The Two Noble Kinsmen

Modern text


Key line

This short florish of Cornets and Showtes within. Enter A short flourish of cornets, and shouts within. Enter  TNK II.iv.1.1
Theseus, Hipolita, Pirithous, Emilia: Arcite Theseus, Hippolyta, Pirithous, Emilia, Arcite as a TNK II.iv.1.2
with a Garland, &c.countryman, with a garland, and other countrymen TNK II.iv.1.3
and attendants TNK II.iv.1.4
(to Arcite) TNK II.iv.1
You have done worthily; I have not seeneYou have done worthily; I have not seen, TNK II.iv.1
Since Hercules, a man of tougher synewes;Since Hercules, a man of tougher sinews.sinew (n.)

old form: synewes
TNK II.iv.2
Hercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements
What ere you are, you run the best, and wrastle,Whate'er you are, you run the best and wrestle TNK II.iv.3
That these times can allow.That these times can allow.allow (v.)
acknowledge, commend, receive [with praise]
TNK II.iv.4.1
I am proud to please you.I am proud to please you. TNK II.iv.4.2
What Countrie bred you?What country bred you? TNK II.iv.5.1
This; but far off, Prince.This; but far off, prince. TNK II.iv.5.2
Are you a Gentleman?Are you a gentleman? TNK II.iv.6.1
My father said so;My father said so, TNK II.iv.6.2
And to those gentle uses gave me life.And to those gentle uses gave me life.gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
TNK II.iv.7
give life
bring up, raise, nurture
use (n.)
activity, practice, enterprise
Are you his heire?Are you his heir? TNK II.iv.8.1
His yongest Sir.His youngest, sir. TNK II.iv.8.2
Your FatherYour father TNK II.iv.8.3
Sure is a happy Sire then: what prooves you?Sure is a happy sire, then. What proves you?prove (v.)

old form: prooves
justify [one's] claim, establish
TNK II.iv.9
A little of all noble Quallities:A little of all noble qualities;quality (n.)

old form: Quallities
accomplishment, capacity, ability
TNK II.iv.10
I could have kept a Hawke, and well have holloa'dI could have kept a hawk, and well have hallowedhallow, holloa, hollow (v.)

old form: holloa'd
shout, yell, cry out
TNK II.iv.11
To a deepe crie of Dogges; I dare not praiseTo a deep cry of dogs; I dare not praise TNK II.iv.12
My feat in horsemanship: yet they that knew meMy feat in horsemanship, yet they that knew mefeat (n.)
achievement, skill, accomplishment
TNK II.iv.13
Would say it was my best peece: last, and greatest,Would say it was my best piece; last, and greatest,piece (n.)

old form: peece
accomplishment, forte, skill
TNK II.iv.14
I would be thought a Souldier.I would be thought a soldier. TNK II.iv.15.1
You are perfect.You are perfect.perfect (adj.)
complete, totally accomplished, well-trained
TNK II.iv.15.2
Vpon my soule, a proper man.Upon my soul, a proper man.proper (adj.)
good-looking, handsome, comely
TNK II.iv.16.1
He is so.He is so. TNK II.iv.16.2
How doe you like him Ladie?How do you like him, lady? TNK II.iv.17.1
I admire him,I admire him; TNK II.iv.17.2
I have not seene so yong a man, so nobleI have not seen so young a man so noble –  TNK II.iv.18
(If he say true,) of his sort.If he say true – of his sort.sort (n.)
class, level, social rank
TNK II.iv.19.1
Beleeve,Believe TNK II.iv.19.2
His mother was a wondrous handsome woman,His mother was a wondrous handsome woman; TNK II.iv.20
His face me thinkes, goes that way.His face methinks goes that way.methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
TNK II.iv.21.1
go (v.)
be [like], suggest, present itself
But his BodyBut his body TNK II.iv.21.2
And firie minde, illustrate a brave Father.And fiery mind illustrate a brave father.illustrate (v.)
show, indicate, make evident
TNK II.iv.22
brave (adj.)
noble, worthy, excellent
Marke how his vertue, like a hidden SunMark how his virtue, like a hidden sun,mark (v.)

old form: Marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
TNK II.iv.23
virtue (n.)

old form: vertue
quality, accomplishment, ability
Breakes through his baser garments.Breaks through his baser garments.base (adj.)
poor, wretched, of low quality
TNK II.iv.24.1
Hee's well got sure.He's well got, sure.get (v.)
beget, conceive, breed
TNK II.iv.24.2
What made you seeke this place Sir?What made you seek this place, sir? TNK II.iv.25.1
Noble Theseus.Noble Theseus, TNK II.iv.25.2
To purchase name, and doe my ablest serviceTo purchase name, and do my ablest servicename (n.)
reputation, fame, renown
TNK II.iv.26
purchase (v.)
acquire, obtain, win
To such a well-found wonder, as thy worth,To such a well-found wonder as thy worth;well-found (adj.)
of proven merit, of established reputation, commendable
TNK II.iv.27
Fo onely in thy Court, of all the worldFor only in thy court, of all the world, TNK II.iv.28
dwells faire-eyd honor.Dwells fair-eyed honour. TNK II.iv.29.1
All his words are worthy.All his words are worthy. TNK II.iv.29.2
Sir, we are much endebted to your travell,Sir, we are much indebted to your travel,travail, travel (n.)

old form: travell
journeying, travel [often overlapping with the sense of 'labour']
TNK II.iv.30
Nor shall you loose your wish: PerithousNor shall you lose your wish; Pirithous, TNK II.iv.31
Dispose of this faire Gentleman.Dispose of this fair gentleman.dispose of (v.)
make arrangements for
TNK II.iv.32.1
Thankes Theseus.Thanks, Theseus. TNK II.iv.32.2
(To Arcite) TNK II.iv.33
What ere you are y'ar mine, and I shall give youWhate'er you are you're mine, and I shall give you TNK II.iv.33
To a most noble service, to this Lady,To a most noble service, to this lady, TNK II.iv.34
This bright yong Virgin; pray observe her goodnesse;This bright young virgin; pray observe her goodness.observe (v.)
honour, wait upon, show all courtesy to
TNK II.iv.35
goodness (n.)

old form: goodnesse
excellence, virtue, fine qualities
You have honourd hir faire birth-day, with your vertues,You have honoured her fair birthday with your virtues, TNK II.iv.36
And as your due y'ar hirs: kisse her faire hand Sir.And as your due, you're hers; kiss her fair hand, sir. TNK II.iv.37
Sir, y'ar a noble Giver: dearest Bewtie,Sir, you're a noble giver. (To Emilia) Dearest beauty, TNK II.iv.38
Thus let me seale my vowd faith:Thus let me seal my vowed faith. TNK II.iv.39.1
He kisses her hand TNK II.iv.39
when your ServantWhen your servant, TNK II.iv.39.2
(Your most unworthie Creature) but offends you,Your most unworthy creature, but offends you, TNK II.iv.40
Command him die, he shall.Command him die; he shall. TNK II.iv.41.1
That were too cruell.That were too cruel. TNK II.iv.41.2
If you deserve well Sir; I shall soone see't:If you deserve well, sir, I shall soon see't. TNK II.iv.42
Y'ar mine,You're mine; TNK II.iv.43
aud somewhat better than your rancke Ile use you.And somewhat better than your rank I'll use you.use (v.)
treat, deal with, manage
TNK II.iv.44
Ile see you furnish'd, and because you sayI'll see you furnished, and because you sayfurnish (v.)

old form: furnish'd
dress, clothe, equip, fit out
TNK II.iv.45
You are a horseman, I must needs intreat youYou are a horseman, I must needs entreat you TNK II.iv.46
This after noone to ride, but tis a rough one.This afternoon to ride; but 'tis a rough one.rough (adj.)
difficult to manage, not thoroughly trained
TNK II.iv.47
I like him better (Prince) I shall not thenI like him better, prince; I shall not then TNK II.iv.48
Freeze in my Saddle.Freeze in my saddle. TNK II.iv.49.1
(to Hippolyta) TNK II.iv.49
Sweet, you must be readie,Sweet, you must be ready, TNK II.iv.49.2
And you Emilia, and you (Friend) and allAnd you, Emilia, and you, friend, and all, TNK II.iv.50
To morrow by the Sun, to doe observanceTomorrow by the sun, to do observanceobservance (n.)
honour, dutiful ceremony, due respect
TNK II.iv.51
sun (n.)
sunrise, dawn, daybreak
To flowry May, in Dians wood: waite well SirTo flowery May, in Dian's wood. Wait well, sir,Diana, Dian (n.)
Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
TNK II.iv.52
Vpon your Mistris: Emely, I hopeUpon your mistress; Emily, I hope TNK II.iv.53
He shall not goe a foote.He shall not go afoot. TNK II.iv.54.1
That were a shame Sir,That were a shame, sir, TNK II.iv.54.2
While I have horses: take your choice, and whatWhile I have horses. (To Arcite) Take your choice, and what TNK II.iv.55
You want at any time, let me but know it;You want at any time, let me but know it;want (v.)
require, demand, need
TNK II.iv.56
If you serve faithfully, I dare assure youIf you serve faithfully, I dare assure you TNK II.iv.57
You'l finde a loving Mistris.You'll find a loving mistress. TNK II.iv.58.1
If I doe not,If I do not, TNK II.iv.58.2
Let me finde that my Father ever hated,Let me find that my father ever hated, TNK II.iv.59
Disgrace, and blowes.Disgrace and blows. TNK II.iv.60.1
Go leade the way; you have won it:Go lead the way; you have won it. TNK II.iv.60.2
It shall be so; you shall receave all duesIt shall be so; you shall receive all dues TNK II.iv.61
Fit for the honour you have won; Twer wrong else,Fit for the honour you have won, 'twere wrong else. –  TNK II.iv.62
Sister, beshrew my heart, you have a Servant,Sister, beshrew my heart, you have a servantbeshrew, 'shrew (v.)
curse, devil take, evil befall
TNK II.iv.63
That if I were a woman, would be Master,That, if I were a woman, would be master; TNK II.iv.64
But you are wise.But you are wise.wise (adj.)
discreet, sensible, prudent
TNK II.iv.65.1
I hope too wise for that Sir.I hope, too wise for that, sir. TNK II.iv.65.2
Florish. Exeunt omnes.Flourish. Exeunt TNK II.iv.65
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