Original textModern textKey line
My Lord, the roynish Clown, at whom so oft,My lord, the roynish clown at whom so oftAYL II.ii.8
Your Grace was wont to laugh is also missing,Your grace was wont to laugh is also missing.AYL II.ii.9
Hisperia the Princesse CentlewomanHisperia, the princess' gentlewoman,AYL II.ii.10
Confesses that she secretly ore-heardConfesses that she secretly o'erheardAYL II.ii.11
Your daughter and her Cosen much commendYour daughter and her cousin much commendAYL II.ii.12
The parts and graces of the WrastlerThe parts and graces of the wrestlerAYL II.ii.13
That did but lately foile the synowie Charles,That did but lately foil the sinewy Charles,AYL II.ii.14
And she beleeues where euer they are goneAnd she believes wherever they are goneAYL II.ii.15
That youth is surely in their companie.That youth is surely in their company.AYL II.ii.16

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