Henry VI Part 1

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Flourish. Enter King, Exeter, Gloster, Winchester,Flourish. Enter the King, Exeter, Gloucester, Winchester, 1H6 III.i.1.1
Warwick, Somerset, Suffolk, Richard Plantagenet. Warwick, Somerset, Suffolk, Richard Plantagenet, 1H6 III.i.1.2
Gloster offers to put vp a Bill:and others. Gloucester offers to put up a bill.put up a bill
present a list of accusations
1H6 III.i.1.3
offer (v.)
attempt, start, try, make a move
Winchester snatches it, teares it.Winchester snatches it, tears it 1H6 III.i.1.4
Com'st thou with deepe premeditated Lines?Comest thou with deep premeditated lines?line (n.)
prepared written statement
1H6 III.i.1
With written Pamphlets, studiously deuis'd?With written pamphlets studiously devised?pamphlet (n.)
document, text
1H6 III.i.2
Humfrey of Gloster, if thou canst accuse,Humphrey of Gloucester, if thou canst accuse 1H6 III.i.3
Or ought intend'st to lay vnto my charge,Or aught intendest to lay unto my charge,aught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
1H6 III.i.4
charge (n.)
accusation, censure, blame
Doe it without inuention, suddenly,Do it without invention, suddenly;invention (n.)

old form: inuention
plan, scheme, stratagem
1H6 III.i.5
suddenly (adv.)
extempore, spontaneously, off the cuff
As I with sudden, and extemporall speech,As I with sudden and extemporal speechextemporal (adj.)

old form: extemporall
extempore, unplanned, improvised
1H6 III.i.6
sudden (adj.)
unpremeditated, extempore, unrehearsed
Purpose to answer what thou canst obiect.Purpose to answer what thou canst object.object (v.)

old form: obiect
urge, adduce, bring up
1H6 III.i.7
purpose (v.)
intend, plan
Presumptuous Priest, this place cõmands my patiẽce,Presumptuous priest, this place commands my patience, 1H6 III.i.8
Or thou should'st finde thou hast dis-honor'd me.Or thou shouldst find thou hast dishonoured me. 1H6 III.i.9
Thinke not, although in Writing I preferr'dThink not, although in writing I preferredprefer (v.)

old form: preferr'd
present, bring forward
1H6 III.i.10
The manner of thy vile outragious Crymes,The manner of thy vile outrageous crimes, 1H6 III.i.11
That therefore I haue forg'd, or am not ableThat therefore I have forged, or am not able 1H6 III.i.12
Verbatim to rehearse the Methode of my Penne.Verbatim to rehearse the method of my pen.method (n.)

old form: Methode
exposition, thesis, expressed content
1H6 III.i.13
rehearse (v.)
relate, recount, give an account of
No Prelate, such is thy audacious wickednesse,No, prelate; such is thy audacious wickedness, 1H6 III.i.14
Thy lewd, pestiferous, and dissentious prancks,Thy lewd, pestiferous, and dissentious pranks,pestiferous (adj.)
pestilent, mischievous, pernicious
1H6 III.i.15
prank (n.)

old form: prancks
malicious act, wicked deed
lewd (adj.)
wicked, vile, evil
As very Infants prattle of thy pride.As very infants prattle of thy pride. 1H6 III.i.16
Thou art a most pernitious Vsurer,Thou art a most pernicious usurer, 1H6 III.i.17
Froward by nature, Enemie to Peace,Froward by nature, enemy to peace,froward (adj.)
perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable
1H6 III.i.18
Lasciuious, wanton, more then well beseemesLascivious, wanton, more than well beseemswanton (adj.)
lascivious, lewd, obscene
1H6 III.i.19
beseem (v.)

old form: beseemes
befit, be fitting [for], be seemly [for]
A man of thy Profession, and Degree.A man of thy profession and degree.degree (n.)
rank, station, standing
1H6 III.i.20
And for thy Trecherie, what's more manifest?And for thy treachery, what's more manifest, 1H6 III.i.21
In that thou layd'st a Trap to take my Life,In that thou laidest a trap to take my life, 1H6 III.i.22
As well at London Bridge, as at the Tower.As well at London Bridge as at the Tower? 1H6 III.i.23
Beside, I feare me, if thy thoughts were sifted,Besides, I fear me, if thy thoughts were sifted,sift (v.)
question carefully, examine closely
1H6 III.i.24
The King, thy Soueraigne, is not quite exemptThe King, thy sovereign, is not quite exempt 1H6 III.i.25
From enuious mallice of thy swelling heart.From envious malice of thy swelling heart.envious (adj.)

old form: enuious
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
1H6 III.i.26
swelling (adj.)
swollen [with pride], arrogant
Gloster, I doe defie thee. Lords vouchsafeGloucester, I do defy thee. Lords, vouchsafe 1H6 III.i.27
To giue me hearing what I shall reply.To give me hearing what I shall reply. 1H6 III.i.28
If I were couetous, ambitious, or peruerse,If I were covetous, ambitious, or perverse, 1H6 III.i.29
As he will haue me: how am I so poore?As he will have me, how am I so poor? 1H6 III.i.30
Or how haps it, I seeke not to aduanceOr how haps it I seek not to advancehap (v.)
happen, take place, come to pass
1H6 III.i.31
Or rayse my selfe? but keepe my wonted Calling.Or raise myself, but keep my wonted calling?wonted (adj.)
accustomed, usual, customary
1H6 III.i.32
calling (n.)
vocation, profession, high station in life
And for Dissention, who preferreth PeaceAnd for dissension, who preferreth peace 1H6 III.i.33
More then I doe? except I be prouok'd.More than I do, except I be provoked? 1H6 III.i.34
No, my good Lords, it is not that offends,No, my good lords, it is not that offends; 1H6 III.i.35
It is not that, that hath incens'd the Duke:It is not that that hath incensed the Duke: 1H6 III.i.36
It is because no one should sway but hee,It is because no one should sway but he,sway (v.)
control, rule, direct, govern
1H6 III.i.37
No one, but hee, should be about the King;No one but he should be about the King;about (prep.)
in the company of
1H6 III.i.38
And that engenders Thunder in his breast,And that engenders thunder in his breast 1H6 III.i.39
And makes him rore these Accusations forth.And makes him roar these accusations forth. 1H6 III.i.40
But he shall know I am as good.But he shall know I am as good –  1H6 III.i.41.1
As good?As good? 1H6 III.i.41.2
Thou Bastard of my Grandfather.Thou bastard of my grandfather! 1H6 III.i.42
I, Lordly Sir: for what are you, I pray,Ay, lordly sir; for what are you, I pray, 1H6 III.i.43
But one imperious in anothers Throne?But one imperious in another's throne?imperious, emperious (adj.)
imperial, majestic, sovereign
1H6 III.i.44
Am I not Protector, sawcie Priest?Am I not Protector, saucy priest?saucy (adj.)

old form: sawcie
insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant
1H6 III.i.45
And am not I a Prelate of the Church?And am not I a prelate of the Church? 1H6 III.i.46
Yes, as an Out-law in a Castle keepes,Yes, as an outlaw in a castle keeps,keep (v.)

old form: keepes
lodge, live, dwell
1H6 III.i.47
And vseth it, to patronage his Theft.And useth it to patronage his theft.patronage (v.)
protect, uphold, defend
1H6 III.i.48
Vnreuerent Glocester.Unreverent Gloucester!unreverent (adj.)

old form: Vnreuerent
irreverent, disrespectful, unseemly
1H6 III.i.49.1
Thou art reuerent,Thou art reverend 1H6 III.i.49.2
Touching thy Spirituall Function, not thy Life.Touching thy spiritual function, not thy life. 1H6 III.i.50
Rome shall remedie this.Rome shall remedy this. 1H6 III.i.1.51
Roame thither then.Roam thither then. 1H6 III.i.1.52
(to Warwick) 1H6 III.i.52.1
My Lord, it were your dutie to forbeare.My lord, it were your duty to forbear.forbear (v.)
control oneself, have patience [for]
1H6 III.i.52
I, see the Bishop be not ouer-borne:Ay, see the Bishop be not overborne.overbear (v.)

old form: ouer-borne
overrule, overcome, put down
1H6 III.i.53
Me thinkes my Lord should be Religious,Methinks my lord should be religious,methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
1H6 III.i.54
And know the Office that belongs to such.And know the office that belongs to such.office (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
1H6 III.i.55
Me thinkes his Lordship should be humbler,Methinks his lordship should be humbler; 1H6 III.i.56
It fitteth not a Prelate so to plead.It fitteth not a prelate so to plead.plead (v.)
argue, debate, wrangle
1H6 III.i.57
fit (v.)
suit, befit, be suitable [for]
Yes, when his holy State is toucht so neere.Yes, when his holy state is touched so near.touch (v.)

old form: toucht
affect, concern, regard, relate to
1H6 III.i.58
near (adv.)

old form: neere
closely, intimately, seriously
state (n.)
status, rank, position
State holy, or vnhallow'd, what of that?State holy or unhallowed, what of that? 1H6 III.i.59
Is not his Grace Protector to the King?Is not his grace Protector to the King? 1H6 III.i.60
(aside) 1H6 III.i.61
Plantagenet I see must hold his tongue,Plantagenet, I see, must hold his tongue, 1H6 III.i.61
Least it be said, Speake Sirrha when you should:Lest it be said ‘ Speak, sirrah, when you should;sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
1H6 III.i.62
Must your bold Verdict enter talke with Lords?Must your bold verdict enter talk with lords?’enter (v.)
enter into, engage in
1H6 III.i.63
verdict (n.)
opinion, judgement, view
bold (adj.)
over-confident, presumptuous, audacious, impudent
Else would I haue a fling at Winchester.Else would I have a fling at Winchester.fling (n.)
dig, gibe, taunt
1H6 III.i.64
King. KING 
Vnckles of Gloster, and of Winchester,Uncles of Gloucester and of Winchester, 1H6 III.i.65
The speciall Watch-men of our English Weale,The special watchmen of our English weal,weal (n.)

old form: Weale
state, community, commonwealth
1H6 III.i.66
I would preuayle, if Prayers might preuayle,I would prevail, if prayers might prevail, 1H6 III.i.67
To ioyne your hearts in loue and amitie.To join your hearts in love and amity. 1H6 III.i.68
Oh, what a Scandall is it to our Crowne,O, what a scandal is it to our crown 1H6 III.i.69
That two such Noble Peeres as ye should iarre?That two such noble peers as ye should jar!jar (v.)

old form: iarre
quarrel, wrangle, disagree [over]
1H6 III.i.70
Beleeue me, Lords, my tender yeeres can tell,Believe me, lords, my tender years can tell 1H6 III.i.71
Ciuill dissention is a viperous Worme,Civil dissension is a viperous worm 1H6 III.i.72
That gnawes the Bowels of the Common-wealth.That gnaws the bowels of the commonwealth. 1H6 III.i.73
A noyse within, Downe with the Tawny-Coats.A noise within: ‘ Down with the tawny coats!’ 1H6 III.i.74
What tumult's this?What tumult's this? 1H6 III.i.74.1
An Vprore, I dare warrant,An uproar, I dare warrant,warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
1H6 III.i.74.2
uproar (n.)
public disturbance, outbreak of disorder
Begun through malice of the Bishops men.Begun through malice of the Bishop's men. 1H6 III.i.75
A noyse againe, Stones, Stones. Enter Maior.A noise again: ‘ Stones! Stones!’ Enter the Mayor 1H6 III.i.76
Maior. MAYOR 
Oh my good Lords, and vertuous Henry,O my good lords, and virtuous Henry, 1H6 III.i.76
Pitty the Citie of London, pitty vs:Pity the city of London, pity us! 1H6 III.i.77
The Bishop,and the Duke of Glosters men,The Bishop and the Duke of Gloucester's men, 1H6 III.i.78
Forbidden late to carry any Weapon,Forbidden late to carry any weapon,late (adv.)
recently, a little while ago / before
1H6 III.i.79
Haue fill'd their Pockets full of peeble stones;Have filled their pockets full of pebble-stones 1H6 III.i.80
And banding themselues in contrary parts,And, banding themselves in contrary parts,part (n.)
side, camp, party
1H6 III.i.81
contrary (adj.)
opposite, opposing, rival
Doe pelt so fast at one anothers Pate,Do pelt so fast at one another's patepate (n.)
head, skull
1H6 III.i.82
That many haue their giddy braynes knockt out:That many have their giddy brains knocked out.giddy (adj.)
wild with rage, mad with anger
1H6 III.i.83
Our Windowes are broke downe in euery Street,Our windows are broke down in every streetwindow (n.)

old form: Windowes
1H6 III.i.84
And we, for feare, compell'd to shut our Shops.And we, for fear, compelled to shut our shops. 1H6 III.i.85
Enter in skirmish with bloody Pates.Enter Servingmen of Gloucester and Winchester in 1H6 III.i.86.1
skirmish with bloody patespate (n.)
head, skull
1H6 III.i.86.2
skirmish (n.)
fight, clash, fracas
We charge you, on allegeance to our selfe,We charge you, on allegiance to ourself, 1H6 III.i.86
To hold your slaughtring hands, and keepe the Peace:To hold your slaughtering hands and keep the peace. 1H6 III.i.87
Pray' Vnckle Gloster mittigate this strife.Pray, uncle Gloucester, mitigate this strife.mitigate (v.)

old form: mittigate
appease, pacify, calm
1H6 III.i.88
Nay,if we be forbidden Stones,Nay, if we be forbidden stones, 1H6 III.i.89
wee'le fall to it with our Teeth.we'll fall to it with our teeth. 1H6 III.i.90
Doe what ye dare, we are as resolute.Do what ye dare, we are as resolute. 1H6 III.i.91
Skirmish againe.Skirmish again 1H6 III.i.92.1
You of my household, leaue this peeuish broyle,You of my household, leave this peevish broilpeevish (adj.)
silly, foolish; or: headstrong, impulsive
1H6 III.i.92
broil (n.)
quarrel, row, disturbance
And set this vnaccustom'd fight aside.And set this unaccustomed fight aside.unaccustomed (adj.)

old form: vnaccustom'd
unusual, strange, unfamiliar
1H6 III.i.93
My Lord, we know your Grace to be a manMy lord, we know your grace to be a man 1H6 III.i.94
Iust, and vpright; and for your Royall Birth,Just and upright, and for your royal birth 1H6 III.i.95
Inferior to none, but to his Maiestie:Inferior to none but to his majesty; 1H6 III.i.96
And ere that we will suffer such a Prince,And ere that we will suffer such a prince,ere that (conj.)
1H6 III.i.97
suffer (v.)
allow, permit, let
So kinde a Father of the Common-weale,So kind a father of the commonweal,commonweal, commonwealth (n.)

old form: Common-weale
state, nation, community, body politic
1H6 III.i.98
To be disgraced by an Inke-horne Mate,To be disgraced by an inkhorn mate,mate (n.)
fellow, individual
1H6 III.i.99
inkhorn (adj.)

old form: Inke-horne
pedantic, book-scribbling
disgrace (v.)
insult, dishonour, deny respect [to]
Wee and our Wiues and Children all will fight,We and our wives and children all will fight 1H6 III.i.100
And haue our bodyes slaughtred by thy foes.And have our bodies slaughtered by thy foes. 1H6 III.i.101
I, and the very parings of our NaylesAy, and the very parings of our nails 1H6 III.i.102
Shall pitch a Field when we are dead.shall pitch a field when we are dead.pitch (v.)
provide sharp stakes for
1H6 III.i.103
field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
Begin againe.They begin to skirmish againskirmish (v.)
do battle, wage war
1H6 III.i.104
Stay, stay, I say:Stay, stay, I say! 1H6 III.i.104
And if you loue me, as you say you doe,And if you love me, as you say you do, 1H6 III.i.105
Let me perswade you to forbeare a while.Let me persuade you to forbear awhile.forbear (v.)

old form: forbeare
stop, cease, desist
1H6 III.i.106
King. KING 
Oh, how this discord doth afflict my Soule.O, how this discord doth afflict my soul! 1H6 III.i.107
Can you, my Lord of Winchester, beholdCan you, my lord of Winchester, behold 1H6 III.i.108
My sighes and teares, and will not once relent?My sighs and tears and will not once relent? 1H6 III.i.109
Who should be pittifull, if you be not?Who should be pitiful if you be not? 1H6 III.i.110
Or who should study to preferre a Peace,Or who should study to prefer a peaceprefer (v.)

old form: preferre
promote, advance, recommend
1H6 III.i.111
study (v.)
endeavour, take pains, make an effort
If holy Church-men take delight in broyles?If holy churchmen take delight in broils?broil (n.)

old form: broyles
turmoil, confused fighting, battle
1H6 III.i.112
Yeeld my Lord Protector, yeeld Winchester,Yield, my Lord Protector, yield, Winchester, 1H6 III.i.113
Except you meane with obstinate repulseExcept you mean with obstinate repulseexcept (conj.)
1H6 III.i.114
repulse (n.)
refusal, rejection, rebuff
To slay your Soueraigne, and destroy the Realme.To slay your sovereign and destroy the realm. 1H6 III.i.115
You see what Mischiefe, and what Murther too,You see what mischief, and what murder too,mischief (n.)

old form: Mischiefe
harm, injury, damage
1H6 III.i.116
Hath beene enacted through your enmitie:Hath been enacted through your enmity.enact (v.)
bring about, accomplish, perform
1H6 III.i.117
Then be at peace, except ye thirst for blood.Then be at peace, except ye thirst for blood. 1H6 III.i.118
He shall submit, or I will neuer yeeld.He shall submit, or I will never yield. 1H6 III.i.119
Compassion on the King commands me stoupe,Compassion on the King commands me stoop, 1H6 III.i.120
Or I would see his heart out, ere the PriestOr I would see his heart out ere the priest 1H6 III.i.121
Should euer get that priuiledge of me.Should ever get that privilege of me.privilege (n.)

old form: priuiledge
advantage, superiority, edge
1H6 III.i.122
Behold my Lord of Winchester, the DukeBehold, my lord of Winchester, the Duke 1H6 III.i.123
Hath banisht moodie discontented fury,Hath banished moody discontented fury,moody (adj.)

old form: moodie
angry, wrathful, rancorous, sullen
1H6 III.i.124
As by his smoothed Browes it doth appeare:As by his smoothed brows it doth appear;brow (n.)

old form: Browes
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
1H6 III.i.125
Why looke you still so sterne, and tragicall?Why look you still so stern and tragical? 1H6 III.i.126
Here Winchester, I offer thee my Hand.Here, Winchester, I offer thee my hand. 1H6 III.i.127
King. KING 
Fie Vnckle Beauford, I haue heard you preach,Fie, uncle Beaufort, I have heard you preach 1H6 III.i.128
That Mallice was a great and grieuous sinne:That malice was a great and grievous sin; 1H6 III.i.129
And will not you maintaine the thing you teach?And will not you maintain the thing you teach, 1H6 III.i.130
But proue a chiefe offendor in the same.But prove a chief offender in the same? 1H6 III.i.131
Sweet King: the Bishop hath a kindly gyrd:Sweet King! The Bishop hath a kindly gird.kindly (adj.)
fitting, suitable
1H6 III.i.132
gird (n.)

old form: gyrd
rebuke, reproof, reproach
For shame my Lord of Winchester relent;For shame, my lord of Winchester, relent; 1H6 III.i.133
What, shall a Child instruct you what to doe?What, shall a child instruct you what to do? 1H6 III.i.134
Well, Duke of Gloster, I will yeeld to theeWell, Duke of Gloucester, I will yield to thee. 1H6 III.i.135
Loue for thy Loue, and Hand for Hand I giue.Love for thy love and hand for hand I give. 1H6 III.i.136
(aside) 1H6 III.i.137.1
I, but I feare me with a hollow Heart.Ay, but, I fear me, with a hollow heart.hollow (adj.)
empty, false, insincere
1H6 III.i.137
See here my Friends and louing Countreymen,(to them) See here, my friends and loving countrymen: 1H6 III.i.138
This token serueth for a Flagge of Truce,This token serveth for a flag of truce 1H6 III.i.139
Betwixt our selues, and all our followers:Betwixt ourselves and all our followers. 1H6 III.i.140
So helpe me God, as I dissemble not.So help me God, as I dissemble not.dissemble (v.)
deceive, disguise the truth, pretend
1H6 III.i.141
So helpe me God, as I intend it not.So help me God – (aside) as I intend it not. 1H6 III.i.142
King. KING 
Oh louing Vnckle, kinde Duke of Gloster,O loving uncle, kind Duke of Gloucester, 1H6 III.i.143
How ioyfull am I made by this Contract.How joyful am I made by this contract! 1H6 III.i.144
Away my Masters, trouble vs no more,Away, my masters! Trouble us no more, 1H6 III.i.145
But ioyne in friendship, as your Lords haue done.But join in friendship, as your lords have done. 1H6 III.i.146
Content, Ile to the Surgeons.Content; I'll to the surgeon's.content (adj.)
agreeable, willing, ready
1H6 III.i.147
And so will I.And so will I. 1H6 III.i.148
And I will see what Physick the And I will see what physic thephysic (n.)

old form: Physick
medicine, healing, treatment
1H6 III.i.149
Tauerne affords. tavern affords. 1H6 III.i.150
Exeunt.Exeunt Servingmen and Mayor 1H6 III.i.150
Accept this Scrowle, most gracious Soueraigne,Accept this scroll, most gracious sovereign, 1H6 III.i.151
Which in the Right of Richard Plantagenet,Which in the right of Richard Plantagenet 1H6 III.i.152
We doe exhibite to your Maiestie.We do exhibit to your majesty.exhibit (v.)

old form: exhibite
submit for inspection, produce for consideration, propose
1H6 III.i.153
Well vrg'd, my Lord of Warwick: for sweet Prince,Well urged, my Lord of Warwick; for, sweet prince, 1H6 III.i.154
And if your Grace marke euery circumstance,An if your grace mark every circumstance,mark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
1H6 III.i.155
an if (conj.)
circumstance (n.)
detail(s), particular(s), specifics
You haue great reason to doe Richard right,You have great reason to do Richard right, 1H6 III.i.156
Especially for those occasionsEspecially for those occasionsoccasion (n.)
ground, reason, cause, matter
1H6 III.i.157
At Eltam Place I told your Maiestie.At Eltham Place I told your majesty. 1H6 III.i.158
King. KING 
And those occasions, Vnckle, were of force:And those occasions, uncle, were of force;force (n.)
compelling weight, power to convince
1H6 III.i.159
Therefore my louing Lords, our pleasure is,Therefore, my loving lords, our pleasure is 1H6 III.i.160
That Richard be restored to his Blood.That Richard be restored to his blood.blood (n.)
hereditary rights, appropriate rank, rightful title
1H6 III.i.161
Let Richard be restored to his Blood,Let Richard be restored to his blood; 1H6 III.i.162
So shall his Fathers wrongs be recompenc't.So shall his father's wrongs be recompensed.recompense (v.)

old form: recompenc't
compensate, redress, make restitution
1H6 III.i.163
As will the rest, so willeth Winchester.As will the rest, so willeth Winchester. 1H6 III.i.164
King. KING 
If Richard will be true, not that all alone,If Richard will be true, not that alonetrue (adj.)
loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance
1H6 III.i.165
But all the whole Inheritance I giue,But all the whole inheritance I give 1H6 III.i.166
That doth belong vnto the House of Yorke,That doth belong unto the House of York, 1H6 III.i.167
From whence you spring, by Lineall Descent.From whence you spring by lineal descent. 1H6 III.i.168
Thy humble seruant vowes obedience,Thy humble servant vows obedience 1H6 III.i.169
And humble seruice, till the point of death.And humble service till the point of death. 1H6 III.i.170
King. KING 
Stoope then, and set your Knee against my Foot,Stoop then and set your knee against my foot;stoop (v.)

old form: Stoope
kneel, submit, bow down
1H6 III.i.171
And in reguerdon of that dutie done,And in reguerdon of that duty donereguerdon (n.)
recompense, reward, repayment
1H6 III.i.172
duty (n.)

old form: dutie
act of loyalty, expression of homage
I gyrt thee with the valiant Sword of Yorke:I girt thee with the valiant sword of York.girt, gird (v.)

old form: gyrt
invest, equip, provide
1H6 III.i.173
Rise Richard, like a true Plantagenet,Rise, Richard, like a true Plantagenet, 1H6 III.i.174
And rise created Princely Duke of Yorke.And rise created princely Duke of York. 1H6 III.i.175
And so thriue Richard, as thy foes may fall,And so thrive Richard as thy foes may fall! 1H6 III.i.176
And as my dutie springs, so perish they,And as my duty springs, so perish they 1H6 III.i.177
That grudge one thought against your Maiesty.That grudge one thought against your majesty!grudge (v.)
grumble, complain, be discontented
1H6 III.i.178
All. ALL 
Welcome high Prince, the mighty Duke of Yorke.Welcome, high prince, the mighty Duke of York! 1H6 III.i.179
(aside) 1H6 III.i.180.1
Perish base Prince, ignoble Duke of Yorke.Perish, base prince, ignoble Duke of York!base (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
1H6 III.i.180
Now will it best auaile your Maiestie,Now will it best avail your majestyavail (v.)

old form: auaile
be of use to, help, advantage
1H6 III.i.181
To crosse the Seas, and to be Crown'd in France:To cross the seas and to be crowned in France. 1H6 III.i.182
The presence of a King engenders loueThe presence of a king engenders love 1H6 III.i.183
Amongst his Subiects, and his loyall Friends,Amongst his subjects and his loyal friends, 1H6 III.i.184
As it dis-animates his Enemies.As it disanimates his enemies.disanimate (v.)

old form: dis-animates
dishearten, discourage, dispirit
1H6 III.i.185
King. KING 
When Gloster sayes the word, King Henry goes,When Gloucester says the word, King Henry goes; 1H6 III.i.186
For friendly counsaile cuts off many Foes.For friendly counsel cuts off many foes. 1H6 III.i.187
Your Ships alreadie are in readinesse.Your ships already are in readiness. 1H6 III.i.188
Senet. Flourish. Exeunt. Manet Exeter.Sennet. Flourish. Exeunt all but Exeter 1H6 III.i.189
I, we may march in England, or in France,Ay, we may march in England or in France, 1H6 III.i.189
Not seeing what is likely to ensue:Not seeing what is likely to ensue. 1H6 III.i.190
This late dissention growne betwixt the Peeres,This late dissension grown betwixt the peerslate (adj.)
recent, not long past
1H6 III.i.191
Burnes vnder fained ashes of forg'd loue,Burns under feigned ashes of forged loveforged (adj.)

old form: forg'd
false, counterfeit, spurious
1H6 III.i.192
And will at last breake out into a flame,And will at last break out into a flame. 1H6 III.i.193
As festred members rot but by degree,As festered members rot but by degreedegree, by
little by little, bit by bit
1H6 III.i.194
Till bones and flesh and sinewes fall away,Till bones and flesh and sinews fall away, 1H6 III.i.195
So will this base and enuious discord breed.So will this base and envious discord breed.envious (adj.)

old form: enuious
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
1H6 III.i.196
breed (v.), past form bred
increase, grow, multiply
base (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
And now I feare that fatall Prophecie,And now I fear that fatal prophecy 1H6 III.i.197
Which in the time of Henry, nam'd the Fift,Which in the time of Henry named the Fifth 1H6 III.i.198
Was in the mouth of euery sucking Babe,Was in the mouth of every sucking babe: 1H6 III.i.199
That Henry borne at Monmouth should winne all,That Henry born at Monmouth should win all 1H6 III.i.200
And Henry borne at Windsor, loose all:And Henry born at Windsor should lose all; 1H6 III.i.201
Which is so plaine, that Exeter doth wish,Which is so plain that Exeter doth wish 1H6 III.i.202
His dayes may finish, ere that haplesse time. His days may finish ere that hapless time.hapless (adj.)

old form: haplesse
luckless, unfortunate, unlucky
1H6 III.i.203
Exit.Exit 1H6 III.i.203
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