All's Well That Ends Well

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Countesse, Steward, and Clowne.Enter the Countess, Rynaldo her Steward, and AW I.iii.1.1
Lavatch her Clown AW I.iii.1.2
I will now heare, what say you of thisI will now hear. What say you of this AW I.iii.1
gentlewoman. gentlewoman? AW I.iii.2
Maddam the care I haue had to euen yourMadam, the care I have had to even youreven (v.)

old form: euen
make good, settle, put straight
AW I.iii.3
content, I wish might be found in the Kalender of mycontent I wish might be found in the calendar of mycontent (n.)
contentment, peace of mind
AW I.iii.4
calendar (n.)

old form: Kalender
record, register, history
past endeuours, for then we wound our Modestie, andpast endeavours, for then we wound our modesty, and AW I.iii.5
make foule the clearnesse of our deseruings, when ofmake foul the clearness of our deservings, when ofdeserving (n.)

old form: deseruings
worthiness, desert, merit
AW I.iii.6
our selues we publish them.ourselves we publish them. AW I.iii.7
What doe's this knaue heere? Get you goneWhat does this knave here? Get you gone,knave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
AW I.iii.8
sirra: the complaints I haue heard of you I do not allsirrah. The complaints I have heard of you I do not all AW I.iii.9
beleeue, 'tis my slownesse that I doe not: For I know youbelieve; 'tis my slowness that I do not, for I know you AW I.iii.10
lacke not folly to commit them, & haue abilitie enoughlack not folly to commit them, and have ability enough AW I.iii.11
to make such knaueries make such knaveries yours.knavery (n.)

old form: knaueries
roguish trick, rouguery, trickery
AW I.iii.12
'Tis not vnknown to you Madam, I am a poore'Tis not unknown to you, madam, I am a poor AW I.iii.13
fellow.fellow. AW I.iii.14
Well sir.Well, sir. AW I.iii.15
No maddam, / 'Tis not so well that I am poore,No, madam, 'tis not so well that I am poor, AW I.iii.16
though manie of the rich are damn'd, but if I may hauethough many of the rich are damned; but if I may have AW I.iii.17
your Ladiships good will to goe to the world, Isbell theyour ladyship's good will to go to the world, Isbel theworld, go to the

old form: goe
get married
AW I.iii.18
woman and w will doe as we may.woman and I will do as we may. AW I.iii.19
Wilt thou needes be a begger?Wilt thou needs be a beggar? AW I.iii.20
I doe beg your good will in this case.I do beg your good will in this case. AW I.iii.21
In what case?In what case? AW I.iii.22
In Isbels case and mine owne: seruice is noIn Isbel's case and mine own. Service is no AW I.iii.23
heritage, and I thinke I shall neuer haue the blessing ofheritage, and I think I shall never have the blessing ofheritage (n.)
inheritance, legacy
AW I.iii.24
God, till I haue issue a my bodie: for they say barnes areGod till I have issue o'my body; for they say barnes areissue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
AW I.iii.25
barn, barne (n.)
child, baby
blessings. blessings. AW I.iii.26
Tell me thy reason why thou wilt marrie?Tell me thy reason why thou wilt marry. AW I.iii.27
My poore bodie Madam requires it, I am driuenMy poor body, madam, requires it. I am driven AW I.iii.28
on by the flesh, and hee must needes goe that the diuellon by the flesh, and he must needs go that the devil AW I.iii.29
driues.drives. AW I.iii.30
Is this all your worships reason?Is this all your worship's reason? AW I.iii.31
Faith Madam I haue other holie reasons, such asFaith, madam, I have other holy reasons, such as AW I.iii.32
they are.they are. AW I.iii.33
May the world know them?May the world know them? AW I.iii.34
I haue beene Madam a wicked creature, as youI have been, madam, a wicked creature, as you AW I.iii.35
and all flesh and blood are, and indeede I doe marrie that Iand all flesh and blood are, and indeed I do marry that I AW I.iii.36
may repent.may repent. AW I.iii.37
Thy marriage sooner then thy wickednesse.Thy marriage, sooner than thy wickedness. AW I.iii.38
I am out a friends Madam, and I hope to haueI am out o' friends, madam, and I hope to have AW I.iii.39
friends for my wiues sake.friends for my wife's sake. AW I.iii.40
Such friends are thine enemies knaue.Such friends are thine enemies, knave. AW I.iii.41
Y'are shallow Madam in great friends, for theY'are shallow, madam; e'en great friends, for theshallow (adj.)
naive, gullible, lacking in depth of character
AW I.iii.42
knaues come to doe that for me which I am a wearie of:knaves come to do that for me which I am aweary of.aweary, a-weary (adj.)

old form: a wearie
weary, tired
AW I.iii.43
he that eres my Land, spares my teame, and giues meeHe that ears my land spares my team, and gives meear (v.)

old form: eres
plough, till, cultivate
AW I.iii.44
leaue to Inne the crop: if I be his cuckold hee's my drudge;leave to in the crop. If I be his cuckold, he's my (v.)

old form: Inne
gather in, bring in, harvest
AW I.iii.45
drudge (n.)
slave, serf, lackey
cuckold (n.)
[mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife
he that comforts my wife, is the cherisher of my flesh He that comforts my wife is the cherisher of my flesh AW I.iii.46
and blood; hee that cherishes my flesh and blood, louesand blood; he that cherishes my flesh and blood loves AW I.iii.47
my flesh and blood; he that loues my flesh and blood ismy flesh and blood; he that loves my flesh and blood is AW I.iii.48
my friend: ergo he that kisses my wife is my friend: Ifmy friend; ergo, he that kisses my wife is my friend. Ifergo (adv.)
AW I.iii.49
men could be contented to be what they are, there weremen could be contented to be what they are, there were AW I.iii.50
no feare in marriage, for yong Charbon the Puritan, andno fear in marriage; for young Charbon the puritan and AW I.iii.51
old Poysam the Papist, how somere their hearts are old Poysam the papist, howsome'er their hearts are AW I.iii.52
seuer'd in Religion, their heads are both one, they maysevered in religion, their heads are both one: they may AW I.iii.53
ioule horns together like any Deare i'th Herd.jowl horns together like any deer i'th' herd.jowl (v.)

old form: ioule
dash, knock, thrust
AW I.iii.54
Wilt thou euer be a foule mouth'd andWilt thou ever be a foul-mouthed and AW I.iii.55
calumnious knaue?calumnious knave? AW I.iii.56
A Prophet I Madam, and I speake the truth theA prophet I, madam, and I speak the truth the AW I.iii.57
next waie,next way:next (adj.)
nearest, shortest, most direct
AW I.iii.58
for I the Ballad will repeate,For I the ballad will repeat AW I.iii.59
which men full true shall finde,Which men full true shall find: AW I.iii.60
your marriage comes by destinie,Your marriage comes by destiny, AW I.iii.61
your Cuckow sings by kinde.Your cuckoo sings by kind.kind (n.)

old form: kinde
nature, reality, character, disposition
AW I.iii.62
Get you gone sir, Ile talke with you more anon.Get you gone, sir. I'll talk with you more anon.anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
AW I.iii.63
May it please you Madam, that hee bid HellenMay it please you, madam, that he bid Helen AW I.iii.64
come to you, of her I am to speake.come to you: of her I am to speak. AW I.iii.65
Sirra tell my gentlewoman I would speakeSirrah, tell my gentlewoman I would speak AW I.iii.66
with her, Hellen I meane.with her – Helen, I mean. AW I.iii.67
Was this faire face the cause, quoth she,Was this fair face the cause, quoth she,quoth (v.)
AW I.iii.68
Why the Grecians sacked Troy,Why the Grecians sacked Troy?Troy (n.)
ancient city of W Turkey, besieged for 10 years during the Trojan Wars; also called Ilium, Ilion
AW I.iii.69
Fond done, done, fondFond done, done fond,fond (adv.)
foolishly, stupidly
AW I.iii.70
was this King Priams ioy,Was this King Priam's joy?Priam (n.)
[pron: 'priyam] king of Troy, husband of Hecuba; killed by Pyrrhus during the sack of Troy
AW I.iii.71
With that she sighed as she stood, bisWith that she sighed as she stood, AW I.iii.72
With that she sighed as she stood, AW I.iii.73
And gaue this sentence then,And gave this sentence then:sentence (n.)
maxim, wise saying, precept
AW I.iii.74
among nine bad if one be good,Among nine bad if one be good, AW I.iii.75
among nine bad if one be good,Among nine bad if one be good, AW I.iii.76
there's yet one good in ten.There's yet one good in ten. AW I.iii.77
What, one good in tenne? you corrupt the songWhat, one good in ten? You corrupt the song, AW I.iii.78
sirra.sirrah. AW I.iii.79
One good woman in ten Madam, which is aOne good woman in ten, madam, which is a AW I.iii.80
purifying ath' song: would God would serue the world purifying o'th' song. Would God would serve the world AW I.iii.81
so all the yeere, weed finde no fault with the tithe womanso all the year! We'd find no fault with the tithe-womantithe-woman (n.)

old form: tithe woman
tenth woman
AW I.iii.82
if I were the Parson, one in ten quoth a? and wee mightif I were the parson. One in ten, quoth 'a! An we mightquoth (v.)
AW I.iii.83
quoth a, quotha (int.)
did he say?, indeed!
and, an (conj.)
if, whether
haue a good woman borne but ore euerie blazing starre, orhave a good woman born but one every blazing star or AW I.iii.84
at an earthquake, 'twould mend the Lotterie well, a manat an earthquake, 'twould mend the lottery well; a manmend (v.)
amend, improve, make better, put right
AW I.iii.85
lottery (n.)

old form: Lotterie
odds, chance, probability
may draw his heart out ere a plucke one.may draw his heart out ere 'a pluck one.pluck (v.)

old form: plucke
draw, find, select [as from a pack of cards]
AW I.iii.86
Youle begone sir knaue, and doe as IYou'll be gone, sir knave, and do as I AW I.iii.87
command you?command you! AW I.iii.88
That man should be at womans command, andThat man should be at woman's command, and AW I.iii.89
yet no hurt done, though honestie be no Puritan, yet ityet no hurt done! Though honesty be no puritan, yet ithonesty (n.)

old form: honestie
virtue, chastity
AW I.iii.90
will doe no hurt, it will weare the Surplis of humilitie ouerwill do no hurt. It will wear the surplice of humility over AW I.iii.91
the blacke-Gowne of a bigge heart: I am going forsooth, thethe black gown of a big heart. I am going, forsooth. Theforsooth (adv.)
in truth, certainly, truly, indeed
AW I.iii.92
big (adj.)

old form: bigge
arrogant, haughty, proud
businesse is for Helen to come is for Helen to come hither. AW I.iii.93
Exit.Exit AW I.iii.93
Well now.Well, now. AW I.iii.94
I know Madam you loue your GentlewomanI know, madam, you love your gentlewoman AW I.iii.95
intirely.entirely.entirely (adv.)

old form: intirely
sincerely, heartily
AW I.iii.96
Faith I doe: her Father bequeath'd her to mee,Faith, I do. Her father bequeathed her to me, AW I.iii.97
and she her selfe without other aduantage, may lawfullieand she herself, without other advantage, may lawfullyadvantage (n.)

old form: aduantage
interest, bonus, addition
AW I.iii.98
make title to as much loue as shee findes, there is moremake title to as much love as she finds. There is moretitle (n.)
[legal] right, claim, entitlement
AW I.iii.99
owing her then is paid, and more shall be paid her then owing her than is paid, and more shall be paid her than AW I.iii.100
sheele demand.she'll demand. AW I.iii.101
Madam, I was verie late more neere her then IMadam, I was very late more near her than Ilate (adv.)
recently, a little while ago / before
AW I.iii.102
thinke shee wisht mee, alone shee was, and did communicatethink she wished me. Alone she was, and did communicate AW I.iii.103
to her selfe her owne words to her owne eares, sheeto herself her own words to her own ears; she AW I.iii.104
thought, I dare vowe for her, they toucht not anie thought, I dare vow for her, they touched not anytouch (v.)

old form: toucht
affect, move, stir
AW I.iii.105
stranger sence, her matter was, shee loued your Sonne;stranger sense. Her matter was, she loved your son.matter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance
AW I.iii.106
sense (n.)

old form: sence
senses, sensation, organs of sense
stranger (adj.)
foreign, alien
Fortune shee said was no goddesse, that had put suchFortune, she said, was no goddess, that had put suchFortune (n.)
Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind
AW I.iii.107
difference betwixt their two estates: Loue no god, thatdifference betwixt their two estates; Love no god, thatestate (n.)
degree of rank, place in life, type of person
AW I.iii.108
would not extend his might onelie, where qualities werewould not extend his might only where qualities werequality (n.)
rank, standing, position
AW I.iii.109
leuell, Queene of Virgins, that would suffer herlevel; Dian no queen of virgins, that would suffer herDiana, Dian (n.)
Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
AW I.iii.110
poore Knight surpris'd without rescue in the first assaultpoor knight surprised without rescue in the first assaultknight (n.)
devotee, servant, follower [male or female]
AW I.iii.111
or ransome afterward: This shee deliuer'd in the most or ransom afterward. This she delivered in the mostdeliver (v.)

old form: deliuer'd
report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe
AW I.iii.112
afterward (adv.)
bitter touch of sorrow that ere I heard Virgin exclaimebitter touch of sorrow that e'er I heard virgin exclaimtouch (n.)
depth of feeling, mental pain, pang
AW I.iii.113
in, which I held my dutie speedily to acquaint youin, which I held my duty speedily to acquaint you AW I.iii.114
withall, sithence in the losse that may happen, itwithal, sithence, in the loss that may happen, itsithence (conj.)
AW I.iii.115
concernes you something to know it.concerns you something to know it.something (adv.)
somewhat, rather
AW I.iii.116
You haue discharg'd this honestlie, keepe it toYou have discharged this honestly; keep it todischarge (v.)

old form: discharg'd
fulfil, execute, perform
AW I.iii.117
your selfe, manie likelihoods inform'd mee of this before,yourself. Many likelihoods informed me of this before, AW I.iii.118
which hung so tottring in the ballance, that I couldwhich hung so tottering in the balance that I could AW I.iii.119
neither beleeue nor misdoubt: praie you leaue mee, stallneither believe nor misdoubt. Pray you leave me. Stallmisdoubt (v.)
disbelieve, doubt the reality [of]
AW I.iii.120
stall (v.)
keep close, place, stow away
this in your bosome, and I thanke you for your honest this in your bosom, and I thank you for your honestbosom (n.)

old form: bosome
heart, inner person
AW I.iii.121
care: I will speake with you further anon. care. I will speak with you further anon.anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
AW I.iii.122
Exit Steward.Exit Steward AW I.iii.122
Enter Hellen.Enter Helena AW I.iii.123
Euen so it was with me when I was yong:Even so it was with me when I was young. AW I.iii.123
If euer we are natures, these are ours, this thorneIf ever we are nature's, these are ours; this thorn AW I.iii.124
Doth to our Rose of youth righlie belongDoth to our rose of youth rightly belong; AW I.iii.125
Our bloud to vs, this to our blood is borne,Our blood to us, this to our blood is born.blood (n.)
passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual]
AW I.iii.126
It is the show, and seale of natures truth,It is the show and seal of nature's truth,seal (n.)

old form: seale
pledge, promise, token, sign
AW I.iii.127
Where loues strong passion is imprest in youth,Where love's strong passion is impressed in youth:impress (v.)

old form: imprest
imprint, engrave, stamp [as by a seal]
AW I.iii.128
By our remembrances of daies forgon,By our remembrances of days foregone,remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
AW I.iii.129
foregone (adj.)

old form: forgon
previous, prior, earlier
Such were our faults, or then we thought them none,Such were our faults, or then we thought them none. AW I.iii.130
Her eie is sicke on't, I obserue her now.Her eye is sick on't; I observe her now.observe (v.)

old form: obserue
perceive, see through, be aware of
AW I.iii.131
What is your pleasure Madam?What is your pleasure, madam? AW I.iii.132.1
You know HellenYou know, Helen, AW I.iii.132.2
I am a mother to you.I am a mother to you. AW I.iii.133
Mine honorable Mistris.Mine honourable mistress. AW I.iii.134.1
Nay a mother,Nay, a mother. AW I.iii.134.2
why not a mother? when I sed a motherWhy not a mother? When I said ‘ a mother,’ AW I.iii.135
Me thought you saw a serpent, what's in mother,Methought you saw a serpent. What's in ‘ mother ’methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thought
it seems / seemed to me
AW I.iii.136
That you start at it? I say I am your mother,That you start at it? I say I am your mother,start (v.)
jump, recoil, flinch
AW I.iii.137
And put you in the Catalogue of thoseAnd put you in the catalogue of those AW I.iii.138
That were enwombed mine, 'tis often seeneThat were enwombed mine. 'Tis often seenenwomb (v.)
be present in the womb [as], be born
AW I.iii.139
Adoption striues with nature, and choise breedesAdoption strives with nature, and choice breeds AW I.iii.140
A natiue slip to vs from forraine seedes:A native slip to us from foreign seeds.slip (n.)
seedling, sprig, shoot, cutting
AW I.iii.141
You nere opprest me with a mothers groane,You ne'er oppressed me with a mother's groan,oppress (v.)

old form: opprest
trouble, distress, worry
AW I.iii.142
Yet I expresse to you a mothers care,Yet I express to you a mother's care. AW I.iii.143
(Gods mercie maiden) dos it curd thy bloodGod's mercy, maiden! Does it curd thy bloodcurd (v.)
congeal, coagulate, curdle
AW I.iii.144
To say I am thy mother? what's the matter,To say I am thy mother? What's the matter, AW I.iii.145
That this distempered messenger of wet?That this distempered messenger of wet,distempered (adj.)
troubled, disturbed, inclement
AW I.iii.146
The manie colour'd Iris rounds thine eye?The many-coloured Iris, rounds thine eye?round (v.)
ring, encircle, surround
AW I.iii.147
------ Why, that you are my daughter?Why, that you are my daughter? AW I.iii.148.1
That I am not.That I am not. AW I.iii.148.2
I say I am your Mother.I say I am your mother. AW I.iii.149.1
Pardon Madam.Pardon, madam. AW I.iii.149.2
The Count Rosillion cannot be my brother:The Count Rossillion cannot be my brother. AW I.iii.150
I am from humble, he from honored name:I am from humble, he from honoured name; AW I.iii.151
No note vpon my Parents, his all noble,No note upon my parents, his all noble.note (n.)
reputation, distinction, standing
AW I.iii.152
My Master, my deere Lord he is, and IMy master, my dear lord he is, and I AW I.iii.153
His seruant liue, and will his vassall die:His servant live, and will his vassal die.vassal (n.)

old form: vassall
servant, slave, subject
AW I.iii.154
He must not be my brother.He must not be my brother. AW I.iii.155.1
Nor I your Mother.Nor I your mother? AW I.iii.155.2
You are my mother Madam, would you wereYou are my mother, madam; would you were –  AW I.iii.156
So that my Lord your sonne were not my brother,So that my lord your son were not my brother –  AW I.iii.157
Indeede my mother, or were you both our mothers,Indeed my mother! Or were you both our mothers AW I.iii.158
I care no more for, then I doe for heauen,I care no more for than I do for heaven, AW I.iii.159
So I were not his sister, cant no other,So I were not his sister. Can't no other AW I.iii.160
But I your daughter, he must be my brother.But, I your daughter, he must be my brother? AW I.iii.161
Yes Hellen you might be my daughter in law,Yes, Helen, you might be my daughter-in-law. AW I.iii.162
God shield you meane it not, daughter and motherGod shield you mean it not! ‘ Daughter ’ and ‘ mother ’shield (v.)
forbid [as exclamation]
AW I.iii.163
So striue vpon your pulse; what pale agen?So strive upon your pulse. What, pale again?strive (v.)

old form: striue
compete, contend, vie
AW I.iii.164
My feare hath catcht your fondnesse! now I seeMy fear hath catched your fondness. Now I seefondness (n.)

old form: fondnesse
foolish affection, naive devotion
AW I.iii.165
The mistrie of your louelinesse, and findeThe mystery of your loneliness, and find AW I.iii.166
Your salt teares head, now to all sence 'tis grosse:Your salt tears' head. Now to all sense 'tis gross:sense (n.)

old form: sence
perception, awareness, discernment, appreciation
AW I.iii.167
head (n.)
source, origin, fountainhead
gross (adj.)

old form: grosse
plain, striking, evident, obvious
You loue my sonne, inuention is asham'dYou love my son. Invention is ashamedinvention (n.)

old form: inuention
devising excuses, capacity for evasion
AW I.iii.168
Against the proclamation of thy passionAgainst the proclamation of thy passionagainst, 'gainst (prep.)
in the face of
AW I.iii.169
To say thou doost not: therefore tell me true,To say thou dost not. Therefore tell me true; AW I.iii.170
But tell me then 'tis so, for looke, thy cheekesBut tell me then, 'tis so; for, look, thy cheeks AW I.iii.171
Confesse it 'ton tooth to th' other, and thine eiesConfess it t' one to th' other, and thine eyes AW I.iii.172
See it so grosely showne in thy behauiours,See it so grossly shown in thy behavioursgrossly (adv.)

old form: grosely
obviously, plainly, palpably
AW I.iii.173
That in their kinde they speake it, onely sinneThat in their kind they speak it; only sinkind (n.)

old form: kinde
manner, way, state
AW I.iii.174
And hellish obstinacie tye thy tongueAnd hellish obstinacy tie thy tongue, AW I.iii.175
That truth should be suspected, speake, ist so?That truth should be suspected. Speak, is't so?suspected (adj.)
doubted, regarded with suspicion
AW I.iii.176
If it be so, you haue wound a goodly clewe:If it be so, you have wound a goodly clew;clew (n.)

old form: clewe
ball of thread
AW I.iii.177
If it be not, forsweare't how ere I charge thee,If it be not, forswear't; howe'er, I charge thee,charge (v.)
entreat, exhort, enjoin
AW I.iii.178
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: forsweare
deny, repudiate, refuse to admit
As heauen shall worke in me for thine auaileAs heaven shall work in me for thine avail, AW I.iii.179
To tell me truelie.To tell me truly. AW I.iii.180.1
Good Madam pardon me.Good madam, pardon me. AW I.iii.180.2
Do you loue my Sonne?Do you love my son? AW I.iii.181.1
Your pardon noble Mistris.Your pardon, noble mistress. AW I.iii.181.2
Loue you my Sonne?Love you my son? AW I.iii.182.1
Doe not you loue him Madam?Do not you love him, madam? AW I.iii.182.2
Goe not about; my loue hath in't a bondGo not about; my love hath in't a bondgo about (v.)

old form: Goe
be evasive, talk in a roundabout way
AW I.iii.183
Whereof the world takes note: Come, come, disclose:Whereof the world takes note. Come, come, disclose AW I.iii.184
The state of your affection, for your passionsThe state of your affection, for your passions AW I.iii.185
Haue to the full appeach'd.Have to the full appeached.appeach (v.)

old form: appeach'd
denounce, inform against, impeach
AW I.iii.186.1
Then I confesseThen, I confess, AW I.iii.186.2
Here on my knee, before high heauen and you,Here on my knee, before high heaven and you, AW I.iii.187
That before you, and next vnto high heauen,That before you, and next unto high heaven, AW I.iii.188
I loue your Sonne:I love your son. AW I.iii.189
My friends were poore but honest, so's my loue:My friends were poor, but honest; so's my love.friend (n.)
relative, relation, kinsman
AW I.iii.190
Be not offended, for it hurts not himBe not offended, for it hurts not him AW I.iii.191
That he is lou'd of me; I follow him notThat he is loved of me. I follow him not AW I.iii.192
By any token of presumptuous suite,By any token of presumptuous suit,suit (n.)

old form: suite
wooing, courtship
AW I.iii.193
Nor would I haue him, till I doe deserue him,Nor would I have him till I do deserve him, AW I.iii.194
Yet neuer know how that desert should be:Yet never know how that desert should be.desert, desart (n.)
worth, merit, deserving
AW I.iii.195
I know I loue in vaine, striue against hope:I know I love in vain, strive against hope, AW I.iii.196
Yet in this captious, and intemible Siue.Yet in this captious and intenable sieveintenable (adj.)
[debated meaning] unable to retain
AW I.iii.197
inteemable (adj.)

old form: intemible
[debated meaning] unable to be poured out
captious (adj.)
capacious, spacious, roomy
I still poure in the waters of my loueI still pour in the waters of my lovestill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
AW I.iii.198
And lacke not to loose still; thus Indian likeAnd lack not to lose still. Thus, Indian-like, AW I.iii.199
Religious in mine error, I adoreReligious in mine error, I adore AW I.iii.200
The Sunne that lookes vpon his worshipper,The sun that looks upon his worshipper AW I.iii.201
But knowes of him no more. My deerest Madam,But knows of him no more. My dearest madam, AW I.iii.202
Let not your hate incounter with my loue,Let not your hate encounter with my love,encounter with (v.)

old form: incounter
contest, dispute, confront
AW I.iii.203
For louing where you doe; but if your selfe,For loving where you do; but if yourself, AW I.iii.204
Whose aged honor cites a vertuous youth,Whose aged honour cites a virtuous youth,cite (v.)
be evidence of, confirm, acknowledge
AW I.iii.205
Did euer, in so true a flame of liking,Did ever, in so true a flame of liking, AW I.iii.206
Wish chastly, and loue dearely, that your DianWish chastely and love dearly, that your Dianwish (v.)
hope, desire
AW I.iii.207
Was both her selfe and loue, O then giue pittieWas both herself and love – O then, give pity AW I.iii.208
To her whose state is such, that cannot chooseTo her whose state is such that cannot choose AW I.iii.209
But lend and giue where she is sure to loose;But lend and give where she is sure to lose; AW I.iii.210
That seekes not to finde that, her search implies,That seeks not to find that her search implies, AW I.iii.211
But riddle like, liues sweetely where she dies.But riddle-like lives sweetly where she dies.riddle-like (adv.)

old form: riddle like
in the manner of a riddle, hiding the truth of a situation
AW I.iii.212
Had you not lately an intent, speake truely,Had you not lately an intent – speak truly – intent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
AW I.iii.213
lately (adv.)
recently, of late
To goe to Paris?To go to Paris? AW I.iii.214.1
Madam I had.Madam, I had. AW I.iii.214.2
Wherefore? tell true.Wherefore? tell true. AW I.iii.214.3
I will tell truth, by grace it selfe I sweare:I will tell truth, by grace itself I swear. AW I.iii.215
You know my Father left me some prescriptionsYou know my father left me some prescriptions AW I.iii.216
Of rare and prou'd effects, such as his readingOf rare and proved effects, such as his reading AW I.iii.217
And manifest experience, had collectedAnd manifest experience had collectedexperience (n.)
learning, expertise, knowledge
AW I.iii.218
manifest (adj.)
clear, evident, obvious
For generall soueraigntie: and that he wil'd meFor general sovereignty; and that he willed mewill (v.), past form would

old form: wil'd
command, order, direct
AW I.iii.219
sovereignty (n.)

old form: soueraigntie
potency, efficacy, effectiveness
general (adj.)

old form: generall
common, of everyone, public
In heedefull'st reseruation to bestow them,In heedfullest reservation to bestow them,reservation (n.)

old form: reseruation
concealment, secrecy, keeping out of sight
AW I.iii.220
heedful (adj.)

old form: heedefull'st
careful, mindful, watchful
bestow (v.)
stow away, dispose of
As notes, whose faculties inclusiue were,As notes whose faculties inclusive wereinclusive (adj.)

old form: inclusiue
comprehensive, all-embracing, extensive
AW I.iii.221
note (n.)
instruction, indication, direction
faculty (n.)
function, power, capability
More then they were in note: Amongst the rest,More than they were in note. Amongst the restnote (n.)
reputation, distinction, standing
AW I.iii.222
There is a remedie, approu'd, set downe,There is a remedy, approved, set down,approve (v.)

old form: approu'd
prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate
AW I.iii.223
To cure the desperate languishings whereofTo cure the desperate languishings whereof AW I.iii.224
The King is render'd lost.The King is rendered lost.render (v.)

old form: render'd
describe, represent, depict [as]
AW I.iii.225.1
This was your motiueThis was your motive AW I.iii.225.2
for Paris was it, speake?For Paris, was it? Speak. AW I.iii.226
My Lord, your sonne, made me to think of this;My lord your son made me to think of this. AW I.iii.227
Else Paris and the medicine, and the King,Else Paris and the medicine and the King AW I.iii.228
Had from the conuersation of my thoughts,Had from the conversation of my thoughtsconversation (n.)

old form: conuersation
process, interchange, movement
AW I.iii.229
Happily beene absent then.Haply been absent then.haply (adv.)
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck
AW I.iii.230.1
But thinke you Hellen,But think you, Helen, AW I.iii.230.2
If you should tender your supposed aide,If you should tender your supposed aid,tender (v.)
offer, give, present
AW I.iii.231
He would receiue it? He and his PhisitionsHe would receive it? He and his physicians AW I.iii.232
Are of a minde, he, that they cannot helpe him:Are of a mind: he, that they cannot help him; AW I.iii.233
They, that they cannot helpe, how shall they creditThey, that they cannot help. How shall they credit AW I.iii.234
A poore vnlearned Virgin, when the SchoolesA poor unlearned virgin, when the schools,school (n.)

old form: Schooles
medical faculty
AW I.iii.235
Embowel'd of their doctrine, haue left offEmbowelled of their doctrine, have left offembowelled (adj.)

old form: Embowel'd
disembowelled, emptied, drained
AW I.iii.236
leave off (v.)
give up, abandon, leave alone
doctrine (n.)
learning, body of knowledge, science
The danger to it selfe.The danger to itself? AW I.iii.237.1
There's something in'tThere's something in't AW I.iii.237.2
More then my Fathers skill, which was the great'stMore than my father's skill, which was the greatest AW I.iii.238
Of his profession, that his good receipt,Of his profession, that his good receiptreceipt (n.)
recipe, formula, prescription
AW I.iii.239
Shall for my legacie be sanctifiedShall for my legacy be sanctified AW I.iii.240
Byth' luckiest stars in heauen, and would your honorBy th' luckiest stars in heaven; and would your honour AW I.iii.241
But giue me leaue to trie successe, I'de ventureBut give me leave to try success, I'd venturetry (v.)

old form: trie
prove, ascertain, find out
AW I.iii.242
The well lost life of mine, on his Graces cure,The well-lost life of mine on his grace's curewell-lost (adj.)

old form: well lost
lost in a good cause
AW I.iii.243
By such a day, an houre.By such a day, an hour. AW I.iii.244.1
Doo'st thou beleeue't?Dost thou believe't? AW I.iii.244.2
I Madam knowingly.Ay, madam, knowingly.knowingly (adv.)
with knowledge, with worldly experience
AW I.iii.245
Why Hellen thou shalt haue my leaue and loue,Why, Helen, thou shalt have my leave and love, AW I.iii.246
Meanes and attendants, and my louing greetingsMeans and attendants, and my loving greetings AW I.iii.247
To those of mine in Court, Ile staie at homeTo those of mine in court. I'll stay at home AW I.iii.248
And praie Gods blessing into thy attempt:And pray God's blessing into thy attempt. AW I.iii.249
Begon to morrow, and be sure of this,Be gone tomorrow, and be sure of this, AW I.iii.250
What I can helpe thee to, thou shalt not misse. What I can help thee to, thou shalt not miss. AW I.iii.251
Exeunt.Exeunt AW I.iii.251
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