Measure for Measure

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Duke, Escalus, Lords.Enter Duke, Escalus, Lords, and Attendants MM I.i.1
EScalus.Escalus. MM I.i.1
My Lord.My lord. MM I.i.2
Duk. DUKE 
Of Gouernment, the properties to vnfold,Of government the properties to unfold MM I.i.3
Would seeme in me t' affect speech & discourse,Would seem in me t' affect speech and discourse,discourse (n.)
conversation, talk, chat
MM I.i.4
affect (v.)
assume, display, put on, practise in an artificial way
Since I am put to know, that your owne ScienceSince I am put to know that your own scienceput (v.)
force, make, compel
MM I.i.5
science (n.)
knowledge, learning
Exceedes (in that) the lists of all aduiceExceeds, in that, the lists of all advicelist (n.)
boundary, limit, confines
MM I.i.6
My strength can giue you: Then no more remainesMy strength can give you. Then no more remainsstrength (n.)
mental capacity, intellectual power
MM I.i.7
But that, to your sufficiency, as your worth is able,But that, to your sufficiency, as your worth is able,sufficiency (n.)
competence, ability, capability
MM I.i.8
And let them worke: The nature of our People,And let them work. The nature of our people, MM I.i.9
Our Cities Institutions, and the TermesOur city's institutions, and the termsterm (n.)

old form: Termes
state, condition, circumstance
MM I.i.10
institution (n.)
custom, usage, practice
For Common Iustice, y'are as pregnant inFor common justice, y'are as pregnant inpregnant (adj.)
well-versed, knowledgeable
MM I.i.11
As Art, and practise, hath inriched anyAs art and practice hath enriched anyart (n.)
knowledge, learning, scholarship, science
MM I.i.12
That we remember: There is our Commission,That we remember. There is our commission,commission (n.)
warrant, authority [to act]
MM I.i.13
From which, we would not haue you warpe; call hither,From which we would not have you warp. Call hither,warp (v.)

old form: warpe
deviate, turn away, diverge
MM I.i.14
I say, bid come before vs Angelo:I say, bid come before us Angelo. MM I.i.15
Exit an Attendant MM I.i.15
What figure of vs thinke you, he will beare.What figure of us think you he will bear?figure (n.)
copy, image, likeness
MM I.i.16
For you must know, we haue with speciall souleFor you must know, we have with special soulsoul (n.)

old form: soule
inner conviction, personal impulse
MM I.i.17
Elected him our absence to supply;Elected him our absence to supply,elect (v.)
pick out, choose, select
MM I.i.18
supply (v.)
fill up, take [the place of], occupy, substitute
Lent him our terror, drest him with our loue,Lent him our terror, dressed him with our love,terror (n.)
power to inspire dread
MM I.i.19
And giuen his Deputation all the OrgansAnd given his deputation all the organsorgan (n.)
agent, instrument, means
MM I.i.20
deputation (n.)
delegation, appointment as deputy
Of our owne powre: What thinke you of it?Of our own power. What think you of it?power (n.)

old form: powre
authority, government
MM I.i.21
If any in Vienna be of worthIf any in Vienna be of worth MM I.i.22
To vndergoe such ample grace, and honour,To undergo such ample grace and honour,undergo (v.)

old form: vndergoe
support, sustain, bear
MM I.i.23
It is Lord Angelo.It is Lord Angelo. MM I.i.24.1
Enter Angelo.Enter Angelo MM I.i.24
Looke where he comes.Look where he comes. MM I.i.24.2
Alwayes obedient to your Graces will,Always obedient to your grace's will, MM I.i.25
I come to know your pleasure.I come to know your pleasure. MM I.i.26.1
Duke. DUKE 
Angelo:Angelo, MM I.i.26.2
There is a kinde of Character in thy life,There is a kind of character in thy lifecharacter (n.)
distinctive sign, stamp, trait
MM I.i.27
That to th' obseruer, doth thy historyThat to th' observer doth thy history MM I.i.28
Fully vnfold: Thy selfe, and thy belongingsFully unfold. Thyself and thy belongingsbelonging (n.)
attribute, capability, personal quality
MM I.i.29
Are not thine owne so proper, as to wasteAre not thine own so proper as to wasteproper (adj.)
personal, private, individual
MM I.i.30
Thy selfe vpon thy vertues; they on thee:Thyself upon thy virtues, they on thee. MM I.i.31
Heauen doth with vs, as we, with Torches doe,Heaven doth with us as we with torches do, MM I.i.32
Not light them for themselues: For if our vertuesNot light them for themselves: for if our virtues MM I.i.33
Did not goe forth of vs, 'twere all alikeDid not go forth of us, 'twere all alike MM I.i.34
As if we had them not: Spirits are not finely tonch'd,As if we had them not. Spirits are not finely touchedfinely (adv.)
nicely, delicately, subtly
MM I.i.35
touch (v.)

old form: tonch'd
test the quality [of], put to the test
But to fine issues: nor nature neuer lendsBut to fine issues, nor Nature never lendsissue (n.)
action, deed, proceeding
MM I.i.36
nature (n.)
natural order, ungoverned state, way of the world [often personified]
fine (adj.)
subtle, intricate
The smallest scruple of her excellence,The smallest scruple of her excellencescruple (n.)
tiny amount, last ounce
MM I.i.37
But like a thrifty goddesse, she determinesBut, like a thrifty goddess, she determines MM I.i.38
Her selfe the glory of a creditour,Herself the glory of a creditor, MM I.i.39
Both thanks, and vse; but I do bend my speechBoth thanks and use. But I do bend my speechuse (n.)

old form: vse
profit, interest, premium
MM I.i.40
bend (v.)
aim, direct, level, turn
To one that can my part in him aduertise;To one that can my part in him advertise.advertise, advertize (v.)

old form: aduertise
make known, instruct, inform about
MM I.i.41
Hold therefore Angelo:Hold therefore, Angelo: MM I.i.42
In our remoue, be thou at full, our selfe:In our remove be thou at full ourself.remove (n.)

old form: remoue
change of residence, departure
MM I.i.43
Mortallitie and Mercie in ViennaMortality and mercy in Vienna MM I.i.44
Liue in thy tongue, and heart: Old EscalusLive in thy tongue and heart. Old Escalus, MM I.i.45
Though first in question, is thy secondary.Though first in question, is thy secondary.question (n.)
consideration, contention
MM I.i.46
secondary (n.)
deputy, agent, second-in-command
Take thy Commission.Take thy commission. MM I.i.47.1
Now good my LordNow, good my lord, MM I.i.47.2
Let there be some more test, made of my mettle,Let there be some more test made of my metal MM I.i.48
Before so noble, and so great a figureBefore so noble and so great a figurefigure (n.)
copy, image, likeness
MM I.i.49
Be stamp't vpon it.Be stamped upon't. MM I.i.50.1
No more euasion:No more evasion. MM I.i.50.2
We haue with a leauen'd, and prepared choiceWe have with leavened and prepared choiceleavened (adj.)

old form: leauen'd
carefully considered, well-thought-out
MM I.i.51
Proceeded to you; therefore take your honors:Proceeded to you; therefore take your honours. MM I.i.52
Our haste from hence is of so quicke condition,Our haste from hence is of so quick conditionquick (adj.)

old form: quicke
hasty, hurried
MM I.i.53
condition (n.)
nature, state, circumstances
That it prefers it selfe, and leaues vnquestion'dThat it prefers itself, and leaves unquestionedprefer (v.)
promote, advance, recommend
MM I.i.54
unquestioned (adj.)

old form: vnquestion'd
unconsidered, unexamined, not inquired into
Matters of needfull value: We shall write to youMatters of needful value. We shall write to you, MM I.i.55
As time, and our concernings shall importune,As time and our concernings shall importune,importune (v.)
urge, press
MM I.i.56
concerning (n.)
concern, affair, matter
How it goes with vs, and doe looke to knowHow it goes with us, and do look to know MM I.i.57
What doth befall you here. So fare you well:What doth befall you here. So fare you well.fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
MM I.i.58
befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell
happen to, come to
To th' hopefull execution doe I leaue you,To th' hopeful execution do I leave youexecution (n.)
exercising, putting into operation
MM I.i.59
Of your CommissionsOf your commissions. MM I.i.60.1
Yet giue leaue (my Lord,)Yet give leave, my lord, MM I.i.60.2
That we may bring you something on the wayThat we may bring you something on the way.something (adv.)
a little, to some extent
MM I.i.61
bring (v.)
accompany, conduct, escort
My haste may not admit it,My haste may not admit it; MM I.i.62
Nor neede you (on mine honor) haue to doeNor need you, on mine honour, have to do MM I.i.63
With any scruple: your scope is as mine owne,With any scruple. Your scope is as mine own,scruple (n.)
suspicion, misgiving, doubt
MM I.i.64
So to inforce, or qualifie the LawesSo to enforce or qualify the laws MM I.i.65
As to your soule seemes good: Giue me your hand,As to your soul seems good. Give me your hand. MM I.i.66
Ile priuily away: I loue the people,I'll privily away: I love the people,privily (adv.)

old form: priuily
secretly, privately, stealthily
MM I.i.67
But doe not like to stage me to their eyes:But do not like to stage me to their eyes;stage (v.)
put on stage, put on public display
MM I.i.68
Though it doe well, I doe not rellish wellThough it do well, I do not relish well MM I.i.69
Their lowd applause, and Aues vehement:Their loud applause and aves vehement,ave (n.)

old form: Aues
acclamation, ovation, welcoming shout
MM I.i.70
Nor doe I thinke the man of safe discretionNor do I think the man of safe discretion MM I.i.71
That do's affect it. Once more fare you well.That does affect it. Once more, fare you well.affect (v.)
cultivate, aim at, seek out
MM I.i.72
The heauens giue safety to your purposes.The heavens give safety to your purposes!purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
MM I.i.73
Lead forth, and bring you backe in happinesse. Lead forth and bring you back in happiness! MM I.i.74
Duk. DUKE 
I thanke you, fare you well.I thank you. Fare you well. MM I.i.75
Exit.Exit MM I.i.75
I shall desire you, Sir, to giue me leaueI shall desire you, sir, to give me leave MM I.i.76
To haue free speech with you; and it concernes meTo have free speech with you, and it concerns mefree (adj.)
frank, undisguised, open
MM I.i.77
concern (v.)

old form: concernes
be important to, be the concern of
To looke into the bottome of my place :To look into the bottom of my (n.)
position, post, office, rank
MM I.i.78
bottom (n.)

old form: bottome
total extent, basis, foundation
A powre I haue, but of what strength and nature,A power I have, but of what strength and naturepower (n.)

old form: powre
exercise of power, authoritative action
MM I.i.79
I am not yet instructed.I am not yet instructed. MM I.i.80
'Tis so with me: Let vs with-draw together,'Tis so with me. Let us withdraw together, MM I.i.81
And we may soone our satisfaction haueAnd we may soon our satisfaction have MM I.i.82
Touching that point.Touching that point. MM I.i.83.1
Ile wait vpon your honor.I'll wait upon your honour.wait on / upon (v.)

old form: vpon
accompany, attend
MM I.i.83.2
Exeunt.Exeunt MM I.i.83
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