Original textModern textKey line
Case ye, case ye; on with your Vizards, there's Case ye, case ye, on with your vizards, there 's1H4 II.ii.51
mony of the Kings comming downe the hill, 'tis going to money of the King's coming down the hill. 'Tis going to1H4 II.ii.52
the Kings Exchequer. the King's exchequer.1H4 II.ii.53
Stay. Stand!1H4 II.ii.80
'Faith, I ranne when I saw others runne. Faith, I ran when I saw others run.1H4 II.iv.295
Yea, and to tickle our Noses with Spear-grasse, Yea, and to tickle our noses with spear-grass,1H4 II.iv.302
to make them bleed, and then to beslubber our garments to make them bleed, and then to beslubber our garments1H4 II.iv.303
with it, and sweare it was the blood of true men. I did with it, and swear it was the blood of true men. I did1H4 II.iv.304
that I did not this seuen yeeres before, I blusht to heare that I did not this seven year before: I blushed to hear1H4 II.iv.305
his monstrous deuices. his monstrous devices.1H4 II.iv.306
My Lord, doe you see these Meteors? doe you My lord, do you see these meteors? Do you1H4 II.iv.312
behold these Exhalations? behold these exhalations?1H4 II.iv.313
What thinke you they portend? What think you they portend?1H4 II.iv.315
Choler, my Lord, if rightly taken. Choler, my lord, if rightly taken.1H4 II.iv.317
O, my Lord, my Lord, the Sherife, with a most O my lord, my lord, the sheriff with a most1H4 II.iv.467
monstrous Watch, is at the doore. monstrous watch is at the door.1H4 II.iv.468
Sir Iohn, you are so fretfull, you cannot liue Sir John, you are so fretful you cannot live1H4 III.iii.11
long. long.1H4 III.iii.12
Why, you are so fat, Sir Iohn, that you must Why, you are so fat, Sir John, that you must1H4 III.iii.21
needes bee out of of all compasse; out all reasonable needs be out of all compass, out of all reasonable1H4 III.iii.22
compasse, Sir Iohn. compass, Sir John.1H4 III.iii.23
Why, Sir Iohn, my Face does you no harme. Why, Sir John, my face does you no harm.1H4 III.iii.28
I would my Face were in your Belly. 'Sblood, I would my face were in your belly!1H4 III.iii.48
Yea, two and two, Newgate fashion. Yea, two and two, Newgate fashion.1H4 III.iii.89
Indeed Sir Iohn, you said so. Indeed, Sir John, you said so.1H4 III.iii.139
Do my Lord. Do, my lord.1H4 III.iii.183
My Lord. My lord?1H4 III.iii.191
Will you giue me Money, Captaine? Will you give me money, captain?1H4 IV.ii.4
This Bottle makes an Angell. This bottle makes an angel.1H4 IV.ii.6
I will Captaine: farewell.I will, captain. Farewell.1H4 IV.ii.10

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