Original textModern textKey line
When I was mortall, my Annointed bodyWhen I was mortal, my anointed bodyR3 V.iii.125
By thee was punched full of holes;By thee was punched full of deadly holes.R3 V.iii.126
Thinke on the Tower, and me: Dispaire, and dye,Think on the Tower, and me; despair, and die!R3 V.iii.127
Harry the sixt, bids thee dispaire, and dye.Harry the Sixth bids thee despair, and die!R3 V.iii.128
To Richm. Vertuous and holy be thou Conqueror:(To Richmond) Virtuous and holy, be thou conqueror!R3 V.iii.129
Harry that prophesied thou should'st be King,Harry, that prophesied thou shouldst be king,R3 V.iii.130
Doth comfort thee in sleepe: Liue, and flourish.Doth comfort thee in thy sleep; live, and flourish!R3 V.iii.131
Poore Clarence by thy guile betray'd to death:Poor Clarence, by thy guile betrayed to death!R3 V.iii.134

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