Henry IV Part 2

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter the King, with a Page.Enter the King in his nightgown, followed by a pagenightgown, night-gown (n.)
2H4 III.i.1
Goe, call the Earles of Surrey, and of Warwick: Go call the Earls of Surrey and of Warwick –  2H4 III.i.1
But ere they come, bid them ore-reade these Letters, But, ere they come, bid them o'erread these lettersoverread, over-read (v.)

old form: ore-reade
read over, read through
2H4 III.i.2
And well consider of them: make good speed. And well consider of them. Make good speed. 2H4 III.i.3
Exit.Exit page 2H4 III.i.3
How many thousand of my poorest Subiects How many thousand of my poorest subjects 2H4 III.i.4
Are at this howre asleepe? O Sleepe, O gentle Sleepe, Are at this hour asleep! O sleep, O gentle sleep,gentle (adj.)
peaceful, calm, free from violence
2H4 III.i.5
Natures soft Nurse, how haue I frighted thee, Nature's soft nurse, how have I frighted thee,fright (v.), past form frighted
frighten, scare, terrify
2H4 III.i.6
That thou no more wilt weigh my eye-lids downe, That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down 2H4 III.i.7
And steepe my Sences in Forgetfulnesse? And steep my senses in forgetfulness? 2H4 III.i.8
Why rather (Sleepe) lyest thou in smoakie Cribs, Why rather, sleep, liest thou in smoky cribs,crib (n.)
hovel, hut, shack
2H4 III.i.9
Vpon vneasie Pallads stretching thee, Upon uneasy pallets stretching thee,pallet (n.)

old form: Pallads
bed, straw mattress
2H4 III.i.10
uneasy (adj.)

old form: vneasie
uncomfortable, causing discomfort
And huisht with bussing Night, flyes to thy slumber, And hushed with buzzing night-flies to thy slumber, 2H4 III.i.11
Then in the perfum'd Chambers of the Great? Than in the perfumed chambers of the great, 2H4 III.i.12
Vnder the Canopies of costly State, Under the canopies of costly state,state (n.)
splendour, magnificence, stateliness, dignity
2H4 III.i.13
And lull'd with sounds of sweetest Melodie? And lulled with sound of sweetest melody? 2H4 III.i.14
O thou dull God, why lyest thou with the vilde, O thou dull god, why liest thou with the vilevile, vild (n.)
lowly person, person of humble birth
2H4 III.i.15
In loathsome Beds, and leau'st the Kingly Couch, In loathsome beds, and leavest the kingly couch 2H4 III.i.16
A Watch-case, or a common Larum-Bell? A watch-case, or a common 'larum-bell?watch-case (n.)
[unclear meaning] receptacle containing a watch; place for keeping watch
2H4 III.i.17
alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.)
call to arms, call to battle, signal to begin fighting
alarum-bell, 'larum-bell (n.)

old form: Larum-Bell
warning bell
Wilt thou, vpon the high and giddie Mast, Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mastgiddy (adj.)

old form: giddie
swaying, quaking, dizzying
2H4 III.i.18
Seale vp the Ship-boyes Eyes, and rock his Braines, Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains 2H4 III.i.19
In Cradle of the rude imperious Surge, In cradle of the rude imperious surge,imperious, emperious (adj.)
imperial, majestic, sovereign
2H4 III.i.20
rude (adj.)
[of wind or water] stormy, turbulent, harsh
And in the visitation of the Windes, And in the visitation of the winds,visitation (n.)
forceful onset, violence, buffeting
2H4 III.i.21
Who take the Ruffian Billowes by the top, Who take the ruffian billows by the top,ruffian (adj.)
violent, brutal, villainous
2H4 III.i.22
Curling their monstrous heads, and hanging them Curling their monstrous heads, and hanging them 2H4 III.i.23
With deaff'ning Clamors in the slipp'ry Clouds, With deafing clamour in the slippery clouds,slippery (adj.)

old form: slipp'ry
swiftly passing, fleeting
2H4 III.i.24
deafing (adj.)

old form: deaff'ning
deafening, ear-splitting
That with the hurley, Death it selfe awakes? That with the hurly death itself awakes?hurly (n.)

old form: hurley
commotion, uproar, turmoil
2H4 III.i.25
Canst thou (O partiall Sleepe) giue thy Repose Canst thou, O partial sleep, give thy repose 2H4 III.i.26
To the wet Sea-Boy, in an houre so rude: To the wet sea-son in an hour so rude,sea-son (n.)
sea-boy, ship's boy
2H4 III.i.27
rude (adj.)
[of wind or water] stormy, turbulent, harsh
And in the calmest, and most stillest Night, And in the calmest and most stillest night, 2H4 III.i.28
With all appliances, and meanes to boote, With all appliances and means to boot,boot, to

old form: boote
in addition, as well
2H4 III.i.29
Deny it to a King? Then happy Lowe, lye downe, Deny it to a king? Then happy low, lie down!low (n.)

old form: Lowe
lowly person
2H4 III.i.30
Vneasie lyes the Head, that weares a Crowne. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. 2H4 III.i.31
Enter Warwicke and Surrey.Enter Warwick and Surrey 2H4 III.i.32.1
Many good-morrowes to your Maiestie. Many good morrows to your majesty!morrow (n.)
2H4 III.i.32
Is it good-morrow, Lords? Is it good morrow, lords? 2H4 III.i.33
'Tis One a Clock, and past. 'Tis one o'clock, and past. 2H4 III.i.34
Why then good-morrow to you all (my Lords:) Why then, good morrow to you all, my lords. 2H4 III.i.35
Haue you read o're the Letters that I sent you? Have you read o'er the letters that I sent you? 2H4 III.i.36
We haue (my Liege.) We have, my liege.liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
2H4 III.i.37
Then you perceiue the Body of our Kingdome, Then you perceive the body of our kingdom 2H4 III.i.38
How foule it is: what ranke Diseases grow, How foul it is, what rank diseases grow,rank (adj.)

old form: ranke
foul-smelling, stinking
2H4 III.i.39
And with what danger, neere the Heart of it? And with what danger, near the heart of it. 2H4 III.i.40
It is but as a Body, yet distemper'd, It is but as a body yet distempered,distempered (adj.)

old form: distemper'd
disordered, disturbed, diseased
2H4 III.i.41
Which to his former strength may be restor'd, Which to his former strength may be restored 2H4 III.i.42
With good aduice, and little Medicine: With good advice and little medicine. 2H4 III.i.43
My Lord Northumberland will soone be cool'd. My lord Northumberland will soon be cooled. 2H4 III.i.44
Oh Heauen, that one might read the Book of Fate, O God, that one might read the book of fate, 2H4 III.i.45
And see the reuolution of the Times And see the revolution of the timesrevolution (n.)

old form: reuolution
reversal, change, twists and turns [of fortune]
2H4 III.i.46
Make Mountaines leuell, and the Continent Make mountains level, and the continent,continent (n.)
dry land
2H4 III.i.47
(Wearie of solide firmenesse) melt it selfe Weary of solid firmness, melt itself 2H4 III.i.48
Into the Sea: and other Times, to see Into the sea; and other times to see 2H4 III.i.49
The beachie Girdle of the Ocean The beachy girdle of the oceanbeachy (adj.)

old form: beachie
pebble-covered, shingly
2H4 III.i.50
Too wide for Neptunes hippes; how Chances mocks Too wide for Neptune's hips; how chance's mockschance (n.)
fortune, lot, destiny
2H4 III.i.51
mock (n.)
act of mockery, mocking remark, derisive action, scornful irony
Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather
And Changes fill the Cuppe of Alteration And changes fill the cup of alteration 2H4 III.i.52
With diuers Liquors. 'Tis not tenne yeeres gone, With divers liquors! 'Tis not ten years goneliquor (n.)
[alcoholic] drink
2H4 III.i.53
divers (adj.)

old form: diuers
different, various, several
Since Richard, and Northumberland, great friends, Since Richard and Northumberland, great friends, 2H4 III.i.54
Did feast together; and in two yeeres after, Did feast together, and in two years after 2H4 III.i.55
Were they at Warres. It is but eight yeeres since, Were they at wars. It is but eight years since 2H4 III.i.56
This Percie was the man, neerest my Soule, This Percy was the man nearest my soul, 2H4 III.i.57
Who, like a Brother, toyl'd in my Affaires, Who like a brother toiled in my affairs 2H4 III.i.58
And layd his Loue and Life vnder my foot: And laid his love and life under my foot; 2H4 III.i.59
Yea, for my sake, euen to the eyes of Richard Yea, for my sake, even to the eyes of Richard 2H4 III.i.60
Gaue him defiance. But which of you was by Gave him defiance. But which of you was by –  2H4 III.i.61
(You Cousin Neuil, as I may remember) (to Warwick) You, cousin Nevil, as I may remember –  2H4 III.i.62
When Richard, with his Eye, brim-full of Teares, When Richard, with his eye brimful of tears, 2H4 III.i.63
(Then check'd, and rated by Northumberland) Then checked and rated by Northumberland,check (n.)

old form: check'd
reprimand, reproof, rebuke
2H4 III.i.64
rate (v.)
berate, reproach, rebuke, scold
Did speake these words (now prou'd a Prophecie:) Did speak these words, now proved a prophecy? 2H4 III.i.65
Northumberland, thou Ladder, by the which ‘ Northumberland, thou ladder by the which 2H4 III.i.66
My Cousin Bullingbrooke ascends my Throne: My cousin Bolingbroke ascends my throne ’ –  2H4 III.i.67
(Though then, Heauen knowes, I had no such intent, Though then, God knows, I had no such intent, 2H4 III.i.68
But that necessitie so bow'd the State, But that necessity so bowed the state 2H4 III.i.69
That I and Greatnesse were compell'd to kisse:) That I and greatness were compelled to kiss –  2H4 III.i.70
The Time shall come (thus did hee follow it) ‘ The time shall come ’ – thus did he follow it –  2H4 III.i.71
The Time will come, that foule Sinne gathering head, ‘ The time will come that foul sin, gathering head,head (n.)
power, strength, scope
2H4 III.i.72
Shall breake into Corruption: so went on, Shall break into corruption ’ – so went on, 2H4 III.i.73
Fore-telling this same Times Condition, Foretelling this same time's condition, 2H4 III.i.74
And the diuision of our Amitie. And the division of our amity. 2H4 III.i.75
There is a Historie in all mens Liues, There is a history in all men's lives 2H4 III.i.76
Figuring the nature of the Times deceas'd: Figuring the nature of the times deceased,figure (v.)
reproduce, look like, shape like
2H4 III.i.77
deceased (adj.)

old form: deceas'd
past, previous, gone by
The which obseru'd, a man may prophecie The which observed, a man may prophesy, 2H4 III.i.78
With a neere ayme, of the maine chance of things, With a near aim, of the main chance of thingschance (n.)
outcome, situation
2H4 III.i.79
As yet not come to Life, which in their Seedes As yet not come to life, who in their seeds 2H4 III.i.80
And weake beginnings lye entreasured: And weak beginning lie intreasured.intreasured, entreasured (adj.)
safely stored up, kept as in a treasury
2H4 III.i.81
Such things become the Hatch and Brood of Time; Such things become the hatch and brood of time,hatch (n.)
hatching [as from an egg]
2H4 III.i.82
brood (n.)
children, offspring
become (v.)
be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
And by the necessarie forme of this, And by the necessary form of thisnecessary (adj.)

old form: necessarie
inevitable, unavoidable, certain
2H4 III.i.83
form (n.)

old form: forme
pattern, shaping, outcome, order
King Richard might create a perfect guesse, King Richard might create a perfect guess 2H4 III.i.84
That great Northumberland, then false to him, That great Northumberland, then false to him,false (adj.)
disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful
2H4 III.i.85
Would of that Seed, grow to a greater falsenesse, Would of that seed grow to a greater falseness, 2H4 III.i.86
Which should not finde a ground to roote vpon, Which should not find a ground to root upon 2H4 III.i.87
Vnlesse on you. Unless on you. 2H4 III.i.88.1
Are these things then Necessities? Are these things then necessities?necessity (n.)
unavoidable event
2H4 III.i.88.2
Then let vs meete them like Necessities; Then let us meet them like necessities, 2H4 III.i.89
And that same word, euen now cryes out on vs: And that same word even now cries out on us. 2H4 III.i.90
They say, the Bishop and Northumberland They say the Bishop and Northumberland 2H4 III.i.91
Are fiftie thousand strong. Are fifty thousand strong. 2H4 III.i.92.1
It cannot be (my Lord:) It cannot be, my lord. 2H4 III.i.92.2
Rumor doth double, like the Voice, and Eccho, Rumour doth double, like the voice and echo, 2H4 III.i.93
The numbers of the feared. Please it your Grace The numbers of the feared. Please it your grace 2H4 III.i.94
To goe to bed, vpon my Life (my Lord) To go to bed. Upon my soul, my lord, 2H4 III.i.95
The Pow'rs that you alreadie haue sent forth, The powers that you already have sent forthpower (n.)

old form: Pow'rs
armed force, troops, host, army
2H4 III.i.96
Shall bring this Prize in very easily. Shall bring this prize in very easily. 2H4 III.i.97
To comfort you the more, I haue receiu'd To comfort you the more, I have received 2H4 III.i.98
A certaine instance, that Glendour is dead. A certain instance that Glendower is dead.instance (n.)
sign, evidence, proof
2H4 III.i.99
certain (adj.)

old form: certaine
reliable, trustworthy, definite
Your Maiestie hath beene this fort-night ill, Your majesty hath been this fortnight ill, 2H4 III.i.100
And these vnseason'd howres perforce must adde And these unseasoned hours perforce must addperforce (adv.)
of necessity, with no choice in the matter
2H4 III.i.101
unseasoned (adj.)

old form: vnseason'd
unseasonable, inopportune, badly timed
Vnto your Sicknesse. Unto your sickness. 2H4 III.i.102.1
I will take your counsaile: I will take your counsel. 2H4 III.i.102.2
And were these inward Warres once out of hand, And were these inward wars once out of hand,inward (adj.)
internal, domestic, civil
2H4 III.i.103
hand, out of
finished with, off one's hands
Wee would (deare Lords) vnto the Holy-Land. We would, dear lords, unto the Holy Land. 2H4 III.i.104
Exeunt.Exeunt 2H4 III.i.104
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