This is a thesaurus of all the glosses to the words in the Glossary, linked to the lines in the texts where these words are found.

The Thesaurus is the opposite of the Glossary. When consulting the Glossary, you know the word and you want to find out what it means. When consulting the Thesaurus, you know the meaning and you want to find out which Shakespearean words express it. How would he say 'arrogant' or 'companion'? The options are listed when you search for these words.

Disclaimer: our Thesaurus is a guide only to the words in the Glossary, and not an account of the way these words might be used elsewhere in the canon, or in Early Modern English as a whole. For example, we include Shakespeare’s use of mother to mean 'womanish qualities', but not in its ordinary sense of 'parent'. You can read more background about the thesaurus here.

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Search phrase fort 38 items found
home (adv.)
fortified by ramps of earth
rampired (adj.)
fortified outwork
frontier (n.)
fortified town
war, town of (n.)
fortitude, with
patiently (adv.)
hold (n.)
fortress, border
frontier (n.)
fortress passage excavated to intercept an enemy mine
countermine (n.)
fortress wall, passage under a
mine (n.)
fortuitous circumstance
chance (n.)
blessedly (adv.)
fortune, bringing good
fortunate (adj.)
fortune, by good
perchance (adv.)
fortune, favoured by
fortunate (adj.)
fortune, have good
thrive (v.)
fortune, change of
change (n.)
fortune, in poor
declined (adj.)
fortune, of equivalent
equal (adj.)
fortune, replete with good
full-fortuned (adj.)
fortune, residue of a
remainder (n.)
fortune, with good
happily (adv.)
fortune made, with
made (adj.)
fortunes, with waned
ebbed (adj.)

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