
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Volumnia and Virgilia, mother and wife to Enter Volumnia and Virgilia, mother and wife to Cor I.iii.1.1
Martius: They set them downe on two lowe stooles and sowe.Martius. They set them down on two low stools and sew Cor I.iii.1.2
I pray you daughter sing, or expresse your selfeI pray you, daughter, sing, or express yourself Cor I.iii.1
in a more comfortable sort: If my Sonne were my Husband,in a more comfortable sort. If my son were my husband,sort (n.)
way, manner
Cor I.iii.2
comfortable (adj.)
cheerful, cheery, light-hearted
I should freelier reioyce in that absence wherein he wonneI should freelier rejoice in that absence wherein he won Cor I.iii.3
Honor, then in the embracements of his Bed, where hehonour than in the embracements of his bed where heembracement (n.)
embrace, clasping, hug
Cor I.iii.4
would shew most loue. When yet hee was but tender-bodied,would show most love. When yet he was but tender-bodied Cor I.iii.5
and the onely Sonne of my womb; when youth withand the only son of my womb, when youth with Cor I.iii.6
comelinesse pluck'd all gaze his way; when for a day ofcomeliness plucked all gaze his way, when for a day of Cor I.iii.7
Kings entreaties, a Mother should not sel him an hourekings' entreaties a mother should not sell him an hour Cor I.iii.8
from her beholding; I considering how Honour wouldfrom her beholding, I, considering how honour wouldbeholding (n.)
Cor I.iii.9
become such a person, that it was no better then Picture-likebecome such a person – that it was no better then picture-likeperson (n.)
fine figure, personality
Cor I.iii.10
to hang by th' wall, if renowne made it not stirre,to hang by th' wall, if renown made it not stir –  Cor I.iii.11
was pleas'd to let him seeke danger, where he was like to was pleased to let him seek danger where he was like tolike (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
Cor I.iii.12
finde fame: To a cruell Warre I sent him, from whence hefind fame. To a cruel war I sent him; from whence he Cor I.iii.13
return'd, his browes bound with Oake. I tell thee Daughter,returned his brows bound with oak. I tell thee, daughter,brow (n.)

old form: browes
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
Cor I.iii.14
I sprang not more in ioy at first hearing he was a Man-child,I sprang not more in joy at first hearing he was a man-child Cor I.iii.15
then now in first seeing he had proued himselfe athan now in first seeing he had proved himself a Cor I.iii.16 Cor I.iii.17
But had he died in the Businesse Madame, howBut had he died in the business, madam, how Cor I.iii.18
then?then? Cor I.iii.19
Then his good report should haue beene myThen his good report should have been my Cor I.iii.20
Sonne, I therein would haue found issue. Heare me professe son; I therein would have found issue. Hear me professissue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
Cor I.iii.21
sincerely, had I a dozen sons each in my loue alike, andsincerely, had I a dozen sons, each in my love alike, and Cor I.iii.22
none lesse deere then thine, and my good Martius, I hadnone less dear than thine and my good Martius, I had Cor I.iii.23
rather had eleuen dye Nobly for their Countrey, then onerather had eleven die nobly for their country than one Cor I.iii.24
voluptuously surfet out of Action.voluptuously surfeit out of action.surfeit (v.)

old form: surfet
feed to excess, over-indulge, glut
Cor I.iii.25
Enter a Gentlewoman.Enter a Gentlewoman Cor I.iii.26
Madam, the Lady Valeria is come toMadam, the Lady Valeria is come to Cor I.iii.26
visit you.visit you. Cor I.iii.27
Beseech you giue me leaue to retire my selfe.Beseech you, give me leave to retire myself. Cor I.iii.28
Indeed you shall not:Indeed you shall not. Cor I.iii.29
Me thinkes, I heare hither your Husbands Drumme:Methinks I hear hither your husband's drum;methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
Cor I.iii.30
See him plucke Auffidius downe by th' haire:See him pluck Aufidius down by th' hair; Cor I.iii.31
(As children from a Beare) the Volces shunning him:As children from a bear, the Volsces shunning him.shun (v.)
look to escape, seek safety in flight
Cor I.iii.32
Me thinkes I see him stampe thus, and call thus,Methinks I see him stamp thus, and call thus: Cor I.iii.33
Come on you Cowards, you were got in feare‘ Come on, you cowards! You were got in fear,get (v.)
beget, conceive, breed
Cor I.iii.34
Though you were borne in Rome; his bloody browThough you were born in Rome.’ His bloody browbrow (n.)
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
Cor I.iii.35
With his mail'd hand, then wiping, forth he goesWith his mailed hand then wiping, forth he goes, Cor I.iii.36
Like to a Haruest man, that task'd to moweLike to a harvest-man that's tasked to mowtask (v.)

old form: task'd
set a task [for], employ
Cor I.iii.37
like to / unto (conj./prep.)
similar to, comparable with
Or all, or loose his hyre.Or all or lose his hire.hire (n.)

old form: hyre
wages, payment, earnings
Cor I.iii.38
His bloody Brow? Oh Iupiter, no blood.His bloody brow? O Jupiter, no blood!Jupiter, Jove (n.)
Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno
Cor I.iii.39
Away you Foole; it more becomes a manAway, you fool! It more becomes a manbecome (v.)
grace, honour, dignify
Cor I.iii.40
Then gilt his Trophe. The brests of HecubaThan gilt his trophy. The breasts of Hecuba,trophy (n.)

old form: Trophe
memorial, monument
Cor I.iii.41
Hecuba (n.)
wife of Priam, King of Troy, and mother of 18 children; after the Greeks took Troy, she saw her sons and her husband killed, and was sent into slavery.
When she did suckle Hector, look'd not louelierWhen she did suckle Hector, looked not lovelierHector (n.)
son of Priam, married to Andromache; the bravest Trojan, who led out their army to battle
Cor I.iii.42
Then Hectors forhead, when it spit forth bloodThan Hector's forehead when it spit forth blood Cor I.iii.43
At Grecian sword. Contenning, tell ValeriaAt Grecian sword, contemning. Tell Valeriacontemn (v.)

old form: Contenning
despise, scorn, treat with contempt
Cor I.iii.44
We are fit to bid her welcome. We are fit to bid her (adj.)
in a proper state, in the right circumstances
Cor I.iii.45
Exit Gent. Exit Gentlewoman Cor I.iii.45
Heauens blesse my Lord from fell Auffidius.Heavens bless my lord from fell Aufidius!fell (adj.)
cruel, fierce, savage
Cor I.iii.46
bless (v.)

old form: blesse
guard, protect, safeguard
Hee'l beat Auffidius head below his knee,He'll beat Aufidius' head below his knee Cor I.iii.47
And treade vpon his necke.And tread upon his neck. Cor I.iii.48
Enter Valeria with an Vsher, and a Gentlewoman.Enter Valeria, with an Usher and a Gentlewoman Cor I.iii.49
My Ladies both good day to you.My ladies both, good day to you. Cor I.iii.49
Sweet Madam.Sweet madam! Cor I.iii.50
I am glad to see your Ladyship.I am glad to see your ladyship. Cor I.iii.51
How do you both? You are manifest house-keepers.How do you both? You are manifest housekeepers.manifest (adj.)
clear, evident, obvious
Cor I.iii.52
housekeeper, house-keeper (n.)

old form: house-keepers
What are you sowing heere? A fine spotte in good faith.What are you sewing here? A fine spot, in good (n.)

old form: spotte
piece of embroidery
Cor I.iii.53
How does your little Sonne?How does your little son? Cor I.iii.54
I thanke your Lady-ship: Well good Madam.I thank your ladyship. Well, good madam. Cor I.iii.55
He had rather see the swords, and heare a Drum,He had rather see the swords and hear a drum Cor I.iii.56
then looke vpon his Schoolmaster.than look upon his schoolmaster. Cor I.iii.57
A my word the Fathers Sonne: Ile sweare 'tis aO' my word, the father's son! I'll swear 'tis aa (prep.)
variant form of 'by'
Cor I.iii.58
very pretty boy. A my troth, I look'd vpon him a Wensdayvery pretty boy. O' my troth, I looked upon him o' Wednesdaypretty (adj.)
[of men] fine, good-looking
Cor I.iii.59
troth, good troth (n.)
exclamations, emphasizing an assertion - truly, indeed
halfe an houre together: ha's such a confirm'dhalf an hour together. 'Has such a confirmedtogether (adv.)
without a break, whole
Cor I.iii.60
confirmed (adj.)

old form: confirm'd
resolute, determined, purposeful
countenance. I saw him run after a gilded Butterfly, &countenance! I saw him run after a gilded butterfly, andcountenance (n.)
demeanour, bearing, manner
Cor I.iii.61
when he caught it, he let it go againe, and after it againe,when he caught it, he let it go again, and after it again, Cor I.iii.62
and ouer and ouer he comes, and vp againe: catcht itand over and over he comes and up again, catched itover and over

old form: ouer
head over heels
Cor I.iii.63
again: or whether his fall enrag'd him, or how 'twas, heeagain; or whether his fall enraged him, or how 'twas, he Cor I.iii.64
did so set his teeth, and teare it. Oh, I warrant how hedid so set his teeth and tear it. O, I warrant, how heset (v.)
Cor I.iii.65
mammockt it.mammocked it!mammock (v.)

old form: mammockt
tear to shreds, rip to pieces
Cor I.iii.66
One on's Fathers moods.One on's father's moods.mood (n.)
anger, fury, frenzy, fit of temper
Cor I.iii.67
Indeed la, tis a Noble childe.Indeed, la, 'tis a noble (int.)
Cor I.iii.68
A Cracke Madam.A crack, madam.crack (n.)

old form: Cracke
young rascal, little rogue
Cor I.iii.69
Come, lay aside your stitchery, I must haue youCome, lay aside your stitchery. I must have youstitchery (n.)
needlework, embroidery
Cor I.iii.70
play the idle Huswife with me this the idle housewife with me this afternoon. Cor I.iii.71
No (good Madam) / I will not out of doores.No, good madam, I will not out of doors. Cor I.iii.72
Not out of doores?Not out of doors? Cor I.iii.73
She shall, she shall.She shall, she shall. Cor I.iii.74
Indeed no, by your patience; Ile not ouer theIndeed, no, by your patience. I'll not over the Cor I.iii.75
threshold, till my Lord returne from the Warres.threshold till my lord return from the wars. Cor I.iii.76
Fye, you confine your selfe most vnreasonably:Fie, you confine yourself most unreasonably. Cor I.iii.77
Come, you must go visit the good Lady that lies in.Come, you must go visit the good lady that lies in. Cor I.iii.78
I will wish her speedy strength, and visite herI will wish her speedy strength and visit herstrength (n.)
recovery, return to full health
Cor I.iii.79
with my prayers: but I cannot go thither.with my prayers, but I cannot go thither. Cor I.iii.80
Why I pray you.Why, I pray you? Cor I.iii.81
'Tis not to saue labour, nor that I want loue.'Tis not to save labour, nor that I want love. Cor I.iii.82
You would be another Penelope: yet they say,You would be another Penelope. Yet they sayPenelope (n.)
Ulysses' wife, who waited 20 years for his return from Troy; she told suitors she had to finish weaving a shroud for Ulysses' father before she could remarry, and undid the work each night
Cor I.iii.83
all the yearne she spun in Vlisses absence, did but fill all the yarn she spun in Ulysses' absence did but fillUlysses (n.)
[pron: yoo'liseez] son of Laertes, who fought for 10 years in the Trojan War; on his return to Ithaca, he killed the suitors of his wife Penelope
Cor I.iii.84
Athica full of Mothes. Come, I would your Cambrick were Ithaca full of moths. Come, I would your cambric wereIthaca (n.)
island of W Greece; home of Ulysses, where Penelope waited for his return from the Trojan Wars
Cor I.iii.85
cambric (n.)

old form: Cambrick
fine linen from Cambray, Flanders
sensible as your finger, that you might leaue pricking itsensible as your finger, that you might leave pricking itsensible (adj.)
sensitive, responsive, capable of feeling
Cor I.iii.86
for pitie. Come you shall go with vs.for pity. Come, you shall go with us. Cor I.iii.87
No good Madam, pardon me, indeed I will notNo, good madam, pardon me, indeed I will not Cor I.iii.88
foorth.forth. Cor I.iii.89
In truth la go with me, and Ile tell you excellentIn truth, la, go with me, and I'll tell you excellentla (int.)
Cor I.iii.90
newes of your of your husband. Cor I.iii.91
Oh good Madam, there can be none yet.O, good madam, there can be none yet. Cor I.iii.92
Verily I do not iest with you: there came newesVerily I do not jest with you. There came newsverily (adv.)
in truth, truly, indeed
Cor I.iii.93
from him last night.from him last night. Cor I.iii.94
Indeed Madam.Indeed, madam? Cor I.iii.95
In earnest it's true; I heard a Senatour speake it.In earnest, it's true. I heard a senator speak it. Cor I.iii.96
Thus it is: the Volcies haue an Army forth, against whõThus it is: the Volsces have an army forth, against whom Cor I.iii.97
Cominius the Generall is gone, with one part of ourCominius the general is gone with one part of our Cor I.iii.98
Romane power. Your Lord, and Titus Lartius, are setRoman power. Your lord and Titus Lartius are setpower (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
Cor I.iii.99
down before their Citie Carioles, they nothing doubtdown before their city Corioles. They nothing doubt Cor I.iii.100
preuailing, and to make it breefe Warres. This is true onprevailing and to make it brief wars. This is true, onprevail (v.)

old form: preuailing
succeed, win, be victor
Cor I.iii.101
mine Honor, and so I pray go with vs.mine honour, and so, I pray, go with us. Cor I.iii.102
Giue me excuse good Madame, I will obey youGive me excuse, good madam, I will obey youexcuse (n.)
pardon, dispensation, exoneration
Cor I.iii.103
in euery thing everything hereafter. Cor I.iii.104
Let her alone Ladie, as she is now: / She willLet her alone, lady. As she is now, she will Cor I.iii.105
but disease our better mirth.but disease our better mirth.disease (v.)
spoil, trouble, disturb
Cor I.iii.106
Valeria. VALERIA 
In troth I thinke she would: / Fare you well then.In troth, I think she would. Fare you well, then.fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
Cor I.iii.107
Come good sweet Ladie. / Prythee Virgilia turne thy Come, good sweet lady. Prithee, Virgilia, turn thy Cor I.iii.108
solemnesse out a doore, / And go along with vs.solemness out o' door and go along with us. Cor I.iii.109
No / At a word Madam; Indeed I must not, / INo, at a word, madam. Indeed I must not. Iword, at a
in a word, once and for all, in short
Cor I.iii.110
wish you much mirth.wish you much mirth. Cor I.iii.111
Well, then farewell.Well, then, farewell. Cor I.iii.112
Exeunt Ladies. Exeunt Cor I.iii.112
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