Original textModern textKey line
Now by my Maidenhead, at twelue yeare oldNow, by my maidenhead at twelve year old,RJ I.iii.2
I bad her come, what Lamb: what Ladi-bird,I bade her come. What, lamb! What, ladybird! – RJ I.iii.3
God forbid, / Where's this Girle? what Iuliet?God forbid! – Where's this girl? What, Juliet!RJ I.iii.4
Your Mother.Your mother.RJ I.iii.6
Faith I can tell her age vnto an houre.Faith, I can tell her age unto an hour.RJ I.iii.12
Ile lay fourteene of my teeth,I'll lay fourteen of my teeth – RJ I.iii.13.2
And yet to my teene be it spoken, / I haue but foure, And yet, to my teen be it spoken, I have but four – RJ I.iii.14
shee's not fourteene. / How long is it nowShe is not fourteen. How long is it nowRJ I.iii.15
to Lammas tide?To Lammastide?RJ I.iii.16.1
Euen or odde, of all daies in the yeareEven or odd, of all days in the year,RJ I.iii.17
come Lammas Eue at night shall she be fourteene. Come Lammas Eve at night shall she be fourteen.RJ I.iii.18
Susan & she, God rest all Christian soules,Susan and she – God rest all Christian souls! – RJ I.iii.19
were of an age. Well Susan is with God, Were of an age. Well, Susan is with God.RJ I.iii.20
she was too good for me. But as I said,She was too good for me. But, as I said,RJ I.iii.21
on Lamas Eue at night shall she be fourteene,On Lammas Eve at night shall she be fourteen.RJ I.iii.22
that shall she marie, I remember it well.That shall she, marry! I remember it well.RJ I.iii.23
'Tis since the Earth-quake now eleuen yeares,'Tis since the earthquake now eleven years;RJ I.iii.24
and she was wean'd I neuer shall forget it,And she was weaned – I never shall forget it – RJ I.iii.25
of all the daies of the yeare, vpon that day:Of all the days of the year, upon that day.RJ I.iii.26
for I had then laid Worme-wood to my Dug For I had then laid wormwood to my dug,RJ I.iii.27
sitting in the Sunne vnder the Douehouse wall,Sitting in the sun under the dovehouse wall.RJ I.iii.28
my Lord and you were then at Mantua, My lord and you were then at Mantua.RJ I.iii.29
nay I doe beare a braine. But as I said,Nay, I do bear a brain. But, as I said,RJ I.iii.30
when it did tast the Worme-wood on the nippleWhen it did taste the wormwood on the nippleRJ I.iii.31
of my Dugge, and felt it bitter, pretty foole,Of my dug and felt it bitter, pretty fool,RJ I.iii.32
to see it teachie, and fall out with the Dugge,To see it tetchy and fall out wi' th' dug!RJ I.iii.33
Shake quoth the Doue-house, 'twas no neede I trowShake, quoth the dovehouse! 'Twas no need, I trow,RJ I.iii.34
to bid mee trudge:To bid me trudge.RJ I.iii.35
and since that time it is a eleuen yeares,And since that time it is eleven years.RJ I.iii.36
for then she could stand alone, nay bi'th' roode For then she could stand high-lone. Nay, by th' rood,RJ I.iii.37
she could haue runne, & wadled all about:She could have run and waddled all about.RJ I.iii.38
for euen the day before she broke her brow,For even the day before she broke her brow.RJ I.iii.39
& then my Husband God be with his soule,And then my husband – God be with his soul!RJ I.iii.40
a was a merrie man, tooke vp the Child,'A was a merry man – took up the child.RJ I.iii.41
yea quoth hee, doest thou fall vpon thy face?‘ Yea,’ quoth he, ‘ dost thou fall upon thy face?RJ I.iii.42
thou wilt fall backeward when thou hast more wit,Thou wilt fall backward when thou hast more wit.RJ I.iii.43
wilt thou not Iule? And by my holy-dam,Wilt thou not, Jule?’ And, by my holidam,RJ I.iii.44
the pretty wretch lefte crying, & said I:The pretty wretch left crying and said ‘ Ay.’RJ I.iii.45
to see now how a Iest shall come about.To see now how a jest shall come about!RJ I.iii.46
I warrant, & I shall liue a thousand yeares,I warrant, an I should live a thousand years,RJ I.iii.47
I neuer should forget it: wilt thou not Iulet quoth he?I never should forget it. ‘ Wilt thou not, Jule?’ quoth he,RJ I.iii.48
and pretty foole it stinted, and said I.And, pretty fool, it stinted and said ‘ Ay.’RJ I.iii.49
Yes Madam, yet I cannot chuse but laugh,Yes, madam. Yet I cannot choose but laughRJ I.iii.51
to thinke it should leaue crying, & say I:To think it should leave crying and say ‘ Ay.’RJ I.iii.52
and yet I warrant it had vpon it brow,And yet, I warrant, it had upon it browRJ I.iii.53
a bumpe as big as a young Cockrels stone?A bump as big as a young cockerel's stone,RJ I.iii.54
A perilous knock, and it cryed bitterly.A perilous knock. And it cried bitterly.RJ I.iii.55
Yea quoth my husband, fall'st vpon thy face,‘ Yea,’ quoth my husband, ‘ fallest upon thy face?RJ I.iii.56
thou wilt fall backward when thou commest to age:Thou wilt fall backward when thou comest to age.RJ I.iii.57
wilt thou not Iule? It stinted: and said I.Wilt thou not, Jule?’ It stinted, and said ‘ Ay.’RJ I.iii.58
Peace I haue done: God marke thee too his gracePeace, I have done. God mark thee to his grace!RJ I.iii.60
thou wast the prettiest Babe that ere I nurst,Thou wast the prettiest babe that e'er I nursed.RJ I.iii.61
and I might liue to see thee married once,An I might live to see thee married once,RJ I.iii.62
I haue my wish.I have my wish.RJ I.iii.63
An houre, were not I thine onely Nurse,An honour! Were not I thine only nurse,RJ I.iii.68
I would say thou had'st suckt wisedome from thy teat.I would say thou hadst sucked wisdom from thy teat.RJ I.iii.69
A man young Lady, Lady, such a manA man, young lady! Lady, such a manRJ I.iii.76
as all the world. Why hee's a man of waxe.As all the world – why, he's a man of wax.RJ I.iii.77
Nay hee's a flower, infaith a very flower.Nay, he's a flower; in faith, a very flower.RJ I.iii.79
No lesse, nay bigger: women grow by men.No less? Nay, bigger! Women grow by men.RJ I.iii.96
Goe Gyrle, seeke happie nights to happy daies.Go, girl, seek happy nights to happy days.RJ I.iii.106
Madam your Mother craues a word with you.Madam, your mother craves a word with you.RJ I.v.111
Marrie Batcheler,Marry, bachelor,RJ I.v.112.2
Her Mother is the Lady of the house,Her mother is the lady of the house,RJ I.v.113
And a good Lady, and a wise, and Vertuous,And a good lady, and a wise and virtuous.RJ I.v.114
I Nur'st her Daughter that you talkt withall:I nursed her daughter that you talked withal.RJ I.v.115
I tell you, he that can lay hold of her,I tell you, he that can lay hold of herRJ I.v.116
Shall haue the chincks.Shall have the chinks.RJ I.v.117.1
The Sonne and Heire of old Tyberio.The son and heir of old Tiberio.RJ I.v.129
Marrie that I thinke be young Petruchio.Marry, that, I think, be young Petruchio.RJ I.v.131
I know not.I know not.RJ I.v.133
His name is Romeo, and a Mountague,His name is Romeo, and a Montague,RJ I.v.136
The onely Sonne of your great Enemie.The only son of your great enemy.RJ I.v.137
What's this? whats this?What's this, what's this?RJ I.v.142.1
Anon, anon:Anon, anon!RJ I.v.143.2
Come let's away, the strangers all are gone.Come, let's away. The strangers all are gone.RJ I.v.144
Madam.Madam!RJ II.ii.149
Madam.Madam!RJ II.ii.151.2
Peter?Peter!RJ II.iv.101
My Fan Peter?My fan, Peter.RJ II.iv.103
God ye good morrow Gentlemen.God ye good-morrow, gentlemen.RJ II.iv.106
Is it gooden?Is it good-e'en?RJ II.iv.108
Out vpon you: what a man are you?Out upon you! What a man are you!RJ II.iv.111
By my troth it is said, for himselfe to, marBy my troth, it is well said. ‘ For himself to mar,’RJ II.iv.114
quatha: Gentlemen, can any of you tel me where Iquoth 'a? Gentlemen, can any of you tell me where IRJ II.iv.115
may find the young Romeo?may find the young Romeo?RJ II.iv.116
You say well.You say well.RJ II.iv.121
If you be he sir, / I desire some confidence withIf you be he, sir, I desire some confidence withRJ II.iv.124
you?you.RJ II.iv.125
I pray you sir, what sawcie Merchant was this thatI pray you, sir, what saucy merchant was this thatRJ II.iv.142
was so full of his roperie?was so full of his ropery?RJ II.iv.143
And a speake any thing against me, Ile take himAn 'a speak anything against me, I'll take himRJ II.iv.147
downe, & a were lustier then he is, and twentie suchdown, an 'a were lustier than he is, and twenty suchRJ II.iv.148
Iacks: and if I cannot, Ile finde those that shall: scuruieJacks; and if I cannot, I'll find those that shall. ScurvyRJ II.iv.149
knaue, I am none of his flurt-gils, I am none of his knave! I am none of his flirt-gills. I am none of hisRJ II.iv.150
skaines mates, and thouskains-mates. (She turns to Peter her man) And thouRJ II.iv.151
must stand by too and suffer euery knaue to vse me atmust stand by too, and suffer every knave to use me atRJ II.iv.152
his pleasure.his pleasure!RJ II.iv.153
Now afore God, I am so vext, that euery partNow, afore God, I am so vexed that every partRJ II.iv.158
about me quiuers, skuruy knaue: pray you sir a word:about me quivers. Scurvy knave! Pray you, sir, a word;RJ II.iv.159
and as I told you, my young Lady bid me enquire youand, as I told you, my young lady bid me inquire youRJ II.iv.160
out, what she bid me say, I will keepe to my selfe: but out. What she bid me say, I will keep to myself. ButRJ II.iv.161
first let me tell ye, if ye should leade her in a fooles paradise,first let me tell ye, if ye should lead her in a fool's paradise,RJ II.iv.162
as they say, it were a very grosse kind of behauiour,as they say, it were a very gross kind of behaviour,RJ II.iv.163
as they say: for the Gentlewoman is yong: & therefore,as they say. For the gentlewoman is young; and therefore,RJ II.iv.164
if you should deale double with her, truely it were anif you should deal double with her, truly it were anRJ II.iv.165
ill thing to be offered to any Gentlewoman, and veryill thing to be offered to any gentlewoman, and veryRJ II.iv.166
weake dealing.weak dealing.RJ II.iv.167
Good heart, and yfaith I will tell her as much:Good heart, and i'faith I will tell her as much.RJ II.iv.170
Lord, Lord she will be a ioyfull woman.Lord, Lord! She will be a joyful woman.RJ II.iv.171
I will tell her sir, that you do protest, which as II will tell her, sir, that you do protest, which, as IRJ II.iv.174
take it, is a Gentleman-like offer.take it, is a gentlemanlike offer.RJ II.iv.175
No truly sir not a penny.No, truly, sir. Not a penny.RJ II.iv.180
This afternoone sir? well she shall be there.This afternoon, sir? Well, she shall be there.RJ II.iv.182
Now God in heauen blesse thee: harke you sir,Now God in heaven bless thee! Hark you, sir.RJ II.iv.190
Is your man secret, did you nere heare sayIs your man secret? Did you ne'er hear say,RJ II.iv.192
two may keepe counsell putting one away.Two may keep counsel, putting one away?RJ II.iv.193
Well sir, my Mistresse is the sweetest Lady, Lord,Well, sir, my mistress is the sweetest lady. Lord,RJ II.iv.195
Lord, when 'twas a little prating thing. O there is aLord! when 'twas a little prating thing – O there is aRJ II.iv.196
Noble man in Towne one Paris, that would faine lay knifenobleman in town, one Paris, that would fain lay knifeRJ II.iv.197
aboard: but she good soule had as leeue a see Toade, a veryaboard. But she, good soul, had as lief see a toad, a veryRJ II.iv.198
Toade as see him: I anger her sometimes, and tell her thattoad, as see him. I anger her sometimes, and tell her thatRJ II.iv.199
Paris is the properer man, but Ile warrant you, when I Paris is the properer man. But I'll warrant you, when IRJ II.iv.200
say so, shee lookes as pale as any clout in the versall world.say so, she looks as pale as any clout in the versal world.RJ II.iv.201
Doth not Rosemarie and Romeo begin both with a letter?Doth not rosemary and Romeo begin both with a letter?RJ II.iv.202
A mocker that's the dogs name. R. is for theAh, mocker! That's the dog's name. ‘ R ’ is for the – RJ II.iv.204
no, I know it begins with some other letter, and she hathNo, I know it begins with some other letter; and she hathRJ II.iv.205
the prettiest sententious of it, of you and Rosemary, thatthe prettiest sententious of it, of you and rosemary, thatRJ II.iv.206
it would do you good to heare would do you good to hear it.RJ II.iv.207
I a thousand times. Peter?Ay, a thousand times. Peter!RJ II.iv.209
Before and apace. Before, and apace.RJ II.iv.211
Peter stay at the gate.Peter, stay at the gate.RJ II.v.20
I am a weary, giue me leaue awhile,I am aweary. Give me leave a while.RJ II.v.25
Fie how my bones ake, what a iaunt haue I had?Fie, how my bones ache! What a jaunce have I!RJ II.v.26
Iesu what hast? can you not stay a while?Jesu, what haste! Can you not stay a while?RJ II.v.29
Do you not see that I am out of breath?Do you not see that I am out of breath?RJ II.v.30
Well, you haue made a simple choice, you knowWell, you have made a simple choice. You knowRJ II.v.38
not how to chuse a man: Romeo, no not he thoughnot how to choose a man. Romeo? No, not he. ThoughRJ II.v.39
his face be better then any mans, yet his legs excels allhis face be better than any man's, yet his leg excels allRJ II.v.40
mens, and for a hand, and a foote, and a body, thoughmen's; and for a hand and a foot, and a body, thoughRJ II.v.41
they be not to be talkt on, yet they are past compare:they be not to be talked on, yet they are past compare.RJ II.v.42
he is not the flower of curtesie, but Ile warrant him asHe is not the flower of courtesy, but, I'll warrant him, asRJ II.v.43
gentle a Lambe: go thy waies wench, serue God. Whatgentle as a lamb. Go thy ways, wench. Serve God. What,RJ II.v.44
haue you din'd at home?have you dined at home?RJ II.v.45
Lord how my head akes, what a head haue I?Lord, how my head aches! What a head have I!RJ II.v.48
It beates as it would fall in twenty peeces.It beats as it would fall in twenty pieces.RJ II.v.49
My backe a tother side: o my backe, my backe:My back a't' other side – ah, my back, my back!RJ II.v.50
Beshrew your heart for sending me aboutBeshrew your heart for sending me aboutRJ II.v.51
To catch my death with iaunting vp and downe.To catch my death with jauncing up and down!RJ II.v.52
Your Loue saies like an honest Gentleman,Your love says, like an honest gentleman, and aRJ II.v.55
And a courteous, and a kind, and a handsome, / And I warrantcourteous, and a kind, and a handsome, and, I warrant,RJ II.v.56
a vertuous: where is your Mother?a virtuous – Where is your mother?RJ II.v.57
O Gods Lady deare,O God's Lady dear!RJ II.v.61.2
Are you so hot? marrie come vp I trow,Are you so hot? Marry come up, I trow.RJ II.v.62
Is this the Poultis for my aking bones?Is this the poultice for my aching bones?RJ II.v.63
Henceforward do your messages your selfe.Henceforward do your messages yourself.RJ II.v.64
Haue you got leaue to go to shrift to day?Have you got leave to go to shrift today?RJ II.v.66
Then high you hence to Frier Lawrence Cell,Then hie you hence to Friar Laurence' cell.RJ II.v.68
There staies a Husband to make you a wife:There stays a husband to make you a wife.RJ II.v.69
Now comes the wanton bloud vp in your cheekes,Now comes the wanton blood up in your cheeks.RJ II.v.70
Thei'le be in Scarlet straight at any newes:They'll be in scarlet straight at any news.RJ II.v.71
Hie you to Church, I must an other way,Hie you to church. I must another way,RJ II.v.72
To fetch a Ladder by the which your LoueTo fetch a ladder, by the which your loveRJ II.v.73
Must climde a birds nest Soone when it is darke:Must climb a bird's nest soon when it is dark.RJ II.v.74
I am the drudge, and toile in your delight:I am the drudge, and toil in your delight.RJ II.v.75
But you shall beare the burthen soone at night.But you shall bear the burden soon at night.RJ II.v.76
Go Ile to dinner, hie you to the Cell.Go. I'll to dinner. Hie you to the cell.RJ II.v.77
I, I, the Cords.Ay, ay, the cords.RJ III.ii.35.2
A weladay, hee's dead, hee's dead,Ah, weraday! He's dead, he's dead, he's dead!RJ III.ii.37
We are vndone Lady, we are vndone.We are undone, lady, we are undone!RJ III.ii.38
Alacke the day, hee's gone, hee's kil'd, he's dead.Alack the day! he's gone, he's killed, he's dead!RJ III.ii.39
Romeo can,Romeo can,RJ III.ii.40.2
Though heauen cannot. O Romeo, Romeo.Though heaven cannot. O Romeo, Romeo!RJ III.ii.41
Who euer would haue thought it Romeo.Who ever would have thought it? Romeo!RJ III.ii.42
I saw the wound, I saw it with mine eyes,I saw the wound. I saw it with mine eyes –RJ III.ii.52
God saue the marke, here on his manly brest,God save the mark! – here on his manly breast.RJ III.ii.53
A pitteous Coarse, a bloody piteous Coarse:A piteous corse, a bloody piteous corse;RJ III.ii.54
Pale, pale as ashes, all bedawb'd in blood,Pale, pale as ashes, all bedaubed in blood,RJ III.ii.55
All in gore blood, I sounded at the sight-All in gore-blood. I swounded at the sight.RJ III.ii.56
O Tybalt, Tybalt, the best Friend I had:O Tybalt, Tybalt, the best friend I had!RJ III.ii.61
O curteous Tybalt honest Gentleman,O courteous Tybalt, honest gentleman!RJ III.ii.62
That euer I should liue to see thee dead.That ever I should live to see thee dead!RJ III.ii.63
Tybalt is gone, and Romeo banished,Tybalt is gone, and Romeo banished;RJ III.ii.69
Romeo that kil'd him, he is banished.Romeo that killed him, he is banished.RJ III.ii.70
It did, it did, alas the day, it did.It did, it did! Alas the day, it did!RJ III.ii.72
There's no trust,There's no trust,RJ III.ii.85.2
no faith, no honestie in men, / All periur'd,No faith, no honesty in men; all perjured,RJ III.ii.86
all forsworne, all naught, all dissemblers,All forsworn, all naught, all dissemblers.RJ III.ii.87
Ah where's my man? giue me some Aqua-vita?Ah, where's my man? Give me some aqua vitae.RJ III.ii.88
These griefes, these woes, these sorrowes make me old:These griefs, these woes, these sorrows make me old.RJ III.ii.89
Shame come to Romeo.Shame come to Romeo!RJ III.ii.90.1
Will you speake well of him, / That kil'd your Cozen?Will you speak well of him that killed your cousin?RJ III.ii.96
Weeping and wailing ouer Tybalts Coarse,Weeping and wailing over Tybalt's corse.RJ III.ii.128
Will you go to them? I will bring you thither.Will you go to them? I will bring you thither.RJ III.ii.129
Hie to your Chamber, Ile find RomeoHie to your chamber. I'll find RomeoRJ III.ii.138
To comfort you, I wot well where he is:To comfort you. I wot well where he is.RJ III.ii.139
Harke ye your Romeo will be heere at night,Hark ye, your Romeo will be here at night.RJ III.ii.140
Ile to him, he is hid at Lawrence Cell.I'll to him. He is hid at Laurence' cell.RJ III.ii.141
Let me come in, / And you shall know my errand:Let me come in, and you shall know my errand.RJ III.iii.80
I come from Lady Iuliet.I come from Lady Juliet.RJ III.iii.81.1
O holy Frier, O tell me holy Frier,O holy Friar, O, tell me, holy Friar,RJ III.iii.82
Where's my Ladies Lord? where's Romeo?Where's my lady's lord, where's Romeo?RJ III.iii.83
O he is euen in my Mistresse case,O, he is even in my mistress' case,RJ III.iii.85
Iust in her case. O wofull simpathy:Just in her case! O woeful sympathy!RJ III.iii.86
Pittious predicament, euen so lies she,Piteous predicament! Even so lies she,RJ III.iii.87
Blubbring and weeping, weeping and blubbring,Blubbering and weeping, weeping and blubbering.RJ III.iii.88
Stand vp, stand vp, stand and you be a man,Stand up, stand up! Stand, an you be a man.RJ III.iii.89
For Iuliets sake, for her sake rise and stand:For Juliet's sake, for her sake, rise and stand!RJ III.iii.90
Why should you fall into so deepe an O.Why should you fall into so deep an O?RJ III.iii.91
Ah sir, ah sir, deaths the end of all.Ah sir! ah sir! Death's the end of all.RJ III.iii.92.2
Oh she sayes nothing sir, but weeps and weeps,O, she says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps,RJ III.iii.99
And now fals on her bed, and then starts vp,And now falls on her bed, and then starts up,RJ III.iii.100
And Tybalt calls, and then on Romeo cries,And Tybalt calls, and then on Romeo cries,RJ III.iii.101
And then downe falls againe.And then down falls again.RJ III.iii.102.1
O Lord, I could haue staid here all night,O Lord, I could have stayed here all the nightRJ III.iii.159
To heare good counsell: oh what learning is!To hear good counsel. O, what learning is! –RJ III.iii.160
My Lord Ile tell my Lady you will come.My lord, I'll tell my lady you will come.RJ III.iii.161
Heere sir, a Ring she bid me giue you sir:Here, sir, a ring she bid me give you, sir.RJ III.iii.163
Hie you, make hast, for it growes very late.Hie you, make haste, for it grows very late.RJ III.iii.164
Madam.Madam!RJ III.v.37
Your Lady Mother is comming to your chamber,Your lady mother is coming to your chamber.RJ III.v.39
The day is broke, be wary, looke about.The day is broke. Be wary. Look about.RJ III.v.40
God in heauen blesse her,God in heaven bless her!RJ III.v.168.2
You are too blame my Lord to rate her so.You are to blame, my lord, to rate her so.RJ III.v.169
I speake no treason,I speak no treason.RJ III.v.172.1
May not one speake?May not one speak?RJ III.v.173.1
Faith here it is,Faith, here it is.RJ III.v.213.2
Romeo is banished, and all the world to nothing,Romeo is banished; and all the world to nothingRJ III.v.214
That he dares nere come backe to challenge you:That he dares ne'er come back to challenge you.RJ III.v.215
Or if he do, it needs must be by stealth.Or if he do, it needs must be by stealth.RJ III.v.216
Then since the case so stands as now it doth,Then, since the case so stands as now it doth,RJ III.v.217
I thinke it best you married with the Countie,I think it best you married with the County.RJ III.v.218
O hee's a Louely Gentleman:O, he's a lovely gentleman!RJ III.v.219
Romeos a dish-clout to him: an Eagle MadamRomeo's a dishclout to him. An eagle, madam,RJ III.v.220
Hath not so greene, so quicke, so faire an eyeHath not so green, so quick, so fair an eyeRJ III.v.221
As Paris hath, beshrow my very heart,As Paris hath. Beshrew my very heart,RJ III.v.222
I thinke you are happy in this second match,I think you are happy in this second match,RJ III.v.223
For it excels your first: or if it did not,For it excels your first; or if it did not,RJ III.v.224
Your first is dead, or 'twere as good he were,Your first is dead – or 'twere as good he wereRJ III.v.225
As liuing here and you no vse of him.As living here and you no use of him.RJ III.v.226
And from my soule too, / Or else beshrew them both.And from my soul too. Else beshrew them both.RJ III.v.228
What?What?RJ III.v.230
Marrie I will, and this is wisely done.Marry, I will; and this is wisely done.RJ III.v.235
I forsooth.Ay, forsooth.RJ IV.ii.12
See where she comes from shrift / With merrie looke.See where she comes from shrift with merry look.RJ IV.ii.15
They call for Dates and Quinces in the Pastrie.They call for dates and quinces in the pastry.RJ IV.iv.2
Go you Cot-queane, go,Go, you cot-quean, go.RJ IV.iv.6.2
Get you to bed, faith youle be sicke to morrowGet you to bed! Faith, you'll be sick tomorrowRJ IV.iv.7
For this nights watching.For this night's watching.RJ IV.iv.8
Mistris, what Mistris? Iuliet? Fast I warrant her she.Mistress! What, mistress! Juliet! Fast, I warrant her, she.RJ IV.v.1
Why Lambe, why Lady? fie you sluggabed,Why, lamb! Why, lady! Fie, you slug-a-bed!RJ IV.v.2
Why Loue I say? Madam, sweet heart: why Bride?Why, love, I say! Madam! Sweetheart! Why, bride!RJ IV.v.3
What not a word? You take your peniworths now.What, not a word? You take your pennyworths now.RJ IV.v.4
Sleepe for a weeke, for the next night I warrantSleep for a week. For the next night, I warrant,RJ IV.v.5
The Countie Paris hath set vp his rest,The County Paris hath set up his restRJ IV.v.6
That you shall rest but little, God forgiue me:That you shall rest but little. God forgive me!RJ IV.v.7
Marrie and Amen: how sound is she a sleepe?Marry, and amen! How sound is she asleep!RJ IV.v.8
I must needs wake her: Madam, Madam, Madam,I must needs wake her. Madam, madam, madam!RJ IV.v.9
I, let the Countie take you in your bed,Ay, let the County take you in your bed.RJ IV.v.10
Heele fright you vp yfaith. Will it not be?He'll fright you up, i'faith. Will it not be?RJ IV.v.11
What drest, and in your clothes, and downe againe?What, dressed, and in your clothes, and down again?RJ IV.v.12
I must needs wake you: Lady, Lady, Lady?I must needs wake you. Lady! lady! lady!RJ IV.v.13
Alas, alas, helpe, helpe, my Ladyes dead,Alas, alas! Help, help! My lady's dead!RJ IV.v.14
Oh weladay, that euer I was borne,O weraday that ever I was born!RJ IV.v.15
Some Aqua-vita ho, my Lord, my Lady?Some aqua vitae, ho! My lord! My lady!RJ IV.v.16
O lamentable day.O lamentable day!RJ IV.v.17.2
Looke, looke, oh heauie day.Look, look! O heavy day!RJ IV.v.18.2
Shee's dead: deceast, shee's dead: alacke the day.She's dead, deceased. She's dead, alack the day!RJ IV.v.23
O Lamentable day!O lamentable day!RJ IV.v.30.1
O wo, O wofull, wofull, wofull day,O woe! O woeful, woeful, woeful day!RJ IV.v.49
Most lamentable day, most wofull day,Most lamentable day, most woeful dayRJ IV.v.50
That euer, euer, I did yet behold.That ever, ever I did yet behold!RJ IV.v.51
O day, O day, O day, O hatefull day,O day, O day, O day! O hateful day!RJ IV.v.52
Neuer was seene so blacke a day as this:Never was seen so black a day as this.RJ IV.v.53
O wofull day, O wofull day.O woeful day! O woeful day!RJ IV.v.54
Honest goodfellowes: Ah put vp, put vp,Honest good fellows, ah, put up, put up!RJ IV.v.97
For well you know, this is a pitifull case.For well you know this is a pitiful case.RJ IV.v.98

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