Original textModern textKey line
And I in going Madam, weep ore my fathersAnd I in going, madam, weep o'er my father'sAW I.i.3
death anew; but I must attend his maiesties command,death anew; but I must attend his majesty's command,AW I.i.4
to whom I am now in Ward, euermore in whom I am now in ward, evermore in subjection.AW I.i.5
What is it (my good Lord) the King languishesWhat is it, my good lord, the King languishesAW I.i.31
of?of?AW I.i.32
I heard not of it before.I heard not of it before.AW I.i.34
Maddam I desire your holie wishes.Madam, I desire your holy wishes.AW I.i.57
The best wishes that can be forg'd in yourThe best wishes that can be forged in yourAW I.i.73
thoghts be seruants to you: be comfortablethoughts be servants to you! (To Helena) Be comfortableAW I.i.74
to my mother, your Mistris, and make much of my mother, your mistress, and make much of her.AW I.i.75
My thankes and dutie are your Maiesties.My thanks and duty are your majesty's.AW I.ii.23
His good remembrance sirHis good remembrance, sir,AW I.ii.48.2
Lies richer in your thoughts, then on his tombe:Lies richer in your thoughts than on his tomb;AW I.ii.49
So in approofe liues not his Epitaph,So in approof lives not his epitaphAW I.ii.50
As in your royall speech.As in your royal speech.AW I.ii.51
Some six moneths since my Lord.Some six months since, my lord.AW I.ii.71.2
Thanke your Maiesty. Thank your majesty.AW I.ii.76.2
I am commanded here, and kept a coyle with,I am commanded here, and kept a coil withAW II.i.27
Too young, and the next yeere, and 'tis too early.‘ Too young,’ and ‘ The next year,’ and ‘ 'Tis too early.’AW II.i.28
I shal stay here the for-horse to a smocke,I shall stay here the forehorse to a smock,AW II.i.30
Creeking my shooes on the plaine Masonry,Creaking my shoes on the plain masonry,AW II.i.31
Till honour be bought vp, and no sword worneTill honour be bought up, and no sword wornAW II.i.32
But one to dance with: by heauen, Ile steale away.But one to dance with. By heaven, I'll steal away!AW II.i.33
I grow to you, & our parting is a tortur'dI grow to you, and our parting is a torturedAW II.i.36
body.body.AW II.i.37
Stay the King.Stay: the King.AW II.i.49
And I will doe so.And I will do so.AW II.i.58
And so 'tis.And so 'tis.AW II.iii.9
My wife my Leige? I shal beseech your highnesMy wife, my liege! I shall beseech your highness,AW II.iii.105
In such a busines, giue me leaue to vseIn such a business give me leave to useAW II.iii.106
The helpe of mine owne eies.The help of mine own eyes.AW II.iii.107.1
Yes my good Lord,Yes, my good lord,AW II.iii.108.2
but neuer hope to know why I should marrie her.But never hope to know why I should marry her.AW II.iii.109
But followes it my Lord, to bring me downeBut follows it, my lord, to bring me downAW II.iii.111
Must answer for your raising? I knowe her well:Must answer for your raising? I know her well:AW II.iii.112
Shee had her breeding at my fathers charge:She had her breeding at my father's charge.AW II.iii.113
A poore Physitians daughter my wife? DisdaineA poor physician's daughter my wife! DisdainAW II.iii.114
Rather corrupt me euer.Rather corrupt me ever!AW II.iii.115
I cannot loue her, nor will striue to doo't.I cannot love her nor will strive to do't.AW II.iii.144
Pardon my gracious Lord: for I submitPardon, my gracious lord; for I submitAW II.iii.166
My fancie to your eies, when I considerMy fancy to your eyes. When I considerAW II.iii.167
What great creation, and what dole of honourWhat great creation and what dole of honourAW II.iii.168
Flies where you bid it: I finde that she which lateFlies where you bid it, I find that she, which lateAW II.iii.169
Was in my Nobler thoughts, most base: is nowWas in my nobler thoughts most base, is nowAW II.iii.170
The praised of the King, who so ennobled,The praised of the King; who, so ennobled,AW II.iii.171
Is as 'twere borne so.Is as 'twere born so.AW II.iii.172.1
I take her hand.I take her hand.AW II.iii.175.2
Vndone, and forfeited to cares for euer.Undone and forfeited to cares for ever!AW II.iii.265
Although before the solemne Priest I haue sworne,Although before the solemn priest I have sworn,AW II.iii.267
I will not bed her.I will not bed her.AW II.iii.268
O my Parrolles they haue married me:O my Parolles, they have married me!AW II.iii.270
Ile to the Tuscan warres, and neuer bed her.I'll to the Tuscan wars and never bed her.AW II.iii.271
There's letters from my mother: What th' import is,There's letters from my mother: what th' import isAW II.iii.274
I know not yet.I know not yet.AW II.iii.275
It shall be so, Ile send her to my house,It shall be so. I'll send her to my house,AW II.iii.284
Acquaint my mother with my hate to her,Acquaint my mother with my hate to herAW II.iii.285
And wherefore I am fled: Write to the KingAnd wherefore I am fled; write to the KingAW II.iii.286
That which I durst not speake. His present giftThat which I durst not speak. His present giftAW II.iii.287
Shall furnish me to those Italian fieldsShall furnish me to those Italian fieldsAW II.iii.288
Where noble fellowes strike: Warres is no strifeWhere noble fellows strike. Wars is no strifeAW II.iii.289
To the darke house, and the detected wife.To the dark house and the detested wife.AW II.iii.290
Go with me to my chamber, and aduice me.Go with me to my chamber and advise me.AW II.iii.292
Ile send her straight away: To morrow,I'll send her straight away. TomorrowAW II.iii.293
Ile to the warres, she to her single sorrow.I'll to the wars, she to her single sorrow.AW II.iii.294
Yes my Lord and of verie valiant approofe.Yes, my lord, and of very valiant approof.AW II.v.2
And by other warranted testimonie.And by other warranted testimony.AW II.v.4
I do assure you my Lord he is very great in I do assure you, my lord, he is very great inAW II.v.7
knowledge, and accordinglie valiant.knowledge, and accordingly valiant.AW II.v.8
Is shee gone to the king? Is she gone to the King?AW II.v.19
Will shee away to night?Will she away tonight?AW II.v.21
I haue writ my letters, casketted my treasure,I have writ my letters, casketed my treasure,AW II.v.23
Giuen order for our horses, and to night,Given order for our horses; and tonight,AW II.v.24
When I should take possession of the Bride,When I should take possession of the bride,AW II.v.25
And ere I doe begin.End ere I do begin.AW II.v.26
Is there any vnkindnes betweene my Lord andIs there any unkindness between my lord andAW II.v.32
you Monsieur?you, monsieur?AW II.v.33
It may bee you haue mistaken him my Lord.It may be you have mistaken him, my lord.AW II.v.40
I thinke so.I think not so.AW II.v.50
Yes, I do know him well, and common speechYes, I do know him well, and common speechAW II.v.52
Giues him a worthy passe. Heere comes my clog.Gives him a worthy pass. Here comes my clog.AW II.v.53
I shall obey his will.I shall obey his will.AW II.v.57.2
You must not meruaile Helen at my course,You must not marvel, Helen, at my course,AW II.v.58
Which holds not colour with the time, nor doesWhich holds not colour with the time, nor doesAW II.v.59
The ministration, and required officeThe ministration and required officeAW II.v.60
On my particular. Prepar'd I was notOn my particular. Prepared I was notAW II.v.61
For such a businesse, therefore am I foundFor such a business, therefore am I foundAW II.v.62
So much vnsetled: This driues me to intreate you,So much unsettled. This drives me to entreat youAW II.v.63
That presently you take your way for home,That presently you take your way for home,AW II.v.64
And rather muse then aske why I intreate you,And rather muse than ask why I entreat you;AW II.v.65
For my respects are better then they seeme,For my respects are better than they seem,AW II.v.66
And my appointments haue in them a needeAnd my appointments have in them a needAW II.v.67
Greater then shewes it selfe at the first view,Greater than shows itself at the first viewAW II.v.68
To you that know them not. This to my mother,To you that know them not. This to my mother.AW II.v.69
'Twill be two daies ere I shall see you, so'Twill be two days ere I shall see you, soAW II.v.70
I leaue you to your wisedome.I leave you to your wisdom.AW II.v.71.1
Come, come, no more of that.Come, come, no more of that.AW II.v.73.1
Let that goe: Let that go.AW II.v.76.2
my hast is verie great. Farwell: Hie home.My haste is very great. Farewell. Hie home.AW II.v.77
Well, what would you say?Well, what would you say?AW II.v.78.2
What would you haue?What would you have?AW II.v.82.2
I pray you stay not, but in hast to horse.I pray you, stay not, but in haste to horse.AW II.v.87
Go thou toward home, where I wil neuer come,Go thou toward home, where I will never comeAW II.v.90
Whilst I can shake my sword, or heare the drumme:Whilst I can shake my sword or hear the drum.AW II.v.91
Away, and for our flight.Away, and for our flight.AW II.v.92.1
Sir it isSir, it isAW III.iii.3.2
A charge too heauy for my strength, but yetA charge too heavy for my strength; but yetAW III.iii.4
Wee'l striue to beare it for your worthy sake,We'll strive to bear it for your worthy sakeAW III.iii.5
To th' extreme edge of hazard.To th' extreme edge of hazard.AW III.iii.6.1
This very dayThis very day,AW III.iii.8.2
Great Mars I put my selfe into thy file,Great Mars, I put myself into thy file;AW III.iii.9
Make me but like my thoughts, and I shall proueMake me but like my thoughts and I shall proveAW III.iii.10
A louer of thy drumme, hater of loue. A lover of thy drum, hater of love.AW III.iii.11
Do you thinke I am so farre / Deceiued in him.Do you think I am so far deceived in him?AW
I would I knew in what particular action to tryI would I knew in what particular action to tryAW
How now Monsieur? This drumme sticks sorelyHow now, monsieur! This drum sticks sorelyAW
in your your disposition.AW
Well, wee cannot greatly condemne our successe: Well, we cannot greatly condemn our success;AW
some dishonor wee had in the losse of that drum, but it issome dishonour we had in the loss of that drum, but it isAW
not to be recouered.not to be recovered.AW
It might, but it is not now.It might, but it is not now.AW
Why if you haue a stomacke, too't Monsieur: ifWhy, if you have a stomach, to't, monsieur! If AW
you thinke your mysterie in stratagem, can bring thisyou think your mystery in stratagem can bring thisAW
instrument of honour againe into his natiue quarter, beinstrument of honour again into his native quarter, beAW
magnanimious in the enterprize and go on, I wil gracemagnanimous in the enterprise and go on. I will graceAW
the attempt for a worthy exploit: if you speede well in it,the attempt for a worthy exploit. If you speed well in itAW
the Duke shall both speake of it, and extend to you whatthe Duke shall both speak of it and extend to you whatAW
further becomes his greatnesse, euen to the vtmostfurther becomes his greatness, even to the utmostAW
syllable of your worthinesse.syllable of your worthiness.AW
But you must not now slumber in it.But you must not now slumber in it.AW
May I bee bold to acquaint his grace you areMay I be bold to acquaint his grace you areAW
gone about it.gone about it?AW
I know th'art valiant, / And to the possibility ofI know th'art valiant, and to the possibility ofAW
thy souldiership, / Will subscribe for thee: Farewell.thy soldiership will subscribe for thee. Farewell.AW
Why do you thinke he will make no deede at allWhy, do you think he will make no deed at allAW
of this that so seriouslie hee dooes addresse himselfe vnto?of this that so seriously he does address himself unto?AW
Your brother he shall go along with me.Your brother, he shall go along with me.AW
Now wil I lead you to the house, and shew youNow will I lead you to the house and show youAW
The Lasse I spoke of.The lass I spoke of.AW
That's all the fault: I spoke with hir but once,That's all the fault. I spoke with her but onceAW
And found her wondrous cold, but I sent to herAnd found her wondrous cold, but I sent to herAW
By this same Coxcombe that we haue i'th windeBy this same coxcomb that we have i'th' windAW
Tokens and Letters, which she did resend,Tokens and letters which she did re-send,AW
And this is all I haue done: She's a faire creature,And this is all I have done. She's a fair creature;AW
Will you go see her?Will you go see her?AW
They told me that your name was Fontybell.They told me that your name was Fontybell.AW IV.ii.1
Titled Goddesse,Titled goddess,AW IV.ii.2.2
And worth it with addition: but faire soule,And worth it, with addition! But, fair soul,AW IV.ii.3
In your fine frame hath loue no qualitie?In your fine frame hath love no quality?AW IV.ii.4
If the quicke fire of youth light not your minde,If the quick fire of youth light not your mindAW IV.ii.5
You are no Maiden but a monumentYou are no maiden but a monument.AW IV.ii.6
When you are dead you should be such a oneWhen you are dead you should be such a oneAW IV.ii.7
As you are now: for you are cold and sterne,As you are now; for you are cold and stern,AW IV.ii.8
And now you should be as your mother wasAnd now you should be as your mother wasAW IV.ii.9
When your sweet selfe was got.When your sweet self was got.AW IV.ii.10
So should you be.So should you be.AW IV.ii.11.2
No more a'that:No more o'that!AW IV.ii.13.2
I prethee do not striue against my vowes:I prithee do not strive against my vows.AW IV.ii.14
I was compell'd to her, but I loue theeI was compelled to her, but I love theeAW IV.ii.15
By loues owne sweet constraint, and will for euerBy love's own sweet constraint, and will for everAW IV.ii.16
Do thee all rights of seruice.Do thee all rights of service.AW IV.ii.17.1
How haue I sworne.How have I sworn!AW IV.ii.20.2
Change it, change it:Change it, change it.AW IV.ii.31.2
Be not so holy cruell: Loue is holie,Be not so holy-cruel. Love is holy,AW IV.ii.32
And my integritie ne're knew the craftsAnd my integrity ne'er knew the craftsAW IV.ii.33
That you do charge men with: Stand no more off,That you do charge men with. Stand no more off,AW IV.ii.34
But giue thy selfe vnto my sicke desires,But give thyself unto my sick desires,AW IV.ii.35
Who then recouers. Say thou art mine, and euerWho then recovers. Say thou art mine, and everAW IV.ii.36
My loue as it beginnes, shall so perseuer.My love as it begins shall so persever.AW IV.ii.37
Ile lend it thee my deere; but haue no powerI'll lend it thee, my dear, but have no powerAW IV.ii.40
To giue it from me.To give it from me.AW IV.ii.41.1
It is an honour longing to our house,It is an honour 'longing to our house,AW IV.ii.42
Bequeathed downe from manie Ancestors,Bequeathed down from many ancestors,AW IV.ii.43
Which were the greatest obloquie i'th world,Which were the greatest obloquy i'th' worldAW IV.ii.44
In me to loose.In me to lose.AW IV.ii.45.1
Heere, take my Ring,Here, take my ring.AW IV.ii.51.2
My house, mine honor, yea my life be thine,My house, mine honour, yea, my life be thine,AW IV.ii.52
And Ile be bid by thee.And I'll be bid by thee.AW IV.ii.53
A heauen on earth I haue won by wooing thee.A heaven on earth I have won by wooing thee.AW IV.ii.66
I haue to night dispatch'd sixteene businesses, aI have tonight dispatched sixteen businesses aAW IV.iii.84
moneths length a peece, by an abstract of successe: I hauemonth's length apiece, By an abstract of success: I haveAW IV.iii.85
congied with the Duke, done my adieu with his neerest;congied with the Duke, done my adieu with his nearest,AW IV.iii.86
buried a wife, mourn'd for her, writ to my Ladie mother,buried a wife, mourned for her, writ to my lady motherAW IV.iii.87
I am returning, entertain'd my Conuoy, & betweeneI am returning, entertained my convoy, and betweenAW IV.iii.88
these maine parcels of dispatch, affected many nicerthese main parcels of dispatch effected many nicerAW IV.iii.89
needs: the last was the greatest, but that I haue not endedneeds; the last was the greatest, but that I have not endedAW IV.iii.90
yet.yet.AW IV.iii.91
I meane the businesse is not ended, as fearing toI mean, the business is not ended, as fearing toAW IV.iii.95
heare of it hereafter: but shall we haue this dialoguehear of it hereafter. But shall we have this dialogueAW IV.iii.96
betweene the Foole and the Soldiour. Come, bring forthbetween the Fool and the Soldier? Come, bring forthAW IV.iii.97
this counterfet module, ha's deceiu'd mee, like athis counterfeit module he has deceived me like aAW IV.iii.98
double-meaning Prophesier.double-meaning prophesier.AW IV.iii.99
No matter, his heeles haue deseru'd it, in vsurpingNo matter. His heels have deserved it in usurpingAW IV.iii.102
his spurres so long. How does he carry himselfe?his spurs so long. How does he carry himself?AW IV.iii.103
Nothing of me, ha's a?Nothing of me, has 'a?AW IV.iii.111
A plague vpon him, muffeld; he can sayA plague upon him! Muffled! He can sayAW IV.iii.115
nothing of me:nothing of me.AW IV.iii.116
all's one to him. What a past-sauing slaue isAll's one to him. What a past-saving slave isAW IV.iii.137
this?this!AW IV.iii.138
But I con him no thankes for't in the nature heBut I con him no thanks for't, in the nature heAW IV.iii.150
deliuers it.delivers it.AW IV.iii.151
What shall be done to him?What shall be done to him?AW IV.iii.168
Nay, by your leaue hold your hands, thoughNay, by your leave, hold your hands – thoughAW IV.iii.186
I know his braines are forfeite to the next tile that fals.I know his brains are forfeit to the next tile that falls.AW IV.iii.187
Our Interpreter do's it well.Our interpreter does it well.AW IV.iii.204
Damnable both-sides rogue.Damnable both-sides rogue!AW IV.iii.217
He shall be whipt through the Armie withHe shall be whipped through the army, withAW IV.iii.228
this rime in's forehead.this rhyme in's forehead.AW IV.iii.229
I could endure any thing before but a Cat, andI could endure anything before but a cat, andAW IV.iii.232
now he's a Cat to he's a cat to me.AW IV.iii.233
For this description of thine honestie? A poxFor this description of thine honesty? A poxAW IV.iii.256
vpon him for me, he's more and more a Cat.upon him! For me, he's more and more a cat.AW IV.iii.257
A pox on him, he's a Cat still.A pox on him! He's a cat still.AW IV.iii.267
Good morrow noble Captaine.Good morrow, noble captain.AW IV.iii.304
My high repented blamesMy high-repented blames,AW V.iii.36.2
Deere Soueraigne pardon to me.Dear sovereign, pardon to me.AW V.iii.37.1
Admiringly my Liege, at firstAdmiringly, my liege. At firstAW V.iii.44
I stucke my choice vpon her, ere my heartI stuck my choice upon her, ere my heartAW V.iii.45
Durst make too bold a herauld of my tongue:Durst make too bold a herald of my tongue;AW V.iii.46
Where the impression of mine eye enfixing,Where, the impression of mine eye infixing,AW V.iii.47
Contempt his scornfull Perspectiue did lend me,Contempt his scornful perspective did lend me,AW V.iii.48
Which warpt the line, of euerie other fauour,Which warped the line of every other favour,AW V.iii.49
Scorn'd a faire colour, or exprest it stolne,Scorned a fair colour or expressed it stolen,AW V.iii.50
Extended or contracted all proportionsExtended or contracted all proportionsAW V.iii.51
To a most hideous obiect. Thence it came,To a most hideous object. Thence it cameAW V.iii.52
That she whom all men prais'd, and whom my selfe,That she whom all men praised, and whom myself,AW V.iii.53
Since I haue lost, haue lou'd; was in mine eyeSince I have lost, have loved, was in mine eyeAW V.iii.54
The dust that did offend it.The dust that did offend it.AW V.iii.55.1
Hers it was not.Hers it was not.AW V.iii.80.2
My gracious Soueraigne,My gracious sovereign,AW V.iii.87.2
How ere it pleases you to take it so,Howe'er it pleases you to take it so,AW V.iii.88
The ring was neuer hers.The ring was never hers.AW V.iii.89.1
You are deceiu'd my Lord, she neuer saw it:You are deceived, my lord, she never saw it.AW V.iii.92
In Florence was it from a casement throwne mee,In Florence was it from a casement thrown me,AW V.iii.93
Wrap'd in a paper, which contain'd the nameWrapped in a paper which contained the nameAW V.iii.94
Of her that threw it: Noble she was, and thoughtOf her that threw it. Noble she was, and thoughtAW V.iii.95
I stood ingag'd, but when I had subscrib'dI stood ingaged; but when I had subscribedAW V.iii.96
To mine owne fortune, and inform'd her fully,To mine own fortune, and informed her fullyAW V.iii.97
I could not answer in that course of HonourI could not answer in that course of honourAW V.iii.98
As she had made the ouerture, she ceastAs she had made the overture, she ceasedAW V.iii.99
In heauie satisfaction, and would neuerIn heavy satisfaction, and would neverAW V.iii.100
Receiue the Ring againe.Receive the ring again.AW V.iii.101.1
She neuer saw it.She never saw it.AW V.iii.112.2
If you shall proueIf you shall proveAW V.iii.124.2
This Ring was euer hers, you shall as easieThis ring was ever hers, you shall as easyAW V.iii.125
Proue that I husbanded her bed in Florence,Prove that I husbanded her bed in Florence,AW V.iii.126
Where yet she neuer was.Where yet she never was.AW V.iii.127
My Lord, I neither can nor will denie,My lord, I neither can nor will denyAW V.iii.166
But that I know them, do they charge me further?But that I know them. Do they charge me further?AW V.iii.167
She's none of mine my Lord.She's none of mine, my lord.AW V.iii.169.1
My Lord, this is a fond and desp'rate creature,My lord, this is a fond and desperate creatureAW V.iii.178
Whom sometime I haue laugh'd with: Let your highnesWhom sometime I have laughed with. Let your highnessAW V.iii.179
Lay a more noble thought vpon mine honour,Lay a more noble thought upon mine honourAW V.iii.180
Then for to thinke that I would sinke it heere.Than for to think that I would sink it here.AW V.iii.181
She's impudent my Lord,She's impudent, my lord,AW V.iii.187.2
And was a common gamester to the Campe.And was a common gamester to the camp.AW V.iii.188
What of him:What of him?AW V.iii.204.2
He's quoted for a most perfidious slaueHe's quoted for a most perfidious slaveAW V.iii.205
With all the spots a'th world, taxt and debosh'd,With all the spots o'th' world taxed and debauched,AW V.iii.206
Whose nature sickens: but to speake a truth,Whose nature sickens but to speak a truth.AW V.iii.207
Am I, or that or this for what he'l vtter,Am I or that or this for what he'll utter,AW V.iii.208
That will speake any thing.That will speak anything?AW V.iii.209.1
I thinke she has; certaine it is I lyk'd her,I think she has. Certain it is I liked herAW V.iii.210
And boorded her i'th wanton way of youth:And boarded her i'th' wanton way of youth.AW V.iii.211
She knew her distance, and did angle for mee,She knew her distance and did angle for me,AW V.iii.212
Madding my eagernesse with her restraint,Madding my eagerness with her restraint,AW V.iii.213
As all impediments in fancies courseAs all impediments in fancy's courseAW V.iii.214
Are motiues of more fancie, and in fine,Are motives of more fancy; and in fineAW V.iii.215
Her insuite comming with her moderne grace,Her infinite cunning with her modern graceAW V.iii.216
Subdu'd me to her rate, she got the Ring,Subdued me to her rate. She got the ring,AW V.iii.217
And I had that which any inferiour mightAnd I had that which any inferior mightAW V.iii.218
At Market price haue bought.At market-price have bought.AW V.iii.219.1
I haue it not.I have it not.AW V.iii.224.2
My Lord, I do confesse the ring was hers.My lord, I do confess the ring was hers.AW V.iii.231
Both, both, O pardon.Both, both. O pardon!AW V.iii.306.2
If she my Liege can make me know this clearly,If she, my liege, can make me know this clearlyAW V.iii.313
Ile loue her dearely, euer, euer dearly.I'll love her dearly, ever, ever dearly.AW V.iii.314

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