The Taming of the Shrew

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Lucentio, Hortentio, Enter Lucentio as Cambio, Hortensio as Licio, TS III.i.1.1
and Bianca.and Bianca TS III.i.1.2
Fidler forbeare, you grow too forward Sir,Fiddler, forbear, you grow too forward, sir.forbear (v.)

old form: forbeare
stop, cease, desist
TS III.i.1
Haue you so soone forgot the entertainmentHave you so soon forgot the entertainmententertainment (n.)
treatment, hospitality, reception
TS III.i.2
Her sister Katherine welcom'd you withall.Her sister Katherine welcomed you withal? TS III.i.3
But wrangling pedant, this isBut, wrangling pedant, this iswrangling (adj.)
quarrelsome, disputatious, argumentative
TS III.i.4
pedant (n.)
teacher, schoolmaster
The patronesse of heauenly harmony:The patroness of heavenly harmony. TS III.i.5
Then giue me leaue to haue prerogatiue,Then give me leave to have prerogative,prerogative (n.)

old form: prerogatiue
precedence, prior place
TS III.i.6
And when in Musicke we haue spent an houre,And when in music we have spent an hour, TS III.i.7
Your Lecture shall haue leisure for as much.Your lecture shall have leisure for as much.lecture (n.)
classroom lesson
TS III.i.8
Preposterous Asse that neuer read so farre,Preposterous ass, that never read so farpreposterous (adj.)
contrary to the natural order, monstrous, perverted
TS III.i.9
To know the cause why musicke was ordain'd:To know the cause why music was ordained!ordain (v.)

old form: ordain'd
appoint, establish, institute
TS III.i.10
Was it not to refresh the minde of manWas it not to refresh the mind of man TS III.i.11
After his studies, or his vsuall paine?After his studies or his usual pain?pain (n.)

old form: paine
effort, endeavour, exertion, labour
TS III.i.12
Then giue me leaue to read Philosophy,Then give me leave to read philosophy, TS III.i.13
And while I pause, serue in your harmony.And while I pause serve in your harmony.serve in (v.)

old form: serue
supply, provide, deal out
TS III.i.14
Sirra, I will not beare these braues of thine.Sirrah, I will not bear these braves of thine.brave (n.)

old form: braues
boast, bravado, blustering threat
TS III.i.15
Bianc. BIANCA 
Why gentlemen, you doe me double wrong,Why, gentlemen, you do me double wrong TS III.i.16
To striue for that which resteth in my choice:To strive for that which resteth in my choice. TS III.i.17
Iam no breeching scholler in the schooles,I am no breeching scholar in the schools,breeching (adj.)
subject to be flogged; novice, beginner
TS III.i.18
scholar (n.)
pupil, student
Ile not be tied to howres, nor pointed times,I'll not be tied to hours nor 'pointed times, TS III.i.19
But learne my Lessons as I please my selfe,But learn my lessons as I please myself. TS III.i.20
And to cut off all strife: heere sit we downe,And, to cut off all strife, here sit we down. TS III.i.21
Take you your instrument, play you the whiles,Take you your instrument, play you the whileswhiles (n.)
meantime, meanwhile
TS III.i.22
His Lecture will be done ere you haue tun'd.His lecture will be done ere you have tuned.lecture (n.)
classroom lesson
TS III.i.23
You'll leaue his Lecture when I am in tune?You'll leave his lecture when I am in tune? TS III.i.24
That will be neuer, tune your instrument.That will be never. Tune your instrument. TS III.i.25
Where left we last?Where left we last? TS III.i.26
Heere Madam: Here, madam. TS III.i.27
(He reads) TS III.i.28.1
Hic Ibat Simois, hic est sigeria tellus, Hic ibat Simois; hic est Sigeia tellus,hic ibat...
Here ran the SImois; here is the Sigeian land; here stood the lofty palace of old Priam
TS III.i.28
Simois (n.)
[pron: 'simohees] river flowing from Mt Ida to the plain of Troy, W Turkey
hic steterat Priami regia Celsa senis.Hic steterat Priami regia celsa senis.Priam (n.)
[pron: 'priyam] king of Troy, husband of Hecuba; killed by Pyrrhus during the sack of Troy
TS III.i.29
Conster them.Construe them.construe (v.)
explain, expound
TS III.i.30
Hic Ibat, as I told you before, Simois, I am Hic ibat ’, as I told you before – ‘ Simois,’ I am TS III.i.31
Lucentio, hic est, sonne vnto Vincentio of Pisa, Sigeria Lucentio – ‘ hic est,’ son unto Vincentio of Pisa – ‘ Sigeia TS III.i.32
tellus, disguised thus to get your loue, hic steterat, tellus,’ disguised thus to get your love – ‘ Hic steterat,’ TS III.i.33
and that Lucentio that comes a wooing, priami, is my and that Lucentio that comes a-wooing – ‘ Priami,’ is my  TS III.i.34
man Tranio, regia, bearing my port, celsa senis man Tranio – ‘ regia,’ bearing my port – ‘ celsa senis,’port (n.)
station, position, dignity
TS III.i.35
that we might beguile the old Pantalowne.that we might beguile the old pantaloon.pantaloon (n.)

old form: Pantalowne
old man, dotard [i.e. one wearing pantaloons = breeches]
TS III.i.36
beguile (v.)
cheat, deceive, trick
Madam, my Instrument's in tune.Madam, my instrument's in tune. TS III.i.37
Let's heare, oh fie, the treble iarres.Let's hear. (He plays) O fie! The treble jars.jar (v.)
grate, sound discordantly
TS III.i.38
Spit in the hole man, and tune againe.Spit in the hole, man, and tune again. TS III.i.39
Now let mee see if I can conster it. Hic ibat Now let me see if I can construe it. ‘ Hic ibatconstrue (v.)
explain, expound
TS III.i.40
simois, I know you not, hic est sigeria tellus, I trust you Simois,’ I know you not – ‘ hic est Sigeia tellus,’ I trust you TS III.i.41
not, hic staterat priami, take heede he heare vs not, not – ‘ Hic steterat Priami,’ take heed he hear us not –  TS III.i.42
regia presume not, Celsa senis, despaire not.regia,’ presume not – ‘ celsa senis,’ despair not. TS III.i.43
Madam, tis now in tune.Madam, 'tis now in tune. TS III.i.44.1
All but the base.All but the bass. TS III.i.44.2
The base is right, 'tis the base knaue that iars.The bass is right, 'tis the base knave that jars.knave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
TS III.i.45
base (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
Luc. How fiery and forward our Pedant is,(aside) How fiery and forward our pedant is.pedant (n.)
teacher, schoolmaster
TS III.i.46
Now for my life the knaue doth court my loue,Now, for my life, the knave doth court my love. TS III.i.47
Pedascule, Ile watch you better yet:Pedascule, I'll watch you better yet.pedascule (n.)
little pedant
TS III.i.48
In time I may beleeue, yet I mistrust.In time I may believe, yet I mistrust. TS III.i.49
Mistrust it not, for sure AacidesMistrust it not – for, sure, AeacidesAeacides (n.)
[pron: ee'asideez] alternative name for Ajax
TS III.i.50
Was Aiax cald so from his grandfather.Was Ajax, called so from his grandfather.Ajax (n.)
[pron: 'ayjaks, OP also a'jayks] son of Telemon, king of Salamis (also called Ajax Telemonius); fought against Troy; proverbial for his size and strength
TS III.i.51
I must beleeue my master, else I promise you,I must believe my master, else, I promise you,master (n.)
teacher, schoolmaster
TS III.i.52
I should be arguing still vpon that doubt,I should be arguing still upon that doubt.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
TS III.i.53
But let it rest, now Litio to you:But let it rest. Now, Licio, to you. TS III.i.54
Good master take it not vnkindly prayGood master, take it not unkindly, pray, TS III.i.55
That I haue beene thus pleasant with you both.That I have been thus pleasant with you both.pleasant (adj.)
facetious, joking, droll
TS III.i.56
(to Lucentio) TS III.i.57
You may go walk, and giue me leaue a while,You may go walk, and give me leave a while. TS III.i.57
My Lessons make no musicke in three parts.My lessons make no music in three parts. TS III.i.58
Are you so formall sir, well I must waiteAre you so formal, sir? Well, I must wait – formal (adj.)

old form: formall
punctilious, stiff, standing on ceremony
TS III.i.59
And watch withall, for but I be deceiu'd,(aside) And watch withal, for, but I be deceived, TS III.i.60
Our fine Musitian groweth amorous.Our fine musician groweth amorous. TS III.i.61
Madam, before you touch the instrument,Madam, before you touch the instrumenttouch (v.)
finger, sound, play on
TS III.i.62
To learne the order of my fingering,To learn the order of my fingering,order (n.)
manner, process, method
TS III.i.63
I must begin with rudiments of Art,I must begin with rudiments of art, TS III.i.64
To teach you gamoth in a briefer sort,To teach you gamut in a briefer sort,sort (n.)
way, manner
TS III.i.65
gamut (n.)

old form: gamoth
musical scale
brief (adj.)
quick, speedy, swift, expeditious
More pleasant, pithy, and effectuall,More pleasant, pithy, and effectual,effectual (adj.)

old form: effectuall
effective, efficient
TS III.i.66
Then hath beene taught by any of my trade,Than hath been taught by any of my trade. TS III.i.67
And there it is in writing fairely drawne.And there it is in writing fairly drawn.draw (v.)

old form: drawne
write out, draw up, present
TS III.i.68
Why, I am past my gamouth long agoe.Why, I am past my gamut long ago. TS III.i.69
Yet read the gamouth of Hortentio.Yet read the gamut of Hortensio. TS III.i.70
Bian. BIANCA  
(reads) TS III.i.71.1
Gamouth I am, the ground of all accord:‘ Gamut I am, the ground of all accordaccord (n.)
harmony, agreement
TS III.i.71
ground (n.)
foundation, basis, root
Are, to plead Hortensio's passion:A re, to plead Hortensio's passion TS III.i.72
Beeme, Bianca take him for thy LordB mi, Bianca, take him for thy lord TS III.i.73
Cfavt, that loues with all affection:C fa ut, that loves with all affectionut (n.)
[musical scale] doh
TS III.i.74
D solre, one Cliffe, two notes haue I,D sol re, one clef, two notes have I TS III.i.75
Ela mi, show pitty or I die,E la mi, show pity or I die.’ TS III.i.76
Call you this gamouth? tut I like it not,Call you this gamut? Tut, I like it not! TS III.i.77
Old fashions please me best, I am not so niceOld fashions please me best. I am not so nicenice (adj.)
whimsical, capricious, temperamental
TS III.i.78
To charge true rules for old inuentions.To change true rules for odd inventions.change (v.)
exchange, trade
TS III.i.79
invention (n.)

old form: inuentions
novelty, fresh creation, innovation
odd (adj.)
eccentric, peculiar, unusual
rule (n.)
principle, order, regulation
Enter a Messenger.Enter a Servant TS III.i.80
Mistresse, your father prayes you leaue your books,Mistress, your father prays you leave your books, TS III.i.80
And helpe to dresse your sisters chamber vp,And help to dress your sister's chamber up. TS III.i.81
You know to morrow is the wedding day.You know tomorrow is the wedding-day. TS III.i.82
Farewell sweet masters both, I must be gone.Farewell, sweet masters both, I must be gone. TS III.i.83

Exeunt Bianca and Servant TS III.i.83
Faith Mistresse then I haue no cause to stay.Faith, mistress, then I have no cause to stay. TS III.i.84
Exit TS III.i.84
But I haue cause to pry into this pedant,But I have cause to pry into this pedant,pedant (n.)
teacher, schoolmaster
TS III.i.85
cause (n.)
reason, motive, ground
Methinkes he lookes as though he were in loue:Methinks he looks as though he were in love.methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Methinkes
it seems / seemed to me
TS III.i.86
Yet if thy thoughts Bianca be so humbleYet if thy thoughts, Bianca, be so humblehumble (adj.)
lowly, ignoble, low
TS III.i.87
To cast thy wandring eyes on euery stale:To cast thy wandering eyes on every stale,stale (n.)
[falconry] decoy, lure, stalking-horse
TS III.i.88
Seize thee that List, if once I finde thee ranging,Seize thee that list. If once I find thee ranging,range (v.)
wander freely, roam, rove
TS III.i.89
list (v.)
wish, like, please
Hortensio will be quit with thee by changing. Hortensio will be quit with thee by changing.change (v.)
substitute, replace, supplant
TS III.i.90
quit (v.)
avenge, requite, take vengeance [on]
Exit.Exit TS III.i.90
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