Original textModern textKey line
The first was I / That help'd thee to the Crowne:The first was I that helped thee to the crown;R3 V.iii.168
That last was I that felt thy Tyranny.The last was I that felt thy tyranny.R3 V.iii.169
O, in the Battaile think on Buckingham,O, in the battle think on Buckingham,R3 V.iii.170
And dye in terror of thy guiltinesse.And die in terror of thy guiltiness!R3 V.iii.171
Dreame on, dreame on, of bloody deeds and death,Dream on, dream on, of bloody deeds and death.R3 V.iii.172
Fainting dispaire; dispairing yeeld thy breath.Fainting, despair; despairing, yield thy breath!R3 V.iii.173
Ghost to Richm. I dyed for hope / Ere I could lend thee Ayde;(To Richmond) I died for hope ere I could lend thee aid,R3 V.iii.174
But cheere thy heart, and be thou not dismayde:But cheer thy heart and be thou not dismayed;R3 V.iii.175
God, and good Angels fight on Richmonds side,God and good angel fight on Richmond's side,R3 V.iii.176
And Richard fall in height of all his pride.And Richard falls in height of all his pride!R3 V.iii.177

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