suit (n.) Old form(s): suite, suites, sute, Sutes
wooing, courtship
1H6 V.iii.150[Suffolk to Reignier] What answer makes your grace unto my suit? [or: sense 1]
1H6 V.iii.75[Suffolk to himself, of Margaret] How canst thou tell she will deny thy suit / Before thou make a trial of her love?
AW I.iii.193[Helena to Countess] I follow him not / By any token of presumptuous suit
AW III.v.70[Widow to Helena, of Bertram's approaches to Diana] He ... brokes with all that can in such a suit / Corrupt the tender honour of a maid
AYL IV.i.78[Orlando to Rosalind as Ganymede, continuing his point about being ‘out’] What, of my suit? [pun: 79]
CE IV.ii.14[Luciana to Adriana] words that in an honest suit might move
Cym III.iv.91[Innogen to Pisanio, as if to Posthumus] thou that didst ... make me put into contempt the suits / Of princely fellows
Cym V.v.185[Iachimo to Cymbeline, of Posthumus] [I] wagered with him ... to attain / In suit the place of 's bed
E3 II.i.376[Warwick to himself, of King Edward's request] where's the father / That will in such a suit seduce his child?
E3 II.i.412[Warwick to Countess] Thus have I in his majesty's behalf / Apparelled sin in virtuous sentences, / And dwell upon thy answer in his suit
E3 II.ii.191[King Edward to Countess] I never mean to part my lips again / In any words that tends to such a suit
H5 V.ii.128[King Henry to Katherine] if you urge me farther than to say, ‘Do you, in faith?’ I wear out my suit
Ham I.iii.129[Polonius to Ophelia, of Hamlet's vows] mere implorators of unholy suits
KJ I.i.254[Lady Faulconbridge to Bastard] By long and vehement suit I was seduced
LC.234[of a nun] Which late her noble suit in court did shun
LC.79[] A youthful suit it was to gain my grace
LLL V.ii.129[Princess to all] not a man of them shall have the grace, / Despite of suit, to see a lady's face
LLL V.ii.275[Princess to all] Berowne did swear himself out of all suit [also: suitability]
LLL V.ii.828[Berowne to Rosaline] mine eye, / What humble suit attends thy answer there
Luc.534[Tarquin to Lucrece] Then for thy husband and thy children's sake, / Tender my suit
MA II.i.324[Leonato to Don Pedro, of Beatrice] she mocks all her wooers out of suit
MA II.i.66[Beatrice to Hero, of wooing] the first suit is hot and hasty, like a Scotch jig
MA II.iii.48[Balthasar to Don Pedro] many a wooer doth commence his suit / To her he thinks not worthy
MA III.ii.89[Don John to Don Pedro and Claudio] surely suit ill spent, and labour ill bestowed!
MV I.ii.97[Nerissa to Portia, of the lords] to trouble you with no more suit
MV II.vii.73[Morocco reading from the scroll] your suit is cold
MW I.iv.138[Fenton to Mistress Quickly] Shall I not lose my suit?
MW II.i.89[Mistress Page to Mistress Ford, of Falstaff] give him a show of comfort in his suit
MW III.v.114[Ford as Brook to Falstaff] My suit, then, is desperate?
Oth IV.ii.198[Roderigo to Iago] I will give over my suit and repent my unlawful solicitation
PP.18.20[Pilgrim, advising a lover] in thy suit be humble true
R3 I.ii.235[Richard alone, of Anne] I no friends to back my suit at all / But the plain devil and dissembling looks
TC I.i.99[Troilus alone, of Cressida] she is stubborn-chaste against all suit
TG IV.ii.99[Silvia to Proteus] I despise thee for thy wrongful suit
TG IV.iv.178[disguised Julia to herself, of Proteus] I hope my master's suit will be but cold
TG V.ii.1[Thurio to Proteus] what says Silvia to my suit?
TN I.ii.46[Captain to Viola, of Olivia] she will admit no kind of suit
TN III.i.105[Olivia to Viola as Cesario] But would you undertake another suit
Ven.206[Venus to Adonis] what great danger dwells upon my suit?

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