
Modern text


Key line

Enter the King and Knights from Enter Simonides, Thaisa, Pericles, and Knights from Per II.iii.1.1
Tilting.tilting, with lords, ladies, Marshal, and attendantstilt (v.)
joust, fight [with lances], thrust
Per II.iii.1.2
Knights,Knights, Per II.iii.1
to say you're welcome, were superfluous.To say you're welcome were superfluous. Per II.iii.2
I place vpon the volume of your deedes,To place upon the volume of your deeds, Per II.iii.3
As in a Title page, your worth in armes,As in a title-page, your worth in arms, Per II.iii.4
Were more then you expect, or more then's fit,Were more than you expect, or more than's fit, Per II.iii.5
Since euery worth in shew commends it selfe:Since every worth in show commends (n.)

old form: shew
appearance, exhibition, display
Per II.iii.6
commend (v.)
show well, set off to advantage
Prepare for mirth, for mirth becomes a Feast.Prepare for mirth, for mirth becomes a feast.mirth (n.)
merry-making, pleasure-seeking
Per II.iii.7
You are Princes, and my guestes.You are princes and my guests. Per II.iii.8
Thai. (to Pericles) Per II.iii.9
But you my Knight and guest,But you, my knight and guest; Per II.iii.9
To whom this Wreath of victorie I giue,To whom this wreath of victory I give, Per II.iii.10
And crowne you King of this dayes happinesse.And crown you king of this day's happiness. Per II.iii.11
Tis more by Fortune (Lady) then my Merit.'Tis more by fortune, lady, than by merit. Per II.iii.12
Call it by what you will, the day is your,Call it by what you will, the day is yours, Per II.iii.13
And here (I hope) is none that enuies it:And here, I hope, is none that envies it. Per II.iii.14
In framing an Artist, art hath thus decreed,In framing an artist, art hath thus decreed,frame (v.)
fashion, make, form, create
Per II.iii.15
To make some good, but others to exceed,To make some good, but others to exceed,exceed (v.)
outdo, surpass, excel, be superior
Per II.iii.16
And you are her labourd scholler: come Queene a th'feast,And you are her laboured scholar. Come, queen o'th' feast –scholar (n.)

old form: scholler
pupil, student
Per II.iii.17
laboured (adj.)

old form: labourd
carefully fashioned, produced with great skill
For (Daughter) so you are; heere take your place:For, daughter, so you are – here take your place. Per II.iii.18
Martiall the rest, as they deserue their grace.Marshal the rest as they deserve their grace. Per II.iii.19
We are honour'd much by good Symonides.We are honoured much by good Simonides. Per II.iii.20
Your presence glads our dayes, honour we loue,Your presence glads our days; honour we love,glad (v.)
gladden, brighten, cause to rejoice
Per II.iii.21
For who hates honour, hates the Gods aboue.For who hates honour hates the gods above. Per II.iii.22
Sir, yonder is your place.Sir, yonder is your place. Per II.iii.23.1
Some other is more fit.Some other is more fit. Per II.iii.23.2
Contend not sir, for we are Gentlemen,Contend not, sir, for we are gentlemencontend (v.)
argue, object, protest
Per II.iii.24
Haue neither in our hearts, nor outward eyes,Have neither in our hearts nor outward eyes Per II.iii.25
Enuies the great, nor shall the low despise.Envied the great nor shall the low despise. Per II.iii.26
You are right courtious Knights.You are right courteous knights. Per II.iii.27.1
Sit sir, sit.Sit, sir, sit. Per II.iii.27.2
By Ioue (I wonder) that is King of thoughts,(Aside) By Jove, I wonder, that is king of thoughts,Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
Per II.iii.28
These Cates resist mee, hee not thought vpon.These cates resist me, he but thought upon.resist (v.)
revolt, repel, fill with distaste
Per II.iii.29
cates (n.)
(plural) delicacies, choice foodstuffs
(aside) Per II.iii.30.1
By Iuno (that is Queene of mariage)By Juno, that is queen of marriage,Juno (n.)
Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity
Per II.iii.30
All Viands that I eate do seeme vnsauery,All viands that I eat do seem unsavoury,viand (n.)
(usually plural) food, victuals, foodstuff
Per II.iii.31
Wishing him my meat: sure hee's a gallant Gentleman.Wishing him my meat. – Sure, he's a gallant gentleman. Per II.iii.32
Hee's but a countrie Gentleman:He's but a country gentleman. Per II.iii.33
ha's done no more / Then other Knights haue done,He has done no more than other knights have done. Per II.iii.34
ha's broken a Staffe, / Or so; so let it passe.Has broken a staff or so. So let it pass.staff (n.)

old form: Staffe
(plural ‘staves’) spear, lance
Per II.iii.35
(aside) Per II.iii.36
To mee he seemes like Diamond, to Glasse.To me he seems like diamond to glass. Per II.iii.36
(aside) Per II.iii.37
You Kings to mee, like to my fathers picture,Yon king's to me like to my father's picture Per II.iii.37
Which tels in that glory once he was,Which tells me in what glory once he was; Per II.iii.38
Had Princes sit like Starres about his Throane,Had princes sit like stars about his throne, Per II.iii.39
And hee the Sunne for them to reuerence;And he the sun for them to reverence. Per II.iii.40
None that beheld him, but like lesser lights,None that beheld him but like lesser lights Per II.iii.41
Did vaile their Crownes to his supremacie;Did vail their crowns to his supremacy;vail (v.)

old form: vaile
lower, bow down, cast down [as in submission]
Per II.iii.42
Where now his sonne like a Gloworme in the night,Where now his son's like a glow-worm in the night, Per II.iii.43
The which hath Fire in darknesse, none in light:The which hath fire in darkness, none in light; Per II.iii.44
Whereby I see that Time's the King of men,Whereby I see that Time's the king of men; Per II.iii.45
Hee's both their Parent, and he is their Graue,He's both their parent and he is their grave, Per II.iii.46
And giues them what he will, not what they craue.And gives them what he will, not what they crave.crave (v.)

old form: craue
beg, entreat, request
Per II.iii.47
What, are you merry, Knights?What, are you merry, knights? Per II.iii.48
Who can be other, in this royall presence.Who can be other in this royal presence? Per II.iii.49
Heere, with a Cup that's stur'd vnto the brim,Here with a cup that's stored unto the brim, Per II.iii.50
As do you loue, fill to your Mistris lippes,As you do love, fill to your mistress' lips. Per II.iii.51
Wee drinke this health to you.We drink this health to you. Per II.iii.52.1
We thanke your Grace.We thank your grace. Per II.iii.52.2
Yet pause awhile,Yet pause awhile. Per II.iii.53
yon Knight doth sit too melancholy,Yon knight doth sit too melancholy, Per II.iii.54
As if the entertainement in our Court,As if the entertainment in our court Per II.iii.55
Had not a shew might counteruaile his worth:Had not a show might countervail his (n.)

old form: shew
spectacle, display, ceremony
Per II.iii.56
countervail (v.)

old form: counteruaile
counterbalance, match, be equal to
Note it not you, Thaisa.Note it not you, Thaisa? Per II.iii.57
What is't to me, my father?What is't to me, my father? Per II.iii.58
O attend my Daughter,O, attend, my daughter:attend (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to]
Per II.iii.59
Princes in this, should liue like Gods aboue,Princes in this should live like gods above, Per II.iii.60
Who freely giue to euery one that come to honour them:Who freely give to everyone that come to honour them. Per II.iii.61
And Princes not doing so, are like to Gnats,And princes not doing so are like to gnats, Per II.iii.62
Which make a sound, but kild, are wondred at:Which make a sound, but killed are wondered at. Per II.iii.63
Therefore to make his entraunce more sweet,Therefore to make his entrance more sweet,entrance (n.)

old form: entraunce
arrival, coming in
Per II.iii.64
Heere, say wee drinke this standing boule of wine to him.Here, say we drink this standing-bowl of wine to him.standing-bowl (n.)

old form: standing boule
bowl standing on a pedestal
Per II.iii.65
Alas my Father, it befits not mee,Alas, my father, it befits not me Per II.iii.66
Vnto a stranger Knight to be so bold,Unto a stranger knight to be so bold. Per II.iii.67
He may my profer take for an offence,He may my proffer take for an offence, Per II.iii.68
Since men take womens giftes for impudence.Since men take women's gifts for impudence. Per II.iii.69
How? doe as I bid you, or you'le mooue me else.How? Per II.iii.70
Do as I bid you, or you'll move me else.move (v.)

old form: mooue
move to anger, provoke, exasperate
Per II.iii.71
(aside) Per II.iii.72
Now by the Gods, he could not please me better.Now, by the gods, he could not please me better. Per II.iii.72
And furthermore tell him, we desire to know of himAnd furthermore tell him we desire to know of him Per II.iii.73
Of whence he is, his name, and Parentage?Of whence he is, his name, and parentage. Per II.iii.74
The King my father (sir) has drunke to you.The King my father, sir, has drunk to you. Per II.iii.75
I thanke him.I thank him. Per II.iii.76
Wishing it so much blood vnto your life.Wishing it so much blood unto your life. Per II.iii.77
I thanke both him and you, and pledge him freely.I thank both him and you, and pledge him freely.pledge (v.)
drink a toast to, drink to
Per II.iii.78
And further, he desires to know of you,And further he desires to know of you Per II.iii.79
Of whence you are, your name and parentage?Of whence you are, your name, and parentage. Per II.iii.80
A Gentleman of Tyre, my name Pericles,A gentleman of Tyre, my name Pericles, Per II.iii.81
My education beene in Artes and Armes:My education been in arts and arms,art (n.)

old form: Artes
knowledge, learning, scholarship, science
Per II.iii.82
Who looking for aduentures in the world,Who, looking for adventures in the world, Per II.iii.83
Was by the rough Seas reft of Ships and men,Was by the rough seas reft of ships and men,reave (v.), past form reft
rob, deprive
Per II.iii.84
and after shipwracke, driuen vpon this shore.And after shipwreck driven upon this shore. Per II.iii.85
He thankes your Grace; names himselfe Pericles,He thanks your grace, names himself Pericles, Per II.iii.86
A Gentleman of Tyre:A gentleman of Tyre, Per II.iii.87
who onely by misfortune of the seas,Who only by misfortune of the seas Per II.iii.88
Bereft of Shippes and Men, cast on this shore.Bereft of ships and men, cast on this shore. Per II.iii.89
Now by the Gods, I pitty his misfortune,Now, by the gods, I pity his misfortune Per II.iii.90
And will awake him from his melancholy.And will awake him from his melancholy. Per II.iii.91
Come Gentlemen, we sit too long on trifles,Come, gentlemen, we sit too long on trifles,sit (v.)
sit in conference, meet for a discussion
Per II.iii.92
And waste the time which lookes for other reuels;And waste the time which looks for other revels. Per II.iii.93
Euen in your Armours as you are addrest,Even in your armours, as you are addressed,address (v.)

old form: addrest
dress, array, attire
Per II.iii.94
Will well become a Souldiers daunce:Will well become a soldiers' dance.become (v.)
put a good front on, give a pleasing appearance to
Per II.iii.95
I will not haue excuse with saying this,I will not have excuse with saying this: Per II.iii.96
Lowd Musicke is too harsh for Ladyes heads,Loud music is too harsh for ladies' heads, Per II.iii.97
Since they loue men in armes, as well as beds.Since they love men in arms as well as beds. Per II.iii.98
They daunce.They dance Per II.iii.99.1
So, this was well askt, t'was so well perform'd.So, this was well asked, 'twas so well performed.ask (v.)

old form: askt
request, suggest, propose
Per II.iii.99
Come sir, heer's a Lady that wants breathing too,Come, sir, here's a lady that wants breathing too,want (v.)
require, demand, need
Per II.iii.100
breathing (n.)
exercise, exertion, active employment
And I haue heard, you Knights of Tyre,And I have heard you knights of Tyre Per II.iii.101
Are excellent in making Ladyes trippe;Are excellent in making ladies trip,trip (v.)

old form: trippe
dance, step lightly
Per II.iii.102
And that their Measures are as excellent.And that their measures are as excellent.measure (n.)
slow stately dance, graceful movement
Per II.iii.103
In those that practize them, they are (my Lord.)In those that practise them they are, my lord. Per II.iii.104
Oh that's as much, as you would be denyedO, that's as much as you would be denied Per II.iii.105
Of your faire courtesie:Of your fair courtesy. Per II.iii.106.1
They daunce.They dance Per II.iii.106
vnclaspe, vnclaspe.Unclasp, unclasp! Per II.iii.106.2
Thankes Gentlemen to all, all haue done well;Thanks, gentlemen, to all. All have done well, Per II.iii.107
But you the best: Pages and lights, to conduct(to Pericles) But you the best. – Pages and lights, to conduct Per II.iii.108
These Knights vnto their seuerall Lodgings:These knights unto their several lodgings. –several (adj.)

old form: seuerall
separate, different, distinct
Per II.iii.109
several (adj.)

old form: seuerall
various, sundry, respective, individual
Yours sir, we haue giuen order be next our owne.Yours, sir, we have given order be next our own. Per II.iii.110
I am at your Graces pleasure.I am at your grace's pleasure. Per II.iii.111
Princes, it is too late to talke of Loue.Princes, it is too late to talk of love, Per II.iii.112
And that's the marke I know, you leuell at:And that's the mark I know you level at.level at (v.)

old form: leuell
aim for, have as a target
Per II.iii.113
Therefore each one betake him to his rest,Therefore each one betake him to his rest;betake (v.)
go, take oneself off, make one's way
Per II.iii.114
To morrow all for speeding do their best.Tomorrow all for speeding do their best.speeding (n.)
success, good fortune
Per II.iii.115
Exeunt Per II.iii.115
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