Henry VI Part 1

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Sound a Flourish. Enter Charles, Sound a flourish. Enter Charles the Dauphin, the 1H6 I.ii.1.1
Alanson, and Reigneir, marching with Drum Duke of Alençon, and Reignier, marching with drumdrum (n.)
1H6 I.ii.1.2
and Souldiers.and soldiers 1H6 I.ii.1.3
Charles. CHARLES 
Mars his true mouing, euen as in the Heauens,Mars his true moving, even as in the heavensMars (n.)
Roman god of war
1H6 I.ii.1
So in the Earth, to this day is not knowne.So in the earth, to this day is not known. 1H6 I.ii.2
Late did he shine vpon the English side:Late did he shine upon the English side;late (adv.)
recently, a little while ago / before
1H6 I.ii.3
Now we are Victors, vpon vs he smiles.Now we are victors, upon us he smiles. 1H6 I.ii.4
What Townes of any moment, but we haue?What towns of any moment but we have?moment (n.)
importance, weight, consequence
1H6 I.ii.5
At pleasure here we lye, neere Orleance:At pleasure here we lie, near Orleans;lie (v.)

old form: lye
be encamped, be quartered
1H6 I.ii.6
Otherwhiles, the famisht English, like pale Ghosts,Otherwhiles the famished English, like pale ghosts,otherwhiles (adv.)
at various times, on occasion
1H6 I.ii.7
Faintly besiege vs one houre in a moneth.Faintly besiege us one hour in a month.faintly (adv.)
weakly, feebly, faintheartedly
1H6 I.ii.8
They want their Porredge, & their fat Bul Beeues:They want their porridge and their fat bull-beeves.porridge (n.)

old form: Porredge
meat and vegetable stew or broth [reputed to produce strength]
1H6 I.ii.9
want (v.)
lack, need, be without
bull-beef (n.)

old form: Bul Beeues
joint of beef [reputed to give strength]
Eyther they must be dyeted like Mules,Either they must be dieted like mulesdiet (v.)

old form: dyeted
feed, be given food, fatten
1H6 I.ii.10
And haue their Prouender ty'd to their mouthes,And have their provender tied to their mouths,provender (n.)

old form: Prouender
feed, fodder
1H6 I.ii.11
Or pitteous they will looke, like drowned Mice.Or piteous they will look, like drowned mice. 1H6 I.ii.12
Let's rayse the Siege: why liue we idly here?Let's raise the siege. Why live we idly here?raise (v.)

old form: rayse
put an end to, finish
1H6 I.ii.13
Talbot is taken, whom we wont to feare:Talbot is taken, whom we wont to fear.wont (v.)
be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of
1H6 I.ii.14
Remayneth none but mad-brayn'd Salisbury,Remaineth none but mad-brained Salisbury, 1H6 I.ii.15
And he may well in fretting spend his gall,And he may well in fretting spend his gall;spend (v.)
expend, express, give vent to
1H6 I.ii.16
gall (n.)
spirit of anger, venom, ability to be angry
fretting (n.)
impatience, vexation, frustration
Nor men nor Money hath he to make Warre.Nor men nor money hath he to make war. 1H6 I.ii.17
Charles. CHARLES 
Sound, sound Alarum, we will rush on them.Sound, sound alarum; we will rush on them.alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.)
call to arms, call to battle, signal to begin fighting
1H6 I.ii.18
Now for the honour of the forlorne French:Now for the honour of the forlorn French!forlorn (adj.)

old form: forlorne
life-endangering, risk-taking
1H6 I.ii.19
Him I forgiue my death, that killeth me,Him I forgive my death that killeth me 1H6 I.ii.20
When he sees me goe back one foot, or flye. When he sees me go back one foot or fly. 1H6 I.ii.21
Exeunt.Exeunt 1H6 I.ii.21
Here Alarum, they are beaten back by the English,Here alarum. They are beaten back by the English 1H6 I.ii.22.1
with great losse. Enter Charles, Alanson, and with great loss. Enter Charles, Alençon, and 1H6 I.ii.22.2
Reigneir.Reignier 1H6 I.ii.22.3
Charles. CHARLES 
Who euer saw the like? what men haue I?Who ever saw the like? What men have I! 1H6 I.ii.22
Dogges, Cowards, Dastards: I would ne're haue fled,Dogs! Cowards! Dastards! I would ne'er have fleddastard (n.)
coward, sissy, runaway, traitor
1H6 I.ii.23
But that they left me 'midst my Enemies.But that they left me 'midst my enemies. 1H6 I.ii.24
Reigneir. REIGNIER 
Salisbury is a desperate Homicide,Salisbury is a desperate homicide;homicide (n.)
killer of men, murderer, slayer
1H6 I.ii.25
He fighteth as one weary of his life:He fighteth as one weary of his life. 1H6 I.ii.26
The other Lords, like Lyons wanting foode,The other lords, like lions wanting food,want (v.)
require, demand, need
1H6 I.ii.27
Doe rush vpon vs as their hungry prey.Do rush upon us as their hungry prey. 1H6 I.ii.28
Alanson. ALENÇON 
Froysard, a Countreyman of ours, records,Froissart, a countryman of ours, records 1H6 I.ii.29
England all Oliuers and Rowlands breed,England all Olivers and Rolands bred 1H6 I.ii.30
During the time Edward the third did raigne:During the time Edward the Third did reign. 1H6 I.ii.31
More truly now may this be verified;More truly now may this be verified;verify (v.)
confirm, substantiate, prove correct
1H6 I.ii.32
For none but Samsons and GoliassesFor none but Samsons and GoliasesGolias, Goliath (n.)
[pron: go'liyas] in the Bible, Goliath; a giant, seen as a model of strength
1H6 I.ii.33
Samson (n.)
in the Bible, a judge, possessor of legendary strength
It sendeth forth to skirmish: one to tenne?It sendeth forth to skirmish. One to ten!skirmish (v.)
do battle, wage war
1H6 I.ii.34
Leane raw-bon'd Rascals, who would e're suppose,Lean raw-boned rascals! Who would e'er supposerascal (n.)
worthless wretch, good-for-nothing
1H6 I.ii.35
They had such courage and audacitie?They had such courage and audacity? 1H6 I.ii.36
Charles. CHARLES 
Let's leaue this Towne, / For they are hayre-brayn'd Slaues,Let's leave this town; for they are hare-brained slaves, 1H6 I.ii.37
And hunger will enforce them to be more eager:And hunger will enforce them to be more eager.eager (adj.)
fierce, angry, savage
1H6 I.ii.38
Of old I know them; rather with their TeethOf old I know them; rather with their teeth 1H6 I.ii.39
The Walls they'le teare downe, then forsake the Siege.The walls they'll tear down than forsake the siege. 1H6 I.ii.40
Reigneir. REIGNIER 
I thinke by some odde Gimmors or DeuiceI think by some odd gimmers or devicegimmers (n.)

old form: Gimmors
gimmals, mechanical joints, connecting links
1H6 I.ii.41
Their Armes are set, like Clocks, still to strike on;Their arms are set like clocks, stiff to strike on; 1H6 I.ii.42
Else ne're could they hold out so as they doe:Else ne'er could they hold out so as they do. 1H6 I.ii.43
By my consent, wee'le euen let them alone.By my consent, we'll even let them alone.consent (n.)
opinion, feeling, counsel
1H6 I.ii.44
Alanson. ALENÇON 
Be it so.Be it so. 1H6 I.ii.45
Enter the Bastard of Orleance.Enter the Bastard of Orleans 1H6 I.ii.46
Bastard. BASTARD 
Where's the Prince Dolphin? I haue newes for him.Where's the Prince Dauphin? I have news for him. 1H6 I.ii.46
Bastard of Orleance, thrice welcome to vs.Bastard of Orleans, thrice welcome to us. 1H6 I.ii.47
Me thinks your looks are sad, your chear appal'd.Methinks your looks are sad, your cheer appalled.cheer (n.)

old form: chear
face, look, expression
1H6 I.ii.48
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thinks
it seems / seemed to me
sad (adj.)
serious, grave, solemn
appal (v.)

old form: appal'd
turn pale, terrify, dismay
Hath the late ouerthrow wrought this offence?Hath the late overthrow wrought this offence?offence (n.)
damage, injury, harm
1H6 I.ii.49
late (adj.)
recent, not long past
Be not dismay'd, for succour is at hand:Be not dismayed, for succour is at hand. 1H6 I.ii.50
A holy Maid hither with me I bring,A holy maid hither with me I bring, 1H6 I.ii.51
Which by a Vision sent to her from Heauen,Which, by a vision sent to her from heaven, 1H6 I.ii.52
Ordayned is to rayse this tedious Siege,Ordained is to raise this tedious siege 1H6 I.ii.53
And driue the English forth the bounds of France:And drive the English forth the bounds of France.forth (prep.)
out of
1H6 I.ii.54
bound (n.)
territory, region, domain
The spirit of deepe Prophecie she hath,The spirit of deep prophecy she hath, 1H6 I.ii.55
Exceeding the nine Sibyls of old Rome:Exceeding the nine sibyls of old Rome:Sibyl, Sybilla (n.)
priestess inspired by Apollo, her prophecies being written on leaves; Apollo granted her as many years of life as she could hold grains of sand in her hand
1H6 I.ii.56
What's past, and what's to come, she can descry.What's past and what's to come she can descry.descry (v.)
reveal, disclose, make known
1H6 I.ii.57
Speake, shall I call her in? beleeue my words,Speak, shall I call her in? Believe my words, 1H6 I.ii.58
For they are certaine, and vnfallible.For they are certain and unfallible.unfallible (adj.)

old form: vnfallible
infallible, not mistaken
1H6 I.ii.59
Goe call her in: Go, call her in. 1H6 I.ii.60.1
Exit Bastard 1H6 I.ii.60
but first, to try her skill,But first, to try her skill,try (v.)
prove, ascertain, find out
1H6 I.ii.60.2
Reignier stand thou as Dolphin in my place;Reignier, stand thou as Dauphin in my place; 1H6 I.ii.61
Question her prowdly, let thy Lookes be sterne,Question her proudly, let thy looks be stern;proudly (adv.)

old form: prowdly
haughtily, arrogantly, disdainfully
1H6 I.ii.62
By this meanes shall we sound what skill she hath.By this means shall we sound what skill she hath.sound (v.)
find out, ascertain, sound out
1H6 I.ii.63
Enter Ioane Puzel.Enter Joan la Pucelle and the Bastard 1H6 I.ii.64
Reigneir. REIGNIER 
Faire Maid, is't thou wilt doe these wondrous feats?Fair maid, is't thou wilt do these wondrous feats? 1H6 I.ii.64
Reignier, is't thou that thinkest to beguile me?Reignier, is't thou that thinkest to beguile me?beguile (v.)
cheat, deceive, trick
1H6 I.ii.65
Where is the Dolphin? Come, come from behinde,Where is the Dauphin? Come, come from behind; 1H6 I.ii.66
I know thee well, though neuer seene before.I know thee well, though never seen before. 1H6 I.ii.67
Be not amaz'd, there's nothing hid from me;Be not amazed, there's nothing hid from me. 1H6 I.ii.68
In priuate will I talke with thee apart:In private will I talk with thee apart. 1H6 I.ii.69
Stand back you Lords, and giue vs leaue a while.Stand back, you lords, and give us leave awhile. 1H6 I.ii.70
Reigneir. REIGNIER 
She takes vpon her brauely at first dash.She takes upon her bravely at first dash.take upon (v.)

old form: takes vpon
undertake a role, assume a responsibility [for oneself]
1H6 I.ii.71
dash (n.)
encounter, sight, meeting
bravely (adv.)

old form: brauely
splendidly, worthily, excellently
Dolphin, I am by birth a Shepheards Daughter,Dauphin, I am by birth a shepherd's daughter, 1H6 I.ii.72
My wit vntrayn'd in any kind of Art:My wit untrained in any kind of art.wit (n.)
mind, brain, thoughts
1H6 I.ii.73
art (n.)
knowledge, learning, scholarship, science
Heauen and our Lady gracious hath it pleas'dHeaven and Our Lady gracious hath it pleased 1H6 I.ii.74
To shine on my contemptible estate.To shine on my contemptible estate.estate (n.)
state, situation, circumstances
1H6 I.ii.75
contemptible (adj.)
despised, despicable, lowly
Loe, whilest I wayted on my tender Lambes,Lo, whilst I waited on my tender lambs 1H6 I.ii.76
And to Sunnes parching heat display'd my cheekes,And to sun's parching heat displayed my cheeks, 1H6 I.ii.77
Gods Mother deigned to appeare to me,God's Mother deigned to appear to me, 1H6 I.ii.78
And in a Vision full of Maiestie,And in a vision full of majesty 1H6 I.ii.79
Will'd me to leaue my base Vocation,Willed me to leave my base vocationbase (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
1H6 I.ii.80
And free my Countrey from Calamitie:And free my country from calamity; 1H6 I.ii.81
Her ayde she promis'd, and assur'd successe.Her aid she promised and assured success. 1H6 I.ii.82
In compleat Glory shee reueal'd her selfe:In complete glory she revealed herself; 1H6 I.ii.83
And whereas I was black and swart before,And whereas I was black and swart before,swart, swarth (adj.)
swarthy, dusky, of dark complexion
1H6 I.ii.84
With those cleare Rayes, which shee infus'd on me,With those clear rays which she infused on meinfuse (v.)

old form: infus'd
pour into, shed on, radiate upon
1H6 I.ii.85
with (prep.)
by virtue of
That beautie am I blest with, which you may see.That beauty am I blessed with which you may see. 1H6 I.ii.86
Aske me what question thou canst possible,Ask me what question thou canst possible, 1H6 I.ii.87
And I will answer vnpremeditated:And I will answer unpremeditated. 1H6 I.ii.88
My Courage trie by Combat, if thou dar'st,My courage try by combat, if thou darest,try (v.)

old form: trie
prove, ascertain, find out
1H6 I.ii.89
And thou shalt finde that I exceed my Sex.And thou shalt find that I exceed my sex. 1H6 I.ii.90
Resolue on this, thou shalt be fortunate,Resolve on this: thou shalt be fortunateresolve (v.)

old form: Resolue
be certain [of], rest assured, be sure
1H6 I.ii.91
If thou receiue me for thy Warlike Mate.If thou receive me for thy warlike mate.mate (n.)
companion, associate, comrade
1H6 I.ii.92
Thou hast astonisht me with thy high termes:Thou hast astonished me with thy high terms.high (adj.)
lofty, elevated, grand
1H6 I.ii.93
term (n.)

old form: termes
word, expression, utterance
Onely this proofe Ile of thy Valour make,Only this proof I'll of thy valour make:proof (n.)

old form: proofe
test, trial
1H6 I.ii.94
In single Combat thou shalt buckle with me;In single combat thou shalt buckle with me,buckle (v.)
grapple, engage, fight at close quarters
1H6 I.ii.95
And if thou vanquishest, thy words are true,And if thou vanquishest, thy words are true; 1H6 I.ii.96
Otherwise I renounce all confidence.Otherwise I renounce all confidence.confidence (n.)
reliance, trust, faith
1H6 I.ii.97
I am prepar'd: here is my keene-edg'd Sword,I am prepared; here is my keen-edged sword, 1H6 I.ii.98
Deckt with fine Flower-de-Luces on each side,Decked with five flower-de-luces on each side,fleur-de-lis, flower-de-luce (n.)
heraldic lily [royal symbol of France]
1H6 I.ii.99
deck (v.)

old form: Deckt
cover, adorn, decorate
The which at Touraine, in S.Katherines Church-yard,The which at Touraine, in Saint Katherine's churchyard, 1H6 I.ii.100
Out of a great deale of old Iron, I chose forth.Out of a great deal of old iron I chose forth.choose forth (v.)
select, pick out, make a choice
1H6 I.ii.101
Then come a Gods name, I feare no woman.Then come, a God's name; I fear no woman.a (prep.)
variant form of 'in'
1H6 I.ii.102
And while I liue, Ile ne're flye from a man.And while I live, I'll ne'er fly from a man. 1H6 I.ii.103
Here they fight, and Ioane de Puzel ouercomes.Here they fight, and Joan la Pucelle overcomes 1H6 I.ii.104.1
Stay, stay thy hands, thou art an Amazon,Stay, stay thy hands; thou art an Amazon,Amazon, Amazonian (n.)
one of a race of warrior women, said to be descended from Ares, god of war
1H6 I.ii.104
And fightest with the Sword of Debora.And fightest with the sword of Deborah.Deborah (n.)
in the Bible, Hebrew prophetess, judge, and army commander
1H6 I.ii.105
Christs Mother helpes me, else I were too weake.Christ's Mother helps me, else I were too weak. 1H6 I.ii.106
Who e're helps thee, 'tis thou that must help me:Whoe'er helps thee, 'tis thou that must help me. 1H6 I.ii.107
Impatiently I burne with thy desire,Impatiently I burn with thy desire; 1H6 I.ii.108
My heart and hands thou hast at once subdu'd.My heart and hands thou hast at once subdued. 1H6 I.ii.109
Excellent Puzel, if thy name be so,Excellent Pucelle, if thy name be so,excellent (adj.)
[of people] all-excelling, pre-eminent, superlative
1H6 I.ii.110
Let me thy seruant, and not Soueraigne be,Let me thy servant and not sovereign be;servant (n.)

old form: seruant
devotee, one who gives dedicated service, lover
1H6 I.ii.111
'Tis the French Dolphin sueth to thee thus.'Tis the French Dauphin sueth to thee thus. 1H6 I.ii.112
I must not yeeld to any rights of Loue,I must not yield to any rites of love, 1H6 I.ii.113
For my Profession's sacred from aboue:For my profession's sacred from above.sacred (adj.)
consecrated, hallowed, sanctified
1H6 I.ii.114
When I haue chased all thy Foes from hence,When I have chased all thy foes from hence, 1H6 I.ii.115
Then will I thinke vpon a recompence.Then will I think upon a recompense. 1H6 I.ii.116
Meane time looke gracious on thy prostrate Thrall.Meantime look gracious on thy prostrate thrall.thrall (n.)
slave, subject, captive
1H6 I.ii.117
Reigneir. REIGNIER 
My Lord me thinkes is very long in talke.My lord, methinks, is very long in talk.methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
1H6 I.ii.118
Doubtlesse he shriues this woman to her smock,Doubtless he shrives this woman to her smock;shrive (v.)

old form: shriues
hear confession, grant absolution, forgive
1H6 I.ii.119
smock (n.)
woman's undergarment, shift, slip, chemise
Else ne're could he so long protract his speech.Else ne'er could he so long protract his speech. 1H6 I.ii.120
Reigneir. REIGNIER 
Shall wee disturbe him, since hee keepes no meane?Shall we disturb him, since he keeps no mean?mean (n.)

old form: meane
moderation, measure, limit
1H6 I.ii.121
He may meane more then we poor men do know,He may mean more than we poor men do know; 1H6 I.ii.122
These women are shrewd tempters with their tongues.These women are shrewd tempters with their tongues.shrewd (adj.)
wily, cunning, mischievous
1H6 I.ii.123
My Lord,where are you? what deuise you on?My lord, where are you? What devise you on?devise on (v.)

old form: deuise
decide on, resolve, determine
1H6 I.ii.124
Shall we giue o're Orleance, or no?Shall we give o'er Orleans or no? 1H6 I.ii.125
Why no, I say: distrustfull Recreants,Why, no, I say; distrustful recreants,recreant (n.)
coward, faint-hearted individual
1H6 I.ii.126
distrustful (adj.)

old form: distrustfull
hesitant, diffident, lacking confidence
Fight till the last gaspe: Ile be your guard.Fight till the last gasp; I'll be your guard. 1H6 I.ii.127
What shee sayes, Ile confirme: wee'le fight it out.What she says, I'll confirm; we'll fight it out. 1H6 I.ii.128
Assign'd am I to be the English Scourge.Assigned am I to be the English scourge. 1H6 I.ii.129
This night the Siege assuredly Ile rayse:This night the siege assuredly I'll raise. 1H6 I.ii.130
Expect Saint Martins Summer, Halcyons dayes,Expect Saint Martin's summer, halcyon days,Saint Martin's summer

old form: Martins
Indian summer [feast of St Martin on 11 November]
1H6 I.ii.131
halcyon (n.)
Martin, Saint
patron saint of France, 4th-c
Since I haue entred into these Warres.Since I have entered into these wars. 1H6 I.ii.132
Glory is like a Circle in the Water,Glory is like a circle in the water, 1H6 I.ii.133
Which neuer ceaseth to enlarge it selfe,Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself 1H6 I.ii.134
Till by broad spreading, it disperse to naught.Till by broad spreading it disperse to naught.naught, nought (n.)
1H6 I.ii.135
With Henries death, the English Circle ends,With Henry's death the English circle ends; 1H6 I.ii.136
Dispersed are the glories it included:Dispersed are the glories it included. 1H6 I.ii.137
Now am I like that prowd insulting Ship,Now am I like that proud insulting ship 1H6 I.ii.138
Which Casar and his fortune bare at once.Which Caesar and his fortune bare at once. 1H6 I.ii.139
Was Mahomet inspired with a Doue?Was Mahomet inspired with a dove?Mahomet (n.)
the prophet Mohammed; founder of Islam, 7th-c
1H6 I.ii.140
Thou with an Eagle art inspired then.Thou with an eagle art inspired then. 1H6 I.ii.141
Helen, the Mother of Great Constantine,Helen, the mother of great Constantine,Helen (n.)
mother of Constantine the Great, 3rd-c; St Helena
1H6 I.ii.142
Constantine (n.)
Constantine the Great, Roman emperor and saint, 4th-c
Nor yet S.Philips daughters were like thee.Nor yet Saint Philip's daughters were like thee.Philip, Saint
in the Bible, an evangelist who had four daughters who were prophets
1H6 I.ii.143
Bright Starre of Venus, falne downe on the Earth,Bright star of Venus, fallen down on the earth,Venus (n.)
planet particularly associated with love, beauty, and fertility
1H6 I.ii.144
How may I reuerently worship thee enough?How may I reverently worship thee enough? 1H6 I.ii.145
Alanson. ALENÇON 
Leaue off delayes, and let vs rayse the Siege.Leave off delays, and let us raise the siege. 1H6 I.ii.146
Woman, do what thou canst to saue our honors,Woman, do what thou canst to save our honours; 1H6 I.ii.147
Driue them from Orleance, and be immortaliz'd.Drive them from Orleans and be immortalized. 1H6 I.ii.148
Presently wee'le try: come,let's away about it,Presently we'll try. Come, let's away about it.presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
1H6 I.ii.149
No Prophet will I trust, if shee proue false.No prophet will I trust if she prove false.false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
1H6 I.ii.150
Exeunt.Exeunt 1H6 I.ii.150
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