Troilus and Cressida

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Pandarus and Troylus Man.Enter Pandarus and Troilus's Man, meeting TC III.ii.1
How now, where's thy Maister, at my CouzenHow now, where's thy master? At my cousin TC III.ii.1
Cressidas?Cressida's? TC III.ii.2
Man. MAN 
No sir, he stayes for you to conduct him thither.No, sir; he stays for you to conduct him thither.stay for (v.)

old form: stayes
wait for, await
TC III.ii.3
Enter Troylus.Enter Troilus TC III.ii.4
O here he comes: How now, how now?O, here he comes. How now, how now? TC III.ii.4
Sirra walke off.Sirrah, walk off. TC III.ii.5
Exit Man TC III.ii.5
Haue you seene my Cousin?Have you seen my cousin? TC III.ii.6
No Pandarus: I stalke about her dooreNo, Pandarus; I stalk about her door, TC III.ii.7
Like a strange soule vpon the Stigian bankesLike a strange soul upon the Stygian banksstrange (adj.)
foreign, alien, from abroad
TC III.ii.8
Stygian (adj.)
[pron: 'stijian] of the River Styx
Staying for waftage. O be thou my Charon,Staying for waftage. O, be thou my Charon,waftage (n.)
passage, conveyance by water
TC III.ii.9
Charon (n.)
[pron: 'kairon] guardian of the Underworld; ferryman who carried the souls of the dead across the River Acheron
And giue me swift transportance to those fields,And give me swift transportance to those fieldstransportance (n.)
transportation, conveyance
TC III.ii.10
Where I may wallow in the Lilly bedsWhere I may wallow in the lily-beds TC III.ii.11
Propos'd for the deseruer. O gentle Pandarus,Proposed for the deserver! O gentle Pandar,gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
TC III.ii.12
From Cupids shoulder plucke his painted wings,From Cupid's shoulder pluck his painted wings,painted (adj.)
colourful, multi-coloured
TC III.ii.13
Cupid (n.)
[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
And flye with me to Cressid.And fly with me to Cressid! TC III.ii.14
Walke here ith'Orchard, Ile bring her straight.Walk here i'th' orchard; I'll bring her straight.orchard (n.)
TC III.ii.15
straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
Exit Pandarus.Exit TC III.ii.15
I am giddy; expectation whirles me round,I am giddy; expectation whirls me round.giddy (adj.)
swaying, quaking, dizzying
TC III.ii.16
Th'imaginary relish is so sweete,Th' imaginary relish is so sweetrelish (n.)
taste, flavour, savour
TC III.ii.17
That it inchants my sence: what will it beThat it enchants my sense. What will it be, TC III.ii.18
When that the watry pallats taste indeedeWhen that the watery palate tastes indeedwatery (adj.)

old form: watry
moist, clammy, salivating
TC III.ii.19
Loues thrice reputed Nectar? Death I feare meLove's thrice-repured nectar? – death, I fear me,thrice-repured (adj.)
highly purified, extremely refined
TC III.ii.20
Sounding distruction, or some ioy too fine,Swooning destruction, or some joy too fine,swooning (adj.)
shown by fainting, marked by loss of the senses
TC III.ii.21
Too subtile, potent, and too sharpe in sweetnesse,Too subtle-potent, tuned too sharp in sweetness,subtle-potent (adj.)

old form: subtile, potent
powerfully refined
TC III.ii.22
For the capacitie of my ruder powers;For the capacity of my ruder powers.power (n.)
faculty, function, ability
TC III.ii.23
rude (adj.)
amateurish, inexpert, lacking polish
I feare it much, and I doe feare besides,I fear it much; and I do fear besides TC III.ii.24
That I shall loose distinction in my ioyes,That I shall lose distinction in my joys,distinction (n.)
act of distinguishing, discrimination, differentiation
TC III.ii.25
As doth a battaile, when they charge on heapesAs doth a battle, when they charge on heapsheaps, on

old form: heapes
in a mass, all together
TC III.ii.26
The enemy flying. The enemy flying. TC III.ii.27
Enter Pandarus.Enter Pandarus TC III.ii.28
Shee's making her ready, sheele come She's making her ready; she'll come TC III.ii.28
straight; you must be witty now, she does so blush,straight. You must be witty now. She does so blush,witty (adj.)
with all one's wits at the ready
TC III.ii.29
& fetches her winde so short, as if she were fraidand fetches her wind so short, as if she were frayedwind (n.)

old form: winde
TC III.ii.30
fray (v.)
frighten, terrify, scare [by]
with a sprite: Ile fetch her; it is the prettiest villaine, shewith a sprite. I'll fetch her. It is the prettiest villain; shesprite, spright (n.)
spirit, ghost, supernatural being
TC III.ii.31
villain (n.)

old form: villaine
scoundrel, rogue, rascal
fetches her breath so short as a new tane Sparrow. fetches her breath as short as a new-ta'en'en (adj.)

old form: new tane
[new-taken] freshly caught, just captured
TC III.ii.32
Exit Pand.Exit TC III.ii.32
Euen such a passion doth imbrace my bosome:Even such a passion doth embrace my bosom.passion (n.)
powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’]
TC III.ii.33
My heart beates thicker then a feauorous pulse,My heart beats thicker than a feverous pulse,feverous (adj.)

old form: feauorous
feverish, restless
TC III.ii.34
thick (adj.)
quick, rapid, fast
And all my powers doe their bestowing loose,And all my powers do their bestowing lose,power (n.)
faculty, function, ability
TC III.ii.35
bestowing (n.)
use, function, employment
Like vassalage at vnawares encountringLike vassalage at unawares encounteringunawares, at

old form: vnawares
TC III.ii.36
vassalage (n.)
humble people, low subjects
The eye of Maiestie.The eye of majesty. TC III.ii.37
Enter Pandarus and Cressida.Enter Pandarus and Cressida, veiled TC III.ii.38
Come, come, what neede you blush? / ShamesCome, come, what need you blush? Shame's TC III.ii.38
a babie; here she is now, sweare the oathesa baby. (To Troilus) Here she is now: swear the oaths TC III.ii.39
now to her, that you haue sworne to to her that you have sworn to me. (To Cressida) TC III.ii.40
What are you gone againe, you must be watcht ereWhat, are you gone again? You must be watched ere TC III.ii.41
you be made tame, must you? come your wayes, comeyou be made tame, must you? Come your ways, come TC III.ii.42
your wayes, and you draw backward weele put youyour ways; an you draw backward, we'll put youand, an (conj.)
if, whether
TC III.ii.43
ways, come thy / your

old form: wayes
come along
i'th fils: why doe you not speak to her?i'th' fills. (To Troilus) Why do you not speak to her? (Tofill (n.)
(plural) shafts of a cart
TC III.ii.44
Come draw this curtaine, & let's see yourCressida) Come, draw this curtain, and let's see your TC III.ii.45
picture. Alasse the day, how loath you are to offendpicture. Alas the day, how loath you are to offend TC III.ii.46
day light? and 'twere darke you'ld close sooner:daylight! An 'twere dark, you'd close sooner. (Toand, an (conj.)
if, whether
TC III.ii.47
close (v.)
embrace, cuddle, hug
So, so, rub on, and kisse the mistresse; how Troilus) So, so, rub on, and kiss the mistress. Howmistress (n.)
(bowls) the jack - the smaller bowl at which the players aim
TC III.ii.48
rub on (v.)
[bowls] encounter an obstacle which changes the course of a bowl
now, a kisse in fee-farme? build there Carpenter, the ayrenow, a kiss in fee-farm! Build there, carpenter, the airfee-farm (n.)

old form: fee-farme
[legal] state of tenure granted in perpetuity
TC III.ii.49
is sweete. Nay, you shall fight your hearts out ere I partis sweet. – Nay, you shall fight your hearts out ere I part TC III.ii.50
you. The Faulcon, as the Tercell, for all the Ducks ith Riuer:you: the falcon as the tercel, for all the ducks i'th' rivertercel (n.)

old form: Tercell
male hawk
TC III.ii.51
go too, go too. – go to, go to. TC III.ii.52
You haue bereft me of all words Lady.You have bereft me of all words, lady.bereave (v.)
take away [from], deprive, deny, rob
TC III.ii.53
Words pay no debts; giue her deedes: but Words pay no debts, give her deeds: but TC III.ii.54
sheele bereaue you 'oth' deeds too, if shee call yourshe'll bereave you o'th' deeds too, if she call your TC III.ii.55
actiuity in question: what billing againe? here's inactivity in question. What, billing again? Here's ‘ Inbilling (n.)
kissing, caressing [as doves]
TC III.ii.56
witnesse whereof the Parties interchangeably. Comewitness whereof the parties interchangeably ’ – Come TC III.ii.57
in, come in, Ile go get a fire?in, come in: I'll go get a fire. TC III.ii.58
Exit TC III.ii.58
Will you walke in my Lord?Will you walk in, my lord? TC III.ii.59
O Cressida, how often haue I wisht me thus?O Cressida, how often have I wished me thus! TC III.ii.60
Wisht my Lord? the gods grant? O myWished, my lord! – The gods grant – O my TC III.ii.61
Lord.lord! TC III.ii.62
What should they grant? what makes thisWhat should they grant? What makes this TC III.ii.63
pretty abruption: what too curious dreg espies my pretty abruption? What too curious dreg espies mycurious (adj.)
hidden, subtle, minute
TC III.ii.64
espy (v.)
catch sight of, discern, see
dreg (n.)
impurity, corruption, defiling matter
abruption (n.)
breaking-off, interruption, hesitation
sweete Lady in the fountaine of our loue?sweet lady in the fountain of our love? TC III.ii.65
More dregs then water, if my teares haue eyes.More dregs than water, if my fears have eyes. TC III.ii.66
Feares make diuels of Cherubins, they neuer seeFears make devils of cherubins; they never seecherubin (n.)
celestial being, heavenly beauty
TC III.ii.67
truely.truly. TC III.ii.68
Blinde feare, that seeing reason leads, findes Blind fear, that seeing reason leads, finds TC III.ii.69
safe footing, then blinde reason, stumbling without feare:safer footing than blind reason stumbling without fear: TC III.ii.70
to feare the worst, oft cures the fear the worst oft cures the worst.oft (adv.)
TC III.ii.71
Oh let my Lady apprehend no feare, / In all O, let my lady apprehend no fear; in allapprehend (v.)
be apprehensive about, fear
TC III.ii.72
Cupids Pageant there is presented no monster.Cupid's pageant there is presented no monster.pageant (n.)
show, scene, spectacle, tableau
TC III.ii.73
Not nothing monstrons neither?Nor nothing monstrous neither? TC III.ii.74
Nothing but our vndertakings, when we voweNothing, but our undertakings, when we vow TC III.ii.75
to weepe seas, liue in fire, eate rockes, tame Tygers;to weep seas, live in fire, eat rocks, tame tigers; TC III.ii.76
thinking it harder for our Mistresse to deuise impositionthinking it harder for our mistress to devise imposition TC III.ii.77
inough, then for vs to vndergoe any difficultie imposed.enough than for us to undergo any difficulty imposed. TC III.ii.78
This is the monstruositie in loue Lady, that the will isThis is the monstruosity in love, lady, that the will ismonstruosity (n.)

old form: monstruositie
monstrosity, extraordinary nature
TC III.ii.79
infinite, and the execution confin'd; that the desire isinfinite, and the execution confined; that the desire is TC III.ii.80
boundlesse, and the act a slaue to limit.boundless, and the act a slave to limit. TC III.ii.81
They say all Louers sweare more performanceThey say, all lovers swear more performance TC III.ii.82
then they are able, and yet reserue an ability that theythan they are able, and yet reserve an ability that they TC III.ii.83
neuer performe: vowing more then the perfection ofnever perform; vowing more than the perfection of TC III.ii.84
ten; and discharging lesse then the tenth part of one.ten, and discharging less than the tenth part of one.discharge (v.)
fulfil, execute, perform
TC III.ii.85
They that haue the voyce of Lyons, and the act of Hares:They that have the voice of lions and the act of hares, TC III.ii.86
are they not Monsters?are they not monsters? TC III.ii.87
Are there such? such are not we: Praise vs asAre there such? Such are not we. Praise us as TC III.ii.88
we are tasted, allow vs as we proue: our head shall goewe are tasted, allow us as we prove. Our head shall goprove (v.)

old form: proue
prove to be true, turn out to be the truth
TC III.ii.89
taste (v.)
try out, test, put to the proof
allow (v.)
acknowledge, commend, receive [with praise]
bare till merit crowne it: no perfection in reuersion shallbare till merit crown it; no perfection in reversion shallreversion (n.)

old form: reuersion
prospective inheritance, expectation of possession
TC III.ii.90
haue a praise in present: wee will not name deserthave a praise in present. We will not name desertdesert, desart (n.)
worth, merit, deserving
TC III.ii.91
before his birth, and being borne his addition shall bebefore his birth, and, being born, his addition shall beaddition (n.)
title, name
TC III.ii.92
humble: few words to faire faith. Troylus shall be suchhumble: few words to fair faith. Troilus shall be suchfair (adj.)

old form: faire
virtuous, honourable, upright
TC III.ii.93
to Cressid, as what enuie can say worst, shall be a mocketo Cressid as what envy can say worst shall be a mockmock (n.)

old form: mocke
act of mockery, mocking remark, derisive action, scornful irony
TC III.ii.94
for his truth; and what truth can speake truest, not truerfor his truth, and what truth can speak truest, not truer TC III.ii.95
then Troylus.than Troilus. TC III.ii.96
Will you walke in my Lord?Will you walk in, my lord? TC III.ii.97
Enter Pandarus.Enter Pandarus TC III.ii.98
What blushing still? haue you not doneWhat, blushing still? Have you not done TC III.ii.98
talking yet?talking yet? TC III.ii.99
Well Vnckle, what folly I commit, I dedicate toWell, uncle, what folly I commit, I dedicate tofolly (n.)
wantonness, lewdness
TC III.ii.100 TC III.ii.101
I thanke you for that: if my Lord get a Boy ofI thank you for that. If my lord get a boy ofget (v.)
beget, conceive, breed
TC III.ii.102
you, youle giue him me: be true to my Lord, if he flinch,you, you'll give him me. Be true to my lord; if he flinch, TC III.ii.103
chide me for it.chide me for it.chide (v.), past form chid
scold, rebuke, reprove
TC III.ii.104
You know now your hostages: your VncklesYou know now your hostages; your uncle's TC III.ii.105
word and my firme faith.word and my firm faith. TC III.ii.106
Nay, Ile giue my word for her too: ourNay, I'll give my word for her too. Our TC III.ii.107
kindred though they be long ere they are wooed, theykindred, though they be long ere they are wooed, they TC III.ii.108
are constant being wonne: they are Burres I can tell you,are constant being won; they are burs, I can tell you,bur, burr (n.)

old form: Burres
clinger, person difficult to shake off
TC III.ii.109
they'le sticke where they are throwne.they'll stick where they are thrown. TC III.ii.110
Boldnesse comes to mee now, and brings mee heart:Boldness comes to me now, and brings me heart: TC III.ii.111
Prince Troylus, I haue lou'd you night and day,Prince Troilus, I have loved you night and day TC III.ii.112
for many weary moneths.For many weary months. TC III.ii.113
Why was my Cressid then so hard to win?Why was my Cressid then so hard to win? TC III.ii.114
Hard to seeme won: but I was won my LordHard to seem won; but I was won, my lord, TC III.ii.115
With the first glance; that euer pardon me,With the first glance that ever – pardon me; TC III.ii.116
If I confesse much you will play the tyrant:If I confess much, you will play the tyrant. TC III.ii.117
I loue you now, but not till now so muchI love you now; but not till now so much TC III.ii.118
But I might maister it; infaith I lye:But I might master it. In faith, I lie; TC III.ii.119
My thoughts were like vnbrideled children growMy thoughts were like unbridled children, grown TC III.ii.120
Too head-strong for their mother: see we fooles,Too headstrong for their mother – see, we fools! TC III.ii.121
Why haue I blab'd: who shall be true to vsWhy have I blabbed? Who shall be true to usblab (v.)

old form: blab'd
talk indiscreetly, betray secrets
TC III.ii.122
When we are so vnsecret to our selues?When we are so unsecret to ourselves? – unsecret (adj.)

old form: vnsecret
lacking in secrecy, unconfidential
TC III.ii.123
But though I lou'd you well, I woed you not,But though I loved you well, I wooed you not; TC III.ii.124
And yet good faith I wisht my selfe a man;And yet, good faith, I wished myself a man, TC III.ii.125
Or that we women had mens priuiledgeOr that we women had men's privilege TC III.ii.126
Of speaking first. Sweet, bid me hold my tongue,Of speaking first. Sweet, bid me hold my tongue, TC III.ii.127
For in this rapture I shall surely speakeFor in this rapture I shall surely speak TC III.ii.128
The thing I shall repent: see, see, your silenceThe thing I shall repent. See, see, your silence, TC III.ii.129
Comming in dumbnesse, from my weakenesse drawesCunning in dumbness, from my weakness draws TC III.ii.130
My soule of counsell from me. Stop my mouth.My soul of counsel from me! – Stop my mouth. TC III.ii.131
And shall, albeit sweete Musicke issues thence.And shall, albeit sweet music issues thence. TC III.ii.132
He kisses her TC III.ii.133
Pretty yfaith.Pretty, i'faith. TC III.ii.133
My Lord, I doe beseech you pardon me,My lord, I do beseech you, pardon me; TC III.ii.134
'Twas not my purpose thus to beg a kisse:'Twas not my purpose thus to beg a kiss.purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
TC III.ii.135
I am asham'd; O Heauens, what haue I done!I am ashamed – O heavens, what have I done? TC III.ii.136
For this time will I take my leaue my Lord.For this time will I take my leave, my lord. TC III.ii.137
Your leaue sweete Cressid?Your leave, sweet Cressid! TC III.ii.138
Leaue: and you take leaue till to morrowLeave? An you take leave till tomorrowand, an (conj.)
if, whether
TC III.ii.139
morning.morning –  TC III.ii.140
Pray you content you.Pray you, content you. TC III.ii.141
What offends you Lady?What offends you, lady? TC III.ii.142
Sir, mine owne company.Sir, mine own company. TC III.ii.143
You cannot shun your selfe.You cannot shun yourself. TC III.ii.144
Let me goe and try:Let me go and try. TC III.ii.145
I haue a kinde of selfe recides with you:I have a kind of self resides with you; TC III.ii.146
But an vnkinde selfe, that itselfe will leaue,But an unkind self, that itself will leaveunkind (adj.)

old form: vnkinde
unnatural, abnormal, aberrant
TC III.ii.147
To be anothers foole. Where is my wit?To be another's fool. Where is my wit?wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
TC III.ii.148
I would be gone: I speake I know not what.I would be gone; I speak I know not what. TC III.ii.149
Well know they what they speake, that speakes so wisely.Well know they what they speak that speak so wisely. TC III.ii.150
Perchance my Lord, I shew more craft then loue,Perchance, my lord, I show more craft than love,perchance (adv.)
perhaps, maybe
TC III.ii.151
craft (n.)
cunning, deceit, guile
And fell so roundly to a large confession,And fell so roundly to a large confession,roundly (adv.)
bluntly, outspokenly; or: fluently, glibly
TC III.ii.152
large (adj.)
frank, free, unrestrained
To Angle for your thoughts: but you are wise,To angle for your thoughts; but you are wise, TC III.ii.153
Or else you loue not: for to be wise and loue,Or else you love not; for to be wise and love TC III.ii.154
Exceedes mans might, that dwels with gods aboue.Exceeds man's might – that dwells with gods above. TC III.ii.155
O that I thought it could be in a woman:O that I thought it could be in a woman –  TC III.ii.156
As if it can, I will presume in you,As, if it can, I will presume in you –  TC III.ii.157
To feede for aye her lampe and flames of loue.To feed for aye her lamp and flames of love;aye (adv.)
always, ever, for eternity
TC III.ii.158
To keepe her constancie in plight and youth,To keep her constancy in plight and youth,plight (n.)
good shape, health, fit condition
TC III.ii.159
Out-liuing beauties outward, with a mindeOutliving beauty's outward, with a mindoutward (n.)
outward show, external appearance, demeanour
TC III.ii.160
That doth renew swifter then blood decaies:That doth renew swifter than blood decays!blood (n.)
passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual]
TC III.ii.161
Or that perswasion could but thus conuince me,Or that persuasion could but thus convince me, TC III.ii.162
That my integritie and truth to you,That my integrity and truth to you TC III.ii.163
Might be affronted with the match and waightMight be affronted with the match and weightaffront (v.)
equal, put in balance, set face to face
TC III.ii.164
Of such a winnowed puriritie in loue:Of such a winnowed purity in love –  TC III.ii.165
How were I then vp-lifted! but alas,How were I then uplifted! But alas, TC III.ii.166
I am as true, as truths simplicitie,I am as true as truth's simplicity, TC III.ii.167
And simpler then the infancie of truth.And simpler than the infancy of truth. TC III.ii.168
In that Ile warre with you.In that I'll war with you. TC III.ii.169.1
O vertuous fight,O virtuous fight, TC III.ii.169.2
When right with right wars who shall be most right:When right with right wars who shall be most right! TC III.ii.170
True swaines in loue, shall in the world to comeTrue swains in love shall in the world to comeswain (n.)

old form: swaines
lover, wooer, sweetheart
TC III.ii.171
Approue their truths by Troylus, when their rimes,Approve their truths by Troilus; when their rhymes,approve (v.)

old form: Approue
prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate
TC III.ii.172
Full of protest, of oath and big compare;Full of protest, of oath, and big compare,protest (n.)
protestation, declaration, avowal
TC III.ii.173
compare (n.)
comparison, simile, analogy
Wants similes, truth tir'd with iteration,Want similes, truth tired with iterationiteration (n.)
cliche, repeated assertion, endless repetition
TC III.ii.174
want (v.)
lack, need, be without
As true as steele, as plantage to the Moone:As true as steel, as plantage to the moon,plantage (n.)
vegetation, plant-life
TC III.ii.175
As Sunne to day: as Turtle to her mate:As sun to day, as turtle to her mate,turtle (n.)
turtle-dove, lover
TC III.ii.176
As Iron to Adamant: as Earth to th'Center:As iron to adamant, as earth to th' centreadamant (n.)
legendary substance of great hardness and magnetism
TC III.ii.177
centre (n.)

old form: Center
centre of the earth, axis
Yet after all comparisons of truth,Yet, after all comparisons of truth, TC III.ii.178
(As truths authenticke author to be cited)As truth's authentic author to be cited,author (n.)
creator, originator, instigator
TC III.ii.179
authentic (adj.)

old form: authenticke
valid, authoritative, credible
As true as Troylus, shall crowne vp the Verse,‘ As true as Troilus ’ shall crown up the verse,crown up (v.)

old form: crowne vp
add regal status to, dignify
TC III.ii.180
And sanctifie the numbers.And sanctify the numbers.number (n.)
(plural) verses, lines
TC III.ii.181.1
Prophet may you be:Prophet may you be! TC III.ii.181.2
If I be false, or swerue a haire from truth,If I be false, or swerve a hair from truth,hair (n.)

old form: haire
jot, iota, trace
TC III.ii.182
swerve (v.)
go astray, err, be wrong
false (adj.)
disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful
When time is old and hath forgot it selfe:When time is old and hath forgot itself, TC III.ii.183
When water drops haue worne the Stones of Troy;When water-drops have worn the stones of Troy, TC III.ii.184
And blinde obliuion swallow'd Cities vp;And blind oblivion swallowed cities up,blind (adj.)

old form: blinde
dark, black
TC III.ii.185
And mightie States characterlesse are gratedAnd mighty states characterless are gratedcharacterless (adj.)

old form: characterlesse
leaving no trace, lacking any distinctive signs
TC III.ii.186
grate (v.)
wear away, pulverise, erode through the rubbing away of time
To dustie nothing; yet let memory,To dusty nothing; yet let memory, TC III.ii.187
From false to false, among false Maids in loue,From false to false, among false maids in love,false (adj.)
disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful
TC III.ii.188
false (n.)
false person, deceiver
Vpbraid my falsehood, when they'aue said as false,Upbraid my falsehood! When they've said ‘ As false TC III.ii.189
As Aire, as Water, as Winde, as sandie earth;As air, as water, wind, or sandy earth, TC III.ii.190
As Foxe to Lambe; as Wolfe to Heifers Calfe;As fox to lamb, as wolf to heifer's calf, TC III.ii.191
Pard to the Hinde, or Stepdame to her Sonne;Pard to the hind, or stepdame to her son ’ – pard (n.)
panther, leopard
TC III.ii.192
hind (n.)

old form: Hinde
female deer
stepdame, step-dame (n.)
Yea, let them say, to sticke the heart of falsehood,Yea, let them say, to stick the heart of falsehood,stick (v.)

old form: sticke
pierce, stab, wound
TC III.ii.193
As false as Cressid.‘ As false as Cressid.’false (adj.)
disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful
TC III.ii.194
Go too, a bargaine made: seale it, seale it, Ile beGo to, a bargain made; seal it, seal it, I'll be TC III.ii.195
the witnesse here I hold your hand: here my Cousins,the witness. Here I hold your hand, here my cousin's. TC III.ii.196
if euer you proue false one to another, since I haueIf ever you prove false one to another, since I have TC III.ii.197
taken such paines to bring you together, let all pittifulltaken such pains to bring you together, let all pitifulpitiful (adj.)

old form: pittifull
compassionate, merciful, tender
TC III.ii.198
goers betweene be cal'd to the worlds end after mygoers-between be called to the world's end after mygoer-between (n.)

old form: goers betweene
TC III.ii.199
name: call them all Panders; let all constant men be name; call them all Pandars. Let all constant men bepander, pandar (n.)
pimp, procurer, go-between
TC III.ii.200
Troylusses, all false women Cressids, and all brokers betweene,Troiluses, all false women Cressids, and all brokers-betweenbroker, broker-between (n.)go-between, intermediary, agentTC III.ii.201
Panders: say, Amen.Pandars! Say ‘ Amen.’ TC III.ii.202
Amen.Amen. TC III.ii.203
Amen.Amen. TC III.ii.204
Amen. Whereupon I will shew you a Chamber,Amen. Whereupon I will show you a chamber TC III.ii.205
which bed, because it shall not speake ofwith a bed; which bed, because it shall not speak of TC III.ii.206
your prettie encounters, presse it to death: away.your pretty encounters, press it to death: away! –  TC III.ii.207

Exeunt Troilus and Cressida TC III.ii.207
And Cupid grant all tong-tide Maidens heere,And Cupid grant all tongue-tied maidens here TC III.ii.208
Bed, Chamber, and Pander, to prouide this geere. Bed, chamber, and Pandar to provide this gear!gear (n.)

old form: geere
equipment, furnishing
TC III.ii.209
Exeunt.Exeunt TC III.ii.209
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