napkin (n.)
3H6 I.iv.79[Queen to York, of Rutland's blood] I stained this napkin with the blood
3H6 II.i.62[Messenger to Richard and Edward] A napkin steeped in the harmless blood / Of ... Rutland
AYL IV.iii.94[Oliver to Rosalind as Ganymede, of Orlando] He sends this bloody napkin
Ham V.ii.282[Gertrude to Hamlet] take my napkin
JC III.ii.134[Antony to all, of the people] they would ... dip their napkins in his sacred blood
LC.15[of the woman] Oft did she heave her napkin to her eyne
Mac II.iii.5[Porter alone, as if to someone at the door] Have napkins enow about you
Oth III.iii.284.2[Othello to Desdemona] Your napkin is too little
Oth III.iii.318[Iago alone] I will in Cassio's lodging lose this napkin
Tit III.i.140[Titus to Marcus, of his soaked handkerchief] Thy napkin cannot drink a tear of mine

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