King John

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter King Iohn, Queene Elinor, Pembroke, Essex,Enter King John, Queen Eleanor, Pembroke, Essex, KJ I.i.1.1
and Salisbury, with the Chattylion of France.and Salisbury, with Chatillon of France KJ I.i.1.2
King Iohn.KING JOHN 
NOw say Chatillon, what would France with vs?Now, say, Chatillon, what would France with us?will (v.), past form would
desire, wish, want
KJ I.i.1
Thus (after greeting) speakes the King of France,Thus, after greeting, speaks the King of France, KJ I.i.2
In my behauiour to the Maiesty,In my behaviour, to the majesty,behaviour (n.)

old form: behauiour
person, embodiment, personification
KJ I.i.3
The borrowed Maiesty of England heere.The borrowed majesty, of England here.borrowed (adj.)
assumed, pretended, feigned
KJ I.i.4
A strange beginning: borrowed Maiesty?A strange beginning – ‘ borrowed majesty ’! KJ I.i.5
Silence (good mother) heare the Embassie.Silence, good mother. Hear the embassy.embassy (n.)

old form: Embassie
message [especially via an ambassador]
KJ I.i.6
Philip of France, in right and true behalfePhilip of France, in right and true behalfbehalf (n.), especially: in behalf (of)

old form: behalfe
advantage, interest, benefit
KJ I.i.7
Of thy deceased brother, Geffreyes sonne,Of thy deceased brother Geoffrey's son, KJ I.i.8
Arthur Plantaginet, laies most lawfull claimeArthur Plantagenet, lays most lawful claim KJ I.i.9
To this faire Iland, and the Territories:To this fair island and the territories,territory (n.)
dependency, dominion
KJ I.i.10
To Ireland, Poyctiers, Aniowe, Torayne, Maine,To Ireland, Poictiers, Anjou, Touraine, Maine, KJ I.i.11
Desiring thee to lay aside the swordDesiring thee to lay aside the sworddesire (v.)
require, command
KJ I.i.12
Which swaies vsurpingly these seuerall titles,Which sways usurpingly these several titles,title (n.)
possession, lordship, dominion
KJ I.i.13
several (adj.)

old form: seuerall
separate, different, distinct
sway (v.)

old form: swaies
control, rule, direct, govern
And put the same into yong Arthurs hand,And put the same into young Arthur's hand, KJ I.i.14
Thy Nephew, and right royall Soueraigne.Thy nephew and right royal sovereign. KJ I.i.15
What followes if we disallow of this?What follows if we disallow of this?disallow of (v.)
reject, deny, refuse to admit
KJ I.i.16
The proud controle offierce and bloudy warre,The proud control of fierce and bloody war,control (n.)

old form: controle
compulsion, constraint, mastery
KJ I.i.17
To inforce these rights, so forcibly with-held,To enforce these rights so forcibly withheld. KJ I.i.18
Heere haue we war for war, & bloud for bloud,Here have we war for war and blood for blood, KJ I.i.19
Controlement for controlement: so answer France.Controlment for controlment. So answer France.controlment (n.)

old form: controlement
control, restraint, check
KJ I.i.20
Then take my Kings defiance from my mouth,Then take my King's defiance from my mouth, KJ I.i.21
The farthest limit of my Embassie.The farthest limit of my embassy.embassy (n.)

old form: Embassie
ambassadorial role, function as ambassador
KJ I.i.22
Beare mine to him, and so depart in peace,Bear mine to him, and so depart in peace. KJ I.i.23
Be thou as lightning in the eies of France;Be thou as lightning in the eyes of France; KJ I.i.24
For ere thou canst report, I will be there:For ere thou canst report I will be there,report (v.)
give an account [of], describe in words
KJ I.i.25
The thunder of my Cannon shall be heard.The thunder of my cannon shall be heard. KJ I.i.26
So hence: be thou the trumpet of our wrath,So, hence! Be thou the trumpet of our wrath KJ I.i.27
And sullen presage of your owne decay:And sullen presage of your own decay.presage (n.)
sign, indication, portent
KJ I.i.28
sullen (adj.)
gloomy, dismal, melancholy, mournful
decay (n.)
destruction, downfall, ending
An honourable conduct let him haue,An honourable conduct let him have.conduct (n.)
escort, attendant, guide
KJ I.i.29
Pembroke looke too't: farewell Chattillion.Pembroke, look to't. Farewell, Chatillon. KJ I.i.30
Exit Chat. and Pem.Exeunt Chatillon and Pembroke KJ I.i.30
What now my sonne, haue I not euer saidWhat now, my son? Have I not ever said KJ I.i.31
How that ambitious Constance would not ceaseHow that ambitious Constance would not cease KJ I.i.32
Till she had kindled France and all the world,Till she had kindled France and all the world KJ I.i.33
Vpon the right and party ofher sonne.Upon the right and party of her son?party (n.)
side, faction, camp
KJ I.i.34
This might haue beene preuented, and made wholeThis might have been prevented and made wholemake whole
put right, bring to agreement
KJ I.i.35
With very easie arguments of loue,With very easy arguments of love,easy (adj.)

old form: easie
effortless, straightforward, uncomplicated
KJ I.i.36
argument (n.)
discussion, debate, dialogue
Which now the mannage of two kingdomes mustWhich now the manage of two kingdoms mustmanage (n.)

old form: mannage
government, rulers
KJ I.i.37
With fearefull bloudy issue arbitrate.With fearful bloody issue arbitrate.issue (n.)
outcome, result, consequence(s)
KJ I.i.38
Our strong possession, and our right for vs.Our strong possession and our right for us. KJ I.i.39
(to King John) KJ I.i.40
Your strong possessiõ much more then your right,Your strong possession much more than your right, KJ I.i.40
Or else it must go wrong with you and me,Or else it must go wrong with you and me. KJ I.i.41
So much my conscience whispers in your eare,So much my conscience whispers in your ear, KJ I.i.42
Which none but heauen, and you, and I, shall heare.Which none but heaven, and you and I, shall hear. KJ I.i.43
Enter a Sheriffe.Enter a sheriff, who whispers to Essex KJ I.i.44.1
Essex. ESSEX 
My Liege, here is the strangest controuersieMy liege, here is the strangest controversy,liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
KJ I.i.44
Come from the Country to be iudg'd by youCome from the country to be judged by you, KJ I.i.45
That ere I heard: shall I produce the men?That e'er I heard. Shall I produce the men? KJ I.i.46
Let them approach:Let them approach. KJ I.i.47
Exit sheriff KJ I.i.47
Our Abbies and our Priories shall payOur abbeys and our priories shall pay KJ I.i.48
This expeditious charge:This expeditious charge.expeditious (adj.)
speedy, sudden, quickly needed
KJ I.i.49.1
Enter Robert Faulconbridge, and Philip.Enter Robert Faulconbridge and Philip, his bastard KJ I.i.49.1
brother KJ I.i.49.2
what men are you?What men are you? KJ I.i.49.2
Philip. BASTARD 
Your faithfull subiect, I a gentleman,Your faithful subject I, a gentleman, KJ I.i.50
Borne in Northamptonshire, and eldest sonneBorn in Northamptonshire, and eldest son, KJ I.i.51
As I suppose, to Robert Faulconbridge,As I suppose, to Robert Faulconbridge, KJ I.i.52
A Souldier by the Honor-giuing-handA soldier, by the honour-giving hand KJ I.i.53
Of Cordelion, Knighted in the field.Of Coeur-de-lion knighted in the field.field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
KJ I.i.54
What art thou?What art thou? KJ I.i.55
The son and heire to that same Faulconbridge.The son and heir to that same Faulconbridge. KJ I.i.56
Is that the elder, and art thou the heyre?Is that the elder, and art thou the heir? KJ I.i.57
You came not of one mother then it seemes.You came not of one mother then, it seems. KJ I.i.58
Philip. BASTARD 
Most certain of one mother, mighty King,Most certain of one mother, mighty King –  KJ I.i.59
That is well knowne, and as I thinke one father:That is well known; and, as I think, one father.well-known (adj.)

old form: well knowne
certain, clear, apparent
KJ I.i.60
But for the certaine knowledge of that truth,But for the certain knowledge of that truth KJ I.i.61
I put you o're to heauen, and to my mother;I put you o'er to heaven, and to my mother;put over (v.)

old form: o're
refer, hand over, direct
KJ I.i.62
Of that I doubt, as all mens children may.Of that I doubt, as all men's children may. KJ I.i.63
Out on thee rude man, yu dost shame thy mother,Out on thee, rude man! Thou dost shame thy mother,rude (adj.)
uncivilized, uncultivated, unrefined
KJ I.i.64
And wound her honor with this diffidence.And wound her honour, with this diffidence.diffidence (n.)
distrust, misgiving, lack of confidence
KJ I.i.65
I Madame? No, I haue no reason for it,I, madam? No, I have no reason for it. KJ I.i.66
That is my brothers plea, and none of mine,That is my brother's plea, and none of mine; KJ I.i.67
The which if he can proue, a pops me out,The which if he can prove, 'a pops me outpop out
[informal] disinherit, turn from
KJ I.i.68
At least from faire fiue hundred pound a yeere:At least from fair five hundred pound a year.fair (adv.)

old form: faire
fully, quite, wholly
KJ I.i.69
Heauen guard my mothers honor, and my Land.Heaven guard my mother's honour, and my land! KJ I.i.70
A good blunt fellow: why being yonger bornA good blunt fellow! Why, being younger born,blunt (adj.)
plain-spoken, unceremonious, forthright
KJ I.i.71
Doth he lay claime to thine inheritance?Doth he lay claim to thine inheritance? KJ I.i.72
I know not why, except to get the land:I know not why, except to get the land –  KJ I.i.73
But once he slanderd me with bastardy:But once he slandered me with bastardy.once (adv.)
once and for all, in a word
KJ I.i.74
But where I be as true begot or no,But whe'er I be as true begot or no,beget (v.), past form begot
give birth to, father, conceive
KJ I.i.75
That still I lay vpon my mothers head,That still I lay upon my mother's head. KJ I.i.76
But that I am as well begot my LiegeBut that I am as well begot, my liege –  KJ I.i.77
(Faire fall the bones that tooke the paines for me)Fair fall the bones that took the pains for me! – fall (v.)
befall, fall on, come to
KJ I.i.78
fair (n.)

old form: Faire
fortune, happiness, favour
bone (n.)
(plural) man, person
Compare our faces, and be Iudge your selfeCompare our faces and be judge yourself. KJ I.i.79
If old Sir Robert did beget vs both,If old Sir Robert did beget us both KJ I.i.80
And were our father, and this sonne like him:And were our father, and this son like him, KJ I.i.81
O old sir Robert Father, on my kneeO old Sir Robert, father, on my knee KJ I.i.82
I giue heauen thankes I was not like to thee.I give heaven thanks I was not like to thee! KJ I.i.83
Why what a mad-cap hath heauen lent vs here?Why, what a madcap hath heaven lent us here!madcap (n.)

old form: mad-cap
mad-brained fellow, lunatic
KJ I.i.84
lend (v.)
give, grant, bestow [on]
(to King John) KJ I.i.85.1
He hath a tricke of Cordelions face,He hath a trick of Coeur-de-lion's face;trick (n.)

old form: tricke
peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, distinguishing trait
KJ I.i.85
The accent of his tongue affecteth him:The accent of his tongue affecteth him.affect (v.)
imitate, copy, mimic
KJ I.i.86
accent (n.)
sound, voice quality, way of talking
Doe you not read some tokens of my sonneDo you not read some tokens of my sontoken (n.)
sign, evidence, mark
KJ I.i.87
read (v.)
interpret, discern, make something of
In the large composition of this man?In the large composition of this man?large (adj.)
general, broad; or: powerfully built, robust
KJ I.i.88
composition (n.)
constitution, make-up, state [of mind and body]
(to Queen Eleanor) KJ I.i.89.1
Mine eye hath well examined his parts,Mine eye hath well examined his partspart (n.)
quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
KJ I.i.89
And findes them perfect Richard: sirra speake,And finds them perfect Richard. (to Robert Faulconbridge) Sirrah, speak.sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
KJ I.i.90
What doth moue you to claime your brothers land.What doth move you to claim your brother's land? KJ I.i.91
Philip. BASTARD  
(aside) KJ I.i.92.1
Because he hath a half-face like my father?Because he hath a half-face like my father!half-face (n.)
profile, side-view
KJ I.i.92
With halfe that face would he haue all my land,With half that face would he have all my land –  KJ I.i.93
A halfe-fac'd groat, fiue hundred pound a yeere?A half-faced groat, five hundred pound a year!half-faced (adj.)

old form: halfe-fac'd
[of a coin] showing a monarch's profile; also: clipped, imperfect
KJ I.i.94
groat (n.)
fourpenny piece
My gracious Liege, when that my father liu'd,My gracious liege, when that my father lived, KJ I.i.95
Your brother did imploy my father much.Your brother did employ my father much –  KJ I.i.96
(aside) KJ I.i.97
Well sir, by this you cannot get my land,Well, sir, by this you cannot get my land. KJ I.i.97
Your tale must be how he employ'd my mother.Your tale must be how he employed my mother. KJ I.i.98
And once dispatch'd him in an Embassie – And once dispatched him in an embassyembassy (n.)

old form: Embassie
ambassadorial role, function as ambassador
KJ I.i.99
dispatch, despatch (v.)

old form: dispatch'd
send away, send off
To Germany, there with the EmperorTo Germany, there with the Emperor KJ I.i.100
To treat of high affaires touching that time:To treat of high affairs touching that time.touch (v.)
affect, concern, regard, relate to
KJ I.i.101
Th' aduantage of his absence tooke the King,Th' advantage of his absence took the Kingadvantage (n.)

old form: aduantage
right moment, favourable opportunity
KJ I.i.102
And in the meane time soiourn'd at my fathers;And in the meantime sojourned at my father's,sojourn (v.)

old form: soiourn'd
pause, reside, stay for a while
KJ I.i.103
Where how he did preuaile, I shame to speake:Where how he did prevail I shame to speak –  KJ I.i.104
But truth is truth, large lengths of seas and shoresBut truth is truth. Large lengths of seas and shores KJ I.i.105
Betweene my father, and my mother lay,Between my father and my mother lay, KJ I.i.106
As I haue heard my father speake himselfeAs I have heard my father speak himself, KJ I.i.107
When this same lusty gentleman was got:When this same lusty gentleman was got.lusty (adj.)
vigorous, strong, robust, eager
KJ I.i.108
get (v.)
beget, conceive, breed
Vpon his death-bed he by will bequeath'dUpon his deathbed he by will bequeathed KJ I.i.109
His lands to me, and tooke it on his deathHis lands to me, and took it on his deathtake (v.)

old form: tooke
swear, take an oath
KJ I.i.110
That this my mothers sonne was none of his;That this, my mother's son, was none of his; KJ I.i.111
And if he were, he came into the worldAnd if he were, he came into the world KJ I.i.112
Full fourteene weekes before the course of time:Full fourteen weeks before the course of time.course (n.)
habit, custom, practise, normal procedure
KJ I.i.113
Then good my Liedge let me haue what is mine,Then, good my liege, let me have what is mine, KJ I.i.114
My fathers land, as was my fathers will.My father's land, as was my father's will. KJ I.i.115
Sirra, your brother is Legittimate,Sirrah, your brother is legitimate. KJ I.i.116
Your fathers wife did after wedlocke beare him:Your father's wife did after wedlock bear him, KJ I.i.117
And if she did play false, the fault was hers,And if she did play false, the fault was hers – false (adv.)
unfaithfully, disloyally, inconstantly
KJ I.i.118
Which fault lyes on the hazards of all husbandsWhich fault lies on the hazards of all husbandshazard (n.)
[gambling] chance, fortune; throw [of dice]
KJ I.i.119
That marry wiues: tell me, how if my brotherThat marry wives. Tell me, how if my brother, KJ I.i.120
Who as you say, tooke paines to get this sonne,Who, as you say, took pains to get this son, KJ I.i.121
Had of your father claim'd this sonne for his,Had of your father claimed this son for his? KJ I.i.122
Insooth, good friend, your father might haue keptIn sooth, good friend, your father might have keptsooth (n.)
truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion]
KJ I.i.123
This Calfe, bred from his Cow from all the world:This calf, bred from his cow, from all the world; KJ I.i.124
Insooth he might: then if he were my brothers,In sooth he might. Then, if he were my brother's, KJ I.i.125
My brother might not claime him, nor your fatherMy brother might not claim him, nor your father, KJ I.i.126
Being none of his, refuse him: this concludes,Being none of his, refuse him. This concludes:conclude (v.)
prove the truth, settle the matter
KJ I.i.127
My mothers sonne did get your fathers heyre,My mother's son did get your father's heir; KJ I.i.128
Your fathers heyre must haue your fathers land.Your father's heir must have your father's land. KJ I.i.129
Shal then my fathers Will be of no force,Shall then my father's will be of no force KJ I.i.130
To dispossesse that childe which is not his.To dispossess that child which is not his? KJ I.i.131
Of no more force to dispossesse me sir,Of no more force to dispossess me, sir, KJ I.i.132
Then was his will to get me, as I think.Than was his will to get me, as I think. KJ I.i.133
Whether hadst thou rather be a Faulconbridge,Whether hadst thou rather be: a Faulconbridge, KJ I.i.134
And like thy brother to enioy thy land:And like thy brother, to enjoy thy land; KJ I.i.135
Or the reputed sonne of Cordelion,Or the reputed son of Coeur-de-lion,reputed (adj.)
acknowledged, recognized, accounted
KJ I.i.136
Lord of thy presence, and no land beside.Lord of thy presence, and no land beside?presence (n.)
gracious self, dignity as a person, personal position
KJ I.i.137
Madam, and if my brother had my shapeMadam, an if my brother had my shapean if (conj.)
KJ I.i.138
And I had his, sir Roberts his like him,And I had his – Sir Robert's his, like him; KJ I.i.139
And if my legs were two such riding rods,And if my legs were two such riding-rods,riding-rod (n.)

old form: riding rods
cane used in riding, switch
KJ I.i.140
My armes, such eele-skins stuft, my face so thin,My arms such eel-skins stuffed, my face so thin KJ I.i.141
That in mine eare I durst not sticke a rose,That in mine ear I durst not stick a rose KJ I.i.142
Lest men should say, looke where three farthings goes,Lest men should say ‘ Look where three farthings goes!’ KJ I.i.143
And to his shape were heyre to all this land,And, to his shape, were heir to all this land – to (prep.)
in addition to
KJ I.i.144
Would I might neuer stirre from off this place,Would I might never stir from off this place, KJ I.i.145
I would giue it euery foot to haue this face:I would give it every foot to have this face;give (v.)

old form: giue
give up, renounce
KJ I.i.146
It would not be sir nobbe in any case.I would not be Sir Nob in any case!Nob (n.)

old form: nobbe
familiar form of Robert
KJ I.i.147
I like thee well: wilt thou forsake thy fortune,I like thee well. Wilt thou forsake thy fortune, KJ I.i.148
Bequeath thy land to him, and follow me?Bequeath thy land to him, and follow me?bequeath (v.)
resign, give up, assign, hand over
KJ I.i.149
I am a Souldier, and now bound to France.I am a soldier and now bound to France. KJ I.i.150
Brother, take you my land, Ile take my chance;Brother, take you my land, I'll take my chance. KJ I.i.151
Your face hath got fiue hundred pound a yeere,Your face hath got five hundred pound a year, KJ I.i.152
Yet sell your face for fiue pence and 'tis deere:Yet sell your face for fivepence and 'tis dear. KJ I.i.153
Madam, Ile follow you vnto the death.Madam, I'll follow you unto the death. KJ I.i.154
Nay, I would haue you go before me thither.Nay, I would have you go before me thither. KJ I.i.155
Our Country manners giue our betters way.Our country manners give our betters way. KJ I.i.156
What is thy name?What is thy name? KJ I.i.157
Philip my Liege, so is my name begun,Philip, my liege, so is my name begun; KJ I.i.158
Philip, good old Sir Roberts wiues eldest sonne.Philip, good old sir Robert's wife's eldest son. KJ I.i.159
From henceforth beare his name / Whose forme thou bearest:From henceforth bear his name whose form thou bearest: KJ I.i.160
Kneele thou downe Philip, but rise more great,Kneel thou down Philip, but rise more great –  KJ I.i.161
Arise Sir Richard, and Plantagenet.Arise Sir Richard, and Plantagenet. KJ I.i.162
Brother by th' mothers side, giue me your hand,Brother, by th' mother's side, give me your hand. KJ I.i.163
My father gaue me honor, yours gaue land:My father gave me honour, yours gave land. KJ I.i.164
Now blessed be the houre by night or dayNow blessed be the hour, by night or day, KJ I.i.165
When I was got, Sir Robert was away.When I was got, Sir Robert was away! KJ I.i.166
The very spirit of Plantaginet:The very spirit of Plantagenet! KJ I.i.167
I am thy grandame Richard, call me so.I am thy grandam, Richard. Call me so.grandam (n.)

old form: grandame
KJ I.i.168
Madam by chance, but not by truth, what tho;Madam, by chance but not by truth; what though?truth (n.)
loyalty, allegiance, faithfulness
KJ I.i.169
what though

old form: tho
what of it, never mind
Something about a little from the right,Something about, a little from the right,about (adv.)
indirectly, irregularly
KJ I.i.170
In at the window, or else ore the hatch:In at the window, or else o'er the hatch;hatch (n.)
lower part of a door, half-door, gate
KJ I.i.171
Who dares not stirre by day, must walke by night,Who dares not stir by day must walk by night, KJ I.i.172
And haue is haue, how euer men doe catch:And have is have, however men do catch;catch (v.)
seize, get hold of, capture
KJ I.i.173
Neere or farre off, well wonne is still well shot,Near or far off, well won is still well shot, KJ I.i.174
And I am I, how ere I was begot.And I am I, howe'er I was begot. KJ I.i.175
Goe, Faulconbridge, now hast thou thy desire,Go, Faulconbridge. Now hast thou thy desire; KJ I.i.176
A landlesse Knight, makes thee a landed Squire:A landless knight makes thee a landed squire. KJ I.i.177
Come Madam, and come Richard, we must speedCome, madam, and come, Richard, we must speed KJ I.i.178
For France, for France, for it is more then need.For France, for France, for it is more than need. KJ I.i.179
Brother adieu, good fortune come to thee,Brother, adieu. Good fortune come to thee, KJ I.i.180
For thou wast got i'th way of honesty.For thou wast got i'th' way of honesty! KJ I.i.181
Exeunt all but bastard.Exeunt all but the Bastard KJ I.i.181
Bast. A foot of Honor better then I was,A foot of honour better than I was,foot (n.)
step, degree, foothold
KJ I.i.182
But many a many foot of Land the worse.But many a many foot of land the worse! KJ I.i.183
Well, now can I make any Ioane a Lady,Well, now can I make any Joan a lady. KJ I.i.184
Good den Sir Richard, Godamercy fellow,‘ Good den, Sir Richard!’ – ‘ God 'a' mercy, fellow!’ –  KJ I.i.185
And if his name be George, Ile call him Peter;And if his name be George, I'll call him Peter; KJ I.i.186
For new made honor doth forget mens names:For new-made honour doth forget men's names –  KJ I.i.187
'Tis two respectiue, and too sociable'Tis too respective and too sociablerespective (adj.)

old form: respectiue
careful, attentive, considerate
KJ I.i.188
For your conuersion, now your traueller,For your conversion. Now your traveller,conversion (n.)

old form: conuersion
newly honoured person, ennobled fellow
KJ I.i.189
Hee and his tooth-picke at my worships messe,He and his toothpick at my worship's mess,mess (n.)

old form: messe
dining company, banqueting table
KJ I.i.190
And when my knightly stomacke is suffis'd,And when my knightly stomach is sufficed,suffice (v.)

old form: suffis'd
satisfy, nourish, provide for
KJ I.i.191
Why then I sucke my teeth, and catechizeWhy then I suck my teeth and catechizecatechize (v.)
ask questions of
KJ I.i.192
My picked man of Countries: my deare sir,My picked man of countries: ‘ My dear sir ’ – picked (adj.)
fastidious, neat, foppish
KJ I.i.193
Thus leaning on mine elbow I begin,Thus, leaning on mine elbow, I begin –  KJ I.i.194
I shaIl beseeeh you; that is question now,‘ I shall beseech you ’ – that is question now; KJ I.i.195
And then comes answer like an Absey booke:And then comes answer like an Absey book:Absey book (n.)

old form: booke
[pron: 'absee, = aybee'see] ABC, child's primer
KJ I.i.196
O sir, sayes answer, at your best command,‘ O sir,’ says answer, ‘ at your best command; KJ I.i.197
At your employment, at your seruice sir:At your employment; at your service, sir.’employment (n.)
task, service, commission
KJ I.i.198
No sir, saies question, I sweet sir at yours,‘ No, sir,’ says question, ‘ I, sweet sir, at yours.’ KJ I.i.199
And so ere answer knowes what question would,And so, ere answer knows what question would,will (v.), past form would
desire, wish, want
KJ I.i.200
Sauing in Dialogue of Complement,Saving in dialogue of compliment,saving (prep.)

old form: Sauing
KJ I.i.201
compliment, complement (n.)

old form: Complement
ceremony, etiquette, protocol
And talking of the Alpes and Appenines,And talking of the Alps and Apennines, KJ I.i.202
The Perennean and the riuer Poe,The Pyrenean and the River Po,Pyrenean (n.)
[pron: pire'neean Pyrenees, mountain range between France and Spain
KJ I.i.203
It drawes toward fupper in conclusion so.It draws toward supper in conclusion so. KJ I.i.204
But this is worshipfull society,But this is worshipful society, KJ I.i.205
And fits the mounting spirit like my selfe;And fits the mounting spirit like myself;mounting (adj.)
ambitious, aspiring, rising
KJ I.i.206
fit (v.)
suit, befit, be suitable [for]
For he is but a bastard to the timeFor he is but a bastard to the timetime (n.)
times, present day, present state of affairs
KJ I.i.207
That doth not smoake of obseruation,That doth not smack of observation.observation (n.)

old form: obseruation
observance, rite, customary practice
KJ I.i.208
smack (v.)

old form: smoake
show the characteristics, savour the taste
And so am I whether I smacke or no:And so am I – whether I smack or no,smack (v.)

old form: smacke
show the characteristics, savour the taste
KJ I.i.209
And not alone in habit and deuice,And not alone in habit and device,habit (n.)
dress, clothing, costume
KJ I.i.210
device (n.)

old form: deuice
heraldic design, emblematic figure, armorial
Exterior forme, outward accoutrement;Exterior form, outward accoutrement,accoutrement (n.)
formal embellishment, special trappings
KJ I.i.211
But from the inward motion to deliuerBut from the inward motion – to delivermotion (n.)
emotion, inclination, desire, impulse
KJ I.i.212
Sweet, sweet, sweet poyson for the ages tooth,Sweet, sweet, sweet poison for the age's tooth;poison, sweet

old form: poyson
KJ I.i.213
tooth (n.)
appetite, taste, hunger
Which though I will not practice to deceiue,Which, though I will not practise to deceive,practise (v.)

old form: practice
plot, scheme, conspire
KJ I.i.214
Yet to auoid deceit I meane to learne;Yet to avoid deceit I mean to learn; KJ I.i.215
For it shall strew the footsteps of my rising:For it shall strew the footsteps of my rising.strew (v.)
scatter, be spread over
KJ I.i.216
footsteps (n.)
footpath, pathway, steps
But who comes in such haste in riding robes?But who comes in such haste in riding robes? KJ I.i.217
What woman post is this? hath she no husbandWhat woman-post is this? Hath she no husbandwoman-post (n.)

old form: woman post
female carrier of dispatches
KJ I.i.218
That will take paines to blow a horne before her?That will take pains to blow a horn before her? KJ I.i.219
Enter Lady Faulconbridge and Iames Gurney.Enter Lady Faulconbridge and James Gurney KJ I.i.220
O me, 'tis my mother: how now good Lady,O me, 'tis my mother! How now, good lady? KJ I.i.220
What brings you heere to Court so hastily?What brings you here to court so hastily? KJ I.i.221
Where is that slaue thy brother? where is he?Where is that slave thy brother? Where is he KJ I.i.222
That holds in chase mine honour vp and downe.That holds in chase mine honour up and down?chase (n.)
pursuit, sequence, hunt
KJ I.i.223

My brother Robert, old Sir Roberts sonne:My brother Robert? Old Sir Robert's son? KJ I.i.224
Colbrand the Gyant, that same mighty man,Colbrand the Giant, that same mighty man?Colbrand (n.)
medieval Danish champion giant, killed by Sir Guy of Warwick at Winchester
KJ I.i.225
Is it Sir Roberts sonne that you seeke so?Is it Sir Robert's son that you seek so? KJ I.i.226
Sir Roberts sonne, I thou vnreuerend boy,Sir Robert's son? – Ay, thou unreverend boy,unreverend (adj.)

old form: vnreuerend
irreverent, impertinent, impudent
KJ I.i.227
Sir Roberts sonne? why scorn'st thou at sir Robert?Sir Robert's son. Why scornest thou at Sir Robert?scorn (v.)

old form: scorn'st
mock, jeer, express disdain [at]
KJ I.i.228
He is Sir Roberts sonne, and so art thou.He is Sir Robert's son, and so art thou. KJ I.i.229
Iames Gournie, wilt thou giue vs leaue a while?James Gurney, wilt thou give us leave a while? KJ I.i.230
Good leaue good Philip.Good leave, good Philip. KJ I.i.231.1
Philip, sparrow, Iames,Philip? – Sparrow! James, KJ I.i.231.2
There's toyes abroad, anon Ile tell thee more.There's toys abroad. Anon I'll tell thee more.toy (n.)

old form: toyes
trinket, trifle, trivial ornament
KJ I.i.232
anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
Exit Iames.Exit Gurney KJ I.i.232
Madam, I was not old Sir Roberts sonne,Madam, I was not old Sir Robert's son. KJ I.i.233
Sir Robert might haue eat his part in meSir Robert might have eat his part in me KJ I.i.234
Vpon good Friday, and nere broke his fast:Upon Good Friday and ne'er broke his fast. KJ I.i.235
Sir Robert could doe well, marrie to confesseSir Robert could do well – marry, to confessmarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
KJ I.i.236
confess (v.)

old form: confesse
be honest, be frank
Could get me sir Robert could not doe it;Could he get me! Sir Robert Faulconbridge could not do it!get (v.)
beget, conceive, breed
KJ I.i.237
We know his handy-worke, therefore good motherWe know his handiwork. Therefore, good mother, KJ I.i.238
To whom am I beholding for these limmes?To whom am I beholding for these limbs?beholding (adj.)
beholden, obliged, indebted
KJ I.i.239
Sir Robert neuer holpe to make this legge.Sir Robert never holp to make this leg. KJ I.i.240
Hast thou conspired with thy brother too,Hast thou conspired with thy brother too, KJ I.i.241
That for thine owne gaine shouldst defend mine honor?That for thine own gain shouldst defend mine honour? KJ I.i.242
What meanes this scorne, thou most vntoward knaue?What means this scorn, thou most untoward knave?knave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
KJ I.i.243
untoward (adj.)

old form: vntoward
unmannerly, improper, unseemly
Knight, knight good mother, Basilisco-like:Knight, knight, good mother, Basilisco-like!Basilisco (n.)
[pron: basi'liskoh] knight character in a contemporary play, Solyman and Perseda
KJ I.i.244
What, I am dub'd, I haue it on my shoulder:What! I am dubbed, I have it on my shoulder. KJ I.i.245
But mother, I am not Sir Roberts sonne,But, mother, I am not Sir Robert's son. KJ I.i.246
I haue disclaim'd Sir Robert and my land,I have disclaimed Sir Robert and my land;disclaim (v.)

old form: disclaim'd
disown, repudiate, renounce [connection with]
KJ I.i.247
Legitimation, name, and all is gone;Legitimation, name, and all is gone.legitimation (n.)
KJ I.i.248
Then good my mother, let me know my father,Then, good my mother, let me know my father; KJ I.i.249
Some proper man I hope, who was it mother?Some proper man, I hope. Who was it, mother? KJ I.i.250
Hast thou denied thy selfe a Faulconbridge?Hast thou denied thyself a Faulconbridge? KJ I.i.251
As faithfully as I denie the deuill.As faithfully as I deny the devil. KJ I.i.252
King Richard Cordelion was thy father,King Richard Coeur-de-lion was thy father. KJ I.i.253
By long and vehement suit I was seduc'dBy long and vehement suit I was seducedsuit (n.)
wooing, courtship
KJ I.i.254
To make roome for him in my husbands bed:To make room for him in my husband's bed. KJ I.i.255
Heauen lay not my transgression to my charge,Heaven lay not my transgression to my charge! KJ I.i.256
That art the issue of my deere offenceThou art the issue of my dear offence,issue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
KJ I.i.257
Which was so strongly vrg'd past my defence.Which was so strongly urged past my defence.urge (v.)

old form: vrg'd
solicit, force, press forward
KJ I.i.258
Now by this light were I to get againe,Now, by this light, were I to get again,get (v.)
beget, conceive, breed
KJ I.i.259
Madam I would not wish a better father:Madam, I would not wish a better father. KJ I.i.260
Some sinnes doe beare their priuiledge on earth,Some sins do bear their privilege on earth,privilege (n.)

old form: priuiledge
sanctuary, immunity, asylum
KJ I.i.261
And so doth yours: your fault, was not your follie,And so doth yours. Your fault was not your folly. KJ I.i.262
Needs must you lay your heart at his dispose,Needs must you lay your heart at his dispose,dispose (n.)
disposal, control, discretion
KJ I.i.263
Subiected tribute to commanding loue,Subjected tribute to commanding love, KJ I.i.264
Against whose furie and vnmatched force,Against whose fury and unmatched force KJ I.i.265
The awlesse Lion could not wage the fight,The aweless lion could not wage the fight,wage (v.)
risk, venture upon, engage in
KJ I.i.266
aweless (adj.)

old form: awlesse
fearless, unintimidated
Nor keepe his Princely heart from Richards hand:Nor keep his princely heart from Richard's hand. KJ I.i.267
He that perforce robs Lions of their hearts,He that perforce robs lions of their heartsperforce (adv.)
forcibly, by force, violently
KJ I.i.268
May easily winne a womans: aye my mother,May easily win a woman's. Ay, my mother, KJ I.i.269
With all my heart I thanke thee for my father:With all my heart I thank thee for my father. KJ I.i.270
Who liues and dares but say, thou didst not wellWho lives and dares but say thou didst not well KJ I.i.271
When I was got, Ile send his soule to hell.When I was got, I'll send his soul to hell.get (v.)
beget, conceive, breed
KJ I.i.272
Come Lady I will shew thee to my kinne,Come, lady, I will show thee to my kin, KJ I.i.273
And they shall say, when Richard me begot,And they shall say, when Richard me begot,beget (v.), past form begot
give birth to, father, conceive
KJ I.i.274
If thou hadst sayd him nay, it had beene sinne;If thou hadst said him nay, it had been sin. KJ I.i.275
Who sayes it was, he lyes, I say twas not.Who says it was, he lies – I say 'twas not! KJ I.i.276
Exeunt.Exeunt KJ I.i.276
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