cherubin (n.) Old form(s): cherubines
celestial being, heavenly beauty
H8 I.i.23[Norfolk to Buckingham, of the French] Their dwarfish pages were / As cherubins
LC.319[of the woman and man] th'unexperient gave the tempter place, / Which like a cherubin above them hovered
Oth IV.ii.62[Othello to Desdemona] thou young and rose-lipped cherubin
Sonn.114.6[] To make of monsters, and things indigest, / Such cherubins as your sweet self resemble
TC III.ii.67[Troilus to Cressida] Fears make devils of cherubins
Tem I.ii.152.2[Prospero to Miranda] a cherubin / Thou wast that did preserve me

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