Original textModern textKey line
I indeede was he.Ay, indeed was he.2H6 II.i.76
His Wife, and't like your Worship.His wife, an't like your worship.2H6 II.i.78
Most true, forsooth: / And many time and oft Most true, forsooth; and many time and oft2H6 II.i.92
my selfe haue heard a Voyce, / To call him so.Myself have heard a voice to call him so.2H6 II.i.93
A Plum-tree, Master.A plum-tree, master.2H6 II.i.96.1
Too true, and bought his climbing very deare.Too true; and bought his climbing very dear.2H6 II.i.99
Neuer before this day, in all his life.Never, before this day, in all his life.2H6 II.i.115
Alas Sir, we did it for pure need.Alas, sir, we did it for pure need.2H6 II.i.153

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