Original textModern textKey line
You shall find of the King a husband Madame,You shall find of the King a husband, madam;AW I.i.6
you sir a father. He that so generally is at all times good,you, sir, a father. He that so generally is at all times goodAW I.i.7
must of necessitie hold his vertue to you, whose worthinessemust of necessity hold his virtue to you, whose worthinessAW I.i.8
would stirre it vp where it wanted rather then lack itwould stir it up where it wanted, rather than lack itAW I.i.9
where there is such abundance.where there is such abundance.AW I.i.10
He hath abandon'd his Phisitions Madam, vnderHe hath abandoned his physicians, madam, underAW I.i.13
whose practises he hath persecuted time with hope, and whose practices he hath persecuted time with hope, andAW I.i.14
finds no other aduantage in the processe, but onely thefinds no other advantage in the process but only theAW I.i.15
loosing of hope by time.losing of hope by time.AW I.i.16
How call'd you the man you speake of Madam?How called you the man you speak of, madam?AW I.i.24
He was excellent indeed Madam, the King veryHe was excellent indeed, madam. The King veryAW I.i.27
latelie spoke of him admiringly, and mourningly: heelately spoke of him admiringly, and mourningly. HeAW I.i.28
was skilfull enough to haue liu'd stil, if knowledge couldwas skilful enough to have lived still, if knowledge couldAW I.i.29
be set vp against set up against mortality.AW I.i.30
A Fistula my Lord.A fistula, my lord.AW I.i.33
I would it were not notorious. Was this GentlewomanI would it were not notorious. Was this gentlewomanAW I.i.35
the Daughter of Gerard de Narbonthe daughter of Gerard de Narbon?AW I.i.36
Your commendations Madam get from her teares.Your commendations, madam, get from her tears.AW I.i.45
Moderate lamentation is the right of the dead,Moderate lamentation is the right of the dead,AW I.i.53
excessiue greefe the enemie to the liuing.excessive grief the enemy to the living.AW I.i.54
How vnderstand we that?How understand we that?AW I.i.58
He cannot want the bestHe cannot want the bestAW I.i.70.2
That shall attend his loue.That shall attend his love.AW I.i.71
Farewell prettie Lady, you must hold the credit ofFarewell, pretty lady. You must hold the credit ofAW I.i.76
your father.your father.AW I.i.77
Pardon my Lord for mee and for my tidings.Pardon, my lord, for me and for my tidings.AW II.i.61
Then heres a man stands that has brought his pardon,Then here's a man stands that has brought his pardon.AW II.i.63
I would you had kneel'd my Lord to aske me mercy,I would you had kneeled, my lord, to ask me mercy,AW II.i.64
And that at my bidding you could so stand vp.And that at my bidding you could so stand up.AW II.i.65
Goodfaith a-crosse,Good faith, across!AW II.i.67.2
but my good Lord 'tis thus, / Will you be cur'dBut, my good lord 'tis thus: will you be curedAW II.i.68
of your infirmitie?Of your infirmity?AW II.i.69.1
O will you eatO, will you eatAW II.i.69.3
no grapes my royall foxe? / Yes but you will,No grapes, my royal fox? Yes, but you willAW II.i.70
my noble grapes, and if / My royall foxeMy noble grapes, and if my royal foxAW II.i.71
could reach them: I haue seen a medicineCould reach them. I have seen a medicineAW II.i.72
That's able to breath life into a stone,That's able to breathe life into a stone,AW II.i.73
Quicken a rocke, and make you dance CanariQuicken a rock, and make you dance canaryAW II.i.74
With sprightly fire and motion, whose simple touchWith sprightly fire and motion; whose simple touchAW II.i.75
Is powerfull to arayse King Pippen, nayIs powerful to araise King Pippen, nay,AW II.i.76
To giue great Charlemaine a pen in's handTo give great Charlemain a pen in's handAW II.i.77
And write to her a loue-line.And write to her a love-line.AW II.i.78.1
Why doctor she: my Lord, there's one arriu'd,Why, Doctor She! My lord, there's one arrived,AW II.i.79
If you will see her: now by my faith and honour,If you will see her. Now by my faith and honour,AW II.i.80
If seriously I may conuay my thoughtsIf seriously I may convey my thoughtsAW II.i.81
In this my light deliuerance, I haue spokeIn this my light deliverance, I have spokeAW II.i.82
With one, that in her sexe, her yeeres, profession,With one that in her sex, her years, profession,AW II.i.83
Wisedome and constancy, hath amaz'd mee moreWisdom, and constancy hath amazed me moreAW II.i.84
Then I dare blame my weakenesse: will you see her?Than I dare blame my weakness. Will you see her,AW II.i.85
For that is her demand, and know her businesse?For that is her demand, and know her business?AW II.i.86
That done, laugh well at me.That done, laugh well at me.AW II.i.87.1
Nay, Ile fit you,Nay, I'll fit you,AW II.i.90.2
And not be all day neither.And not be all day neither.AW II.i.91
Nay, come your waies.Nay, come your ways.AW II.i.93.1
Nay, come your waies,Nay, come your ways.AW II.i.94
This is his Maiestie, say your minde to him,This is his majesty: say your mind to him.AW II.i.95
A Traitor you doe looke like, but such traitorsA traitor you do look like, but such traitorsAW II.i.96
His Maiesty seldome feares, I am Cresseds Vncle,His majesty seldom fears. I am Cressid's uncleAW II.i.97
That dare leaue two together, far you well. That dare leave two together. Fare you well.AW II.i.98
They say miracles are past, and we haue ourThey say miracles are past, and we have ourAW II.iii.1
Philosophicall persons, to make moderne and familiarphilosophical persons to make modern and familiar,AW II.iii.2
things supernaturall and causelesse. Hence is it, thatthings supernatural and causeless. Hence is it thatAW II.iii.3
we make trifles of terrours, ensconcing our selues into we make trifles of terrors, ensconcing ourselves intoAW II.iii.4
seeming knowledge, when we should submit our seluesseeming knowledge when we should submit ourselvesAW II.iii.5
to an vnknowne an unknown fear.AW II.iii.6
To be relinquisht of the Artists.To be relinquished of the artistsAW II.iii.10
Of all the learned and authenticke fellowes.Of all the learned and authentic fellowsAW II.iii.12
That gaue him out incureable.That gave him out incurable – AW II.iii.14
Not to be help'd.Not to be helped.AW II.iii.16
Vncertaine life, and sure death.Uncertain life and sure death.AW II.iii.18
I may truly say, it is a noueltie to the world.I may truly say it is a novelty to the world.AW II.iii.20
A shewing of a heauenly effect in an earthly Actor.A showing of a heavenly effect in an earthly actor.AW II.iii.23
Why your Dolphin is not lustier: fore mee I speakeWhy, your dolphin is not lustier. 'Fore me, I speakAW II.iii.25
in respect--- in respect – AW II.iii.26
Very hand of heauen.Very hand of heaven.AW II.iii.30
In a most weake---In a most weak – AW II.iii.32
Generally thankfull.Generally thankful.AW II.iii.37
Lustique, as the Dutchman saies: Ile like a maideLustique, as the Dutchman says. I'll like a maidAW II.iii.40
the Better whil'st I haue a tooth in my head: why he'sthe better, whilst I have a tooth in my head. Why, he'sAW II.iii.41
able to leade her a to lead her a coranto.AW II.iii.42
Fore God I thinke so.'Fore God, I think so.AW II.iii.44
I'de giue bay curtall, and his furnitureI'd give bay curtal and his furnitureAW II.iii.58
My mouth no more were broken then these boyes,My mouth no more were broken than these boys',AW II.iii.59
And writ as little beard.And writ as little beard.AW II.iii.60.1
I had rather be in this choise, then throw / Ames-aceI had rather be in this choice than throw ames-aceAW II.iii.77
for my life.for my life.AW II.iii.78
Do all they denie her? And they were sons of mine,Do all they deny her? An they were sons of mineAW II.iii.85
I'de haue them whip'd, or I would send them toI'd have them whipped, or I would send them toAW II.iii.86
'th Turke to make Eunuches' Turk to make eunuchs of.AW II.iii.87
These boyes are boyes of Ice, they'le none haue heere: These boys are boys of ice; they'll none have her.AW II.iii.92
sure they are bastards to the English, the French nereSure, they are bastards to the English; the French ne'erAW II.iii.93
got 'em.AW II.iii.94
There's one grape yet, I am sure thy father drunkeThere's one grape yet. I am sure thy father drunkAW II.iii.98
wine. But if thou be'st not an asse, I am a youth of fourteene:wine; but if thou beest not an ass, I am a youth of fourteen;AW II.iii.99
I haue knowne thee already.I have known thee already.AW II.iii.100
Do you heare Monsieur? A word with you.Do you hear, monsieur? A word with you.AW II.iii.183
Your Lord and Master did well to make hisYour lord and master did well to make hisAW II.iii.185
recantation. recantation.AW II.iii.186
I: Is it not a Language I speake?Ay. Is it not a language I speak?AW II.iii.188
Are you Companion to the Count Rosillion?Are you companion to the Count Rossillion?AW II.iii.191
To what is Counts man: Counts maister is ofTo what is Count's man; Count's master is ofAW II.iii.193
another stile.another style.AW II.iii.194
I must tell thee sirrah, I write Man: to whichI must tell thee, sirrah, I write man, to whichAW II.iii.197
title age cannot bring thee.title age cannot bring thee.AW II.iii.198
I did thinke thee for two ordinaries: to bee a prettieI did think thee for two ordinaries to be a prettyAW II.iii.200
wise fellow, thou didst make tollerable vent of thywise fellow. Thou didst make tolerable vent of thyAW II.iii.201
trauell, it might passe: yet the scarffes and the banneretstravel; it might pass. Yet the scarfs and the banneretsAW II.iii.202
about thee, did manifoldlie disswade me from beleeuingabout thee did manifoldly dissuade me from believingAW II.iii.203
thee a vessell of too great a burthen. I haue now foundthee a vessel of too great a burden. I have now foundAW II.iii.204
thee, when I loose thee againe, I care not: yet art thouthee; when I lose thee again I care not. Yet art thouAW II.iii.205
good for nothing but taking vp, and that th'ourt scarcegood for nothing but taking up, and that thou'rt scarceAW II.iii.206
worth.worth.AW II.iii.207
Do not plundge thy selfe to farre in anger, least thouDo not plunge thyself too far in anger, lest thouAW II.iii.210
hasten thy triall: which if, Lord haue mercie on thee forhasten thy trial; which if – Lord have mercy on thee forAW II.iii.211
a hen, so my good window of Lettice fare thee well, thya hen! So, my good window of lattice, fare thee well; thyAW II.iii.212
casement I neede not open, for I look through thee. Giuecasement I need not open, for I look through thee. GiveAW II.iii.213
me thy thy hand.AW II.iii.214
I with all my heart, and thou art worthy of it.Ay, with all my heart; and thou art worthy of it.AW II.iii.217
Yes good faith, eu'ry dramme of it, and I will notYes, good faith, every dram of it, and I will notAW II.iii.219
bate thee a scruple.bate thee a scruple.AW II.iii.220
Eu'n as soone as thou can'st, for thou hast to pull atEven as soon as thou canst, for thou hast to pull atAW II.iii.222
a smacke a'th contrarie. If euer thou bee'st bound in thy a smack o'th' contrary. If ever thou beest bound in thyAW II.iii.223
skarfe and beaten, thou shall finde what it is to be proud ofscarf and beaten, thou shalt find what it is to be proud ofAW II.iii.224
thy bondage, I haue a desire to holde my acquaintancethy bondage. I have a desire to hold my acquaintanceAW II.iii.225
with thee, or rather my knowledge, that I may say in thewith thee, or rather my knowledge, that I may say, in theAW II.iii.226
default, he is a man I know.default, ‘He is a man I know'.AW II.iii.227
I would it were hell paines for thy sake, and myI would it were hell-pains for thy sake, and myAW II.iii.230
poore doing eternall: for doing I am past, as I will bypoor doing eternal; for doing I am past, as I will byAW II.iii.231
thee, in what motion age will giue me leaue. thee, in what motion age will give me leave.AW II.iii.232
Sirra, your Lord and masters married, there'sSirrah, your lord and master's married, there'sAW II.iii.240
newes for you: you haue a new for you; you have a new mistress.AW II.iii.241
Who? God.Who? God?AW II.iii.245
The deuill it is, that's thy master. Why dooest thouThe devil it is that's thy master. Why dost thouAW II.iii.247
garter vp thy armes a this fashion? Dost make hose ofgarter up thy arms o' this fashion? Dost make hose ofAW II.iii.248
thy sleeues? Do other seruants so? Thou wert best setthy sleeves? Do other servants so? Thou wert best setAW II.iii.249
thy lower part where thy nose stands. By mine Honor,thy lower part where thy nose stands. By mine honour,AW II.iii.250
if I were but two houres yonger, I'de beate thee:if I were but two hours younger I'd beat thee.AW II.iii.251
mee-think'st thou art a generall offence, and euery man sholdMethinkst thou art a general offence and every man shouldAW II.iii.252
beate thee: I thinke thou wast created for men to breathbeat thee. I think thou wast created for men to breatheAW II.iii.253
themselues vpon thee.themselves upon thee.AW II.iii.254
Go too sir, you were beaten in Italy for picking aGo to, sir. You were beaten in Italy for picking aAW II.iii.257
kernell out of a Pomgranat, you are a vagabond, and nokernel out of a pomegranate. You are a vagabond and noAW II.iii.258
true traueller: you are more sawcie with Lordes andtrue traveller. You are more saucy with lords andAW II.iii.259
honourable personages, then the Commission of yourhonourable personages than the commission of yourAW II.iii.260
birth and vertue giues you Heraldry. You are not worthbirth and virtue gives you heraldry. You are not worthAW II.iii.261
another word, else I'de call you knaue. I leaue you.another word, else I'd call you knave. I leave you.AW II.iii.262
But I hope your Lordshippe thinkes not him a souldier.But I hope your lordship thinks not him a soldier.AW II.v.1
You haue it from his owne deliuerance.You have it from his own deliverance.AW II.v.3
Then my Diall goes not true, I tooke this Larke for a Then my dial goes not true: I took this lark for aAW II.v.5
bunting.bunting.AW II.v.6
I haue then sinn'd against his experience, andI have then sinned against his experience andAW II.v.9
transgrest against his valour, and my state that way istransgressed against his valour, and my state that way isAW II.v.10
dangerous, since I cannot yet find in my heart to repent:dangerous, since I cannot yet find in my heart to repent.AW II.v.11
Heere he comes, I pray you make vs freinds, I will pursue Here he comes. I pray you make us friends; I will pursueAW II.v.12
the amitie.the amity.AW II.v.13
Pray you sir whose his Tailor?Pray you, sir, who's his tailor?AW II.v.15
O I know him well, I sir, hee sirs a good O, I know him well. Ay, sir, he, sir, 's a goodAW II.v.17
workeman, a verie good Tailor.workman, a very good tailor.AW II.v.18
A good Trauailer is something at the latter A good traveller is something at the latterAW II.v.27
end of a dinner, but on that lies three thirds, and vses aend of a dinner; but one that lies three thirds and uses aAW II.v.28
known truth to passe a thousand nothings with, shouldknown truth to pass a thousand nothings with, shouldAW II.v.29
bee once hard, and thrice beaten. God saue you be once heard and thrice beaten. (Aloud) God save you,AW II.v.30
Captaine. captain!AW II.v.31
You haue made shift to run into't, bootes and spurres You have made shift to run into't, boots and spursAW II.v.36
and all: like him that leapt into the Custard, and out of and all, like him that leaped into the custard; and out ofAW II.v.37
it you'le runne againe, rather then suffer question for your it you'll run again rather than suffer question for yourAW II.v.38
residence.residence.AW II.v.39
And shall doe so euer, though I tooke him at'sAnd shall do so ever, though I took him at'sAW II.v.41
prayers. Fare you well my Lord, and beleeue this of me, prayers. Fare you well, my lord, and believe this of me:AW II.v.42
there can be no kernell in this light Nut: the soule of this there can be no kernel in this light nut. The soul of thisAW II.v.43
man is his cloathes: Trust him not in matter of heauie man is his clothes. Trust him not in matter of heavyAW II.v.44
consequence: I haue kept of them tame, & know their consequence. I have kept of them tame, and know theirAW II.v.45
natures. Farewell Monsieur, I haue spoken better of natures. Farewell, monsieur; I have spoken better ofAW II.v.46
you, then you haue or will to deserue at my hand, but we you than you have or will to deserve at my hand, but weAW II.v.47
must do good against euill.must do good against evil.AW II.v.48
No, no, no, your sonne was misled with a snipt taffataNo, no, no, your son was misled with a snipped-taffetaAW IV.v.1
fellow there, whose villanous saffron wold hauefellow there, whose villainous saffron would haveAW IV.v.2
made all the vnbak'd and dowy youth of a nation inmade all the unbaked and doughy youth of a nation inAW IV.v.3
his colour: your daughter-in-law had beene aliue at thishis colour. Your daughter-in-law had been alive at thisAW IV.v.4
houre, and your sonne heere at home, more aduanc'd by thehour, and your son here at home, more advanced by theAW IV.v.5
King, then by that red-tail'd humble Bee I speak of.King than by that red-tailed humble-bee I speak of.AW IV.v.6
Twas a good Lady, 'twas a good Lady. Wee may picke'Twas a good lady, 'twas a good lady. We may pickAW IV.v.12
a thousand sallets ere wee light on such another hearbe.a thousand sallets ere we light on such another herb.AW IV.v.13
They are not hearbes you knaue, they areThey are not herbs, you knave, they areAW IV.v.16
nose-hearbes.nose-herbs.AW IV.v.17
Whether doest thou professe thy selfe, a knaue or aWhether dost thou profess thyself, a knave or aAW IV.v.20
foole?fool?AW IV.v.21
Your distinction.Your distinction?AW IV.v.24
So you were a knaue at his seruice indeed.So you were a knave at his service indeed.AW IV.v.27
I will subscribe for thee, thou art both knaue andI will subscribe for thee, thou art both knave andAW IV.v.30
foole.fool.AW IV.v.31
No, no, no.No, no, no.AW IV.v.33
Whose that, a Frenchman?Who's that? A Frenchman?AW IV.v.36
What prince is that?What prince is that?AW IV.v.39
Hold thee there's my purse, I giue thee not thisHold thee, there's my purse. I give thee not thisAW IV.v.42
to suggest thee from thy master thou talk'st off, serueto suggest thee from thy master thou talkest of; serveAW IV.v.43
him still.him still.AW IV.v.44
Go thy waies, I begin to bee a wearie of thee, and IGo thy ways. I begin to be aweary of thee, and IAW IV.v.54
tell thee so before, because I would not fall out withtell thee so before, because I would not fall out withAW IV.v.55
thee. Go thy wayes, let my horses be wel look'd too,thee. Go thy ways. Let my horses be well looked to,AW IV.v.56
without any trickes.without any tricks.AW IV.v.57
A shrewd knaue and an vnhappie.A shrewd knave and an unhappy.AW IV.v.61
I like him well, 'tis not amisse: and I was about toI like him well, 'tis not amiss. And I was about toAW IV.v.66
tell you, since I heard of the good Ladies death, and thattell you, since I heard of the good lady's death and thatAW IV.v.67
my Lord your sonne was vpon his returne home. I mouedmy lord your son was upon his return home, I movedAW IV.v.68
the King my master to speake in the behalfe of mythe King my master to speak in the behalf of myAW IV.v.69
daughter, which in the minoritie of them both, hisdaughter; which, in the minority of them both, hisAW IV.v.70
Maiestie out of a selfe gracious remembrance did firstmajesty out of a self-gracious remembrance did firstAW IV.v.71
propose, his Highnesse hath promis'd me to doe it, and to propose. His highness hath promised me to do it; and toAW IV.v.72
stoppe vp the displeasure he hath conceiued against your stop up the displeasure he hath conceived against yourAW IV.v.73
sonne, there is no fitter matter. How do's your Ladyshipson there is no fitter matter. How does your ladyshipAW IV.v.74
like it?like it?AW IV.v.75
His Highnesse comes post from Marcellus, of asHis highness comes post from Marcellus, of asAW IV.v.78
able bodie as when he number'd thirty, a will be heereable body as when he numbered thirty. 'A will be hereAW IV.v.79
to morrow, or I am deceiu'd by him that in suchtomorrow, or I am deceived by him that in suchAW IV.v.80
intelligence hath seldome fail'd.intelligence hath seldom failed.AW IV.v.81
Madam, I was thinking with what manners IMadam, I was thinking with what manners IAW IV.v.86
might safely be admitted.might safely be admitted.AW IV.v.87
Ladie, of that I haue made a bold charter, but ILady, of that I have made a bold charter, but, IAW IV.v.89
thanke my God, it holds yet.thank my God, it holds yet.AW IV.v.90
A scarre nobly got, / Or a noble scarre, is a good liu'rieA scar nobly got, or a noble scar, is a good liveryAW IV.v.96
of honor, / So belike is that.of honour; so belike is that.AW IV.v.97
Let vs go see your sonne I pray you, I long to talkeLet us go see your son, I pray you. I long to talkAW IV.v.99
With the yong noble souldier.with the young noble soldier.AW IV.v.100
And what would you haue me to doe? 'Tis too lateAnd what would you have me to do? 'Tis too lateAW V.ii.28
to paire her nailes now. Wherein haue you played theto pare her nails now. Wherein have you played theAW V.ii.29
knaue with fortune that she should scratch you, who ofknave with Fortune that she should scratch you, who ofAW V.ii.30
her selfe is a good Lady, and would not haue knaues thriueherself is a good lady and would not have knaves thriveAW V.ii.31
long vnder? There's a Cardecue for you: Let thelong under her? There's a cardecue for you. Let theAW V.ii.32
Iustices make you and fortune friends; I am for otherjustices make you and Fortune friends; I am for otherAW V.ii.33 V.ii.34
you begge a single peny more: Come you shallYou beg a single penny more. Come, you shallAW V.ii.37
ha't, saue your word.ha't, save your word.AW V.ii.38
You begge more then word then. Cox my passion,You beg more than ‘ word ’ then. Cox my passion!AW V.ii.40
giue me your hand: How does your drumme?Give me your hand. How does your drum?AW V.ii.41
Was I insooth? And I was the first that lost thee.Was I, in sooth? And I was the first that lost thee.AW V.ii.44
Out vpon thee knaue, doest thou put vpon mee atOut upon thee, knave! Dost thou put upon me atAW V.ii.47
once both the office of God and the diuel: one bringsonce both the office of God and the devil? One bringsAW V.ii.48
thee in grace, and the other brings thee out.thee in grace and the other brings thee out.AW V.ii.49
The Kings comming I know by his Trumpets. Sirrah,The King's coming; I know by his trumpets. Sirrah,AW V.ii.50
inquire further after me, I had talke of you last night,inquire further after me. I had talk of you last night.AW V.ii.51
though you are a foole and a knaue, you shall eate, go too,Though you are a fool and a knave you shall eat. Go to,AW V.ii.52
follow.follow.AW V.ii.53
This I must say,This I must say – AW V.iii.11.2
But first I begge my pardon: the yong LordBut first I beg my pardon – the young lordAW V.iii.12
Did to his Maiesty, his Mother, and his Ladie,Did to his majesty, his mother, and his ladyAW V.iii.13
Offence of mighty note; but to himselfeOffence of mighty note, but to himselfAW V.iii.14
The greatest wrong of all. He lost a wife,The greatest wrong of all. He lost a wifeAW V.iii.15
Whose beauty did astonish the surueyWhose beauty did astonish the surveyAW V.iii.16
Of richest eies: whose words all eares tooke captiue,Of richest eyes, whose words all ears took captive,AW V.iii.17
Whose deere perfection, hearts that scorn'd to serue,Whose dear perfection hearts that scorned to serveAW V.iii.18
Humbly call'd Mistris.Humbly called mistress.AW V.iii.19.1
All that he is, hath reference to your Highnes.All that he is hath reference to your highness.AW V.iii.29
He lookes well on't.He looks well on't.AW V.iii.31.2
Come on my sonne, in whom my houses nameCome on, my son, in whom my house's nameAW V.iii.73
Must be digested: giue a fauour from youMust be digested, give a favour from youAW V.iii.74
To sparkle in the spirits of my daughter,To sparkle in the spirits of my daughter,AW V.iii.75
That she may quickly come.That she may quickly come.AW V.iii.76.1
By my old beard,By my old beardAW V.iii.76.2
And eu'rie haire that's on't, Helen that's deadAnd every hair that's on't, Helen that's deadAW V.iii.77
Was a sweet creature: such a ring as this,Was a sweet creature; such a ring as this,AW V.iii.78
The last that ere I tooke her leaue at Court,The last that e'er I took her leave at court,AW V.iii.79
I saw vpon her finger.I saw upon her finger.AW V.iii.80.1
I am sure I saw her weare it.I am sure I saw her wear it.AW V.iii.91.2
I will buy me a sonne in Law in a faire, and toule forI will buy me a son-in-law in a fair, and toll forAW V.iii.148
this. Ile none of him.this. I'll none of him.AW V.iii.149
Your reputation comes too short for my daughter,Your reputation comes too short for my daughter;AW V.iii.176
you are no husband for are no husband for her.AW V.iii.177
I saw the man to day, if man he bee.I saw the man today, if man he be.AW V.iii.203
Hee's a good drumme my Lord, but a naughtie Orator.He's a good drum, my lord, but a naughty orator.AW V.iii.253
This womans an easie gloue my Lord, she goes off This woman's an easy glove, my lord; she goes offAW V.iii.275
and on at pleasure.and on at pleasure.AW V.iii.276
Mine eyes smell Onions, I shall weepe anon:Mine eyes smell onions, I shall weep anon.AW V.iii.318
Good Tom Drumme lend me a handkercher. (To Parolles) Good Tom Drum, lend me a handkercher.AW V.iii.319
So I thanke thee, waite on me home, Ile make sport withSo, I thank thee. Wait on me home, I'll make sport withAW V.iii.320
thee: Let thy curtsies alone, they are scuruy ones.thee. Let thy curtsies alone, they are scurvy ones.AW V.iii.321

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