Henry V

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Exeter, Bedford, & Westmerland.Enter Exeter, Bedford, and Westmorland H5 II.ii.1.1
Fore God his Grace is bold to trust these traitors 'Fore God, his grace is bold to trust these traitors.afore, 'fore (prep.)
before, in front of
H5 II.ii.1
They shall be apprehended by and by. They shall be apprehended by and by.apprehend (v.)
seize, arrest, lay hold of
H5 II.ii.2
by and by (adv.)
shortly, soon, before long
How smooth and euen they do bear themselues, How smooth and even they do bear themselves! H5 II.ii.3
As if allegeance in their bosomes sate As if allegiance in their bosoms sat, H5 II.ii.4
Crowned with faith, and constant loyalty. Crowned with faith and constant loyalty. H5 II.ii.5
The King hath note of all that they intend, The King hath note of all that they intend, H5 II.ii.6
By interception, which they dreame not of. By interception which they dream not of. H5 II.ii.7
Nay, but the man that was his bedfellow, Nay, but the man that was his bedfellow, H5 II.ii.8
Whom he hath dull'd and cloy'd with gracious fauours; Whom he hath dulled and cloyed with gracious favours – dull (v.)

old form: dull'd
stupefy, satisfy to the point of slothfulness
H5 II.ii.9
cloy (v.)

old form: cloy'd
satiate, gorge, satisfy
That he should for a forraigne purse, so sell That he should, for a foreign purse, so sell H5 II.ii.10
His Soueraignes life to death and treachery. His sovereign's life to death and treachery! H5 II.ii.11
Sound Trumpets. Enter the King, Scroope, Cambridge, Sound trumpets. Enter the King, Scroop, Cambridge, H5 II.ii.12.1
and Gray.Grey, and attendants H5 II.ii.12.2
Now sits the winde faire, and we will aboord. Now sits the wind fair, and we will aboard. H5 II.ii.12
My Lord of Cambridge, and my kinde Lord of Masham, My Lord of Cambridge, and my kind Lord of Masham, H5 II.ii.13
And you my gentle Knight, giue me your thoughts: And you, my gentle knight, give me your thoughts.gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
H5 II.ii.14
Thinke you not that the powres we beare with vs Think you not that the powers we bear with uspower (n.)

old form: powres
armed force, troops, host, army
H5 II.ii.15
Will cut their passage through the force of France? Will cut their passage through the force of France, H5 II.ii.16
Doing the execution, and the acte, Doing the execution and the act H5 II.ii.17
For which we haue in head assembled them. For which we have in head assembled them?head (n.)
fighting force, army, body of troops
H5 II.ii.18
No doubt my Liege, if each man do his best. No doubt, my liege, if each man do his best.liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
H5 II.ii.19
I doubt not that, since we are well perswaded I doubt not that, since we are well persuaded H5 II.ii.20
We carry not a heart with vs from hence, We carry not a heart with us from hence H5 II.ii.21
That growes not in a faire consent with ours: That grows not in a fair consent with ours,consent (n.)
agreement, accord, unanimity, compact
H5 II.ii.22
Nor leaue not one behinde, that doth not wish Nor leave not one behind that doth not wish H5 II.ii.23
Successe and Conquest to attend on vs. Success and conquest to attend on us.attend (v.)
serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
H5 II.ii.24
Neuer was Monarch better fear'd and lou'd, Never was monarch better feared and loved H5 II.ii.25
Then is your Maiesty; there's not I thinke a subiect Than is your majesty. There's not, I think, a subject H5 II.ii.26
That sits in heart-greefe and vneasinesse That sits in heart-grief and uneasiness H5 II.ii.27
Vnder the sweet shade of your gouernment. Under the sweet shade of your government. H5 II.ii.28
True: those that were your Fathers enemies, True: those that were your father's enemies H5 II.ii.29
Haue steep'd their gauls in hony, and do serue you Have steeped their galls in honey, and do serve yougall (n.)

old form: gauls
bitterness, spitefulness, vindictiveness
H5 II.ii.30
With hearts create of duty, and of zeale. With hearts create of duty and of zeal. H5 II.ii.31
We therefore haue great cause of thankfulnes, We therefore have great cause of thankfulness, H5 II.ii.32
And shall forget the office of our hand And shall forget the office of our handoffice (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
H5 II.ii.33
Sooner then quittance of desert and merit, Sooner than quittance of desert and meritquittance (n.)
due recompense, repayment, requital
H5 II.ii.34
According to the weight and worthinesse. According to the weight and worthiness. H5 II.ii.35
So seruice shall with steeled sinewes toyle, So service shall with steeled sinews toil,sinew (n.)

old form: sinewes
H5 II.ii.36
steeled (adj.)
hardened like steel, toughened
And labour shall refresh it selfe with hope And labour shall refresh itself with hope H5 II.ii.37
To do your Grace incessant seruices. To do your grace incessant services. H5 II.ii.38
We Iudge no lesse. Vnkle of Exeter, We judge no less. Uncle of Exeter, H5 II.ii.39
Inlarge the man committed yesterday, Enlarge the man committed yesterdayenlarge (v.)

old form: Inlarge
release, set at large, discharge
H5 II.ii.40
That rayl'd against our person: We consider That railed against our person. We considerrail (v.)

old form: rayl'd
rant, rave, be abusive [about]
H5 II.ii.41
It was excesse of Wine that set him on, it was excess of wine that set him on, H5 II.ii.42
And on his more aduice, We pardon him. And on his more advice we pardon him.advice (n.)

old form: aduice
consideration, reflection, deliberation
H5 II.ii.43
That's mercy, but too much security: That's mercy, but too much security.security (n.)
over-confidence, carelessness
H5 II.ii.44
Let him be punish'd Soueraigne, least example Let him be punished, sovereign, lest example H5 II.ii.45
Breed (by his sufferance) more of such a kind. Breed, by his sufferance, more of such a kind.sufferance (n.)
reprieve, pardoning, respite
H5 II.ii.46
O let vs yet be mercifull. O, let us yet be merciful. H5 II.ii.47
So may your Highnesse, and yet punish too. So may your highness, and yet punish too. H5 II.ii.48
Sir, Sir, H5 II.ii.49
you shew great mercy if you giue him life, You show great mercy if you give him life H5 II.ii.50
After the taste of much correction. After the taste of much correction. H5 II.ii.51
Alas, your too much loue and care of me, Alas, your too much love and care of me H5 II.ii.52
Are heauy Orisons 'gainst this poore wretch: Are heavy orisons 'gainst this poor wretch!orison (n.)
prayer, plea
H5 II.ii.53
heavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
pressing, weighty, overpowering
If little faults proceeding on distemper, If little faults, proceeding on distemper,distemper (n.)
intoxication, state of drunkenness
H5 II.ii.54
Shall not be wink'd at, how shall we stretch our eye Shall not be winked at, how shall we stretch our eyestretch (v.)
open wide, extend
H5 II.ii.55
wink at (v.)

old form: wink'd
ignore, disregard, overlook
When capitall crimes, chew'd, swallow'd, and digested, When capital crimes, chewed, swallowed, and digested,chew (v.)

old form: chew'd
plan, devise, conceive
H5 II.ii.56
Appeare before vs? Wee'l yet inlarge that man, Appear before us? We'll yet enlarge that man, H5 II.ii.57
Though Cambridge, Scroope, and Gray, in theirdeere care Though Cambridge, Scroop, and Grey, in their dear care H5 II.ii.58
And tender preseruation of our person And tender preservation of our person H5 II.ii.59
Wold haue him punish'd. And now to our French causes, Would have him punished. And now to our French causes: H5 II.ii.60
Who are the late Commissioners? Who are the late commissioners?late (adj.)
recently appointed
H5 II.ii.61
commissioner (n.)
official acting for the king in his absence
I one my Lord, I one, my lord. H5 II.ii.62
Your Highnesse bad me aske for it to day. Your highness bade me ask for it today. H5 II.ii.63
So did you me my Liege. So did you me, my liege. H5 II.ii.64
And I my Royall Soueraigne. And I, my royal sovereign. H5 II.ii.65
Then Richard Earle of Cambridge, there is yours: Then, Richard Earl of Cambridge, there is yours; H5 II.ii.66
There yours Lord Scroope of Masham, and Sir Knight: There yours, Lord Scroop of Masham; and, sir knight, H5 II.ii.67
Gray of Northumberland, this same is yours: Grey of Northumberland, this same is yours. H5 II.ii.68
Reade them, and know I know your worthinesse. Read them, and know I know your worthiness. H5 II.ii.69
My Lord of Westmerland, and Vnkle Exeter, My Lord of Westmorland, and uncle Exeter, H5 II.ii.70
We will aboord to night. Why how now Gentlemen? We will aboard tonight. – Why, how now, gentlemen? H5 II.ii.71
What see you in those papers, that you loose What see you in those papers, that you lose H5 II.ii.72
So much complexion? Looke ye how they change: So much complexion? Look ye, how they change!change (v.)
change countenance, turn pale
H5 II.ii.73
complexion (n.)
appearance, look, colouring
Their cheekes are paper. Why, what reade you there, Their cheeks are paper. – Why, what read you there H5 II.ii.74
That haue so cowarded and chac'd your blood That have so cowarded and chased your bloodcoward (v.)
make cowardly, make fearful
H5 II.ii.75
Out of apparance. Out of appearance? H5 II.ii.76.1
I do confesse my fault, I do confess my fault,fault (n.)
sin, offence, crime
H5 II.ii.76.2
And do submit me to your Highnesse mercy. And do submit me to your highness' mercy. H5 II.ii.77
Gray. Scro.GREY and SCROOP 
To which we all appeale. To which we all appeal. H5 II.ii.78
The mercy that was quicke in vs but late, The mercy that was quick in us but latequick (adj.)

old form: quicke
living, vital, full of life
H5 II.ii.79
By your owne counsaile is supprest and kill'd: By your own counsel is suppressed and killed. H5 II.ii.80
You must not dare (for shame) to talke of mercy, You must not dare, for shame, to talk of mercy, H5 II.ii.81
For your owne reasons turne into your bosomes, For your own reasons turn into your bosoms H5 II.ii.82
As dogs vpon their maisters, worrying you: As dogs upon their masters, worrying you. H5 II.ii.83
See you my Princes, and my Noble Peeres, See you, my Princes, and my noble peers, H5 II.ii.84
These English monsters: My Lord of Cambridge heere, These English monsters! My Lord of Cambridge here – monster (n.)
marvel, monstrosity, prodigy
H5 II.ii.85
You know how apt our loue was, to accord You know how apt our love was to accordapt (adj.)
fit, ready, prepared
H5 II.ii.86
accord (v.)
agree, assent, consent
To furnish with all appertinents To furnish him with all appertinentsfurnish (v.)
provide, supply, possess
H5 II.ii.87
appertinent (n.)
appurtenance, accompaniment
Belonging to his Honour; and this man, Belonging to his honour; and this man H5 II.ii.88
Hath for a few light Crownes, lightly conspir'd Hath, for a few light crowns, lightly conspired,lightly (adv.)
readily, easily
H5 II.ii.89
light (adj.)
minor, slight, of little value
crown (n.)
coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings
And sworne vnto the practises of France And sworn unto the practices of France,practice (n.)

old form: practises
scheme, plot, stratagem, intrigue
H5 II.ii.90
To kill vs heere in Hampton. To the which, To kill us here in Hampton: to the whichHampton (n.)
Southampton; port city in Hampshire
H5 II.ii.91
This Knight no lesse for bounty bound to Vs This knight, no less for bounty bound to us H5 II.ii.92
Then Cambridge is, hath likewise sworne. But O, Than Cambridge is, hath likewise sworn. But O, H5 II.ii.93
What shall I say to thee Lord Scroope, thou cruell, What shall I say to thee, Lord Scroop, thou cruel, H5 II.ii.94
Ingratefull, sauage, and inhumane Creature? Ingrateful, savage, and inhuman creature?ingrateful (adj.)

old form: Ingratefull
ungrateful, unappreciative
H5 II.ii.95
Thou that didst beare the key of all my counsailes, Thou that didst bear the key of all my counsels, H5 II.ii.96
That knew'st the very bottome of my soule, That knew'st the very bottom of my soul, H5 II.ii.97
That (almost) might'st haue coyn'd me into Golde, That almost mightst have coined me into gold, H5 II.ii.98
Would'st thou haue practis'd on me, for thy vse? Wouldst thou have practised on me, for thy use?practise on / upon (v.)

old form: practis'd
plot against
H5 II.ii.99
May it be possible, that forraigne hyer May it be possible that foreign hire H5 II.ii.100
Could out of thee extract one sparke of euill Could out of thee extract one spark of evil H5 II.ii.101
That might annoy my finger? 'Tis so strange, That might annoy my finger? 'Tis so strangeannoy (v.)
harm, molest, hurt, injure
H5 II.ii.102
That though the truth of it stands off as grosse That, though the truth of it stands off as grossstand off (v.)
stand out, be plain
H5 II.ii.103
gross (adj.)

old form: grosse
plain, striking, evident, obvious
As black and white, my eye will scarsely see it. As black and white, my eye will scarcely see it. H5 II.ii.104
Treason, and murther, euer kept together, Treason and murder ever kept together, H5 II.ii.105
As two yoake diuels sworne to eythers purpose, As two yoke-devils sworn to either's purpose,purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
H5 II.ii.106
yoke-devil (n.)

old form: yoake diuels
companion-devil, associate in evil
Working so grossely in an naturall cause, Working so grossly in a natural causegrossly (adv.)

old form: grossely
openly, blatantly, brazenly
H5 II.ii.107
That admiration did not hoope at them. That admiration did not whoop at them.whoop, hoop (v.)

old form: hoope
shout with astonishment, make an outcry
H5 II.ii.108
admiration (n.)
amazement, astonishment, wonder
But thou (gainst all proportion) didst bring in But thou, 'gainst all proportion, didst bring inproportion (n.)
natural order, proper relationship
H5 II.ii.109
Wonder to waite on treason, and on murther: Wonder to wait on treason and on murder:wonder (n.)
feeling of wonder, astonishment, marvelling
H5 II.ii.110
wait on / upon (v.)

old form: waite
accompany, attend
And whatsoeuer cunning fiend it was And whatsoever cunning fiend it was H5 II.ii.111
That wrought vpon thee so preposterously, That wrought upon thee so preposterouslypreposterously (adv.)
out of the normal course of events, unnaturally, perversely
H5 II.ii.112
Hath got the voyce in hell for excellence: Hath got the voice in hell for excellence. H5 II.ii.113
And other diuels that suggest by treasons, All other devils that suggest by treasonssuggest (v.)
tempt, prompt, incite
H5 II.ii.114
Do botch and bungle vp damnation, Do botch and bungle up damnationbotch (v.)
clumsily patch together, fumble with
H5 II.ii.115
With patches, colours, and with formes being fetcht With patches, colours, and with forms, being fetchedform (n.)

old form: formes
physical expression, outward behaviour
H5 II.ii.116
fetch (v.)

old form: fetcht
derive, stem
colour (n.)
pretext, pretence
From glist'ring semblances of piety: From glistering semblances of piety;semblance (n.)
appearance, outward show
H5 II.ii.117
glistering (adj.)

old form: glist'ring
glittering, shining, sparkling
But he that temper'd thee, bad thee stand vp, But he that tempered thee bade thee stand up,temper (v.)

old form: temper'd
mould, shape, work, bring [to a particular character]
H5 II.ii.118
bid (v.), past form bade

old form: bad
command, order, enjoin, tell
Gaue thee no instance why thou shouldst do treason, Gave thee no instance why thou shouldst do treason,instance (n.)
reason, motive, cause
H5 II.ii.119
Vnlesse to dub thee with the name of Traitor. Unless to dub thee with the name of traitor.dub (v.)
invest with the status of, style
H5 II.ii.120
If that same Daemon that hath gull'd thee thus, If that same demon that hath gulled thee thusgull (v.)

old form: gull'd
deceive, dupe, trick
H5 II.ii.121
Should with his Lyon-gate walke the whole world, Should with his lion gait walk the whole world,gait (n.)
manner of walking, bearing, movement
H5 II.ii.122
He might returne to vastie Tartar backe, He might return to vasty Tartar back,vasty (adj.)

old form: vastie
vast, immense, spacious
H5 II.ii.123
Tartar (n.)
Tartarus; underworld place of confinement for those who incurred the wrath of the gods
And tell the Legions, I can neuer win And tell the legions, ‘ I can never win H5 II.ii.124
A soule so easie as that Englishmans. A soul so easy as that Englishman's.’easy (adv.)

old form: easie
H5 II.ii.125
Oh, how hast thou with iealousie infected O, how hast thou with jealousy infectedjealousy (n.)

old form: iealousie
suspicion, mistrust, apprehension
H5 II.ii.126
The sweetnesse of affiance? Shew men dutifull, The sweetness of affiance! Show men dutiful?affiance (n.)
confidence, trust, faith
H5 II.ii.127
Why so didst thou: seeme they graue and learned? Why, so didst thou. Seem they grave and learned? H5 II.ii.128
Why so didst thou. Come they of Noble Family? Why, so didst thou. Come they of noble family? H5 II.ii.129
Why so didst thou. Seeme they religious? Why, so didst thou. Seem they religious? H5 II.ii.130
Why so didst thou. Or are they spare in diet, Why, so didst thou. Or are they spare in diet,spare (adj.)
frugal, spartan, abstemious
H5 II.ii.131
Free from grosse passion, or of mirth, or anger, Free from gross passion or of mirth or anger,passion (n.)
powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’]
H5 II.ii.132
gross (adj.)

old form: grosse
coarse, vulgar, unrefined
Constant in spirit, not sweruing with the blood, Constant in spirit, not swerving with the blood, H5 II.ii.133
Garnish'd and deck'd in modest complement, Garnished and decked in modest complement,deck (v.)

old form: deck'd
cover, adorn, decorate
H5 II.ii.134
compliment, complement (n.)

old form: complement
accomplishment, finished quality
Not working with the eye, without the eare, Not working with the eye without the ear, H5 II.ii.135
And but in purged iudgement trusting neither, And but in purged judgement trusting neither?purged (adj.)
purified, refined, clarified
H5 II.ii.136
Such and so finely boulted didst thou seeme: Such and so finely bolted didst thou seem:bolted (adj.)

old form: boulted
refined, carefully sifted, polished
H5 II.ii.137
And thus thy fall hath left a kinde of blot, And thus thy fall hath left a kind of blotfall (n.)
mistake, fault, lapse
H5 II.ii.138
To make thee full fraught man, and best indued To mark the full-fraught man and best enduedindued, endued (adj.)
endowed, supplied [with appropriate qualities]
H5 II.ii.139
full-fraught (adj.)

old form: full fraught
filled to the brim, jam-packed
With some suspition, I will weepe for thee. With some suspicion. I will weep for thee; H5 II.ii.140
For this reuolt of thine, me thinkes is like For this revolt of thine, methinks, is likemethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
H5 II.ii.141
Another fall of Man. Their faults are open, Another fall of man. Their faults are open. H5 II.ii.142
Arrest them to the answer of the Law, Arrest them to the answer of the law;answer (n.)
accountability, responsibility, liability, penalty
H5 II.ii.143
And God acquit them of their practises. And God acquit them of their practices!acquit (v.)
pay back, requite, settle the score with
H5 II.ii.144
I arrest thee of High Treason, by the name of I arrest thee of high treason, by the name of H5 II.ii.145
Richard Earle of Cambridge. Richard Earl of Cambridge. H5 II.ii.146
I arrest thee of High Treason, by the name of Thomas Lord I arrest thee of high treason, by the name of Henry Lord H5 II.ii.147
Scroope of Marsham. Scroop of Masham. H5 II.ii.148
I arrest thee of High Treason, by the name of Thomas I arrest thee of high treason, by the name of Thomas H5 II.ii.149
Grey, Knight of Northumberland. Grey, knight, of Northumberland. H5 II.ii.150
Our purposes, God iustly hath discouer'd, Our purposes God justly hath discovered,purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
H5 II.ii.151
discover (v.)

old form: discouer'd
reveal, show, make known
And I repent my fault more then my death, And I repent my fault more than my death, H5 II.ii.152
Which I beseech your Highnesse to forgiue, Which I beseech your highness to forgive, H5 II.ii.153
Although my body pay the price of it. Although my body pay the price of it. H5 II.ii.154
For me, the Gold of France did not seduce, For me, the gold of France did not seduce, H5 II.ii.155
Although I did admit it as a motiue, Although I did admit it as a motive H5 II.ii.156
The sooner to effect what I intended: The sooner to effect what I intended. H5 II.ii.157
But God be thanked for preuention, But God be thanked for prevention, H5 II.ii.158
Which in sufferance heartily will reioyce, Which I in sufferance heartily will rejoice,sufferance (n.)
distress, suffering, hardship
H5 II.ii.159
Beseeching God, and you, to pardon mee. Beseeching God and you to pardon me. H5 II.ii.160
Neuer did faithfull subiect more reioyce Never did faithful subject more rejoice H5 II.ii.161
At the discouery of most dangerous Treason, At the discovery of most dangerous treasondiscovery (n.)

old form: discouery
disclosure, admission, revelation
H5 II.ii.162
Then I do at this houre ioy ore my selfe, Than I do at this hour joy o'er myself, H5 II.ii.163
Preuented from a damned enterprize; Prevented from a damned enterprise. H5 II.ii.164
My fault, but not my body, pardon Soueraigne. My fault, but not my body, pardon, sovereign. H5 II.ii.165
God quit you in his mercy: Hear your sentence God quit you in His mercy! Hear your sentence.quit (v.)
acquit, absolve, clear
H5 II.ii.166
You haue conspir'd against Our Royall person, You have conspired against our royal person, H5 II.ii.167
Ioyn'd with an enemy proclaim'd, and from his Coffers, Joined with an enemy proclaimed, and from his coffers H5 II.ii.168
Receyu'd the Golden Earnest of Our death: Received the golden earnest of our death;earnest (n.)
pledge, instalment, deposit, payment in advance
H5 II.ii.169
Wherein you would haue sold your King to slaughter, Wherein you would have sold your King to slaughter, H5 II.ii.170
His Princes, and his Peeres to seruitude, His princes and his peers to servitude, H5 II.ii.171
His Subiects to oppression, and contempt, His subjects to oppression and contempt, H5 II.ii.172
And his whole Kingdome into desolation: And his whole kingdom into desolation. H5 II.ii.173
Touching our person, seeke we no reuenge, Touching our person seek we no revenge,touch (v.)
affect, concern, regard, relate to
H5 II.ii.174
But we our Kingdomes safety must so tender, But we our kingdom's safety must so tender,tender (v.)
feel concern for, hold dear, care for
H5 II.ii.175
Whose ruine you sought, that to her Lawes Whose ruin you have sought, that to her laws H5 II.ii.176
We do deliuer you. Get you therefore hence, We do deliver you. Get you therefore hence, H5 II.ii.177
(Poore miserable wretches) to your death: Poor miserable wretches, to your death; H5 II.ii.178
The taste whereof, God of his mercy giue The taste whereof God of His mercy give H5 II.ii.179
You patience to indure, and true Repentance You patience to endure, and true repentance H5 II.ii.180
Of all your deare offences. Beare them hence. Of all your dear offences. Bear them hence.dear (adj.)

old form: deare
dire, grievous, hard
H5 II.ii.181
Exit.Exeunt Cambridge, Scroop, and Grey, guarded H5 II.ii.181
Now Lords for France: the enterprise whereof Now, lords, for France; the enterprise whereof H5 II.ii.182
Shall be to you as vs, like glorious. Shall be to you, as us, like glorious.like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
H5 II.ii.183
We doubt not of a faire and luckie Warre, We doubt not of a fair and lucky war,lucky (adj.)

old form: luckie
fortunate, successful, prosperous
H5 II.ii.184
Since God so graciously hath brought to light Since God so graciously hath brought to light H5 II.ii.185
This dangerous Treason, lurking in our way, This dangerous treason lurking in our way H5 II.ii.186
To hinder our beginnings. We doubt not now, To hinder our beginnings. We doubt not now H5 II.ii.187
But euery Rubbe is smoothed on our way. But every rub is smoothed on our way.rub (n.)

old form: Rubbe
[bowls] obstacle, impediment, hindrance
H5 II.ii.188
Then forth, deare Countreymen: Let vs deliuer Then forth, dear countrymen! Let us deliver H5 II.ii.189
Our Puissance into the hand of God, Our puissance into the hand of God,puissance (n.)
power, might, force
H5 II.ii.190
Putting it straight in expedition. Putting it straight in expedition.expedition (n.)
haste, speedy action, prompt dispatch
H5 II.ii.191
straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
Chearely to Sea, the signes of Warre aduance, Cheerly to sea! The signs of war advance!cheerly (adv.)

old form: Chearely
cheerfully, brightly, animatedly
H5 II.ii.192
sign (n.)

old form: signes
banner, standard, ensign
advance (v.)
raise, lift up, upraise
No King of England, if not King of France. No King of England if not King of France! H5 II.ii.193
Flourish.Flourish. Exeunt H5 II.ii.193
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