| Modern text
| Definitions
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FRom off a hill whose concaue wombe reworded, | From off a hill whose concave womb reworded | concave (adj.) hollow, empty | LC.1 | |
| | reword, re-word (v.) re-echo, resound, reverberate | | |
A plaintfull story from a sistring vale | A plaintful story from a sist'ring vale | plaintful (adj.) mournful, full of complaining | LC.2 | |
| | sistering (adj.) acting like a sister; matching, corresponding | | |
My spirrits t'attend this doble voyce accorded, | My spirits t' attend this double voice accorded, | attend (v.) listen [to], pay attention [to] | LC.3 | |
| | accord (v.) agree, assent, consent | | |
And downe I laid to list the sad tun'd tale, | And down I laid to list the sad-tuned tale; | list (v.) listen to, pay attention to | LC.4 | |
Ere long espied a fickle maid full pale | Ere long espied a fickle maid full pale | espy (v.) catch sight of, discern, see | LC.5 | |
Tearing of papers breaking rings a twaine, | Tearing of papers, breaking rings a twain, | atwain, a twain (adv.) in two, into two parts | LC.6 | |
Storming her world with sorrowes, wind and raine. | Storming her world with sorrows, wind and rain. | | LC.7 | |
| | | | |
Vpon her head a plattid hiue of straw, | Upon her head a platted hive of straw, | hive (n.) beehive-shaped head-covering | LC.8 | |
Which fortified her visage from the Sunne, | Which fortified her visage from the Sun, | visage (n.) face, countenance | LC.9 | |
Whereon the thought might thinke sometime it saw | Whereon the thought might think sometime it saw | | LC.10 | |
The carkas of a beauty spent and donne, | The carcass of a beauty spent and done, | | LC.11 | |
Time had not sithed all that youth begun, | Time had not scythed all that youth begun, | | LC.12 | |
Nor youth all quit, but spight of heauens fell rage, | Nor youth all quit, but spite of heaven's fell rage, | fell (adj.) cruel, fierce, savage | LC.13 | |
Some beauty peept, through lettice of sear'd age. | Some beauty peeped, through lattice of seared age. | seared (adj.) withered, wilting, declining | LC.14 | |
| | | | |
Oft did she heaue her Napkin to her eyne, | Oft did she heave her napkin to her eyne, | eyne (n.) [archaism] eyes | LC.15 | |
| | napkin (n.) handkerchief | | |
| | oft (adv.) often | | |
Which on it had conceited charecters: | Which on it had conceited characters: | conceited (adj.) ingenious, clever, well-devised | LC.16 | |
| | character (n.) shape, emblem | | |
Laundring the silken figures in the brine, | Laund'ring the silken figures in the brine, | brine (n.) salt water [i.e. tears] | LC.17 | |
| | launder (v.) wash, bathe | | |
That seasoned woe had pelleted in teares, | That seasoned woe had pelleted in tears, | pellet (v.) hit [as if with pellets], pelt | LC.18 | |
| | seasoned (adj.) established, settled, mature | | |
And often reading what contents it beares: | And often reading what contents it bears: | bear (v.), past forms bore, borne keep, present, show | LC.19 | |
As often shriking vndistinguisht wo, | As often shrieking undistinguished woe, | undistinguished (adj.) indistinct, confused, inarticulate | LC.20 | |
In clamours of all size both high and low. | In clamours of all size both high and low. | | LC.21 | |
| | | | |
Some-times her leueld eyes their carriage ride, | Sometimes her levelled eyes their carriage ride, | levelled (adj.) targetted, directed, aimed | LC.22 | |
As they did battry to the spheres intend: | As they did batt'ry to the spheres intend: | sphere (n.) star, planet | LC.23 | |
Sometime diuerted their poore balls are tide, | Sometimes diverted their poor balls are tied | | LC.24 | |
To th'orbed earth ;sometimes they do extend, | To th' orbed earth; sometimes they do extend | orbed (adj.) rounded, orb-like, spherical | LC.25 | |
Their view right on, anon their gases lend, | Their view right on; anon their gazes lend | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | LC.26 | |
| | right on straight out, without art | | |
To euery place at once and no where fixt, | To every place at once and no where fixed, | | LC.27 | |
The mind and sight distractedly commxit. | The mind and sight distractedly commixed. | commix (v.) mix together, mingle, combine | LC.28 | |
| | distractedly (adv.) disjointedly, erratically, with agitation | | |
| | | | |
Her haire nor loose nor ti'd in formall plat, | Her hair nor loose nor tied in formal plait, | | LC.29 | |
Proclaimd in her a carelesse hand of pride; | Proclaimed in her a careless hand of pride; | | LC.30 | |
For some vntuck'd descended her sheu'd hat, | For some untucked descended her sheaved hat, | sheaved (adj.) made of straw; gathered up like a sheaf | LC.31 | |
Hanging her pale and pined cheeke beside, | Hanging her pale and pined cheek beside, | pined (adj.) made thin with grief, wasted away with sorrow | LC.32 | |
Some in her threeden fillet still did bide, | Some in her threaden fillet still did bide, | bide (v.) remain, persist, continue in being | LC.33 | |
| | threaden (adj.) made of linen thread | | |
| | fillet (n.) headband | | |
And trew to bondage would not breake from thence, | And true to bondage would not break from thence, | | LC.34 | |
Though slackly braided in loose negligence. | Though slackly braided in loose negligence. | | LC.35 | |
| | | | |
A thousand fauours from a maund she drew, | A thousand favours from a maund she drew, | maund (n.) wicker basket | LC.36 | |
| | favour (n.) mark of favour, gift, token [often a love-token] | | |
Of amber christall and of bedded Iet, | Of amber crystal and of bedded jet, | bedded (adj.) smoothed, dressed; or: fixed in a setting | LC.37 | |
Which one by one she in a riuer threw, | Which one by one she in a river threw, | | LC.38 | |
Vpon whose weeping margent she was set, | Upon whose weeping margent she was set, | margent (n.) margin, edge, border | LC.39 | |
| | set (adj.) seated, sitting down | | |
Like vsery applying wet to wet, | Like usury applying wet to wet, | | LC.40 | |
Or Monarches hands that lets not bounty fall, | Or monarch's hands that lets not bounty fall | bounty (n.) great generosity, gracious liberality, munificence | LC.41 | |
Where want cries some; but where excesse begs all. | Where want cries some, but where excess begs all. | cry (v.) beg, entreat, implore | LC.42 | |
| | | | |
Of folded schedulls had she many a one, | Of folded schedules had she many a one, | schedule (n.) document, paper, scroll | LC.43 | |
Which she perus'd, sighd, tore and gaue the flud, | Which she perused, sighed, tore and gave the flood, | flood (n.) river, stream, rushing water | LC.44 | |
Crackt many a ring of Posied gold and bone, | Cracked many a ring of posied gold and bone, | posied (adj.) inscribed with a motto | LC.45 | |
Bidding them find their Sepulchers in mud, | Bidding them find their sepulchres in mud, | | LC.46 | |
Found yet mo letters sadly pend in blood, | Found yet mo letters sadly penned in blood, | mo, moe (adj.) more [in number] | LC.47 | |
With sleided silke, feate and affectedly | With sleided silk, feat and affectedly | affectedly (adv.) fancifully, artificially, intricately | LC.48 | |
| | sleded, sleided (adj.) finely divided, filamented | | |
| | feat (adv.) neatly, prettily, elegantly | | |
Enswath'd and seald to curious secrecy. | Enswathed and sealed to curious secrecy. | curious (adj.) finely made, skilfully wrought, elaborate | LC.49 | |
| | enswathe (v.) tie up, bind together | | |
| | | | |
These often bath'd she in her fluxiue eies, | These often bathed she in her fluxive eyes, | fluxive (adj.) flowing, streaming, tearful | LC.50 | |
And often kist, and often gaue to teare, | And often kissed, and often gave to tear, | | LC.51 | |
Cried O false blood thou register of lies, | Cried ‘ O false blood thou register of lies, | register (n.) record, catalogue, inventory | LC.52 | |
| | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | | |
What vnapproued witnes doost thou beare! | What unapproved witness dost thou bear! | | LC.53 | |
Inke would haue seem'd more blacke and damned heare! | Ink would have seemed more black and damned here!’ | | LC.54 | |
This said in top of rage the lines she rents, | This said, in top of rage the lines she rents, | top / tops of, in (prep.) at the highest level of, at the peak of, in the forefront of | LC.55 | |
Big discontent, so breaking their contents. | Big discontent, so breaking their contents. | | LC.56 | |
| | | | |
A reuerend man that graz'd his cattell ny, | A reverend man that grazed his cattle nigh, | reverend (adj.) revered, worthy, respected | LC.57 | |
Sometime a blusterer that the ruffle knew | Sometime a blusterer that the ruffle knew | blusterer (n.) braggart, boaster, swaggerer | LC.58 | |
| | sometime (adv.) formerly, at one time, once | | |
| | ruffle (n.) hustle-and-bustle, flurry, excitement | | |
Of Court of Cittie, and had let go by | Of Court, of City, and had let go by | | LC.59 | |
The swiftest houres obserued as they flew, | The swiftest hours observed as they flew, | | LC.60 | |
Towards this afflicted fancy fastly drew: | Towards this afflicted fancy fastly drew: | fancy (n.) sweetheart, love, lover | LC.61 | |
| | fastly (adv.) readily, quickly | | |
And priuiledg'd by age desires to know | And privileged by age desires to know | | LC.62 | |
In breefe the grounds and motiues of her wo. | In brief the grounds and motives of her woe. | | LC.63 | |
| | | | |
So slides he downe vppon his greyned bat; | So slides he down upon his grained bat; | bat (n.) cudgel, staff, stick | LC.64 | |
| | grained (adj.) straight-grained, tough, strong | | |
And comely distant sits he by her side, | And comely distant sits he by her side, | comely (adv.) gracefully, fittingly, decorously | LC.65 | |
When hee againe desires her, being satte, | When he again desires her, being sat, | | LC.66 | |
Her greeuance with his hearing to deuide: | Her grievance with his hearing to divide: | divide (v.) share out, distribute, apportion | LC.67 | |
| | grievance (n.) distress, suffering, pain | | |
If that from him there may be ought applied | If that from him there may be ought applied | | LC.68 | |
Which may her suffering extasie asswage | Which may her suffering ecstasy assuage | ecstasy (n.) emotion, state of mind, feeling | LC.69 | |
Tis promist in the charitie of age. | 'Tis promised in the charity of age. | | LC.70 | |
| | | | |
Father she saies, though in mee you behold | ‘ Father,’ she says, ‘ though in me you behold | father (n.) old man, venerable sir | LC.71 | |
The iniury of many a blasting houre; | The injury of many a blasting hour, | blasting (adj.) blighting, withering, destructive | LC.72 | |
Let it not tell your Iudgement I am old, | Let it not tell your judgement I am old; | | LC.73 | |
Not age, but sorrow, ouer me hath power; | Not age, but sorrow, over me hath power; | | LC.74 | |
I might as yet haue bene a spreading flower | I might as yet have been a spreading flower | yet, as yet (adv.) still | LC.75 | |
Fresh to my selfe, if I had selfe applyed | Fresh to myself, If I had self applied | | LC.76 | |
Loue to my selfe, and to no Loue beside. | Love to myself, and to no love beside. | | LC.77 | |
| | | | |
But wo is mee, too early I atttended | ‘ But woe is me, too early I attended | attend (v.) listen [to], pay attention [to] | LC.78 | |
A youthfull suit it was to gaine my grace; | A youthful suit it was to gain my grace; | suit (n.) wooing, courtship | LC.79 | |
O one by natures outwards so commended, | O one by nature's outwards so commended, | commend (v.) show well, set off to advantage | LC.80 | |
| | outward (n.) outward show, external appearance, demeanour | | |
That maidens eyes stucke ouer all his face, | That maidens' eyes stuck over all his face, | | LC.81 | |
Loue lackt a dwelling and made him her place. | Love lacked a dwelling and made him her place, | | LC.82 | |
And when in his faire parts shee didde abide, | And when in his fair parts she did abide, | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | LC.83 | |
Shee was new lodg'd and newly Deified. | She was new lodged and newly deified. | | LC.84 | |
| | | | |
His browny locks did hang in crooked curles, | ‘ His browny locks did hang in crooked curls, | browny (adj.) brownish | LC.85 | |
| | crooked (adj.) curling, twisting | | |
And euery light occasion of the wind | And every light occasion of the wind | occasion (n.) occurrence, action, manifestation | LC.86 | |
Vpon his lippes their silken parcels hurles, | Upon his lips their silken parcels hurls, | parcel (n.) part, piece, portion, bit | LC.87 | |
Whats sweet to do, to do wil aptly find, | What's sweet to do, to do will aptly find, | aptly (adv.) easily, readily | LC.88 | |
Each eye that saw him did inchaunt the minde: | Each eye that saw him did enchant the mind: | enchant (v.) charm, bewitch, win over | LC.89 | |
For on his visage was in little drawne, | For on his visage was in little drawn | visage (n.) face, countenance | LC.90 | |
| | little, in on a small scale, in miniature | | |
What largenesse thinkes in parradise was sawne. | What largeness thinks in paradise was sawn. | | LC.91 | |
| | | | |
Smal shew of man was yet vpon his chinne, | ‘ Small show of man was yet upon his chin, | show (n.) appearance, exhibition, display | LC.92 | |
His phenix downe began but to appeare | His phoenix down began but to appear | phoenix (adj.) [unclear meaning] rare, matchless, beautiful | LC.93 | |
Like vnshorne veluet, on that termlesse skin | Like unshorn velvet, on that termless skin | termless (adj.) indescribable, beyond words | LC.94 | |
Whose bare out-brag'd the web it seem'd to were. | Whose bare out-bragged the web it seemed to wear. | bare (n.) bareness, unadorned state | LC.95 | |
| | out-brag (v.) surpass in beauty, excel in pride | | |
Yet shewed his visage by that cost more deare, | Yet showed his visage by that cost more dear, | | LC.96 | |
And nice affections wauering stood in doubt | And nice affections wavering stood in doubt | affection (n.) disposition, character, state of mind | LC.97 | |
| | nice (adj.) fine, precise, particular, subtle | | |
If best were as it was, or best without. | If best were as it was, or best without. | | LC.98 | |
| | | | |
His qualities were beautious as his forme, | ‘ His qualities were beauteous as his form, | | LC.99 | |
For maiden tongu'd he was and thereof free; | For maiden-tongued he was, and thereof free; | | LC.100 | |
Yet if men mou'd him, was he such a storme | Yet if men moved him, was he such a storm | move (v.) arouse, affect, stir [by emotion] | LC.101 | |
As oft twixt May and Aprill is to see, | As oft twixt May and April is to see, | oft (adv.) often | LC.102 | |
When windes breath sweet, vnruly though they bee. | When winds breathe sweet, untidy though they be. | | LC.103 | |
His rudenesse so with his authoriz'd youth, | His rudeness so with his authorized youth | rudeness (n.) violent action, forceful strength | LC.104 | |
Did liuery falsenesse in a pride of truth. | Did livery falseness in a pride of truth. | livery (v.) array in a livery, dress up | LC.105 | |
| | | | |
Wel could hee ride, and often men would say | ‘ Well could he ride, and often men would say | | LC.106 | |
That horse his mettell from his rider takes | That horse his mettle from his rider takes, | | LC.107 | |
Proud of subiection, noble by the swaie, | Proud of subjection, noble by the sway, | sway (n.) controlling influence, guiding power, direction | LC.108 | |
What rounds, what bounds, what course what stop he makes | What rounds, what bounds, what course, what stop he makes; | | LC.109 | |
And controuersie hence a question takes, | And controversy hence a question takes, | | LC.110 | |
Whether the horse by him became his deed, | Whether the horse by him became his deed, | become (v.) grace, honour, dignify | LC.111 | |
Or he his mannad'g, by'th wel doing Steed. | Or he his manage, by th' well doing steed. | manage (n.) management, handling, control [especially of a horse, as a result of training] | LC.112 | |
| | | | |
But quickly on this side the verdict went, | ‘ But quickly on this side the verdict went, | | LC.113 | |
His reall habitude gaue life and grace | His real habitude gave life and grace | habitude (n.) character, disposition, temperament | LC.114 | |
To appertainings and to ornament, | To appertainings and to ornament, | appertainings (n.) trappings, belongings, appurtenances | LC.115 | |
Accomplisht in him-selfe not in his case: | Accomplished in himself not in his case: | | LC.116 | |
All ayds them-selues made fairer by their place, | All aids themselves made fairer by their place, | | LC.117 | |
Can for addicions, yet their purpos'd trimme | Can for additions, yet their purposed trim | trim (n.) display, array, show | LC.118 | |
| | purposed (adj.) proposed, intended, contemplated | | |
Peec'd not his grace but were al grac'd by him. | Pieced not his grace but were all graced by him. | piece (v.) add to, join to, augment | LC.119 | |
| | | | |
So on the tip of his subduing tongue | ‘ So on the tip of his subduing tongue | | LC.120 | |
All kinde of arguments and question deepe, | All kinds of arguments and question deep, | | LC.121 | |
Al replication prompt, and reason strong | All replication prompt, and reason strong | replication (n.) reply, answer, response | LC.122 | |
For his aduantage still did wake and sleep, | For his advantage still did wake and sleep, | | LC.123 | |
To make the weeper laugh, the laugher weepe: | To make the weeper laugh, the laugher weep, | | LC.124 | |
He had the dialect and different skil, | He had the dialect and different skill, | | LC.125 | |
Catching al passions in his craft of will. | Catching all passions in his craft of will. | | LC.126 | |
| | | | |
That hee didde in the general bosome raigne | ‘ That he did in the general bosom reign | bosom (n.) warm-heartedness, tender affection | LC.127 | |
Of young, of old, and sexes both inchanted, | Of young, of old, and sexes both enchanted, | | LC.128 | |
To dwel with him in thoughts, or to remaine | To dwell with him in thoughts, or to remain | | LC.129 | |
In personal duty, following where he haunted, | In personal duty, following where he haunted, | | LC.130 | |
Consent's bewitcht, ere he desire haue granted, | Consent's bewitched, ere he desire have granted, | | LC.131 | |
And dialogu'd for him what he would say, | And dialogued for him what he would say, | dialogue (v.) express as a dialogue, provide a conversation | LC.132 | |
Askt their own wils and made their wils obey. | Asked their own wills and made their wills obey. | | LC.133 | |
Many there were that did his picture gette | ‘Many there were that did his picture get | | LC.134 | |
To serue their eies, and in it put their mind, | To serve their eyes, and in it put their mind, | | LC.135 | |
Like fooles that in th' imagination set | Like fools that in th' imagination set | | LC.136 | |
The goodly obiects which abroad they find | The goodly objects which abroad they find | abroad (adv.) in the outside world, freely at large, elsewhere, everywhere | LC.137 | |
| | goodly (adj.) splendid, excellent, fine | | |
Of lands and mansions, theirs in thought assign'd, | Of lands and mansions, theirs in thought assigned, | | LC.138 | |
And labouring in moe pleasures to bestow them, | And labouring in mo pleasures to bestow them | mo, moe (adj.) more [in number] | LC.139 | |
Then the true gouty Land-lord which doth owe them. | Than the true gouty landlord which doth owe them. | owe (v.) own, possess, have | LC.140 | |
| | | | |
So many haue that neuer toucht his hand | ‘ So many have that never touched his hand | | LC.141 | |
Sweetly suppos'd them mistresse of his heart: | Sweetly supposed them mistress of his heart: | | LC.142 | |
My wofull selfe that did in freedome stand, | My woeful self that did in freedom stand, | | LC.143 | |
And was my owne fee simple (not in part) | And was my own fee-simple (not in part) | fee-simple, fee simple (n.) private estate [belonging to the owner and his heirs for ever]; permanent lease, full possession | LC.144 | |
What with his art in youth and youth in art | What with his art in youth and youth in art | art (n.) accomplishment, achievement, skill | LC.145 | |
Threw my affections in his charmed power, | Threw my affections in his charmed power, | charmed (adj.) bewitching, spellbinding, enchanting | LC.146 | |
Reseru'd the stalke and gaue him al my flower. | Reserved the stalk and gave him all my flower. | | LC.147 | |
| | | | |
Yet did I not as some my equals did | ‘ Yet did I not as some my equals did | | LC.148 | |
Demaund of him, nor being desired yeelded, | Demand of him, nor being desired yielded, | | LC.149 | |
Finding my selfe in honour so forbidde, | Finding myself in honour so forbid, | | LC.150 | |
With safest distance I mine honour sheelded, | With safest distance I mine honour shielded, | | LC.151 | |
Experience for me many bulwarkes builded | Experience for me many bulwarks builded | | LC.152 | |
Of proofs new bleeding which remaind the foile | Of proofs new bleeding, which remained the foil | foil (n.) setting, background which sets something off to advantage [as dull metal sets off a gem] | LC.153 | |
Of this false Iewell, and his amorous spoile. | Of this false jewel, and his amorous spoil. | spoil (n.) plunder, booty | LC.154 | |
| | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | | |
| | | | |
But ah who euer shun'd by precedent, | ‘ But, ah, who ever shunned by precedent | | LC.155 | |
The destin'd ill she must her selfe assay, | The destined ill she must herself assay, | assay (v.) try, test the mettle of, put to the proof | LC.156 | |
| | ill (n.) wrong, injury, harm, evil | | |
Or forc'd examples gainst her owne content | Or forced examples 'gainst her own content | | LC.157 | |
To put the by-past perrils in her way? | To put the by-past perils in her way? | by-past (adj.) former, elapsed, previous | LC.158 | |
Counsaile may stop a while what will not stay: | Counsel may stop a while what will not stay: | | LC.159 | |
For when we rage, aduise is often seene | For when we rage, advice is often seen | | LC.160 | |
By blunting vs to make our wits more keene. | By blunting us to make our wits more keen. | wits, also five wits faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses) | LC.161 | |
| | | | |
Nor giues it satisfaction to our blood, | ‘ Nor gives it satisfaction to our blood, | blood (n.) passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] | LC.162 | |
That wee must curbe it vppon others proofe, | That we must curb it upon others' proof, | proof (n.) test, trial | LC.163 | |
To be forbod the sweets that seemes so good, | To be forbid the sweets that seems so good, | | LC.164 | |
For feare of harmes that preach in our behoofe; | For fear of harms that preach in our behoof; | behoof (n.) benefit, advantage | LC.165 | |
O appetite from iudgement stand aloofe! | O appetite from judgement stand aloof! | appetite (n.) sexual desire, passion | LC.166 | |
The one a pallate hath that needs will taste, | The one a palate hath that needs will taste, | | LC.167 | |
Though reason weepe and cry it is thy last. | Though reason weep, and cry it is thy last. | | LC.168 | |
| | | | |
For further I could say this mans vntrue, | ‘ For further I could say this man's untrue, | untrue (adj.) false, deceptive, deceiving | LC.169 | |
And knew the patternes of his foule beguiling, | And knew the patterns of his foul beguiling, | beguiling (n.) deception, deceit, trickery | LC.170 | |
Heard where his plants in others Orchards grew, | Heard where his plants in others' orchards grew, | | LC.171 | |
Saw how deceits were guilded in his smiling, | Saw how deceits were gilded in his smiling, | | LC.172 | |
Knew vowes, were euer brokers to defiling, | Knew vows were ever brokers to defiling, | broker, broker-between (n.) go-between, intermediary, agent | LC.173 | |
Thought Characters and words meerly but art, | Thought characters and words merely but art, | art (n.) artifice, artificial conduct; or: wile, trick | LC.174 | |
| | character (n.) letter, letter-shape, graphic symbol | | |
| | merely (adv.) only, nothing more than | | |
And bastards of his foule adulterat heart. | And bastards of his foul adulterate heart. | | LC.175 | |
| | | | |
And long vpon these termes I held my Citty, | ‘ And long upon these terms I held my City, | | LC.176 | |
Till thus hee gan besiege me :Gentle maid | Till thus he 'gan besiege me: Gentle maid, | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | LC.177 | |
| | 'gan, can (v.) began | | |
Haue of my suffering youth some feeling pitty | Have of my suffering youth some feeling pity | | LC.178 | |
And be not of my holy vowes affraid, | And be not of my holy vows afraid, | | LC.179 | |
Thats to ye sworne to none was euer said, | That's to ye sworn to none was ever said, | | LC.180 | |
For feasts of loue I haue bene call'd vnto | For feasts of love I have been called unto, | | LC.181 | |
Till now did nere inuite nor neuer vow. | Till now did ne'er invite nor never vow. | | LC.182 | |
| | | | |
All my offences that abroad you see | ‘ All my offences that abroad you see | abroad (adv.) in the outside world, freely at large, elsewhere, everywhere | LC.183 | |
Are errors of the blood none of the mind: | Are errors of the blood, none of the mind: | blood (n.) passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] | LC.184 | |
Loue made them not, with acture they may be, | Love made them not, with acture they may be, | acture (n.) action, performance, process of acting | LC.185 | |
Where neither Party is nor trew nor kind, | Where neither party is nor true nor kind, | | LC.186 | |
They sought their shame that so their shame did find, | They sought their shame that so their shame did find, | | LC.187 | |
And so much lesse of shame in me remaines, | And so much less of shame in me remains, | | LC.188 | |
By how much of me their reproch containes, | By how much of me their reproach contains. | | LC.189 | |
| | | | |
Among the many that mine eyes haue seene, | ‘ Among the many that mine eyes have seen, | | LC.190 | |
Not one whose flame my hart so much as warmed, | Not one whose flame my heart so much as warmed, | | LC.191 | |
Or my affection put to th, smallest teene, | Or my affection put to th' smallest teen, | affection (n.) fancy, inclination, desire | LC.192 | |
| | teen (n.) trouble, grief, suffering | | |
Or any of my leisures euer Charmed, | Or any of my leisures ever charmed, | | LC.193 | |
Harme haue I done to them but nere was harmed, | Harm have I done to them but ne'er was harmed, | | LC.194 | |
Kept hearts in liueries, but mine owne was free, | Kept hearts in liveries, but mine own was free, | livery (n.) service, following, entourage | LC.195 | |
And raignd commaunding in his monarchy. | And reigned commanding in his monarchy. | | LC.196 | |
| | | | |
Looke heare what tributes wounded fancies sent me, | ‘ Look here what tributes wounded fancies sent me, | fancy (n.) sweetheart, love, lover | LC.197 | |
Of palyd pearles and rubies red as blood: | Of paled pearls and rubies red as blood:; | paled (adj.) pale, white, colourless | LC.198 | |
Figuring that they their passions likewise lent me | Figuring that they their passions likewise lent me | passion (n.) powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’] | LC.199 | |
| | figure (v.) symbolize, represent, portray | | |
Of greefe and blushes, aptly vnderstood | Of grief and blushes, aptly understood | | LC.200 | |
In bloodlesse white, and the encrimson'd mood, | In bloodless white, and the encrimsoned mood, | encrimsoned (adj.) dyed crimson, made bright red | LC.201 | |
Effects of terror and deare modesty, | Effects of terror and dear modesty, | | LC.202 | |
Encampt in hearts but fighting outwardly. | Encamped in hearts but fighting outwardly. | | LC.203 | |
| | | | |
And Lo behold these tallents of their heir, | ‘ And lo, behold these talents of their hair, | talent (n.) [unclear meaning] wealth, treasure, riches | LC.204 | |
With twisted mettle amorously empleacht | With twisted metal amorously empleached | empleached, impleached (adj.) entwined, intertwined, interwoven | LC.205 | |
I haue receau'd from many a seueral faire, | I have received from many a several fair, | several (adj.) separate, different, distinct | LC.206 | |
| | fair (n.) fair face, beauty | | |
Their kind acceptance, wepingly beseecht, | Their kind acceptance, weepingly beseeched, | weepingly (adv.) tearfully, with many tears | LC.207 | |
With th'annexions of faire gems inricht, | With th' annexions of fair gems enriched, | annexion (n.) addition, attachment, supplement | LC.208 | |
And deepe brain'd sonnets that did amplifie | And deep brained sonnets that did amplify | | LC.209 | |
Each stones deare Nature, worth and quallity. | Each stone's dear Nature, worth and quality. | | LC.210 | |
| | | | |
The Diamond? why twas beautifull and hard, | ‘ The diamond? why, 'twas beautiful and hard, | | LC.211 | |
Whereto his inuis'd properties did tend, | Whereto his invised properties did tend, | invised (adj.) hidden, unseen, invisible | LC.212 | |
The deepe greene Emrald in whose fresh regard, | The deep green em'rald, in whose fresh regard | | LC.213 | |
Weake sights their sickly radience do amend. | Weak sights their sickly radiance do amend, | amend (v.) cure, heal, improve | LC.214 | |
The heauen hewd Saphir and the Opall blend | The heaven hued sapphire and the opal blend | blend (adj.) blended, mingled, intermixed | LC.215 | |
With obiects manyfold; each seuerall stone, | With objects manifold; each several stone, | several (adj.) various, sundry, respective, individual | LC.216 | |
With wit well blazond smil'd or made some mone. | With wit well blazoned, smiled or made some moan. | blazoned (adj.) painted, adorned, depicted | LC.217 | |
| | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | | |
| | moan (n.) grief, lamentation, sorrow, complaint | | |
| | | | |
Lo all these trophies of affections hot, | ‘ Lo, all these trophies of affections hot, | affection (n.) desire, passion, lustful feeling | LC.218 | |
| | trophy (n.) token of victory, evidence of valour | | |
| | hot (adj.) enthusiastic, ardent, eager, keen | | |
Of pensiu'd and subdew'd desires the tender, | Of pensived and subdued desires the tender, | tender (n.) offer, offering | LC.219 | |
| | pensived (adj.) [unclear meaning] pensive, reflective; melancholic; apprehensive | | |
Nature hath chargd me that I hoord them not, | Nature hath charged me that I hoard them not, | charge (v.) order, command, enjoin | LC.220 | |
But yeeld them vp where I my selfe must render: | But yield them up where I myself must render: | render (v.) give up, surrender, yield | LC.221 | |
That is to you my origin and ender: | That is to you my origin and ender: | | LC.222 | |
For these of force must your oblations be, | For these of force must your oblations be, | oblation (n.) offering, gift | LC.223 | |
Since I their Aulter, you enpatrone me. | Since I their altar, you enpatron me. | enpatron (v.) make a patron of, have under one's patronage | LC.224 | |
| | | | |
Oh then aduance (of yours) that phraseles hand, | ‘ Oh then advance (of yours) that phraseless hand, | phraseless (adj.) lacking language to describe | LC.225 | |
Whose white weighes downe the airy scale of praise, | Whose white weighs down the airy scale of praise, | | LC.226 | |
Take all these similies to your owne command, | Take all these similes to your own command, | | LC.227 | |
Hollowed with sighes that burning lunges did raise: | Hallowed with sighs that burning lungs did raise; | | LC.228 | |
What me your minister for you obaies | What me your minister for you obeys | | LC.229 | |
Workes vnder you, and to your audit comes | Works under you, and to your audit comes | audit (n.) account, reckoning [especially: in the face of God] | LC.230 | |
Their distract parcells, in combined summes. | Their distract parcels, in combined sums. | distract (adj.) divided, separated, scattered | LC.231 | |
| | parcel (n.) part, piece, portion, bit | | |
| | | | |
Lo this deuice was sent me from a Nun, | ‘ Lo, this device was sent me from a Nun, | device (n.) skilful piece of work | LC.232 | |
Or Sister sanctified of holiest note, | Or Sister sanctified of holiest note, | note (n.) reputation, distinction, standing | LC.233 | |
| | sanctified (adj.) consecrated, holy | | |
Which late her noble suit in court did shun, | Which late her noble suit in court did shun, | suit (n.) wooing, courtship | LC.234 | |
| | suit (n.) court attendance, personal retinue | | |
Whose rarest hauings made the blossoms dote, | Whose rarest havings made the blossoms dote, | rare (adj.) marvellous, splendid, excellent | LC.235 | |
| | having (n.) accomplishment, quality, gift | | |
For she was sought by spirits of ritchest cote, | For she was sought by spirits of richest coat, | coat (n.) coat-of-arms | LC.236 | |
But kept cold distance, and did thence remoue, | But kept cold distance, and did thence remove, | | LC.237 | |
To spend her liuing in eternall loue. | To spend her living in eternal love. | | LC.238 | |
| | | | |
But oh my sweet what labour ist to leaue, | ‘ But oh my sweet, what labour is't to leave | | LC.239 | |
The thing we haue not, mastring what not striues, | The thing we have not, mast'ring what not strives, | | LC.240 | |
Playing the Place which did no forme receiue, | Playing the place which did no form receive, | | LC.241 | |
Playing patient sports in vnconstraind giues, | Playing patient sports in unconstrained gyves, | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | LC.242 | |
| | gyve (n.) (plural) fetters, shackles | | |
She that her fame so to her selfe contriues, | She that her fame so to herself contrives, | | LC.243 | |
The scarres of battaile scapeth by the flight, | The scars of battle 'scapeth by the flight, | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | LC.244 | |
And makes her absence valiant, not her might. | And makes her absence valiant, not her might. | | LC.245 | |
| | | | |
Oh pardon me in that my boast is true, | ‘ Oh pardon me in that my boast is true, | | LC.246 | |
The accident which brought me to her eie, | The accident which brought me to her eye, | | LC.247 | |
Vpon the moment did her force subdewe, | Upon the moment did her force subdue, | | LC.248 | |
And now she would the caged cloister flie: | And now she would the caged cloister fly: | | LC.249 | |
Religious loue put out religions eye: | Religious love put out religion's eye: | | LC.250 | |
Not to be tempted would she be enur'd, | Not to be tempted would she be enured, | enure, inure (v.) accustom, habituate, adapt | LC.251 | |
And now to tempt all liberty procure. | And now to tempt all liberty procured. | | LC.252 | |
| | | | |
How mightie then you are, Oh heare me tell, | ‘ How mighty then you are, Oh, hear me tell, | | LC.253 | |
The broken bosoms that to me belong, | The broken bosoms that to me belong | bosom (n.) heart, inner person | LC.254 | |
Haue emptied all their fountaines in my well: | Have emptied all their fountains in my well: | | LC.255 | |
And mine I powre your Ocean all amonge: | And mine I pour your Ocean all among: | | LC.256 | |
I strong ore them and you ore me being strong, | I strong o'er them and you o'er me being strong, | | LC.257 | |
Must for your victorie vs all congest, | Must for your victory us all congest, | congest (v.) collect, gather, bring together | LC.258 | |
As compound loue to phisick your cold brest. | As compound love to physic your cold breast. | physic (v.) cure, correct, dose with medicine | LC.259 | |
| | | | |
My parts had powre to charme a sacred Sunne, | ‘ My parts had power to charm a sacred Sun, | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | LC.260 | |
Who disciplin'd I dieted in grace, | Who disciplined I dieted in grace, | discipline (v.) teach, train, instruct | LC.261 | |
Beleeu'd her eies, when they t' assaile begun, | Believed her eyes, when they t' assail begun, | | LC.262 | |
All vowes and consecrations giuing place: | All vows and consecrations giving place: | place (n.) way, room | LC.263 | |
O most potentiall loue, vowe, bond, nor space | O most potential love, vow, bond, nor space | | LC.264 | |
In thee hath neither sting, knot, nor confine | In thee hath neither sting, knot, nor confine | confine (n.) confinement, restraint, limitation | LC.265 | |
For thou art all and all things els are thine. | For thou art all and all things else are thine. | | LC.266 | |
| | | | |
When thou impressest what are precepts worth | ‘ When thou impressest, what are precepts worth | | LC.267 | |
Of stale example? when thou wilt inflame, | Of stale example? when thou wilt inflame, | example (n.) precedent, parallel case | LC.268 | |
| | stale (adj.) ancient, long-standing, antiquated | | |
How coldly those impediments stand forth | How coldly those impediments stand forth | | LC.269 | |
Of wealth of filliall feare, lawe, kindred fame, | Of wealth, of filial fear, law, kindred fame, | | LC.270 | |
Loues armes are peace, gainst rule, gainst sence, gainst shame | Love's arms are peace, 'gainst rule, 'gainst sense, 'gainst shame | | LC.271 | |
And sweetens in the suffring pangues it beares, | And sweetens in the suff'ring pangs it bears, | | LC.272 | |
The Alloes of all forces, shockes and feares. | The aloes of all forces, shocks and fears. | aloe (n.) bitterness, painful experience | LC.273 | |
| | | | |
Now all these hearts that doe on mine depend, | ‘ Now all these hearts that do on mine depend, | | LC.274 | |
Feeling it breake, with bleeding groanes they pine, | Feeling it break, with bleeding groans they pine, | | LC.275 | |
And supplicant their sighes to you extend | And supplicant their sighs to you extend | | LC.276 | |
To leaue the battrie that you make gainst mine, | To leave the batt'ry that you make 'gainst mine, | | LC.277 | |
Lending soft audience, to my sweet designe, | Lending soft audience, to my sweet design, | audience (n.) hearing, attention, reception | LC.278 | |
And credent soule, to that strong bonded oth, | And credent soul, to that strong bonded oath, | credent (adj.) trustful, believing, credulous | LC.279 | |
That shall preferre and vndertake my troth. | That shall prefer and undertake my troth. | troth (n.) truth, good faith | LC.280 | |
| | prefer (v.) promote, advance, recommend | | |
| | | | |
This said, his watrie eies he did dismount, | ‘ This said, his wat'ry eyes he did dismount, | dismount (v.) lower, cast down | LC.281 | |
Whose sightes till then were leaueld on my face, | Whose sights till then were levell'd on my face, | level (v.) aim, direct, target | LC.282 | |
Each cheeke a riuer running from a fount, | Each cheek a river running from a fount, | | LC.283 | |
With brynish currant downe-ward flowed a pace: | With brinish current downward flowed a pace: | brinish (adj.) salt, bitter | LC.284 | |
Oh how the channell to the streame gaue grace! | Oh how the channel to the stream gave grace! | | LC.285 | |
Who glaz'd with Christall gate the glowing Roses, | Who glazed with crystal gate the glowing roses, | | LC.286 | |
That flame through water which their hew incloses, | That flame through water which their hue encloses. | | LC.287 | |
| | | | |
Oh father, what a hell of witch-craft lies, | ‘ O father, what a hell of witchcraft lies | | LC.288 | |
In the small orb of one perticular teare? | In the small orb of one particular tear? | | LC.289 | |
But with the invndation of the eies: | But with the inundation of the eyes, | | LC.290 | |
What rocky heart to water will not weare? | What rocky heart to water will not wear. | water (n.) tears | LC.291 | |
| | wear (v.) fashion, adapt, conform | | |
What brest so cold that is not warmed heare, | What breast so cold that is not warmed here, | | LC.292 | |
Or cleft effect, cold modesty hot wrath: | Or cleft effect, cold modesty, hot wrath: | | LC.293 | |
Both fire from hence, and chill extincture hath. | Both fire from hence, and chill extincture hath. | extincture (n.) extinction, quenching | LC.294 | |
| | | | |
For loe his passion but an art of craft, | ‘ For lo, his passion but an art of craft, | passion (n.) powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’] | LC.295 | |
Euen there resolu'd my reason into teares, | Even there resolved my reason into tears, | resolve (v.) melt, dissolve, transform | LC.296 | |
There my white stole of chastity I daft, | There my white stole of chastity I daft, | daff (v.), past form daft take off, throw off | LC.297 | |
Shooke off my sober gardes, and ciuill feares, | Shook off my sober guards, and civil fears, | | LC.298 | |
Appeare to him as he to me appeares: | Appear to him as he to me appears: | | LC.299 | |
All melting, though our drops this diffrence bore, | All melting, though our drops this diff'rence bore, | | LC.300 | |
His poison'd me, and mine did him restore. | His poisoned me, and mine did him restore. | | LC.301 | |
| | | | |
In him a plenitude of subtle matter, | ‘ In him a plenitude of subtle matter, | | LC.302 | |
Applied to Cautills, all straing formes receiues, | Applied to cautels, all strange forms receives, | cautel (n.) deceit, trickery, cunning | LC.303 | |
Of burning blushes, or of weeping water, | Of burning blushes, or of weeping water, | | LC.304 | |
Or sounding palenesse: and he takes and leaues, | Or swooning paleness: and he takes and leaves, | | LC.305 | |
In eithers aptnesse as it best deceiues: | In either's aptness as it best deceives: | | LC.306 | |
To blush at speeches ranck, to weepe at woes | To blush at speeches rank, to weep at woes | rank (adj.) gross, outlandish, coarse | LC.307 | |
Or to turne white and sound at tragick showes. | Or to turn white and sound at tragic shows. | sound (v.) swoon, faint, pass out | LC.308 | |
| | show (n.) spectacle, display, ceremony | | |
| | | | |
That not a heart which in his leuell came, | ‘ That not a heart which in his level came | level (n.) [archery] direct aim, target, range | LC.309 | |
Could scape the haile of his all hurting ayme, | Could 'scape the hail of his all-hurting aim, | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | LC.310 | |
Shewing faire Nature is both kinde and tame: | Showing fair Nature is both kind and tame: | | LC.311 | |
And vaild in them did winne whom he would maime, | And veiled in them did win whom he would maim, | | LC.312 | |
Against the thing he sought, he would exclaime, | Against the thing he sought, he would exclaim, | | LC.313 | |
When he most burnt in hart-wisht luxurie, | When he most burnt in heart-wished luxury, | luxury (n.) lust, lechery, lasciviousness | LC.314 | |
He preacht pure maide, and praisd cold chastitie. | He preached pure maid, and praised cold chastity. | | LC.315 | |
| | | | |
Thus meerely with the garment of a grace, | ‘ Thus merely with the garment of a grace, | merely (adv.) completely, totally, entirely | LC.316 | |
The naked and concealed feind he couerd, | The naked and concealed fiend he covered, | | LC.317 | |
That th'vnexperient gaue the tempter place, | That th' unexperient gave the tempter place, | unexperient (n.) inexperienced person, innocent | LC.318 | |
| | place (n.) way, room | | |
Which like a Cherubin aboue them houerd, | Which like a cherubin above them hovered, | cherubin (n.) celestial being, heavenly beauty | LC.319 | |
Who young and simple would not be so louerd. | Who young and simple would not be so lovered. | lovered (adj.) provided with a lover | LC.320 | |
Aye me I fell, and yet do question make, | Ay me, I fell, and yet do question make, | | LC.321 | |
What I should doe againe for such a sake. | What I should do again for such a sake. | | LC.322 | |
| | | | |
O that infected moysture of his eye, | ‘ O that infected moisture of his eye, | infected (adj.) affected, artificial, put on | LC.323 | |
O that false fire which in his cheeke so glowd: | O that false fire which in his cheek so glowed: | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | LC.324 | |
O that forc'd thunder from his heart did flye, | O that forced thunder from his heart did fly, | | LC.325 | |
O that sad breath his spungie lungs bestowed, | O that sad breath his spongy lungs bestowed, | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | LC.326 | |
O all that borrowed motion seeming owed, | O all that borrowed motion seeming owed, | owe (v.) own, possess, have | LC.327 | |
| | seeming (adv.) seemingly, becomingly | | |
Would yet againe betray the fore-betrayed, | Would yet again betray the sore-betrayed, | sore-betrayed (n.) grievously deceived person | LC.328 | |
And new peruert a reconciled Maide. | And new pervert a reconciled maid!’ | reconciled (adj.) absolved, confessed, penitent | LC.329 | |