Original textModern textKey line
My Lords, forbeare this talke: heere comes the King.My lords, forbear this talk; here comes the King.3H6 IV.i.6
What are they that flye there?What are they that fly there?3H6 IV.iii.28
My Liege, it is young Henry, Earle of Rich-My liege, it is young Henry Earl of Richmond.3H6
My Lord, I like not of this flight of Edwards:My lord, I like not of this flight of Edward's;3H6
For doubtlesse, Burgundie will yeeld him helpe,For doubtless Burgundy will yield him help,3H6
And we shall haue more Warres befor't be long.And we shall have more wars before't be long.3H6
As Henries late presaging ProphecieAs Henry's late presaging prophecy3H6
Did glad my heart, with hope of this young Richmond:Did glad my heart with hope of this young Richmond,3H6
So doth my heart mis-giue me, in these Conflicts,So doth my heart misgive me, in these conflicts,3H6
What may befall him, to his harme and ours.What may befall him, to his harm and ours.3H6
Therefore, Lord Oxford, to preuent the worst,Therefore, Lord Oxford, to prevent the worst,3H6
Forthwith wee'le send him hence to Brittanie,Forthwith we'll send him hence to Brittany,3H6
Till stormes be past of Ciuill Enmitie.Till storms be past of civil enmity.3H6
It shall be so: he shall to Brittanie.It shall be so; he shall to Brittany.3H6
Come therefore, let's about it speedily. Come, therefore, let's about it speedily.3H6
Somerset, Somerset, for Lancaster.Somerset, Somerset, for Lancaster!3H6 V.i.72
Ah Warwicke, Warwicke, wert thou as we are,Ah, Warwick, Warwick! Wert thou as we are,3H6 V.ii.29
We might recouer all our Losse againe:We might recover all our loss again.3H6 V.ii.30
The Queene from France hath brought a puissant power.The Queen from France hath brought a puissant power;3H6 V.ii.31
Euen now we heard the newes: ah, could'st thou flye.Even now we heard the news. Ah, couldst thou fly!3H6 V.ii.32
Ah Warwicke, Mountague hath breath'd his last,Ah, Warwick! Montague hath breathed his last;3H6 V.ii.40
And to the latest gaspe, cry'd out for Warwicke:And to the latest gasp cried out for Warwick,3H6 V.ii.41
And said, Commend me to my valiant Brother.And said ‘ Commend me to my valiant brother.’3H6 V.ii.42
And more he would haue said, and more he spoke,And more he would have said, and more he spoke,3H6 V.ii.43
Which sounded like a Cannon in a Vault,Which sounded like a cannon in a vault,3H6 V.ii.44
That mought not be distinguisht: but at last,That mought not be distinguished; but at last3H6 V.ii.45
I well might heare, deliuered with a groane,I well might hear, delivered with a groan,3H6 V.ii.46
Oh farewell Warwicke.‘ O, farewell, Warwick!’3H6 V.ii.47
And he that will not fight for such a hope,And he that will not fight for such a hope,3H6 V.iv.55
Goe home to Bed, and like the Owle by day,Go home to bed, and like the owl by day,3H6 V.iv.56
If he arise, be mock'd and wondred at.If he arise, be mocked and wondered at.3H6 V.iv.57
But hee's deceiu'd, we are in readinesse.But he's deceived; we are in readiness.3H6 V.iv.64
Nor I, but stoupe with patience to my fortune.Nor I, but stoop with patience to my fortune.3H6 V.v.6

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