
In Henry V, the Scots captain Jamy is given a few features of localized pronunciation. The distinctiveness is almost entirely conveyed by variation in vowel quality, as suggested by the spelling - a contrast with the way Fluellen’s Welshness is portrayed.

Scottish pronunciation English word First usage in H5 III.ii
bath both H5 III.ii.99
breff brief H5 III.ii.114
capten captain H5 III.ii.99
de do H5 III.ii.111
feith faith H5 III.ii.99
grund ground H5 III.ii.112
leve leave H5 III.ii.100
lig lie H5 III.ii.111
mess mass H5 III.ii.110
slomber slumber H5 III.ii.111
suerly surely H5 III.ii.113
theise these H5 III.ii.110
vary very H5 III.ii.99
wad would H5 III.ii.114

The only changes affecting consonants are in these words.

Scottish pronunciation English word First usage in H5 III.ii
Chrish Christ H5 III.ii.85
lig lie H5 III.ii.111
sall shall H5 III.ii.99

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