audience (n.)
hearing, attention, reception
1H4 I.iii.209[Worcester to Hotspur] give me audience for a while
AYL III.ii.231[Celia to Rosalind] Give me audience
Cor II.i.68[Menenius to Brutus and Sicinius] a second day of audience
Cor III.iii.40[Aedile to all] List to your Tribunes. Audience! Peace, I say!
Ham I.iii.93[Polonius to Ophelia] Have of your audience [with Hamlet] been most free and bounteous
JC III.ii.2[Brutus to Plebians] follow me, and give me audience
JC IV.ii.47.1[Brutus to Cassius] enlarge your griefs, / And I will give you audience
LC.278[] Lending soft audience, to my sweet design
LLL V.i.127[Holofernes to Armado] Shall I have audience?
LLL V.ii.313[King to Boyet, of the Princess] That she vouchsafe me audience for one word
TNK I.ii.83.1[Palamon to Arcite] widows' cries ... have not / Due audience of the gods

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