Original textModern textKey line
To helpe King Edward in his time of storme,To help King Edward in his time of storm,3H6 IV.vii.43
As euery loyall Subiect ought to doe.As every loyal subject ought to do.3H6 IV.vii.44
Then fare you well, for I will hence againe,Then fare you well, for I will hence again;3H6 IV.vii.48
I came to serue a King, and not a Duke:I came to serve a king and not a duke.3H6 IV.vii.49
Drummer strike vp, and let vs march away.Drummer, strike up, and let us march away.3H6 IV.vii.50
What talke you of debating? in few words,What talk you of debating? In few words,3H6 IV.vii.53
If you'le not here proclaime your selfe our King,If you'll not here proclaim yourself our king,3H6 IV.vii.54
Ile leaue you to your fortune, and be gone,I'll leave you to your fortune and be gone3H6 IV.vii.55
To keepe them back, that come to succour you.To keep them back that come to succour you.3H6 IV.vii.56
Why shall we fight, if you pretend no Title?Why shall we fight, if you pretend no title?3H6 IV.vii.57
I, now my Soueraigne speaketh like himselfe,Ay, now my sovereign speaketh like himself;3H6 IV.vii.67
And now will I be Edwards Champion.And now will I be Edward's champion.3H6 IV.vii.68
And whosoe're gainsayes King Edwards right,And whosoe'er gainsays King Edward's right,3H6 IV.vii.73
By this I challenge him to single fight.By this I challenge him to single fight.3H6 IV.vii.74
All. ALL
Long liue Edward the Fourth.Long live Edward the Fourth!3H6 IV.vii.75

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