Henry VIII

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Cornets. Enter King Henry, leaning on the Cardinals Cornets. Enter King Henry, leaning on the Cardinal's H8 I.ii.1.1
shoulder, the Nobles, and Sir Thomas Louell: the shoulder, the nobles, and Sir Thomas Lovell. The H8 I.ii.1.2
Cardinall places himselfe vnder the Kings feete on his Cardinal places himself under the King's feet on his H8 I.ii.1.3
right side.right side. Wolsey's Secretary in attendance H8 I.ii.1.4
My life it selfe, and the best heart of it,My life itself, and the best heart of it,heart (n.)
spirit, soul, essence
H8 I.ii.1
Thankes you for this great care: I stood i'th'leuellThanks you for this great care. I stood i'th' levellevel (n.)

old form: leuell
line of fire
H8 I.ii.2
Of a full-charg'd confederacie, and giue thankesOf a full-charged confederacy, and give thanksfull-charged (adj.)

old form: full-charg'd
fully loaded
H8 I.ii.3
confederacy (n.)

old form: confederacie
alliance, conspiracy, plot, united opposition
To you that choak'd it. Let be cald before vsTo you that choked it. Let be called before uschoke (v.)

old form: choak'd
suppress, crush, put down
H8 I.ii.4
That Gentleman of Buckinghams, in person,That gentleman of Buckingham's. In person H8 I.ii.5
Ile heare him his confessions iustifie,I'll hear him his confessions justify,justify (v.)

old form: iustifie
prove, confirm, demonstrate
H8 I.ii.6
And point by point the Treasons of his Maister,And point by point the treasons of his master H8 I.ii.7
He shall againe relate.He shall again relate. H8 I.ii.8
A noyse within crying roome for the Queene, vsher'd by theA noise within, crying ‘ Room for the Queen!’ H8 I.ii.9.1
Duke of Norfolke. Enter the Queene, Norfolke Enter the Queen, ushered by the Dukes of Norfolk H8 I.ii.9.2
and Suffolke: she kneels. King riseth from his and Suffolk. She kneels. The King riseth from his H8 I.ii.9.3
State, takes her vp, kisses and placeth her by him.state, takes her up, kisses and placeth her by himstate (n.)
throne, chair of state
H8 I.ii.9.4
Nay, we must longer kneele; I am a Suitor.Nay, we must longer kneel: I am a suitor.suitor (n.)
petitioner, supplicant, entreater
H8 I.ii.9
Arise, and take place by vs; halfe your SuitArise, and take place by us. Half your suitplace (n.)
precedence, proper place
H8 I.ii.10
suit (n.)
formal request, entreaty, petition
Neuer name to vs; you haue halfe our power:Never name to us: you have half our power. H8 I.ii.11
The other moity ere you aske is giuen,The other moiety ere you ask is given.moiety (n.)

old form: moity
half, equal share
H8 I.ii.12
Repeat your will, and take it.Repeat your will, and take it.will (n.)
desire, wish, liking, inclination
H8 I.ii.13.1
repeat (v.)
mention, speak of, utter
Thanke your MaiestyThank your majesty. H8 I.ii.13.2
That you would loue your selfe, and in that loueThat you would love yourself, and in that love H8 I.ii.14
Not vnconsidered leaue your Honour, norNot unconsidered leave your honour nor H8 I.ii.15
The dignity of your Office; is the poyntThe dignity of your office, is the pointoffice (n.)
role, position, place, function
H8 I.ii.16
Of my Petition.Of my petition. H8 I.ii.17.1
Lady mine proceed.Lady mine, proceed. H8 I.ii.17.2
I am solicited not by a few,I am solicited, not by a few, H8 I.ii.18
And those of true condition; That your SubiectsAnd those of true condition, that your subjectstrue (adj.)
loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance
H8 I.ii.19
Are in great grieuance: There haue beene CommissionsAre in great grievance. There have been commissionscommission (n.)
authoritative charge, government instruction
H8 I.ii.20
Sent downe among 'em, which hath flaw'd the heartSent down among 'em which hath flawed the heartflaw (v.)

old form: flaw'd
make a crack in, break, damage
H8 I.ii.21
Of all their Loyalties; wherein, althoughOf all their loyalties; wherein, although, H8 I.ii.22
My good Lord Cardinall, they vent reprochesMy good lord Cardinal, they vent reproachesvent (v.)
utter, express, air, proclaim
H8 I.ii.23
Most bitterly on you, as putter onMost bitterly on you as putter-onputter-on (n.)

old form: putter on
instigator, inciter, agitator
H8 I.ii.24
Of these exactions: yet the King, our MaisterOf these exactions, yet the King our master – exaction (n.)
extortionate taxation, exorbitant demand
H8 I.ii.25
Whose Honor Heauen shield from soile; euen he escapes notWhose honour heaven shield from soil! – even he escapes notsoil (n.)

old form: soile
blemish, stain, tarnish
H8 I.ii.26
Language vnmannerly; yea, such which breakesLanguage unmannerly, yea, such which breaks H8 I.ii.27
The sides of loyalty, and almost appearesThe sides of loyalty, and almost appears H8 I.ii.28
In lowd Rebellion.In loud rebellion. H8 I.ii.29.1
Not almost appeares,Not ‘ almost appears ’ –  H8 I.ii.29.2
It doth appeare; for, vpon these Taxations,It doth appear; for, upon these taxations, H8 I.ii.30
The Clothiers all not able to maintaineThe clothiers all, not able to maintain H8 I.ii.31
The many to them longing, haue put offThe many to them 'longing, have put offput off (v.)
dismiss, lay off, make redundant
H8 I.ii.32
long (v.)
belong, pertain, relate
The Spinsters, Carders, Fullers, Weauers, whoThe spinsters, carders, fullers, weavers, who,fuller (n.)
cleanser and thickener of cloth
H8 I.ii.33
spinster (n.)
domestic woman, one who stays at home spinning
carder (n.)
one who combs out impurities in wool
Vnfit for other life, compeld by hungerUnfit for other life, compelled by hunger H8 I.ii.34
And lack of other meanes, in desperate mannerAnd lack of other means, in desperate manner H8 I.ii.35
Daring th'euent too th'teeth, are all in vprore,Daring th' event to th' teeth, are all in uproar, H8 I.ii.36
And danger serues among them.And danger serves among them.serve (v.)

old form: serues
enter into service; or: await employment
H8 I.ii.37.1
Taxation?Taxation? H8 I.ii.37.2
Wherein? and what Taxation? My Lord Cardinall,Wherein? and what taxation? My lord Cardinal, H8 I.ii.38
You that are blam'd for it alike with vs,You that are blamed for it alike with us, H8 I.ii.39
Know you of this Taxation?Know you of this taxation? H8 I.ii.40.1
Please you Sir,Please you, sir, H8 I.ii.40.2
I know but of a single part in oughtI know but of a single part in aughtsingle (adj.)
individual, particular
H8 I.ii.41
aught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
Pertaines to th'State; and front but in that FilePertains to th' state, and front but in that filefront (v.)
march in the front rank, be in the forefront
H8 I.ii.42
file (n.)
rank of soldiers, formation
Where others tell steps with me.Where others tell steps with me.tell (v.)
count out, number, itemize
H8 I.ii.43.1
No, my Lord?No, my lord? H8 I.ii.43.2
You know no more then others? But you frameYou know no more than others? But you frameframe (v.)
arrange, organize, plan
H8 I.ii.44
Things that are knowne alike, which are not wholsomeThings that are known alike, which are not wholesomewholesome (adj.)

old form: wholsome
good, beneficial, advantageous
H8 I.ii.45
To those which would not know them, and yet mustTo those which would not know them, and yet must H8 I.ii.46
Perforce be their acquaintance. These exactionsPerforce be their acquaintance. These exactions,exaction (n.)
extortionate taxation, exorbitant demand
H8 I.ii.47
perforce (adv.)
of necessity, with no choice in the matter
(Whereof my Soueraigne would haue note) they areWhereof my sovereign would have note, they arenote (n.)
knowledge, information, intimation
H8 I.ii.48
Most pestilent to th'hearing, and to beare 'em,Most pestilent to th' hearing, and to bear 'em H8 I.ii.49
The Backe is Sacrifice to th'load; They sayThe back is sacrifice to th' load. They say H8 I.ii.50
They are deuis'd by you, er else you sufferThey are devised by you, or else you suffersuffer (v.)
undergo, sustain, endure
H8 I.ii.51
Too hard an exclamation.Too hard an exclamation.exclamation (n.)
loud reproach, outcry, clamorous complaint
H8 I.ii.52.1
Still Exaction:Still exaction!exaction (n.)
extortionate taxation, exorbitant demand
H8 I.ii.52.2
still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
The nature of it, in what kinde let's know,The nature of it? In what kind, let's know, H8 I.ii.53
Is this Exaction?Is this exaction? H8 I.ii.54.1
I am much too venturousI am much too venturousventurous (adj.)
adventurous, daring, bold
H8 I.ii.54.2
In tempting of your patience; but am boldnedIn tempting of your patience, but am boldenedtempt (v.)
try, test, make trial of
H8 I.ii.55
bolden (v.)

old form: boldned
embolden, make bold, encourage
Vnder your promis'd pardon. The Subiects griefeUnder your promised pardon. The subject's griefgrief (n.)

old form: griefe
grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
H8 I.ii.56
Comes through Commissions, which compels from eachComes through commissions, which compels from eachcommission (n.)
authoritative charge, government instruction
H8 I.ii.57
The sixt part of his Substance, to be leuiedThe sixth part of his substance, to be levied H8 I.ii.58
Without delay; and the pretence for thisWithout delay; and the pretence for thispretence (n.)
pretext, excuse, alleged ground
H8 I.ii.59
Is nam'd, your warres in France: this makes bold mouths,Is named your wars in France. This makes bold mouths, H8 I.ii.60
Tongues spit their duties out, and cold hearts freezeTongues spit their duties out, and cold hearts freezeduty (n.)
reverence, due respect, proper attitude
H8 I.ii.61
Allegeance in them; their curses nowAllegiance in them. Their curses now H8 I.ii.62
Liue where their prayers did: and it's come to passe,Live where their prayers did, and it's come to pass H8 I.ii.63
This tractable obedience is a SlaueThis tractable obedience is a slavetractable (adj.)
compliant, manageable, governable
H8 I.ii.64
To each incensed Will: I would your HighnesseTo each incensed will. I would your highnessincensed (adj.)
inflamed, angered, enraged
H8 I.ii.65
Would giue it quicke consideration; forWould give it quick consideration, for H8 I.ii.66
There is no primer basenesse.There is no primer business.prime (adj.)
principal, chief, foremost
H8 I.ii.67.1
baseness (n.)

old form: basenesse
lowly activity, contemptible work
By my life,By my life, H8 I.ii.67.2
This is against our pleasure.This is against our pleasure. H8 I.ii.68.1
And for me,And for me, H8 I.ii.68.2
I haue no further gone in this, then byI have no further gone in this than by H8 I.ii.69
A single voice, and that not past me, butA single voice, and that not passed me butsingle (adj.)
individual, particular
H8 I.ii.70
voice (n.)
vote, official support
By learned approbation of the Iudges: If I amBy learned approbation of the judges. If I amapprobation (n.)
expression of approval, pleasurable confirmation, ready sanctioning
H8 I.ii.71
Traduc'd by ignorant Tongues, which neither knowTraduced by ignorant tongues, which neither knowtraduce (v.)

old form: Traduc'd
defame, slander, calumniate, dishonour
H8 I.ii.72
My faculties nor person, yet will beMy faculties nor person, yet will befaculty (n.)
function, power, capability
H8 I.ii.73
The Chronicles of my doing: Let me say,The chronicles of my doing, let me saydoing (n.)
action, performance, activity
H8 I.ii.74
'Tis but the fate of Place, and the rough Brake'Tis but the fate of place, and the rough brakebrake (n.)
bush, thicket
H8 I.ii.75
That Vertue must goe through: we must not stintThat virtue must go through. We must not stintstint (v.)
limit, hold back, restrain
H8 I.ii.76
Our necessary actions, in the feareOur necessary actions in the fear H8 I.ii.77
To cope malicious Censurers, which euer,To cope malicious censurers, which ever,cope, cope with (v.)
encounter, face, have to do [with], come into contact [with]
H8 I.ii.78
As rau'nous Fishes doe a Vessell followAs ravenous fishes, do a vessel follow H8 I.ii.79
That is new trim'd; but benefit no furtherThat is new-trimmed, but benefit no furthernew-trimmed (adj.)

old form: new trim'd
newly fitted out
H8 I.ii.80
Then vainly longing. What we oft doe best,Than vainly longing. What we oft do best,oft (adv.)
H8 I.ii.81
By sicke Interpreters (once weake ones) isBy sick interpreters, once weak ones, isinterpreter (n.)
commentator, observer, pundit
H8 I.ii.82
once (adv.)
once and for all, in a word
sick (adj.)

old form: sicke
envious, resentful, malicious
weak (adj.)

old form: weake
of little worth, wanting, deficient
Not ours, or not allow'd; what worst, as oftNot ours, or not allowed; what worst, as oftallowed (adj.)

old form: allow'd
approved, acknowledged, granted
H8 I.ii.83
Hitting a grosser quality, is cride vpHitting a grosser quality, is cried upquality (n.)
nature, disposition, character
H8 I.ii.84
hit (v.)
match, fall in [with], coincide [with]
gross (adj.)
bad, inferior, poor
cry up (v.)

old form: cride vp
show to be true, proclaim, announce in public [by]
For our best Act: if we shall stand still,For our best act. If we shall stand still, H8 I.ii.85
In feare our motion will be mock'd, or carp'd at,In fear our motion will be mocked or carped at,motion (n.)
act of moving, movement, stirring
H8 I.ii.86
We should take roote here, where we sit;We should take root here where we sit, H8 I.ii.87
Or sit State-Statues onely.Or sit state-statues only.state-statue (n.)
image of a statesman
H8 I.ii.88.1
Things done well,Things done well, H8 I.ii.88.2
And with a care, exempt themselues from feare:And with a care, exempt themselves from fear; H8 I.ii.89
Things done without example, in their issueThings done without example, in their issueexample (n.)
precedent, parallel case
H8 I.ii.90
issue (n.)
outcome, result, consequence(s)
Are to be fear'd. Haue you a PresidentAre to be feared. Have you a precedent H8 I.ii.91
Of this Commission? I beleeue, not any.Of this commission? I believe, not any.commission (n.)
authoritative charge, government instruction
H8 I.ii.92
We must not rend our Subiects from our Lawes,We must not rend our subjects from our laws, H8 I.ii.93
And sticke them in our Will. Sixt part of each?And stick them in our will. Sixth part of each?will (n.)
desire, wish, liking, inclination
H8 I.ii.94
stick (v.)

old form: sticke
place, fix, settle
A trembling Contribution; why we takeA trembling contribution! Why, we taketrembling (adj.)
frightening, fearful, disturbing
H8 I.ii.95
From euery Tree, lop, barke, and part o'th'Timber:From every tree lop, bark, and part o'th' timber,lop (n.)
[of a tree] lopped off branch
H8 I.ii.96
And though we leaue it with a roote thus hackt,And though we leave it with a root, thus hacked, H8 I.ii.97
The Ayre will drinke the Sap. To euery CountyThe air will drink the sap. To every county H8 I.ii.98
Where this is question'd, send our Letters, withWhere this is questioned send our letters withquestion (v.)

old form: question'd
dispute, quarrel [over], call into question
H8 I.ii.99
Free pardon to each man that has deny'deFree pardon to each man that has denied H8 I.ii.100
The force of this Commission: pray looke too't;The force of this commission. Pray look to't; H8 I.ii.101
I put it to your care.I put it to your care. H8 I.ii.102.1
Card. WOLSEY  
(aside to Secretary) H8 I.ii.102
A word with you.A word with you. H8 I.ii.102.2
Let there be Letters writ to euery Shire,Let there be letters writ to every shire H8 I.ii.103
Of the Kings grace and pardon: the greeued CommonsOf the King's grace and pardon. The grieved commonsgrieved (adj.)

old form: greeued
aggrieved, wronged, ill-used
H8 I.ii.104
commons (n.)
common people, ordinary citizens
Hardly conceiue of me. Let it be nois'd,Hardly conceive of me – let it be noisednoise (v.)

old form: nois'd
rumour, spread about, noise abroad
H8 I.ii.105
hardly (adv.)
severely, harshly, badly
conceive (v.)

old form: conceiue
think, hold an opinion
That through our Intercession, this ReuokementThat through our intercession this revokementrevokement (n.)

old form: Reuokement
revoking, revocation, repeal
H8 I.ii.106
And pardon comes: I shall anon aduise youAnd pardon comes. I shall anon advise youanon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
H8 I.ii.107
advise, avise (v.)

old form: aduise
inform, be aware, apprise
Further in the proceeding. Further in the proceeding. H8 I.ii.108
Exit Secret.Exit Secretary H8 I.ii.108
Enter Surueyor.Enter Surveyor H8 I.ii.109
I am sorry, that the Duke of BuckinghamI am sorry that the Duke of Buckingham H8 I.ii.109
Is run in your displeasure.Is run in your displeasure.run (v.)
fall, move, come
H8 I.ii.110.1
It grieues many:It grieves many. H8 I.ii.110.2
The Gentleman is Learn'd, and a most rare Speaker,The gentleman is learned, and a most rare speaker,rare (adj.)
marvellous, splendid, excellent
H8 I.ii.111
To Nature none more bound; his trayning such,To nature none more bound; his training suchbound (adj.)
obliged, indebted, under an obligation
H8 I.ii.112
That he may furnish and instruct great Teachers,That he may furnish and instruct great teachers, H8 I.ii.113
And neuer seeke for ayd out of himselfe: yet see,And never seek for aid out of himself. Yet see,out of (prep.)
beyond, outside
H8 I.ii.114
When these so Noble benefits shall proueWhen these so noble benefits shall provebenefit (n.)
quality, advantage, gift
H8 I.ii.115
Not well dispos'd, the minde growing once corrupt,Not well disposed, the mind growing once corrupt,disposed (adj.)

old form: dispos'd
directed, applied, arranged
H8 I.ii.116
They turne to vicious formes, ten times more vglyThey turn to vicious forms, ten times more uglyvicious (adj.)
blameworthy, reprehensible, shameful
H8 I.ii.117
Then euer they were faire. This man so compleat,Than ever they were fair. This man so complete, H8 I.ii.118
Who was enrold 'mongst wonders; and when weWho was enrolled 'mongst wonders, and when we H8 I.ii.119
Almost with rauish'd listning, could not findeAlmost with ravished listening, could not find H8 I.ii.120
His houre of speech, a minute: He, (my Lady)His hour of speech a minute – he, my lady, H8 I.ii.121
Hath into monstrous habits put the GracesHath into monstrous habits put the gracesmonstrous (adj.)
unnatural, outlandish, aberrant
H8 I.ii.122
habit (n.)
dress, clothing, costume
grace (n.)
virtue, fine quality
That once were his, and is become as blacke,That once were his, and is become as black H8 I.ii.123
As if besmear'd in hell. Sit by Vs, you shall heareAs if besmeared in hell. Sit by us. You shall hear – besmear (v.)

old form: besmear'd
defile, sully, tarnish
H8 I.ii.124
(This was his Gentleman in trust) of himThis was his gentleman in trust – of him H8 I.ii.125
Things to strike Honour sad. Bid him recountThings to strike honour sad. Bid him recountsad (adj.)
downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
H8 I.ii.126
The fore-recited practises, whereofThe fore-recited practices, whereoffore-recited (adj.)
previously reported
H8 I.ii.127
We cannot feele too little, heare too much.We cannot feel too little, hear too much. H8 I.ii.128
Stand forth, & with bold spirit relate what youStand forth, and with bold spirit relate what you, H8 I.ii.129
Most like a carefull Subiect haue collectedMost like a careful subject, have collectedcollect (v.)
gather in evidence
H8 I.ii.130
careful (adj.)

old form: carefull
anxious, concerned, worried
Out of the Duke of Buckingham.Out of the Duke of Buckingham. H8 I.ii.131.1
Speake freely.Speak freely. H8 I.ii.131.2
First, it was vsuall with him; euery dayFirst, it was usual with him – every day H8 I.ii.132
It would infect his Speech: That if the KingIt would infect his speech – that if the King H8 I.ii.133
Should without issue dye; hee'l carry it soShould without issue die, he'll carry it soissue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
H8 I.ii.134
carry (v.)
carry out, manage, conduct
To make the Scepter his. These very wordsTo make the sceptre his. These very words H8 I.ii.135
I'ue heard him vtter to his Sonne in Law,I've heard him utter to his son-in-law, H8 I.ii.136
Lord Aburgany, to whom by oth he menac'dLord Aberga'nny, to whom by oath he menaced H8 I.ii.137
Reuenge vpon the Cardinall.Revenge upon the Cardinal. H8 I.ii.138.1
Please your Highnesse notePlease your highness, note H8 I.ii.138.2
This dangerous conception in this point,This dangerous conception in this point:conception (n.)
design, plan, notion
H8 I.ii.139
Not frended by his wish to your High person;Not friended by his wish to your high person,friend (v.)

old form: frended
befriend, sustain, assist
H8 I.ii.140
His will is most malignant, and it stretchesHis will is most malignant, and it stretches H8 I.ii.141
Beyond you to your friends.Beyond you to your friends. H8 I.ii.142.1
My learn'd Lord Cardinall,My learned lord Cardinal, H8 I.ii.142.2
Deliuer all with Charity.Deliver all with charity. H8 I.ii.143.1
Speake on;Speak on. H8 I.ii.143.2
How grounded hee his Title to the CrowneHow grounded he his title to the crown H8 I.ii.144
Vpon our faile; to this poynt hast thou heard him,Upon our fail? To this point hast thou heard himfail (n.)

old form: faile
failure [to comply with], lack
H8 I.ii.145
At any time speake ought?At any time speak aught?aught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
H8 I.ii.146.1
He was brought to this,He was brought to this H8 I.ii.146.2
By a vaine Prophesie of Nicholas Henton.By a vain prophecy of Nicholas Henton. H8 I.ii.147
What was that Henton?What was that Henton? H8 I.ii.148.1
Sir, a Chartreux Fryer,Sir, a Chartreux friar,Chartreux (n.)
[pron: shah'truh] Carthusian abbey at Chartreuse, E France; also, the name of the order of monks
H8 I.ii.148.2
His Confessor, who fed him euery minuteHis confessor, who fed him every minute H8 I.ii.149
With words of Soueraignty.With words of sovereignty.sovereignty (n.)

old form: Soueraignty
royal dignity, kingly authority
H8 I.ii.150.1
How know'st thou this?How know'st thou this? H8 I.ii.150.2
Not long before your Highnesse sped to France,Not long before your highness sped to France,speed (v.)
travel speedily, make a hasty expedition
H8 I.ii.151
The Duke being at the Rose, within the ParishThe Duke being at the Rose, within the parish H8 I.ii.152
Saint Laurence Poultney, did of me demandSaint Lawrence Poultney, did of me demanddemand (v.)
request to tell, question, ask [about]
H8 I.ii.153
What was the speech among the Londoners,What was the speech among the Londoners H8 I.ii.154
Concerning the French Iourney. I replide,Concerning the French journey. I replied H8 I.ii.155
Men feare the French would proue perfidiousMen feared the French would prove perfidious,perfidious (adj.)
treacherous, unfaithful, disloyal
H8 I.ii.156
To the Kings danger: presently, the DukeTo the King's danger. Presently the Dukedanger (n.)
damage, harm, mischief
H8 I.ii.157
presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
Said, 'twas the feare indeed, and that he doubtedSaid 'twas the fear indeed, and that he doubteddoubt (v.)
fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for]
H8 I.ii.158
'Twould proue the verity of certaine words'Twould prove the verity of certain wordsverity (n.)
truth, truthfulness, veracity
H8 I.ii.159
Spoke by a holy Monke, that oft, sayes he,Spoke by a holy monk, ‘ that oft,’ says he,oft (adv.)
H8 I.ii.160
Hath sent to me, wishing me to permit‘ Hath sent to me, wishing me to permit H8 I.ii.161
Iohn de la Car, my Chaplaine, a choyce howreJohn de la Car, my chaplain, a choice hourhour (n.)

old form: howre
time, moment
H8 I.ii.162
choice (adj.)

old form: choyce
appropriate, fitting, well-chosen
To heare from him a matter of some moment:To hear from him a matter of some moment; H8 I.ii.163
Whom after vnder the Commissions Seale,Whom after under the confession's seal H8 I.ii.164
He sollemnly had sworne, that what he spokeHe solemnly had sworn that what he spoke H8 I.ii.165
My Chaplaine to no Creature liuing, butMy chaplain to no creature living but H8 I.ii.166
To me, should vtter, with demure Confidence,To me should utter, with demure confidencedemure (adj.)
grave, serious, sober, solemn
H8 I.ii.167
confidence (n.)
reliance, trust, faith
This pausingly ensu'de; neither the King, nor's HeyresThis pausingly ensued: " Neither the King nor's heirs,pausingly (adv.)
with pauses, hesitantly, haltingly
H8 I.ii.168
(Tell you the Duke) shall prosper, bid him striueTell you the Duke, shall prosper. Bid him strive H8 I.ii.169
To the loue o'th'Commonalty, the DukeTo win the love o'th' commonalty. The Dukecommonalty (n.)
common people, community
H8 I.ii.170
Shall gouerne England.Shall govern England." ’ H8 I.ii.171.1
If I know you well,If I know you well, H8 I.ii.171.2
You were the Dukes Surueyor, and lost your OfficeYou were the Duke's surveyor, and lost your officeoffice (n.)
role, position, place, function
H8 I.ii.172
surveyor (n.)

old form: Surueyor
superintendent, land agent, estate supervisor
On the complaint o'th'Tenants; take good heedOn the complaint o'th' tenants. Take good heed H8 I.ii.173
You charge not in your spleene a Noble person,You charge not in your spleen a noble personspleen (n.)

old form: spleene
irritability, malice, bad temper
H8 I.ii.174
And spoyle your nobler Soule; I say, take heed;And spoil your nobler soul – I say, take heed;spoil (v.)

old form: spoyle
ruin, destroy, bring to an end
H8 I.ii.175
Yes, heartily beseech you.Yes, heartily beseech you. H8 I.ii.176.1
Let him on: Let him on. H8 I.ii.176.2
Goe forward.Go forward. H8 I.ii.177.1
On my Soule, Ile speake but truth.On my soul, I'll speak but truth. H8 I.ii.177.2
I told my Lord the Duke, by th'Diuels illusionsI told my lord the Duke, by th' devil's illusionsillusion (n.)
deception, delusion, deceit
H8 I.ii.178
The Monke might be deceiu'd, and that 'twas dangerousThe monk might be deceived, and that 'twas dangerous H8 I.ii.179
For this to ruminate on this so farre, vntillFor him to ruminate on this so far, until H8 I.ii.180
It forg'd him some designe, which being beleeu'dIt forged him some design, which, being believed,forge (v.)

old form: forg'd
cause to fashion, lead to contrive
H8 I.ii.181
design (n.)

old form: designe
scheme, plan, plot
It was much like to doe: He answer'd, Tush,It was much like to do. He answered, ‘ Tush,like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
H8 I.ii.182
It can doe me no damage; adding further,It can do me no damage;’ adding further H8 I.ii.183
That had the King in his last Sicknesse faild,That, had the King in his last sickness failed, H8 I.ii.184
The Cardinals and Sir Thomas Louels headsThe Cardinal's and Sir Thomas Lovell's heads H8 I.ii.185
Should haue gone off.Should have gone off. H8 I.ii.186.1
Ha? What, so rancke? Ah, ha,Ha! What, so rank? Ah, ha!rank (adj.)

old form: rancke
foul, festering, diseased
H8 I.ii.186.2
There's mischiefe in this man; canst thou say further?There's mischief in this man. Canst thou say further? H8 I.ii.187
I can my Liedge.I can, my liege.liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
H8 I.ii.188.1
Proceed.Proceed. H8 I.ii.188.2
Being at Greenwich,Being at Greenwich, H8 I.ii.188.3
After your Highnesse had reprou'd the DukeAfter your highness had reproved the Duke H8 I.ii.189
About Sir William Blumer.About Sir William Bulmer –  H8 I.ii.190.1
I rememberI remember H8 I.ii.190.2
of such a time, being my sworn seruant,Of such a time; being my sworn servant,sworn (adj.)
bound by an oath of loyalty
H8 I.ii.191
The Duke retein'd him his. But on: what hence?The Duke retained him his. But on; what hence?retain (v.)

old form: retein'd
employ, take into service
H8 I.ii.192
If (quoth he) I for this had beene committed,‘ If,’ quoth he, ‘ I for this had been committed,quoth (v.)
H8 I.ii.193
As to the Tower, I thought; I would haue plaidAs to the Tower I thought, I would have played H8 I.ii.194
The Part my Father meant to act vponThe part my father meant to act upon H8 I.ii.195
Th'Vsurper Richard, who being at Salsbury,Th' usurper Richard; who, being at Salisbury, H8 I.ii.196
Made suit to come in's presence; which if granted,Made suit to come in's presence, which if granted,suit (n.)
formal request, entreaty, petition
H8 I.ii.197
(As he made semblance of his duty) wouldAs he made semblance of his duty, wouldsemblance (n.)
appearance, outward show
H8 I.ii.198
duty (n.)
act of loyalty, expression of homage
Haue put his knife into him.Have put his knife into him.’ H8 I.ii.199.1
A Gyant Traytor.A giant traitor! H8 I.ii.199.2
Now Madam, may his Highnes liue in freedome,Now, madam, may his highness live in freedom, H8 I.ii.200
And this man out of Prison.And this man out of prison? H8 I.ii.201.1
God mend all.God mend all!mend (v.)
amend, improve, make better, put right
H8 I.ii.201.2
Ther's somthing more would out of thee; what say'st?There's something more would out of thee: what sayst? H8 I.ii.202
After the Duke his Father, with the knifeAfter ‘ the Duke his father,’ with the ‘ knife,’ H8 I.ii.203
He stretch'd him, and with one hand on his dagger,He stretched him, and, with one hand on his dagger,stretch (v.)

old form: stretch'd
stand upright, draw oneself up to full height
H8 I.ii.204
Another spread on's breast, mounting his eyes,Another spread on's breast, mounting his eyes, H8 I.ii.205
He did discharge a horrible Oath, whose tenorHe did discharge a horrible oath, whose tenordischarge (v.)
give vent to, emit, sound off
H8 I.ii.206
tenor, tenour (n.)
substance, content, matter, drift
Was, were he euill vs'd, he would outgoeWas, were he evil used, he would outgooutgo (v.)

old form: outgoe
outdo, outstrip, surpass
H8 I.ii.207
use (v.)

old form: vs'd
treat, deal with, manage
His Father, by as much as a performanceHis father by as much as a performance H8 I.ii.208
Do's an irresolute purpose.Does an irresolute purpose.irresolute (adj.)
unresolved, undecided, unaccomplished
H8 I.ii.209.1
purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
There's his period,There's his period,period (n.)
end, purpose, goal
H8 I.ii.209.2
To sheath his knife in vs: he is attach'd,To sheathe his knife in us. He is attached;attach (v.)

old form: attach'd
arrest, seize, apprehend
H8 I.ii.210
Call him to present tryall: if he mayCall him to present trial. If he may H8 I.ii.211
Finde mercy in the Law, 'tis his; if none,Find mercy in the law, 'tis his; if none, H8 I.ii.212
Let him not seek't of vs: By day and nightLet him not seek't of us. By day and night! H8 I.ii.213
Hee's Traytor to th'height. He's traitor to th' height!height (n.)
maximum, highest amount, utmost degree
H8 I.ii.214
Exeunt.Exeunt H8 I.ii.214
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