Original textModern textKey line
You haue an excellent Armour: but let my HorseYou have an excellent armour; but let my horseH5 III.vii.3
haue his due.have his dueH5 III.vii.4
Will it neuer be Morning?Will it never be morning?H5 III.vii.6
You are as well prouided of both, as any PrinceYou are as well provided of both as any princeH5 III.vii.9
in the World.in the world.H5 III.vii.10
Hee's of the colour of the Nutmeg.He's of the colour of the nutmeg.H5 III.vii.18
No more Cousin.No more, cousin.H5 III.vii.29
I haue heard a Sonnet begin so to ones Mistresse.I have heard a sonnet begin so to one's mistress.H5 III.vii.40
Your Mistresse beares well.Your mistress bears well.H5 III.vii.43
The Dolphin longs for morning.The Dauphin longs for morning.H5 III.vii.87
By the white Hand of my Lady, hee's a gallantBy the white hand of my lady, he's a gallantH5 III.vii.90
Prince.prince.H5 III.vii.91
He is simply the most actiue Gentleman ofHe is simply the most active gentleman ofH5 III.vii.94
France.France.H5 III.vii.95
He neuer did harme, that I heard of.He never did harm, that I heard of.H5 III.vii.97
I know him to be valiant.I know him to be valiant.H5 III.vii.100
What's hee?What's he?H5 III.vii.103
Hee needes not, it is no hidden vertue in him.He needs not; it is no hidden virtue in him.H5 III.vii.106
Ill will neuer sayd well.Ill will never said well.H5 III.vii.110
And I will take vp that with, Giue the Deuill hisAnd I will take up that with ‘ Give the devil hisH5 III.vii.113
due.due!’H5 III.vii.114
You are the better at Prouerbs, by how much aYou are the better at proverbs by how much ‘ AH5 III.vii.118
Fooles Bolt is soone shot.fool's bolt is soon shot.’H5 III.vii.119
'Tis not the first time you were ouer-shot.'Tis not the first time you were overshot.H5 III.vii.121
What a wretched and peeuish fellow is this KingWhat a wretched and peevish fellow is this KingH5 III.vii.129
of England, to mope with his fat-brain'd followers so farreof England, to mope with his fat-brained followers so farH5 III.vii.130
out of his knowledge.out of his knowledge.H5 III.vii.131
That they lack: for if their heads had anyThat they lack; for if their heads had anyH5 III.vii.134
intellectuall Armour, they could neuer weare such heauieintellectual armour, they could never wear such heavyH5 III.vii.135
Head-pieces.headpieces.H5 III.vii.136
Foolish Curres, that runne winking into the mouthFoolish curs, that run winking into the mouthH5 III.vii.139
of a Russian Beare, and haue their heads crusht likeof a Russian bear, and have their heads crushed likeH5 III.vii.140
rotten Apples: you may as well say, that's a valiant Flea,rotten apples! You may as well say that's a valiant fleaH5 III.vii.141
that dare eate his breakefast on the Lippe of a Lyon.that dare eat his breakfast on the lip of a lion.H5 III.vii.142
I, but these English are shrowdly out of Beefe.Ay, but these English are shrewdly out of beef.H5 III.vii.148
It is now two a Clock: but let me see, by tenIt is now two o'clock: but, let me see – by tenH5 III.vii.152
Wee shall haue each a hundred English men.We shall have each a hundred Englishmen.H5 III.vii.153
The Sunne doth gild our Armour vp, my Lords.The sun doth gild our armour: up, my lords!H5 IV.ii.1
Oh braue Spirit.O brave spirit!H5 IV.ii.3.2
Rien puis le air & feu.Rien puis? L'air et le feu?H5 IV.ii.4.1
O signeur le iour et perdia, toute et perdie.O Seigneur! Le jour est perdu, tout est perdu!H5 IV.v.2
Is this the King we sent too, for his ransome?Is this the King we sent to for his ransom?H5 IV.v.9
We are enow yet liuing in the Field,We are enow yet living in the fieldH5 IV.v.19
To smother vp the English in our throngs,To smother up the English in our throngs,H5 IV.v.20
If any order might be thought vpon.If any order might be thought upon.H5 IV.v.21

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