First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter Duke, Thurio, Protheus, Valentine, Launce, Speed | Enter the Duke of Milan, Thurio, and Proteus | | TG III.i.1 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Sir Thurio, giue vs leaue (I pray) a while, | Sir Thurio, give us leave, I pray, awhile; | | TG III.i.1 | |
We haue some secrets to confer about. | We have some secrets to confer about. | | TG III.i.2 | |
| Exit Thurio | | TG III.i.2 | |
Now tell me Protheus, what's your will with me? | Now, tell me, Proteus, what's your will with me? | | TG III.i.3 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
My gracious Lord, that which I wold discouer, | My gracious lord, that which I would discover | discover (v.) reveal, show, make known | TG III.i.4 | |
The Law of friendship bids me to conceale, | The law of friendship bids me to conceal, | | TG III.i.5 | |
But when I call to minde your gracious fauours | But when I call to mind your gracious favours | | TG III.i.6 | |
Done to me (vndeseruing as I am) | Done to me, undeserving as I am, | | TG III.i.7 | |
My dutie pricks me on to vtter that | My duty pricks me on to utter that | prick on (v.) incite, urge on, spur on | TG III.i.8 | |
Which else, no worldly good should draw from me: | Which else no worldly good should draw from me. | | TG III.i.9 | |
Know (worthy Prince) Sir Valentine my friend | Know, worthy prince, Sir Valentine, my friend, | | TG III.i.10 | |
This night intends to steale away your daughter: | This night intends to steal away your daughter; | | TG III.i.11 | |
My selfe am one made priuy to the plot. | Myself am one made privy to the plot. | privy (adj.) privately aware [of], secretly knowledgeable [about] | TG III.i.12 | |
I know you haue determin'd to bestow her | I know you have determined to bestow her | | TG III.i.13 | |
On Thurio, whom your gentle daughter hates, | On Thurio, whom your gentle daughter hates; | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | TG III.i.14 | |
And should she thus be stolne away from you, | And should she thus be stolen away from you, | | TG III.i.15 | |
It would be much vexation to your age. | It would be much vexation to your age. | | TG III.i.16 | |
Thus (for my duties sake) I rather chose | Thus, for my duty's sake, I rather chose | | TG III.i.17 | |
To crosse my friend in his intended drift, | To cross my friend in his intended drift | drift (n.) plan, intention, aim | TG III.i.18 | |
| | cross (v.) contradict, challenge, go against | | |
Then (by concealing it) heap on your head | Than, by concealing it, heap on your head | | TG III.i.19 | |
A pack of sorrowes, which would presse you downe | A pack of sorrows which would press you down, | | TG III.i.20 | |
(Being vnpreuented) to your timelesse graue. | Being unprevented, to your timeless grave. | timeless (adj.) untimely, premature, ill-timed | TG III.i.21 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Protheus, I thank thee for thine honest care, | Proteus, I thank thee for thine honest care, | | TG III.i.22 | |
Which to requite, command me while I liue. | Which to requite, command me while I live. | requite (v.), past forms requit, requited reward, repay, recompense | TG III.i.23 | |
This loue of theirs, my selfe haue often seene, | This love of theirs myself have often seen, | | TG III.i.24 | |
Haply when they haue iudg'd me fast asleepe, | Haply when they have judged me fast asleep, | haply (adv.) perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck | TG III.i.25 | |
| | judge (v.) suppose, consider, think | | |
And oftentimes haue purpos'd to forbid | And oftentimes have purposed to forbid | oftentimes (adv.) often, frequently, on many occasions | TG III.i.26 | |
| | purpose (v.) intend, plan | | |
Sir Valentine her companie, and my Court. | Sir Valentine her company and my court; | | TG III.i.27 | |
But fearing lest my iealous ayme might erre, | But, fearing lest my jealous aim might err, | jealous (adj.) suspicious, mistrustful, wary, watchful | TG III.i.28 | |
| | aim (n.) guess, conjecture, surmise | | |
And so (vnworthily) disgrace the man | And so, unworthily, disgrace the man – | | TG III.i.29 | |
(A rashnesse that I euer yet haue shun'd) | A rashness that I ever yet have shunned – | | TG III.i.30 | |
I gaue him gentle lookes, thereby to finde | I gave him gentle looks, thereby to find | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | TG III.i.31 | |
That which thy selfe hast now disclos'd to me. | That which thyself hast now disclosed to me. | | TG III.i.32 | |
And that thou maist perceiue my feare of this, | And, that thou mayst perceive my fear of this, | | TG III.i.33 | |
Knowing that tender youth is soone suggested, | Knowing that tender youth is soon suggested, | tender (adj.) immature, undeveloped, inexperienced | TG III.i.34 | |
| | suggest (v.) tempt, prompt, incite | | |
I nightly lodge her in an vpper Towre, | I nightly lodge her in an upper tower, | | TG III.i.35 | |
The key whereof, my selfe haue euer kept: | The key whereof myself have ever kept; | | TG III.i.36 | |
And thence she cannot be conuay'd away. | And thence she cannot be conveyed away. | | TG III.i.37 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
Know (noble Lord) they haue deuis'd a meane | Know, noble lord, they have devised a mean | mean (n.) means, way, method | TG III.i.38 | |
How he her chamber-window will ascend, | How he her chamber-window will ascend | | TG III.i.39 | |
And with a Corded-ladder fetch her downe: | And with a corded ladder fetch her down; | corded (adj.) made of ropes | TG III.i.40 | |
For which, the youthfull Louer now is gone, | For which the youthful lover now is gone, | | TG III.i.41 | |
And this way comes he with it presently. | And this way comes he with it presently; | presently (adv.) after a short time, soon, before long | TG III.i.42 | |
Where (if it please you) you may intercept him. | Where, if it please you, you may intercept him. | | TG III.i.43 | |
But (good my Lord) doe it so cunningly | But, good my lord, do it so cunningly | | TG III.i.44 | |
That my discouery be not aimed at: | That my discovery be not aimed at; | discovery (n.) disclosure, admission, revelation | TG III.i.45 | |
| | aim (v.) guess, conjecture, surmise | | |
For, loue of you, not hate vnto my friend, | For, love of you, not hate unto my friend, | | TG III.i.46 | |
Hath made me publisher of this pretence. | Hath made me publisher of this pretence. | publisher (n.) exposer, divulger, one who makes public | TG III.i.47 | |
| | pretence (n.) plan, design, intention, purpose | | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Vpon mine Honor, he shall neuer know | Upon mine honour, he shall never know | | TG III.i.48 | |
That I had any light from thee of this. | That I had any light from thee of this. | light (n.) help, enlightenment, information | TG III.i.49 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
Adiew, my Lord, Sir Valentine is comming. | Adieu, my lord, Sir Valentine is coming. | | TG III.i.50 | |
| Exit | | TG III.i.50 | |
| Enter Valentine | | TG III.i.51 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Sir Valentine, whether away so fast? | Sir Valentine, whither away so fast? | | TG III.i.51 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Please it your Grace, there is a Messenger | Please it your grace, there is a messenger | | TG III.i.52 | |
That stayes to beare my Letters to my friends, | That stays to bear my letters to my friends, | | TG III.i.53 | |
And I am going to deliuer them. | And I am going to deliver them. | | TG III.i.54 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Be they of much import? | Be they of much import? | import (n.) importance, significance, consequence | TG III.i.55 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
The tenure of them doth but signifie | The tenor of them doth but signify | | TG III.i.56 | |
My health, and happy being at your Court. | My health and happy being at your court. | happy (adj.) fortunate, lucky, favoured | TG III.i.57 | |
| | being (n.) physical existence, life | | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Nay then no matter: stay with me a while, | Nay then, no matter; stay with me awhile; | | TG III.i.58 | |
I am to breake with thee of some affaires | I am to break with thee of some affairs | break (v.) reveal, disclose, impart | TG III.i.59 | |
That touch me neere: wherein thou must be secret. | That touch me near, wherein thou must be secret. | touch (v.) affect, concern, regard, relate to | TG III.i.60 | |
| | near (adv.) closely, intimately, seriously | | |
'Tis not vnknown to thee, that I haue sought | 'Tis not unknown to thee that I have sought | | TG III.i.61 | |
To match my friend Sir Thurio, to my daughter. | To match my friend Sir Thurio to my daughter. | | TG III.i.62 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
I know it well (my Lord) and sure the Match | I know it well, my lord; and, sure, the match | | TG III.i.63 | |
Were rich and honourable: besides, the gentleman | Were rich and honourable; besides, the gentleman | | TG III.i.64 | |
Is full of Vertue, Bounty, Worth, and Qualities | Is full of virtue, bounty, worth, and qualities | quality (n.) accomplishment, capacity, ability | TG III.i.65 | |
Beseeming such a Wife, as your faire daughter: | Beseeming such a wife as your fair daughter. | beseem (v.) befit, be fitting [for], be seemly [for] | TG III.i.66 | |
Cannot your Grace win her to fancie him? | Cannot your grace win her to fancy him? | fancy (v.) like, love, admire | TG III.i.67 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
No, trust me, She is peeuish, sullen, froward, | No, trust me; she is peevish, sullen, froward, | peevish (adj.) obstinate, perverse, self-willed [contrast modern sense of ‘irritable, morose’] | TG III.i.68 | |
| | froward (adj.) perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable | | |
Prowd, disobedient, stubborne, lacking duty, | Proud, disobedient, stubborn, lacking duty; | | TG III.i.69 | |
Neither regarding that she is my childe, | Neither regarding that she is my child, | regard (v.) take note of, pay heed to, value | TG III.i.70 | |
Nor fearing me, as if I were her father: | Nor fearing me as if I were her father; | | TG III.i.71 | |
And may I say to thee, this pride of hers | And, may I say to thee, this pride of hers, | | TG III.i.72 | |
(Vpon aduice) hath drawne my loue from her, | Upon advice, hath drawn my love from her; | advice (n.) consideration, reflection, deliberation | TG III.i.73 | |
And where I thought the remnant of mine age | And where I thought the remnant of mine age | age (n.) whole life, lifetime, days | TG III.i.74 | |
Should haue beene cherish'd by her child-like dutie, | Should have been cherished by her child-like duty, | | TG III.i.75 | |
I now am full resolu'd to take a wife, | I now am full resolved to take a wife | | TG III.i.76 | |
And turne her out, to who will take her in: | And turn her out to who will take her in. | | TG III.i.77 | |
Then let her beauty be her wedding dowre: | Then let her beauty be her wedding-dower; | dower (n.) dowry, property or wealth given with a wife | TG III.i.78 | |
For me, and my possessions she esteemes not. | For me and my possessions she esteems not. | | TG III.i.79 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
What would your Grace haue me to do in this? | What would your grace have me to do in this? | | TG III.i.80 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
There is a Lady in Verona heere | There is a lady of Verona here | | TG III.i.81 | |
Whom I affect: but she is nice, and coy, | Whom I affect; but she is nice, and coy, | nice (adj.) fastidious, particular, fussy, overscrupulous | TG III.i.82 | |
| | coy (adj.) unresponsive, distant, standoffish, disdainful | | |
| | affect (v.) love, like, be fond of | | |
And naught esteemes my aged eloquence. | And naught esteems my aged eloquence. | | TG III.i.83 | |
Now therefore would I haue thee to my Tutor | Now, therefore, would I have thee to my tutor – | | TG III.i.84 | |
(For long agone I haue forgot to court, | For long agone I have forgot to court; | agone (adv.) ago, past | TG III.i.85 | |
Besides the fashion of the time is chang'd) | Besides, the fashion of the time is changed – | | TG III.i.86 | |
How, and which way I may bestow my selfe | How and which way I may bestow myself | bestow (v.) carry, bear, acquit, conduct | TG III.i.87 | |
To be regarded in her sun-bright eye. | To be regarded in her sun-bright eye. | | TG III.i.88 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Win her with gifts, if she respect not words, | Win her with gifts, if she respect not words; | respect (v.) pay attention to, heed | TG III.i.89 | |
Dumbe Iewels often in their silent kinde | Dumb jewels often in their silent kind | kind (n.) nature, reality, character, disposition | TG III.i.90 | |
More then quicke words, doe moue a womans minde. | More than quick words do move a woman's mind. | quick (adj.) lively, animated, vivacious | TG III.i.91 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
But she did scorne a present that I sent her, | But she did scorn a present that I sent her. | | TG III.i.92 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
A woman somtime scorns what best cõtents her. | A woman sometimes scorns what best contents her. | content (v.) please, gratify, delight, satisfy | TG III.i.93 | |
Send her another: neuer giue her ore, | Send her another; never give her o'er; | | TG III.i.94 | |
For scorne at first, makes after-loue the more. | For scorn at first makes after-love the more. | after-love (n.) later gratitude, future loyalty | TG III.i.95 | |
If she doe frowne, 'tis not in hate of you, | If she do frown, 'tis not in hate of you, | | TG III.i.96 | |
But rather to beget more loue in you. | But rather to beget more love in you; | beget (v.), past form begot produce, engender, give rise to | TG III.i.97 | |
If she doe chide, 'tis not to haue you gone, | If she do chide, 'tis not to have you gone, | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | TG III.i.98 | |
For why, the fooles are mad, if left alone. | For why, the fools are mad if left alone. | | TG III.i.99 | |
Take no repulse, what euer she doth say, | Take no repulse, whatever she doth say; | | TG III.i.100 | |
For, get you gon, she doth not meane away. | For ‘ Get you gone,’ she doth not mean ‘ Away!’ | | TG III.i.101 | |
Flatter, and praise, commend, extoll their graces: | Flatter and praise, commend, extol their graces; | commend (v.) praise, admire, extol | TG III.i.102 | |
Though nere so blacke, say they haue Angells faces, | Though ne'er so black, say they have angels' faces. | black (adj.) dark-complexioned, swarthy | TG III.i.103 | |
That man that hath a tongue, I say is no man, | That man that hath a tongue, I say, is no man, | | TG III.i.104 | |
If with his tongue he cannot win a woman. | If with his tongue he cannot win a woman. | | TG III.i.105 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
But she I meane, is promis'd by her friends | But she I mean is promised by her friends | | TG III.i.106 | |
Vnto a youthfull Gentleman of worth, | Unto a youthful gentleman of worth; | | TG III.i.107 | |
And kept seuerely from resort of men, | And kept severely from resort of men, | resort (n.) visits, visitings, approaches | TG III.i.108 | |
That no man hath accesse by day to her. | That no man hath access by day to her. | | TG III.i.109 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Why then I would resort to her by night. | Why then, I would resort to her by night. | | TG III.i.110 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
I, but the doores be lockt, and keyes kept safe, | Ay, but the doors be locked, and keys kept safe, | | TG III.i.111 | |
That no man hath recourse to her by night. | That no man hath recourse to her by night. | recourse (n.) opportunity of going, means of access | TG III.i.112 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
What letts but one may enter at her window? | What lets but one may enter at her window? | let (v.) hinder, prevent, stand in the way | TG III.i.113 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Her chamber is aloft, far from the ground, | Her chamber is aloft, far from the ground, | | TG III.i.114 | |
And built so sheluing, that one cannot climbe it | And built so shelving that one cannot climb it | shelving (adv.) slopingly, projecting out, with an overhang | TG III.i.115 | |
Without apparant hazard of his life. | Without apparent hazard of his life. | hazard (n.) risk, peril, danger | TG III.i.116 | |
| | apparent (adj.) certain, inevitable, evident | | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Why then a Ladder quaintly made of Cords | Why then, a ladder, quaintly made of cords, | quaintly (adv.) subtly, skilfully, ingeniously | TG III.i.117 | |
To cast vp, with a paire of anchoring hookes, | To cast up with a pair of anchoring hooks, | | TG III.i.118 | |
Would serue to scale another Hero's towre, | Would serve to scale another Hero's tower, | Hero (n.) priestess of Aphrodite, in love with Leander | TG III.i.119 | |
So bold Leander would aduenture it. | So bold Leander would adventure it. | Leander (n.) [li'ander] young man in love with Hero, who lived on the opposite side of the Hellespont; each night he swam across, guided by her lamp | TG III.i.120 | |
| | adventure (v.) venture, dare, chance, risk | | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Now as thou art a Gentleman of blood | Now, as thou art a gentleman of blood, | blood (n.) spirit, vigour, mettle | TG III.i.121 | |
Aduise me, where I may haue such a Ladder. | Advise me where I may have such a ladder. | advise, avise (v.) inform, be aware, apprise | TG III.i.122 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
When would you vse it? pray sir, tell me that. | When would you use it? Pray, sir, tell me that. | | TG III.i.123 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
This very night; for Loue is like a childe | This very night; for Love is like a child, | | TG III.i.124 | |
That longs for euery thing that he can come by. | That longs for every thing that he can come by. | | TG III.i.125 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
By seauen a clock, ile get you such a Ladder. | By seven o'clock I'll get you such a ladder. | | TG III.i.126 | |
Duk | DUKE | | | |
But harke thee: I will goe to her alone, | But, hark thee; I will go to her alone; | | TG III.i.127 | |
How shall I best conuey the Ladder thither? | How shall I best convey the ladder thither? | | TG III.i.128 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
It will be light (my Lord) that you may beare it | It will be light, my lord, that you may bear it | | TG III.i.129 | |
Vnder a cloake, that is of any length. | Under a cloak that is of any length. | | TG III.i.130 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
A cloake as long as thine will serue the turne? | A cloak as long as thine will serve the turn? | | TG III.i.131 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
I my good Lord. | Ay, my good lord. | | TG III.i.132.1 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Then let me see thy cloake, | Then let me see thy cloak; | | TG III.i.132.2 | |
Ile get me one of such another length. | I'll get me one of such another length. | | TG III.i.133 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Why any cloake will serue the turn (my Lord) | Why, any cloak will serve the turn, my lord. | | TG III.i.134 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
How shall I fashion me to weare a cloake? | How shall I fashion me to wear a cloak? | fashion (v.) form, shape, make [into] | TG III.i.135 | |
I pray thee let me feele thy cloake vpon me. | I pray thee, let me feel thy cloak upon me. | | TG III.i.136 | |
| He lifts Valentine's cloak and finds a letter and a | | TG III.i.137.1 | |
| rope-ladder | | TG III.i.137.2 | |
What Letter is this same? what's here? to Siluia? | What letter is this same? What's here? To Silvia! | | TG III.i.137 | |
And heere an Engine fit for my proceeding, | And here an engine fit for my proceeding. | engine (n.) plot, device, means, instrument | TG III.i.138 | |
| | proceeding (n.) course of action, measures | | |
Ile be so bold to breake the seale for once. | I'll be so bold to break the seal for once. | | TG III.i.139 | |
| (He opens the letter and reads) | | TG III.i.140.1 | |
My thoughts do harbour with my Siluia nightly, | My thoughts do harbour with my Silvia nightly, | harbour (v.) lodge, stay, shelter | TG III.i.140 | |
And slaues they are to me, that send them flying. | And slaves they are to me, that send them flying. | | TG III.i.141 | |
Oh, could their Master come, and goe as lightly, | O, could their master come and go as lightly, | lightly (adv.) readily, easily | TG III.i.142 | |
Himselfe would lodge where (senceles) they are lying. | Himself would lodge where, senseless, they are lying! | senseless (adj.) unconscious, insensible, oblivious | TG III.i.143 | |
My Herald Thoughts, in thy pure bosome rest-them, | My herald thoughts in thy pure bosom rest them, | herald (adj.) message-bearing, acting as a herald | TG III.i.144 | |
While I (their King) that thither them importune | While I, their king, that thither them importune, | importune (v.) urge, press | TG III.i.145 | |
Doe curse the grace, that with such grace hath blest them, | Do curse the grace that with such grace hath blessed them, | grace (n.) honour, favour, recognition, respect | TG III.i.146 | |
| | grace (n.) success, favourable outcome, fortune | | |
Because my selfe doe want my seruants fortune. | Because myself do want my servants' fortune. | want (v.) lack, need, be without | TG III.i.147 | |
I curse my selfe, for they are sent by me, | I curse myself, for they are sent by me, | | TG III.i.148 | |
That they should harbour where their Lord should be. | That they should harbour where their lord should be. | harbour (v.) lodge, stay, shelter | TG III.i.149 | |
What's here? | What's here? | | TG III.i.150 | |
Siluia, this night I will enfranchise thee. | Silvia, this night I will enfranchise thee. | enfranchise (v.) set free, liberate | TG III.i.151 | |
'Tis so: and heere's the Ladder for the purpose. | 'Tis so; and here's the ladder for the purpose. | | TG III.i.152 | |
Why Phaeton (for thou art Merops sonne) | Why, Phaeton – for thou art Merops' son – | Merops (n.) husband of Clymene; Phaethon was the son of her union with Helios | TG III.i.153 | |
Wilt thou aspire to guide the heauenly Car? | Wilt thou aspire to guide the heavenly car, | car (n.) carriage, cart, chariot [often of the sun god] | TG III.i.154 | |
And with thy daring folly burne the world? | And with thy daring folly burn the world? | | TG III.i.155 | |
Wilt thou reach stars, because they shine on thee? | Wilt thou reach stars, because they shine on thee? | | TG III.i.156 | |
Goe base Intruder, ouer-weening Slaue, | Go, base intruder, overweening slave, | overweening (adj.) arrogant, overambitious, high and mighty | TG III.i.157 | |
| | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | | |
Bestow thy fawning smiles on equall mates, | Bestow thy fawning smiles on equal mates; | | TG III.i.158 | |
And thinke my patience, (more then thy desert) | And think my patience, more than thy desert, | desert, desart (n.) deserving, due recompense, right | TG III.i.159 | |
Is priuiledge for thy departure hence. | Is privilege for thy departure hence. | | TG III.i.160 | |
Thanke me for this, more then for all the fauors | Thank me for this more than for all the favours | | TG III.i.161 | |
Which (all too-much) I haue bestowed on thee. | Which, all too much, I have bestowed on thee. | | TG III.i.162 | |
But if thou linger in my Territories | But if thou linger in my territories | | TG III.i.163 | |
Longer then swiftest expedition | Longer than swiftest expedition | expedition (n.) haste, speedy action, prompt dispatch | TG III.i.164 | |
Will giue thee time to leaue our royall Court, | Will give thee time to leave our royal court, | | TG III.i.165 | |
By heauen, my wrath shall farre exceed the loue | By heaven, my wrath shall far exceed the love | | TG III.i.166 | |
I euer bore my daughter, or thy selfe. | I ever bore my daughter or thyself. | | TG III.i.167 | |
Be gone, I will not heare thy vaine excuse, | Be gone; I will not hear thy vain excuse, | | TG III.i.168 | |
But as thou lou'st thy life, make speed from hence. | But, as thou lovest thy life, make speed from hence. | | TG III.i.169 | |
| Exit | | TG III.i.169 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
And why not death, rather then liuing torment? | And why not death, rather than living torment? | | TG III.i.170 | |
To die, is to be banisht from my selfe, | To die is to be banished from myself, | | TG III.i.171 | |
And Siluia is my selfe: banish'd from her | And Silvia is myself; banished from her | | TG III.i.172 | |
Is selfe from selfe. A deadly banishment: | Is self from self – a deadly banishment. | | TG III.i.173 | |
What light, is light, if Siluia be not seene? | What light is light, if Silvia be not seen? | | TG III.i.174 | |
What ioy is ioy, if Siluia be not by? | What joy is joy, if Silvia be not by? | | TG III.i.175 | |
Vnlesse it be to thinke that she is by | Unless it be to think that she is by, | | TG III.i.176 | |
And feed vpon the shadow of perfection. | And feed upon the shadow of perfection. | shadow (n.) illusion, unreal image, delusion | TG III.i.177 | |
Except I be by Siluia in the night, | Except I be by Silvia in the night, | | TG III.i.178 | |
There is no musicke in the Nightingale. | There is no music in the nightingale; | | TG III.i.179 | |
Vnlesse I looke on Siluia in the day, | Unless I look on Silvia in the day, | | TG III.i.180 | |
There is no day for me to looke vpon. | There is no day for me to look upon. | | TG III.i.181 | |
Shee is my essence, and I leaue to be; | She is my essence, and I leave to be, | essence (n.) very life, foundation of being | TG III.i.182 | |
| | leave (v.) cease, stop, give up | | |
If I be not by her faire influence | If I be not by her fair influence | | TG III.i.183 | |
Foster'd, illumin'd, cherish'd, kept aliue. | Fostered, illumined, cherished, kept alive. | | TG III.i.184 | |
I flie not death, to flie his deadly doome, | I fly not death, to fly his deadly doom: | | TG III.i.185 | |
Tarry I heere, I but attend on death, | Tarry I here, I but attend on death; | tarry (v.) stay, remain, linger | TG III.i.186 | |
| | attend (v.) await, wait for, expect | | |
But flie I hence, I flie away from life. | But fly I hence, I fly away from life. | | TG III.i.187 | |
| Enter Proteus and Launce | | TG III.i.188 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
Run (boy) run, run, and seeke him out. | Run, boy, run, run, and seek him out. | | TG III.i.188 | |
Lau. | LAUNCE | | | |
So-hough, Soa hough--- | So-ho, so-ho! | | TG III.i.189 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
What seest thou? | What seest thou? | | TG III.i.190 | |
Lau. | LAUNCE | | | |
Him we goe to finde, / There's not a haire on's head, | Him we go to find: there's not a hair on's head | | TG III.i.191 | |
but 'tis a Valentine. | but 'tis a Valentine. | | TG III.i.192 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
Valentine? | Valentine? | | TG III.i.193 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
No. | No. | | TG III.i.194 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
Who then? his Spirit? | Who then? His spirit? | | TG III.i.195 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Neither, | Neither. | | TG III.i.196 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
What then? | What then? | | TG III.i.197 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Nothing. | Nothing. | | TG III.i.198 | |
Lau. | LAUNCE | | | |
Can nothing speake? Master, shall I strike? | Can nothing speak? Master, shall I strike? | | TG III.i.199 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
Who wouldst thou strike? | Who wouldst thou strike? | | TG III.i.200 | |
Lau. | LAUNCE | | | |
Nothing. | Nothing. | | TG III.i.201 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
Villaine, forbeare. | Villain, forbear. | forbear (v.) stop, cease, desist | TG III.i.202 | |
Lau. | LAUNCE | | | |
Why Sir, Ile strike nothing: I pray you. | Why, sir, I'll strike nothing. I pray you – | | TG III.i.203 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
Sirha, I say forbeare: friend Valentine, a word. | Sirrah, I say forbear. Friend Valentine, a word. | | TG III.i.204 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
My eares are stopt, & cannot hear good newes, | My ears are stopped and cannot hear good news, | | TG III.i.205 | |
So much of bad already hath possest them. | So much of bad already hath possessed them. | | TG III.i.206 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
Then in dumbe silence will I bury mine, | Then in dumb silence will I bury mine, | | TG III.i.207 | |
For they are harsh, vn-tuneable, and bad. | For they are harsh, untuneable, and bad. | untuneable (adj.) unsuitable, disagreeable; or: unmelodious | TG III.i.208 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Is Siluia dead? | Is Silvia dead? | | TG III.i.209 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
No, Valentine. | No, Valentine. | | TG III.i.210 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
No Valentine indeed, for sacred Siluia, | No Valentine, indeed, for sacred Silvia. | sacred (adj.) revered, respected [as if a holy thing] | TG III.i.211 | |
Hath she forsworne me? | Hath she forsworn me? | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore abandon, renounce, reject, give up | TG III.i.212 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
No, Valentine. | No, Valentine. | | TG III.i.213 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
No Valentine, if Siluia haue forsworne me. | No Valentine, if Silvia have forsworn me. | | TG III.i.214 | |
What is your newes? | What is your news? | | TG III.i.215 | |
Lau. | LAUNCE | | | |
Sir, there is a proclamation, yt you are vanished. | Sir, there is a proclamation that you are vanished. | | TG III.i.216 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
That thou art banish'd: oh that's the newes, | That thou art banished – O, that's the news! – | | TG III.i.217 | |
From hence, from Siluia, and from me thy friend. | From hence, from Silvia, and from me thy friend. | | TG III.i.218 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Oh, I haue fed vpon this woe already, | O, I have fed upon this woe already, | | TG III.i.219 | |
And now excesse of it will make me surfet. | And now excess of it will make me surfeit. | surfeit (v.) become sick through having too much | TG III.i.220 | |
Doth Siluia know that I am banish'd? | Doth Silvia know that I am banished? | | TG III.i.221 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
I, I: and she hath offered to the doome | Ay, ay; and she hath offered to the doom – | doom (n.) judgement, sentence, decision | TG III.i.222 | |
(Which vn-reuerst stands in effectuall force) | Which, unreversed, stands in effectual force – | effectual (adj.) effective, actual, with full effect | TG III.i.223 | |
A Sea of melting pearle, which some call teares; | A sea of melting pearl, which some call tears; | | TG III.i.224 | |
Those at her fathers churlish feete she tenderd, | Those at her father's churlish feet she tendered; | | TG III.i.225 | |
With them vpon her knees, her humble selfe, | With them, upon her knees, her humble self, | | TG III.i.226 | |
Wringing her hands, whose whitenes so became them, | Wringing her hands, whose whiteness so became them | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | TG III.i.227 | |
As if but now they waxed pale for woe: | As if but now they waxed pale for woe. | | TG III.i.228 | |
But neither bended knees, pure hands held vp, | But neither bended knees, pure hands held up, | | TG III.i.229 | |
Sad sighes, deepe grones, nor siluer-shedding teares | Sad sighs, deep groans, nor silver-shedding tears, | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | TG III.i.230 | |
Could penetrate her vncompassionate Sire; | Could penetrate her uncompassionate sire – | | TG III.i.231 | |
But Valentine, if he be tane, must die. | But Valentine, if he be ta'en, must die. | | TG III.i.232 | |
Besides, her intercession chaf'd him so, | Besides, her intercession chafed him so, | chafe (v.) enrage, irritate, anger | TG III.i.233 | |
When she for thy repeale was suppliant, | When she for thy repeal was suppliant, | repeal (n.) recall, return from banishment | TG III.i.234 | |
That to close prison he commanded her, | That to close prison he commanded her, | close (adj.) private, secluded, sequestered | TG III.i.235 | |
With many bitter threats of biding there. | With many bitter threats of biding there. | bide (v.) remain, persist, continue in being | TG III.i.236 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
No more: vnles the next word that thou speak'st | No more; unless the next word that thou speakest | | TG III.i.237 | |
Haue some malignant power vpon my life: | Have some malignant power upon my life; | power (n.) control, influence, sway | TG III.i.238 | |
If so: I pray thee breath it in mine eare, | If so, I pray thee breathe it in mine ear, | | TG III.i.239 | |
As ending Antheme of my endlesse dolor. | As ending anthem of my endless dolour. | ending (adj.) dying, near one's end | TG III.i.240 | |
| | dolour (n.) sorrow, grief, lamentation | | |
| | anthem (n.) song of mourning, hymn of grief | | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
Cease to lament for that thou canst not helpe, | Cease to lament for that thou canst not help, | | TG III.i.241 | |
And study helpe for that which thou lament'st, | And study help for that which thou lamentest. | study (v.) deliberate, meditate, reflect [on] | TG III.i.242 | |
Time is the Nurse, and breeder of all good; | Time is the nurse and breeder of all good; | | TG III.i.243 | |
Here, if thou stay, thou canst not see thy loue: | Here, if thou stay, thou canst not see thy love; | | TG III.i.244 | |
Besides, thy staying will abridge thy life: | Besides, thy staying will abridge thy life. | abridge (v.) shorten, cut short | TG III.i.245 | |
Hope is a louers staffe, walke hence with that | Hope is a lover's staff; walk hence with that, | | TG III.i.246 | |
And manage it, against despairing thoughts: | And manage it against despairing thoughts. | manage (v.) wield, handle, use | TG III.i.247 | |
Thy letters may be here, though thou art hence, | Thy letters may be here, though thou art hence, | | TG III.i.248 | |
Which, being writ to me, shall be deliuer'd | Which, being writ to me, shall be delivered | | TG III.i.249 | |
Euen in the milke-white bosome of thy Loue. | Even in the milk-white bosom of thy love. | | TG III.i.250 | |
The time now serues not to expostulate, | The time now serves not to expostulate. | expostulate (v.) expound, debate, discourse | TG III.i.251 | |
Come, Ile conuey thee through the City-gate. | Come I'll convey thee through the city gate; | | TG III.i.252 | |
And ere I part with thee, confer at large | And, ere I part with thee, confer at large | | TG III.i.253 | |
Of all that may concerne thy Loue-affaires: | Of all that may concern thy love affairs. | | TG III.i.254 | |
As thou lou'st Siluia (though not for thy selfe) | As thou lovest Silvia, though not for thyself, | | TG III.i.255 | |
Regard thy danger, and along with me. | Regard thy danger, and along with me. | regard (v.) take note of, pay heed to, value | TG III.i.256 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
I pray thee Launce, and if thou seest my Boy | I pray thee, Launce, an if thou seest my boy, | an if (conj.) if | TG III.i.257 | |
Bid him make haste, and meet me at the North-gate. | Bid him make haste and meet me at the Northgate. | | TG III.i.258 | |
Pro. | PROTEUS | | | |
Goe sirha, finde him out: Come Valentine. | Go, sirrah, find him out. Come, Valentine. | sirrah (n.) sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] | TG III.i.259 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Oh my deere Siluia; haplesse Valentine. | O my dear Silvia! Hapless Valentine! | | TG III.i.260 | |
| Exeunt Valentine and Proteus | | TG III.i.260 | |
Launce. | LAUNCE | | | |
I am but a foole, looke you, and yet I haue the wit to | I am but a fool, look you, and yet I have the wit to | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | TG III.i.261 | |
thinke my Master is a kinde of a knaue: but that's all one, | think my master is a kind of a knave; but that's all one | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | TG III.i.262 | |
if he be but one knaue: He liues not now that knowes me | if he be but one knave. He lives not now that knows me | | TG III.i.263 | |
to be in loue, yet I am in loue, but a Teeme of horse shall | to be in love; yet I am in love; but a team of horse shall | | TG III.i.264 | |
not plucke that from me: nor who 'tis I loue: and yet 'tis | not pluck that from me; nor who 'tis I love; and yet 'tis | | TG III.i.265 | |
a woman; but what woman, I will not tell my selfe: and | a woman; but what woman I will not tell myself; and | | TG III.i.266 | |
yet 'tis a Milke-maid: yet 'tis not a maid: for shee hath had | yet 'tis a milkmaid; yet 'tis not a maid, for she hath had | | TG III.i.267 | |
Gossips: yet 'tis a maid, for she is her Masters maid, and | gossips; yet 'tis a maid, for she is her master's maid and | gossip (n.) godparent, baptismal sponsor | TG III.i.268 | |
serues for wages. Shee hath more qualities then a | serves for wages. She hath more qualities than a | quality (n.) accomplishment, capacity, ability | TG III.i.269 | |
Water-Spaniell, which is much in a bare Christian: | water-spaniel – which is much in a bare Christian. | | TG III.i.270 | |
| He produces a paper | | TG III.i.271.1 | |
Heere is the Cate-log of her Condition. Inprimis. Shee can | Here is the cate-log of her condition. Imprimis: She can | condition (n.) quality, behaviour, attribute, habit | TG III.i.271 | |
| | cate-log (n.) [idiosyncratic pronunciation of] catalogue, inventory, register | | |
| | imprimis (adv.) in the first place | | |
fetch and carry: why a horse can doe no more; nay, a | fetch and carry. Why, a horse can do no more; nay, a | | TG III.i.272 | |
horse cannot fetch, but onely carry, therefore is shee better | horse cannot fetch, but only carry; therefore is she better | | TG III.i.273 | |
then a Iade. Item. She can milke, looke you, a sweet | than a jade. Item: She can milk. Look you, a sweet | item (n.) [legal] particular point | TG III.i.274 | |
| | jade (n.) worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag | | |
vertue in a maid with cleane hands. | virtue in a maid with clean hands. | | TG III.i.275 | |
| Enter Speed | | TG III.i.276 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
How now Signior Launce? what newes with your | How now, Signior Launce? What news with your | | TG III.i.276 | |
Mastership? | mastership? | mastership (n.) [ironic use] senior citizen, leading light | TG III.i.277 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
With my Mastership? why, it is at Sea: | With my master's ship? Why, it is at sea. | | TG III.i.278 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Well, your old vice still: mistake the word: what | Well, your old vice still: mistake the word. What | still (adv.) ever, now [as before] | TG III.i.279 | |
newes then in your paper? | news, then, in your paper? | | TG III.i.280 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
The black'st newes that euer thou heard'st. | The blackest news that ever thou heardest. | | TG III.i.281 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Why man? how blacke? | Why, man? How black? | | TG III.i.282 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Why, as blacke as Inke. | Why, as black as ink. | | TG III.i.283 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Let me read them? | Let me read them. | | TG III.i.284 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Fie on thee Iolt-head, thou canst not read. | Fie on thee, jolthead; thou canst not read. | jolthead, jolt-head (n.) blockhead, dolt, numskull | TG III.i.285 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Thou lyest: I can. | Thou liest; I can. | | TG III.i.286 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
I will try thee: tell me this: who begot thee? | I will try thee. Tell me this: who begot thee? | beget (v.), past form begot give birth to, father, conceive | TG III.i.287 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Marry, the son of my Grand-father. | Marry, the son of my grandfather. | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | TG III.i.288 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Oh illiterate loyterer; it was the sonne of thy Grand-mother: | O illiterate loiterer! It was the son of thy grandmother. | loiterer (n.) idler, layabout, vagabond | TG III.i.289 | |
this proues that thou canst not read. | This proves that thou canst not read. | | TG III.i.290 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Come foole, come: try me in thy paper. | Come, fool, come; try me in thy paper. | | TG III.i.291 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
There: and S. Nicholas be thy speed. | There; and Saint Nicholas be thy speed! | speed (n.) assistance, aid, protector | TG III.i.292 | |
| | Nicholas, Saint in Christian tradition, the patron saint of travellers and scholars | | |
| He hands over the paper from which Speed reads | | TG III.i.293 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Inprimis she can milke. | Imprimis: She can milk. | | TG III.i.293 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
I that she can. | Ay, that she can. | | TG III.i.294 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she brewes good Ale. | Item: She brews good ale. | | TG III.i.295 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
And thereof comes the prouerbe: (Blessing of | And thereof comes the proverb: ‘ Blessing of | | TG III.i.296 | |
your heart, you brew good Ale.) | your heart, you brew good ale.’ | | TG III.i.297 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she can sowe. | Item: She can sew. | | TG III.i.298 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
That's as much as to say (Can she so?) | That's as much as to say, ‘ Can she so?’ | | TG III.i.299 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item she can knit. | Item: She can knit. | | TG III.i.300 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
What neede a man care for a stock with a wench, | What need a man care for a stock with a wench, | wench (n.) girl, lass | TG III.i.301 | |
| | stock (n.) dowry, wedding endowment | | |
When she can knit him a stocke? | when she can knit him a stock? | stock (n.) stocking | TG III.i.302 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she can wash and scoure. | Item: She can wash and scour. | | TG III.i.303 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
A speciall vertue: for then shee neede not be | A special virtue; for then she need not be | | TG III.i.304 | |
wash'd, and scowr'd. | washed and scoured. | | TG III.i.305 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she can spin. | Item: She can spin. | | TG III.i.306 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Then may I set the world on wheeles, when she | Then may I set the world on wheels, when she | wheels, on running smoothly, providing an easy life | TG III.i.307 | |
can spin for her liuing. | can spin for her living. | | TG III.i.308 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she hath many namelesse vertues. | Item: She hath many nameless virtues. | nameless (adj.) inexpressible, beyond words; or: too small to be worth describing | TG III.i.309 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
That's as much as to say Bastard-vertues: that | That's as much as to say, bastard virtues; that | bastard (adj.) inferior, low, of little value | TG III.i.310 | |
indeede know not their fathers; and therefore haue no | indeed know not their fathers, and therefore have no | | TG III.i.311 | |
names. | names. | | TG III.i.312 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Here follow her vices. | Here follow her vices. | | TG III.i.313 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Close at the heeles of her vertues. | Close at the heels of her virtues. | | TG III.i.314 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, shee is not to be fasting in respect of her | Item: She is not to be kissed fasting, in respect of her | respect of, in (prep.) on account of | TG III.i.315 | |
breath. | breath. | | TG III.i.316 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Well: that fault may be mended with a breakfast: | Well, that fault may be mended with a breakfast. | | TG III.i.317 | |
read on. | Read on. | | TG III.i.318 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she hath a sweet mouth. | Item: She hath a sweet mouth. | sweet (adj.) wanton, lecherous; or: with a sweet tooth | TG III.i.319 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
That makes amends for her soure breath. | That makes amends for her sour breath. | | TG III.i.320 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she doth talke in her sleepe. | Item: She doth talk in her sleep. | | TG III.i.321 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
It's no matter for that; so shee sleepe not in her | It's no matter for that; so she sleep not in her | | TG III.i.322 | |
talke. | talk. | | TG III.i.323 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she is slow in words. | Item: She is slow in words. | | TG III.i.324 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Oh villaine, that set this downe among her vices; | O villain, that set this down among her vices! | | TG III.i.325 | |
To be slow in words, is a womans onely vertue: I pray | To be slow in words is a woman's only virtue. I pray | | TG III.i.326 | |
thee out with't, and place it for her chiefe vertue. | thee, out with't, and place it for her chief virtue. | | TG III.i.327 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she is proud. | Item: She is proud. | | TG III.i.328 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Out with that too: It was Eues legacie, and cannot | Out with that too; it was Eve's legacy, and cannot | | TG III.i.329 | |
be t'ane from her. | be ta'en from her. | | TG III.i.330 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she hath no teeth. | Item: She hath no teeth. | | TG III.i.331 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
I care not for that neither: because I loue crusts. | I care not for that neither, because I love crusts. | | TG III.i.332 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she is curst. | Item: She is curst. | curst (adj.) bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross | TG III.i.333 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Well: the best is, she hath no teeth to bite. | Well, the best is, she hath no teeth to bite. | | TG III.i.334 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she will often praise her liquor. | Item: She will often praise her liquor. | praise (v.) appraise, test, try out | TG III.i.335 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
If her liquor be good, she shall: if she will not, | If her liquor be good, she shall; if she will not, | | TG III.i.336 | |
I will; for good things should be praised. | I will; for good things should be praised. | | TG III.i.337 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she is too liberall. | Item: She is too liberal. | liberal (adj.) overgenerous, licentious | TG III.i.338 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Of her tongue she cannot; for that's writ downe | Of her tongue she cannot, for that's writ down | | TG III.i.339 | |
she is slow of: of her purse, shee shall not, for that ile | she is slow of; of her purse, she shall not, for that I'll | | TG III.i.340 | |
keepe shut: Now, of another thing shee may, and that | keep shut. Now, of another thing she may, and that | | TG III.i.341 | |
cannot I helpe. Well, proceede. | cannot I help. Well, proceed. | | TG III.i.342 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, shee hath more haire then wit, and more faults | Item: She hath more hair than wit, and more faults | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | TG III.i.343 | |
then haires, and more wealth then faults. | than hairs, and more wealth than faults. | | TG III.i.344 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Stop there: Ile haue her: she was mine, and not | Stop there; I'll have her; she was mine and not | | TG III.i.345 | |
mine, twice or thrice in that last Article: rehearse that | mine twice or thrice in that last article. Rehearse that | rehearse (v.) repeat, recite, say over again | TG III.i.346 | |
once more. | once more. | | TG III.i.347 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Item, she hath more haire then wit. | Item: She hath more hair than wit – | | TG III.i.348 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
More haire then wit: it may be ile proue it: The | More hair than wit? It may be I'll prove it: the | | TG III.i.349 | |
couer of the salt, hides the salt, and therefore it is more | cover of the salt hides the salt, and therefore it is more | | TG III.i.350 | |
then the salt; the haire that couers the wit, is more then | than the salt; the hair that covers the wit is more than | | TG III.i.351 | |
the wit; for the greater hides the lesse: What's next? | the wit, for the greater hides the less. What's next? | | TG III.i.352 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
And more faults then haires. | And more faults than hairs – | | TG III.i.353 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
That's monstrous: oh that that were out. | That's monstrous. O, that that were out! | | TG III.i.354 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
And more wealth then faults. | And more wealth than faults. | | TG III.i.355 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Why that word makes the faults gracious: Well, | Why, that word makes the faults gracious. Well, | gracious (adj.) delightful, lovely, charming | TG III.i.356 | |
ile haue her: and if it be a match, as nothing is | I'll have her; an if it be a match, as nothing is | an if (conj.) if | TG III.i.357 | |
impossible. | impossible – | | TG III.i.358 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
What then? | What then? | | TG III.i.359 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Why then, will I tell thee, that thy Master staies | Why, then will I tell thee – that thy master stays | | TG III.i.360 | |
for thee at the North gate. | for thee at the Northgate. | | TG III.i.361 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
For me? | For me? | | TG III.i.362 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
For thee? I, who art thou? he hath staid for | For thee! Ay, who art thou? He hath stayed for | | TG III.i.363 | |
a better man then thee. | a better man than thee. | | TG III.i.364 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
And must I goe to him? | And must I go to him? | | TG III.i.365 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Thou must run to him; for thou hast staid so | Thou must run to him, for thou hast stayed so | stay (v.) linger, tarry, delay | TG III.i.366 | |
long, that going will scarce serue the turne. | long that going will scarce serve the turn. | going (n.) walking, going at one's usual pace | TG III.i.367 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Why didst not tell me sooner? 'pox of your loue | Why didst not tell me sooner? Pox of your love | pox (n.) venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules | TG III.i.368 | |
Letters. | letters! | | TG III.i.369 | |
| He returns the paper to Launce. Exit | | TG III.i.370.1 | |
La. | LAUNCE | | | |
Now will he be swing'd for reading my Letter; | Now will he be swinged for reading my letter. | swinge (v.) beat, thrash, flog | TG III.i.370 | |
An vnmannerly slaue, that will thrust himselfe into | An unmannerly slave, that will thrust himself into | | TG III.i.371 | |
secrets: Ile after, to reioyce in the boyes correctiõ. | secrets! I'll after, to rejoice in the boy's correction. | correction (n.) punishment, retribution, rebuke | TG III.i.372 | |
Exeunt. | Exit | | TG III.i.372 | |