King Lear

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Kent.Enter Kent in disguise KL I.iv.1
Kent. KENT 
If but as will I other accents borrow,If but as well I other accents borrow KL I.iv.1
That can my speech defuse, my good intentThat can my speech diffuse, my good intentintent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
KL I.iv.2
diffuse (v.)

old form: defuse
disguise, obscure, make indistinct
May carry through it selfe to that full issueMay carry through itself to that full issueissue (n.)
outcome, result, consequence(s)
KL I.iv.3
full (adj.)
ideal, perfect, complete
For which I raiz'd my likenesse. Now banisht Kent,For which I razed my likeness. Now, banished Kent,raze (v.)

old form: raiz'd
alter, take away, get rid of
KL I.iv.4
likeness (n.)

old form: likenesse
appearance, look
If thou canst serue where thou dost stand condemn'd,If thou canst serve where thou dost stand condemned, KL I.iv.5
So may it come, thy Master whom thou lou'st,So may it come thy master whom thou lovestcome (v.)
come to pass, happen, turn out
KL I.iv.6
Shall find thee full of labours.Shall find thee full of labours.labour (n.)
service, effort, hard work
KL I.iv.7
Hornes within. Enter Lear and Attendants.Horns within. Enter Lear and Knights KL I.iv.8
Lear. LEAR 
Let me not stay a iot for dinner, go get it ready:Let me not stay a jot for dinner! Go, get it ready! KL I.iv.8
Exit First Knight KL I.iv.8
how now, what art thou?How now? What art thou? KL I.iv.9
Kent. KENT 
A man Sir.A man, sir. KL I.iv.10
Lear. LEAR 
What dost thou professe? What would'st thou withWhat dost thou profess? What wouldst thou withprofess (v.)

old form: professe
make profession of, do as an occupation
KL I.iv.11
vs?us? KL I.iv.12
Kent. KENT 
I do professe to be no lesse then I seeme; to serue himI do profess to be no less than I seem: to serve him KL I.iv.13
truely that will put me in trust, to loue him that is honest,truly that will put me in trust, to love him that is honest, KL I.iv.14
to conuerse with him that is wise and saies little, to feareto converse with him that is wise and says little, to fearconverse (v.)

old form: conuerse
associate, keep company
KL I.iv.15
iudgement, to fight when I cannot choose, and to eate no judgement, to fight when I cannot choose, and to eat nojudgement (n.)

old form: iudgement
judgement day
KL I.iv.16 KL I.iv.17
Lear. LEAR 
What art thou?What art thou? KL I.iv.18
Kent. KENT 
A very honest hearted Fellow, and as poore as theA very honest-hearted fellow, and as poor as the KL I.iv.19
King.King. KL I.iv.20
Lear. LEAR 
If thou be'st as poore for a subiect, as hee's for a King,If thou be'st as poor for a subject as he's for a king KL I.iv.21
thou art poore enough. What wouldst thou?thou art poor enough. What wouldst thou? KL I.iv.22
Kent. KENT 
Seruice.Service. KL I.iv.23
Lear. LEAR 
Who wouldst thou serue?Who wouldst thou serve? KL I.iv.24
Kent. KENT 
You.You. KL I.iv.25
Lear. LEAR 
Do'st thou know me fellow?Dost thou know me, fellow? KL I.iv.26
Kent. KENT 
No Sir, but you haue that in your countenance,No, sir; but you have that in your countenancecountenance (n.)
demeanour, bearing, manner
KL I.iv.27
which I would faine call Master.which I would fain call master.fain (adv.)

old form: faine
gladly, willingly
KL I.iv.28
Lear. LEAR 
What's that?What's that? KL I.iv.29
Kent. KENT 
Authority.Authority.authority (n.)
right to command, position of power
KL I.iv.30
Lear. LEAR 
What seruices canst thou do?What services canst thou do? KL I.iv.31
Kent. KENT 
I can keepe honest counsaile, ride, run, marre a curiousI can keep honest counsel, ride, run, mar a curiouscurious (adj.)
finely made, skilfully wrought, elaborate
KL I.iv.32
tale in telling it, and deliuer a plaine message bluntly:tale in telling it, and deliver a plain message bluntly. KL I.iv.33
that which ordinary men are fit for, I am quallified in,That which ordinary men are fit for I am qualified in, KL I.iv.34
and the best of me, is Dilligence.and the best of me is diligence. KL I.iv.35
Lear. LEAR 
How old art thou?How old art thou? KL I.iv.36
Kent. KENT 
Not so young Sir to loue a woman for singing, nor Not so young, sir, to love a woman for singing, nor KL I.iv.37
so old to dote on her for any thing. I haue yeares on myso old to dote on her for anything. I have years on my KL I.iv.38
backe forty eight.back forty-eight. KL I.iv.39
Lear. LEAR 
Follow me,thou shalt serue me, if I like thee noFollow me; thou shalt serve me if I like thee no KL I.iv.40
worse after dinner, I will not part from thee yet. Dinnerworse after dinner. I will not part from thee yet. Dinner, KL I.iv.41
ho, dinner, where's my knaue? my Foole? Go you andho, dinner! Where's my knave, my Fool? Go you andknave (n.)

old form: knaue
servant, menial, lackey
KL I.iv.42
call my Foole my Fool hither. KL I.iv.43
Exit Second Knight KL I.iv.43
Enter Steward.Enter Oswald KL I.iv.44.1
You you Sirrah, where's my Daughter?You! You, sirrah! Where's my daughter? KL I.iv.44
So please you----So please you –  KL I.iv.45
Exit.Exit KL I.iv.45
Lear. LEAR 
What saies the Fellow there? Call the Clotpole backe:What says the fellow there? Call the clotpoll back.clotpoll, clotpole, clatpole (n.)
blockhead, dolt, numskull
KL I.iv.46
Exit Third Knight KL I.iv.46
wher's my Foole? Ho, I thinke the world's asleepe,Where's my Fool? Ho, I think the world's asleep. KL I.iv.47
Enter Third Knight KL I.iv.48
how now? Where's that Mungrell?How now? Where's that mongrel? KL I.iv.48
Knigh. KNIGHT 
He saies my Lord, your Daughters is notHe says, my lord, your daughter is not KL I.iv.49
well.well. KL I.iv.50
Lear. LEAR 
Why came not the slaue backe to me when I call'dWhy came not the slave back to me when I called KL I.iv.51
him?him? KL I.iv.52
Knigh. KNIGHT 
Sir,he answered me in the roundest Sir, he answered me in the roundestround (adj.)
blunt, forthright, straight, plain-spoken
KL I.iv.53
manner, he would not.manner he would not. KL I.iv.54
Lear. LEAR 
He would not?He would not! KL I.iv.55
Knight. KNIGHT 
My Lord, I know not what the matter is,My lord, I know not what the matter is, KL I.iv.56
but to my iudgement your Highnesse is not entertain'dbut to my judgement your highness is not entertainedentertain (v.)

old form: entertain'd
treat, deal with, handle
KL I.iv.57
judgement (n.)

old form: iudgement
opinion, estimation, assessment
with that Ceremonious affection as you were wont,with that ceremonious affection as you were wont.wont (v.)
be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of
KL I.iv.58
theres a great abatement of kindnesse appeares as wellThere's a great abatement of kindness appears as wellabatement (n.)
lessening, decrease, diminution
KL I.iv.59
in the generall dependants, as in the Duke himselfe also,in the general dependants as in the Duke himself alsodependant (n.)
attendant, servant, retainer
KL I.iv.60
and your Daughter.and your daughter. KL I.iv.61
Lear. LEAR 
Ha? Saist thou so?Ha! Sayest thou so? KL I.iv.62
Knigh. KNIGHT 
I beseech you pardon me my Lord, if II beseech you pardon me, my lord, if I KL I.iv.63
bee mistaken, for my duty cannot be silent, when I thinkebe mistaken; for my duty cannot be silent when I think KL I.iv.64
your Highnesse wrong'd.your highness wronged. KL I.iv.65
Lear. LEAR 
Thou but remembrest me of mine owne Conception,Thou but rememberest me of mine own conception.remember (v.)

old form: remembrest
remind, bring to someone's mind
KL I.iv.66
conception (n.)
thinking, impression, suspicion
I haue perceiued a most faint neglect of late,I have perceived a most faint neglect of late,faint (adj.)
feeble, half-hearted
KL I.iv.67
which I haue rather blamed as mine owne iealouswhich I have rather blamed as mine own jealousjealous (adj.)

old form: iealous
suspicious, mistrustful, wary, watchful
KL I.iv.68
curiositie, then as a very pretence and purpose ofcuriosity than as a very pretence and purpose ofpurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
KL I.iv.69
pretence (n.)
plan, design, intention, purpose
curiosity (n.)

old form: curiositie
scrupulousness, fastidiousness, painstaking attention to detail
vnkindnesse; I will looke further intoo't: but where's myunkindness. I will look further into't. But where's my KL I.iv.70
Foole? I haue not seene him this two daies.Fool? I have not seen him this two days. KL I.iv.71
Knight. KNIGHT 
Since my young Ladies going into Since my young lady's going into KL I.iv.72
France Sir, the Foole hath much pined away.France, sir, the Fool hath much pined away. KL I.iv.73
Lear. LEAR 
No more of that, I haue noted it well, goe you andNo more of that! I have noted it well. Go you and KL I.iv.74
tell my Daughter, I would speake with her.tell my daughter I would speak with her. KL I.iv.75
Exit Third Knight KL I.iv.75
Goe you call hither my Foole;Go you, call hither my Fool. KL I.iv.76
Exit another Knight KL I.iv76.
Enter Steward.Enter Oswald KL I.iv.77
Oh you Sir, you, come you hither / Sir, who am I Sir?O, you, sir, you! Come you hither, sir. Who am I, sir? KL I.iv.77
My Ladies Father.My lady's father. KL I.iv.78
Lear. LEAR 
My Ladies Father? my Lords knaue, you whorson‘ My lady's father,’ my lord's knave! You whoresonwhoreson (adj.)

old form: whorson
[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile
KL I.iv.79
knave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
dog, you slaue, you! You slave! You cur! KL I.iv.80
I am none of these my Lord, / I beseech yourI am none of these, my lord, I beseech your KL I.iv.81
pardon.pardon. KL I.iv.82
Lear. LEAR 
Do you bandy lookes with me, you Rascall?Do you bandy looks with me, you rascal?bandy (v.)
exchange, swap, send to and fro
KL I.iv.83
He strikes him KL I.iv.84
Ile not be strucken my Lord.I'll not be strucken, my lord. KL I.iv.84
Kent. KENT 
Nor tript neither, you base Foot-ball plaier.Nor tripped neither, you base football-player.base (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
KL I.iv.85
He trips him KL I.iv.86
Lear. LEAR 
I thanke thee fellow. / Thou seru'st me, and Ile loueI thank thee, fellow. Thou servest me and I'll love KL I.iv.86
thee.thee. KL I.iv.87
Kent. KENT  
(to Oswald) KL I.iv.88
Come sir, arise, away, Ile teach youCome, sir, arise, away! I'll teach you KL I.iv.88
differences: away, away, if you will measure yourdifferences. Away, away! If you will measure yourdifference (n.)
class difference, distinction of rank
KL I.iv.89
lubbers length againe, tarry, but away, goe too, haue youlubber's length again, tarry; but away, go to! Have youtarry (v.)
stay, remain, linger
KL I.iv.90
lubber (n.)
clumsy dolt, blundering lout
wisedome,wisdom? KL I.iv.91
He pushes Oswald out KL I.iv.92
so.So. KL I.iv.92
Lear. LEAR 
Now my friendly knaue I thanke thee, there'sNow, my friendly knave, I thank thee. There'sknave (n.)

old form: knaue
servant, menial, lackey
KL I.iv.93
earnest of thy seruice.earnest of thy service.earnest (n.)
pledge, instalment, deposit, payment in advance
KL I.iv.94
He gives him money KL I.iv.95.1
Enter Foole.Enter the Fool KL I.iv.95.2
Foole. FOOL 
Let me hire him too, here's my Coxcombe.Let me hire him too. Here's my coxcomb.coxcomb (n.)

old form: Coxcombe
fool's cap [with a crest like a cock's crest]
KL I.iv.95
Lear. LEAR 
How now my pretty knaue, how dost thou?How now, my pretty knave! How dost thou?pretty (adj.)
[of men] fine, good-looking
KL I.iv.96
knave (n.)

old form: knaue
boy, lad, fellow
Foole. FOOL 
Sirrah, you were best take my Coxcombe.Sirrah, you were best take my coxcomb. KL I.iv.97
Lear. KENT 
Why my Boy?Why, Fool? KL I.iv.98
Foole. FOOL 
Why? for taking ones part that's out of fauour,Why? For taking one's part that's out of favour. KL I.iv.99
nay, & thou canst not smile as the wind sits, thou'ltNay, and thou canst not smile as the wind sits, thou'lt KL I.iv.100
catch colde shortly, there take my Coxcombe; why thiscatch cold shortly. There, take my coxcomb! Why, this KL I.iv.101
fellow ha's banish'd two on's Daughters, and did thefellow has banished two on's daughters, and did theon (prep.)
KL I.iv.102
third a blessing against his will, if thou follow him, thouthird a blessing against his will. If thou follow him, thou KL I.iv.103
must needs weare my Coxcombe. How now Nunckle?must needs wear my coxcomb. How now, nuncle!nuncle (n.)

old form: Nunckle
child-like shortening of ‘mine uncle’; guardian, master
KL I.iv.104
would I had two Coxcombes and two Daughters.Would I had two coxcombs and two daughters! KL I.iv.105
Lear. LEAR 
Why my Boy?Why, my boy? KL I.iv.106
Fool. FOOL 
If I gaue them all my liuing,I'ld keepe my CoxcombesIf I gave them all my living, I'd keep my coxcombsliving (n.)

old form: liuing
possessions, means of support, livelihood
KL I.iv.107
my selfe, there's mine, beg another of thy Daughters.myself. There's mine. Beg another of thy daughters. KL I.iv.108
Lear. LEAR 
Take heed Sirrah, the whip.Take heed, sirrah, the whip!sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
KL I.iv.109
Foole. FOOL 
Truth's a dog must to kennell, hee must bee whiptTruth's a dog must to kennel; he must be whippedkennel (v.)

old form: kennell
go outside to the dog-house
KL I.iv.110
out, when the Lady Brach may stand by'th'fire and out when the Lady Brach may stand by the fire andbrach (n.)
hound [which hunts by scent], bitch
KL I.iv.111
stinke.stink. KL I.iv.112
Lear. LEAR 
A pestilent gall to me.A pestilent gall to me!gall (n.)
irritation, annoyance
KL I.iv.113
Foole. FOOL 
Sirha, Ile teach thee a speech.Sirrah, I'll teach thee a speech. KL I.iv.114
Lear. LEAR 
Do.Do. KL I.iv.115
Foole. FOOL 
Marke it Nuncle;Mark it, nuncle:mark (v.)

old form: Marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
KL I.iv.116
Haue more then thou showest,Have more than thou showest, KL I.iv.117
Speake lesse then thou knowest,Speak less than thou knowest, KL I.iv.118
Lend lesse then thou owest,Lend less than thou owest, KL I.iv.119
Ride more then thou goest,Ride more than thou goest,go (v.)
walk, travel on foot
KL I.iv.120
Learne more then thou trowest,Learn more than thou trowest,trow (v.)
believe, give credence to, accept as true
KL I.iv.121
Set lesse then thou throwest;Set less than thou throwest;set (v.)
challenge, put down a stake against
KL I.iv.122
Leaue thy drinke and thy whore,Leave thy drink and thy whore KL I.iv.123
And keepe in a dore,And keep in-a-door,in-a-door (adv.)

old form: in a dore
KL I.iv.124
And thou shalt haue more,And thou shalt have more KL I.iv.125
Then two tens to a score.Than two tens to a score. KL I.iv.126
Kent. KENT 
This is nothing Foole.This is nothing, Fool.nothing (n.)
nonsense, emptiness, rubbish
KL I.iv.127
Foole. FOOL 
Then 'tis like the breath of an vnfeed Lawyer, youThen 'tis like the breath of an unfee'd lawyer: youunfee'd (adj.)

old form: vnfeed
not rewarded with a fee, unpaid
KL I.iv.128
gaue me nothing for't, can you make no vse of nothinggave me nothing for't. Can you make no use of nothing,use (n.)

old form: vse
profit, interest, premium
KL I.iv.129
Nuncle?nuncle? KL I.iv.130
Lear. LEAR 
Why no Boy, Nothing can be made out of nothing.Why, no, boy. Nothing can be made out of nothing. KL I.iv.131
Foole. FOOL 
(to Kent) KL I.iv.132
Prythee tell him, so much the rent of hisPrithee tell him; so much the rent of his KL I.iv.132
land comes to, he will not beleeue a comes to. He will not believe a fool. KL I.iv.133
Lear. LEAR 
A bitter Foole.A bitter fool! KL I.iv.134
Foole. FOOL 
Do'st thou know the difference my Boy, betweene aDost thou know the difference, my boy, between a KL I.iv.135
bitter Foole, and a sweet one.bitter fool and a sweet fool? KL I.iv.136
Lear. LEAR 
No Lad, reach me.No, lad; teach me.lad (n.)
serving-man, man of low birth [not necessarily young]
KL I.iv.137
That lord that counselled thee KL I.iv.138
To give away thy land, KL I.iv.139
Come place him here by me; KL I.iv.140
Do thou for him stand.stand (v.)
stand in, impersonate, represent
KL I.iv.141
The sweet and bitter fool KL I.iv.142
Will presently appear:presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
KL I.iv.143
The one in motley here,motley (n.)
distinctive dress of a fool
KL I.iv.144
The other found out – there. KL I.iv.145
Dost thou call me fool, boy? KL I.iv.146
All thy other titles thou hast given away; that thou KL I.iv.147
wast born with. KL I.iv.148
This is not altogether fool, my lord. KL I.iv.149
No, faith; lords and great men will not let me. If I KL I.iv.150
had a monopoly out they would have part on't; andmonopoly (n.)
exclusive trading right granted by the sovereign
KL I.iv.151
Foole. ladies too – they will not let me have all the fool to myself; KL I.iv.152
Nunckle, giue me an egge, andthey'll be snatching. Nuncle, give me an egg and KL I.iv.153
Ile giue thee two Crownes.I'll give thee two crowns. KL I.iv.154
Lear. LEAR 
What two Crownes shall they be?What two crowns shall they be? KL I.iv.155
Foole. FOOL 
Why after I haue cut the egge i'th'middle and eateWhy, after I have cut the egg i'the middle and eat KL I.iv.156
vp the meate, the two Crownes of the egge: when thouup the meat, the two crowns of the egg. When thoumeat (n.)

old form: meate
edible part
KL I.iv.157
clouest thy Crownes i'th'middle, and gau'st away bothclovest thy crown i'the middle, and gavest away both KL I.iv.158
parts, thou boar'st thine Asse on thy backe o're the durt,parts, thou borest thine ass on thy back o'er the dirt KL I.iv.159
thou had'st little wit in thy bald crowne, when thouThou hadst little wit in thy bald crown when thouwit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
KL I.iv.160
gau'st thy golden one away; if I speake like my selfe ingavest thy golden one away. If I speak like myself in KL I.iv.161
this, let him be whipt that first findes it so.this, let him be whipped that first finds it so. KL I.iv.162
Fooles had nere lesse grace in a yeere,Fools had ne'er less grace in a year,grace (n.)
honour, favour, recognition, respect
KL I.iv.163
For wisemen are growne foppish,For wise men are grown foppishfoppish (adj.)
foolish, silly, stupid
KL I.iv.164
And know not how their wits to weare,And know not how their wits to wear,wits, also five wits
faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses)
KL I.iv.165
Their manners are so apish.Their manners are so apish.apish (adj.)
ape-like in copying, stupidly imitative
KL I.iv.166
When were you wont to be so full of Songs sirrah?When were you wont to be so full of songs, sirrah?wont (v.)
be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of
KL I.iv.167
sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
Foole. FOOL 
I haue vsed it Nunckle, ere since thou mad'st thyI have used it, nuncle, e'er since thou madest thyuse (v.)

old form: vsed
make use of, engage [in], practise [with]
KL I.iv.168
Daughters thy Mothers, for when thou gau'st them thedaughters thy mothers; for when thou gavest them the KL I.iv.169
rod, and put'st downe thine owne breeches,rod and puttest down thine own breeches, KL I.iv.170
(sings) KL I.iv.171
then they / For sodaine ioy did weepe,Then they for sudden joy did weep, KL I.iv.171
And I for sorrow sung,And I for sorrow sung, KL I.iv.172
That such a King should play bo-peepe,That such a king should play bo-peepbo-peep (n.)

old form: bo-peepe
peep-bo, peek-a-boo [a game played with babies]
KL I.iv.173
And goe the Foole among.And go the fools among. KL I.iv.174
Pry'thy Nunckle keepe a Schoolemaster that can teach thyPrithee, nuncle, keep a schoolmaster that can teach thy KL I.iv.175
Foole to lie, I would faine learne to lie.fool to lie; I would fain learn to lie.fain (adv.)

old form: faine
gladly, willingly
KL I.iv.176
Lear. LEAR 
And you lie sirrah, wee'l haue you whipt.And you lie, sirrah, we'll have you whipped.and, an (conj.)
if, even if
KL I.iv.177
Foole. FOOL 
I maruell what kin thou and thy daughters are,I marvel what kin thou and thy daughters are. KL I.iv.178
they'l haue me whipt for speaking true: thou'ltThey'll have me whipped for speaking true; thou'lt KL I.iv.179
haue me whipt for lying, and sometimes I amhave me whipped for lying; and sometimes I am KL I.iv.180
whipt for holding my peace. I had rather be any kindwhipped for holding my peace. I had rather be any kind KL I.iv.181
o'thing then a foole, and yet I would not be thee Nunckle,o' thing than a fool. And yet I would not be thee, nuncle. KL I.iv.182
thou hast pared thy wit o'both sides, and left nothingThou hast pared thy wit o' both sides and left nothingwit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
KL I.iv.183
i'th'middle; heere comes one o'the parings.i'the middle. Here comes one o'the parings. KL I.iv.184
Enter Gonerill.Enter Gonerill KL I.iv.185.1
Lear. LEAR 
How now Daughter? what makes that Frontlet on?How now, daughter! What makes that frontlet on?frontlet (n.)
forehead, ornamental headband [of frowns]
KL I.iv.185
You are too much of late i'th'frowne.You are too much of late i'the frown. KL I.iv.186
Foole. FOOL 
Thou wast a pretty fellow when thou hadst no needThou wast a pretty fellow when thou hadst no need KL I.iv.187
to care for her frowning, now thou art an O without a to care for her frowning. Now thou art an 0 without aO (n.)
cipher, zero, nought
KL I.iv.188
figure, I am better then thou art now, I am a Foole, thoufigure. I am better than thou art now; I am a fool; thou KL I.iv.189
art nothing. Yes forsooth I will hold myart nothing. (To Gonerill) Yes, forsooth, I will hold myforsooth (adv.)
in truth, certainly, truly, indeed
KL I.iv.190
tongue, so your face bids me, though you say nothing.tongue. So your face bids me, though you say nothing. KL I.iv.191
Mum, mum,Mum, mum!mum (int.)
be quiet, shush
KL I.iv.192
he that keepes nor crust, not crum,He that keeps nor crust nor crumb, KL I.iv.193
Weary of all, shall want some.Weary of all, shall want some. KL I.iv.194
He points to Lear KL I.iv.195.1
That's a sheal'd Pescod.That's a shelled peascod.shelled, shealed (adj.)
deprived of a shell, without a shell
KL I.iv.195
peascod (n.)
pea-plant, pea-pod
Not only Sir this, your all-lycenc'd Foole,Not only, sir, this your all-licensed foolall-licensed (adj.)

old form: all-lycenc'd
allowed to do anything, given free range
KL I.iv.196
But other of your insolent retinueBut other of your insolent retinue KL I.iv.197
Do hourely Carpe and is Quarrell, breaking forthDo hourly carp and quarrel, breaking forth KL I.iv.198
In ranke, and (not to be endur'd) riots Sir.In rank and not-to-be endured riots. Sir,rank (adj.)

old form: ranke
gross, outlandish, coarse
KL I.iv.199
I had thought by making this well knowne vnto you,I had thought by making this well known unto you KL I.iv.200
To haue found a safe redresse, but now grow fearefullTo have found a safe redress; but now grow fearfulredress (n.)

old form: redresse
remedy, amendment, improvement
KL I.iv.201
safe (adj.)
sure, certain, assured
By what your selfe too late haue spoke and done,By what yourself too late have spoke and donelate (adv.)
recently, a little while ago / before
KL I.iv.202
That you protect this course, and put it onThat you protect this course and put it onput on (v.)
instigate, provoke, incite
KL I.iv.203
course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
By your allowance, which if you should, the faultBy your allowance; which if you should, the faultallowance (n.)
permission, approval, sanction
KL I.iv.204
Would not scape censure, nor the redresses sleepe,Would not 'scape censure, nor the redresses sleep;scape, 'scape (v.)
escape, avoid
KL I.iv.205
redress (n.)
remedy, amendment, improvement
censure (n.)
condemnation, blame, stricture
Which in the tender of a wholesome weale,Which in the tender of a wholesome wealweal (n.)

old form: weale
state, community, commonwealth
KL I.iv.206
tender (n.)
care, concern, solicitude
wholesome (adj.)
good for the health, health-giving, salubrious
Might in their working do you that offence,Might in their working do you that offenceoffence (n.)
damage, injury, harm
KL I.iv.207
Which else were shame, that then necessitieWhich else were shame, that then necessity KL I.iv.208
Will call discreet proceeding.Will call discreet proceeding. KL I.iv.209
Foole. FOOL 
For you know Nunckle,For you know, nuncle, KL I.iv.210
the Hedge-Sparrow fed the Cuckoo so long,The hedge-sparrow fed the cuckoo so long KL I.iv.211
that it's had it head bit off by it young,That it's had it head bit off by it young. KL I.iv.212
so out went the Candle,and we were left darkling.So out went the candle and we were left darkling.darkling (adv.)
in the dark, in darkness
KL I.iv.213
Lear. LEAR 
Are you our Daughter?Are you our daughter? KL I.iv.214
I would you would make vse of your good wisedome I would you would make use of your good wisdom, KL I.iv.215
(Whereof I know you are fraught), and put awayWhereof I know you are fraught, and put awayfraught (adj.)
filled, laden, packed
KL I.iv.216
These dispositions, which of late transport youThese dispositions which of late transform youtransport (v.)
carry off, move along
KL I.iv.217
disposition (n.)
inclination, mood, frame of mind
From what you rightly are.From what you rightly are. KL I.iv.218
Foole. FOOL 
May not an Asse know, when the Cart drawes theMay not an ass know when the cart draws the KL I.iv.219
Horse?horse? KL I.iv.220
Whoop Iugge I loue thee.Whoop, Jug, I love thee!Jug (n.)

old form: Iugge
pet-name for Joan; sweetheart, mistress
KL I.iv.221
Lear. LEAR 
Do's any heere know me? / This is not Lear:Doth any here know me? This is not Lear. KL I.iv.222
Do's Lear walke thus? Speake thus? Where are his eies?Doth Lear walk thus? speak thus? Where are his eyes? KL I.iv.223
Either his Notion weakens, his DiscerningsEither his notion weakens, his discerningsnotion (n.)
understanding, awareness, intellect
KL I.iv.224
Are Lethargied. Ha! Waking? 'Tis not so?Are lethargied – Ha! Waking? 'Tis not so!lethargy (v.)
affect with lethargy, dull, subdue
KL I.iv.225
Who is it that can tell me who I am?Who is it that can tell me who I am? KL I.iv.226
Foole. FOOL 
Lears shadow.Lear's shadow. KL I.iv.2227
I would learn that; for by the marks of sovereignty, KL I.iv.228
knowledge, and reason, I should be false persuaded Ifalse (adv.)
wrongly, erroneously, in error
KL I.iv.229
had daughters. KL I.iv.230
Which they will make an obedient father. KL I.iv.231
Lear. LEAR 
Your name, faire Gentlewoman?Your name, fair gentlewoman?gentlewoman (n.)
[formally polite address] madam
KL I.iv.232
This admiration Sir, is much o'th'sauourThis admiration, sir, is much o'the savoursavour (n.)

old form: sauour
flavour, nature, character
KL I.iv.233
admiration (n.)
amazement, astonishment, wonder
Of other your new prankes. I do beseech youOf other your new pranks. I do beseech youprank (n.)

old form: prankes
outrageous deed, excessive behaviour
KL I.iv.234
To vnderstand my purposes aright:To understand my purposes aright:purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
KL I.iv.235
As you are Old, and Reuerend, should be Wise.As you are old and reverend, should be wise. KL I.iv.236
Heere do you keepe a hundred Knights and Squires,Here do you keep a hundred knights and squires,squire (n.)
gentleman below a knight in rank, attendant on a knight or nobleman
KL I.iv.237
Men so disorder'd, so debosh'd, and bold,Men so disordered, so deboshed and bold,deboshed, deboyst (adj.)

old form: debosh'd
debauched, corrupted, depraved
KL I.iv.238
disordered (adj.)

old form: disorder'd
disorderly, unruly, riotous
bold (adj.)
over-confident, presumptuous, audacious, impudent
That this our Court infected with their manners,That this our court, infected with their manners, KL I.iv.239
Shewes like a riotous Inne; Epicurisme and LustShows like a riotous inn; epicurism and lustepicurism (n.)

old form: Epicurisme
gluttony, gorging, sensual excess
KL I.iv.240
show (v.)

old form: Shewes
appear, look [like], present [as]
Makes it more like a Tauerne, or a Brothell,Make it more like a tavern or a brothel KL I.iv.241
Then a grac'd Pallace. The shame it selfe doth speakeThan a graced palace. The shame itself doth speakspeak for (v.)

old form: speake
demand, call for, cry out for
KL I.iv.242
graced (adj.)

old form: grac'd
stately, dignified, gracious
For instant remedy. Be then desir'dFor instant remedy. Be then desired,desire (v.)

old form: desir'd
request, wish, ask [for]
KL I.iv.243
By her, that else will take the thing she begges,By her that else will take the thing she begs, KL I.iv.244
A little to disquantity your Traine,A little to disquantity your train,train (n.)

old form: Traine
retinue, following, entourage
KL I.iv.245
disquantity (v.)
lessen in quantity, reduce, cut down
And the remainders that shall still depend,And the remainders that shall still dependstill (adv.)
ever, now [as before]
KL I.iv.246
remainder (n.)
rest, remaining people
To be such men as may besort your Age,To be such men as may besort your age,besort (v.)
befit, suit, be suitable for
KL I.iv.247
Which know themselues, and you.Which know themselves and you. KL I.iv.248.1
Lear. LEAR 
Darknesse, and Diuels.Darkness and devils! KL I.iv.248.2
Saddle my horses: call my Traine together.Saddle my horses! Call my train together! KL I.iv.249
Degenerate Bastard, Ile not trouble thee;Degenerate bastard, I'll not trouble thee. KL I.iv.250
Yet haue I left a daughter.Yet have I left a daughter. KL I.iv.251
You strike my people, and your disorder'd rable,You strike my people, and your disordered rabbledisordered (adj.)

old form: disorder'd
disorderly, unruly, riotous
KL I.iv.252
make Seruants of their Betters.Make servants of their betters. KL I.iv.253
Enter Albany.Enter Albany KL I.iv.254
Lear. LEAR 
Woe, that too late repents:Woe that too late repents! – O, sir, are you come? KL I.iv.254
Is it your will, speake Sir? Prepare my Horses.Is it your will? Speak, sir! – Prepare my horses. KL I.iv.255
Ingratitude! thou Marble-hearted Fiend,Ingratitude, thou marble-hearted fiend, KL I.iv.256
More hideous when thou shew'st thee in a Child,More hideous when thou showest thee in a child KL I.iv.257
Then the Sea-monster.Than the sea-monster! KL I.iv.258.1
Pray Sir be patient.Pray, sir, be patient. KL I.iv.258.2
Lear. LEAR  
(to Gonerill) KL I.iv.259.1
Detested Kite, thou lyest.Detested kite, thou liest!kite (n.)
bird of prey; thieving bird [of ill omen; also, strong term of abuse]
KL I.iv.259
My Traine are men of choice, and rarest parts,My train are men of choice and rarest parts,choice (adj.)
chosen, specially worthy, excellent
KL I.iv.260
part (n.)
quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
rare (adj.)
unusual, striking, exceptional
That all particulars of dutie know,That all particulars of duty know KL I.iv.261
And in the most exact regard, supportAnd in the most exact regard support KL I.iv.262
The worships of their name. O most small fault,The worships of their name. O most small fault,name (n.)
reputation, fame, renown
KL I.iv.263
worship (n.)
esteem, honour, renown
How vgly did'st thou in Cordelia shew?How ugly didst thou in Cordelia show! KL I.iv.264
Which like an Engine, wrencht my frame of NatureWhich, like an engine, wrenched my frame of natureengine (n.)
mechanical device, lever, implement
KL I.iv.265
From the fixt place: drew from my heart all loue,From the fixed place, drew from heart all love, KL I.iv.266
And added to the gall. O Lear, Lear, Lear!And added to the gall. O Lear, Lear, Lear!gall (n.)
bitterness, spitefulness, vindictiveness
KL I.iv.267
Beate at this gate that let thy Folly in,Beat at this gate that let thy folly in KL I.iv.268
(he strikes his head) KL I.iv.269
And thy deere Iudgement out. Go, go, my people.And thy dear judgement out! Go, go, my people. KL I.iv.269
Exeunt Kent and Knights KL I.iv.269
My Lord, I am guiltlesse, as I am ignorantMy lord, I am guiltless as I am ignorant KL I.iv.270
Of what hath moued you.Of what hath moved you.move (v.)

old form: moued
arouse, affect, stir [by emotion]
KL I.iv.271.1
Lear. LEAR 
It may be so, my Lord.It may be so, my lord. KL I.iv.271.2
He kneels KL I.iv.272.1
Heare Nature, heare deere Goddesse, heare:Hear, Nature, hear! Dear goddess, hear!nature (n.)
natural order, ungoverned state, way of the world [often personified]
KL I.iv.272
Suspend thy purpose, if thou did'st intendSuspend thy purpose if thou didst intendpurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
KL I.iv.273
To make this Creature fruitfull:To make this creature fruitful. KL I.iv.274
Into her Wombe conuey stirrility,Into her womb convey sterility, KL I.iv.275
Drie vp in her the Organs of increase,Dry up in her the organs of increase, KL I.iv.276
And from her derogate body, neuer springAnd from her derogate body never springderogate (adj.)
degenerate, debased, degraded
KL I.iv.277
A Babe to honor her. If she must teeme,A babe to honour her. If she must teem,teem (v.)

old form: teeme
give birth, have a child
KL I.iv.278
Create her childe of Spleene, that it may liueCreate her child of spleen, that it may livespleen (n.)

old form: Spleene
irritability, malice, bad temper
KL I.iv.279
And be a thwart disnatur'd torment to her.And be a thwart disnatured torment to her.thwart (adj.)
perverse, obstinate, stubborn
KL I.iv.280
disnatured (adj.)

old form: disnatur'd
unnatural, aberrant, outlandish
Let it stampe wrinkles in her brow of youth,Let it stamp wrinkles in her brow of youth,brow (n.)
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
KL I.iv.281
With cadent Teares fret Channels in her cheekes,With cadent tears fret channels in her cheeks,fret (v.)
wear out, eat away, erode
KL I.iv.282
cadent (adj.)
falling, dropping, descending
Turne all her Mothers paines, and benefitsTurn all her mother's pains and benefits KL I.iv.283
To laughter, and contempt: That she may feele,To laughter and contempt, that she may feel KL I.iv.284
How sharper then a Serpents tooth it is,How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is KL I.iv.285
To haue a thanklesse Childe. Away, away. To have a thankless child! Away, away! KL I.iv.286
Exit.Exit KL I.iv.286
Now Gods that we adore, / Whereof comes this?Now gods that we adore, whereof comes this? KL I.iv.287
Neuer afflict your selfe to know more of it:Never afflict yourself to know more of it; KL I.iv.288
But let his disposition haue that scopeBut let his disposition have that scopedisposition (n.)
inclination, mood, frame of mind
KL I.iv.289
As dotage giues it.As dotage gives it.dotage (n.)
feebleness of mind, senility
KL I.iv.290
Enter Lear.Enter Lear KL I.iv.291.1
Lear. LEAR 
What fiftie of my Followers at a clap?What, fifty of my followers at a clap!clap, at a
at one stroke, at once
KL I.iv.291
Within a fortnight?Within a fortnight? KL I.iv.292.1
What's the matter, Sir?What's the matter, sir? KL I.iv.292.2
Lear. LEAR 
Ile tell thee: / Life and death, I am asham'dI'll tell thee – (to Gonerill) life and death! I am ashamed KL I.iv.293
That thou hast power to shake my manhood thus,That thou hast power to shake my manhood thus, KL I.iv.294
That these hot teares, which breake from me perforceThat these hot tears which break from me perforceperforce (adv.)
of necessity, with no choice in the matter
KL I.iv.295
Should make thee worth them. / Blastes and Fogges vpon thee:Should make thee worth them. Blasts and fogs upon thee! KL I.iv.296
Th'vntented woundings of a Fathers curseTh' untented woundings of a father's curseuntented (adj.)

old form: vntented
too deep to be cleansed with lint [tent], undressed
KL I.iv.297
Pierce euerie sense about thee. Old fond eyes,Pierce every sense about thee! – Old fond eyes,fond (adj.)
foolish, stupid, mad
KL I.iv.298
Beweepe this cause againe, Ile plucke ye out,Beweep this cause again, I'll pluck ye outbeweep (v.)

old form: Beweepe
weep over, wet with tears
KL I.iv.299
And cast you with the waters that you looseAnd cast you with the waters that you loose KL I.iv.300
To temper Clay. Ha?To temper clay. Yea, is't come to this?temper (v.)
soften, moisten, mix [with]
KL I.iv.301
Let it be so. / I haue another daughter,Let it be so. I have another daughter, KL I.iv.302
Who I am sure is kinde and comfortable:Who, I am sure, is kind and comfortable.comfortable (adj.)
comforting, encouraging, reassuring
KL I.iv.303
When she shall heare this of thee, with her nailesWhen she shall hear this of thee, with her nails KL I.iv.304
Shee'l flea thy Woluish visage. Thou shalt finde,She'll flay thy wolvish visage. Thou shalt findwolvish (adj.)

old form: Woluish
KL I.iv.305
visage (n.)
face, countenance
That Ile resume the shape which thou dost thinkeThat I'll resume the shape which thou dost think KL I.iv.306
I haue cast off for euer. I have cast off for ever. KL I.iv.307.1
ExitExit KL I.iv.307.2
Do you marke that?Do you mark that?mark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
KL I.iv.307
I cannot be so partiall Gonerill,I cannot be so partial, Gonerill,partial (adj.)

old form: partiall
biased, prejudiced, self-interested
KL I.iv.308
To the great loue I beare you.To the great love I bear you –  KL I.iv.309
Pray you content. What Oswald, hoa?Pray you, content – What, Oswald, ho!content (v.)
calm [down], settle, relax
KL I.iv.310
content (adj.)
satisfied, calm, easy in mind
(To the Fool) KL I.iv.311.1
You Sir, more Knaue then Foole, after your Master.You, sir, more knave than fool, after your master!knave (n.)
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
KL I.iv.311
Foole. FOOL 
Nunkle Lear, Nunkle Lear, / Tarry, take the FooleNuncle Lear, nuncle Lear, tarry! Take the Fool KL I.iv.312
with thee:with thee. KL I.iv.313
A Fox, when one has caught her,A fox, when one has caught her, KL I.iv.314
And such a Daughter,And such a daughter KL I.iv.315
Should sure to the Slaughter,Should sure to the slaughter, KL I.iv.316
If my Cap would buy a Halter,If my cap would buy a halterhalter (n.)
rope with a noose [for hanging]
KL I.iv.317
So the Foole followes after. So the fool follows after. KL I.iv.318
ExitExit KL I.iv.318
This man hath had good Counsell, / A hundred Knights?This man hath had good counsel! A hundred knights!counsel (n.)

old form: Counsell
advice, guidance, direction
KL I.iv.319
'Tis politike, and safe to let him keepe'Tis politic and safe to let him keeppolitic (adj.)

old form: politike
prudent, cautious, discreet, shrewd
KL I.iv.320
At point a hundred Knights: yes, that on euerie dreame,At point a hundred knights! Yes, that on every dream,point, at / at a
in readiness, prepared, armed
KL I.iv.321
Each buz, each fancie, each complaint, dislike,Each buzz, each fancy, each complaint, dislike,fancy (n.)

old form: fancie
imagining, flight of fancy, fanciful thought
KL I.iv.322
dislike (n.)
discord, disagreement, dissension
buzz (n.)

old form: buz
rumour, whisper, report
He may enguard his dotage with their powres,He may enguard his dotage with their powersenguard (v.)
protect, preserve, shield
KL I.iv.323
power (n.)

old form: powres
(plural) physical faculties, bodily strength
dotage (n.)
feebleness of mind, senility
And hold our liues in mercy. Oswald, I say.And hold our lives in mercy. – Oswald, I say! KL I.iv.324
Well,you may feare too farre.Well, you may fear too far. KL I.iv.325.1
Safer then trust too farre;Safer than trust too far. KL I.iv.325.2
Let me still take away the harmes I feare,Let me still take away the harms I fear, KL I.iv.326
Not feare still to be taken. I know his heart,Not fear still to be taken. I know his heart. KL I.iv.327
What he hath vtter'd I haue writ my Sister:What he hath uttered I have writ my sister; KL I.iv.328
If she sustaine him, and his hundred KnightsIf she sustain him and his hundred knights KL I.iv.329
When I haue shew'd th'vnfitnesse.When I have showed th' unfitness –  KL I.iv.330.1
Enter Steward.Enter Oswald KL I.iv.330
How now Oswald?How now, Oswald! KL I.iv.330.2
What haue you writ that Letter to my Sister?What, have you writ that letter to my sister? KL I.iv.331
I Madam.Yes, madam. KL I.iv.332
Take you some company, and away to horse,Take you some company and away to horse. KL I.iv.333
Informe her full of my particular feare,Inform her full of my particular fear,particular (adj.)
personal, special, private
KL I.iv.334
full (adv.)
fully, completely, properly
And thereto adde such reasons of your owne,And thereto add such reasons of your own KL I.iv.335
As may compact it more. Get you gone,As may compact it more. Get you gone,compact (v.)
consolidate, confirm, strengthen
KL I.iv.336
And hasten your returne;And hasten your return. KL I.iv.337.1
Exit Oswald KL I.iv.337
no, no, my Lord,No, no, my lord, KL I.iv.337.2
This milky gentlenesse, and course of yoursThis milky gentleness and course of yours,course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
KL I.iv.338
Though I condemne not, yet vnder pardonThough I condemn not, yet, under pardon, KL I.iv.339
Your are much more at task for want of wisedome,You are much more a-taxed for want of wisdomwant (n.)
lack, shortage, dearth
KL I.iv.340
tax (v.)
censure, blame, take to task, disparage
attask, attax (v.)
take to task, blame
Then prai'sd for harmefull mildnesse.Than praised for harmful mildness. KL I.iv.341
How farre your eies may pierce I cannot tell;How far your eyes may pierce I cannot tell; KL I.iv.342
Striuing to better, oft we marre what's well.Striving to better, oft we mar what's well.oft (adv.)
KL I.iv.343
Nay then----Nay then –  KL I.iv.344
Well, well, th'euent. Well, well – th' event!event (n.)

old form: euent
outcome, issue, consequence
KL I.iv.345
ExeuntExeunt KL I.iv.345
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