Original textModern textKey line
Falstaffe, and't please your Lordship. Falstaff, an't please your lordship.2H4 I.ii.57
He my Lord, but he hath since done good He, my lord – but he hath since done good2H4 I.ii.60
seruice at Shrewsbury: and (as I heare) is now going with service at Shrewsbury, and, as I hear, is now going with2H4 I.ii.61
some Charge, to the Lord Iohn of Lancaster. some charge to the Lord John of Lancaster.2H4 I.ii.62
Sir Iohn Falstaffe. Sir John Falstaff!2H4 I.ii.65
Sir Iohn. Sir John!2H4 I.ii.71
You mistake me Sir. You mistake me, sir.2H4 I.ii.78
I pray you (Sir) then set your Knighthood and I pray you, sir, then set your knighthood and2H4 I.ii.82
your Souldier-ship aside, and giue mee leaue to tell you, you your soldiership aside, and give me leave to tell you you2H4 I.ii.83
lye in your throat, if you say I am any other then an lie in your throat if you say I am any other than an2H4 I.ii.84
honest man. honest man.2H4 I.ii.85
Sir, my Lord would speake with you. Sir, my lord would speak with you.2H4 I.ii.90

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