Original textModern textKey line
The dozen white Lowses doe become an old Coat well:The dozen white louses do become an old coat well.MW I.i.17
it agrees well passant: It is a familiar beast to man, and It agrees well, passant. It is a familiar beast to man, andMW I.i.18
signifies Loue.signifies love.MW I.i.19
It is marring indeed, if he quarter it.It is marring indeed, if he quarter it.MW I.i.24
Yes per-lady: if he ha's a quarter of your coat,Yes, py'r lady. If he has a quarter of your coat,MW I.i.26
there is but three Skirts for your selfe, in my simplethere is but three skirts for yourself, in my simpleMW I.i.27
coniectures; but that is all one: if Sir Iohn Falstaffe conjectures. But that is all one. If Sir John FalstaffMW I.i.28
haue committed disparagements vnto you, I am of thehave committed disparagements unto you, I am of theMW I.i.29
Church and will be glad to do my beneuolence, to makeChurch, and will be glad to do my benevolence, to makeMW I.i.30
attonements and compremises betweene you.atonements and compromises between you.MW I.i.31
It is not meet the Councell heare a Riot: there is noIt is not meet the Council hear a riot. There is noMW I.i.33
feare of Got in a Riot: The Councell (looke you) shall desirefear of Got in a riot. The Council, look you, shall desireMW I.i.34
to heare the feare of Got, and not to heare a Riot: take yourto hear the fear of Got, and not to hear a riot. Take yourMW I.i.35
viza-ments in that.vizaments in that.MW I.i.36
It is petter that friends is the sword, and end it:It is petter that friends is the swort, and end it.MW I.i.39
and there is also another deuice in my praine, whichAnd there is also another device in my prain, whichMW I.i.40
peraduenture prings goot discretions with it. There isperadventure prings goot discretions with it. There isMW I.i.41
Anne Page, which is daughter to Master Thomas Page,Anne Page, which is daughter to Master George Page,MW I.i.42
which is pretty virginity.which is pretty virginity.MW I.i.43
It is that ferry person for all the orld, as iust as youIt is that fery person for all the 'orld, as just as youMW I.i.46
will desire, and seuen hundred pounds of Moneyes, andwill desire. And seven hundred pounds of moneys, andMW I.i.47
Gold, and Siluer, is her Grand-sire vpon his deaths-bed,gold, and silver, is her grandsire upon his death's-bed –MW I.i.48
(Got deliuer to a ioyfull resurrections) giue, when she isGot deliver to a joyful resurrections! – give, when she isMW I.i.49
able to ouertake seuenteene yeeres old. It were a gootable to overtake seventeen years old. It were a gootMW I.i.50
motion, if we leaue our pribbles and prabbles, and desiremotion if we leave our pribbles and prabbles, and desireMW I.i.51
a marriage betweene Master Abraham, and Mistris Anne a marriage between Master Abraham and Mistress AnneMW I.i.52
Page.Page.MW I.i.53
I, and her father is make her a petter penny.Ay, and her father is make her a petter penny.MW I.i.56
Seuen hundred pounds, and possibilities, is gootSeven hundred pounds, and possibilities, is gootMW I.i.59
gifts.gifts.MW I.i.60
Shall I tell you a lye? I doe despise a lyer, as I doeShall I tell you a lie? I do despise a liar as I doMW I.i.63
despise one that is false, or as I despise one that is notdespise one that is false, or as I despise one that is notMW I.i.64
true: the Knight Sir Iohn is there, and I beseech you betrue. The knight Sir John is there. And I beseech you beMW I.i.65
ruled by your well-willers: I will peat the doore for ruled by your well-willers. I will peat the door forMW I.i.66
Mr. Page. What hoa? Got-plesse yourMaster Page. (He knocks) What, ho! Got pless yourMW I.i.67
house heere.house here!MW I.i.68
Here is go't's plessing and your friend, andHere is Got's plessing, and your friend, andMW I.i.70
Iustice Shallow, and heere yong Master Slender: thatJustice Shallow; and here young Master Slender, thatMW I.i.71
peraduentures shall tell you another tale, if matters growperadventures shall tell you another tale, if matters growMW I.i.72
to your likings.to your likings.MW I.i.73
It is spoke as a Christians ought to speake.It is spoke as a Christians ought to speak.MW I.i.95
Pauca verba; (Sir Iohn) good worts.Pauca verba, Sir John, goot worts.MW I.i.114
Peace, I pray you: now let vs vnderstand: there isPeace, I pray you. Now let us understand. There isMW I.i.128
three Vmpires in this matter, as I vnderstand; that is,three umpires in this matter, as I understand – that is,MW I.i.129
Master Page (fidelicet Master Page,) & there is my selfe,Master Page, fidelicet Master Page; and there is myself,MW I.i.130
(fidelicet my selfe) and the three party is (lastly, and finally)fidelicet myself; and the three party is, lastly and finally,MW I.i.131
mine Host of the Gater.mine host of the Garter.MW I.i.132
Ferry goo't, I will make a priefe of it in my note-booke,Fery goot. I will make a prief of it in my notebook,MW I.i.134
and we wil afterwards orke vpon the cause, with as greatand we will afterwards 'ork upon the cause with as greatMW I.i.135
discreetly as we can.discreetly as we can.MW I.i.136
The Teuill and his Tam: what phrase is this? heThe tevil and his tam! What phrase is this, ‘HeMW I.i.139
heares with eare? why, it is affectations.hears with ear'? Why, it is affectations.MW I.i.140
No, it is false, if it is a picke-purse.No, it is false, if it is a pick-purse.MW I.i.148
It is his fiue sences: fie, what the ignorance is.It is his ‘ five senses.’ Fie, what the ignorance is!MW I.i.163
So got-udge me, that is a vertuous minde.So Got 'udge me, that is a virtuous mind.MW I.i.171
Giue eare to his motions; (Mr. Slender) I willGive ear to his motions. Master Slender, I willMW I.i.199
description the matter to you, if you be capacity of it.description the matter to you, if you be capacity of it.MW I.i.200
But that is not the question: the question isBut that is not the question. The question isMW I.i.204
concerning your marriage.concerning your marriage.MW I.i.205
Marry is it: the very point of it, to Mi. An Marry, is it, the very point of it – to Mistress AnneMW I.i.207
Page.Page.MW I.i.208
But can you affection the 'o-man, let vs commandBut can you affection the 'oman? Let us commandMW I.i.211
to know that of your mouth, or of your lips: for diuersto know that of your mouth, or of your lips – for diversMW I.i.212
Philosophers hold, that the lips is parcell of the mouth:philosophers hold that the lips is parcel of the mouth.MW I.i.213
therfore precisely, cã you carry your good wil to Therefore, precisely, can you carry your good will toMW I.i.214
ye maid?the maid?MW I.i.215
Nay, got's Lords, and his Ladies, you must speakeNay, Got's lords and his ladies! You must speakMW I.i.219
possitable, if you can carry-her your desires towardspossitable, if you can carry her your desires towardsMW I.i.220
her.her.MW I.i.221
It is a fery discetion-answere; saue the fall is in theIt is a fery discretion answer, save the fall is in theMW I.i.235
'ord, dissolutely: the ort is (according to our meaning)'ord ‘ dissolutely.’ The 'ort is, according to our meaning,MW I.i.236
resolutely: his meaning is good.‘ resolutely.’ His meaning is good.MW I.i.237
Od's plessed-wil: I wil not be absẽce at the'Od's plessed will! I will not be absence at theMW I.i.245
grace.grace.MW I.i.246
Go your waies, and aske of Doctor Caius house,Go your ways, and ask of Doctor Caius's houseMW I.ii.1
which is the way; and there dwels one Mistris Quickly;which is the way. And there dwells one Mistress Quickly,MW I.ii.2
which is in the manner of his Nurse; or his dry-Nurse;which is in the manner of his nurse, or his dry nurse,MW I.ii.3
or his Cooke; or his Laundry; his Washer, and his Ringer.or his cook, or his laundry, his washer, and his wringer.MW I.ii.4
Nay, it is petter yet: giue her this letter; for it is aNay, it is petter yet. Give her this letter, for it is aMW I.ii.6
'oman that altogeathers acquaintãce with Mistris Anne'oman that altogether's acquaintance with Mistress AnneMW I.ii.7
Page; and the Letter is to desire, and require her to Page. And the letter is to desire and require her toMW I.ii.8
solicite your Masters desires, to Mistris Anne Page: solicit your master's desires to Mistress Anne Page.MW I.ii.9
I pray you be gon: I will make an end of my dinner;I pray you be gone. I will make an end of my dinner –MW I.ii.10
ther's Pippins and Cheese to come. there's pippins and cheese to come.MW I.ii.11
I pray you now, good Master Slenders seruing-man,I pray you now, good Master Slender's servingman,MW III.i.1
and friend Simple by your name; which way haueand friend Simple by your name, which way haveMW III.i.2
you look'd for Master Caius, that calls himselfe Doctoryou looked for Master Caius, that calls himself DoctorMW III.i.3
of Phisicke.of Physic?MW III.i.4
I most fehemently desire you, you will also lookeI most fehemently desire you you will also lookMW III.i.8
that way.that way.MW III.i.9
'Plesse my soule: how full of Chollors I am, andPless my soul, how full of chollors I am, andMW III.i.11
trempling of minde: I shall be glad if he haue deceiuedtrempling of mind! I shall be glad if he have deceivedMW III.i.12
me: how melancholies I am? I will knog his Vrinallsme. How melancholies I am! I will knog his urinalsMW III.i.13
about his knaues costard, when I haue good oportunitiesabout his knave's costard when I have good opportunitiesMW III.i.14
for the orke: 'Plesse my soule: for the 'ork. Pless my soul!MW III.i.15
To shallow Ruiers to whose falls: To shallow rivers, to whose fallsMW III.i.16
melodious Birds sings Madrigalls: Melodious birds sings madrigals.MW III.i.17
There will we make our Peds of Roses: There will we make our peds of roses,MW III.i.18
and a thousand fragrant posies. And a thousand fragrant posies.MW III.i.19
To shallow: To shallow –MW III.i.20
'Mercie on mee, I haue a great dispositions to cry.Mercy on me! I have a great dispositions to cry.MW III.i.21
Melodious birds sing Madrigalls: --- Melodious birds sing madrigals –MW III.i.22
When as I sat in Pabilon: Whenas I sat in Pabylon –MW III.i.23
and a thousand vagram Posies. And a thousand vagram posies.MW III.i.24
To shallow, &c.To shallow, etc.MW III.i.25
Hee's welcome: He's welcome.MW III.i.27
To shallow Riuers, to whose fals:To shallow rivers, to whose falls –MW III.i.28
Heauen prosper the right: what weapons is he?Heaven prosper the right! What weapons is he?MW III.i.29
Pray you giue mee my gowne, or else keepe it inPray you, give me my gown – or else keep it inMW III.i.33
your armes.your arms.MW III.i.34
'Plesse you from his mercy-sake, all of you.Pless you from his mercy sake, all of you!MW III.i.40
There is reasons, and causes for it.There is reasons and causes for it.MW III.i.45
Fery-well: what is it?Fery well. What is it?MW III.i.48
What is he?What is he?MW III.i.55
Got's-will, and his passion of my heart: I had asGot's will and his passion of my heart! I had asMW III.i.58
lief you would tell me of a messe of porredge.lief you would tell me of a mess of porridge.MW III.i.59
He has no more knowledge in Hibocrates andHe has no more knowledge in Hibocrates andMW III.i.61
Galen, and hee is a knaue besides: a cowardly knaue, asGalen – and he is a knave besides, a cowardly knave asMW III.i.62
you would desires to be acquainted withall.you would desires to be acquainted withal.MW III.i.63
Pray you vse your patiencePray you, use your patience.MW III.i.74
in good time. (Aloud) In good time.MW III.i.75
Pray you let vs not be laughing-stocksPray you, let us not be laughing-stocksMW III.i.77
to other mens humors: I desire you in friendship,to other men's humours. I desire you in friendship,MW III.i.78
and I will one way or other make you amends:and I will one way or other make you amends.MW III.i.79
I will knog your Vrinal about your knaues (Aloud) I will knog your urinals about your knave'sMW III.i.80
Cogs-combe.cogscombs for missing your meetings andMW III.i.81
appointments.MW III.i.82
As I am a Christians-soule, now looke you: this is theAs I am a Christians soul, now, look you, this is theMW III.i.86
place appointed, Ile bee iudgement by mine Host of the place appointed. I'll be judgement by mine host of theMW III.i.87
Garter.Garter.MW III.i.88
This is well, he has made vs his vlowting-stog: IThis is well. He has made us his vlouting-stog. IMW III.i.108
desire you that we may be friends: and let vs knog ourdesire you that we may be friends, and let us knog ourMW III.i.109
praines together to be reuenge on this same scall scuruy-prains together to be revenge on this same scald, scurvy,MW III.i.110
cogging-companion the Host of the Garter.cogging companion, the host of the Garter.MW III.i.111
Well, I will smite his noddles: pray you follow.Well, I will smite his noddles. Pray you follow.MW III.i.114
Shal. Page, &c. ALL
Well met Mr Ford.Well met, Master Ford.MW III.ii.45
All. ALL
Haue with you, to see this Monster. Have with you to see this monster.MW III.ii.83
This is fery fantasticall humors and iealousies.This is fery fantastical humours and jealousies.MW III.iii.160
If there be any pody in the house, & in theIf there be anypody in the house, and in theMW III.iii.198
chambers, and in the coffers, and in the presses: heauenchambers, and in the coffers, and in the presses, heavenMW III.iii.199
forgiue my sins at the day of iudgement.forgive my sins at the day of judgement.MW III.iii.200
You suffer for a pad conscience: your wife is asYou suffer for a pad conscience. Your wife is asMW III.iii.207
honest a o'mans, as I will desires among fiue thousand,honest a 'omans as I will desires among five thousand,MW III.iii.208
and fiue hundred too.and five hundred too.MW III.iii.209
If there is one, I shall make two in the CompanieIf there is one, I shall make two in the company.MW III.iii.221
I pray you now remembrance to morrow on theI pray you now, remembrance tomorrow on theMW III.iii.224
lowsie knaue, mine Host.lousy knave, mine host.MW III.iii.225
A lowsie knaue, to haue his gibes, and his mockeries. A lousy knave, to have his gibes and his mockeries.MW III.iii.227
No: Master Slender is let the Boyes leaue to play.No. Master Slender is let the boys leave to play.MW IV.i.12
Come hither William; hold vp your head; come.Come hither, William. Hold up your head. Come.MW IV.i.17
William, how many Numbers is in Nownes?William, how many numbers is in nouns?MW IV.i.20
Peace, your tatlings. What is (Faire) William?Peace your tattlings. What is ‘ fair,’ William?MW IV.i.24
You are a very simplicity o'man: I pray you peace.You are a very simplicity 'oman. I pray you peace.MW IV.i.28
What is (Lapis) William?What is lapis, William?MW IV.i.29
And what is a Stone (William?)And what is ‘ a stone,’ William?MW IV.i.31
No; it is Lapis: I pray you remember in your praine.No, it is lapis. I pray you remember in your prain.MW IV.i.33
That is a good William: what is he (William) thatThat is a good William. What is he, William, thatMW IV.i.35
do's lend Articles.does lend articles?MW IV.i.36
Nominatiuo hig, hag, hog: pray you marke: Nominativo, hig, hag, hog. Pray you mark:MW IV.i.39
genitiuo huius: Well: what is your Accusatiue-case?genitivo, hujus. Well, what is your accusative case?MW IV.i.40
I pray you haue your remembrance (childe) I pray you have your remembrance, child.MW IV.i.42
Accusatiuo hing, hang, hog.Accusativo, hung, hang, hog.MW IV.i.43
Leaue your prables (o'man) What is the Focatiue Leave your prabbles, 'oman. What is the focativeMW IV.i.46
case (William?)case, William?MW IV.i.47
Remember William, Focatiue, is caret.Remember, William. Focative is caret.MW IV.i.49
O'man, forbeare.'Oman, forbear.MW IV.i.51
What is your Genitiue case plurall (William?)What is your genitive case plural, William?MW IV.i.53
I.Ay.MW IV.i.55
For shame o'man.For shame, 'oman.MW IV.i.59
O'man, art thou Lunaties? Hast thou no vnderstandings'Oman, art thou lunatics? Hast thou no understandingsMW IV.i.64
for thy Cases, & the numbers of the Genders?for thy cases and the numbers of the genders?MW IV.i.65
Thou art as foolish Christian creatures, as I wouldThou art as foolish Christian creatures as I wouldMW IV.i.66
desires.desires.MW IV.i.67
Shew me now (William) some declensions of yourShow me now, William, some declensions of yourMW IV.i.69
Pronounes.pronouns.MW IV.i.70
It is Qui, que, quod; if you forget your Quies, your It is qui, quae, quod. If you forget your quis, yourMW IV.i.72
Ques, and your Quods, you must be preeches: Goe yourquaes, and your quods, you must be preeches. Go yourMW IV.i.73
waies and play, go.ways and play. Go.MW IV.i.74
He is a good sprag-memory: Farewel Mis. He is a good sprag memory. Farewell, MistressMW IV.i.77
Page.Page.MW IV.i.78
Why, this is Lunaticks: this is madde, as a mad dogge.Why, this is lunatics. This is mad as a mad dog.MW IV.ii.117
'Tis vnreasonable; will you take vp your wiues'Tis unreasonable. Will you take up your wife'sMW IV.ii.132
cloathes? Come, away.clothes? Come away.MW IV.ii.133
Mr Ford, you must pray, and not follow theMaster Ford, you must pray, and not follow theMW IV.ii.146
imaginations of your owne heart: this is iealousies.imaginations of your own heart. This is jealousies.MW IV.ii.147
By yea, and no, I thinke the o'man is a witch indeede:By yea and no, I think the 'oman is a witch indeed.MW IV.ii.181
I like not when a o'man has a great peard; I spie a greatI like not when a 'oman has a great peard. I spy a greatMW IV.ii.182
peard vnder his muffler.peard under his muffler.MW IV.ii.183
'Tis one of the best discretions of a o'man as euer'Tis one of the best discretions of a 'oman as everMW IV.iv.1
I did looke vpon.I did look upon.MW IV.iv.2
You say he has bin throwne in the Riuers: and hasYou say he has been thrown in the rivers, and hasMW IV.iv.19
bin greeuously peaten, as an old o'man: me-thinkes there been grievously peaten as an old 'oman. Methinks thereMW IV.iv.20
should be terrors in him, that he should not come:should be terrors in him, that he should not come.MW IV.iv.21
Me-thinkes his flesh is punish'd, hee shall haue no desires. Methinks his flesh is punished; he shall have no desires.MW IV.iv.22
I will teach the children their behauiours: and II will teach the children their behaviours, and IMW IV.iv.65
will be like a Iacke-an-Apes also, to burne the Knight withwill be like a jackanapes also, to burn the knight withMW IV.iv.66
my Taber.my taber.MW IV.iv.67
Let vs about it, / It is admirable pleasures, and ferryLet us about it. It is admirable pleasures and feryMW IV.iv.78
honest knaueries.honest knaveries.MW IV.iv.79
Where is mine Host?Where is mine host?MW IV.v.67
Haue a care of your entertainments: there is aHave a care of your entertainments. There is aMW IV.v.69
friend of mine come to Towne, tels mee there is threefriend of mine come to town tells me there is threeMW IV.v.70
Cozen-Iermans, that has cozend all the Hosts of Readins,cozen-germans that has cozened all the hosts of Readins,MW IV.v.71
of Maidenhead; of Cole-brooke, of horses and money: Iof Maidenhead, of Colebrook, of horses and money. IMW IV.v.72
tell you for good will (looke you) you are wise, and full oftell you for good will, look you. You are wise, and full ofMW IV.v.73
gibes, and vlouting-stocks: and 'tis not conuenient you gibes and vlouting-stocks, and 'tis not convenient youMW IV.v.74
should be cozoned. Fare you well.should be cozened. Fare you well.MW IV.v.75
Trib, trib Fairies: Come, and remember yourTrib, trib, fairies. Come. And remember yourMW V.iv.1
parts: be pold (I pray you) follow me into the pit, andparts. Be pold, I pray you. Follow me into the pit, andMW V.iv.2
when I giue the watch-'ords, do as I pid you: Come,when I give the watch-'ords, do as I pid you. Come,MW V.iv.3
come, trib, trib. come; trib, trib.MW V.iv.4
Sir Iohn Falstaffe, serue Got, and leaue your desires,Sir John Falstaff, serve Got and leave your desires,MW V.v.128
and Fairies will not pinse you.and fairies will not pinse you.MW V.v.129
And leaue you your iealouzies too, I pray you.And leave your jealousies too, I pray you.MW V.v.131
Seese is not good to giue putter; your belly is alSeese is not good to give putter. Your belly is allMW V.v.139
putter.putter.MW V.v.140
And giuen to Fornications, and to Tauernes, andAnd given to fornications, and to taverns, andMW V.v.156
Sacke, and Wine, and Metheglins, and to drinkings and sack, and wine, and metheglins, and to drinkings, andMW V.v.157
swearings, and starings? Pribles and prables?swearings and starings, pribbles and prabbles?MW V.v.158

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