farther harbour in my house:Though so denied fair harbour in my house.LLL II.i.175
Your owne good thoughts excuse me, and farewell,Your own good thoughts excuse me, and farewell.LLL II.i.176
To morrow we shall visit you againe.Tomorrow shall we visit you again.LLL II.i.177
Thy own wish wish I thee, in euery place. Thy own wish wish I thee in every place.LLL II.i.179
Ay mee!Ay me!LLL IV.iii.20
So sweete a kisse the golden Sunne giues not,So sweet a kiss the golden sun gives notLLL IV.iii.24
To those fresh morning drops vpon the Rose,To those fresh morning drops upon the rose,LLL IV.iii.25
As thy eye beames, when their fresh rayse haue smot.As thy eye-beams when their fresh rays have smoteLLL IV.iii.26
The night of dew that on my cheekes downe flowes.The night of dew that on my cheeks down flows.LLL IV.iii.27
Nor shines the siluer Moone one halfe so bright,Nor shines the silver moon one half so brightLLL IV.iii.28
Through the transparent bosome of the deepe,Through the transparent bosom of the deepLLL IV.iii.29
As doth thy face through teares of mine giue light:As doth thy face, through tears of mine, give light.LLL IV.iii.30
Thou shin'st in euery teare that I doe weepe,Thou shinest in every tear that I do weep;LLL IV.iii.31
No drop, but as a Coach doth carry thee:No drop but as a coach doth carry thee.LLL IV.iii.32
So ridest thou triumphing in my woe.So ridest thou triumphing in my woe.LLL IV.iii.33
Do but behold the teares that swell in me,Do but behold the tears that swell in me,LLL IV.iii.34
And they thy glory through my griefe will show:And they thy glory through my grief will show.LLL IV.iii.35
But doe not loue thy selfe, then thou wilt keepeBut do not love thyself; then thou will keepLLL IV.iii.36
My teares for glasses, and still make me weepe.My tears for glasses and still make me weep.LLL IV.iii.37
O Queene of Queenes, how farre dost thou excell,O queen of queens, how far dost thou excel,LLL IV.iii.38
No thought can thinke, nor tongue of mortall tell.No thought can think, nor tongue of mortal tell!LLL IV.iii.39
How shall she know my griefes? Ile drop the paper.How shall she know my griefs? I'll drop the paper.LLL IV.iii.40
Sweet leaues shade folly. Who is he comes heere?Sweet leaves, shade folly. Who is he comes here?LLL IV.iii.41
What Longauill, and reading: listen eare.What, Longaville, and reading! Listen, ear!LLL IV.iii.42
In loue I hope, sweet fellowship in shame.In love, I hope – sweet fellowship in shame!LLL IV.iii.47
And mine too good Lord.And I mine too, good Lord!LLL IV.iii.91
Come sir, you blush: as his, your case is such,Come, sir, you blush! As his your case is such;LLL IV.iii.129
You chide at him, offending twice as much.You chide at him, offending twice as much.LLL IV.iii.130
You doe not loue Maria? Longauile,You do not love Maria! LongavilleLLL IV.iii.131
Did neuer Sonnet for her sake compile;Did never sonnet for her sake compile,LLL IV.iii.132
Nor neuer lay his wreathed armes athwartNor never lay his wreathed arms athwartLLL IV.iii.133
His louing bosome, to keepe downe his heart.His loving bosom to keep down his heart.LLL IV.iii.134
I haue beene closely shrowded in this bush,I have been closely shrouded in this bushLLL IV.iii.135
And markt you both, and for you both did blush.And marked you both, and for you both did blush.LLL IV.iii.136
I heard your guilty Rimes, obseru'd your fashion:I heard your guilty rhymes, observed your fashion,LLL IV.iii.137
Saw sighes reeke from you, noted well your passion.Saw sighs reek from you, noted well your passion.LLL IV.iii.138
Aye me, sayes one! O Ioue, the other cries!‘ Ay me!’ says one; ‘ O Jove!’ the other cries.LLL IV.iii.139
On her haires were Gold, Christall the others eyes.One, her hairs were gold; crystal the other's eyes.LLL IV.iii.140
You would for Paradise breake Faith and troth,You would for paradise break faith and troth;LLL IV.iii.141
And Ioue for your Loue would infringe an oath.And Jove, for your love, would infringe an oath.LLL IV.iii.142
What will Berowne say when that he shall heareWhat will Berowne say when that he shall hearLLL IV.iii.143
Faith infringed, which such zeale did sweare.Faith infringed, which such zeal did swear?LLL IV.iii.144
How will he scorne? how will he spend his wit?How will he scorn, how will he spend his wit!LLL IV.iii.145
How will he triumph, leape, and laugh at it?How will he triumph, leap, and laugh at it!LLL IV.iii.146
For all the wealth that euer I did see,For all the wealth that ever I did see,LLL IV.iii.147
I would not haue him know so much by me.I would not have him know so much by me.LLL IV.iii.148
Too bitter is thy iest.Too bitter is thy jest.LLL IV.iii.172.2
Are wee betrayed thus to thy ouer-view?Are we betrayed thus to thy over-view?LLL IV.iii.173
Soft, Whither a-way so fast?Soft! Whither away so fast?LLL IV.iii.184.2
A true man, or a theefe, that gallops so.A true man or a thief that gallops so?LLL IV.iii.185
What Present hast thou there?What present hast thou there?LLL IV.iii.187.2
What makes treason heere?What makes treason here?LLL IV.iii.188.2
If it marre nothing neither,If it mar nothing neither,LLL IV.iii.189.2
The treason and you goe in peace away together.The treason and you go in peace away together.LLL IV.iii.190
Berowne, read it ouer.Berowne, read it over.LLL IV.iii.193
Where hadst thou it?Where hadst thou it?LLL IV.iii.194
Where hadst thou it?Where hadst thou it?LLL IV.iii.196
How now, what is in you? why dost thou tear it?How now, what is in you? Why dost thou tear it?LLL IV.iii.198
What?What?LLL IV.iii.204
Hence sirs, away.Hence, sirs, away!LLL IV.iii.210.2
What, did these rent lines shew some loue of thine?What, did these rent lines show some love of thine?LLL IV.iii.218
What zeale, what furie, hath inspir'd thee now?What zeal, what fury hath inspired thee now?LLL IV.iii.227
My Loue (her Mistres) is a gracious Moone,My love, her mistress, is a gracious moon;LLL IV.iii.228
Shee (an attending Starre) scarce seene a light.She, an attending star, scarce seen a light.LLL IV.iii.229
By heauen, thy Loue is blacke as Ebonie.By heaven, thy love is black as ebony!LLL IV.iii.245
O paradoxe, Blacke is the badge of hell,O paradox! Black is the badge of hell,LLL IV.iii.252
The hue of dungeons, and the Schoole of night:The hue of dungeons, and the suit of night;LLL IV.iii.253
And beauties crest becomes the heauens well.And beauty's crest becomes the heavens well.LLL IV.iii.254
And Athiops of their sweet complexion crake.And Ethiops of their sweet complexion crack.LLL IV.iii.266
'Twere good yours did: for sir to tell you plaine,'Twere good yours did; for, sir, to tell you plain,LLL IV.iii.270
Ile finde a fairer face not washt to day.I'll find a fairer face not washed today.LLL IV.iii.271
No Diuell will fright thee then so much as shee.No devil will fright thee then so much as she.LLL IV.iii.273
But what of this, are we not all in loue?But what of this? Are we not all in love?LLL IV.iii.280
Then leaue this chat, & good Berown now proueThen leave this chat, and, good Berowne, now proveLLL IV.iii.282
Our louing lawfull, and our fayth not torne.Our loving lawful and our faith not torn.LLL IV.iii.283
Saint Cupid then, and Souldiers to the field.Saint Cupid, then! And, soldiers, to the field!LLL IV.iii.342
And winne them too, therefore let vs deuise,And win them too! Therefore let us deviseLLL IV.iii.348
Some entertainment for them in their Tents.Some entertainment for them in their tents.LLL IV.iii.349
Away, away, no time shall be omitted,Away, away! No time shall be omittedLLL IV.iii.357
That will be time, and may by vs be fitted.That will betime and may by us be fitted.LLL IV.iii.358
Say to her we haue measur'd many miles,Say to her, we have measured many milesLLL V.ii.184
To tread a Measure with you on the grasse.To tread a measure with her on this grass.LLL V.ii.185
Blessed are clouds, to doe as such clouds do.Blessed are clouds, to do as such clouds do.LLL V.ii.204
Vouchsafe bright Moone, and these thy stars to shine,Vouchsafe, bright moon, and these thy stars, to shine –LLL V.ii.205
(Those clouds remooued) vpon our waterie eyne.Those clouds removed – upon our watery eyne.LLL V.ii.206
Then in our measure, vouchsafe but one change.Then in our measure vouchsafe but one change.LLL V.ii.209
Thou bidst me begge, this begging is not strange.Thou biddest me beg; this begging is not strange.LLL V.ii.210
Will you not dance? How come you thus estranged?Will you not dance? How come you thus estranged?LLL V.ii.213
Yet still she is the Moone, and I the Man.Yet still she is the moon, and I the man.LLL V.ii.215
The musick playes, vouchsafe some motion to it.The music plays; vouchsafe some motion to it.LLL V.ii.216
But your legges should doe it.But your legs should do it.LLL V.ii.217.2
Why take you hands then?Why take we hands then?LLL V.ii.220.1
More measure of this measure, be not nice.More measure of this measure! Be not nice.LLL V.ii.222
Prise your selues: What buyes your companie?Prize you yourselves. What buys your company?LLL V.ii.224
That can neuer be.That can never be.LLL V.ii.225.2
If you denie to dance, let's hold more chat.If you deny to dance, let's hold more chat.LLL V.ii.228
I am best pleas'd with that.I am best pleased with that.LLL V.ii.229.2
Farewell madde Wenches, you haue simple wits. Farewell, mad wenches. You have simple wits.LLL V.ii.264
Twentie adieus my frozen Muscouits.Twenty adieus, my frozen Muscovits.LLL V.ii.265
Are these the breed of wits so wondred at?Are these the breed of wits so wondered at?LLL V.ii.266
Faire sir, God saue you. Wher's the Princesse?Fair sir, God save you. Where's the Princess?LLL V.ii.310
That she vouchsafe me audience for one word.That she vouchsafe me audience for one word.LLL V.ii.313
A blister on his sweet tongue with my hart,A blister on his sweet tongue, with my heart,LLL V.ii.335
That put Armathoes Page out of his part.That put Armado's page out of his part!LLL V.ii.336
All haile sweet Madame, and faire time of day.All hail, sweet madam, and fair time of day.LLL V.ii.339
Construe my speeches better, if you may.Construe my speeches better, if you may.LLL V.ii.341
We came to visit you, and purpose nowWe came to visit you, and purpose nowLLL V.ii.343
To leade you to our Court, vouchsafe it then.To lead you to our court. Vouchsafe it then.LLL V.ii.344
Rebuke me not for that which you prouoke:Rebuke me not for that which you provoke.LLL V.ii.347
The vertue of your eie must breake my oth.The virtue of your eye must break my oath.LLL V.ii.348
O you haue liu'd in desolation heere,O, you have lived in desolation here,LLL V.ii.357
Vnseene, vnuisited, much to our shame.Unseen, unvisited, much to our shame.LLL V.ii.358
How Madam? Russians?How, madam? Russians?LLL V.ii.362.1
We are discried, / They'l mocke vs now downeright.We are descried. They'll mock us now downright.LLL V.ii.389
Teach vs sweete Madame, for our rude transgression, Teach us, sweet madam, for our rude transgressionLLL V.ii.431
some faire excuse.Some fair excuse.LLL V.ii.432.1
Madam, I was.Madam, I was.LLL V.ii.434.1
I was faire Madam.I was, fair madam.LLL V.ii.435.1
That more then all the world I did respect herThat more than all the world I did respect her.LLL V.ii.437
Vpon mine Honor no.Upon mine honour, no.LLL V.ii.439.1
Despise me when I breake this oath of mine.Despise me when I break this oath of mine.LLL V.ii.441
What meane you Madame? / By my life, my trothWhat mean you, madam? By my life, my troth,LLL V.ii.450
I neuer swore this Ladie such an oth.I never swore this lady such an oath.LLL V.ii.451
My faith and this, the Princesse I did giue,My faith and this the Princess I did give.LLL V.ii.454
I knew her by this Iewell on her sleeue.I knew her by this jewel on her sleeve.LLL V.ii.455
Berowne, they will shame vs: / Let them not approach.Berowne, they will shame us. Let them not approach.LLL V.ii.509
I say they shall not come.I say they shall not come.LLL V.ii.512
Here is like to be a good presence of Worthies;Here is like to be a good presence of Worthies. (ConsultingLLL V.ii.530
He presents Hector of Troy, the Swaine the paper) He presents Hector of Troy; the swain,LLL V.ii.531
Pompey ye great, the Parish Curate Alexander, Pompey the Great; the parish curate, Alexander;LLL V.ii.532
Armadoes Page Hercules, the Pedant Iudas Machabeus:Armado's page, Hercules; the pedant, Judas Maccabaeus.LLL V.ii.533
And if these foure Worthies in their first shew thriue,And if these four Worthies in their first show thrive,LLL V.ii.534
these foure will change habites, and present the other fiue.These four will change habits and present the other five.LLL V.ii.535
You are deceiued, tis not so.You are deceived. 'Tis not so.LLL V.ii.537
The ship is vnder saile, and here she coms amain.The ship is under sail, and here she comes amain.LLL V.ii.542
Hector was but a Troyan in respect of this.Hector was but a Trojan in respect of this.LLL V.ii.634
I thinke Hector was not so cleane timber'd.I think Hector was not so clean-timbered.LLL V.ii.636
How fare's your Maiestie?How fares your majesty?LLL V.ii.721
Madame not so, I do beseech you stay.Madam, not so. I do beseech you, stay.LLL V.ii.723
The extreme parts of time, extremelie formesThe extreme parts of time extremely formsLLL V.ii.735
All causes to the purpose of his speed:All causes to the purpose of his speed,LLL V.ii.736
And often at his verie loose decidesAnd often at his very loose decidesLLL V.ii.737
That, which long processe could not arbitrate.That which long process could not arbitrate.LLL V.ii.738
And though the mourning brow of progenieAnd though the mourning brow of progenyLLL V.ii.739
Forbid the smiling curtesie of Loue:Forbid the smiling courtesy of loveLLL V.ii.740
The holy suite which faine it would conuince,The holy suit which fain it would convince,LLL V.ii.741
Yet since loues argument was first on foote,Yet, since love's argument was first on foot,LLL V.ii.742
Let not the cloud of sorrow iustle itLet not the cloud of sorrow jostle itLLL V.ii.743
From what it purpos'd: since to waile friends lost,From what it purposed; since to wail friends lostLLL V.ii.744
Is not by much so wholsome profitable,Is not by much so wholesome-profitableLLL V.ii.745
As to reioyce at friends but newly found.As to rejoice at friends but newly found.LLL V.ii.746
Now at the latest minute of the houre,Now, at the latest minute of the hour,LLL V.ii.782
Grant vs your loues.Grant us your loves.LLL V.ii.783.1
If this, or more then this, I would denie,If this, or more than this, I would deny,LLL V.ii.808
To flatter vp these powers of mine with rest,To flatter up these powers of mine with rest,LLL V.ii.809
The sodaine hand of death close vp mine eie.The sudden hand of death close up mine eye!LLL V.ii.810
Hence euer then, my heart is in thy brest. / Ber. And what to me my Loue? and what to me? / Ros. You must be purged too, your sins are rack'd. / You are attaint with faults and periurie: / Therefore if you my fauor meane to get, / A tweluemonth shall you spend, and neuer rest, / But seeke the wearie beds of people sicke.LLL V.ii.811
No Madam, we will bring you on your way.No, madam, we will bring you on your way.LLL V.ii.862
Come sir, it wants a tweluemonth and a day,Come, sir, it wants a twelvemonth and a day,LLL V.ii.866
And then 'twil end.And then 'twill end.LLL V.ii.867.1
Call them forth quickely, we will do so.Call them forth quickly; we will do so.LLL V.ii.878

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